Kālik likāstot stotra ra:: Hym Hymn n to the the God Godde dess ss Cons Consci ciou ousn snes ess s by Lord Lord Jñānanetra, nanetra, First Guru of the Krama Krama Lineage Lineage
µ nmae m=glayE Om. Reverent salutations to Mangalā, the Auspicious Goddess.
sita itatara-sa -saṃvid-av -avāpyaṃ sad-a d-asat-kalan lanā -vihīnam anupā dhi | jayati jagat-traya-r jagat-traya-rūpaṃ nīrū paṃ devi te te rū pam || 1 || O Goddess !u"reme is your nature that is formless yet has the form of all three #orlds$ %t is "rior to all limitations, im"ossible to gras" through dualisti& &ategories su&h 'e(istent) *ersus 'non+e(istent), and is attainable through the "urest ons&iousness$ ekam anekākāraṃ prasṛ ta-jagad-vyā pti vikṛ ti-parihī nam | jayati tavādvaya-r dvaya-rūpaṃ vimalam vimalam alaṃ cita-svar cita-svarūpākhyām | - | - | .our &om"le &om"letely tely "ure "ure non+dual non+dual form is su"reme/ su"reme/ One, One, yet e(istin e(isting g in many guises, "er*ading the uni*erse that is flo#ing #ithin you, yet entirely free from &hange0no#n as the *ery essen&e of ons&iousness$ jayati tavocchalad tavocchalad antaḥ svacchecch svacchecchay ayā svavigraha-gra svavigraha-graha haṇ am | kima kimapi pi nir nirut utta tara ra-s -sah ahaj ajaa-sv svar arū pa-s pa-sa aṃvitvit-pr prak akāś a-ma a-maya yam m || 2 || .our a&t a&t of taing taing on form form is also also su"reme, su"reme, bursting bursting forth forth #ithin #ithin through through your o#n "ure 3ill$ %t is an e(traordinary e(traordinary a&t &onsisting of nothing other than the Light of ons&iousness in its unsur"assable and s"ontaneous essentiality$ vāntvā samasta-kālaṃ mūrtyāhaṃkāra-ghora-mū rtim api | nigra nigraha ham m asm asmin in kṛ tvā nu nugra graham ham api api kurv kurvat atī jaya jayasi si | |4 || 5a*ing &aused all 6ime to be emitted, e*en your terrifying in&arnation as the embodied ego, 7then8 ha*ing o&&luded it, you 7go on8 besto#ing gra&e as #ell$ .ou are trium"hant kālasy lasya a kāli de dehaṃ vibha ibhajy jya a mun munii-pa pañ ñca-s ca-sa aṃ kh khy yayābhin bhinna nam m| svasmin virājamānaṃ tad rūpaṃ kurvatī jayasi || 9 || O Kālī, ha*ing ha*ing di*ided di*ided the body body of 6ime 6ime into into fi*e fi*e and se*en, se*en, you you &ontinually mae that *ery nature shine undi*ided #ithin yourself/ you are su"reme bhairava-rūpī kā laḥ sṛ jati jagat kā raṇā di kīṭā ntaṃ |
icchā-vaśena yasyāḥ sā tvaṃ stavanāmbikā jayasi ||6|| 6ime, in the form of :haira*a, emits the uni*erse of &ause and effe&t, do#n to the tiniest inse&t, through the for&e of .our 3ill ++ .ou, the ;other #e "raise, are su"reme jayati śaśāṅka-divākara-pāvaka-dhā ma-trayāntara-vyā pi | janani tava kimapi vimalaṃ svarū pa-rū paṃ paraṃ dhā ma |||| O ;other, your e(traordinary, stainless highest
, the ?ay+maer !un, "er&e"tion>, and the @urifier Fire, "er&ei*er>$ ekaṃ svarūpa-rūpaṃ prasara-sthiti-vilaya-bhedatas trividham | pratyekam udaya-saṃ sthiti-laya-viśramataś caturvidhaṃ tad api ||!|| .our essential nature is One, yet three+fold, di*ided into emission, stasis, and dissolution, ea&h #ith the four as"e&ts of emergen&e, stasis, dissolution, and re"ose = 1- A 1>$ iti vasu-pañcaka-saṃkhyaṃ vidhāya sahaja-svarū pam ā tmī yam | viśva-vivartāvarta-pravartakaṃ jayati te rūpam ||"|| 6hat as"e&t of you is su"reme that di*ides your natural essentiality into the sum of B and 9, 7by #hi&h8 you &atalyCe the re*olution of your transformation into the uni*erse$ sad-asad-vibheda-sūter ddalana-parā kā pi sahaja-samvittiḥ | uditā tvam eva bhagavati jayasi jayādyena rūpeṇa || #$ || 6he e(traordinary, s"ontaneous, innate a#areness0intent only on shattering #hate*er has been born from the a""arent duality of De(isten&eD and Dnon+e(isten&eD0is taught 7in the s&ri"tures8 as .ou alone in your @rimordial Form, O :lessed Goddess$ 5ail, for you are su"reme jayati samasta-carācara-vicitra-viśva-prapañca-racanormmi | amala-svabhāva-jaladhau śā ntaṃ kāntañ co te rū paṃ ||##|| !u"reme is your belo*ed "ea&eful form, #hi&h a&&om"lishes the e("ansion of the beautifully di*ersified uni*erse of all mo*ing and unmo*ing beings0yet is but a #a*e in the o&ean of your o#n "ure :eing$
sahajollāsa-vikāsa-prapūritāśeṣa-viśva-vibhavaiṣā | pūrṇṇā tavāmba mūrttir jayati parā nanda-saṃ pū rṇṇā || #% || O ;other, your fully e("anded embodiment is su"reme, this maesti& glory of the entire uni*erse, filled #ith the blossoming of s"ontaneous, "layful delight,1 &om"letely full #ith the highest bliss kavalita-sakala-jagat-traya-vikaṭa-mahā kā la-kavalanodyuktā | upabhukta-bhāva-vibhava-prabhavā pi kṛś odarī jayasi || #& || .ou are engaged in de*ouring the terrifying Great 6ime #hi&h is gorged on the sum total of the three #orlds !?> .ou remain trans&endent Hslender+#aisted>, though .ou ha*e &onsumed the sour&e of "o#er of all beingsHobe&ts/ you are su"reme rūpa-traya-parivarjjitam asamaṃ rū pa-trayā ntara-vyā pi | anubhava-rūpaṃ arū paṃ jayati paraṃ kimapi te rū paṃ || #' || .our e(traordinary highest form is su"reme/ formless yet the form of e*ery dire&t e("erien&e, uneIualled, "er*ading from #ithin the three as"e&ts 7of &ons&iousness/ "er&ei*er, "er&e"tion, "er&ei*ed8, yet trans&ending the three as"e&ts$
avyayam akulam ameyaṃ vigalita-sad-asad-viveka-kallolaṃ | jayati prakāśa-vibhava-sphītaṃ devyāḥ paraṃ dhā ma || #( || %m"erishable, trans&endent, immeasurable, a #a*e of differentiation bet#een e(istent and none(istent that has melted a#ay/ the highest
?i*iding ea&h of her forms, re&oned as the sum of the seasons and the sages A = 12> into fi*e+fold = 9, 4 !iddhās and ;aṅgalā at the &enter>, and thus "ouring forth the ?i*ine ;ultitude/ the ;other, !a*ior of the 3orld, is su"reme bhū-dig-go-kha-ga-devī-cakra-lasaj-jñā na-vibhava-paripū rṇ am | nirupama-viśrānti-mayaṃ śrīpīṭ haṃ jayati te rū pam || # || .our form as the !a&red 6hrone ś rī"ī ṭ ha> is su"reme, &om"letely full 1
Or “ oyful manifestation$
#ith the "o#er of #isdom s&intillating as the &ir&les of goddesses in the Earth, the !y H?ire&tions>, the !enses, and the oid, and ultimately &onsisting of the in&om"arable state of , may it bless the #hole #orld that is truly my !elf alone$ kṛtir iyam śrījñā nanetrapā dā nā m iti ś ivam 6his #as &om"osed by the re*ered Jñā nanetra$ Fin$