Lab report for strength of materialsFull description
To analyze and evaluate the tensile properties of materials such as values of Tensile strength, Yield strength, Percentage elongation, fracture strain and Young's Modulus of the selected me…Full description
this flexural test is on steel with 3 different specimens. those three specimens differ in their shape and size.(circular steel bar, 2 rectangular steel bar; different diameter) using Instro…Full description
The objective of this experiment is to investigate the behavior of two material specimens under a Tensile Test. The materials to be investigated are Copper and Steel. From performing the Ten…Full description
Experimental Lab Report of Permeability TestFull description
Full description
Lap report for compression test.
Marshall test reportFull description
1 CE281-Geotechnical Engineering I
Atterberg Limit Test
To determine the liquid limit, the plastic limit and the linear shrinage and plasticit! inde" o# the gi$en soil sample%
MATERIALS AND APPARATUS Special: 1% Liquid Liquid limit limit de$ice de$ice and groo$i groo$ing ng tool tool or liquid liquid limit test' 2% Large Large glass glass plate plate or or plastic plastic limit limit test' test' (% )al# )al# c!lind c!lindrica ricall linear linear shrin shrinage age mold mold General: 1% *ist *istil ille led d +ate +ater r
6ater pla!s an important role in soil mechanics practice +hen dealing +ith densit!, $oid ratio, settlement and strength characteristics o# either disturbed or undisturbed soils% 7ine-grained soils in particular can be in one o# se$eral states depending on the amount o# +ater in the soil% 6hen +ater is added to dr! soil, the indi$idual particle is co$ered +ith adsorbed +ater #orming a thin #ilm around it% I# the addition o# +ater is continued, the thicness o# the +ater #ilm +ill continue to increase, thereb! #acilitating the sliding e##ect bet+een adoining particles% Thus it is a #act that the beha$iour o# the soil is related to the amount o# +ater in the s!stem% &andal and *i$shiar 199.'% THEORY
In 1911, a 3+edish agriculture scientist, A% Atterberg de#ined the boundaries o# states in terms o# :limits; as #ollo+s% These limits are o#ten called as :Atterberg limits;% • • •
Liquid limit is the boundar! bet+een liquid and plastic state%
Liquid Plastic Solid
Semi solid
Figure 3: Volume Verses Moisture Content
In 19(2, A% Casagrande de#ined those limits more precisel! #ollo+s= Chandrasena 5%
E4 1/ .1(1 (8
3 CE281-Geotechnical Engineering I
Atterberg Limit Test
1% Liquid Limit &LL' The +ater content, in percent, required to close the groo$e along the bottom o# the groo$e a#ter 2. blo+s, +hen arred in a speci#ied manner% 2% suall!
(% 3hrinage Limit &3L' The +ater content that is ust su##icient to #ill the pores +hen the soil is at the minimum $olume, +hich +ill attain b! dr!ing% /%
Li!"i# Li$i% De%er$ina%i&n
1% The liquid limit apparatus +as calibrated to 1mm #alling height using the space gauge on the groo$ing tool handle% 2% About 1g o# moist soil passing through sie$e 4o% / +as taen and +as mi"ed thoroughl! +ith distilled +ater to #orm a uni#orm paste% (% A portion o# the paste +as placed in the cup o# the liquid limit de$ice, the sur#ace +as smoothed o## to a ma"imum depth o# inch, and the groo$ing tool +as dra+n through the sample along the s!mmetrical a"is o# the cup holding the tool perpendicular to the cup a t the point o# contact% /% The crac handle +as turned at a rate o# about t+o re$olutions per second, and the number o# blo+s necessar! to close the groo$e in the soil #or a distance o# inch +as counted% .% 6hen a consistent $alue in the range o# 1 to . blo+s +as obtained, appro"imatel! 1g o# soil +as taen #rom the closed groo$e #or a +ater content determination% 0% 7i$e +ater content determinations in the range o# 1 to / blo+s +ere obtained b! altering the +ater o# the soil and repeating the steps &2' to &.'% (ii
Pla'%ic Li$i% De%er$ina%i&n
1% About 1.g o# the moist soil used #or the liquid limit test +as mi"ed thoroughl!% Chandrasena 5%
E4 1/ .1(1 (8
4 CE281-Geotechnical Engineering I
Atterberg Limit Test
2% The soil +as rolled on a glass plate +ith the hand until it is appro"imatel! (mm in diameter% (% The step &2' +as repeated b! changing the +ater content until a ( mm diameter thread sho+ed signs o# crumbling% /% The crumbling material obtained in step &(' +as taen #or the +ater content determination% .% Three determinations +ere obtained +hich can be a$eraged to determine the plastic limit, b! repeating the steps &2' to &/'%