Lactic Acid Training - A Complete 6 Week Program for FAST Fat Loss By Nick Nilsson The "Mad Scientist of Muscle" Did you know tat Lactic Acid can old te !"# to $urning stu$$orn fat% Well&&&now you do' So what I've got for you here is a full 6-week progra designed to a!iie fat-#urning #y using the horonal effects of $actic %cid Training to your advantage&
To su it up for you really uick&&&when you get $actic %cid #uild-up in the #ody (due to hard training)* this causes a release of +rowth ,orone* which is one of T, ost powerful fat-#urning and uscle-sparing horones in the #ody& .hen co#ined with a targeted* reduced-calorie diet* this can result in your #ody pulling fat fro those stu##orn pockets that are usually so hard to get at& If you've got y #ook Meta#olic Surge - /apid 0at $oss* you'll know all a#out this type of training& It plays a very specific part in the overall progra&
(owe)er* $ecause tis info is so effecti)e* +,)e decided to epand on it for tis and put togeter a fat loss program designed A./01D Lactic Acid Training& +t,s not 2ust a small part - it +S te program& So if you have the progra and are already failiar with $actic %cid Training* you can skip down to the #otto section where I'll #e laying out the actual progra to follow& This progra doesn't address nutrition or diet* 1ust the weight training& If you need ore info on what to eat2 3AS+C 1utrition - A 4uick* Common-Sense 5uide To Wat #ou Sould 3e "ating to Stay (ealty and 5et .esults .igt 1ow 3ne ore thing&&&43 N3T eat anything at least 5 to hours #efore these workouts& ,aving any food in you will defeat the horonal purpose of the workout* which is +rowth ,orone secretion& +, secretion is #lunted when #lood sugar is higher* which happens as a result of food intake& Train on an epty stoach and you'll get #etter results&
(ow Lactic Acid Training Works In a nutshell* this style of training is designed to force your #ody to produce a lot of $actic %cid in the target uscles and keep it there& /esearch has shown that te presence of Lactic Acid can cause an increase in $ot growt ormone and testosterone secretion $y te $ody & These are two of the ost ana#olic (uscle #uilding) and lipolytic (fat #urning) horones in the huan #ody7 The result8 9our #ody is forced to #uild uscle while #urning treendous aounts of fat& $actic %cid Training causes your uscles to fail due to lower cellular p, (the acid lowers p,* which is the acid-#ase #alance in the #lood& .hen it's gets too low* your uscles are una#le to contract effectively) and not due to contractile failure (the point where your uscle fi#ers are too fatigued to continue)& Not #eing a#le to push to contractile failure protects the uscles fro e!cessive #reakdown* which is critical to preserving uscle ass under reduced-calorie conditions* i&e& dieting& $actic %cid Training also #urns uite a lot of calories during
the session itself& This is #ecause of the very short rest periods and high volue of work& This* in turn* keeps your heart rate in an aero#ic conditioning one even during the rest* further increasing the #enefits of the training& Increased +rowth ,orone levels also increase the use of fat for energy during recovery after intense e!ercise& This eans your #ody will #e #urning fat in order to help you recover fro your training7 %s well* high-rep $actic %cid Training trains the Type : uscle fi#ers (endurance-oriented)* developing and ultiplying the cellular energy furnaces known as itochondria * which rely greatly on fats to supply energy to your cells& This eans your #ody will #ecoe ore productive at #urning fat even while at rest& The high volue of the training you will #e doing will also help to stiulate +rowth ,orone production& ,igher training volue has #een shown to produce a #etter +rowth ,orone response than lower-volue training& The high-rep ualities of the training helps to develop circulation in the uscles #y increasing the nu#er of capillaries (tiny #lood vessels) feeding the uscles& More circulation eans ore nutrients which eans easier uscle growth down the line7 ;ut all these aaing #enefits together and you've got one incredi#ly powerful training techniue7
(ow To Do +t The #asic e!ecution of $actic %cid Training is very siple& 1.
3. 4.
;ick one single e!ercise* using a weight you can get around 5< to =< reps with& 4o as any reps as you can until your uscles are #urning so strongly and are so flooded with lactic acid that you can't ove the weight& 9ou will pro#a#ly have to drop the weight pretty uickly #y this point7 /est 5< seconds& Now do another set with the sae weight& 9ou will pro#a#ly only #e a#le to get > to :< reps with that weight* even if you
1ust did =< reps with it a few seconds ago& The short rest period eans the lactic acid hasn't had tie to fully clear and you will fail due to lactic acid #uild-up in the uscles rather than true uscular failure (which is what we want)& 5. /est 5< seconds then do another set& 6. /epeat this for a total of 6 to :5 sets per #odypart* depending on the progra reuireents and which #odypart you're working& The nu#er of reps you can do ay drop down to = or even less #ut don't worry* rep nu#ers are not particularly iportant here& 9ou're #asically trying to churn out as uch lactic acid as possi#le - the 5< seconds rest is not enough tie for the #ody to clear it away #ut enough tie to allow you to go again very soon& ?uite often you'll find that after a few sets you hit a steady state where you're using the sae weight and getting the sae nu#er of reps on each set& 3ne of the nice features of this type of training is that you can reduce your war-up to alost nothing as the first set ay #e done with such light weight that it can actually serve as your war-up& %s well* the negative or eccentric aspect of the rep (generally the lowering of the weight) need not #e ephasied when doing $actic %cid Training& /esearch has shown that the positive or concentric phase of the rep (when the uscle is contracting) is ore productive in ters of +rowth ,orone release than the negative phase& This doesn't ean you should ignore the negative - 1ust don't focus on it to the detrient of the positive phase of the rep& +n plain "nglis* it will $e $etter to focus on getting more reps tan on doing long* slow negati)es& 9ou ay use two e!ercises per #odypart #ut one is usually #est as 5< seconds is not uch tie to switch #etween e!ercises& ,ave the ne!t e!ercise set up and ready to go if you do switch& If you are doing an e!ercise that is done one ar or leg at a tie* e&g& : ar pushdowns* don't take 5< seconds rest #etween sets* 1ust 1up #ack and forth #etween the two ars without any rest for the full nu#er of sets you're doing& The sae thing applies to legs
7ariations of Lactic Acid Training Though the single-e!ercise* straight-through techniue works e!treely well* here are a few variations on this thee that you ay wish to try in order to #reak things up a little and keep variety in your workouts& Several of these techniues
are incorporated into the Training 4ays in the progra #elow&
+solation 8 Compound 9ump Sets
Start with a single-1oint isolation oveent for high reps* then do a copound oveent for high reps* then 1up #ack to the isolation oveent& @eep alternating& By switching #etween isolation and copound* you allow the assisting uscles a longer rest in #etween sets #ut are still working the target uscle hard& This will allow you to get ore reps on the copound oveent #y allowing the relatively fresher assisting uscles to push the target uscle harder* flooding that uscle with ore lactic acid& 0or e!aple* alternate #etween du#ell flyes and flat #ar#ell #ench&
Pre-"aust Sets
Antagonist Training
The first half of your sets will #e done with an isolation oveent* while the second half are done with a copound oveent& 0or e!aple* if you are doing :5 sets total for chest* do 6 sets of ca#le cross-overs first then finish with 6 sets of #ench press& This will fatigue the target uscle* then allow the assistance uscles in the copound oveent to push the target uscle harder& It also helps spare the assistance uscles soewhat for when it is their turn to #e worked&
Switch #ack and forth #etween antagonist uscles* e&g& chest and #ack& This will keep your weights higher than going straight through on one #odypart and allow nearly dou#le the reps once the lactic acid starts flowing&
+solation /nly This entails doing only one or two single-1oint Sets isolation e!ercises in a workout* e&g& :5 sets of :
ar pushdowns& This techniue is ideal for when you are a little fatigued as it still produces lactic acid #ut it is a ore focused #urn and does not involve any assistance fro other uscle groups& 0or e!aple* if your triceps are #urnt out fro direct tricep work and you are training chest* do :5 sets of flyes or cross-overs (chest e!ercises that do not involve the triceps) instead of #ench press& If you train with presses* the uality of your chest work ay suffer due to tricep fatigue&
/ne .ep Training
Take a weight you can do or A reps with (<-=C of :/M* e&g& if you can #ench << pounds* use 5D= pounds) and only do one rep with it& /est 5< seconds& 4o another rep& Eontinue for the desired nu#er of sets (:5 is a#out right)& 9ou will #e chasing the #urn on this one eaning it will not #e #urning until the last few sets& This techniue allows you to do an increased volue of training with near a!iu weights& It is a great way to #ecoe accustoed to handling weights near your a! and* as you ove on to the last few sets* it is good practice for fighting to lift the weight yourself as it is a progressive reduction in strength& 3n each set you will have to fight for it 1ust a little #it ore& This has the indirect effect of increasing your ental focus and training drive when using heavy weight& 9ou will #e ore likely to try to fight to get it up rather than 1ust #ailing out& This is also a great way to aintain your strength when you are on a reduced-calorie diet& Single reps don't last long enough to #e affected greatly #y low glycogen supplies&
Final Set Lactic Acid
3n the last set of the workout* whatever other variation you are using* drop to an e!treely light
weight and do an e!treely high rep set (=< plus reps) to saturate the uscles with as uch lactic acid as possi#le& This is a very good ental challenge to see how far you can push your #ody through the #urn&
1otes $actic acid training is hard to do with a partner #ecause you ay end up resting too long in #etween sets& Twenty seconds usually isn't enough tie to switch places* do a set and switch places again especially if you have to change weights in #etween sets& If you work with a partner* do different e!ercises at the sae tie on different euipent& 3r try this2 1up sets #etween two e!ercises or #odypart* e&g& you do #ench while your partner does chins* #oth rest 5< seconds& 9ou ove to chins* your partner oves to #ench& /epeat for twelve sets of each e!ercise& 9ou can challenge each other to see who can last the longest in each set when starting at the sae tie& % useful tip with $actic %cid Training is to #ring a water #ottle around with you when you train& The rest periods are not long enough to go to a fountain to get a drink unless you are alost right #eside it& If take too long getting a drink* the effectiveness of the training will #e diinished considera#ly& 4o not stretch #etween sets& The idea #ehind $actic %cid Training is to keep the lactic acid in the area as uch as possi#le& Stretching helps clear it out& Stretch after the #odypart is done or after the entire workout is done&
Lactic Acid For Fat Loss Training Program $actic %cid Training #y itself is great* #ut to really take advantage of your #ody's adaptive responses* I've also decided to incorporate a gradually #uilding of training volue when doing the progra& %fter weeks of increasing the nu#er
of sets* we'll then drop #ack and change the focus of the $actic %cid Training soewhat - still fat loss #ut with soe strength stuff added in& ,ere's the theory #ehind that* if you're interested2 Training on te "dge - Learn (ow /)ertraining on Purpose Can 5et #ou :aimum .esults FAST' It #asically forces progress through increases in training volue* gets you to the point of overtraining* then #acks off& .hen you #ack off* your #ody is still in high gear trying to recover fro the overtraining* so you get fast results7 This progra is done A days a week& 9ou can also perfor cardio training with the training - I'd suggest doing it on 4ay : and 4ay * after your training session& The reason for this is that you ost likely won't feel like doing cardio after working the thighs with $actic %cid Training7 If you'd like to do ore cardio* add it as 4ay =& .hen doing cardio with the weights* do it for only :< inutes& 3n it's own* you can do it for up to 5< inutes* depending on the style of interval training you're doing& ,ere's soe info on Interval Training for cardio2 Wat Do #ou :ean Low-+ntensity Training +sn,t Te 3est For Fat 3urning% Te +nsider Secrets of +nter)al Training - Learn (ow 1ow' %#s can #e worked at the end of each training session - to = sets each tie& .hen I have "Straigt Troug Lactic Acid Training - no special tecni;ues" listed* it eans 1ust start with how $actic %cid Training was first e!plained - 5< to =
< Training Days Per Week Training Days - :onday* Tuesday* Tursday* Friday
.est Days - Wednesday* Saturday* Sunday W""! = Rest period - always 20 seconds between sets. On Day 3 and Day 4, you will be going back and forth between isolation and compound exercises, e.g. 1 set of flyes, then 1 set of press, then 1 set of flyes, etc. for a total of 8 sets (for chest - works out to 4 sets on each exercise). When your bodypart doesn't have specific isolation or compound exercises, e .g. calves - just pick 2 different exercises and work those back and forth. The training techniques described in the program layout and listed above.
Straight Through Straight Through Lactic Acid Training - Lactic Acid Training - Isolation / Compound Isolation / Compound no special no special Jump Sets Jump Sets techniques techniques (8) Back
(6) Shoulders
(8) Back
(6) Shoulders
(8) Chest
(6) Triceps
(8) Chest
(6) Triceps
(5) Biceps
(8) Thighs
(5) Biceps
(8) Thighs
(5) Calves
(4) Hamstrings
(5) Calves
(4) Hamstrings
W""! > Rest period - always 20 seconds between sets. On the Pre-Exhaust days, the first half of your sets will an isolation exercise, e.g. 5 sets of flyes. The second half will be compound, e.g. bench press.
Straight Through Straight Through Lactic Acid Training - Lactic Acid Training no special no special techniques techniques
Pre-Exhaust Sets
Pre-Exhaust Sets
(10) Back
(8) Shoulders
(10) Back
(8) Shoulders
(10) Chest
(8) Triceps
(10) Chest
(8) Triceps
(6) Biceps
(10) Thighs
(6) Biceps
(10) Thighs
(6) Calves
(6) Hamstrings
(6) Calves
(6) Hamstrings
W""! ? Rest period - always 20 seconds between sets. This is the toughest week with the highest training volume. Note the change in bodypart order on Day 3 and Day 4 - shoulders have switched days with biceps in order to pair bi's and tri's antagonistically. So do back and chest antagonistically, shoulders and calves (nothing antagonistic about either o f them but it's what's left over), biceps and triceps, then thighs/quads and hamstrings. Most leg exercises like squats and leg press focus primarily on the quads and glutes, and most people have a tendency to neglect their hamstrings - this will help bring things into balance. DAY 1
Straight Through Straight Through Lactic Acid Training - Lactic Acid Training no special no special techniques techniques
Antagonist Lactic Acid Training
Antagonist Lactic Acid Training
(12) Back
(10) Shoulders
(12) Back
(8) Biceps
(12) Chest
(8) Triceps
(12) Chest
(8) Triceps
(6) Biceps
(12) Thighs
(6) Shoulders
(10) Thighs/Quads
(6) Calves
(6) Hamstrings
(6) Calves
(10) Hamstrings
W""!S <* @* 6 Rest period - always 20 seconds between sets. This week we go back to the same training volume as Week 1. On Day 3 and Day 4 here, you'll notice that I've given you an option between One Rep Sets and normal Lactic Acid Training. The reason for this is that some bodyparts/exercises don't always lend themselves to single rep efforts, e.g. calves or shoulders. You may not also feel up to maximum efforts strength-wise, in which case you can opt for the Straight Through Lactic Acid Training. Definitely be sure and give the One Rep Sets technique a try at some point, though! DAY 1
Isolation Only Sets
Isolation Only Sets
One Rep Sets or Straight Through Lactic Acid Training
One Rep Sets or Straight Through Lactic Acid Training
(8) Back
(6) Shoulders
(8) Back
(6) Shoulders
(8) Chest
(6) Triceps
(8) Chest
(6) Triceps
(5) Biceps
(8) Thighs
(5) Biceps
(8) Thighs
(5) Calves
(4) Hamstrings
(5) Calves
(4) Hamstrings
Note the decrease in the number of sets you are doing and the change in focus of the Lactic Acid variations. This is the "easier" phase where your body plays catch-up with recovery. Don't back off on intensity, however. Keep pushing on all your exercises!
Keep on this phase until your results start to slow down then ramp up again with weeks 1, 2, and 3. This training strategy delivers consistent results, taking advantage of your body's natural physiological response to increased demand.
That's the progra7 %nd as I entioned at the start* $actic %cid Training is an iportant part of y Meta#olic Surge - /apid 0at $oss progra* which is literally T, single ost effective fat-loss progra I've ever used& In addition to $actic %cid Training* it includes a nu#er of other very targeted training techniues&&&techniues that are strategically ipleented according to e!actly .,%T you're eating and .,N&
(onestly* te results you can wit tis program are incredi$le& Ceck out :eta$olic Surge ere&&&
%nd if you have any uestions a#out the $actic %cid Training progra a#ove* 1ust let e know7 9ou can contact e through y ,elpdesk any tie7 Nick Nilsson The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"