How to Use a Journal -------------------Use it for... 1) current dilema you are facing - family issue, personal matter, business probl ems 2) analyze what you have written a) are you telling it like it is or are you exaggerating, take another look, ma ybe you are making it better or worst than it is. b) tendency to blame the circumstances or someone else as the problem instead o f seeing yourself as the cause - most of our difficulties arise from failing to do what we could have done or in doing in haste what we should never have done c) tendency to expect circumstance or worst other people to change in order for your problems to solve - things get better when you get better, passive hope nev er fixes circumstances or people. d) look for weak points where you can attack to bring that obstacle to its knees - it doesn't take more than a few minor adjustments to our situation or attitud e to solve a major problem * view your problems through a microscope of truth to see their true values, tru e problems, and record your observation, if you see the problem the way it reall y is, you will move closer to the solution, be sure to record it, because if it worked it's worth remembering, and if it didn't it's even more important because if you don't you will keep making the mistakes instead of learning from them. *Mistakes in judgements are nothing to be ashamed of, but what is truly unforgiv able is to make the same mistake twice, every mistake has its price tag, but the most costly price tag is the error unlearned and often repeated. *Becoming a better thinker on paper is a sure way to become a better person in p ractice --* write all the problems you encounter and steps taken to solve it if you think a suggestion has merit and it is worth trying, promise yourself tha t you will do it! Make a firm committment to do it! * capture good ideas and inspiration (everytime you say I should remember that WRITE IT DOWN IN YOUR JOURNAL!!!) what we don't capture today is lost forever treat opportunity serious! soak up the ideas - Life always rewards the serious s tudents for their efforts if an idea is worth remembering, then it is worth capturing in your journal just the act of writing makes firm the idea in our minds, to hear it, see it, read it, is one thing, but to take the time to capture it on paper is so much more every idea has its time and place - there is one thing stronger than all the a rmies in the world, it's an idea whose time has come (victor hugo) * Set up a system in your journal for different idea
maybe one section for ideas/goals/inspirational quotes one section for day to day happenings, problems you maybe facing, etc... ***failure more often than not is attributable to lack of information on how to succeed*** To have your journal with the most value to you, it must be often reviewed set aside a week to reread the journal A journal is a place to document the development of your own life - it's a textb ook of self discovery and self awareness record the daily happenings of your life, what you see, what you hear, and recor d your feelings to what's happening record the joys of your victory as well as the agony of your defeats record minor and major events * Record the date, time and location of each entry * journal allows you talk to yourself - ask and answer yourself in your journal * We are still living in the dark ages when it comes to saying what we mean and understanding the meaning of what is being said * As you become better at describing life to yourself, you will find that you be come better at describing yourself to life * As you become better at saying what you really want and what you really feel t o yourself, you will be better able to express yourself and your feelings to oth ers, and in return better able to understand what others are feeling and what ot hers are saying to you. * Write as often as you wish and as often as you need, but avoid the extremes of never writing and always writing, in the first case you will be participating i n life without capturing it and in the latter, you will be writing about life wi thout participating in it. * Develop the habit of always carrying your journal * first account of how you are right now, how is it going with your life, with w ork, at home, write a brief description in all areas of your life and be honest Journals are as unlimited in possiblities as are the individuals who use it journals and life share one unique characteristic - both provide a space for you to fill as you wish If you are not sure yet on how to fill lifes spaces, a journal offers you a chan ce to explore unlimited paths that you could travel Be the author of your own life - Design a set of circumstances and place yoursel f right in the center of it pick a direction and travel to... new locations, positions, opportunities
create on paper an ideal job, an ideal relationship, ideal income, lifestyle then take your dreams and put them in goals with priorities and deadlines list the specific steps you must take in order to achieve them and then write do wn a detailed step of action --take the ideas and steps in your journal and put them to action in your life Set yourself free in life with paper and pen - expand yourself mentally and stre tch yourself to grow Whatever the human mind can conceive and believe it can also achieve - Napolean Hill As a man thinketh so he becomes - biblical quote ***Know without doubt that whatever you create on the pages of your journal you can with enough belief, committment, discipline and desire you can create in you r life ***