some problems for the linear programming by graphical method
Sanjit A Patel, this is Linear programming solution examples,i hope u can learn and teach from this. For More Help
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LInear Programming McGill UniversityFull description
Fundamentals of Linear Programming Problem
guide for linear programming in matlab website
INTRODUCTION Mathematics is the queen of science. In our daily life, planning is required on various occasions, especially when the resources are limited. Any planning is meant for attaining…Full description
INTRODUCTION Mathematics is the queen of science. In our daily life, planning is required on various occasions, especially when the resources are limited. Any planning is meant for attaining…Full description
Solutions to Linear Programming ProblemsFull description
Chapter 3 Linear ProgrammingDeskripsi lengkap
Green supply chain management GSCM is about incorporating the environmental idea in every stage of a supply chain. It has The LPP is the simplest way to calculate the profit and loss of a management. The important application of LPP is cost reduction
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The objective of this paper is to introduce a new fuzzy number with twenty five points called as Icosikaipentagonal fuzzy number. In which Fuzzy numbers develop a membership function where there are no limitations of any specified form. The aim of th
for quantity subject
The Electrocomp Corporation manufactures manufactures two electrical electrical products: air air conditioners and larg large e fans. Th process process for each each is similar similar in that that both requi require re a certain certain amount amount of wiring wiring and drilli drilling. ng. Each Each air conditi conditio o of wiring wiring and 2 hours hours of drillin drilling. g. Each fan fan must go go through through 2 hours hours of wiring wiring and 1 hour hour of drilling drilling.. Duri production production period, period, 240 240 hours hours of wirin wiring g time time are available available and and up to to 140 hours of drillin drilling g time time may be u condit condition ioner er sold sold yiel yields ds a profi profitt of $25. $25. Each Each fan asse assembl mbled ed may may be be sold sold for a $15 profit profit.. Choos Choose e the the nu conditioners and fans to produce in order to maximize profit. Use Solver.
Variables Units to Produce Objective Function Constraints
Air Cond. Fans 40 "obj function is z=25*B4+14*C4" 240
60 1900 << Maximize Profit 140
e assembly ner takes 3 hours ng the next sed. Each air ber of air
MSA Computer Corporation manufactures two models of minicomputers, the Alpha 4 and the Beta 5. Management has allocated 800 hours of labor for production. It requires 20 labor hours to assemble ea Alpha 4 computer and 25 labor hours to assemble each Beta 5 model. MSA wants to see at least 10 Alp and at least 15 Beta 5s produced during the production period. Alpha 4s generate $1,200 profit per unit Beta 5s yield $1,800 each. Determine the most profitable number of each model of minicomputer to pr during the coming month.
Variables Units to Produce Objective Function Constraints
10 24 "z=B4*1200+C4*1800" 200
55200 800
10 Alpha 4 units and 24 Beta 5 units, (profit =$55200)
ch ha 4s , and oduce
The Weinberger Electronics Corporation manufactures four highly technical products that it supplies that hold NASA contracts. Each of the products must pass through the following departments before wiring, drilling, assembly, and inspection. Table A shows each product, its profit per unit, and the amount of time it must spend in each depart shows the total production time available in each department for the month. Table C shows the mini production requirements to fulfill the firm's contracts. First, determine the profit-maximizing level of production for each product. Use the template in colu your answers will end up in the green boxes. Second, suppose that the production manager is unsure of the accuracy of the $9 unit profit figure fo sensitivity analysis to determine the range of values that XJ201 unit profit can take without changing analysis. Write that answer here: Range of values is $7 to $14 (see table)
Product Profit Per Unit Wiring Time Drilling Time Assembly Time Inspection Time TABLE B
Wiring Time Drilling Time Assembly Time Inspection Time TABLE C
XJ201 XM897 TR29 BR788
XJ201 9 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.5
XM897 12 1.5 1 4 1
Time Available 15000 17000 26000 12000 Minimum Required 150 100 300 400