System information Command
# arch
show architecture of machine(1)
# cal 2007
show the timetable of 2007
# cat /proc/cpuinfo
show information CPU info
# cat /proc/interrupts
show interrupts
# cat /proc/meminfo
verify memory use
# cat /proc/swaps
show file(s) swap
# cat /proc/version
show version of the kernel
# cat /proc/net/dev
show network adpters and statistics
# cat /proc/mounts
show mounted file system(s)
# clock -w
save date changes on BIOS
# date
show system date
# date 041217002007.00
set date and time - MonthDayhoursMinutesYear.Seconds
# dmidecode -q
show hardware system components - (SMBIOS / DMI)
# hdparm -i /dev/hda
displays the characteristics of a hard-disk
# hdparm -tT /dev/sda
perform test reading on a hard-disk
# lspci -tv
display PCI devices
# lsusb -tv
show USB devices
# uname -m
show architecture of machine(2)
# uname -r
show used kernel version
Shutdown, Restart and Logout of a system Command
# init 0
shutdown system(2)
# logout
leaving session
# reboot
# shutdown -h now
shutdown system(1)
# shutdown -h 16:30 &
planned shutdown of the system at 16:30
# shutdown -c
cancel a planned shutdown of the system
# shutdown -r now
# telinit 0
shutdown system(3)
Files and Directory Command
# cd /home
enter to directory '/ home'
# cd ..
go back one level
# cd ../..
go back two levels
# cd
go to home directory
# cd ~user1
go to home directory
# cd -
go to previous directory
# cp file1 file2
copying a file
# cp dir/* .
copy all files of a directory within the current work directory
# cp -a /tmp/dir1 .
copy a directory within the current work directory
# cp -a dir1 dir2
copy a directory
# cp file file1
outputs the mime type of the file as text
# iconv -l
lists known encodings
# iconv -f fromEncoding -t toEncoding inputFile > outputFile
converting the coding of characters from one format to another
# find . -maxdepth 1 -name *.jpg -print -exec convert
batch resize files in the current directory and send them to a thumbnails directory (requires convert from Imagemagick)
# ln -s file1 lnk1
create a symbolic link to file or directory
# ln file1 lnk1
create a physical link to file or directory
# ls
view files of directory
# ls -F
view files of directory
# ls -l
show details of files and directory
# ls -a
show hidden files
# ls *[0-9]*
show files and directory containing numbers
# lstree
show files and directories in a tree starting from root(2)
# mkdir dir1
create a directory called 'dir1'
# mkdir dir1 dir2
create two directories simultaneously
# mkdir -p /tmp/dir1/dir2
create a directory tree
# mv dir1 new_dir
rename / move a file or directory
# pwd
show the path of work directory
# rm -f file1
delete file called 'file1'
# rm -rf dir1
remove a directory called 'dir1' and contents recursively
# rm -rf dir1 dir2
remove two directories and their contents recursively
# rmdir dir1
delete directory called 'dir1'
# touch -t 0712250000 file1
modify timestamp of a file or directory - (YYMMDDhhmm)
# tree
show files and directories in a tree starting from root(1)
File search Command
# find / -name file1
search file and directory into root filesystem from '/'
# find / -user user1
search files and directories belonging to 'user1'
# fi find /h /home me//user ser1 -n -name \* \*.bin .bin
sear earch fil files es with ith '. '. bin bin'' ex exten tension sion with within in dir directo ectorry '/ '/ hom home/ e/u user ser1'
# fi find /u /usr/ sr/bin -typ type f -atim atime e +1 +100
sear earch bin binar ary y fil files es are are no not use used d in in th the las lastt 10 100 day days s
# find /u /usr/bin -type f -mtime -1 -10
search fi files cr created or or changed wit with hin 10 da days
# find / -name *.rpm -exec chmod 755 '{}' \;
search files with '.rpm' extension and modify permits
# find / -xdev -name \*.rpm
search files with '.rpm' extension ignoring removable partitions as cdrom, pen-drive, etc.…
# locate \*.ps
find files with the '.ps' extension - first run 'updatedb' command
# whereis halt
show location of a binary file, source or man
# which halt
show full path to a binary / executable
Mounting a Filesystem Command
# fuser -km /mnt/hda2
force umount when the device is busy
# mo mount /d /dev/hda2 /m /mnt/hda2
mount di disk ca called hd hda2 - verify ify ex exist istence of of th the dir dire ectory '/ '/ mn mnt/hda2'
# mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
mount a floppy disk
# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
mount a cdrom / dvdrom
# mount /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrecorder
mount a cdrw / dvdrom
# mount /dev/hdb /mnt/cdrecorder
mount a cdrw / dvdrom
# mount -o -o lo loop fi file.iso /m /mnt/cdrom
mount a file or is iso im image
# moun mountt -t vfat vfat /dev /dev/h /hda da5 5 /mn mnt/ t/hd hda5 a5
moun mountt a Wind Window ows s FAT32 AT32 file file syst system em
# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usbdisk
mount a usb pen-drive or flash-drive
# mount -t smbfs -o username=user,password=pass //WinClient/share /mnt/share
mount a windows network share
# umount /dev/hda2
unmount disk called hda2 - exit from mount point '/ mnt/hda2' first
# umount -n /mnt/hda2
run umount without writing the file /etc/mtab - useful when the file is read-only or the hard disk is full
Disk Space Command
# df -h
show list of partitions mounted
# dpkg-query -W -f='${Installed-Size;10}t$ {Package}n' | sort -k1,1n
show the used space by installed deb packages, sorting by size (debian, ubuntu and alike)
# du -sh dir1
estimate space used by directory 'dir1'
# du -sk * | sort -rn
show size of the files and directories sorted by size
# ls -lSr |more
show size of the files and directories ordered by size
# rpm -q -a --qf '%10{SIZE}t%{NAME}n' | sort -k1,1n
show the used space by rpm packages installed sorted by size (fedora, redhat and alike)
Users and Groups Command
# chage -E 2005-12-31 user1
set deadline for user password
# groupadd [group]
create a new group
# groupdel [group]
delete a group
# groupmod -n moon sun
rename a group from moon to sun
# grpck
check correct syntax and file format of '/etc/group' and groups existence
# newgrp - [group]
log into a new group to change default group of newly created files
# passwd
change password
# passwd user1
change a user password (only by root)
# pwck
check correct syntax and file format of '/etc/passwd' and users existence
# useradd -c "User Linux" -g admin -d /home/user1 -s /bin/bash user1
create a new user "user1" belongs "admin" group
# useradd user1
create a new user
# userdel -r user1
delete a user ( '-r' eliminates home directory)
# usermod -c "User FTP" -g system -d /ftp/user1 -s /bin/nologin user1
change user attributes as description, group and other
Permits on Files Command
# chgrp group1 file1
change group of files
# chmod ugo+rwx dire irectory1
set permissions reading (r), write (w) and (x) access to users owner (u) group (g) and others (o)
# chmod go-rwx directory1
remove permits reading (r), write (w) and (x) access to users group (g) and others (or
# chmod u+s /bin/file1
set SUID bit on a binary file - the user that running that file gets same privileges as owner
# chmod u-s /bin/file1
disable SUID bit on a binary file
# chmod g+s /home/public
set SGID bit on a directory - similar to SUID but for directory
# chmod g-s /home/public
disable SGID bit on a directory
# chmod o+t /home/public
set STIKY bit on a directory - allows files deletion only to legitimate owners
# chmod o-t /home/public
disable STIKY bit on a directory
# chown user1 file1
change owner of a file
# chown -R user1 directory1
change user owner of a directory and all the files and directories contained inside
# chown user1:group1 file1
change user and group ownership of a file
# find / -perm -u+s
view all files on the system with SUID configured
# ls -lh
show permits on files
# ls /tmp | pr -T5 -W$COLUMNS
divide terminal into 5 columns
Special Attributes Attributes on files Command
# chattr +a file1
allows write opening of a file only append mode
# chattr +c file1
allows that a file is compressed / decompressed automatically by the kernel
# chattr +d file1
makes sure that the program ignores Dump the files during backup
# chattr +i file1
makes it an immutable file, which can not be removed, altered, renamed or linked
# chattr +s file1
allows a file to be deleted safely
# chattr +S file1
makes sure that if a file is modified changes are written in synchronous mode as with sync
# chattr +u file1
allows you to recover the contents of a file even if it is canceled
# lsattr
show specials attributes
Archives and compressed files Command
# bunzip2 file1.bz2
decompress a file called 'file1.bz2'
# bzip2 file1
compress a file called 'file1'
# gunzip file1.gz
decompress a file called 'file1.gz'
# gzip file1
compress a file called 'file1'
# gzip -9 file1
compress with maximum compression
# rar a file1.rar test_file
create an archive rar called 'file1.rar'
# rar a file1.rar file1 file2 dir1
compress 'file1', 'file2' and 'dir1' simultaneously
# rar x file1.rar
decompress rar archive
# tar -cvf archive.tar file1
create a uncompressed tarball
# tar tar -cv -cvff arc archi hive ve.t .tar ar file file1 1 fil file2 e2 dir1 dir1
crea create te an arch archiv ive e con conta tain inin ing g 'fi 'file le1' 1',, 'fi 'file le2' 2' and and 'dir 'dir1' 1'
# tar -tf archive.tar
show contents of an archive
# tar -xvf archive.tar
extract a tarball
# tar -xvf archive.tar -C /tmp
extract a tarball into / tmp
# tar -cvfj archive.tar.bz2 dir1
create a tarball co compressed into bzip2
# tar -xvfj archive.tar.bz2
decompress a compressed tar archive in bzip2
# tar -cvfz archive.tar.gz dir1
create a tarball compressed into gzip
# tar -xvfz archive.tar.gz
decompress a compressed tar archive in gzip
# unrar x file1.rar
decompress rar archive
# unzip
decompress a zip archive
# zip file1
create an archive compressed in zip
# zip -r .zip file1 file2 le2 dir1 ir1
compress in zip several file iles and dire irectories simu imulta ltaneously
RPM Packages (Fedora, Red Hat and like) Command
# rpm -ivh [package.rpm]
install a rpm package
# rpm rpm -iv -ivh h --n --nod odee eeps ps [pac [packa kage ge.r .rpm pm]]
inst instal alll a rpm rpm pac packa kage ge igno ignori ring ng depe depend nden enci cies es requ reques ests ts
# rpm -U [package.rpm]
upgrade a rpm package without changing configuration files
# rpm -F [package.rpm]
upgrade a rpm package only if it is already installed
# rpm -e [package]
remove a rpm package
# rpm -qa
show all rpm packages installed on the system
# rpm -qa | grep httpd
show all rpm packages with the name "httpd"
# rpm -qi [package]
obtain information on a specific package installed
# rpm -qg -qg "Syste "System m Environ Environment ment/Dae /Daemons mons""
show show rpm packag packages es of a group group softw software are
# rpm -ql [package]
show list of files provided by a rpm package installed
# rpm -qc [package]
show list of configuration files provided by a rpm package installed
# rp rpm -q -q [pa [pack ckag age] e] --what whatrrequ equires ires
show li list of depe depen ndenc encies ies req requ uired ired for for a rpm pa packet cket
# rpm -q [pack packag age] e] --what whatpr pro ovides ides
show cap capabil abilit ity y provid vided by a rpm pack ackage age
# rpm -q [package] --scripts
show scripts started during installation / removal
# rpm -q [package] --changelog
show history of revisions of a rpm package
# rpm rpm -qf -qf /et /etc/ c/ht http tpd/ d/co conf nf/h /htt ttpd pd.c .con onff
veri verify fy whic which h rpm rpm pack packag age e bel belon ongs gs to a giv given en file file
# rpm -qp [package.rpm] -l
show list of files provided by a rpm package not yet installed
# rpm --import /media/cdrom/RPM/media/cdrom/RPM-GPG-KEY GPG-KEY import public-key public-key digital digital signature signature # rpm ---checksig [package.rpm]
verify the in integrity of of a rpm pa package
# rpm -qa gpg-pubkey
verify integrity of all rpm packages installed
# rpm -V [package]
check file size, permissions, type, owner, group, MD5 checksum and last modification
# rpm -Va
check all rpm packages installed on the system - use with caution
# rpm -Vp [package.rpm]
verify a rpm package not yet installed
# rpm -ivh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/`arch`/ [package.rpm]
install a package built from a rpm source
# rpm2cpio [package.rpm] | cpio --extract --make-directories --make-directories *bin*
extract executable file from a rpm package
# rpm rpmbu buil ild d --r --reb ebui uild ld [pac [packa kage ge.s .src rc.r .rpm pm]]
build build a rpm rpm pack packag age e fro from m a rpm rpm sou sourc rce e
YUM packages tool (Fedora, RedHat and alike) Command
# yum -y install [package]
download and install a rpm package
# yu yum loc loca alin linsta stall [pack packag age. e.rrpm] pm]
That will ill in instal stalll an an RP RPM, an and tr try to to res reso olve lve all all the the dep depen ende den ncies ies for for you using your repositories.
# yum -y update
update all rpm packages installed on the system
# yum update [package]
upgrade a rpm package
# yum remove [package]
remove a rpm package
# yum list
list all packages installed on the system
# yum search [package]
find a package on rpm repository
# yum clean [package]
clean up rpm cache erasing downloaded packages
# yum clean headers
remove all files headers that the system uses to resolve dependency
# yum clean all
remove from the cache packages and headers files
DEB packages (Debian, Ubuntu and like) Command
# dpkg -i [package.deb]
install / upgrade a deb package
# dpkg -r [package]
remove a deb package from the system
# dpkg -l
show all deb packages installed on the system
# dpkg -l | grep httpd
show all deb packages with the name "httpd"
# dpkg -s [package]
obtain information on a specific package installed on system
# dpkg -L [package]
show list of files provided by a package installed on system
# dpkg --c --conten tents [pack ackage. age.d deb] eb]
show list list of file files s provid ovided ed by a packa ackage ge not yet ins install talled ed
# dpkg -S /bin/ping
verify which package belongs to a given file
APT packages tool (Debian, Ubuntu and alike) Command
# apt-cache se search [package]
returns lilist of of packages wh which corresponds st string ing "s "searched-packages"
# apt-cdrom install [package]
install / upgrade a deb package from cdrom
# apt-get install [package]
install / upgrade a deb package
# apt-get update
update the package list
# apt-get upgrade
upgrade all of the installed packages
# apt-get remove [package]
remove a deb package from system
# apt-get check
verify correct resolution of dependencies
# apt-get clean
clean up cache from packages downloaded
Pacman packages tool (Arch, Frugalware and alike) Command
# pacman -S name
Install package 'name' with dependencies
# pacman -R name
Delete package 'name' and all files of it
View file content Command
# cat file1
view the contents of a file starting from the first row
# head -2 file1
view first two lines of a file
# less file1
similar to 'more' command but which allows backward movement in the file as well as forward movement movement
# more file1
view content of a file along
# tac file1
view the contents of a file starting from the last line
# tail -2 file1
view last two lines of a file
# tail -f /var/log/messages
view in real time what is added to a file
Text Manipulation Command
# cat cat ex example mple.t .tx xt | awk awk 'NR% 'NR%2 2==1' =1'
remov move all all even even lines ines fro from ex example mple.t .tx xt
# echo a b c | awk '{print $1}'
view the first column of a line
# echo a b c | awk '{print $1 $1,$3}'
view the fi first an and third column of a line
# cat -n file1
number row of a file
# comm -1 file1 file2
compare contents of two files by deleting only unique lines from 'file1'
# comm -2 file1 file2
compare contents of two files by deleting only unique lines from 'file2'
# comm -3 file1 file2
compare contents of two files by deleting only the lines that appear on both files
# diff file1 file2
find differences between two files
# grep Au Aug /v /var/log/messages
look up up wo words "A "Aug" on on file '/ '/var/log/messages'
# grep ^Aug /var var/log /log//mess essage ages
loo look up words tha that begin egin with ith "Aug Aug" on file file '/v '/var/ ar/log/ log/m mess essages ages''
# grep [0-9] /var var/log /log//mess essages ages
selec lect from file ile '/var /var//log log/me mess ssag ages es'' all all lin lines that that contain tain number mbers s
# grep Aug -R /var/log/*
search string "Aug" at directory '/var/log' and below
# paste file1 file2
merging contents of two files for columns
# paste -d '+' file1 file2
merging contents of two files for columns with '+' delimiter on the center
# sdiff file1 file2
find differences between two files and merge interactively alike "diff"
# sed sed 's/s 's/str trin ing1 g1/s /str trin ing2 g2/g /g'' exam exampl ple.t e.txt xt
repl replac ace e "st "stri ring ng1" 1" wit with h "st "stri ring ng2" 2" in exa examp mple le.t .txt xt
# sed '/^$/d' example.txt
remove all blank lines from example.txt
# sed sed '/ *#/d #/d; /^$/ ^$/d' exam xample ple.tx .txt
remov move comme ommen nts and and blan lank lin lines fro from examp ample.t le.txt xt
# sed -e '1d' exampe.txt
eliminates the first line from file example.txt
# sed -n '/string1/p'
view only lines that contain the word "string1"
# sed -e 's/ *$//' example.txt
remove empty characters at the end of each row
# sed sed -e 's/s 's/str trin ing1 g1// //g' g' exam exampl ple. e.tx txtt
remo remove ve only nly the the wor word d "str "strin ing1 g1"" fro from m tex textt and and leav leave e inta intact ct all all
# sed -n '1,5p' example.txt
print from 1th to 5th row of example.txt
# sed -n '5p;5q' example.txt
print row number 5 of example.txt
# sed -e 's/00*/0/g' example.txt
replace more zeros with a single zero
# sort file1 file2
sort contents of two files
# sort file1 file2 | uniq
sort contents of two files omitting lines repeated
# sort file1 file2 | uniq -u
sort contents of two files by viewing only unique line
# sort file1 file2 | uniq -d
sort contents of two files by viewing only duplicate line
# ech echo o 'wo 'word rd'' | tr '[:l '[:low ower er:] :]'' '[: '[:up uppe per: r:]' ]'
conv conver ertt fro from m lowe lowerr cas case e in in upp upper er case case
Character set and Format file conversion Command
# dos2unix filedos.txt fileu leunix.tx .txt
convert a text file format from MSDOS to UNIX
# rec recod ode e ..H ..HTM TML L < pag page. e.tx txtt > page page.h .htm tmll
conv conver ertt a text text file file to to htm htmll
# recode -l | more
show all available formats conversion
# unix2dos fileunix. ix.txt filedos.tx .txt
convert a text file format from UNIX to MSDOS
Filesystem Analysis Command
# badblocks -v /dev/hda1
check bad blocks on disk hda1
# dosfsck /dev/hda1
repair / check integrity of dos filesystems on disk hda1
# e2fsck /dev/hda1
repair / check integrity of ext2 filesystem on disk hda1
# e2fsck -j /dev/hda1
repair / check integrity of ext3 filesystem on disk hda1
# fsck /dev/hda1
repair / check integrity of linux filesystem on disk hda1
# fsck.ext2 /dev/hda1
repair / check integrity of ext2 filesystem on disk hda1
# fsck.ext3 /dev/hda1
repair / check integrity of ext3 filesystem on disk hda1
# fsck.vfat /dev/hda1
repair / check integrity of fat filesystem on disk hda1
# fsck.msdos /dev/hda1
repair / check integrity of dos filesystem on disk hda1
Format a Filesystem Command
# fdformat -n /dev/fd0
format a floppy disk
# mke2fs /dev/hda1
create a filesystem type linux ext2 on hda1 partition
# mke2fs -j /dev/hda1
create a filesystem type linux ext3 (journal) on hda1 partition
# mkfs /dev/hda1
create a filesystem type linux on hda1 partition
# mkfs -t vfat 32 -F /dev/hda1
create a FAT32 filesystem
# mkswap /dev/hda3
create a swap filesystem
Filesystem Filesyste m SWAP SWAP Command
# mkswap /dev/hda3
create a swap filesystem
# swapon /dev/hda3
activating a new swap partition
# swapon /dev/hda2 /dev/hdb3
activate two swap partitions
Backup Command
# find /var/log -name '*.log' | tar cv --filesfrom=- | bzip2 > log.tar.bz2
find all files with '.log' extention and make an bzip archive
# find /home/user1 -name '*.txt' | xargs cp -av --target-directory=/home/backup/ --parents
find and copy all files with '.txt' extention from a directory to another
# dd bs=1M if=/dev/hda | gzip | ssh user@ip_addr 'dd of=hda.gz'
make a backup of a local hard disk on remote host via ssh
# dd if=/dev/sda of=/tmp/file1
backup content of the harddrive to a file
# dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 count=1
make a copy of MBR (Master Boot Record) to floppy
# dd if=/dev/fd0 of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1
restore MBR from backup copy saved to floppy
# dum dump p -0a -0ajj -f -f /tm /tmp/ p/ho home me0. bak k /ho /home me
make make a ful fulll bac backu kup p of of dir direc ecto tory ry '/ho '/home me''
# dum dump p -1a -1ajj -f /tmp /tmp/h /hom ome0 e0.b .bak ak /ho /home me
make make a incr increm emen enta tall back backup up of dir direc ecto tory ry '/h '/hom ome' e'
# restore -if /tmp/home0.bak
restoring a backup interactively
# rsyn rsync c -rog -rogpa pav v --de --dele lete te /home home /tmp /tmp
sync synchr hron oniz izat atio ion n betw betwee een n dire direct ctor orie ies s
# rsync -rogpav -e ssh --delete /home ip_address:/tmp
rsync via SSH tunnel
# rsync -az -e ssh --delete ip_addr:/home/public /home/local
synchronize synchronize a local directory with a remote directory via ssh and compression
# rsync -az -e ssh --delete /home/local ip_addr:/home/public
synchronize synchronize a remote directory with a local directory via ssh and compression
# tar tar -Puf back backu up.ta .tar /home/ ome/u user
mak make a inc increme men ntal tal backu ackup p of direc irecttory ory '/h '/home/u e/user' er'
# ( cd /tmp/local/ && tar c . ) | ssh -C user@ip_addr 'cd /home/share/ && tar x -p'
copy content of a directory on remote directory via ssh
# ( tar c /home ) | ssh -C user@ip_addr 'cd /home/backup-home && tar x -p'
copy a local directory on remote directory via ssh
# tar tar cf - . | (cd (cd /tmp /tmp/ba /backu ckup p ; tar tar xf - )
local local copy copy prese preserv rving ing permit permits s and and links links fro from m a direc director tory y to ano anothe therr
CDROM Command
# cd-paranoia -B
rip audio tracks from a CD to wav files
# cd-paranoia --
rip first three audio tracks from a CD to wav files
# cdrecord -v gracetime=2 dev=/dev/cdrom -eject blank=fast -force
clean a rewritable cdrom
# cdrecord -v dev=/dev/cdrom cd.iso
burn an ISO image
# gzip -dc cd_iso.gz | cdrecord dev=/dev/cdrom -
burn a compressed ISO image
# cdrecord --scanbus
scan bus to identify the channel scsi
# dd if=/dev/hdc | md5sum
perform an md5sum on a device, like a CD
# mkisofs /dev/cdrom > cd.iso
create an iso image of cdrom on disk
# mkis mkisofs ofs /dev/ /dev/cdr cdrom om | gzip gzip > cd_iso cd_iso.gz .gz
creat create e a compr compress essed ed iso iso image image of cdrom cdrom on disk disk
# mk mkis isof ofs s -J -J -al -allo loww-le lead adin ingg-do dots ts -R -V
crea create te an iso iso ima image ge of a dir direc ecto tory ry
# mount -o loop cd.iso /mnt/iso
mount an ISO image
Networking (LAN / WiFi) Command
# dhclient eth0
active interface 'eth0' in dhcp mode
# ethtool eth0
show network statistics of eth0
# host
lookup hostname to resolve name to ip address and vice versa
# hostname
show hostname of system
# ifconfig eth0
show configuration of an ethernet network card
# ifconfig eth0 netmask
configure IP Address
# ifconfig eth0 promisc
configure 'eth0' in promiscuous mode to gather packets (sniffing)
# ifdown eth0
disable an interface 'eth0'
# ifup eth0
activate an interface 'eth0'
# ip link show
show link status of all network interfaces
# iwconfig eth1
show wireless networks
# iwlist scan
wifi scanning to display the wireless connections available
# mii-tool eth0
show link status of 'eth0'
# netstat -tup
show all active network connections and their PID
# netstat -tupl
show all network services listening on the system and their PID
# netstat -rn
show routing table alike "route -n"
# nslookup ww
lookup ho hostname to to re resolve na name to to IP IP address an and vi vice ve versa
# route -n
show routing table
# route ad add -n -net 0/ 0/0 gw gw IP IP_Gateway
configure de default gateway
# route add -net netmask gw
configure static route to reach network ''
# route del 0/0 gw IP_gateway
remove static route
# echo echo "1" > /proc /proc/sys /sys/net /net/ipv /ipv4/ip 4/ip_fo _forwar rward d
activate activate ip routin routing g temporar temporarily ily
# tcpdump tcp port 80
show all HTTP traffic
# whois
lookup on Whois database
Microsoft Windows networks (samba) Command
# mount -t smbfs -o username=user,password=pass //WinClient/share /mnt/share
mount a windows network share
# nbtscan ip_addr
netbios name resolution
# nmblookup -A ip_addr
netbios name resolution
# smbclient -L ip_addr/hostname
show remote shares of a windows host
# sm smbget bget -Rr -Rr sm smb:/ b://ip_ ip_add addr/sh /share are
lik like wg wget can can do download load file iles fr from a hos hostt win wind dows via via smb
IPTABLES (firewall) Command
# iptables -t filter -L
show all chains of filtering table
# iptables -t nat -L
show all chains of nat table
# iptables -t filter -F
clear all rules from filtering table
# iptables -t nat -F
clear all rules from table nat
# iptables -t filter -X
delete any chains created by user
# iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p tcp --dport telnet -j ACCEPT
allow telnet connections to input
# iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport --dport http -j DROP
block HTTP connections to output
# iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -p tcp --dport pop3 -j ACCEPT
allow POP3 connections to forward chain
# iptables -t filter -A INPUT -j LOG --logprefix
Logging on input chain
# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j configure a PAT (Port Address Traslation) on eth0 masking outbound MASQUERADE packets # iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d redirect packets addressed to a host to another host -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j DNAT --to-destination
Monitoring and debugging Command
# free -m
displays status of RAM in megabytes
# kill -9 process_id
force closure of the process and finish it
# kill -1 process_id
force a process to reload configuration
# last reboot
show history reboot
# lsmod
display kernel loaded
# lsof -p process_id
display a list of files opened by processes
# lsof /home/user1
displays a list of open files in a given path system
# ps -eafw
displays linux tasks
# ps -e -o pid,args --forest
displays linux tasks in a hierarchical mode
# pstree
Shows a tree system processes
# smartctl -A /dev/hda
monitoring reliability of a hard-disk through SMART
# smartctl -i /dev/hda
check if SMART is active on a hard-disk
# strace -c ls >/dev/null
display system calls made and received by a process
# strace -f -e open ls >/dev/null
display library calls
# tail /var/log/dmesg
show events inherent to the process of booting kernel
# tail /var/log/messages
show system events
# top
display linux tasks using most cpu
# watch -n1 'cat /proc/interrupts'
display interrupts in real-time
Others useful commands Command
# alias hh='history'
set an alias for a command - hh = history
# apropos ...keyword
display a list of commands that pertain to keywords of a program , useful when you know what your program does, but you don't know the name of the command
# chsh
change shell command
# chsh --list-shells
nice command to know if you have to remote into another box
# gpg -c file1
encrypt a file with GNU Privacy Guard
# gpg file1.gpg
decrypt a file with GNU Privacy Guard
# ldd /usr/bin/ssh
show shared libraries required by ssh program
# man ping
display the on-line manual pages for example on ping command - use 'k' option to find any related commands
# mkbootd mkbootdisk isk --dev --device ice /dev/f /dev/fd0 d0 `uname `uname -r` -r`
create create a boot boot floppy floppy
# wget -r
download an entire web site
# wget wget -c www. www.ex exam ampl ple. com/ m/fi file .iso o
down downlo load ad a file file with with the the abi abilit lity y to stop stop the the dow downl nloa oad d and and resu resume me late laterr
# echo 'wget -c'' | start a download at any given time at 09:00
# whatis ...keyword
displays description of what a program does
# who -a
show who is logged on, and print: time of last system boot, dead processes, system login processes, active processes spawned by init, current runlevel, runlevel, last system clock change
An Introduction to the Linux Command Shell Introduction The purpose of this document is to provide the reader with a fast and simple introduction to using the Linux command shell and some of its basic utilities. It is assumed that the reader has zero or very limited exposure to the Linux command prompt. This document is designed to accompany an instructor-led tutorial on this subject, and theref therefore ore some some detail detailss have been left left out. out. Explana Explanatio tions, ns, practi practical cal exampl examples, es, and refere references nces to DOS commands are made, where appropriate. What is a command shell? A program that interprets commands. • Allows Allows a user user to execut executee comman commands ds by typin typing g them them manual manually ly at a termin terminal, al, or automa automatic ticall ally y in • programs called shell scripts. A shell is not an operating system. It is a way to interface with the operating system and run commands. • What is BASH? BASH = Bourne Again Shell • Bash is a shell written as a free replacement to the standard Bourne Shell (/bin/sh) originally written • by Steve Bourne for UNIX systems. It has all of the features of the original Bourne Shell, plus additions that make it easier to program with • and use from the command line. Since it is Free Software, it has been adopted as the default shell on most Linux systems. • How is BASH different from the DOS command prompt? Case Sensitivity: In Linux/UNIX, commands and filenames are case sensitive, meaning that typing “EXIT” instead of the proper “exit” is a mistake.
“\” vs. “/”:
In DOS, the forward-slash “/” is the command argument delimiter, while the backslash “\” is a directory separator. In Linux/UNIX, the “/” is the directory separator, separator, and the “\” is an escape character. More about these special characters in a minute!
The DOS world uses the “eight “eight dot three” three” filename filename convention, convention, meaning meaning that all files followed a format that allowed up to 8 characters in the filename, followed by a period (“dot”), followed by an option extension, up to 3 characters long (e.g. FILENAME.TXT). In UNIX/Linux, there is no such thing as a file extension. Periods can be placed at any part of the filename, and “extensions” may be interpreted differently by all programs, or not at all.
Special Characters Before we continue to learn about Linux shell commands, it is important to know that there are many symbols and characters characters that the shell interprets interprets in special special ways. This means that certain certain typed characters: characters: a) cannot be used in certain situations, b) may be used to perform special operations, or, c) must be “escaped” if you want to use them in a normal way.
Escape character. If you want to reference a special character, you must “escape” it with a backslash first. Example: touch /tmp/filename\*
Directory separator, used to separate a string of directory names. Example: /usr/src/linux
Current directory. Can also “hide” files when it is the first character in a filename.
Parent directory
User's home directory
Represents 0 or more characters in a filename, or by itself, all files in a directory. Example: pic*2002 can represent the files pic2002, picJanuary2002, picFeb292002, etc.
Represents a single character in a filename. Example: hello?.txt can represent hello1.txt, helloz.txt, but not hello22.txt
Can be used to represent a range of values, e.g. [0-9], [A-Z], etc. Example: hello[0-2].txt represents the names hello0.txt, hello1.txt, and hello2.txt
“Pipe”. Redirect the output of one command into another command. Example: ls | more
Redirect output of a command into a new file. If the file already exists, over-write it. Example: ls > myfiles.txt
Redirect the output of a command onto the end of an existing file. Example: echo .Mary 555-1234. >> phonenumbers.txt
Redirect a file as input to a program. Example: more < phonenumbers.txt
Command separator. Allows you to execute multiple commands on a single line. Example: cd /var/log ; less messages
Command separator as above, but only runs the second command if the first one finished without errors. Example: cd /var/logs && less messages Execute a command in the background, and immediately get your shell back. Example: find / -name core > /tmp/corefiles.txt &
Executing Commands The Command PATH: Most common commands are located in your shell's “PATH”, meaning that you can just type the name • of the program to execute it. Example: Typing “ ls” will execute the “ ls” command. Your shell's “PATH” variable includes the most common program locations, such as /bin, /usr/bin, • /usr/X11R6/bin, and others. To execute commands that are not in your current PATH, you have to give the complete location of the • command. Examples: /home/bob/myprogram ./program (Execute a program in the current directory) ~/bin/program (Execute program from a personal bin directory) Command Syntax Commands can be run by themselves, or you can pass in additional arguments to make them do different • things. Typical command syntax can look something like this:
command [-argument] [-argument] [--argument] [file] •
ls List files in current directory ls -l Lists files in “long” format ls -l --color As above, with colourized output cat filename Show contents of a file cat -n filename Show contents of a file, with line numbers
Using a Command's Built-In Help Many commands have simple “help” screens that can be invoked with special command flags. These flags usually look like “-h” or “--help”. grep --help Example: Online Manuals: “Man Pages” The best source of information for most commands can be found in the online manual pages, known as “man pages” for short. To read a command's man page, type “man command”. Examples: man ls Get help on the “ls” command. man man A manual about how to use the manual!
To search for a particular word within a man page, type “/word ”. To quit from a man page, just type the “Q” key. Sometimes, you might not remember the name of Linux command and you need to search for it. For example, if you want to know how to change a file's permissions, you can search the man page descriptions for the word “permission” like this: man -k permission If you look at the output of this command, you will find a line that looks something like: chmod (1) - change file access permissions Now you know that “chmod” is the command you were looking looking for. Typing “man chmod” will show you the chmod command's manual page! 2.3 Info Pages Some programs, particularly those released by the Free Software Foundation, use info pages as their main source of online documentation. Info pages are similar to man page, but instead of being displayed on one long scrolling screen, they are presented in shorter segments with links to other pieces of information. Info pages are accessed with the “info” command, or on some Linux distributions, “pinfo” (a nicer info browser). For example: info df Loads the “df” info page.
Navigating the Linux Filesystem The Linux filesystem is a tree-like hierarchy hierarchy of directories and files. At the base of the filesystem is the “/” directory, otherwise known as the “root” (not to be confused with the root user). Unlike DOS or Windows filesystems that have multiple “roots”, one for each disk drive, the Linux filesystem mounts all disks somewhere underneath the / filesystem. The following table describes many of the most common Linux directories. The Linux Directory Layout Directory
The nameless base of the filesystem. All other directories, files, drives, and devices are attached to this root. Commonly (but incorrectly) referred to as the “slash” or “/” directory. The “/” is just a directory separator, not a directory itself. /bin
Essential command binaries (programs) are stored here (bash, ls, mount, tar, etc.)
Static files of the boot loader.
Device files. In Linux, hardware devices are acceessd just like other files, and they are kept under this directory.
Host-specific system configuration files.
Location of users' personal home directories (e.g. /home/susan).
Essential shared libraries and kernel modules.
Process information pseudo-filesystem. An interface to kernel data structures.
The root (superuser) home directory.
Essential system binaries (fdisk, fsck, init , etc).
Temporary files. All users have permission to place temporary files here.
The base directory for most shareable, read-only data (programs, libraries, documentation, and much more).
Most user programs are kept here (cc, find, du, etc.).
Header files for compiling C programs.
Libraries for most binary programs.
“Locally” installed files. This directory only really matters in environments where files are stored on the network (locally-installed files go in to /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/lib, etc.). Also often used for software packages installed from source, or software not officially shipped with the distribution.
Non-vital system binaries ( lpd, useradd, etc.)
Architecture-independent data (icons, backgrounds, documentation, terminfo, man pages, etc.).
Program source code. E.g. The Linux Kernel, source RPMs, etc.
The X Window System.
Variable data: mail and printer spools, log files, lock files, etc.
Commands for Navigating the Linux Filesystems The first thing you usually want to do when learning about the Linux filesystem is take some time to look around and see what's there! These next few commands will tell you: a) where you are, b) take you somewhere else, and c) show you what's there. The following table describes the basic operation of the pwd, cd, and ls commands, and compares them to certain DOS commands that you might already be familiar with. Linux Command
DOS Command
cd, chdir
cd directory
cd directory
cd ~ cd ..
cd ls
dir /w
ls directory
dir directory
ls -l
ls -a
dir /a
ls -ld directory
ls /usr/bin/d*
“Pri “Print nt Work Workin ing g Dire Direct ctor ory” y”.. Show Showss the the curre current nt loca locati tion on in the the directory tree. “Change Directory”. When typed all by itself, it returns you to your home directory. Change into the specified directory name. Example: cd /usr/src/linux “~” is an alias for your home directory. It can be used as a shortcut to your “home”, or other directories relative to your home. Move up one directory. For example, if you are in /home/vic and you type “cd ..”, you will end up in /home. Return to previous directory. An easy way to get back to your previous location! List all files in the current directory, in column format. List the files in the specified directory. Example: ls /var/log List files in “long” format, one file per line. This also shows you additional additional info about the file, file, such as ownership, ownership, permissions, permissions, date, and size. List all files, including “hidden” files. Hidden files are those files that begin with a “.”, e.g. The .bash_history file in your home directory. A “long” list of “directory”, but instead of showing the directory contents, contents, show the directory's directory's detailed information. information. For example, example, compare the output of the following two commands:
ls -l /usr/bin ls -ld /usr/bin dir d*.*
List all files whose names begin with the letter “d” in the /usr/bin directory.
Piping and Re-Direction Before we move on to learning even more commands, let's side-track to the topics of piping and re-direction. The basic UNIX philosophy, therefore by extension the Linux philosophy, is to have many small programs and utilities that do a particular job very well. It is the responsibility of the programmer or user to combine these utilities to make more useful command sequences. 4.1 Piping Commands Together The pipe character, “|”, is used to chain two or more commands together. The output of the first command is “piped” into the next program, and an d if there is a second p ipe, the output is sent to the third program, etc. ls -la /usr/bin | less For example: In this example, we run the command “ls -la /usr/bin”, which gives us a long listing of all of the files in /usr/bin. Because the output of this command is typically very long, we pipe the output to a program called “less”, which displays the output for us one screen at a time.
Redirecting Program Output to Files There are times when it is useful to save the output of a command to a file, instead of displaying it to the screen. For example, example, if we want to create create a file that lists all of the MP3 files in a directory, directory, we can do something something like this, using the “>” redirection character: ls -l /home/vic/MP3/*.mp3 > mp3files.txt A similar command can be written so that instead of creating a new file called mp3files.txt, we can append to the end of the original file: ls -l /home/vic/extraMP3s/*.mp3 >> mp3files.txt Other Linux Commands The following sections describe many other commands that you will find on most Linux systems. I can't possibly cover the details of all of these commands in this document, so don't forget that you can check the “man pages” for additional information. Not all of the listed commands will be available on all Linux or UNIX distributions. Working With Files and Directories These commands can be used to: find out information about files, display files, and manipulate them in other ways (copy, move, delete). Linux Command
DOS Command
head tail tail -f
Find out what kind of file it is. For example, “file /bin/ls” tells us that it is a Linux executable file. Display the contents of a text file on the screen. For example: cat mp3files.txt would display the file we created in the previous section. Display the first few lines of a text file. Example: head /etc/services Display the last few lines of a text file. Example: tail /etc/services Display the last few lines of a text file, and then output appended data as the file grows (very useful for following log files!). Example: tail -f /var/log/messages Copies a file from one location to another. Exampl Example: e: cp mp3fi mp3files les.tx .txtt /tmp /tmp (copie (copiess the mp3fi mp3files les.tx .txtt file file to the /tmp directory) Moves a file to a new location, or renames it. For example: mv mp3files.txt /tmp (copy the file to /tmp, and delete it from the original location)
rename, ren, move
Delete a file. Example: rm /tmp/mp3files.txt
Make Directory. Example: mkdir /tmp/myfiles/
rd, rmdir
Remove Directory. Example: rmdir /tmp/myfiles/
Finding Things The following commands are used to find files. “ls” is good for finding files if you already know approximately where they are, but sometimes you need more powerful tools such as these: Linux Command
Shows the full path of shell commands found in your path. For example, if you want to know exactly where the “grep” command is located on the filesystem, you can type “which grep”. The output should be something like: /bin/grep Locates Locates the program, program, source code, and manual page for a command command (if all information information is available). For example, to find out where “ls” and its man page are, type: “whereis ls” The output will look something like: ls: /bin/ls /usr/share/man/man1/ls.1.gz A quick way to search for files anywhere on the filesystem. For example, you can find all files and directories that contain the name “mozilla” by typing: locate mozilla A very powerful command, but sometimes tricky to use. It can be used to search for files matching certain patterns, as well as many other types of searches. A simple example is: find . -name \*mp3 This example starts searching in the current directory “.” and all subdirectories, looking for files with “mp3” at the end of their names. na mes.
Informational Commands The following commands are used to find out some information about the user or the system. Linux Command
Lists currently running process (programs).
Show who is logged on and what they are doing.
Print your user-id and group id's
Report filesystem disk space usage (“Disk Free” is how I remember it)
du top
Disk Usage in a particular directory. “du -s” provides a summary for the current directory. Displays CPU processes in a full-screen GUI. A great way to see the ac tivity on your computer in real-time. Type “Q” to quit.
Displays amount of free and used memory in the system.
cat /proc/cpuinfo
Displays information about your CPU.
cat /proc/meminfo
Display lots of information about current memory usage.
uname -a
Prints system information information to the screen (kernel version, machine type, etc.)
Other Utilities Here are some other commands that are useful to know. Linux Command
Clear the screen Display text on the screen. Mostly useful when writing shell scripts. For example: echo “Hello World” Display a file, or program output one page at a time. Examples: more mp3files.txt ls -la | more An improved replacement for the “more” command. Allows you to scroll backwards as well as forwards. Search for a pattern in a file or program p rogram output. For example, to find out which TCP network port is used by the “nfs” service, you can do this: grep .nfs. /etc/services This looks for any line that contains the string “nfs” in the file “/etc/services” and displays only those lines. Print a file or program output. Examples: lpr mp3files.txt - Print the mp3files.txt file ls -la | lpr - Print the output of the “ls -la” command.
echo more less
lpr sort
Sort a file or program output. Example: sort mp3files.txt
“Switch User”. Allows you to switch to another user's account temporarily. The default account to switch to is the root/superuser account. Examples: su - Switch the root account su - - Switch to root, and log in with root's environment su larry - Switch to Larry's account
Some Shortcuts to Make it all Easier! Shortcut
Up/D Up/Down own Keys
Arro Arrow w Scroll through your most recent commands. You can scroll back to an old command, hit ENTER, and execute the command without having to re-type it.
“histo “history” ry”com comman mand d Show Show your compl complete ete comman command d history. history. If you type a partial command or filename that the shell recognizes, you can have it automatically completed for you if you press the TAB key. Try typing the first few TAB Completion characters characters of your favourite Linux command, then hit TAB a couple of times times to see what happens. Comp Comple lete te rece recent nt Try this: Type “!” followed by the first couple of letters of a recent command and press com command mandss with with ENTER! For example, type: find /usr/bin -type f -name m\* ...and now type: !fi “!” Search your Pres Presss CTRL CTRL-R -R and and then then type type any portio portion n of a rece recent nt comma command nd.. It will will sear search ch the the comman command d histor history y commands for you, and once you find the command you want, wan t, just press ENTER. with CTRL-R Scrolling the screen with ShiftScroll back and forward through your terminal. PageUp PageUp and Page Page Down