Tantra Sadhana a Practical Introduction to Kaula Magick - Mogg MorganFull description
Tantra Sadhana a Practical Introduction to Kaula Magick - Mogg Morgan
Descripción: Tantra Sadhana a Practical Introduction to Kaula Magick - Mogg Morgan
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The earliest reference to yoni tattva in Kaula tantra is in the Kaula Jnana Nirnaya of Matsyendranath(English Matsyendranath(English translation published by Prachya Prakashan, Benares, 1986):– 1986):– One should always consume the physical blood and semen. (KJ, Patala 8)
Other Kaula tantras deal with the subject of menstrual blood in very plain terms. Matriabheda Tantra (Englishtranslation !ndological Book "ouse 199#) describes 199#) describes the different types:– !"hri "hanara said: The firstmenses appearin# in a woman who has lost her vir#inity is "vayambhu blood. $n a maiden born of a marriedwoman and be#otten by another man% that which arises is Kunda menses% the substance causin# the #rantin#of any desire. &eveshi% a maiden be#otten by a widow #ives rise to 'ola menses% which subdues #ods. Themenses arisin# in the first period after a vir#in becomes a married woman is the all bewilderin# "vapushpa.(($%, "vapushpa.(($%, Patala 8)
The first chapter of the MT mentions a substance called sambal% described in the commentary as menstrual dischar#e. This substance allows the tantri adept to perform various sorts of alchemicaloperations. The Kaulavali Nirnaya (&ga'anusandhana a'iti, alcutta nd)% nd)% edited by "ir John )oodroffe% is a di#est ofother Kaula tantras. "ummarisin# chapter *+% "ir John paraphrases the tantra:– !there are people who re#ardsemen and menstrual fluid with dis#ust% but they for#et that the body by which they hope to attain ,iberation iscomposed of these two forms of matter% matter% that the marrow% bone and tendons have come from the father and thesin% flesh and blood from the mother. $t further says that there is no reason for man-s dis#ust for ecreta orurine% for these are nothin# but food or drin which has under#one some chan#e and contains livin# creatures and the /rahman substance is not absent therefrom01ll thin#s are pure. $t is one-s mentality which is evil.((K, evil.( (K, introduction, pp19*+#)
Reverence for Women The Kaulas re#arded female #urus hi#hly and there were many eamples of yo#inis or female tantris. $n2oni Tantra Tantra 3atala 4 we find:– )omen are divinity% divinity% women are life% women are truly jewels.( This sentiment is echoed in many other tantrassuch as "hati "an#ama Tantra% &evirahasya and elsewhere. else where. 1 woman is the #oddess:– !)orship “
carefully awoman or a maiden as she is "hati% sheltered by the Kulas. One should never spea harshly to maidens orwomen.( (KJ, Patala +) $n Kaula every woman is thou#ht of as a manifestation of the 'oddess. No man may raise his hand% strie orthreaten a woman. )hen she is naed% men must neel and worship her as the 'oddess. "he has e5ual ri#hts with men on all levels.( (-ccult .orld o/ a %antrik 0uru, alues ol2!3) !)omen are heaven6 women are dharma6 and women are the hi#hest penance. )omen are /uddha6 women are the "an#ha6 and women are the perfection of )isdom.( (% 8,#) KamarupaThe 2oni Tantra hails from 7ooch /ihar 8Kocha9% but many of the Kaula Tantras ori#inate from Kamarupa. $n3uranic le#end% this is the place where the yoni of &evi fell to earth after the 'oddess- body was sliced into ;se#ments by the discus of
First Patala… O ,ady 'oddess= )orshippin# in this manner% liberation is placed within a person-s reach. 1 yoni worshipper should prepare the "hati mantra. >e #ains wealth% poesy% wisdom and omniscience. $f a person worships with menstrual flowers% he also has power over fate. &oin# much puja inthis way% he may become liberated. The devotee should place a "hati in a circle. "he should be wanton%beautiful% devoid of shame and dis#ust% charmin# by nature% supremely allurin# and beautiful. The devotee should worship her with utmost devotion. >e should place her on his left% and shouldworship her hair?adorned yoni. 1t the ed#es of the yoni% the devotee should place sandal and beautifulblossoms. 1fter smearin# sandal on her forehead% the devotee should caress herbreasts. 1fter recitin# the mantra for *;+ times% while in her arms% the devotee should caress the breasts% havin#previously issed her on the chee. The mantra should be recited *;+ or *;;+ times in the yoni circle. 1fter performin# yoni puja usin# these methods% the devotee attains whatever is desired @ there is no doubt ofit. The fruit of doin# puja to the #reat yoni% deliverer from the ocean of misery% is life and enhanced vitality.
Second Patala )hich types of yoni should be worshipped and which brin# #ood
fortuneA The devotee should worship the mother-s yoni and have intercourse with all yonis. >e may have intercourse with any woman between a#es *B and C;. >e should worship the yoni daily% usin# the tattvas. The forehead mar should be made from yoni tattva. Dirst% in intercourse% the purified worshipper should draw the "hati to himself by her hair and should placehis lin#am into her hand. The lin#am puja and the yoni puja should be performed accordin# to the injunctions. /eloved One% red powder and sandal should be smeared on the lin#am. The lin#am should be inserted into the yoni and there should be vi#orous intercourse. >e who uses thismethod attains the hi#hest essence. 1 devotee should worship with the yoni tattva% of the form of yoni% thedeluder of the world% at ni#ht when it is full moon% at a crossroads. >avin# seen the yoni full of menses% after bathin# and recitin# the mantra *;+ times% a person becomes a "ivaon earth. One should recite the mantra after offerin# both one-s own semen and the yoni flowers. /y all means a sadhaa should haveintercourse in the yoni% previously caressin# the "hati-s breasts.One becomes instantlyre#enerated and fully alive by usin# the water from washin# yoni and lin#am. 1fter worshippin# the #reat yoniaccordin# to injunction% one should mae an offerin#. The water of the yoni is of three types and one shouldoffer it to the "hati.
Third Patala The miraculous 2oni Tattva Tantra is the best of all tantras.The only evil in seual intercourse is dis#ust for blood and semen. The yoni which hasbled is suitable for worship. &o not worship a yoni which has never bled. 7ombinin# semen with menses and tain# this in the hand% carefully offer itinto the 2oni./y worshippin# the yoni one certainlyworships "hati.
Fourth Patala )hat nowled#e in the three worlds can match the ma#nificence of the yoni tattvaA $n this temperament there is eclusive devotion to the doctrine of the
yoni. Onebecomes pure by main# a forehead mar of yoni tattva.
Fifth Patala One should always meditate on the pure yoni. One should always smear the yoni tattva on thebody. $f one should place one-s lin#am net to her va#ina and then penetrate% one becomes liberated. $n the mutual friction of the lin#am and yoni is #reat sadhana. The #reatest thin# in mantra recitation andsadhana is the outflow of semen and va#inal emission. The powerful sadhaa% followin# the rule% should offer the au#mented substance to the yoni re#ion after miin# the semen and yoni tattva to#ether. The wise man should caress that yoni. 1fter worshippin# accordin# to rule% one should not have intercourse. One should only couple with the yoni that bleeds. $f one should worship a hair?adorned yoni% one becomes lie a in#. 1ll acts become fruitful% no doubt of it. Onebecomes very wealthy if marin# oneself with a forehead mar of yoni flowers. 1 sadhaa wishin# to worship a yoni%which is the form of the cosmos% should cause an erection and insert it into that thin# which is "hati >erself.)orshippin# them% one becomes liberated while still alive% there is no doubt of it.
Sixth Patala $f a person should #aEe at a yoni while ritually bathin#% his life becomes fruitful. There is no doubt of this. $f a worshipper of the yoni tattva enters a dispute%after con5uerin# all enemies he becomes ultimately victorious. )hat is the point of bathin# in the'an#esA )hat need is there to resort to sacred placesA There is nothin# e5uallin# devotion to the yoni. 1ctin#otherwise is useless. There is nothin# praised in the world more worthy of praise than the yoni tattva. One should brin# to#ether the yoni and the lin#am and worship the tattva. One should place oneself inthis certain thin# and #ive everythin# to "hati. One should satisfy usin# the five tattvas in the shape of theva#ina% which is the whole universe. ,iberation is achieved throu#h enjoyment. >appiness is #ained throu#h enjoyment.Therefore% by every effort% a sadhaa should become an enjoyer. The wise man should always avoid blame% dis#ust or shame of the yoni. $f one should lic the eliir at the ed#e of the yoni% evil in one-s body or
dwellin# place is certainly destroyed. The leftovers of both the "hati and the
Seventh Patala 1fter eatin# and drinin#% one should then consume yoni tattva. Of all food% this is the food which should be worshipped fearlessly. "eual intercourse in every ind of yoni is widely praised. Oneshould always smear a line of menstrual blood or sandal paste or semen on the forehead. This isthe core of true bliss. There is no such thin#as an inauspicious time. $t maes no difference whether it be ni#ht or day% the *Fth day of the wanin# moon orthe twili#ht time. )omen are divine% women are life% women are truly jewels. 1lways have intercourse with a woman andmeditate% whether she be one-s own woman or not. That which has been revealed to you is the whole essencehidden in all tantra. 1t the time of consumin# the substance% one should firstly offer it to one-s "hati. Otherwise% one may first castwater into the va#ina. The sadhaa should have seual intercourse with his "hati after enjoyin# food and recitin# the mantra. Now listen to the time when the semen?menses is emitted. $f one should worship the yoni tattva%main# a forehead mar with it% all defects and evils of a hundred births are immediately destroyed. /y yoni tattva oblation% the ancestors reside in paradise. One should always caress a nubile yoni. $fone should divert oneself in the ur#ent dance after preparin# the cavity of the #reat yoni% then one is freed fromall defects and stains of all births.
Eighth Patala )ithout seual union% there is never liberation.)orship a nubile yoni in a hi#hly ecstatic way. )hosoever recites mantra in a supremely devoted way specifically to the yoni% the core of the universe% is within reach of liberation. Meditate with yoni on the ton#ue% yoni in the mind% yoni in theears and yoni in the eyes. Mi#hty ,ady% all sadhana is vain unless with the yoni. Therefore% reject other pujasand do 2oni 3uja.