Likert Scale
The following choices may help you when you design an attitude instrumen instrumentt. The bold face sets face sets are the most popular.
Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree
Agree Very Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Very Strongly
Agree Strongly Agree Moderately Agree Slightly Disagree Slightly Disagree Moderately Disagree Strongly
Yes No
Agree Disagree
Completely Agree Mostly Agree Slightly Agree Slightly Disagree Mostly Disagree Completely Disagree
Agree Undecided Disagree
Disagree Strongly Disagree Tend to Disagree Tend to Agree Agree Agree Strongly
Very Frequently Frequently Occasionally Rarely Very Rarely Never
A Great Deal Much Somewhat Little Never
Always Very Frequently Occasionally Rarely Very Rarely Never
Often Sometimes Seldom Never
Always Usually About Half the Time Seldom Never
Almost Always To a Considerable Degree Occasionally Seldom
Always Very Often Sometimes Rarely Never
Very Important Important Moderately Important Of Little Importance Unimportant
Very Important Moderately Important Unimportant
Very Important Important Neither Important or Unimportant Unimportant Very Unimportant
Very Good Good Barely Acceptable Poor Very Poor
Extremely Poor Below Average Average Above Average Excellent
Good Fair Poor
Like Me Unlike Me
Definitely Very Probably Probably Possibly Probably Not Very Probably Not
To a Great Extent Somewhat Very Little Not at All Almost Always True Usually True Often True Occasionally True Sometimes But Infrequently True Usually Not True Almost Never True
True False
True of Myself Mostly True of Myself About Halfway True of Myself Slightly True Of Myself Not at All True of Myself
Agreement Completely disagree, Disagree, Somewhat disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, Somewhat agree, Agree, Completely agree Appropriateness Absolutely inappropriate, Inappropriate, Slightly inappropriate, Neutral, Slightly appropriate, Appropriate, Absolutely appropriate Awareness Not at all aware, Slightly aware, Moderately aware, Very aware, Extremely aware Beliefs Not at all true of what I believe, Slightly true of what I believe, Moderately true of what I believe, Very true of what wh at I believe, Completely true of what I believe Concern Not at all concerned, Slightly concerned, Moderately concerned, Very concerned, Extremely concerned
familiar, Moderately familiar, Very familiar, Familiarity Not at all familiar, Slightly familiar, Extremely familiar Frequency Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Often, Always
Moderately important, Very Importance Not at all important, Slightly important, Moderately important, Extremely important influential, Moderately influential, Very Influence Not at all influential, Slightly influential, influential, Extremely influential likely, Completely Likelihood Not at all likely, Slightly likely, Moderately likely, Very likely, likely priority, High priority, Essential Priority Not a priority, Low priority, Medium priority, Probability Not at all probable, Slightly probable, Moderately probable, Very probable, Completely probable Quality Very poor, Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent
true of me, Very true Reflect Me Not at all true of me, Slightly true of me, Moderately true of me, Completely true of me Satisfaction Completely dissatisfied, Mostly dissatisfied, Somewhat dissatisfied, Neither (bipolar) satisfied or dissatisfied, Somewhat satisfied, Mostly satisfied, Completely satisfied
satisfied, Moderately satisfied, Very satisfied, satisfied, Satisfaction Not at all satisfied, Slightly satisfied, (unipolar) Completely satisfied
A compilation of survey response options.
Dichotomous Scales
Fair Unfair
Agree Disagree
True False
Yes No
Three-Point Scales
More than I would like About right Less than I would like
Too heavy About Right Too light
Too Harsh About right Too lenient
Too much About right Too little
Too Strict About right Too Lax
Good Fair Poor
extremely moderately not at all
Agree Undecided Disagree
Four-Point Scales
Most of the time Some of the time Hardly ever Very seldom
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Exceeded Met Nearly Met Missed
Often Sometimes Seldom Never
Probably will Definitely will
Five-Point Scales
Gotten much better Gotten somewhat better Stayed the same Gotten somewhat worse Gotten much
Strongly Agree Inclined to Agree Neither Inclined to Disagree Strongly Disagree
Very High Above Average Average Below Average Very Low
Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree
Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Very Poor one of the best about average average' below average one of the worst
Way too much Too much about right too little way to little very good good fair poor very poor
much higher higher about the same slightly lower much lower very satisfied satisfied neither dissatisfied very dissatisfied
completely satisfied very satisfied fairly well satisfied somewhat dissatisfied very dissatisfied Almost always Often Sometimes Seldom Never
Extremely Very Moderately Slightly Not at all
Very Often Regularly Sometimes Once or Twice Never
Very Frequently Frequently Occasionally Rarely Very Rarely Always Usually About half the time Occasionally (or Rarely or Seldom) Never
totally like very much like moderately like somewhat like not like
Very important Quite important Fairly important Slightly important Not at all important
Seven-Point Scales
very dissatisfied moderately dissatisfied slightly dissatisfied neutral slightly satisfied
far below moderately below slightly below met expectations slightly above
very poor poor fair good very good
moderately satisfied very satisfied
moderately above far above
excellent exceptional
A grade-based scale
I don't know it at all
I know it well
Descriptors of amount or frequency
all of the time - totally most of the time - mostly - mainly - substantial - considerable - frequently - regularly usually - consistently - repeatedly - plenty - abund ant - copious - commonly - routinely moderate - modest - medium - intermediate - average - middling sometimes - occasionally - infrequently - rarely - seldom Never