JUS ISO/IEC 17050-1 2005 Identi~an sa ISO/IEC 17050-1:2004
Ocenjivanje usagla{enosti
Deklaracija isporu~ioca o usagla{enosti Deo 1: Op{ti zahtevi
Conformity assessment ′ ′
Supplier s declaration of conformity Part 1: General requirements
I izdanje
Referentna oznaka JUS ISO/IEC 17050-1:2005
© JUS [tampa Zavod za standardizaciju, Beograd Zabranjeno pre{tampavanje (sve vrste umno`avanja) ZAVOD ZA STANDARDIZACIJU STANDARDIZACIJU 11030 Beograd, Stevana Brakusa 2, p.f. 2105 Tel.: 35-41-261, 35-41-262 Telefaks: (011) 35-41-257 E-mail: jus1 E-mail: jus1@ jus.org.yu Prodaja standarda: 25-47-496, 35-41-261, lok. 135
JUS ISO/IEC 17050-1:2005
Ovaj standard doneo je direktor SZS Re{enjem br. 5/2-01-2/150 od 11. novembra 2005. godine.
Ovaj standard je identi~an sa me|unarodnim standardom ISO/IEC 17050-1:2004, assessment — Supplier′s declaration of conformity — Part 1: General requirements.
Nacionalni predgovor Ovaj standard izradila je Komisija za standarde iz oblasti sistema menad`menta kvalitetom, KS A176. Ovaj standard je prevod me|unarodnog standarda ISO/IEC 17050-1:2004 sa engleskog na srpski jezik i dat je u dvojezi~nom obliku, na srpskom i engleskom jeziku. "Me|unarodni standard" u tekstu ovog standarda treba shvatiti kao "jugoslovenski standard".
Veza citiranih me|unarodnih i jugoslovenskih standarda
ISO/IEC 17000:2004 idt
JUS ISO/IEC 17000:—*)
Citirani jugoslovenski standard
JUS ISO/IEC 17000:—*), Ocenjivanje usagla{enosti — Termini i op{ti principi Citirani me|unarodni standard
ISO/IEC 17000:2004, Conformity assessment — Vocabulary and general principles
*) Bi}e objavljen.
JUS ISO/IEC 17050-1:2005
© JUS Prevod na srpski jezik
Predgovor ISO (Me|unarodna organizacija za standardizaciju) i IEC (Me|unarodna elektrotehni~ka komisija) predstavljaju specijalizovan sistem svetske standardizacije. Nacionalna tela, ~lanice ISO i IEC, u~estvuju u pripremanju me|unarodnih standarda preko tehni~kih komiteta koje su osnovale zainteresovane organizacije da bi se bavili odre|enim oblastima tehni~kog rada. Tehni~ki komiteti ISO i IEC sara|uju u oblastima od zajedni~kog interesa. Ostale me|unarodne organizacije, vladine i nevladine, koje su u vezi sa ISO i IEC, tako|e u~estvuju u tom radu. U oblasti ocenjivanja usagla{enosti, ISO Komitet za ocenjivanje usagla{enosti (CASCO) odgovoran je za razvoj me|unarodnih standarda i uputstava. Me|unarodni standardi izra|uju se u skladu sa pravilima datim u ISO/IEC Direktivama, Deo 2. Nacrti me|unarodnih standarda {alju se ~lanicama ISO radi glasanja. Da bi me|unarodni standard bio usvojen, potrebno je da ga glasanjem odobri najmanje 75 % ~lanica. Skre}e se pa`nja na mogu}nost da neki od elemenata ovog me|unarodnog standarda mogu biti predmet prava intelektualne svojine. ISO ne snosi odgovornost za identifikovanje bilo kojeg ili svih takvih prava. Standard ISO/IEC 17050-1 pripremio je ISO Komitet za ocenjivanje usagla{enosti (CASCO). On je dostavljen na glasanje nacionalnim telima ISO i IEC i odobrile su ga obe organizacije. Ovo prvo izdanje ISO/IEC 17050-1, zajedno sa ISO/IEC 17050-2, stavlja van snage i zamenjuje drugo izdanje ISO/IEC Uputstva 22:1996, Op{ti kriterijumi za izjavu isporu~ioca o usagla{enosti. Standard ISO/IEC 17050 se sastoji iz slede}ih delova, sa zajedni~kim naslovom Ocenjivanje usagla{enosti — Deklaracija isporu~ioca o usagla{enosti: — Deo 1: Op{ti zahtevi, — Deo 2: Dokumentacija podr{ke.
JUS ISO/IEC 17050-1:2005
Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of conformity assessment, the ISO Committee on conformity assessment (CASCO) is responsible for the development of International Standards and Guides. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. Draft International Standards are circulated to the national bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. ISO/IEC 17050-1 was prepared by the ISO Committee on conformity assessment (CASCO). It was circulated for voting to the national bodies of both ISO and IEC, and was approved by both organizations. This first edition of ISO/IEC 17050-1, together with ISO/IEC 17050-2, cancels and replaces the second edition of ISO/IEC Guide 22:1996, General criteria for supplier's declaration of conformity. ISO/IEC 17050 consists of the following parts, under the general title Conformity assessment — Supplier's declaration of conformity : — Part 1: General requirements — Part 2: Supporting documentation.
JUS ISO/IEC 17050-1:2005
Uvod Ovaj deo ISO/IEC 17050 je razvijen sa ciljem da se obezbede op{ti zahtevi za deklaraciju isporu~ioca o usagla{enosti. On se odnosi na jedan od tri tipa atestiranja, naime, na atestiranje preduzeto preko prve strane (npr. od strane isporu~ioca proizvoda). Ostali tipovi su atestiranje preko druge strane (npr. kada korisnik izdaje atest za prozvod koji korisnik koristi) ili atestiranje preko tre}e strane. Svaki od ova tri tipa koristi se na tr`i{tu radi pove}anja poverenja u usagla{enost odre|enog predmeta. Ovaj deo ISO/IEC 17050 utvr|uje zahteve koji se primenjuju kada pojedinac ili organizacija koji su odgovorni za ispunjenje utvr|enih zahteva (isporu~ilac) obezbe|uju deklaraciju da su proizvod (uklju~uju}i uslugu), proces, sistem menad`menta, osoba ili telo usagla{eni sa utvr|enim zahtevima, koji mogu da obuhvate normativna dokumenta kao {to su standardi, uputstva, tehni~ke specifikacije, zakoni i propisi. Takva deklaracija o usagla{enosti mo`e, tako|e, da se pozove na rezultate ocenjivanja preko jedne ili vi{e prvih, drugih ili tre}ih strana. Takva pozivanja ne mogu se ni na koji na~in tuma~iti kao smanjivanje odgovornosti isporu~ioca. Ovi op{ti zahtevi primenjuju se u svim oblastima. Me|utim, ti zahtevi mogu biti dopunjeni za posebne svrhe, na primer za kori{}enje u vezi sa propisima. Deklaracija isporu~ioca o usagla{enosti proizvoda (uklju~uju}i uslugu), procesa, sistema menad`menta, osobe ili tela sa utvr|enim zahtevima mo`e da se potkrepi dokumentacijom podr{ke, pod odgovorno{}u isporu~ioca. U slu~ajevima kada je to po`eljno ili neophodno, poziva se na ISO/IEC 17050-2.
JUS ISO/IEC 17050-1:2005
Introduction This part of ISO/IEC 17050 has been developed with the objective of providing general requirements for a supplier’s declaration of conformity. It addresses one of the three types of attestation of conformity, namely attestation undertaken by the first party (e.g. the supplier of a product). Other types are second-party attestation (e.g. where a user issues an attestation for the product the user is using) or third-party attestation. Each of these three types is used in the market in order to increase confidence in the conformity of an object. This part of ISO/IEC 17050 specifies requirements applicable when the individual or organization responsible for fulfilment of specified requirements (supplier) provides a declaration that a product (including service), process, management system, person or body is in conformity with specified requirements, which can include normative documents such as standards, guides, technical specifications, laws and regulations. Such a declaration of conformity can also make reference to the results of assessments by one or more first, second or third parties. Such references are not to be interpreted as reducing the responsibility of the supplier in any way. These general requirements are applicable to all sectors. However, these requirements might need to be supplemented for specific purposes, for example for use in connection with regulations. A supplier's declaration of conformity of a product (including service), process, management system, person or body to specified requirements can be substantiated by supporting documentation under the responsibility of the supplier. In cases where this is desirable, or necessary, reference is made to ISO/IEC 17050-2.
JUS ISO/IEC 17050-1:2005
Ocenjivanje usagla{enosti — Deklaracija isporu~ioca o usagla{enosti — Deo 1: Op{ti zahtevi
Predmet i podru~je primene
Ovim delom ISO/IEC 17050 utvr|uju se op{ti zahtevi za deklaraciju isporu~ioca o usagla{enosti u slu~ajevima kada je po`eljno, ili neophodno, da se usagla{enost odre|enog predmeta sa specificiranim zahtevima atestira, bez obzira na oblast koju obuhvata. Za potrebe ovog dela ISO/IEC 17050, predmet deklaracije isporu~ioca o usagla{enosti mogu da budu proizvod, proces, sistem menad`menta, osoba ili telo. Ovaj deo ISO/IEC 17050 ne defini{e nijedan odre|en predmet deklaracije o usagla{enosti. Kada je to pogodno, umesto termina “deklaracija isporu~ioca o usagla{enosti”, mo`e da se koristi termin “deklaracija o usagla{enosti”.
Normativne reference
Slede}a referentna dokumenta neophodna su za primenu ovog dokumenta. Kada se navode datirane reference, primenjuje se isklju~ivo citirano izdanje. Kada se navode nedatirane reference, primenjuje se najnovije izdanje referentnog dokumenta (uklju~uju}i i njegove izmene i dopune). ISO/IEC 17000:2004, Ocenjivanje usagla{enosti — Re~nik i op{ti principi
Termini i definicije
Za potrebe ovog dokumenta primenjuju se termini i definicije dati u ISO/IEC 17000:2004. NAPOMENA 1 "Deklaracija isporu~ioca o usagla{enosti" je "deklaracija" kao {to je to definisano u ISO/IEC 17000, tj. atestiranje preko prve strane. NAPOMENA 2 Da bi se izbegla svaka veza sa atestiranjem koje vr{i sertifikaciono telo, termin "samosertifikovanje" je napu{ten i ne sme se koristiti.
Svrha deklaracije o usagla{enosti
Svrha deklaracije je da pru`i garanciju usagla{enosti utvr|enog predmeta deklaracije sa specificiranim zahtevima na koje se deklaracija poziva i da razjasni ko je odgovoran za tu usagla{enost i deklaraciju. U vezi sa propisima ili u druge svrhe, deklaracija isporu~ioca o usagla{enosti mo`e da se koristi sama ili zajedno sa drugom procedurom za ocenjivanje usagla{enosti.
Op{ti zahtevi
Izdavalac (organizacija ili osoba) deklaracije o usagla{enosti mora da bude odgovoran za izdavanje, odr`avanje, pro{irivanje, smanjenje, suspendovanje ili povla~enje deklaracije o usagla{enosti predmeta sa utvr|enim zahtevima. 6
JUS ISO/IEC 17050-1:2005
Conformity assessment — Supplier's declaration of conformity — Part 1: General requirements
This part of ISO/IEC 17050 specifies general requirements for a supplier’s declaration of conformity in cases where it is desirable, or necessary, that conformity of an object to the specified requirements be attested, irrespective of the sector involved. For the purposes of this part of ISO/IEC 17050, the object of a declaration of conformity can be a product, process, management system, person or body. This part of ISO/IEC 17050 does not define any particular object for the declaration of conformity. Instead of “supplier's declaration of conformity”, the term “declaration of conformity” can be used when appropriate.
Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO/IEC 17000:2004,
Conformity assessment — Vocabulary and general principles
Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/IEC 17000 apply. NOTE 1 “Supplier's declaration of conformity” is a “declaration” as defined in ISO/IEC 17000, i.e. first-party attestation. NOTE 2 To avoid any confusion with attestation by certification bodies, the term “self-certification” is deprecated and should not be used.
Purpose of the declaration of conformity
The purpose of the declaration is to give assurance of conformity of the identified object to specified requirements to which the declaration refers, and to make clear who is responsible for that conformity and declaration. A supplier’s declaration of conformity may be used alone or in conjunction with another conformity assessment procedure for regulatory or non-regulatory purposes.
General requirements
The issuer (issuing organization or person) of a declaration of conformity shall be responsible for issuing, maintaining, extending, reducing, suspending or withdrawing the declaration and the conformity of the object to the specified requirements. 7
JUS ISO/IEC 17050-1:2005
Deklaracija o usagla{enosti mora da se zasniva na rezultatima odgovaraju}eg tipa aktivnosti za ocenjivanje usagla{enosti (npr. ispitivanje, merenje, proveravanje, kontrolisanje ili pregled) koje su sprovele jedna ili vi{e prvih, drugih ili tre}ih strana. Tela uklju~ena u ocenjivanje usagla{enosti treba, kada je to mogu}e, da primene relevantne me|unarodne standarde, uputstva ili druga normativna dokumenta. Kada se deklaracija o usagla{enosti odnosi na grupu proizvoda istog tipa, ona mora da obuhvati svaki pojedina~ni proizvod iz grupe. Kada se deklaracija o usagla{enosti odnosi na sli~ne proizvode koji se isporu~uju u nekom vremenskom periodu, ona mora da obuhvati svaki isporu~en ili primljen proizvod. Kao dobra praksa ocenjivanja usagla{enosti, preporu~uje se da osoba koja preispituje rezultate ocenjivanja usagla{enosti ne bude i potpisnik.
Sadr`aj deklaracije o usagla{enosti
Izdavalac deklaracije o usagla{enosti mora da obezbedi da deklaracija sadr`i dovoljno informacija koje }e omogu}iti primaocu deklaracije o usagla{enosti da prepozna davaoca deklaracije, predmet deklaracije, standarde ili druge utvr|ene zahteve u odnosu na koje je deklarisana usagla{enost, kao i osobu koja je potpisala deklaraciju o usagla{enosti za i u ime izdavaoca. 6.1
Deklaracija o usagla{enosti mora da sadr`i najmanje slede}e: a) jedinstvenu oznaku deklaracije o usagla{enosti; b) naziv i adresu izdavaoca deklaracije o usagla{enosti; c) identifikaciju predmeta deklaracije o usagla{enosti (npr. naziv, tip, datum proizvodnje ili oznaku modela proizvoda, opis procesa, sistema menad`menta, osobe ili tela, i/ili druge odgovaraju}e dodatne informacije); d) izjavu o usagla{enosti; e) kompletnu i jasnu listu standarda ili drugih utvr|enih zahteva, kao i izabrane mogu}nosti, ako postoje; f)
mesto i datum izdavanja deklaracije o usagla{enosti;
g) potpis (ili odgovaraju}i znak va`enja), ime i funkciju ovla{}ene osobe(a), koja istupa u ime izdavaoca; h) bilo koje ograni~enje va`enja deklaracije usagla{enosti. Mogu se dati i dodatne pomo}ne informacije, koje se odnose na deklaraciju i rezultate ocenjivanja usagla{enosti na kojima se ona zasniva, na primer: 6.2
a) naziv i adresa svakog tela koje je bilo uklju~eno u ocenjivanje usagla{enosti (npr. laboratorija za ispitivanje ili etaloniranje, kontrolno telo, sertifikaciono telo); b) pozivanje na odgovaraju}e izve{taje o ocenjivanju usagla{enosti i datumi izve{taja; c) pozivanje na bilo koji sistem menad`menta koji je obuhva}en; d) pozivanje na dokumenta o akreditaciji tela uklju~enih u ocenjivanje usagla{enosti kada je obim akreditacije relevantan za deklaraciju o usagla{enosti; e) pozivanje na postojanje pridru`enih dokumenata podr{ke, kao {to su ona opisana u ISO 17050-2;
The declaration of conformity shall activity (e.g. testing, measurement, second or third parties. Conformity International Standards, Guides and
JUS ISO/IEC 17050-1:2005
be based on results of an appropriate type of conformity assessment auditing, inspection or examination) carried out by one or more first, assessment bodies involved, where applicable, should consult relevant other normative documents.
Where a declaration of conformity is for a group of products of a similar type, it shall cover each individual product of the group. Where a declaration of conformity is for similar products delivered over a period of time, it shall cover each product as delivered or accepted. It is recommended, as good conformity assessment practice, that the person reviewing the conformity assessment results be different from the signatory.
Contents of the declaration of conformity
The issuer of the declaration of conformity shall ensure information to enable the recipient of the declaration of conformity the object of the declaration, the standards or other specified declared, and the person signing for and on behalf of the issuer of 6.1
that the declaration contains sufficient to identify the issuer of the declaration, requirements with which conformity is the declaration of conformity.
As a minimum, the declaration of conformity shall contain the following: a) unique identification of the declaration of conformity; b) the name and contact address of the issuer of the declaration of conformity; c) the identification of the object of the declaration of conformity (e.g. name, type, date of production or model number of a product, description of a process, management system, person or body, and/or other relevant supplementary information); d) the statement of conformity; e) a complete and clear list of standards or other specified requirements, as well as the selected options, if any; f)
the date and place of issue of the declaration of conformity;
g) the signature (or equivalent sign of validation), name and function of the authorized person(s) acting on behalf of the issuer; h) any limitation on the validity of the declaration of conformity. Additional supporting information may be provided to relate the declaration to the conformity assessment results on which it is based, for example: 6.2
a) the name and address of any conformity assessment body involved (e.g. testing or calibration laboratory, inspection body, certification body); b) reference to relevant conformity assessment reports, and the date of the reports; c) reference to any management systems involved; d) reference to the accreditation documents of conformity assessment bodies involved where the scope of accreditation is relevant to the declaration of conformity; e) reference to the existence of associated supporting documentation, such as that described in ISO/IEC 17050-2; 9
JUS ISO/IEC 17050-1:2005
dodatne informacije u vezi sa sertifikatima, registracijama ili oznakama koji se poseduju;
g) druge aktivnosti ili programi tela za ocenjivanje usagla{enosti (npr. ~lanstvo u sporazumnoj grupi). Pozivanja u dokumentaciji na rezultate ocenjivanja usagla{enosti ne smeju la`no prikazivati njihovu primenljivost, niti obmanjivati primaoca deklaracije o usagla{enosti.
Oblik deklaracije o usagla{enosti
Za primer deklaracije o usagla{enosti videti Prilog A. Deklaracija o usagla{enosti mo`e da bude na papiru, elektronskom medijumu ili na bilo kom pogodnom medijumu.
Kopija deklaracije o usagla{enosti mo`e da bude uvr{tena u drugu dokumentaciju koja je u vezi sa predmetom deklaracije o usagla{enosti, kao {to je izjava, katalog, ra~un, uputstvo za korisnika ili veb-sajt.
Ozna~avanje proizvoda
Ako se bilo koja oznaka stavlja na proizvod da uka`e na postojanje deklaracije o usagla{enosti, ona mora da bude u obliku koji se ne mo`e pome{ati sa bilo kojim sertifikacionim znakom. Takva oznaka mora da vodi do deklaracije o usagla{enosti.
10 Va`enje deklaracije o usagla{enosti Izdavalac deklaracije o usagla{enosti mora da primenjuje procedure za obezbe|enje neprekidne usagla{enosti predmeta, kakav je isporu~en ili prihva}en, sa zahtevima iskazanim u deklaraciji o usagla{enosti. 10.1
Izdavalac deklaracije o usagla{enosti mora da raspola`e procedurama za ponovno vrednovanje validnosti deklaracije o usagla{enosti u slu~aju: 10.2
h) izmena koje bitno uti~u na projekat ili specifikaciju predmeta; i) j)
izmena u standardima u odnosu na koje je konstatovana usagla{enost; izmena u vlasni{tvu ili strukturi rukovodstva isporu~ioca ako je to relevant no, ili
k) odgovaraju}ih informacija koje pokazuju da predmet vi{e ne mo`e da ispuni utvr|ene zahteve.
JUS ISO/IEC 17050-1:2005
additional information regarding certificates, registrations or marks that have been obtained;
g) other activities or programmes of the conformity assessment body (e.g. membership in an agreement group). References in the documentation to conformity assessment results shall not misrepresent their applicability nor mislead the recipient of the declaration of conformity.
Form of declaration of conformity
See Annex A for an example of a declaration of conformity. The declaration of conformity may be in hardcopy, electronic media, or any other suitable medium.
A copy of the declaration of conformity may be included in other documentation, such as a statement, catalogue, invoice, user's instructions or website, relevant to the object of the declaration of conformity.
Product marking
If any marking is placed on the product to indicate the existence of a declaration of conformity, such marking shall be in such a format that it will not be confused with any certification mark. Such marking shall be traceable to the declaration of conformity.
10 Continuing validity of the declaration of conformity The issuer of the declaration of conformity shall have procedures in place to ensure the continued conformity of the object, as delivered or accepted, with the stated requirements of the declaration of conformity. 10.1
The issuer of the declaration of conformity shall have procedures in place to re-evaluate the validity of the declaration of conformity, in the event of 10.2
h) changes significantly affecting the object’s design or specification, i) j)
changes in the standards to which conformity of the object is stated, changes in the ownership or structure of management of the supplier, if relevant, or
k) relevant information indicating that the object may no longer conform to the specified requirements.
JUS ISO/IEC 17050-1:2005
Prilog A
(informativan) Deklaracija isporu~ioca o usagla{enosti A.1 Uputstvo za popunjavanje obrasca deklaracije o usagla{enosti NAPOMENA
Brojevi od 1) do 7) odnose se na obrazac prikazan u A.2.
1) Svaka deklaracija o usagla{enosti treba da bude jedinstveno ozna~ena. 2) Odgovornost izdavaoca treba da bude nedvosmisleno navedena. Za velike organizacije mo`e da bude neophodno da se specificiraju radne grupe ili odeljenja. 3) a) “Predmet” mora da bude nedvosmisleno opisan, tako da se deklaracija o usagla{enosti odnosi samo na predmet koji je u pitanju. b) Za proizvode masovne proizvodnje nije neophodno dati pojedina~ne serijske brojeve. U takvim slu~ajevima dovoljno je navesti naziv, tip, oznaku modela itd. 4) Alternativna deklaracija o usagla{enosti za proizvode mo`e da bude: “Pri isporuci, opisan predmet deklaracije usagla{en je sa zahtevima navedenih dokumenata”. 5) Zahtevani dokumenti teba da budu navedeni sa svojim identifikacionim brojevima, nazivima i datumima izdavanja. 6) Ovde se navodi bilo koje ograni~enje va`enja deklaracije o usagla{enosti i/ili dodatne informacije. Druge informacije mogu, na primer, da odgovaraju 6.2 ili se mogu pozivati na ozna~avanje proizvoda u skladu sa ta~kom 9. Takvo ozna~avanje proizvoda ili drugi pokazatelji (na primer na proizvodu) mogu biti prilog deklaracije o usagla{enosti. 7) Treba navesti puno ime i funkciju osobe(a) ovla{}ene(ih) od strane rukovodstva za potpisivanje u njegovo ime. Minimalan broj potpisnika, ili njihovih zamenika, defini{e se pravnim aktom organizacije izdavaoca.
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Annex A
(informative) Supplier's declaration of conformity A.1 Guidance to complete the form of declaration of conformity NOTE
Numbers 1) to 7) refer to the form shown in A.2.
1) Every declaration of conformity should be uniquely identified. 2) The responsible issuer should be unequivocally specified. For large organizations, it may be necessary to specify operational groups or departments. 3) a) The “object” should be unequivocally described so that the declaration of conformity may be related to the object in question. 3) b) For mass-produced products, it is not necessary to give individual serial numbers. In such cases it is sufficient to give the name, type, model number, etc. 4) For products, an alternative conformity statement may be: “As delivered, the object of the declaration described above is in conformity with the requirements of the following documents”. 5) Requirements documents should be listed with their identification numbers, titles and dates of issue. 6) Text should appear here only if any limitation on the validity of the declaration of conformity and/or any additional information are given. The latter information may, for example, correspond to 6.2 or may make reference to related product marking in accordance with Clause 9. Such product marking or other indication (e.g. on the product) may be an attachment to the declaration of conformity. 7) Full name and function of the signing person(s) authorised by the issuer's management to sign on its behalf should be given. The number of signatures, or equivalent, included will be the minimum determined by the legal form of the issuer’s organization.
JUS ISO/IEC 17050-1:2005
A.2 Primer oblika deklaracije o usagla{enosti Deklaracija isporu~ioca o usagla{enosti (u
skladu sa ISO/IEC 17050-1)
1) Br. …………………………… 2) Ime izdavaoca:
…………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………….
…………………………………………………………………………………………. 3) Predmet deklaracije
…………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………….
4) Opisani predmet deklaracije usagla{en je sa zahtevima slede}ih dokumenata: Dokument br.
Izdanje/Datum izdanja
5) …………………..
Dodatne informacije:
6) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... Potpisan za i u ime: …………………………….…… …………………….………….... (Mesto i datum izdavanja) 7) ………………………………….. (Ime, funkcija)
………………………………………………………………………………… (Potpis osobe ovla{}ene od strane izdavaoca ili njenog zamenika)
JUS ISO/IEC 17050-1:2005
A.2 Example of form of declaration of conformity Supplier's declaration of conformity (in
accordance with ISO/IEC 17050-1)
1) No. ……………………………… 2) Issuer's name:
…………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………….
Issuer's address:
…………………………………………………………………………………………. 3) Object of the declaration: …………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………. 4) The object of the declaration described above is in conformity with the requirements of the following documents:
Documents No.
Edition/Date of issue
5) …………………..
Additional information:
6) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... Signed for and on behalf of: ………………………………….. …………………….……….…… (Place and date of issue) 7) ………………………………….. (Name, function)
………………………………………………………………………………… (Signature or equivalent authorized by the issuer)
JUS ISO/IEC 17050-1:2005
Bibliografija Bibliography [1]
ISO 9000:2000, Quality management systems — Fundamentals and vocabulary (Sistem menad`menta kvalitetom — Osnove i re~nik)
ISO 19011:2002, Guidelines for quality and/or environmental management systems auditing (Smernice za proveru sistema menad`menta kvalitetom i/ili sistema upravljanja za{titom `ivotne sredine)
ISO/IEC 17020:1998, General criteria for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection (Op{ti kriterijumi za rad razli~itih vrsta tela koja obavljaju kontrolisanje)
ISO/IEC 17021:—1), Conformity assessment — General requirement s for bodies providing assessment and certification for management systems (Ocenjivanje usagla{enosti — Op{ti zahtevi za tela koja sprovode ocenjivanje i sertifikaciju sistema menad`menta)
ISO/IEC 17024:2003, Conformity assessment — General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons (Ocenjivanje usagla{enosti — Op{ti zahtevi za tela koja sprovode sertifikaciju osoblja)
ISO/IEC 17025:1999, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories (Op{ti zahtevi za kompetentnost laborator ija za ispitivanje i laboratorija za etaloniranje)
ISO/IEC 17040:—2), General requirements for peer assessment of conformity assessment bodies and accreditation bodies (Op{ti zahtevi za pr iznavanje tela za ocenjivanje usagla{enosti)
ISO/IEC 17050-2:2004, Conformity assessment — Supplier s declaration of conformity — Part 2: ′
Supporting documentation (Ocenjivanje usagla{enosti — Deklaracija isporu~ioca o usagla{enosti — Deo 2: Dokumentacija podr{ke)
ISO/IEC Guide 65:1996, General requirements for bodies operating product certification systems (Op{ti zahtevi za tela koja sprovode sisteme sertifikacije proizvoda)
Bi}e objavljen (revizija ISO/IEC Uputstva 62:1996 i ISO/IEC Uputstva 66:1999). To be published. (Revision of ISO/IEC Guide 62:1996 and ISO/IEC Guide 66:1999) 2) Bi}e objavljen. 2) To be published. 1)
Kraj prevoda na srpski jezik
ICS 03.120.20 Deskriptori: deklaracija, usagla{enost, oblik, dostupnost, ozna~avanje, va`enje Descriptors: declaration, conformity, form, availability, marking, validation
Ukupno strana 16
Katalo{ka grupa A.K1