List of kanji by concept 1
1.1 1.1
Physic Physical al propert properties ies and attributes Colo Colour urss
⾊ colours ⽩ white 黒 black ⾚ red 紅 crimson ⻘ blue ⻩ yellow 緑 green ⾦ gold 銀 silver 紫 violet 紺 dark blue 朱 vermilion 褐 brown 藍 indigo 彩 brightly coloured 1.2
Shape, Shape, size, size, patt pattern ern,, arrangement
形 shape 体 form 姿 gure
模 pattern 柄 design, pattern 円 circle 丸 circular 曲 curve 弧 arc 環 ring, surround 輪 ring 凹 concave 凸 convex ⾓ angle 斜 diagonal 球 sphere 圏 sphere ⽟ ball 線 line 列 row, line 並 line up ⼤ large 巨 huge ⼩ small 微 minute 狭 narrow 1
端 edge or border 縁 edge 周 perimeter 境 boundary 枠 frame, border 端 end, tip 側 side 隅 corner ⾼ tall ⻑ long 短 short 広 wide 幅 width 1.3
Miscellane Miscellaneous ous properties properties
硬 hard 軟 soft 重 heavy (weight) 軽 light (weight) solid, rm 固 solid, 液 liquid 強 strong 弱 weak 厚 thick
濃 thick, concentrated 薄 dilute, thin 細 slender 緻 ne, delicate 微 delicate 鋭 sharp 太 fat, thick 深 deep 浅 shallow 暑 hot 熱 hot 温 warm 暖 warm 冷 cold 寒 cold ⼲ dry 乾 dry 湿 damp 潤 moist 浄 clean 汚 dirty 粘 sticky 艶 glossy
Dire Direct ctio ions ns and and spa spati tial al relationships
北 north 南 south 東 east ⻄ west 左 left 右 right 下 down 上 up 前 front 後 back 裏 rear, back 底 bottom 外 outside 中 inside, middle 内 inside 央 center 奥 interior 間 between ⼊ direction in 出 direction out ⽅ direction 近 near 遠 distant 向 toward 2
来 come ⾏ go 旅 travel 往 go, depart 帰 return 参 go (esp. visit) 落 fall, drop 赴 go to 越 go beyond, exceed 倒 fall over 墜 fall down, crash 揚 raise, elevate 3
Numbers Numbers,, count counting ing,, sequence
数 number 零 zero ⼀ one ⼆ two 三 three 四 four 五 ve 六 six 七 seven ⼋ eight 九 nine
⼗ ten 百 100 千 1,000 万 10,000 億 100,000,000 兆 1,000,000,000,000 第 ordinal marker 初 rst ⼄ second (ordinal) 丙 third (ordinal) 桁 digit 双 pair 多 many 少 few 半 half 両 both 各 each 毎 every 次 next 翌 the following 番 numerical order 順 sequence 序 sequence 3.1
Count Counters ers
個 general counter
台 counter for machines, vehicles 枚 counter for at things 本 counter for cylindrical things 隻 counter for ships 冊 counter for books 匹 counter for animals ⽦ counter for small animals, insects 頭 counter for large animals ⽻ counter for birds, rabbits 箇 counter for articles ⾜ counter for pairs of footwear 札 counter for bonds, tickets 杯 counter for cupfuls 軒 counter for houses ⼾ counter for houses 輪 counter for wheels, owers 畳 counter for tatami mats ⽄ counter for loaves of bread 丁 miscellaneous counter ⼈ counter for people 3.2 Hand Handlin ling g amou amount ntss
算 calculation 倍 times, double 増 increase, add 殖 increase 3
耗 decrease, consume 減 dwindle, decrease 縮 shrink, contract 加 add to 除 division 分 divide 剖 split in two 3.3 3.3
Unit Unitss
Units of length:
尺 Japanese foot (around 30 cm) ⼨ 1/10 Japanese foot (around 3 cm) 厘 (around 0.3 mm) ⾥ league (around 3.9 km) Units of area:
坪 two-mat area (around 3.3 m²) 畝 30 tsubo (around 100 m²) Units of volume:
勺 ladle (around 18 ml) 升 (around 1.8 l) ⽃ (around 18 l) ⽯ (around 180 l) Units of weight:
匁 (around 3.75 grams) ⽄ (around 600 g)
⽇ day 週 week ⽉ month 年 year 曜 day of week 暦 calendar 朝 morning 午 noon 昼 daytime ⼣ evening 晩 evening 宵 early evening 夜 night 暁 sunrise rising sun 旭 rising 旦 sunrise 暮 sunset 時 time, hour 分 minute 秒 second 今 now 早 early 遅 late 前 before 後 after
久 long ago 旧 former 曽 formerly 近 recent 先 ahead, previous 間 interval of time 期 time period 暫 a while 紀 era 昨 previous time 回 number of times time, about 頃 time, 際 moment, occasion 度 number of times 昔 antiquity 永 eternity 旬 period of 10 days 始 begin 終 end 古 old ⽼ old 若 young 新 new 4.1 4.1
Seas Season onss
季 season 4
候 season season, period 節 season, 春 spring 夏 summer 秋 autumn 冬 winter 4.2 4.2
Days Days of of the the wee week k
曜 weekday ⽇ Sunday ⽉ Monday ⽕ Tuesday ⽔ Wednesday ⽊ Thursday ⾦ Friday ⼟ Saturday 5
5.1 Sky and and hea heave vens ns
⽇ sun 陽 sun or yang principle ⽉ moon 星 star 天 sky or heaven 空 sky or void 気 air 宇 universe
Natural Natural substan substances ces
⾦ metal or gold 銀 silver 銅 copper 鉛 lead 鉄 iron 銑 pig iron 鋼 steel 鉱 ore 晶 crystal ⽟ jewel 珠 pearl or jewel ⽔ water 氷 ice 汽 steam, vapour ⽯ stone 炭 coal 灰 ash ⼟ earth 地 ground or earth 砂 sand 沙 sand 泥 mud 塩 salt 丹 cinnabar 硫 sulphur
酸 acid, oxygen 窒 nitrogen 材 timber, material 油 oil 脂 fat 5.3
Weather eather and and other other natura naturall phenomena
雲 cloud 曇 cloud ⾬ rain 虹 rainbow ⾵ wind 雪 snow 嵐 storm 候 climate 晴 ne weather 霞 haze or mist 雷 lightning or thunder 霧 fog or mist 霜 frost 露 dew 波 wave 潮 tide 渦 whirlpool 洪 ood 震 earthquake 5
災 natural disaster 暗 dark 闇 dark 冥 dark 光 light 明 light 陰 yin principle or shadow 影 shadow 煙 smoke or fumes 電 electricity 磁 magnet ⽕ re 炎 blaze 5.4
Landscape Landscape and topograph topography y
陸 land 野 eld 畑 eld 原 eld ⽥ rice paddy 牧 pasture ⾥ countryside 壌 fertile soil 漠 desert ⼭ mountain 岳 peak or mountain
峰 peak 峠 mountain pass 丘 hill 岡 hill ⾩ hill 坂 slope 麓 foot of mountain 堤 embankment ⾕ valley 溪 mountain stream or valley 峡 gorge 渓 ravine 窟 cave 岩 rock or boulder 巌 rock or boulder 漠 desert 川 river 河 river or stream 泉 water spring 滝 waterfall 瀬 shallows, rapids 堀 ditch 畔 levee 沢 swamp 沼 marsh 海 ocean or sea
洋 ocean 沖 open sea 湖 lake 池 pond 潟 lagoon 礁 reef 江 creek or bay 湾 bay, gulf 岸 shore 磯 seashore 浜 beach 浦 bay, beach 崖 cli 崎 promontory or cape 埼 promontory 岬 headland 島 island 6
Anim Animal alss
⽝ dog 狗 dog 猫 cat ⿏ mouse 兎 rabbit ⾺ horse ⽜ cow 6
⽺ sheep 豚 pig ⿅ deer 獣 beast 畜 livestock 象 elephant 虎 tiger 熊 bear 狼 wolf 狐 fox 狸 raccoon dog (tanuki) 猿 monkey ⻲ turtle 鯆 dolphin 鯨 whale ⾍ insect 昆 insect 蜂 bee 蚊 mosquito 蚕 silkworm 蛍 rey 蛇 snake alligator or crocodile 鰐 alligator
6.1 6.1
Fish ish
⿂ sh ⾙ shellsh 鯉 carp 鮒 crucian carp 鮠 minnow 鱒 trout 鮭 salmon 鱸 sea bass 鯛 sea bream 鰌 stone loach 鱈 cod 鰻 eel 鯊 goby 鯖 mackerel 鰯 sardine 鯵 scad, horse mackerel 鰊 herring 鰍 bullhead 鯰 catsh 鰈 ounder 鰤 amberjack 鮃 sole 鮫 shark
6.2 6.2
Bird Birdss
⿃ bird 鶏 chicken 鴨 duck 鷹 hawk 鶴 crane 雀 sparrow 梟 owl 燕 swallow 烏 crow 6.3 Anima Animall parts parts
⽻ feather, wing 翼 wing ⽑ fur 尾 tail ⽛ tusk, fang ⾓ horn ⽖ claw 7
Plan Plants ts and and tre trees es
植 plant ⽊ tree 樹 tree 林 grove 森 forest 松 pine 7
杉 cedar 桜 cherry 梅 plum 梨 pear 柿 persimmon 栃 horse chestnut 藤 wisteria 桑 mulberry 桃 peach 柳 willow 桂 cinnamon tree 草 grass 稲 rice plant ⿇ hemp or ax ⽵ bamboo 葛 vine 茨 brier 菊 chrysanthemum 栽 cultivation of plants 藻 algae, seaweed 茸 mushroom bacteria 菌 fungi or bacteria 根 root 幹 tree trunk 枝 branch
葉 leaf 花 ower 芽 bud 苗 seedling 茎 stem 8 8.1 8.1
People Gene Genera rall
⼈ person 者 person (usually with qualier) ⺠ people 男 man ⼥ woman 雄 male 雌 female 翁 old man 婆 old woman 嬢 young lady ⼦ child 児 child 坊 boy, sonny 郎 son, boy 童 juvenile 徒 gang or junior 私I 僕I
俺I 彼 he 君 you ⾃ oneself ⼰ oneself 我 self, ego 8.2 Roles Roles and status status
主 master or husband 夫 husband or man 妻 wife 婦 wife or lady 王 king 皇 emperor or sovereign 帝 Mikado or emperor 姫 princess 媛 princess 妃 princess, queen 后 empress 伯 earl, count 侯 lord, marquis 爵 noble rank ⼠ man or gentleman ⽅ honorable person 漢 honorable man or Han person 彦 boy, high-status man 8
傑 great man 紳 gentleman ⽒ courtesy title ⻑ leader 係 person in charge 督 supervisor 師 expert 仲 intermediary 使 messenger 医 doctor 友 friend 僚 colleague 輩 fellow, comrade 客 guest, customer 賓 guest, VIP 隣 neighbour servant, fellow 奴 servant, 隷 underling 仙 hermit 8.3
Family amily relations relationships hips
家 family 族 family 名 name ⽗ father ⺟ mother
親 parent 嫁 wife, bride 娘 daughter 弟 younger brother 妹 younger sister 兄 older brother 姉 older sister 爺 grandfather 婆 grandmother 祖 ancestor 孫 grandchild 叔 aunt, uncle 伯 aunt, uncle 甥 nephew 姪 niece 婿 son-in-law, bridegroom 昆 descendants 戚 relatives 婚 marry 姻 matrimony 嫡 legitimate wife, family 寡 widow 8.4 8.4
Grou Groups ps
国 country 社 company
団 group 派 faction, group 組 association, assemble 群 ock, crowd 9 9.1 9.1
Bo d y Gene Genera rall
⾝ body 体 body ⾁ esh ⾎ blood 脈 vein 筋 muscles ⾻ bone 髄 marrow 節 joint ⽪ skin 膚 skin 肌 skin 皺 wrinkle 腺 gland 9.2 9.2
髭 beard 額 forehead ⽿ ear ⽬ eye 眼 eyeball 眉 eyebrow 瞳 pupil ⿐ nose 顎 jaw ⼝ mouth 唇 lips ⻭ tooth ⾆ tongue 頬 cheek 頤 chin 喉 throat 咽 throat ⾸ neck 9.3
Head Head and and nec neck k
頭 head 脳 brain 髪 hair 顔 face 9
Torso orso and and orga organs ns
胴 torso 背 back 脊 backbone 呂 backbone 椎 backbone 肋 rib
胸 chest 腹 stomach 胃 stomach 臍 navel 腰 waist 臓 entrails 腸 intestines ⼼ heart 肺 lung 肝 liver 膵 pancreas 腎 kidney 胆 gall bladder 肛 anus 膣 vagina 9.4 9.4
Arms Arms and and leg legss
肢 limb 腕 arm 肩 shoulder 脇 armpit 肘 elbow ⼿ hand 拳 st 指 nger ⽖ nail
睡 sleep 夢 dream
掌 palm 尻 buttocks 股 thighs 脚 leg ⾜ leg, foot 膝 knee 踝 ankle 踵 heel
9.6 Health Health,, illness, illness, medic medicine ine
9.5 Body functi function onss
汗 sweat 泪 tear 涙 tear 唾 saliva 精 sperm 尿 urine 便 faeces 胎 foetus 妊 pregnant 娠 pregnant ⽣ birth 産 give birth 哺 suckle 息 breath 寝 sleep 眠 sleep 10
⽣ life 死 death 健 healthy 康 healthy ⼒ strength 病 illness 症 disease 疾 disease 患 sick 疫 epidemic 骸 corpse 痛 pain 疲 tired 休 rest 痩 weight loss 瘍 ulcer 痘 pox 痢 diarrhoea 癌 cancer 傷 wound 痕 scar 医 medicine, doctor
療 heal 癒 heal 治 cure 剤 medicine 錠 pill 薬 drug 9.7
Gestur Gestures es and and sports sports
⽴ stand up ⾛ run 座 sit 踊 jump 歩 walk 泳 swim ⽌ stop 10 10.1 10.1
Emot Em otion ionss and and sens senses es Emoti Emotion onss
情 emotion 感 feeling, emotion 気 feeling, mood 愛 love 恋 love 慕 adoration 崇 reverence, adoration 恭 respect 敬 respect
慈 aection, benevolence 憎 hate 好 like 嫌 dislike 蔑 contempt 恐 fear or anxiety 虞 fear or anxiety 怖 fear or anxiety 畏 fear or anxiety 慄 fear 惧 apprehension 悲 sadness 哀 sadness or pity 憂 sadness, anxiety 煩 anxiety, annoyance 愁 melancholy 鬱 melancholy 惜 regret 憾 regret 悔 remorse 懐 yearning 憧 yearning, adoration 憬 yearning 戚 grief 恨 resentment 怨 resentment 11
慨 indignation, resentment 寂 loneliness 楽 fun 愉 fun 娯 fun 幸 happiness 嬉 happiness 喜 joy 悦 joy 慶 joy 歓 joy 快 pleasure 笑 laughter 疑 doubt or suspicion 迷 doubt 迷 confusion 紛 confusion 惑 bewilderment 慌 disconcertion 驚 surprise 欲 desire 怒 anger 激 violent excitement 暴 violent rage 憤 indignation
傲 pride 恥 shame 羞 shame 妬 envy 羨 envy 嫉 envy 10.2 10.2
Sens Senses es
⾒ see 聞 hear 聴 listen ⾳ sound 静 quiet 味 taste, avour 辣 bitter ⾟ pungent 触 touch, feel 嗅 smell 芳 fragrant 匂 fragrant ⾹ pleasant smell 臭 bad smell 盲 blind 10.3 10.3
Judgme Judgment nt
思 考 think think
正 correct 良 good 善 good 悪 bad 理 reason 11
乳 milk 酪 dairy products 蜜 honey 菓 confectionery
Food and and dri drink nk
⾷ eat, meal 飲 drink ⽶ rice 飯 cooked rice, meal 餅 rice cake ⻨ wheat or barley 粒 grain 穀 cereal 穂 ear of grain 果 fruit 実 fruit 菜 vegetable ⾖ bean 麺 noodles 芋 potato 粉 our 卵 egg 糖 sugar ⾁ meat 12
栗 chestnut 酒 alcoholic drink 酎 sake 酌 serve alcohol 酢 vinegar 漬 pickle 汁 juice, soup 茶 tea 炊 cook 焼 bake roast, boil 煎 roast,
蒸 steam 醸 brew 揚 fry 丼 bowl of food 箸 chopsticks 鮨 sushi
Man-ma Man-made de struct structure uress and artifacts Towns, owns, cities, cities, buildi buildings, ngs, structures, roads
村 village 町 town 市 city 京 capital city 都 metropolis 畿 capital 街 street, city district 建 build 家 house 宅 home 屋 roof, house, shop 店 shop 荘 villa 亭 pavilion 園 garden 芝 lawn, turf 庭 garden, courtyard 室 room 房 room 廊 corridor 壁 wall ⼾ door 扉 door
窓 window 棚 shelf ⾨ gate 垣 fence 塀 wall, fence 柵 fence 寮 dormitory 蔵 storehouse 庫 storage room 倉 warehouse 舎 building 館 public building 閣 imposing building 宮 palace 殿 hall, palace 堂 hall 楼 tower 塔 tower 城 castle 塁 base, fort 獄 prison 宿 inn 駅 station 港 harbour 津 harbour 橋 bridge 13
碑 monument 桟 wooden structure column 桁 beam, column 柱 pillar 棟 ridgepole 壇 podium 台 pedestal 井 well 炉 replace, hearth 道 path or road 路 path or road 途 way, route 岐 fork in the road 辻 crossroads 12.2
Vehicles ehicles and and mac machine hiness
⾞ vehicle, wheel 軸 axle 機 machine 械 contraption 船 boat 艇 boat ⾈ small boat 舶 oceangoing ship 舷 side of a ship 乗 ride, board
搭 board, load ⼒ power 12.3 12.3
Clothi Clothing ng and and text textile iless
布 cloth ⼱ cloth, towel ⾐ garment 服 clothes 装 attire 絹 silk 袖 sleeve 裾 hem, cu 襟 collar 帯 belt 靴 shoes 履 footwear 帽 hat 着 wear ⽷ thread 縫 sew 織 weave 紡 spin (yarn) 綿 cotton 錦 brocade
12.4 Miscellane Miscellaneous ous manufac manufactured tured items
品 article 器 vessel 鉢 bowl 丼 bowl 杯 cup 鍋 pot 釜 kettle ⽫ plate, dish 板 board, plate 盤 disk, board 盆 basin, tray 瓶 bottle, jar ⽸ tin can 箸 chopsticks 蓋 lid 栓 stopper, plug 卓 table 椅 chair 机 desk 床 bed 膳 tray, small table 箱 box 灯 lamp 袋 bag 14
俵 straw sack, bag 籠 basket 扇 fan 枕 pillow 幕 curtain 帆 sail 畳 tatami mat 傘 umbrella 磁 porcelain 陶 pottery ⽡ tile 紙 paper 箋 paper ⾰ leather 塗 paint 漆 lacquer 棒 rod 維 bre 網 net 索 cord 縄 rope 綱 rope 弦 string 針 needle 鎌 sickle
管 pipe 槽 tank 鎖 chain 串 skewer 具 tool 鍵 key 錠 lock 鈴 bell 鐘 bell 鋳 casting 鏡 mirror 棺 con 窯 stove, kiln ⾅ millstone, mortar 錘 spindle, plumb 枢 hinge, pivot ⽄ axe 鈎 sh hook 13 13.1 13.1
Huma Human n acti activi viti ties es Money Money and and com commer merce ce
⾦ money or gold 銭 coin 札 banknote 円 yen 幣 currency
財 wealth 富 rich 買 buy 購 purchase 売 sell 業 business, industry 商 trade 貿 trade 販 marketing 卸 wholesale 払 pay ⾙ cowry (ancient Chinese currency) 貨 goods, property 宝 treasure, wealth 産 product ⼯ manufacture 価 price 値 price ⾼ expensive 安 cheap 廉 cheap 資 capital 賃 fee or wages 料 fee 費 expense 営 management 15
職 employment 働 work 稼 work, earn 給 salary 俸 salary 償 recompense 債 debt, bond 貯 savings 税 tax 租 tax levy, instalment 賦 levy, 賄 bribe 賂 bribe 賭 gamble 13.2 13.2
Cultur Culture, e, arts, arts, musi music, c, learning
芸 art 絵 picture, painting 画 picture 楽 music 曲 musical composition 歌 song 謡 song, noh chant 唄 song 諧 harmony 琴 cithare, harp
笛 ute ⿎ drum 拍 clap, beat (music) 節 tune, melody 詩 poetry 詠 recite poetry 俳 haiku 劇 drama, play 祭 festival 校 school 学 study, school ⽣ student 塾 private school 科 faculty 教 teach 究 study, research 研 study, research 知 know 卒 graduate 儒 Confucianism 13.3
Language Language,, comm communic unicatio ation n
語 language ⾔ say 話 speak 声 voice
告 tell 談 discuss 聞 ask 問 question 答 answer 吟 recite 読 read 書 write 本 book ⽂ text 図 map, diagram 筆 writing, brush 字 character 辞 word 詞 words 句 phrase 記 written record 刊 publish 誌 document, journal 訃 obituary 信 message 報 inform 説 explain 題 topic 表 express 伝 transmit 16
論 discourse 講 lecture 宣 proclaim 13.4
Religion, Religion, supernatur supernatural al world
神 god 宗 religion, sect 教 religion 聖 sacred 祈 pray 仏 Buddha 寺 Buddhist temple 僧 Buddhist priest 尼 Buddhist nun 禅 Zen 社 Shinto shrine 刹 temple 詣 temple visit 宮 shrine 派 sect 魂 soul 霊 spirit 魔 demon, witch ⿁ ghost, devil 幻 phantom, apparition ⻯ dragon
Chinese-J Chinese-Japa apanese nese signs signs of zodiac
⿏ ⿓ 猴 ⽜ 蛇 鷄 虎 ⾺ 狗 兔 ⽺ 豬
(⼦) Rat (⾠) Dragon (申) Monkey (丑) Ox (⺒) Snake (⾣) Rooster (寅) Tiger (午) Horse (戌) Dog (卯) Rabbit (未) Goat (亥) Pig, Boar
War, ghting ghting,, weapons weapons
武 military 戦 battle 闘 battle
敵 enemy 攻 attack 斬 slash 伐 attack or punish 殺 kill 撃 attack 討 attack 殴 beat, assault 撃 beat, attack 射 shoot at 襲 raid 征 conquer 兵 soldier ⼑ sword or katana ⽭ halberd ⼽ spear 剣 sword 斬 cut with a sword 盾 shield
甲 armour 侍 samurai 忍 ninja or shinobi 偵 spy ⼸ bow ⽮ arrow 銃 gun 砲 gun or cannon 将 commander 曹 sergeant 尉 military ocer 軍 troops 隊 corps 班 squad, corps 陣 battle formation, camp 屯 barracks 爆 bomb 弾 bullet 艦 warship