Soal Tentang Asking and Giving Opinion & Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction
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RPP bahasa inggris kelas XI
RPP bahasa inggris kelas XI
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Asking & Giving SuggestionFull description
Asking & Giving Suggestion
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: SMPN 25 Bandar Lampung
: English
: Asking and Giving Opinion
: Speaking
Time allocation
: 2 x 40 Minutes
A. Competency standard:
Expressing the meaning in written text functional and simple short essay in descriptive form, and recount for interact surroundings environment.
B. Basic Competence: Competence:
Expressing the meaning in simple short written text te xt functional by using various written language accurately, fluently and thankful for interact in surroundings environment.
C. Indicator:
Students are able to: A. State the information in short text functional. B. State the functional communicative of short text functional.
C. Character of Students:
A. Active B. Trustworthines C. Respect D. Diligence
E. Learning objectives: objectives:
1. State the information in short text functional about asking and giving opinion by identifying the expression of asking and giving opinion in a dialogue. 2. State the functional communicative of asking and giving opinion by expressing the idea of asking and giving opinion in a dialogue.
F. Learning material :
Opinion is including of the words or sentence that consist of argument, reason, or opinion from someone. Asking and giving opinion is the dialogue that is used for talking about arguments or opinions from two people or more.
Expressing of Asking opinion Formal
Do you have any idea?
What do you think of …?
Do you have any opinion on …?
What do you think about… about …?
Have you got any comments on …?
What is your idea/opinion?
What is your opinion about… about…?
How do you feel about… about…?
What are you feeling about… about …?
How do you think of …?
Expressing of Giving opinion Formal
I personally believe… believe…
I think …
I personally consider …
In my opinion… opinion…
I personally think/feel… think/feel…
In my case… case…
Well, personally… personally…
In my mind… mind… I believe… believe….
Example: Formal expression
Mr. Edward
: What is your opinion about my way in teaching English?
: I personally think your way in teaching English is very good. Keep your way sir.
Mr. Edward
: Thank you so much for your opinion.
: You are welcome.
Informal expression
: What do you think of my my new hair, Sarah?
: I think it it is cool
: Oh it is nice to hear that, thank you.
: It’ It’s okay!
G. Teaching media:
1. White board 2. Marker 3. Pictures and Videos 4. LCD and Projector
H. Method:
Cooperative Learning
I. Learning Steps
1. Preliminary activities a. Starting the lesson by praying. b. Checking student’s attendance list. c. Reviewing last lesson. d. Brainstorming. e. Teacher asks students of knowledge about asking and giving opinion.
2. Core activities a. Exploration The teacher asks the students to pay attention when the teacher describes the material, and listen carefully what the teacher says. b. Elaboration 1. Asking and answering all about thing based on the topic/ theme of functional text which will explained. 2. Showing the pictures and ask the opinion from the students related to the pictures. 3. Giving the worksheet to the students. c. Confirmation 1. The teacher correct of their answer. 2. The teacher asks the thing haven not understood by students.
3. Closing activities a. The teacher give conclusion about the material of asking and giving opinion. b. The teacher asks students difficulties in getting information of the asking and giving opinion.
book) , “When English Rings a Bell” J. Sources: Effective English (English book), (English book), book), and other relevant sources.
K. Assesment:
a. Instruments: Makes a dialogue about asking and giving opinion based on this picture!
Bandar Lampung, 15 November 2016
Caretaker Teacher,
Teacher Trainee,
Erwin Junaidi, S.Pd.
Eliya Murtafiah
NIP. 19780421 19780421 200903 1 002 002
NPM. 1311040006 1311040006
Approved By: Headmaster of SMPN 25 Bandar Lampung
DR. H.M. Badrun, M. Ag NIP. 19670820 19670820 199512 1 002 002