Published in September 2011 by the Workplace Safety and Health Council in collaboration with the Ministry of Manpower. All rights reserved. This publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means in whole or in part, without prior written permission. The information provided in this publication is accurate as at time of printing. The Workplace Safety and Health Council does not accept any liability or responsibility to any party for losses or damage arising from following this publication. This publication is available on the Workplace Safety and Health Council Website: Email:
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Year of issue: 2011
Code of Practice on Safe Lifting Operations in the Workplaces
Year of issue: 2011
As Singapore enhances the importance o Workplace Saety and Health (WSH), the management o liting activities has been identifed as a high risk operation which requires proper planning and execution. This Code o Practice (CP) has been developed to provide guidance on how to conduct such liting operations saely. It highlights actors that need to be considered during the planning and execution o the operation, and introduces the Liting Plan as a systematic approach towards planning a lit. The CP also outlines the roles and responsibilities o those who are involved in a liting operation. This CP is aimed at practitioners who are involved in liting operations, particularly those who plan these operationss and the supervisors o the personnel in the liting team. operation This CP was produced ater extensive analysis o current practice in Singapore. Assembled by specialists in the feld, the CP is intended to provide examples o good practices. It is not meant to be prescriptive or imply that there is only one way o doing the task, nor it is intended to replace or take precedence over recommendations, policies and procedures judged as sae as or saer than those given herein. Individuals and companies should use the CP as the preerred standard and that they should continue to fnd ways to exceed and improve upon the practices detailed within. There are many modes and methods o conducting a liting operation. This CP is not intended to cover in detail, but provide guidance on the minimum expectations required during the planning and implementation o a
As Singapore enhances the importance o Workplace Saety and Health (WSH), the management o liting activities has been identifed as a high risk operation which requires proper planning and execution. This Code o Practice (CP) has been developed to provide guidance on how to conduct such liting operations saely. It highlights actors that need to be considered during the planning and execution o the operation, and introduces the Liting Plan as a systematic approach towards planning a lit. The CP also outlines the roles and responsibilities o those who are involved in a liting operation. This CP is aimed at practitioners who are involved in liting operations, particularly those who plan these operationss and the supervisors o the personnel in the liting team. operation This CP was produced ater extensive analysis o current practice in Singapore. Assembled by specialists in the feld, the CP is intended to provide examples o good practices. It is not meant to be prescriptive or imply that there is only one way o doing the task, nor it is intended to replace or take precedence over recommendations, policies and procedures judged as sae as or saer than those given herein. Individuals and companies should use the CP as the preerred standard and that they should continue to fnd ways to exceed and improve upon the practices detailed within. There are many modes and methods o conducting a liting operation. This CP is not intended to cover in detail, but provide guidance on the minimum expectations required during the planning and implementation o a liting operation. The same principles can be applied to a large 500 tonne or a smaller liting device. While this CP recognises that companies have adopted their in-house operational procedur es, this CP has been developed to provide guidance in conducting sae liting operations with a oundation in operational expectations and requirements. Note: This CP replaces the Technical Advisory or Sae Operation o Liting Equipment published by the WSH Council in May 2009.
1 1.1 1. 1 1.2 1.3
Introduction Scope Scop e Purpose Regulatory Requirements
4 4 4 4
2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6
Factors Afecting Sae Liting Operations Generall Genera Machine Material Medium Man Method
5 5 6 6 7 7 8
3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5
Liting Plan Generall Genera Risk Assessm Assessments ents and Permit-T Permit-To-Work o-Work Liting Plan Harmonisation o the Liting Plan vis-à-vis Risk Assessment and PermitPermit-T To-Work Changes to Liting Plans
9 9 9 10 10 10
4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6
Equipme nt Equipment Genera Gen erall Selection o Equipment Equipment Positioning and Installation Identifcation o Liting Equipment Liting Equipment with Variable Sae Working Load (SWL) Pre-Use Checks
11 11 11 11 12 12 13
5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4
Personnel Roles and Responsibilities General Contractor Liting Litin g Team Erection and Maintenance o Liting Equipment
14 14 14 14 16
6 6.1 6.2
Emergency and Contingency Planning General Requirement Emergency Response Procedures
17 17 17
List o Reerences
Appendix Appendi x1
Sample Litin Liting g Plan/ Permit-T Permit-To-Work o-Work
Appendix 2
Sample Checklist or Mobile/ Crawler Crane
Appendix 3
Sample Checklist or To Tower wer Crane
Appendix 4
Sample Checklist or Overhead Travelling Crane
Appendix 5
Sample Checklist or Lorry Crane
1. Introduction
This Code o Practice (CP) shall apply to all work activities involving liting equipments such as mobile, crawler, tower, overhead travelling, portal, jib cranes and lorry crane/ loader, etc (excluding specialised liting operations on oating docks and barges).
This CP provides guidance on sae liting practices or personnel who are involved in the planning and execution o liting operations. Specifcally, it provides guidance on the ollowing: • identifca identifcation tion o operational actors that may aect sae liting operations; and • development o a Liting Plan to better manage sae liting operations.
Liting operation is an integral part o any construction, ship-building, ship-building, ship-repairing or manuacturing process. Every lit carries a set o risks that needs to be managed in order to prevent an accident rom occurring. Unsae liting operations can result in catastrophic outcomes involving multiple atalities and serious injuries as well as extensive damage to properties and acilities.
This CP has been prepared based on the collective experience rom past accidents and good practices in sae liting operation. It provides guidance or the practitioner in the planning and execution o a liting operation. This CP is not intended to provide technical details on any specifc liting equipment; hence it is recommended to consult the manuacturer or supplier when more technical details are required.
Regulatory Requirements
The WSH Act imposes a duty on occupiers and employers to take reasonably practicable measures to ensure the saety and health o persons at work. In addition, the Act imposes duties on suppliers suppliers and erectors o equipments such as cranes to ensure that the equipments are sae when used properly. The imposition o such duties is in addition to the more prescriptive requirements that can be ound in the subsidiary legislation such as the WSH (Construction) Regulations as well as the WSH (Operation o Cranes) Regulations.
This CP is developed to help stakeholders ulfl their statutory obligations under the Act so as to achieve a higher objective o ensuring a sae liting operation. It complements the existing Singapore Standards and Code o Practices that have been developed on sae use o liting equipment.
2. Factors Afecting Sae Liting Operations 2.1
There are many actors that can aect a liting li ting operation and it is important that personnel involved involved in liting operations are aware o such actors. Broadly Broadly,, they can be classifed as: •
Machine: Selection o appropriate liting equipment or the job as well as the integrity o the equipment to perorm the job; Material: Load that is intended to be lited; Medium: Environment Environment in which the liting operation is to be carried out and includes the setting up and stability o the equipment; Man: Competency, roles and responsibilities o personnel involved in the liting operation; and Method: Planning and procedures to be adopted or the liting li ting operation.
• • • •
Routine versus Non-routine Lits •
A lit can be categorised as a routine lit i it is repetitive in nature and involves loads that are similar in shape, size and weight, i.e., multiple lits o similar items. items. The underlying principle is that the risks involved in a routine lit are already known k nown and mitigated. A non-routine lit reers to liting operation that is complex, carried out or the frst time or liting close to the liting capacity o the crane. For example, a tandem “tilt-up” operation (i.e., liting using two or more cranes to tilt a long structure rom horizontal position to vertical) is a complex non-routine lit. It will require a detailed risk assessment and engineering method beore the lit is carried out. Specifc control measures to mitigate the risks involved in such a complex operation will need to be put in place. For example, in order to address the risk o a long structure buckling during a tilt-up operation, the numbers and location o liting lugs will need to be considered in the design and built into the structure to be lited. In short, a non-routine lit will require extensive planning. Notwithstanding the above, it is a misperception to assume that as long as the weight o the load is below a certain tonnage, it can be classifed as a routine lit and thereore require less planning or supervision. Based on past experiences, most crane accidents happened during a routine lit rather than a non-routine lit. Hence, any liting operation whether routine or non-routine requires the same level o saety conside considerations. rations.
The ollowing paragraphs outline the actors in greater detail and identiy areas that must be considered beore any liting operation is carried out. It is important to note that the ollowing areas are by no means exhaustive. Where more details details are needed, users are advised to reer to the operating or maintenance manuals, or the supplier/ manuacturer o the equipment.
Sizing o the liting equipment One o the most critical actors in planning a liting operation is to ensure that liting equipment selected or the job has sucient liting capacity and reach to handle the intended load. In the case o a tower, mobile, crawler or lorry crane, the liting capacity is dependent on the load radius o the crane boom. Hence, it is important in the selection o the crane that the distance rom the load to the crane is known. The loading and uploading points within the worksite must be careully considered in relation to the location o the crane. For liting operations involving multiple loads o dierent shapes and sizes, the capacity o the crane should be selected based on the weight o the heaviest load to prevent overloading.
2.2. 2 2.2.2 Maintenance o the liting equipment Another important aspect is the maintenance o the liting li ting equipment to ensure its structural integrity integrity.. Based on past incidents, attention attention needs to be ocused on the ollowing critical critical load bearing parts. par ts. • Wire ropes There are many types o wire ropes or dierent usages and thereore, the correct type must be selected or the equipment. The wire ropes must be properly maintained (lubricated) (lubricated) to prevent the ropes rom snapping during operation. • Braking mechanism The ability o the liting equipment to lit or suspend a load is dependent on the brakes connected to the hoisting mechanism. Any ailure in the brakes will result in an unintended ree-all o the suspended load. • Saety devices Most liting equipments are equipped with saety devices such as limit switches or sensors. The saety saet y devices will stop or prevent the liting equipment rom entering into an unsae mode o operation. For example, an anti two-blocking device on a crawler crane prevents the hook block assembly rom coming into contact with the boom sheave assembly. It is thereore critical to ensure that such saety devices are unctioning properly. properly. They should never be by-passed during a normal operation. Further explanation is provided in Section 4 o this CP.
There are key actors to consider in liting a load.
2.3.2 Weight This is the most important parameter that must be determined to prevent overloading overloading o the liting li ting equipment. When the load is part par t o an assembled item, the weight o each component can be determined rom the engineering drawings. Other times, one must rely on the calculation o the density and volume o the load that is being carried such as the concrete or rebars. Special attention is essential when the load comprises dierent materials such as a rubbish bucket containing waste and debris. It is saer to be extra careul and estimate a heavier weight than assuming a lighter one. 2.3.3 Centre o gravity (CG) During liting operation, it is critical to maintain the CG o the load directly beneath the load-line, i.e., the hook. Otherwise when the load is lited, it will swing towards the CG CG and can cause danger to anyone close-by to get hit by the swinging load. Depending on the shape and size o the load, the CG may or may not be obvious. I in doubt, it is advisable to consult an engineer. 2.3.4 Method o rigging There are dierent methods o rigging that are well established in the industry. The objective o the rigging method is to ensure that the load is stable throughout the liting operation. For loose items such as bricks and bags o concrete, it is critical that they are secured using an appropriate receptacle such as saety nets or metal cage to avoid any accidental dislodgement dislodgement in mid-air.
Once the liting equipment is selected and the load is determined, the planning must then ocus on the environment environm ent in which the liting li ting equipment is operating in and how the liting equipment is set up. Besides environmental environm ental weather conditions, every worksite will have to consider the specifc localised hazards which have to be eliminated eliminated or mitigated to ensure a sae liting operation. The ollowing actors which must be considered in liting a load are presented using an acronym GOLDEN or ease o reerence.
2.4.2 Ground The stability o the liting equipment is highly dependent on the ground condition o the location where the liting equipment will be set up. Special care must be taken to ensure that the ground is level and has sucient bearing capacity. capacity. Cranes that are equipped with outriggers should be evenly and ully extended. In addition when using mobile or crawler cranes, it is recommended that steel plates with adequate strength and size are used to provide a frm ground support or the crane outriggers in order to prevent any crane toppling incidents. 2.4.3 Obstacles Any fxed or temporary installat installations ions such as buildings, MRT tracks, overhead power lines, bridges or underground utilities/ pipelines that are within the proximity o the operation zone are considered as obstacles during a liting operation. There is a risk o the liting equipment or load coming into contact with the installations which can result in an accidental dislodgement o the load. Such obstacles can also reer to blind spots or entrapment points during manoeuvring o the load or liting equipment, especially in congested areas. 2.4.4 Lighting condition Adequate lighting lighting particularly during a night operation is very crucial. Depending on the lit, the operator,, rigger or signalma operator signalman n will need to see the suspended load clearly in order to guide it to its sae destination. 2.4.5 Demarcation The zone o operation should be clearly demarcated to inorm and prevent persons who are not involved in the liting operation rom entering into the zone unintentionally. In areas where tower, dockside and overhead travelling cranes are continuously continuously in operation and span a wide area, it is important to designate the aected zone o operation. In addition to that, other measures should also be taken to prevent any person rom walking under the suspended load. Such measures include deployment o more signalmen to guide the load or installi installing ng audible alarm to warn workers about the on-going liting operation. 2.4.6 ENvironment ENvironment Weathe Weatherr conditions such as heavy rain, haze or glaze will impact the visibil visibility ity o the liting crew. Other weather conditions conditions that can impact the stability and saety o the liting operations include strong winds, thunderstorms or lightning situation. It is also important to remember that wind speed is stronger at higher ground. During the planning o any liting operation, the anticipated wind speed at the site must be taken into consideration and reer to the crane manuacturer operation manual or the wind speed limit. It is advisable to stop all liting operations when the weather condition deteriorates. deteriorates.
Investigations into past accidents showed that human error is the most common cause o accidents involving liting operations. Thereore, it is important that every single member o the liting crew (operator, rigger, signalman and liting supervisor) is adequately trained and competent to carry out his duties properly. They must also be ully conversant with the actual liting procedures applicable to the liting operation and not just the generic procedures. Here are actors that should be considered.
2.5.2 Fit or duty Besides the prerequisite prerequisite or competency (i.e., ability to read load capacity charts), the ftness o the personnel, preexisting medical conditions conditions or number o working hours that can adversely aect his ability to discharge his duties must also be considered. 2.5.3
Roles and responsibilities The roles and responsibilities o each individual involved in the liting operations must be clear. clear. There must be proper leadership within the liting crew so that instructions are relayed appropriately. In addition, all personnel should be empowered to stop work i the operation is or has become unsae.
2.5.4 Communications Providi Providing ng communication communication devices such as radio walkie-talkie or applicat application ion o standard crane hand signals will ensure there is a common understanding between members o the liting crew. Employers must take into consideration the local workorce which comprises workers rom various countries with dierent languages when orming the liting li ting crew. 2.5.5
Further explanation is provided in Section 5 o this CP.
Most general type o liting operations rely on established procedures procedures ater determining actors such as Machine, Medium and Man as discus discussed sed earlier. These types o lits are categorised as routine liting operations. Whether the lit is routine or not, there are other important actors in the lie-c ycle o a liting operation that needs to be consider considered. ed.
2.6.2 Knowing the weight o the load and the load radius I the weight o the load is unknown, the general rule o thumb is not to lit the load as it could lead to overloading and toppling o the liting li ting equipment. 2.6.3 Securing the load using appropriate liting gears such as slings, nets or receptacles I the load is not properly rigged or loose, there is a risk that the load will be dislodged and dropped while being transerred rom one location to another. 2.6.4 Conducting a test lit to ensure stability and no overloading A test lit is simply liting the load just slightl slightlyy o the ground and stopping to observe or any abnormalities. This is a critical discipline that all operators must abide by. 2.6.5 Maintaining the centre o gravity (CG) o the load directly beneath the load-line i.e., i.e., the hook I the CG is not directly beneath the load-line, the load will swing when it is lited o the ground. In addition, it is dangerous and will destabilise the crane i the load is being pulled or dragged. 2.6.6 Stability o the suspended load during movement/ slewing o the crane While moving or slewing the crane, the load should be jerk or swing at all times. 2.6.7 Lowering / releasing o the suspended load Towards Towards the end o the liting operation, the load must be placed on a stable ground. I the load is placed at a height, extra care must be taken to ensure there is no risk o the load alling o the edge. Oten times, the load is lited beyond the line o sight o the operator. Under such circumstances, circumstances, the signalman and/ or liting supervisor is responsib responsible le to ensure the stability o the suspended load.
It is important to note that no liting equipment or liting gear shall be loaded beyond its sae working load except by an authorised examiner or inspector or the purpose o testing such items.
3. Liting Plan
Under the law, it is mandatory to conduct a risk assessment 1 on the saety and health risks posed to any person who may be aected by the liting operation in the workplace. The contractor involved is also responsbile to take all reasonably practicable steps to eliminate any oreseeable risk to any person. In addition, there are legislative requirements or liting operations involving tower, mobile or crawler crane in any workplaces to implement a Permit-To-Work system in order to eectively control liting operations.
In order to assist the contractor to designate their duties and implement a system to ensure sae liting litin g operation, a Liting Plan that has the requirement requirementss or risk assessment and Permit-T Permit-To-Work o-Work is recommended recommen ded in this section.
Risk Assessment Assessmentss and Permit-T Permit-To-Work o-Work
Risk Assessment
By defnition, Risk Assessment (RA) is the process o evaluating the probability and consequences o an injury or illness rom exposure to an identifed hazard and determining the appropriate measures or risk control. contr ol. As such, there are three basic steps to RA. RA . Step 1 - Hazard Identication Identiying the hazards associated with each work activity and the type t ype o potential accidents/ incidents incidents that can result rom the hazards is the frst step to RA. Some o the hazards associated with liting operations such as poorly maintained wire ropes have already been discussed in Section 2. 3.2.1 .3 Step 2 - Risk Evaluation Risk evaluation is the process o estimating the severity o an injury or damage and the likelihood o the occurrence. For example, the risk level o workers working underneath a suspended pre-cast component should be assessed as a high risk hazard as the consequences o the load dropping can result in killing the workers underneath. Step 3 - Risk Control This is a critical last step as it identifes appropriate risk control measures to reduce the risk level to an acceptable level. Following rom the previous example o a suspended pre-cast component, an appropriate risk control measure will be to prohibit workers rom working directly underneath a suspended load. The liting zone should also be demarcated to prevent any unauthorised entry.
A Permit-To-Work System (PTW) is a ormalised system o controlling certain types o hazardous work (liting operations included). A proper PTW involves the contractor applying or permission to carry out a certain work activity. In the application, he is required to state the scope and conditions in which the work will be carried out. An independent inspection is then conducted on-site to veriy that appropriate control measures have been taken to mitigate any oreseeable risks. Ater confrming that the measures have been taken, the application will be approved by an authorised person (i.e., the project manager). The authorised person should have an oversight on the entire work process so as to avoid any conicting or incompatible work that is carried out at the same time. The work can commence only ater the permit has been approved.
Workplace Saety and Health (Risk Management) Regulations 2006
Liting Plan
Section 2 highlights actors aecting a sae liting operation and provides guidance to the personnel planning plannin g or a liting operation. A Liting Li ting Plan should be developed based on the consideration o the actors listed – Machine, Material, Medium, Man and Method. Depending on the complexity o the liting operation, details to be considered in a Liting Plan will vary.
The primary objective o the Liting Plan is to acilitate common common understanding amongst amongst the liting li ting crew or a sae outcome. The underlying principle is that all oreseeable risks are assessed and eliminated/ mitigated.
To provide guidance, a template o a Liting Plan is provided in Appendix 1. The template lists the ollowing key actors that will aect a sae liting operation. • Details o the load • Details o the liting equipment/ liting gears used • Means o communications • Personnel involved in the liting operation • Physical and environmental considerations • Sequence/ special precaution precautionss • Sketch o the zone o operation
Notwithstanding the above, it is important to note that the actors recommended in the Liting Plan are by no means exhaustive and personnel involved in planning liting operation must consider actors that are unique to the situation, particularly or complex liting operations operations..
Harmonisation Harmonisatio n o the Liting Plan vis-à-vis Risk Assessment and PermitPermit-T To-Work
A RA or liting operation should speciy control measures such as appointment o competent personnel, usage o appropriately maintained liting gears, demarcation o the liting zone, and taking into account the physical environment. environment. These actors are necessary and useul or the RA.
The Liting Plan and the PTW are part o the Risk Control stage o the RA process. The purpose o a proper Liting Plan/ PTW is to veriy that the necessary control measures have been taken. They are complementary complem entary and should not be seen as mere paper exercises.
I the sample Liting Plan/ PTW template recommended recommended in Appendix 1 is used properly, it would meet the legislative requirements requirements or Liting Plan and PTW.
Changes to Liting Plans
As the Liting Li ting Plan is developed based on a pre-determined set o parameters and considerations, considerations, any signifcant changes should result in a temporary stoppage o the liting operation and a review o the Liting Plan. The ollowing scenarios should result in a review o the Liting Plan. • Changes to the type and capacity o liting li ting equipment equipment used. • Changes to the sequence o operations. • Changes requiring reconfguration reconfguration o the crane (boom/ jib length, outrigger beam length reduction, parts o hoist line, etc). • Changes in the rigging details which could result in a reduction in rigging strength or signifcant increase in rigging weight. • Changes in surrounding environment environment such as sudden presence o a temporary structure obstructing the operation. • Changes in the weather and environmental conditions which have an adverse impact to the liting operation. • Changes to saety-critica saety- criticall personnel.
4. Equipment
This section provides guidance or the selection, maintenance and other aspect o the liting equipment.
Selection o Equipment
An equipment assessment must be completed completed as part par t o the RA. The objective o the equipment assessment is to identiy the hazards and assess the risks associated with the equipment or the oreseeable range o liting operations. For example, the applicat applications, ions, loads and confgurat confgurations ions o the equipment that will be used. Based on this assessment, assessment, the appropriate liting equipment or the liting operation may then be selected.
The equipment assessment shall consider, but not necessarily be limited to the ollowing. • Is the equipment designed or the intended type t ype o liting li ting operation? operation? • What is the age o the liting equipment? • Was there any authorised modifcations made to the equipment? • What are the dismantling and assembly process? • How are components o the liting equipment transported to site or assembly? • What type o pre-erection examination or Non-Destructive Non- Destructive Testing Testing (NDT) is required? • How is the liting equipment controlled controlled e.g., via pendant or within the operator cabin? cabin? • What are the access and egress or the operator to reach the cabin? • What are the dismantling and storage requirements? • What transportation methods to use or continued integrity?
Owners o liting equipment e quipment must not install additional additional components that may aect the structural integrity o the liting equipment e.g., adding counterweights beyond what is specifed in the manual. In general, structural modifcation o a liting equipment should not be undertaken except by a competent party. I the liting equipment has to be modifed, a detailed engineering design must be undertaken in consultation with the manuacturer or a proessional body. The design must take into account prevailing design codes, standards and practices as well as compliance with all applicable regulations.
Equipment Positioni Positioning ng and Installation
For the purpose o this CP, the term ‘positioning’ reers to mobile equipment being set up in a particular location to carry out liting operations. The term ‘installation’ ‘installation’ reers to the assembling o liting equipment at the selected location.
A process shall be established to ensure that the contractor reviews the positioning/ installation o the liting equipment to eliminate or mitigate the risks. All hazards identifed in relation to the position/ installation installat ion o the equipment e quipment shall be addressed in the RA and Liting Plan. Liting equipment must be positioned or installed in order to: • eliminat eliminate e or reduce the risks to public or buildings in the immediate vicinity o the liting operation; • avoid having the load being manoeuvred over people; • avoid striking, trapping or crushing persons; • avoid striking any other structures such as buildings;
• • •
ensure that entrance and exit paths o existing passageways are not compromised by risks arising rom the liting operations; avoid collision with other liting equipment being used simultaneously; and provide suitable gates/ barriers to prevent inappropriate/ unsae access to any hoist area.
The above list is not exhaustive. Any liting equipment must be positioned or installed such that the risks o injuring people or damaging assets are minimised during a liting operation.
In general, whenever liting equipment are disassembled and reassembled, they shall be subjected to a thorough re-inspection and load tested as per legal requirements by an Authorised Examiner. This is to ensure the integrity and stability o the equipment during the reassembly process. process.
Identication o Liting Equipment
Every liting equipment and its component parts shall be identifed with a visible marking including the sae working load (SWL). (SWL). The markings serve the ollowing purposes. purposes. • Communicate clearly the maximum SWL o the equipment. • Communi Communicate cate clearly the maximum number o persons it can carry i it is used or liting people. • Facilitate the identifcation o the equipment and its component including whether it is genuine and compatible with the equipment.
Where practicable, the SWL should be marked on the equipment prominently. However where this is not possible (i.e., a small liting gear), a coding system can be used to provide the user with the required inormation. inormation. Examples o such systems include colour coding or attaching some orm o label.
Where a number o liting accessories accessories are assembled to orm a single liting equipment which is not dismantled dismant led ater use, the assembly should be marked to indicate its saety characterist characteristics ics to users.
Where there are other characteristics which may cause a liting accessory to become unsuitable or use in a particular application, this inormation should be marked or otherwise other wise made available to the user.
Liting Equipment with Varia Variable ble Sae Working Load
Some liting equipments are designed to operate with variable SWL. E xamples o such liting equipment include mobile crane equipped with a telescopic jib that can be raised or lowered. Tower cranes are also designed to have variable SWL. In principle principle,, the closer the load is to the body o the crane, the higher will be the SWL o the equipment.
For such liting equipments, besides the mandatory load capacity chart, they must be equipped with a load radius indicator to indicate to the operator the SWL o the crane at that confguration (load radius). It should also provide a visual and audible warning to the operator i the load lited is close to the SWL. Consequently, Consequen tly, due to the variable SWL, the crane operator must exercise exercise extreme care whenever he lowers the jib or telescope telescope the boom outwards with a load. This will lead to a reduction o the SWL and will result in crane overloading.
For lorry cranes, i the load radius indicator indicator is not easible, it must be equipped with ully hydraulic protection valves and pressure relie system to prevent crane overloading.
Some modern cranes are designed such that a dierent load capacity chart will apply depending on whether the outriggers are ully or partially extended. Under such circumstances, the operator must be ully aware o the confgurations confgurations and make the necessary adjustment to the parameter settings o the indicator. indicator. Inormation on how changes to the confgurat confguration ion can aect the SWL must be provided in the operator’s cabin. The inormation should be placed in the operator's cabin and not in the oce as it needs to be easily retrieved by the operator while carrying out a liting operation.
Pre-use Checks
Prior to use, the operators o liting li ting equipment and accessories accessories shall perorm a pre-use check in order to identiy any aults in the equipment. This should be a daily check at the start o each shit. This daily inspection is not intended to replace the period preventive maintenance maintenance checks by the mechanics. Sample checklists or various cranes are provided in Appendix 2, 3, 4 and 5 or reerence.
Useul tools As it is insuci insucient ent to solely rely on the crane electronic system, it is recommended that all mobile and crawler cranes be equipped with the ollowing ollowing tools to allow allow the liting team to to use them during crane setup/ or pre-use checks: •
Measuring tape As the crane's rated capacity depends on the radius o the load which is the distance between the load to the crane, the simplest and most accurate means o determining determining a radius is a tape measure. Without a tape measure, a crane operator is orce to guess the liting radius or use a less accurate boom angle determination to veriy the crane's capacity.
Calculator The mathematics necessary to determine i a crane will be liting 78% or 91% o its rating chart or a specifc lit can be a challenging problem or many crane operators. A calculator circumvents this problem allowing the operator to ocus on the details o the liting rather than arithmetical errors.
Spirit level gauge One cannot just rely on the spirit level gauge that is provided with the crane. At times, it may not even be accurate when the crane set up is level. The additional portable spirit level gauge that can be purchased rom a do-it-yoursel (DIY) shop will give additional verifcation and ensure level o balance rom ront and rear o crane.
Calliper The crane operator uses the calliper to do daily crane checks to ensure that the crane wire rope provided is according to crane manuacturer specifcation. The checks include whether the wire rope has a reduction in diameter that can be caused by abrasion, corrosion corrosion or a local ailure o the rope core due to its prolonged used.
5. Personnel Roles and Responsibilities
This section outlines the responsibilities responsibilities o all personnel and entities that are involved involved in a liting operation.
The overall responsibility responsibility to ensure the liting operation is carried out saely and in accordance accordance with legislative legislat ive requirements rests with the contractor undertaking the liting li ting operation. The contractor (termed as a “responsible person” in the WSH (Operation o Cranes) Regulations) could be the employer or the principal o the operator under whose direction he operates the crane. The contractor shall: shall: • ensure a sae system o work is implemented, all oreseeable risks are identifed and control measures are implemented to eliminate or mitigate the risks through the implementation o a Liting Li ting Plan and PTW system; s ystem; • ensure that the worksite is physically sae or the liting operation e.g., there is no physical obstruction in the path o the load; • ensure that the liting equipment to be used is properly maintained and certifed in accordance with legislative requirements; • ensure that the liting operation operation has the necessary resources to carry out the lit saely e.g. , receptacle or liting loose items; • ensure that personnel deployed as part o the liting team are suitably trained, competent and certifed, and that they have been brieed on the liting operation; • ensure that only competent sub-contractors are used; and • ensure that all accidents, near misses, equipment equipment ailure or damage are reported and recorded.
The contractor may appoint a competent person such as a WSH Ocer to assist in the identifcation o any hazards related to the liting operation and recommend suitable actions to eliminate/ mitigate the risk.
Liting Liti ng Team
Selection o Liting Team The Liting Team reers to a group o personnel that are appointed to be directly involved in a liting operation. For simple routine lits, it typically includes the site supervisor, liting supervisor, crane operator, riggers and signalmen. For more complex liting operations, it should include other personnel such as the appointed person who had planned or the lit, banksmen who will serve to coordinate other equipment or personnel movement near the zone o operation. Key actors to consider in selecting a Liting Team include: • Competency Only suitably trained and competent personnel should be deployed as par t o the Liting Team. Team. During the liting operation, i any personnel in the team is not confdent o carrying out the lit e.g., rigger may be unsure on how to rig up the odd-shaped item with the limited liting gears that he has, he must stop the operation and request or assistanc assistance. e. • Composition It is good practice to try to maintain the same group o individuals in a Liting Team so that the trust and rapport among team members can be built up over time. Trust becomes very important when the operator does not have a line o sight to the load and has to rely on the instructions that he received rom his teammates. There are many things things that can go wrong in a liting operation hence it is important that the Liting Team is amiliar with one another. This is especially critical in an emergency emergenc y situation. Care should be taken to ensure that new members to a liting team are appropriately inducted and brieed on the procedures. To acilitate identifcation, identifcation, members o the Liting Team should be clearly identifable by use o reective jackets or other conspicuous clothing or marking. 14
Communication The Liting Team Team must use a common language that all members can understand. Any miscommunicati miscom munications ons can result in acciden accidents. ts. Hence care should be taken when orming a Liting Team involving individuals rom dierent countries and nationalities. Although it is important that the Liting Team adopts the standard crane hand/ voice signals to acilitat acilitate e the liting operation, it is not possible to use crane hand signals when the operation involves involves liting an item rom the ground to the rootop o a tall building.
5.3.2 Liting Supervisor The liting supervisor should be appoint appointed ed in writing by the contractor contractor.. This position is defned as the
person who is in-charged with actively supervising the liting operation on site. The person could be a oreman, shit supervisor or other similar capacity. capacity. In general, all liting operation must be supervised by the appointed liting supervisor as he is the main person leading and coordinating the operation. A liting supervisor may be allowed to supervise more than one liting operation at any point in time provided that he is able to discharge his duties appropriately appropriat ely e.g., when the two operations are side by side within close proximity. proximity. I so requested by the contractor, contractor, the liting supervisor should assist to develop the Liting Plan and seek approval rom the contractor’s management. Thereater, the appointed liting supervisor shall: • coordinate all liting activities in accordance with the Liting Plan; • brie all liting team members on the Liting Plan, sae liting procedure and RA; • ensure that only registered crane operators, appointed riggers and appointed signalmen participate in any liting operation involving the use o mobile and tower cranes; • ensure that the ground conditions are sae or any liting li ting operation to be perormed; • be present during all liting operations to ensure that the lit is carried out in accordance with the liting plan; • keep within his/her sight and view o all the liting operations; and • take suitable measures to rectiy any unsae conditions to ensure the liting operation can be conducted saely. 5.3.3
Liting Equipment Operator There are dierent types o liting equipment and the operator is one o the most important personnel o the Liting Team Team as he is in-charged in- charged o the liting equipment. One o the key competencies o the crane operator o mobile, crawler or tower cranes is the ability to read and understand the load capacity chart, and to dierentiate dierentiate the Gross Capacity and Net Capacity o the lit. The operator needs to know the SWL o the crane relative to the radius in order to prevent overloading overloading o the crane. The appointed liting equipment operator shall: • carry out the liting operation in accordance with the Liting Plan; • inspect the liting equipment prior to use to check or abnormalities; abnormalities; • check that load radius indicator and other saety devices are unctioning properly; • ensure that the ground is stable and the surrounding is ree rom any structures or material materialss that may obstruct the liting operation; • carry out liting operation only when a liting supervisor is present on site; • disengage rom any manoeuvre that is dangerous; • monitor environmental eects such as thunderstorm and strong wind that will aect the sae operations o the lit; • report any deects immediat immediately ely to the liting supervisor, and record such deects in maintenance maintenance log records; • stop the lit whenever unsae conditi conditions ons occur; and • check the crane wire rope to ensure it is still within sae use. 5.3.4
Signalmen The appointed signalmen shall be attired in such a way that he/ she will be distinctiv distinctively ely identifed as the signalman.
15 The appointed signalmen shall:
• • • • • • •
ensure the load is correctly rigged up prior to giving signals to commence the lit; give correct and clear hand signals to the liting equipment operator to manoeuvre the load saely rom the point o lit to the destination; ensure communication is maintained with the liting equipment operator throughout the lit in accordance with the liting plan; ensure the lit is controlled throughout the duration o the operation; ensure that the immediate areas within the lit (start point and fnal position) are clear o any hazards haz ards during the manoeuvre; maintain his/ her position so as to ensure line o sight during the controlled phase o the lit and to ensure this position position is ree o danger; and rerain rom handling load/ rigging simultaneously when giving signal to the crane operator.
Riggers The appointed rigger shall be attired in such a way that he/ she will be distinctively identifed as the rigger. The appointed riggers shall: • ensure all slings, webbings, webbings, shackles and other liting gears used to rig the load are within the SWL o the lit, in good condition and duly certifed; • ensure that the load is rigged up in a such a manner that it is stable, balanced (centre o gravity beneath the hook) and secured (i.e., no loose items); items); • ensure that the liting equipment operator has been inormed o the weight o the load; • establish tag lines to control the load as it is being manoeuvred; and • report any deect in the liting/ rigging and materials to the liting super visor visor..
Erection and Maintenance o Liting Equipment
The integrity o the liting equipment to perorm its task is highly dependent on how well it is being erected and maintained. Thereore, it is important that the contractor appoints qualifed qualifed and experienced mechanics to carry out the erection and mainten maintenance ance o the liting equipment, particularly i such activities are to be conducted in-house.
Adherence to manuacturer’s specication It is critical that the liting equipment is erected, altered or maintained in accordance with the manuacturer's specifcation specifcation as laid out in the operational and maintenance manual. This includes using all genuine components. As with all machines to ensure that it can unction properly properly,, the liting equipment is subject to periodic preventive maintenance (i.e., daily, monthly or quarterly). It is essential that adequate downtime is built into the operation schedule to allow eective maintenance to be carried out and to ensure that maintenance maintenance personnel are not under pressure to complete complete the work.
Competency o mechanics/ erectors Such personnel should be provided with training relevant to the t ype o liting li ting equipment that they are handling (preerably by the manuacturer or their agents) agents)..
Record keeping A record o all preventive or corrective maintenance shall be kept. This includes records o all testing and certifcation. Any deects reported should also be recorded into the log book. For erection, alteration o mobile or tower cranes, only Approved Crane Contractors can undertake such activities.
6. Emergency and Con Contingency tingency Planning 6.1
All liting operations shall have a documented Emergency Response Procedure (ERP) that covers all aspects o the operations. The ERP identifes the requirements and actions to be carried out or any oreseeable emergency (with or without any casualty) in a clear and precise manner. These include: • toppling o the liting equipment; • structural ailure o the liting equipment e quipment such as boom racture; • dislodgemen dislodgementt o the suspended load; • entanglement o load with nearby structures; and • recovery o injured personnel in locations where access access is limited such as within a tower crane.
The ERP must include the emergency contact details o relevant persons and agencies. The contingency conti ngency procedure should outline all possible emergency situations and identiy the recovery actions to be taken i they occur.
The documented procedures shall be tested by conducting ERP drills involving all liting operation personnel. Such ERP drills must be documented documented and recorded as part o the sae system or work. The drills may be conducted as a desk top review which includes includes all relevant personnel in the table top exercise. However, a physical exercise and drill should be carried out whenever possible.
Emergency Response Procedures
The contractor shall develop and document an ERP or the liting operation. This ERP must be communicated commun icated to all personnel involv involved ed in the lit and made available at prominent locations at the workplace. The ERP shall include but not be limited to: • details o emergency personnel and their contacts including frst-aiders; frst-aiders; • emergency commun communication ication owchart; • roles and responsibilities responsibilities o the emergency management team; • emergency services contact details; • managing injured persons; and • requency o exercise and drill to be carried out.
Liting operations may be carried out rom the ground level or at a high point such as on the top o a multi-storey multi-st orey building or in confned areas such as in a tunnel or actory. Each location provides specifc challenges or the provision o medical and evacuation support. As such, the ERP should as much as possible identiy access to the location so as to acilitate expeditious medical and evacuation support.
7. Reerences
Reerences • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Workplace Saety and Health Act (Cap.354A) Workplace Workplac e Saety and Health (Risk Management) Regulations 2006 Workplace Workplac e Saety and Health (Incident Reporting) Regulations 2006 Workplace Saety and Health (General Provisions) (Amendments) Regulations 2006 Workplace Saety and Health (Operation o Cranes) Regulations 2011 Workplace Saety and Health (Construction) Regulations 2007 Code o Practice or Working Saely at Height, 2009 Code o Practice or Workplace Saety and Health (WSH) Risk Management, 2011 SS536 : 2008 Code o Practice or Sae Use o Mobile Cranes SS559 : 2010 Code o Practice or Sae Use o Tower Cranes CP 63 : 2005 Code o Practice or the Liting o Persons in Work Platorms Suspended rom Cranes SS 497 : 2011 Code o Practice or Design, Sae Use and Maintainance o Gantry, Overhead Travelling Cranes and Monorail Hoists CP 35 : 1996 The Selection, Care and Maintenance o Steel Wire Ropes or Hoisting SS 297 : 1996 Steel Wire Ropes or Hoisting SS 343-1 : 2001 Liting Gears SS 343-2 : 1989 Hooks SS 343-3 : 1990 Shackles SS506 : Part 1 and 2 : 2009 Occupational Occupational Saety and Health (OSH) Management Management Systems SS531 : Part 1 : 2006, Part 2 : 2008 and Part 3 : 2008 Code o Practice or Lighting o Work Places Guidebook or Liting Supervisors Worker’ss Saety Handbook or Crane Operator Worker’ Worker’ss Saety Handbook or Rigger and Signalma Worker’ Signalman n
Appendix Appen dix 1: 1: Sampl Sample e Lit Liting ing Plan/ Permit-T Permit-To-Work 1. General Project Location o liting operation Date/ time o liting operation Contractor carrying out the liting operation
Validity Valid ity period o liting operation
2. Details of the Load/s Description o load/s Overall dimensions Weight o load Centre o gravity
Kg / tonne Obvious
Known weight
Determined by drawing
3. Details of the Lifting Equipment/ Lifting Gears Type o liting equipment Maximum SWL as certifed on the LM cert
Date o last certifcation
Max boom / Jib length
Intended load radius
Distance between the load and the crane
Type T ype o liting gears
Fly jib / oset SWL at this radius
Slings / webbing / chains / shackles / spreader beam / receptacle
Combined weight weight o the liting gears
Kg / tonne
Certifcation Certifcati on o liting gears
Yes No
4. Means of Communica Communications tions Can the operator see the loading and unloading point or the load rom his position? Yess Ye
What are the means o communication between the liting crew? Standard hand signals
5. Personnel Involved Involved In Lifting Operation Position
Qualifcation/ Experience
Site Supervisor Liting Supervisor Crane Operator/ Liting Equipment Operator Rigger Signalman Others (please state s tate))
6. Physical and Environmental Consideration (please include any details in the space provided) Is the ground made sae (e.g., placing steel plate)? _________________________________________________________
Yes No
Are the outriggers evenly extended? _________________________________________________________
Yes No
Are there any overhead obstacles such as power lines? _________________________________________________________
Yes No
Are there nearby building buildingss or structure, equipment or stacked materials that may obstruct liting operation rom being carried out saely? _________________________________________________________
Yes No
Is the lighting condition adequate? _________________________________________________________
Yes No
Has the zone o operation been barricaded (with warning signs and barriers) to prevent unauthorised access? _________________________________________________________
Yes No
Ground conditions
Do not proceed with the liting operation under the ollowing circumstances: Environment
Thunderstorm and lightning strikes in the area. The ground condition must must be checked ater a thunderstorm. Strong winds that may sway the suspended load. Other circumstances (please speciy).
7. Sequ Sequen ence ce / Spec Specia iall Pre Preca caut utio ions ns
8. Ske Sketc tch h of th the e Zon Zone e of Op Oper erat atio ion: n: (It is recommended that you include the initial location o the load, the fnal location and path o the load. It is also important to indicate any any obstructions or equipment that may obstruct the liting operation).
Applied by:
Name: Prepared by:
Time: Signature:
Name: Assessed by:
Date: Time:
Name: Approved by:
Date: Time:
Date: Time:
Note: 1. This is only a sample Liting Plan/ PTW, the content is by no means comprehensive. Users would have to include key critical critical document and inormation such as load capacity chart, range diagram, rigging method, sling angle, etc to ensure sae liting operations. 2. Further guidance can be obtained rom the ollowing collaterals: •
Guidebook or Liting Supervisors
Worker’ss Saety Handbook or Crane Operator Worker’
Worker’ss Saety Handbook or Rigger and Signalman Worker’
Appendix 2: Sample Checklist or Mobile/ Crawler Crawler Crane This checklist provides an overview o the basic requirements to be checked which would help to ensure that a mobile/ crawler crane is sae or use. Mobile/ crawler crane users should consult manuacturers, suppliers and owners to check on minimum requirements requirements and address any concerns beore using the equipment. These items in this checklist are non-exhaustive and users are recommended to make the necessary modifcation and customisation to suit your work processes and conditions at the workplace. S/N
Yes/ No
A. Mobile/ Crawler Crane Approved or Use 1.
The Th e mob mobil ile/ e/ cr craw awle lerr cra crane ne ag age e is is wit withi hin n lim limit itss set set by by MOM. MOM.
Yess No Ye
The mobile/ crawler crane has a valid Liting Machine (LM) certifcate (issued less than 12 months ago).
Ye Yess No
B. General Requirements 3.
The mobile/ crawler crane is provided with markings o the Sae Working Load, and LM number.
Yess No Ye
Proper and sae access and egress (with proper oot and hand holds/ supports) are provided to the crane operator.
Yess No Ye
A loa load d cap capac acit ityy cha chart rt is is dis displ play ayed ed in in the the ope opera rato torr cabi cabin. n.
Ye Yess No
Operator crane cabin is provided with a locking mechanism so as to prevent unauthorised entry.
Yess No Ye
An app approv roved ed fre ext exting ingui uishe sherr is is pro provid vided ed in the ope operat rator or cab cabin. in.
Yess No Ye
An Operation and Maintenance log book is available in the operator cabin.
Yess No Ye
A Manuacturer Operating Manual and Maintenance Manual are made available.
Yess No Ye
Crane hook is provided with a saety catch to prevent displacement displac ement o the sling or load rom the hook. hook .
Yess No Ye
Main and auxiliary wire ropes are well lubricated and that there are no visible deects such as broken wires, kinks, excess wear, crushing etc.
Yess No Ye
C. Saety and Operational Devices
A load load rad radiu iuss indi indicat cator or wit with h warn warning ing al alarm arm is ins instal talled led..
Yess No Ye
An eect eectiv ive e hoist hoist and and derri derrick ckin ing g brakin braking g mecha mechani nism sm are are mai maint ntai ained ned..
Yess No Ye
A swing lock or swing brake capable o preventing unintended unintended rotation is unctional.
Yess No Ye
Limit switch to prevent over-hoisting o the hook (i.e., anti-two block device) is unctional.
Yess No Ye
Limit switch to prevent over-derricking o boom (or crawler crane) is unctional.
Yess No Ye
Load Loa d Momen Momentt Limi Limiter ter to pre preven ventt over over-tu -turnin rning g momen momentt is is uncti unctional onal..
Yess No Ye
D. Maintenance 18.
The mobile/ crawler crane has a regular maintenance programme that is in accordance with manuacturer’s specifcations.
Yess No Ye
19.. 19
Maintenance work on the mobile/ crawler crane is carried out by Maintenance Competent Persons.
Yess No Ye
Inspected by: Crane Operator
Super vised by: Li ting Supervisor
Signature / Date
Signature / Date
Appendix 3: Sample Checklist or Tower Crane This checklist provides an overview o the basic requirements to be checked which would help to ensure that a tower crane is sae or use. Tower crane users should consult manuacturers, suppliers and owners to check on minimum minimu m requirements and address any concerns beore using the equipment. These items in this checklist are non-exhaustive and users are recommended to make the necessary modifcation and customisation customisation to suit your work processes and conditions at the workplace.
Yes/ No
A. Tower Crane Approved or Use 1.
The Th e tow tower er cra rane ne is o o typ typee-ap appr pro ove ved d by by MOM MOM..
The tower crane has a valid Liting Machine (LM) certifcate certifcate (issued less than 12 months ago).
Yess No Ye Ye Yess No
B. General Requirements 3.
The tower crane is provided with markings o the sae working load, tower crane serial number and LM number number..
Yess No Ye
Proper and sae access and egress (with proper oot and hand holds/ supports) are provided to the crane operator.
Yess No Ye
A loa load d cap capac acit ityy cha chart rt is is dis displ play ayed ed in in the the ope opera rato torr cabi cabin. n.
Yess No Ye
Operator crane cabin is provided with a locking mechanism so as to prevent unauthorised entry.
Ye Yess No
A saety bar is ftted across the operator’s cabin window where there is likelihood o the operator alling through it.
Yess No Ye
An app appro rove ved d fre fre extin extingu guis ishe herr is pro provi vide ded d in the the ope opera rato torr cabi cabin. n.
Yess No Ye
An Operation and Maintenance log book is available in the operator cabin.
Yess No Ye
A Manuacturer Operating Manual and Maintenance Manual are made available.
Yess No Ye
Crane hook is provided with a saety catch to prevent displacement o the sling or load rom the hook.
Yess No Ye
Wire ropes are well lubricated and that there are no visible deects such as broken wires, kinks, excess wear, crushing etc.
Yess No Ye
C. Saety and Operational Devices
A load load rad radiu iuss ind indic icat ator or wit with h warni warning ng ala alarm rm is is ins instal talled led..
Yess No Ye
A jib jib angl angle e indi indicat cator or is is provi provided ded (or (or lun lung g jib jib tow tower er cran crane) e)..
Yess No Ye
An emergency stop button, which will terminate the operation o the crane engine, is installed in the operator cabin and correctly identifed.
Yess No Ye
Eective braking mechanisms or the ollowing are maintained: (a) Hoisting (b) Derricking (c) Slewing (d) Trolley Travelling
Yess No Ye
Hoisting limiter to prevent over-hoisting o the hook block is unctional.
Yess No Ye
Trolley travelling limiter to prevent over-travelling o trolley is unctional.
Yess No Ye
Limit switches to prevent over-derricking and over-lowering o jib (or lung jib tower crane) is unctional.
Yess No Ye
20.. 20
Slewi Sle wing ng li limi mite terr to to rest restric rictt slew slewing ing o cran crane e is is unct unctio ional nal..
Yess No Ye
Overlo Ove rload ad lim limit iter er to to prev prevent ent ov overl erload oading ing o cran crane e is un uncti ctiona onal.l.
Yess No Ye
Load moment limiter to prevent over-turning moment is unctional.
Yess No Ye
Anti-collision devices are tested to stop the tower crane’s operation such that the crane-to-crane intererence must be maintained at not less than three metres.
Yess No Ye
24.. 24
Wind Win d anemo anemomet meter er is is inst instal alled led and is in good good wo worki rking ng cond condit ition ion..
Yes No
Adequate aircrat warning lights and/ or chequered white and red ags are provided.
Yes No
D. Maintenance 26.
The tower crane has a regular maintenance programme that is in accordance with manuacturer’s specifcations.
Yes No
27.. 27
Maintenance work on the tower crane is carried out by Competent Persons.
Yes No
Inspected by: Crane Operator
Super vised by: Li ting Supervisor
Signature / Date
Signature / Date
Appendix 4: Sample Checklist or Overhead Travelling Crane This checklist provides an overview o the basic requirements to be checked which would help to ensure that a overhead travelling travelling crane is sae or use. Overhead travelling crane users should consult manuacturers, suppliers and owners to check on minimum requirements requirements and address any concerns beore using the equipment. These items in this checklist are non-exhaustive and users are recommended to make the necessary modifcation and customisation customi sation to suit your work processes and conditions at the workplace. S/N
Power supply supply data: voltages, requency is correct with the power source
Yes No
Bolted connections in particular high-tensile high-tensile bolts on end carriage (high-tensile (high-tensile washers checked or correct ft: bevel acing bolt head/ nut)
Yes No
Guide roller spacing adjusted, screwed connection (torque) checked
Yes No
Crane, crab and runway end buers installed and correctly positioned
Yes No
Crane and crab end approach dimensions checked (according to layout drawing)
Yes No
Hook height checked (according to layout drawing) and reset i necessary
Yes No
Gear Ge arbo boxx ch chec ecke ked d or or le leaks aks,, air air ve vent nt sc scre rews ws ft ftte ted d
Yes No
Chain/ rope reeving, rope mounting checked (rope (rope wedge, rope clamp)
Yes No
Chain/ ro rope lilightly oi oiled
Yess No Ye
10.. 10
Chain/ rope and cable deectors mounted (i part o crane equipment)
Yess No Ye
Emergency and operating limit switches (or liting and lowering) adjusted and operational
Yess No Ye
Long Lo ng and cr cros osss tra trave vell lim limit it swi switc tches hes ad adju just sted ed and and op opera erati tiona onall
Yess No Ye
Opti Op tica call cran crane e dis dista tanc ncin ing g adj adjust usted ed (i (i app applilica cabl ble e)
Yess No Ye
14.. 14
Control pendant height and remote control strain relie (i applicable) checked
Yess No Ye
Cont Co ntrol rol pan panel el sym symbol bolss mat match ch act actual ual cra crane ne tra travel vel mov moveme ements nts
Yess No Ye
Direction o movement symbols attached (or remote control units only)
Yess No Ye
Accessibility, marking and availability o "mains connection switches"" and "emergency-o switches switches switches""
Yess No Ye
Check protective earth conductor along entire length or correct marking and connection checked
Yes No
Cable Cab le en entry try gl gland andss in in term termina inall box boxes es co corre rrectl ctlyy wire wired d
Yes No
20.. 20
Cont Co ntro roll and and regu regula lati ting ng dev devic ices es (i (i app appli lica cabl ble e)
Yes No
Overlo Ove rload ad cut-o cut-o devic devices es (loa (load d measu measurin ring g devic devices es i i appli applicab cable le))
Yes No
Relay settings
Yes No
Resistor se settings
Yes No
24.. 24
Check Che ck and and tig tight hten en term termin inals als (n (not ot clam clamp p term termina inals ls,, howe however ver))
Yes No
Saety distances to other parts o the building and machinery are maintained
Yes No
Smoo Sm ooth th runn runnin ing g over over spli splice cess in the the runwa runwayy and o o powe powerr suppl supplyy line liness
Yes No
Brak Br ake e che check ck ca carr rrie ied d out out:: lit litin ing g and and low lower erin ing g
Yes No
Brak Br ake e che check ck ca carr rrie ied d out out:: lon long g and and cr cros osss tra trave vell
Yes No
Speed Spe ed che checks cks:: lit litin ing, g, lo lowe weri ring, ng, lo long ng and cr cros osss tra trave vell
Yes No
Pain Pa intt coa coatt che check cked ed and and tou touch ched ed up up wher where e requ requir ired ed
Yess No Ye
31.. 31
Operation o wind drit saety device (or cranes operating outdoors) tested
Yess No Ye
Cable Cab le dru drum m (or (or cra cranes nes wit with h load load hand handli ling ng attac attachme hments nts)) chec checked ked
Yess No Ye
War arni ning ng de devi vicces (i (i ava avail ilab able le))
Yess No Ye
34.. 34
A vali valid d Li Liti ting ng Mac Machi hine ne (LM (LM)) cer certi tifc fcat ate e
Yess No Ye
Manu Ma nua act ctur urer er Op Oper erat atin ing g & Ma Main inte tena nanc nce e Man Manua uall
Yess No Ye
Comments / Remarks
Inspected by: Crane Operator
Supervised by: Li ting Super visor
Signature / Date
Signature / Date
Appendix 5: Sample Checklist or Lorry Crane This checklist provides an overview o the basic requirements to be checked which would help to ensure that a lorry crane is sae or use. Lorry crane users should consult consult manuacturers, suppliers and owners to check on minimum minimu m requirements and address any concerns beore using the equipment. These items in this checklist are non-exhaustive and users are recommended to make the necessary modifcation and customisation customisation to suit your work processes and conditions at the workplace. A. Equipment Approved For Use
Yes/ No
Lorry crane is is re registered wi with MO MOM.
LM Ce Cert rtiifcate or or eq equivalent
Yes No
Lit tiing gear is registered with MOM.
LG Cert rtiifcate or equivalent
Yes No
B. Risk Requirements
Suggested Evidence
Yes/ No
Risk assessment is conducted or the various work processes (e.g., use, maintenance).
Completed risk assessment orm or the various work processes
Yes No
Risk assessment team comprises o representatives rom the occupier, equipment supplier, equipment operator etc.
Risk assessment orm indicating the composition o risk assessment team
Yes No
Sae work procedures are developed and implemented beore work is being carried out.
Sae work procedures are eectively communicated commun icated to all relevant parties (e.g., crane operator, liting supervisor, signalman, rigger, etc).
C. Operation o crane
Suggested Evidence
Only trained and compet competent ent persons are to be involved in the liting li ting operation (i.e., crane operator operator,, liting li ting supervisor, signalman and rigger).
Liting Plan is developed and made available to all persons involved in the liting.
Sae work procedures implementation plan Inspection to veriy implementation implementa tion o sae work procedures
Records o briefng / training to relevant parties
Suggested Evidence
Yes No
Yes No
Yes/ No
Crane operator registratio registration n card, training records and certifcate Liting supervisor supervisor,, signalman and rigger’s training records and certifcates Written Liting Plan and acknowledgementt rom acknowledgemen persons involved in the liting
Yes No
Yes No
Manuacturer’s operating manual and operation log book are made available to the crane operator.
Crane operator to conduct preoperational checks checks at the start star t o the work shit. The checks should include but not limiting to the ollowing areas 10.
Check all limit switches
Check all warning devices
Visually check, by inspecting relevant levels and/or components
Check all hoses and pipes
D. Maintenance
Lorry crane has a maintenance programme that is based on manuacturer’s instructions.
Manuacturer’s operating manual
Yes No
Crane operator log book
Pre-operation inspection checklist based on manuacturer’s instruction Yes No
Record o completed checklist by operators
Suggested Evidence Written maintenance programme by supplier / maintenance service provider
Yes/ No
Yes No
Maintenance record and service report 12.
Maintenance is carried out by Maintenance competent compet ent person.
Training record or relevant document o competency
Yes No
Inspected by: Crane Operator
Supervised by: Liting Supervisor
Signature / Date
Signature / Date
This CP was developed by the ollowing industry-led workgroup ormed under the WSH Council-led Council-led National Crane Saety Taskorce. Members o the workgroup dedicated their time in their individual capacity to make this CP possible. Representatives Representatives rom the Ministry o Manpower and WSH Council were actively involved and provided the necessary support in the development o the CP. Mr Yeo Kim Hock (Chairman) - Gammon Construction Limited, Singapore Branch Mr Jason Heng - Tiong Woon Crane & Transport Pte Ltd Mr Ong Yong Seng - Shimizu Corporation Mr Michael George Hoyle (Mick) - Consultant to Exxon Mobil Asia Pacifc Pte Ltd Mr Ah Singh Gill - Hiap Tong Crane & Transport Pte Ltd Mr Jacques (Jack) Hansoul - Arcomet Asia Pte Ltd Mr Liew Chern Yean - Wong Fong Engineering Works (1988) Pte Ltd Mr K.C.Foong K.C. Foong - MHE-Demag (S) Pte Ltd Mr Ishak Ahmad Rosdi - Jacobs Engineering Singapore Pte Ltd Er. Theresa Liew (Ministry o Manpower) Mr Chia Chee Yong (Ministry o Manpower) Mr Davian Chiew (Ministry o Manpower Manpower)) Mr Ng Jui Yong (Ministry o Manpower) Mr Silas Sng (Workplace Saety and Health Council) Council) Mr Han Kin Sew (Workplace Saety and Health Council)
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