What are you seeking in your life right now? Do you believe this next job, person, or skill will lead to you feeling happy an d fulfilled? For many years years I was all about self-improvement. self-improvement. I loved finding new programs t hat would allow me to be better at body language, communication, business, psych ology, and so on. I somehow fell into the attitude that the good life is "out there" and the way t o get there is by becoming more. There was a subtle and unspoken belief that myself, at the moment, was not good enough; hence the reason for self-improvement. This notion followed followed me everywhere. everywhere. I would work out at the gym gym so that one one day I would have attained a strong and muscular body and would then have the confid ence and status I sought. I wished for a beautiful girlfriend to come into my life so I could attain the l ove and affection I sought. The only thing was, this type of plan was a failure right from the start. Once a person subscribes to the notion that their fulfillment is "out there," th ey have created created a pattern. (Another way to to look at it is that they have jumped into a specific stream of energy, one of need and lack). The thing with patterns (or energy streams), is that once a person is in them, i t's a bit tougher to turn them around. This means that even if a person gets what they want, they are so consumed by th e pattern, they will find something wrong with what they've attained and continu e on with a new version of the pattern. In my case, I worked out at the gym for a few years and got in pretty good shape . My friends would would compliment me and others would notice and for a while I felt felt great. Yet ultimately, I was not fulfilled and this need to be more transformed from ge tting in shape into becoming good with women. I would tell myself, "No, this is it. Once I learn how to attract women, that's when I'll really be happy. Just this one thing and I'll be good." So I learned all kinds of dating techniques and concepts and started dating a be autiful girlfriend. And again, for a short while, I was happy and seemingly fulfilled. Yet there is something interesting that I realized. Anything that is built from the energy of neediness will eventually drain itself and collapse; either slowly or in one fell swoop. Building something on the premise that it will fulfill you is like building on s hakey ground. Once a person realizes that a thing isn't going to fulfill them (usually after t hey achieve it), they neglect it.
They do this because they never really wanted that thing in the first place; the y wanted what they thought it would bring them. Without the end result, they mig ht as well throw the rest away. So of course, once I had "attained" a beautiful girlfriend, I ended up having pr oblems and realized that I knew barely anthing about relationships. Again, I went in search of something else to fulfill me. This is what led me to Ideagasms and Stephanes programs (along with many other books and programs you' ll find in the resources section). Luckily for me, his programs taught self-acceptance using the 7 Chakras as the f ramework. The key is accepting yourself wherever you are, since that brings you back into the present moment (which is where all your power is). You allow yourself to be fulfilled right now rather than sometime in the future (when you reach some goal). So I worked with his chakra program along with other various teachings and metho ds (such as EFT and TAT) over the past 2 years and was able to ground myself int o the reality of being fulfilled right now. One of the chakra frames that Stephane really hammers in is "I accept myself jus t the way I am, even though I'm not perfect." As I kept focusing on that one, intuitively I started letting go of things; unhe althy habits, unecessary possessions, unpleasant jobs, certain relationships, va rious positions. The more I let go, the easier it was to go within and experience joy and fulfill ment. There was no logical reason why I should; my health was a mess, my credit cards were racked up, my datings skills were at a major low, my business was no t working. Yet none of that mattered. I made a conscious decision to accept myself just the way I was, no matter what. The more I let go, the better life became. (This is what I'm still working on a nd what better way to internalize this attitude than to share it with others). Everything improved on its own. I realized that our default state is vibrant health, our default state is abunda nce, our default state is joy. If we aren't experiencing these states, it means we must let go of something. It means our energy is tied up in something and by letting it go, we are taking back our power. Just look at toddlers and you can observe this inner fulfillment in action; you can see it in their eyes. They find tremendous joy in dirt and plants and bugs. to be happy, they just are.
They don't need anything
Yet somehow, along the road of life, we forgot that we are the source of our own happiness and began to seek it "out there." Is it any wonder why so many of the pop stars and cultural icons have such perso nal turmoil? They have reached what many seek as the dream of glamor and fame a nd have come to realize it didn't give them what they really wanted. The real desire is for a connection with spirit, to feel our innate inner being flowing through us as vibrant and joyful energy. Spiritual work is the process of letting go of all that is not us. As we chip away at the illusions we have bought into, we free our energy and we allow our life experience to jump dramatically. Then, as we are free, we are in a better place to build sustainable creations be cause they are created out of a loving fulfilment rather than a resenting lack. In this way, they are grounded in the power of the universe rather than the forc e of the neediness. Ask yourself, what possessions are using up your energy? What relationships, career choices, or habits, are draining you? What positions are you holding onto that are causing you conflict with yourself and others?