A Survey was conducted Nationwide in around 300 District Courts across 24 States during which 9,000 litigants were interviewed. It has rought to the !ore so"e shoc#ing ut interesting results. At an average o! aout $s %,&4' (er case (er day, it is roughly esti"ated that that over $s )0,000 crore a year is eing s(ent y *itigants on the loss l oss o! wages and usiness while attending lower court hearings. I! the cost incurred y litigants in a year on (ay"ent o! legal !ees and other court related e+(enditure are added, and the !igure u"(s to in e+cess o! $s -0,000 crore annually. his is aout 0.&0/ o! Indias 1D in ear 20%)5%'6. A 7engaluru ased N18 na"ed Da#sh, conducted the Access to ustice Survey y engaged with *itigants and and analysing the (er!or"ance o! the udiciary. It was recently engaged y the :inistry o! *aw and ustice, 18I, to study (endency in ;igh Courts and District Courts in the Country. N18 Da#sh had (artnered with National *aw
In the cri"inal cases, this cost was !ound to e $s %,444 > $s )42 on e+(enses involving attending the court hearings and Cost o! legal !ees. $s 902 (er day was due to loss o! (ay or the usiness inco"e. In this "anner, over $s )0,000 crore was !ound to e s(ent on account o! average wage and usiness loss due to attending District court hearings, which co"es to al"ost 0.44/ o! 1D. he cost incurred y all the litigants in Courts towards legal !ees and other e+(enses added u( to another $s 30,000 crore. he !indings revealed that litigations in !a"ily "atters and service cases urisdictions s(end "ore on each Court hearing than other litigants. hose *itigants who hail !ro" the lower inco"e rac#ets incurred a higher cost as co"(ared to others. It was !ound that the average daily e+(enses o! (lainti!!s who !ile cases was 2%/ less than the accused who de!end the"selves, according to the study . 8n an average, it was !ound that a co"(lainant?(etitioner in civil cases have to s(end $s 20,000 (er case till it is decided. decide d. his is "ore than the accused who w ho incurred only $s %),000 cost on de!ense. *i#ewise in cri"inal cases, the accused were !ound ! ound to s(ending "ore, $s 20,000 co"(ared to $s %0,000 y the (lainti!!. Survey concludes that the co"(le+ udicial syste" is "ore dear so"e to the low inco"e grou( o! Society with annual inco"e o! less than $s % la#h. @Aout 44/ o! litigants surveyed s(o#e aout e+(enses as a "aor deterring !actor !or not !iling a((eals in the higher court i! their cases were not decided in their !avour,@ the study said. 8ne startling !actor !ound is that "any as %)/ litigants had to travel etween )0 #" and 300 #" in order to reach their courts !or hearings. TNN