OBJECTIVES: At the end of the e!!on, the !tudent! are e"#e$ted to: A. Co%#are Co%#are the $hara$te $hara$ter&!t&$ r&!t&$! ! of a heathy and %anour&!h %anour&!hed ed $h&d' $h&d' B. Ident&fy Ident&fy the food food !our$e! !our$e! of the e!!ent&a e!!ent&a nutr&ent! nutr&ent! and &t! fun$t&on! fun$t&on!'' C. (eter%&ne (eter%&ne the !&)n! !&)n! and !y%#to%! !y%#to%! and d&!ea!e! d&!ea!e! re!ut&n) re!ut&n) fro% fro% nutr&t&ona de*$&en$&e!' (. A##re$&ate food! that are o+$o!t o+$o!t but +&th h&)h nutr&t&-e -aue' E. Con!tru$t Con!tru$t +orth+h& +orth+h&e e &nfor%at&o &nfor%at&ona na #o!ter! #o!ter! that that +& !er-e !er-e a! an a+arene!! to the d&!ea!e! #re!ented
To#&$: To#&$: (&!ea!e! e!ut&n) e!ut&n) Fro% Fro% utr&t&ona (e*$&en$y (e*$&en$y eferen$e: eferen$e: ra$t&$a S$&en$e Con$e#t! and S3&!' S$&en$e 4earner! /odue a)e!: 120126' 617615 Author: 4u&!&to E-an)e&!ta /ater&a!: V&!ua A&d!, Chart!, &$ture! and Iu!trat&on!, Cha3, Board, Era!er Vaue! Inte)rat&on: 8&-&n) &%#ortan$e to the !$he%e of a +e baan$ed d&et III.
Teacher ’s Activity A. E4I/I E4I/IA A9 9 OTI OTIE E 8ood afternoon%orn&n) $a!!. Before +e !tart, #ea!e arran)e your $ha&r! and #&$3 u# the #&e$e! of #a#er! or any d&rt near you or under your $ha&r. $ha&r. Are +e a ready; ea!e !tand e-eryone and et u! #ray. #ray. T&na, 3&ndy ead ead the O#en&n) rayer rayer.. Ar&)ht, e-eryone, you %ay no+ ta3e your !eat. /ay I re
B. /O /OTI TIV VATIO TIO Before +e !tart our e!!on, I +oud &3e you to ta3e a oo3 at the!e t+o #&$ture!. =hat $an you !ay about the%; =hat $an you !ay about th&! #&$ture >heathy $h&d?; @o+ about th&! one >%anour&!hed $h&d?;
Stde!t’s Activity
8ood afternoon%orn&n) /aa%.
9e!, 9e!, /aa%. In the na%e of the Father Father
>The !tudent! +& ta3e a oo3 and !$rut&n&e the #&$ture!.?
A heathy $h&d at the $enter. A %anour&!h $h&d. A #er!on +&th he#at&t&!. A #er!on +ho %an&fe!t yeo+&!h !3&n d&!$oorat&on. A $h&d +&th !ore ! and ton)ue. Very )ood. =hat do you not&$e +&th the t&re of the +hee;
The t&re of the +hee $on!&!t! of the #&$ture! of the #eo#e e"#er&en$&n) d&!ea!e! that re!ut fro% a$3 of food! and be$au!e of #o&!on&n).
Therefore, th&! %orn&n) afternoon +e +& d&!$u!! about the d&!ea!e! re!ut&n) fro% nutr&t&ona de*$&en$y and &n)e!t&on of har%fu !ub!tan$e!. The #er!on +& be th&n, #ae, unabe to #erfor% a$t&-&t&e!, !&$3y
=hat $o%e! &nto your %&nd +hen the body! nutr&t&ona need! are not ade
I th&n3 I +oud be &n #an&$. I +& a!3 for he# for #eo#e to #ro-&de %e +&th *r!t a&d or ru!h %e to the neare!t ho!#&ta.
C. ACTIVIT9 4et u! ha-e an a$t&-&ty: Ntrie!ts
F""d s"rces
R"#e i! the $"dy
Carbohydrates Protein Fats Vitamins and Minerals
I +& )rou# you &nto three )rou#! and +or3 on th&! a$t&-&ty. On the 1!t earn&n) !tat&on, 8rou# 1 +& abe food !our$e!. On the 2nd earn&n) !tat&on, 8rou# 2 +& abe the fun$t&on!. And on the 6 rd earn&n) !tat&on, 8rou# 6 +& abe the de*$&en$y !&)n! and !y%#to%!.
9e!, /aa%.
O3ay $a!!. Are you ready; &ndy #ro$eed to your de!&)nated )rou#, I +& )&-e you 10 %&nute! to #erfor% the 9e!, /aa%. a$t&-&ty.
De%cie!cy si&!s ' sy()t"(s
Are you ready to #re!ent the a$t&-&ty; 8oodD The *r!t )rou# +& #re!ent the&r +or3. Very )oodD The !e$ond )rou# +& no+ #re!ent the&r +or3. 8reatD F&nay, the th&rd )rou# +& no+ !hare the&r +or3. E"$eentD o+, et u! )&-e ea$h )rou# a Baran)ay Ca#. (. AA49SIS o+, +e +& $he$3 &f you )ot &t a $orre$t. Ntrie!ts Carbohydrates
F""d s"rces Bread, rice, wheat, oats, corn, fruits potatoes, beans, milk #eats, e$$s, %sh, dairy products&milk, yo$urt and cheese', beans, nuts #eat, %sh, poultry, dairy products, olie oil, animal products
Vitamins V&ta%&n A >Carotene?
8reen and yeo+ -e)etabe!, e)) yo3, %&3, *!h
V&ta%&n B1 >Th&a%&n?
E))!, nut!, )reen -e)etabe!, %eat. Soybean!, %&3
V&ta%&n B2 >&boGa-&n?
V&ta%&n B6 >&a$&n?
/eat, %&3, *!h, e))!, &-er, +hoe )ra&n, eafy -e)etabe! To%atoe!, #otatoe!, %eat, *!h &-er, e))!, +hoe )ra&n, eafy
R"#e i! the $"dy ENERGY- GIING !oods
De%cie!cy si&!s ' sy()t"(s Body weakness, loss of stamina
B()Y B*I+)ING !oods
Growth failure, muscle wastin$, thin limbs, wrinkled face
Can be used as ener$y and protects us from cold
)ry, scaly skin, dry eyes, mouth throat, e.cessie thirst, craes for fats
Fo!ter&n) nor%a -&!&on and !3&n' nor%a )ro+th and #ro#er de-eo#%ent of bone! and teeth or%a a##et&te and fun$t&on&n) of the ner-ou! !y!te%' %u!$e! and heart' o"&dat&on of food! @eathy !3&n, fun$t&on&n) of the eye!' o"&dat&on of food! @eathy !3&n' #ro#er fun$t&on&n) of the ner-ou! !y!te%, !to%a$h,
S3&n that &! #rone to &nfe$t&on, n&)ht b&ndne!!, !tunted )ro+th, defe$t&-e re#rodu$t&on Ber&ber&
InGa%%at&on >!orene!! and !+e&n)? of the ton)ue and ! ea)ra
V&ta%&n B12 >Cobaa%&n?
-e)etabe! 4&-er, 3&dney, *!h, )reen -e)etabe!
V&ta%&n C >A!$orb&$ A$&d?
C&tru! fru&t!, fre!h to%atoe!, eafy )reen -e)etabe!
V&ta%&n ( >Ca$&fero?
/&3, e))!, &-er, *!h&-er o&
V&ta%&n E
=hoe )ra&n, %eat, eafy -e)etabe!' %&3, butter 4eafy )reen -e)etabe!, e)) yo3, %&3
(a&ry food!, )reen eafy -e)etabe!, *!h, %&3, e))!, #outry, &-er, 3&dney, tabe !at, dr&n3&n) +ater
&nte!t&ne! or%a a$t&on of the ner-ou! !y!te%, nor%a bood for%at&on and )ro+th For )ro+th, !tren)th of bood -e!!e! de-eo#%ent of teeth, heath of )u%! For nor%a )ro+th and $ond&t&on of teeth and bone! or%a #rodu$t&on
or%a bood $ott&n)
Bu&d&n) of bone! and teeth, bood $ott&n), $ondu$t&on of ner-e and !&)na! and a$&d ba!e baan$e
ern&$&ou! ane%&a and d&!order! of the ner-ou! !y!te%
(&!ea!e of the )u%! $aed !$ur-y
It $an re!ut to !oft bone! $aed r&$3et! robe%! on the re#rodu$t&-e !y!te% @e%orrha)e &n %&nor +ound!
Stunted )ro+th, tooth de$ay, bone and %u!$e +ea3ne!!e!, $ra%#!, ane%&a, d&arrhea, dehydrat&on
9our an!+er! are a $orre$t. I ha-e here the d&Herent d&!ea!e! $au!ed by nutr&t&ona de*$&en$y ba!ed fro% your an!+er!. Ntrie!ts Carbohydrates
De%cie!cy si&!s ' sy()t"(s Body weakness, loss of stamina
Growth failure, muscle wastin$, thin limbs, wrinkled face )ry, scaly skin, dry eyes, mouth throat, e.cessie thirst, craes for fats
Vitamins V&ta%&n A >Carotene?
V&ta%&n B1 >Th&a%&n? V&ta%&n B2 >&boGa-&n?
S3&n that &! #rone to &nfe$t&on, n&)ht b&ndne!!, !tunted )ro+th, defe$t&-e re#rodu$t&on 4o!! of a##et&te, &nd&)e!t&on, fat&)ue ner-e &rr&tab&&ty, heart fa&ure InGa%%at&on >!orene!! and !+e&n)? of the ton)ue and !
Diseases *sa$e of fat as fuel/ ketosis/ low blood su$ars/ underwei$ht/ marasmus 0washiorkor/ marasmus Cardio-ascular diseases, mental health conditions, in1ammatory conditions
y$tao#&a >n&)ht b&ndne!!? Ber&ber&
Cornea -a!$uar&at&on, )o!!&t&!, der%at&t&!, $he&o!&!, ane%&a
V&ta%&n B6 >&a$&n? V&ta%&n B12 >Cobaa%&n? V&ta%&n C >A!$orb&$ A$&d? V&ta%&n ( >Ca$&fero? V&ta%&n E >to$o#hero? V&ta%&n Minerals
Ind&)e!t&on, $an3er !ore!, fat&)ue, -o%&t&n), de#re!!&on S3&n #aene!!, %u!$e +ea3ne!!, $han)e &n &nte!t&na $oor, fat&)ue, $he!t #a&n So+ +ound hea&n), beed&n), fa&ure to for% $onne$t&-e t&!!ue (efe$t! &n bone for%at&on Fra)&e red bood $e!, %u!$uar +ea3ne!! Interna beed&n)
ea)ra ern&$&ou! ane%&a and d&!order! of the ner-ou! !y!te% (&!ea!e of the )u%! $aed !$ur-y It $an re!ut to !oft bone! $aed r&$3et! robe%! &n re#rodu$t&-e !y!te% @e%orrha)&$ d&!ea!e!
Stunted )ro+th, tooth de$ay, bone and %u!$e +ea3ne!!e!, $ra%#!, ane%&a, d&arrhea, dehydrat&on
The foo+&n) are other d&!ea!e! of the d&)e!t&-e !y!te%: 1. Coon and re$ta $an$er 2. Sto%a$h $an$er 6. (&arrhea 7. @eartburn 5. @e#at&t&! . Sto%a$h and duodena u$er The foo+&n) are other d&!ea!e! that re!ut fro% &n)e!t&on of har%fu !ub!tan$e!: 1. Chemical Poisoning. Th&! &! $au!ed by &n)e!t&on, &nhaat&on, or ab!or#t&on of har%fu !ub!tan$e! by the body. The!e $he%&$a! $an $au!e da%a)e to the $e! and or)an!, aHe$t&n) the +hoe body !y!te%!. Can you $&te the $o%%on $he%&$a! that $an $au!e #o&!on&n);
Ar&)ht. 9ou )ot &t r&)ht. The t+o %o!t $o%%on har%fu $he%&$a! are the %er$ury and ead. =hat do you th&n3 $an be the #o!!&be !y%#to%! +hen you ha-e &n)e!ted the!e har%fu $he%&$a!; The an!+er! of your! +ere a $orre$t. It $an $au!e heada$he!, nau!ea, -o%&t&n) and %e%ory o!!. E. ABSTACTIO #on 3no+&n) a the!e &nfor%at&on about nutr&t&ona de*$&en$&e! and the &n)e!t&on of har%fu !ub!tan$e!, $an you
4ead. /er$ury. 8a!. It $an $au!e heada$he. It $an %an&fe!t -o%&t&n). /aybe &t $an deter&orate bra&n fun$t&on!;
8rou# 1. It &! -ery !&)n&*$ant to be fa%&&ar&ed +&th the e!!ent&a nutr&ent! that our body need!. So that, +e $an #re-ent !u$h d&!ea!e!. 8O 2. =e be$a%e a+are of the d&!ea!e!, !o that, +e $an d&!!e%&nate th&! &n our !$hoo, at our ho%e! and &n the $o%%un&ty.
#au!e for a %o%ent and reGe$t +&th the $on!e
Than3 you. =&th a the!e re%ar3abe rea&at&on! of your!, I +& et you $on!tru$t an &nfor%at&ona #o!ter re)ard&n) the d&!ea!e! that +e ha-e %ent&oned !o that other !tudent!, tea$her! and #arent! of th&! !$hoo +& be a+are of the ne$e!!ary )rou# of food! to be eaten. F. A4ICATIO
8rou# 6.
An!+er: Che%&$a o&!on&n) An!+er: &$3et! An!+er: Fat! An!+er: heada$he!, nau!ea, -o%&t&n), %e%ory o!!
=r&te the $orre$t an!+er:
An!+er: @e%orrha)e beed&n)
1. It &! $au!ed by the &n)e!t&on, &nhaat&on, or ab!or#t&on of har%fu !ub!tan$e! by the body. 2. It &! the d&!ea!e that &! $au!ed by de*$&en$y &n -&ta%&n ( %an&fe!ted by !oft bone! and bone defor%at&on. 6. It &! the nutr&ent that $an be u!ed a! ener)y and $an #rote$t the hu%an body fro% $od !ea!on. 7. 8&-e %e the four !y%#to%! +hen a #er!on ha-e &n)e!ted &nhaed har%fu !ub!tan$e! #outant!. 5. =hat $an be the %an&fe!tat&on of a #er!on &f he &! a$3&n) -&ta%&n ( &n h&! d&et; . Th&! nutr&ent &! e!!ent&a &n bu&d&n) %u!$e! for )ro+th. . 8&-e at ea!t 6 food! that are r&$h &n #rote&n;
An!+er: rote&n
An!+er: /eat, *!h, e))!
F&nd out by a$$o%#&!h&n) the !$or&n) rubr&$ hone!ty and !&n$erey.
V. ASSI8/ET A8EE/ET 1. ead on ho+ to #re-ent, dete$t and treat the d&!ea!e! that re!ut fro% nutr&t&ona de*$&en$y and &n)e!t&on of har%fu !ub!tan$e!. 2. C&te +ay! on ho+ to #re-ent, dete$t and treat tho!e d&!ea!e!. eferen$e: ra$t&$a S$&en$e Con$e#t! and S3&! a)e!: 11120
re#ared by:
AT@9 C4AIE . BA44E8A
O$,ECTI-ES. At the end of the e!!on, the !tudent! are e"#e$ted to: 1. &dent&fy d&!ea!e! brou)ht by nutr&t&ona de*$&en$y and &n)e!t&on of har%fu d&!ea!e! 2. e"#a&n ho+ nutr&t&ona de*$&en$y and &n)e!t&on of har%fu !ub!tan$e! re!ut! fro% d&!ea!e! 6. $on!tru$t heath &nfor%at&on #o!ter that +& !er-e a! an a+arene!! to the d&!ea!e! $au!ed by nutr&t&ona de*$&en$y and &n)e!t&on of har%fu !ub!tan$e!
TOPIC. (&!ea!e! e!ut&n) fro% utr&t&ona (e*$&en$y and In)e!t&on of har%fu !ub!tan$e! REFERENCE. ra$t&$a S$&en$e Con$e#t! and S3&!' S$&en$e 4earner! /odue a)e!: 120126' 617615 AUT*OR. 4u&!&to E-an)e&!ta MATERIALS. V&!ua A&d!, Chart!, &$ture! and Iu!trat&on!, $ha3, board, era!er -ALUES INTEGRATION. 8&-&n) &%#ortan$e to the !$he%e of a +e baan$ed d&et. III+
A+ PRELIMINARY ACTI-ITIES. 8reet&n)! O#en&n) #rayer Che$3&n) of attendan$e Che$3&n) of a!!&)n%ent e$a $+ UNLOC/ING OF DIFFICULTIES. Disease an &%#a&r%ent of the nor%a !tate of the &-&n) body. Ntriti"!a# de%cie!cy0 o$$ur! +hen the body doe!nt ab!orb the ne$e!!ary a%ount of a nutr&ent. I!&esti"! the ta3&n) of %ater&a &nto the d&)e!t&-e !y!te% *ar(1# s2sta!ces0 a $he%&$a that $au!e! one to be$o%e !&$3. C+ MOTI-ATION. re!ent the =@EE4 OF @EA4T@ A( I44ESS to the $a!!. 4et the% anaye the #&$ture! on the +hee.
D+ ACTI-ITY. (&-&de the $a!! &nto *-e )rou#! and * &n the tabe +&th the needed data. DISEASES SIGNS AND NUTRIENT SYMPTOMS DEFICIENCY 1. +a!h&or3or Body +ea3ne!! 2. %ara!%u! rote&n 6. ny$tao#&a &)ht b&ndne!! 7. ber&ber& V&ta%&n B1 >Th&a%&n? 5. !+e&n) &n the ton)ue . #ea)ra V&ta%&n B6 >&a$&n? . ern&$&ou! ae !3&n Ane%&a K. S#on)y and beed&n) )u%! L. r&$3et! V&ta%&n ( >Ca$&fero? 10. @e%orrha) Beed&n) &n +ound! e
au!ea, -o%&t&n), heada$he
In)e!t&on of har%fu !ub!tan$e! !u$h a! ead, %er$ury.
4ead the earner! to the d&!$u!!&on on the d&Herent d&!ea!e!, &t! !&)n! and !y%#to%! and ho+ nutr&t&ona de*$&en$y and &n)e!t&on of har%fu !ub!tan$e! aHe$t! one! heath. Thorou)hy d&!$u!! a!o the &%#ortan$e of heathy &fe!tye and #ro#er d&et. E+ A$STRACTION. 4et the !tudent! reGe$t on the $on!e
E-ALUATION. Ident&fy +hat &! be&n) a!3ed by the foo+&n) !tate%ent!. =h&te your an!+er on a M !heet of #a#er. 1. It &! a d&!ea!e $au!ed by de*$&en$y &n -&ta%&n ( %an&fe!ted by !oft bone! and bone defor%at&on. 2. It &! $au!ed by the &n)e!t&on, &nhaat&on or ab!or#t&on of har%fu !ub!tan$e! by the body. 6. 4a$3 of NNNNNNNNNNN &n one! d&et &3ey re!ut! to ny$to#&a. 7. A NNNNNNNNNNNNthat a$3! e!!ent&a nutr&ent! )eneray $au!e! nutr&t&ona de*$&en$&e!. 5. A d&!ea!e $hara$ter&ed by a bu!h $oorat&on of the !3&n >!een on hand!, feet, !?.
AGREEMENT. 1. C&te +ay! on ho+ to dete$t and treat d&!ea!e! re!ut&n) fro% nutr&t&ona de*$&en$y.
eferen$e: ra$t&$a S$&en$e Con$e#t! and S3&! a)e!: 11120
re#ared by: /AT*Y CLAIRE P+ $ALLEGA
1. +a!h&or3or 2. %ara!%u! 6. ny$tao#&a 7. ber&ber&
5. )o!!&t&! . #ea)ra
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Body +ea3ne!! Se-ere %u!$e +a!t&n) &)ht b&ndne!! Bu!h $oorat&on of the !3&n >!een on hand!, feet, !? !+e&n) &n the ton)ue th&$3, !$ay #&)%ented ra!h on !3&n e"#o!ed to
NUTRIENT DEFICIENCY Carbohydrate rote&n
V&ta%&n A V&ta%&n B1 >Th&a%&n?
V&ta%&n B2 >&boGa-&n? V&ta%&n B6 >&a$&n?
. ern&$&ou! Ane%&a K. !$ur-y L. r&$3et! 10. @e%orrha) e 11. Che%&$a #o&!on&n)
!un&)ht ae !3&n S#on)y and beed&n) )u%! S3eeta defor%&t&e! Beed&n) &n +ound! au!ea, -o%&t&n), heada$he
V&ta%&n B12 >Cobaa%&n? V&ta%&n C >A!$orb&$ A$&d? V&ta%&n ( >Ca$&fero? V&ta%&n >hyto%enad&one? In)e!t&on of har%fu !ub!tan$e! !u$h a! ead, %er$ury.
UNLOC/ING OF DIFFICULTIES. Disease an &%#a&r%ent of the nor%a !tate of the &-&n) body. Ntriti"!a# de%cie!cy0 o$$ur! +hen the body doe!nt ab!orb the ne$e!!ary a%ount of a nutr&ent. I!&esti"! the ta3&n) of %ater&a &nto the d&)e!t&-e !y!te% *ar(1# s2sta!ces0 a $he%&$a that $au!e! one to be$o%e !&$3.