Khidmat Masyarakat Dear all Ini adalah panduan penulisan dokumentasi yang ringkas dalam Bahasa Melayu. Aktiviti 1 Dokumentasi 1.0
Pengenalan Aktiviti khidmat masyarakat adalah kerja-kerja kemasyarakatan dalam memupuk perasaan muhibah
antara komuniti dan persekitaraan. persekitaraan. Ini dapat menambah pengetahuan pengetahuan untuk mengaplikasi kemahiran dan rasa tanggungjawab sosial dalam bermasyarakat. Selain dapat menerap kemahiran berkomunikasi,melalui berkomunikasi,melalui kepimpinan dan bekerja secara berpasukan. berpasukan.
Khidmat masyarakat juga dapat mempraktikkan mempraktikkan kemahiran kemahiran pengurusan pengurusan
maklumat,projek dan kkeusahawanan. eusahawanan. Sebagai seorang sukarelawan adalah perlu mempunyai pemikiran yang positif untuk membina martabat diri yang positif dan bangga diri dalam memberi khidmat dan sumbangan kepada masyarakat. Selain itu rasa minat, keprihatinan dan kecenderungan untuk menyumbang tenaga fizikal,berkongsi minat bersama orang lain,mencurahkan pengalaman kepada golongan sasar mahupun sesuatu kelompok masyarakat. Satu program khidmat masyarakat yang telah dipilih ialah membersihkan kawasan rekreasi di kawasan persekitaran. Penglibatan ini adalah dalam bentuk projek dan kajian yang boleh meningkatkan imej diri sukarelawan yang mengambil penyertaan. 1.1
Tema Tema yang dipilih dipilih ialah ’Dari Mahasiswa Kepada Masyarakat’. Pilihan Pili han ini adalah berdasarkan ...
Nama Projek
’Bersih Dan Indahkan Kawasan Rekreasi’ merupakan nama projek nama projek sejajar dengan ........ 1.3
Latar Belakang Aktiviti Khidmat Masyarakat
(Penerangan mengenai projek yang dilakasanakan) Kawasan rekreasi (nama tempat) sebagai tempat tumpuan peminat aktiviti hiking melakukan riadah telah menjadi pilihan untuk program khidmat masyarakat kali ini. 1.4
Tarikh, Masa dan Tempoh Projek
Aktiviti membersihkan taman taman rekreasi rekreasi ini telah dilaksankan pada pada (tarikh) mulai mulai jam ...............(masa) ...............(masa) selama 6 jam. 1.5
Ahli Kumpulan
Kelab Pelajar OUM (tempat) dengan kerjasama OUM Ipoh,ahli kumpulan disertai sejumlah 15 orang peserta sukarela terdiri daripada pelajar serta kakitangan OUM. 1.6
Organisasi yang terlibat
Ahli Majlis Perbandaran .... 1.7 1.7.1
Objektif Memupuk rasa
komuniti setempat.
kebersamaan dalam
1.7.2 1.7.3 1.7.4
Memupuk serta menerap pengetahuan, kemahiran dan amalan nilai sivik dalam diri setiap individu. Memberikan sumbangan dalam bentuk tenaga serta kemahiran kepada masyarakat dan negara. Membentuk keperibadian dan memahami konsep kerjasama serta tolong menolong antara satu dengan
yang lain. 1.7.5 1.8
Membantu pihak berkuasa tempatan mengindah dan memelihara kawasan rekreasi. Anggaran perbelanjaan (sila nyatakan perbelanjaan yang diperlukan)
Perancangan & Pelaksanaan Projek
(carta gantt, mesy, surat kebenaran, jadual tugas - boleh lampirkan sebagai Appendiks) Bagi menjalankan setiap projek aktiviti khidmat masyarakat perlulah kepada perancangan teliti supaya dapat dilaksanakan berasaskan kepada keperluan dan matlamat yang jelas. Melalui perancangan yang baik serta rapi sahaja setiap projek yang dilaksanakan akan dapat menghasilkan suatu yang bermanfaat. Pembahagian individu kepada kumpulan telah melancarkan lagi projek aktiviti khidmat masyarakat berikutan kawasan rekreasi ini yang agak luas dan jarak antara kawasan tumpuan adalah sedikit jauh. Dianggotai daripada 6 hingga tujuh orang setiap kumpulan. Antara tugasan yang diberi kepada sukarelawan dalam menjayakan aktiviti ini adalah membersihkan pondok rehat,tandas awam dan harta yang terdapat di kawasan rekreasi. Selain daripada mengecat pondok, menanam pokok bunga hasil sumbangan peribadi daripada peserta sukarelawan juga telah menambahkan lagi kecantikan kawasan rekreasi. Selain menyediakan peralatan untuk menjalankan aktiviti,penyediaan makanan dan minuman juga disediakan. (terangkan dengan lebih jelas dan terperinci aktiviti-aktiviti yang telah dilaksnakan) 1.10
Cadangan/komen Memupuk semangat rasa kecintaan dalam diri kalangan invidu perlu diterap,oleh itu penglibatan
dalam aktiviti khidmat masyarakat perlulah dilakukan lebih kerap dan mempelawa kepada individu setempat y ang lain untuk turut serta. Melalui pengetahuan serta kemahiran,lebih ramai masyarakat dapat menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagai komuniti dan kerjasama dalam berkumpulan dapat diterapkan. Ini boleh menghindarkan masalah sosial dikalangan masyarakat. 1.11
Penghargaan Ucapan penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada Presiden Kelab Pelajar OUM dalam menjayakan
projek aktiviti khidmat masyarakat ini. Tidak di lupakan juga kepada kakitangan OUM yang terlibat secara langsung dan tidak langsung. Surat penghargaan terima kasih juga disediakan kepada mereka yang terlibat. Selain itu, penghargaan juga telah disampaikan melalui pemberian sijil penghargaan penyertaan kepada setiap sukarelawan yang terlibat. All the best to all.
Dear Liaw lee 1. Boleh melibatkan ahli keluarga dan rakan-rakan lain selain daripada pelajar Oum. Apabila menyenaraikan AJK, masaukkan nama rakan-rakan yang membantu. 2. Organisasi yang turut sama membantu contohnya Petronas yang memberi sumbangan barang makanan dan sumber kewangan. 3. Jika tiada organisasi lain yang terlibat, nyatakan tiada organisasi lain yang membantu. Sumber kewangan, pakaian dan makanan adalah daripada sumbangan peribadi, ahli keluarga dan rakan-rakan. Harap telah membantu. Hi all For activity 1, you will need the intro and the other aspects as clarified in assignment guidelines/ prganisation. As this is the planning stage, even the working comittee, budgetting, letters(as appendixes if you have written any)etc will be required. The word limit is 800-1000 and all required aspects need to be included. Roughly 4-5 pages would suffice. Is there anything you wish to clarify? Dear Madam, so in the process of planning any letters we submitted to authority should be included in the appendix? If few of the students doing combined programme and attached the same letter in each of their write up will it be counted as plagiarise? Just a thought, William Hi William Better write separate letters to avoid similarity and attach them as appendixes. Good luck William. Dear Madam Means if one team of the project consists of 4 person then each of us have to write a letter to the venue manage which means four letters? regards, William Dear William This is to ensure that documentation is done separately.
Dear all Ini ada contoh aktiviti sebelum untuk aktiviti ziarah. 3.1
Refleksi Sebelum Aktiviti
Pada tarikh(
), ‘Persatuan Penduduk’ telah merancang untuk mengadakan Projek Ziarah dan
Bantu ke Rumah Jagaan Orang Tua Al-Ikhlas. Terdapat 4 orang ahli dan 3 orang kanak-kanak yang akan hadir sebagai wakil dari komuniti persatuan.Tujuan persatuan penduduk mengadakan program ini adalah untuk mengambil peduli, beramah mesra dan membantu insan-insan yang kurang bernasib baik ini. Perancangan telah dibuat untuk menyediakanan makanan, sumbangan wang dan pelbagai aktiviti sebelum aktiviti ziarah ini. Dear all Ini adalah contoh pendek pengenalan untu lawatan ke rumah warga emas. Menurut catatan, di Malaysia,bilangan penduduk yang berusia 60 tahun ke atas semakin meningkat dan kadar penduduk yang berusia di bawah 15 tahun semakin menurun (Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat, 2014). Warga emas sepatutnya dilayan dengan baik dan mesra kerana mereka telah banyak berjasa kepada masyarakat selama ini. Kertas kerja ini diadakan untuk mendapatkan kelulusan pihak Institu Memandu Tawau bagi melawat ke rumah warga emas sempena Perayaan Tahun Baru Cina. Lawatan ini diadakan untuk memupuk perasaan prihatin, kasih sayang dan rasa hormat terhadap warga emas. Menurut World Assembly On Ageing 1982 di Vienna, warga emas ditarifkan mereka yang berumur 60 ke atas. Dear all Pengenalan ringkas ini ialah mengenai aktiviti membersih dan mengindah tadika. Penyediaan persekitaran yang kondusif adalah merupakan tanggungjawab yang perlu dititikberatkan oleh sesebuah institusi pendidikan. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia sentiasa memberi perhatian terhadap tahap kebersihan sekolah melalui pertandingan 3K. Persekitaran yang bersih dan ceria dapat membantu mempertingkatkan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran dengan lebih efektif dan berkesan. Sehubungan dengan itu,pihak tadika telah merancang satu khidmat masyarakat untuk membersihkan dan menceriakan kawasan tadika. Khidmat masyarakat ialah kerja-kerja kemasyarakatan yang dilaksanakan secara berkumpulan dan mempunyai matlamat serta tujuan tertentu. Kerja-kerja kemasyarakatan sekiranya dilaksanakan dengan sempurna sudah pasti akan menghasilkan sesuatu hasilan ataupun output yang berguna. Khidmat masyarakat adalah suatu aktiviti yang amat penting untuk memupuk perasaan muhibah antara komuniti dan guru. Bukan itu sahaja, malahan dengan perancangan khidmat masyarakat yang sempunrna sama ada di dalam sekolah atau luar sekolah akan dapat memberikan impak kepada guru itu sendiri khususnya dalammemberikan khidmat serta komitmen kepada masyarakat sama ada di peringkat daerahataupun di peringkat nasional.
Hi all We should always observe sensitivity when asking questions. Probably ask open-ended questions such as:-
- What do you think if the project/What is your opinion of the project? - Did you enjoy it? If it is yes, why and No, why didn't you enjoy it? - Can you share your feelings while doing the activity? - What have you gained/learnt from the project? - Should this type of project be carried out again in the future? Why do you think so? It depends on their responses. I'm really glad that you have started doing it. All the best to all of you. Dear all A short introduction about visit to Old Folks’ Home as your guide. 1.1
Introduction Community service refers to ………..( short definition of community service) The project that was chosen is welfare visit to Old Folks’ home. This project was selected based on the
merit that senior citizens are important and need special attention in our community. They are very special in our community as they had contributed a lot in their young age. Furthermore, it is our responsibility to show our concern for them. Article ("Number of abandoned ageing parents increased", 2015) shows that our community had failed to care for the senior citizens where about three quarters of 1,574 senior citizens were left at the homes by their own children. Another article (“I weep for these neglected senior citizens. Do you?” 2014) also highlighted that about 675,000 senior citizens in our country are fail to receive support from their family members. The non-profit organisation that operates old folks home to support homeless senior citizens has done a noble deed. As a member in this community, we also have important role in supporting old folks. If we can’t support financially, it could be in the form of service or care-giving. The important thing is we volunteer our time to cheer up the old folks. The old folk’s home at ……………………………….would be the focu s of this community
Dear all Name of projects depend on the activities. For example - Showing love to the old folks / Love the orphans You can have something like , A clean environment for a healthier life Relate the names to projects you have identified.
Dear all To describe Activity 2, the procedure depends on the interviewees. The interview with a few old folks and the Chairperson of the home was also conducted. As per assignment requirement the video had uploaded in Youtube.
Here is the link for the video: Please share your opinion. Hi Victoria and all You could watch this video. Rakaman Audio-visual (AV) : Youtube link : Dear all Kita perlu menghormati sensitiviti bila mengaju soalan kepada responden. Contoh soalan-soalan adalah seperti berikut:Apa pendapat anda mengenai projek ini? Adakah anda merasa seronok melaksanakan aktviti-aktiviti yang dilaksanakan? Jika ya kenapa? Jika tidak, beri pendapat anda. Bagaimana perasaan anda semasa melaksanakan pelbagai aktiviti berkenaan? Apa yang telah anda perolehi setelah melaksanakan projek berkenaan? Patutkah projek sedemikian dilaksanakan lagi pada masa hadapan? Kenapa anda berpendapat sedemikian? Semoga semua akan/ telah berjaya melaksanakan projek yang telah dirancang.
Dear all Just a sample brief documentation for your guide. ACTIVITY 1 DOCUMENTATION
Introduction Community service refers to ……..
. (definition). State the importance of community service as
well).Visiting the Old Folks’ Home has been chosen as the community service activity to fulfill the requirements of the course (the Old Folks’ Home) that has been chosen. 1.1
Theme: “Care for the elderly” was created as a theme for this activity. The theme was chosen for the project to show
concern for the well-being of society. It was also to highlight the fact that all old folks should be highly respected and loved. 1.2
Project Name
The project name was ‘’love the elderly’. The name was created with the aim to show care and love for the lonely senior citizens.
This was a great opportunity to care and accompany them as normal human beings who wanted
to feel loved even though it was only a day’s visit. 1.4 Background of the Community Service Activity The Old Folks’ Home(Name) 1.5
was situated …. ( briefly describe the place)
Date, Time & Duration of Project implementation
(or you could write in paragraph form) TheVisit to the Old Folks’ Home project was planned and successfully carried out on (Date and Time). It was carried out for (hours) 1.6
Project Team members Since this being an individual project, this assignment was carried by my Family members and close
friends who have agreed to help in the implementation of the project. (Committee members) 1.7
The Organisations involved
(any organization that has sponsor ed money, materials or man power) The name of the organizations which 1.8
collaborated in the activity were ……
The objectives of the project were to:-
Show love and concern for the elderly
Narrow gap between the younger and older generations
Develop a loving relationship with the Old Folks
To create clean and beautiful environment by cleaning the garden and surrounding areas
Estimated Expenditure There were 50 old folks at the ……… home, expenditure was about RM500. This was to cater for food, simple
gifts and cleaning materials for the general cleaning. Family members and friends were generous enough to donate ……… and clothes. I had to folk out the rest myself. Refer the table below for the details on the expenditure *
Planning & Implementation Activities
(Mention meetings, Gantt Chart and so on)(Consent letter-attach as appendixes) Community service being Open University Course [OUM] compulsory course requires all students to conduct this activity as a part of their degree studies requirement. Accordingly, the planning for this project had started on (date) where the details about the old folk’s home in (venue) were collected through browsing internet. As a result, (name of home) had caught my attention. So, my visit the next day to the selected o ld folk’s home was to get approval to perform the community service. Accordingly, the old folk’s in -charge person asked me to fill up the application form for checking the date availability. My team left for the home after breakfast around 8.15 pm. A s there were 10 members, we travelled in 2 cars. The project was implemented from 9.00 to 4.00 pm. Below was the programme for the day.
Suggestions /Comments Visiting the Old Folks’ Home opened my eyes to the number of lonely and abandoned parents
who occupied the Old Folks’ Home. Their children or family members should not be entirely blamed for sending their parents or relatives there. There might be family or financial problems. One lesson that I learnt was the importance of taking care of our parents irrespective of problems that might arise. It would be a good activity to carry out frequently as the occupants are lonely and need to be cheered up and feel loved. Furthermore, this would create a caring society and indicate that we are concerned Malaysians. 1.12
Appreciation I take this opportunity to thank the Old Folks’ Home Management for allowing me to carry out my
community service project there. My deepest appreciation to
…………………………………who have given me full
support in conducting this welfare service and worked together for the success of this activity. In addition, I would also wish to thank my online tutor…………………who has always encouraged me to conduct this activity as planned. Furthermore, I would like to say thanks to OUM management for giving me a great opportunity to play my part in this community. Dear all For Activity 1: Documentation, make sure all these elements are included:English Version Activity 1 : Documentation
Project Name
Background of the Community Service Activity
1.4 Date , Time & Duration of Project Implementation 1.5
Project Team members
Organisation involved
Objectives of the project
Estimated Expenditure
1.9 Planning & Implementation Activities 1.10 Suggestions & Comments 1.11 Appreciation Bahasa Melayu Version Aktiviti 1 : Dokumentasi 1.0 Pengenalan 1.1 Tema 1.2 Nama Projek 1.3 Latar Belakang Projek Khidmat Masyarakat 1.4 Tarikh, Masa & Tempuh Pelaksanaan Projek 1.5 Ahli Kumpulan Projek Khidmat Masyarakat 1.6 Organisasi yang terlibat 1.7 Objektif Projek 1.8 Anggaran Perbelanjaan 1.9 Perancangan & Pelaksanaan Aktiviti 1.10 Cadangan/Komen 1.11 Penghargaan
Dear all Before explaining on each element, start with a short introduction about community service, 1.0 Introduction Community service is work done by a person or group of people that benefits others. It is often done near the area where you live, so your own community reaps the benefits of your work. There is no payment for performing community service, but it is carried out voluntarily. Community service can help many different groups of people: children, senior citizens, people who with disabilities, even animals and the environment. Many people participate in community service because they enjoy helping others and to improve their community. Students are required to do community service in order to graduate high school or university. Dear all a. Tema -
Bergantung pada aktiviti yang jalankan
Cadangan tema projek yang dapat dilaksanakan adalah seperti berikut:-
a. Tanggungjawab pendidikan b. Pembangunan komuniti c. Kesihatan d. Pengurusan bencana e. Teknologi maklumat f. Keusahawanan social g. Kesejahteraan masyarakat h. Inovasi, keseniaan dan kebudayaan f. Sukan Dear all Themes depend on the chosen projects such as The theme, developing a conducive learning centre considering community service as a part of lifelong learning. Community service, which occurs through an individual’s engagement in community relationships and interactions, could become a key “participatory learning” practice, contributing to lifelong civic action. Tema: Ke Arah Persekitaran yang Sihat dan Selamat What’s your chosen theme? Dear William and all For 1.4, it depends on where you conduct your activity. Suppose you are doing it at your learning centre, explain briefly the learning centre. 1.3
Latar belakang aktiviti khidmat masyarakat
Penerangan ringkas mengenai projek, tempat,dsn The community service project was carried out at my learning centre, Open University Malaysia (OUM),
Kuching which is situated ……………….Open University Malaysia (OUM) Learning Centre is the largest Open and Distance Learning institution in Malaysia and is owned by the Multimedia Technology Enhancement Operations (METEOR) Sdn. Bhd, a consortium of 11 Malaysian public universities. It leverages on the quality, prestige and capabilities of its consortium.OUM has 53 Learning Centres which are located at major cities and towns, from Peninsular Malaysia to Sabah and Sarawak. These learning centers are fully equipped with tutorial rooms, computer laboratories, library and Internet facilities. (describe about own centre)
Waalaikum salam Semua aktiviti perlu disusun dalam satu tugasan dimulakan dengan Aktiviti 1(800-1000 patah perkataan) , diikuti dengan Aktiviti 2(boleh buat sikit pengenalan) mesti letak youtube link dan Aktiviti 3(300 patah perkataan). Semua dalam satu file sahaja. Please observe the guidelines carefully. Good luck. Dear all
Roughly, these are the aspects that are needed in the assignment. MPU 3412 COMMUNITY SERVICE CONTENTS OF THE ASSIGNMENT
Dear all Lebih kurang, beginilah bila dialih bahasa. TUGASAN KHIDMAT MASYARAKAT