NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology Department of Chemical Engineering
Title: Process Design and Economic Invesigaion o! "PG Prod#cion !rom Na#ra$ Gas "i%#ids &NG"'
Keyword !"#$: "PG Recover() Pe$(#* Co$#mn) Economic Eva$#aion
%ritten &y: E$dar K+a,i,#$$in) -e,( -e,riani) J#eing S+eng and S#$a$i /and(oad+(a(
Time of wor': #g#s 23+) 2010 Novem,er 15+) 2010
Supervisor: Sig#rd S*ogesad Co6S#ervisors 8e+di Pana+i and 8ar(am G+adrdan
Num&er of pages: 99 (ain report: 74 )ppendi* : 2:
E+T,)CT -F %-,K )ND C-NC.US/-NS 0ostulations and dimension of wor': T+e "PG recover( $an oeraes on Na#ra$ Gas "i%#ids &NG"') enering !rom ;o so#rces) ;i+ a oa$ !$o;rae o! << onnes=+o#r and rod#ces "i%#i!ied Pero$e#m Gas &"PG' a$ong ;i+ Na#ra$ Gaso$ine as +e rimar( rod#cs. T+e rocess is s#died #sing conveniona$ co$#mns and a$so Pe$(#* co$#mns as a$ernaive o +e conveniona$ ones.
T+e $an ;i$$ ,e ,#i$ in Nor;a( as a ar o! a gas rocessing $an. T+#s) +e seam #sed !or re,oi$er o! +e co$#mn is considered o ,e generaed as ar o! seam generaion !or +e ;+o$e $an. In order o rder o +ave an economic rocess) insead o! #sing re!rigeran i is s#ggesed o #se sea ;aer) a 10oC !or condenser. Conclusions and recommendations: O# o! +e si> a$ernaive cases s#died) +ree conveniona$ and +ree ;i+ Pe$(#* co$#mns) +e Pe$(#* co$#mn rod#cing "PG and na#ra$ gaso$ine) is !o#nd o# o ,e economica$$( mos ro!ia,$e. ?o;ever) a$$ +e con!ig#raions are !o#nd o ,e +ig+$( sensiive o ,o+ ra; maeria$s as ;e$$ as rod#c rices. Date and signature:
T)1.E -F C-NTENTS CKNO@"EDGE8ENT...............................................................................................................iv /STRCT.....................................................................................................................................v 1
INTRODACTI INTRODACTION... ON.......... .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ....................1 ..............1 1.1 De!iniio De!iniion n and Proeries. Proeries........ ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ........................1 .................1 1.2 "PG $icaion $icaionss and 8ar*es..... 8ar*es........... ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ..................2 ...........2 1.< "PG Recover( Recover( Tec+no$og(..... ec+no$og(............ .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .................3 ..........3 1.<.1 Conveniona$ Conveniona$ Tec+no$og(..... ec+no$og(............ .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ..................... ............................3 ..............3 1.<.2 Pe$(#* Pe$(#* Co$#mn...... Co$#mn............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ...................... .................................10 ..................10
PROJECT PROJECT /SIS....... /SIS.............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ......................14 ................14 2.1 -eed Sreams... Sreams.......... .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. ...................14 ............14 2.2 Prod#c Prod#c Seci!icai Seci!icaions... ons.......... .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .................. ..............................14 ...................14 2.< Proec Proec Scoe........ Scoe............... .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. ............................ ..........................1: .....1: 2.4 ss#mion ss#mions..... s............ ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. ...........17 .....17
PROCESS PROCESS DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTIONS....... S............. ............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............15 ......15 <.1 Conveniona$ Conveniona$ Co$#mn...... Co$#mn............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ......................15 ...............15 <.1.1 Process Process -$o;........ -$o;............... .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. ........................ .......................19 ......19 <.1.2 Parameers Parameers....... .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. ................... ...............21 ..21 <.1.< 8ode$$ing.. 8ode$$ing......... .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ....................22 ..............22 <.2 Pe$(#* Pe$(#* Co$#mn....... Co$#mn............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .................. ..............................<< ...................<< <.2.1 8inim#m 8inim#m Energ( Energ( 8o#nain 8o#nain Diagram..... Diagram............ .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. ...............< ........<< < <.2.2 8ode$$ing 8ode$$ing and Sim#$aion Sim#$aion o! Pe$(#* Pe$(#* Co$#mns..... Co$#mns............ .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. .............42 .......42
-"O@S?EET -"O@S?EET C"CA" C"CA"TIONS. TIONS........ ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. ........................ .......................:2 ......:2 4.1 8ass /a$ance...... /a$ance............ ............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. ....................... ......................:2 ......:2 4.2 Energ( Energ( /a$ance...... /a$ance............ ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. ..........................:2 ...................:2 4.< E%#imen E%#imen SiBing....... SiBing............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ...............:< ........:<
COST ESTI8 ESTI8TION........ TION............... ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ......................:: ................:: :.1 -i>ed caia$ cos....... cos.............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. ................. ............................:: ..................:: :.2 @or*ing or*ing caia$ caia$ cos........ cos............... .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ............................. ............................:7 ......:7
:.< Oeraing Oeraing Cos....... Cos............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. ..........................:5 ...................:5
INEST8ENT INEST8ENT N"SIS. N"SIS........ .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ........................ ...............................34 ..............34 3.1 Inerna$ Inerna$ Rae o! Re#rn......... Re#rn................ .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ........................... ..............................34 ..........34 3.2 Ne Presen Presen a$#e........ a$#e............... .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ....................3: .............3: 3.< Pa(6,ac* Pa(6,ac* Period....... Period.............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ................. .......................3: .............3: 3.4 Sensiivi Sensiivi( ( na$(sis... na$(sis......... ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. .........33 ..33
DISCASSION DISCASSION....... .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ............. ........35 ..35
CONC"ASION CONC"ASIONS S ND RECO88EN RECO88END DTIONS.. TIONS........ ............. .............. .............. ............. ..................... ................................39 .................39
"IST O- S8/O"S......................................................................................................................70 RE-ERENCES...............................................................................................................................7<
PPENDICES................................................................................................................................7: endi> 6 Com#aiona$ Com#aiona$ Proced#re !or min diagram........................................................7: endi> / E%#imen SiBing..............................................................................................51 endi> C 6 Pe$(#* Co$#mn Ca$c#$aions............................................................................57 endi> D 6 Seam Ca$c#$aions !or Pe$(#* Co$#mn...........................................................9< endi> E 6 Caia$ Cos Esimaion.....................................................................................94 endi> - Cas+ -$o;s !or Di!!eren $ernaives...............................................................99
)CKN-%.ED2E(ENT @e e>ress o#r ro!o#nd grai#de o o#r Proec S#ervisor) 0rof3 Sigurd S'ogestad ) Pro!essor) C+emica$ Engineering Dearmen) NTNA) Nor;a( !or +is consan s#ervision and va$#a,$e g#idance. T+is sma$$ endeavor ;o#$d no +ave seen +e $ig+ o! +e da( ;i+o# +is consan scieni!ic s#or) !r#i!#$ disc#ssions in vario#s caaciies. @e ;o#$d ;o#$d a$so a$so $i*e $i*e o e>end e>end o#r ;+o$e6+ea ;+o$e6+eare red d +an*s +an*s and grai grai#d #dee o (ehdi 0anahi and (aryam 2hadrdan 2hadrdan !or +eir #niring +e$ and consr#cive criicisms ;+ic+ +ave +e$ed +e
co#rse o! +e ;or* immense$(. O#r secia$ +an*s a$so go o Dr. /var 43 5alvorsen6 5alvorsen6 senior Scienis a SINTE- E$ecronics and C(,erneics) #omaic Conro$) !or a$$o;ing #s o #se +is 8T"/ codes and a$so !or +is en$ig+ening and !r#i!#$ scieni!ic disc#ssions ;i+ #s. @e ;o#$d a$so $i*e o +an* Pro! 8agne ?i$$esad) Pro!essor) C+emica$ Engineering Dearmen) NTNA) Nor;a() Nor;a() +e coordinaor coo rdinaor !or +is co#rse &TKP 4170' !or e>$aining o #s # s +e roec ;or* and a$so necessar( re%#isies !or +e same.
NTNA) Novem,er 2010
)1ST,)CT "i%#e!ied Pero$e#m Gas &"PG' is #sed as a oenia$ !#e$ in severa$ ars o! +e ;or$d. T+e rice o! "PG +as ,een seadi$( increasing over +e $as !e; (ears as demand !or +e rod#c +as increased and oi$ rices +ave s+i!ed #;ards. I is genera$$( s(n+esiBed !rom cr#de oi$ &40' or !rom na#ra$ gas &30'. T+is roec main$( !oc#ses on design and sim#$aion o! an "PG $an) ;+ic+ rocesses !eed !rom na#ra$ gas ;e$$s o rod#ce "PG a$ong ;i+) na#ra$ gaso$ine &C:F' +aving a +ig+er va$#e as searae rod#c. T+e same is carried o# #sing ;o a$ernaives) +e conveniona$ aroac+ and +e #se o! Pe$(#* co$#mns) as a means o +ea6inegrae and red#ce oeraing as ;e$$ as invesmen coss. Si> cases are s#died ;i+ vario#s !ina$ rod#cs) decided ,ased on mar*e s#dies and di!!eren co$#mn con!ig#raions) ana$(Bed on an economic ,asis. T+ere are ;o !eeds o +e $an) $an) one !rom +e Na#ra$ gas &NG' ;e$$s) conaining aro#nd 79 o! C:F and +e o+er !rom de+(draion #nis o! NG rocessing $ans) conaining :2 C:F) ;i+ a oa$ !$o;rae o! <4 onnes=+r. ANISI8 sim#$aions +ave ,een done !or a$$ +e conveniona$ cases in order o se# +e rocess !$o; s+ees and siBe +e vario#s e%#imens) ;+i$e s+or c# ca$c#$aions +ave ,een done !or +e Pe$(#* co$#mns o arrive a comara,$e saes ;i+ +e conveniona$. Economic ana$(sis) ;i+ inerna$ rae o! re#rn &IRR' and Ne resen ;or+ &NP@' as +e economic arameers +ave ,een carried o# !or a$$ +e si> cases. T+e Pe$(#* con!ig#raions aear more ro!ia,$e as comared o +e conveniona$ cases) ;i+ +e Pe$(#* con!ig#raion rod#cing "PG and na#ra$ gaso$ine &C:F') seeming$( +e ,es. ?o;ever) sensiivi( ana$(sis s+o;s +a +e roec is +ig+$( sensiive o c+ange in ra; maeria$ rices and rod#c rices) +ence) +is co#$d #rn o# o ,e a ris*( roec !or a ne; invesor) ;+i$e) i ;o#$d ,e no so !or an a$read( esa,$is+ed ,ig ind#sria$ coman(.
7 /NT,-DUCT/-N In na#ra$ gas rocessing $ans) severa$ sages o! searaion and !racionaion are #sed o #ri!( +e na#ra$ gas !rom +e $i%#id +eavier +(drocar,ons. T+is searaed $i%#id is named as na#ra$ gas $i%#ids &NG"'. T+e ra; NG" is sen o "PG recover( $an o searae "PG &i6C < and i6C4' !rom sa,i$iBed NG" &C:F'. /o+ rod#cs are ver( va$#a,$e and e>ensive in +e mar*e. "PG is common$( #sed as a !#e$ in +eaing a$iances and ve+ic$es and increasing$( re$acing c+$oro!$#orocar,ons as an aeroso$ roe$$an and a re!rigeran o red#ce damage o +e oBone $a(er &@i*iedia'. In +is +is roec roec) ) "PG recover recover( ( $an $an is design designed ed #sing #sing commer commercia cia$$ so!;a so!;are re &Anisi &Anisim' m' and inves invesiga igaed ed !or economics economics o! +e roces rocess. s.
-#r+e -#r+ermo rmore) re) +e #se o! Pe$(#* Pe$(#* co$#mn as an
a$ernaive o conveniona$ co$#mns !or "PG is a$so disc#ssed in order o !ind +e mos economic rocess !or "PG rod#cion.
737 737 Defi Defini niti tion on and and 0r 0roper operti ties es "i%#e!ied Pero$e#m Gas &"PG' is a mi>#re o! +(drocar,on gases) rimar( roane and ,#ane. T+e e>ac comosiion o! "PG varies according o is so#rce) rocessing rinci$es and deends on +e season. -or e>am$e) in ;iner i conains more roane &roane vaor ress#re a 2: ⁰C is 9.<3 ,ar') in s#mmer more ,#ane &,#ane vaor ress#re a 2:⁰C is 2.44 ,ar'. "PG is odor$ess) co$or$ess and non6o>ic. To red#ce +e danger o! an e>$osion !rom #ndeeced $ea*s) commercia$ "PG #s#a$$( conains an odoriBing agen) s#c+ as e+ane+io$) ;+ic+ gives i a disinci disincive ve #ngen odor. odor. "PG +as a +ig+er ca$ori!ic ca$ori!ic va$#e &94 8J=m e%#iva$ens e%#iva$ens o 23.1 *@+' +an na#ra$ gas &<5 8J=m e%#iva$ens o 10.3 *@+' &@i*iedia'. T+e roeries o! "PG are a,#$aed in Ta,$e 1.1. Ta&le 737 6 Proeries o! "PG &Pero$e#m -#e$ -aci$iies) 1999' Name of the 0roperty -reeBing Poin Seci!ic Gravi( aor Press#re a <5 ⁰C ?ea Conen
8alue for .02 6157⁰C 0.:55 1212*Pa :0 221 *J=*g
739 739 .02 .02 )pp )ppli lica cati tion onss and (ar (ar'e 'ets ts $icaion o! "PG varies !rom !ood o ransor ind#sr(. Is cons#mion deends on +e $oca$ mar*e condiions. "PG is ;ide$( #sed in +e -ood Ind#sr( $i*e +oe$s) resa#rans) ,a*eries) caneens) resors ec. "o; s#$+#r conen and conro$$a,$e emera#re ma*es "PG +e mos re!erred !#e$ in +e !ood ind#sr(. ind#sr(. Glass & Ceramic
T+e man#!ac#re o! g$ass = ceramic rod#cs is com$icaed ,( n#mero#s c+emica$ reacions ;+ic+ occ#r d#ring +e rocess. T+e #se o! a c$ean !#e$ $i*e "PG en+ances +e rod#c %#a$i( +ere,( red#cing ec+nica$ ro,$ems re$aed o +e man#!ac#ring acivi(. "PG ,eing a gaseo#s !#e$ ges easi$( reg#$aed and com$emens +e +eaing rocess. Building Industry
"PG ,eing a remi#m gaseo#s !#e$ ma*es i idea$ !or #sage in +e Cemen man#!ac#ring rocess. T+e ease in reg#$aion and so! %#a$i( o! +e "PG !$ame and $o; s#$+#r conen are +e *e( advanages ,o+ ;i+ regard o cemen %#a$i( and *i$n oera,i$i(. Metal Industry
T+e mea$ ind#sr( is indeed one o! +e mos imoran cons#mers o! energ(. "PG ,eing a !ar s#erior !#e$ as comared o +e o+er +eav( !#e$s +e$s imrove +e cos o! oeraion and sri*es an economic ,a$ance ,e;een !#e$ rice and %#a$i( o! +e end rod#c. T+e a$icaion is ,asica$$( !or c#ing) +eaing and me$ing. /o+ !erro#s and non6!erro#s mea$s are !re%#en$( cas ino s+aes ,( me$ing and inecion or o#ring ino s#ia,$e aerns and mo#$ds. "PG in +is case is an idea$ !#e$ !or meeing +e re%#iremen o! emera#re reg#$aion and desired %#a$i(. Farming Industry
"PG is +e idea$ !#e$ !or rod#cion o! !ood ,( agric#$#re and anima$ +#s,andr(. Dr(ing o! cros and o+er !arm rod#cs re%#ires c$ean and s#$+#r !ree !#e$ !or dr(ing acivi( o avoid an( rans!er o! ,ad ase or sme$$ o +e dried cros.
Aerosol Industry Industry
n aeroso$ !orm#$aion is a ,$end o! an acive ingredien ;i+ roe$$an)em#$si!iers) er!#mes) ec. "PG) ,eing environmen !riend$() +as re$aced +e oBone de$eing C-C gases ;+ic+ ;ere ear$ier #sed ,( +e aeroso$ Ind#sr(. Ind#sr(. Automotive Industry
#omoive "PG is a c$ean !#e$ ;i+ +ig+ ocane) a$( s#ied !or ve+ic$es ,o+ in erms o! emissions and cos o! +e !#e$. T+e main advanage o! #sing a#omoive "PG i is !ree o! $ead) ver( $o; in s#$+#r) mea$s) aromaics and o+er conaminans. An$i*e na#ra$ gas) "PG is no a Green ?o#se Gas. T+e !o$$o;ing a,$e $iss +e re!erred "PG comosiion in E#roe. Ta&le 739 " "PG Comosiion & ,( o$#me' as #omoive -#e$ in E#roe &@es irginia Aniversi(' Country #sria /e$gi#m Denmar* -rance Greece Ire$and Sain S;eden Anied Kingdom German(
0ropane :0 :0 :0 <: 20 1 00 <0 9: 100 90
1utane :0 :0 :0 3: 50 6 70 : 6 10
Cogeneration using LPG
"PG is an idea$ !#e$ !or e$ecrici( H +ea = e$ecrici( and com!or coo$ing. T+is !inds varied a$icaions in ind#sries re%#iring o;er and seam) o;er and +o air. "PG is idea$$( s#ied !or s+oing ma$$s) o!!ices re%#iring o;er and air condiioning. "PG +as $o;er ca$ori!ic va$#e +en ero$) so i rovides $ess mi$es er ga$$on) +o;ever in E#roean co#nries "PG a> $eve$s are m#c+ $o;er +an ,o+ diese$ and #n$eaded so i is si$$ a !ar more cos e!!ecive ;a( o r#n (o#r car. T+e a> ,rea* is d#e o evidence +a s#ggess +a "PG is ,eer !or +e environmen +an +e mainsream !#e$s.
Figure 737 6 Ta>es !or -#e$
T+e cos o! "PG is a $o $o;er +an #n$eaded or diese$ !#e$) ,# is rice +as ,een grad#a$$( rising since i ;as !irs inrod#ced. T+e c+ar ,e$o; rac*s +e +isorica$ rices !or "PG.
Figure 739 "PG ?isorica$ Prices
T+e c#rren "PG Prices in E#roe are resened in Ta,$e 1.<. 8ean;+i$e) +e rices !or Proane) iso6/#ane) n6/#ane) -ie$d Grade /#ane and Na#ra$ Gaso$ine are resened in Ta,$e 1.4. T+ese seci!icaions ;ere a*en !rom OPIC and rg#s NG" mericans 8e+odo$og(. Prices are !or commercia$ vo$#mes o! +e rod#cs) ;+ic+ can ,e so$d on C8E Gro# 8ar*e &N8E' in Ne; or* or* &C8E) 2010'. Ta&le 73! "PG Prices in E#roe &;;;.energ(.e#'
Ta&le 73# "PG Seci!icaions and Prices 0roduct Proane
-ie$d Grade /#ane Na#ra$ Gaso$ine
Specification 90 roane minim#m) : ro($ene ma>im#m) 0.:07 re$aive densi( and 90)5<0 ,#=ga$ 93 iso6,#ane minim#m) 4 norma$ ,#ane ma>im#m) < roane ma>im#m) 0.:3< re$aive densi( and 95)9:0 ,#=ga$ 94 norma$ ,#ane minim#m) 3 iso6,#ane ma>im#m) 0.<: roane ma>im#m) 1.: enanes and +eavier ma>im#m) ma>im#m) 0.<: o$e!ins ma>im#m) 0.:54 re$aive densi( and 102)913 ,#=ga$ 8i> o! n6/#ane and Iso6/#ane &<: iC4F 3: nC4' C :F) 0.334 re$aive densi( and 11:)021 ,#=ga$
0rice ;gallon$ 1.17:94
0rice ;'g$ 0.32447
73! 73! .02 .02 ,eco ,ecove very ry Tec Techn hnol olog ogy y T+ere are severa$ ec+no$ogies ;+ic+ +ave ,een deve$oed in order o e>rac "PG !rom na#ra$ gas $i%#ids &NG"'. Some researc+es and sim#$aions +ave a$so ,een done o !ind +e mos oim#m and economic ec+no$og(. In +is roec) +e conveniona$ "PG recover( is #sed as comarison ;i+ Pe$(#* co$#mn o invesigae +e economic rocess o! "PG rod#cion !rom NG". 73!37 73!37
Conve Conventi ntion onal al Techn echnolo ology gy
Na#ra$ gas rocessing ,egins a +e ;e$$+ead. T+e comosiion o! +e ra; na#ra$ gas e>raced !rom rod#cing ;e$$s deends on +e (e) de+) and $ocaion o! +e #ndergro#nd deosis and +e geo$og( o! +e area. T+e na#ra$ gas rod#ced !rom oi$ ;e$$s is genera$$( c$assi!ied as associaed6disso$ved) meaning +a +e na#ra$ gas is associaed ;i+ or disso$ved in cr#de oi$. Na#ra$ gas rod#cion ;i+o# an( associaion ;i+ cr#de oi$ is c$assi!ied as non6associaed. ,o# 30 o! +e ;or$d s#$( o! "PG comes !rom associaed gas rocessing) and 40 o! +e "PG "PG is rod# rod#ce ced d in oi$ oi$ re!i re!ine neri ries es !rom !rom cr#de cr#de dis disi$ i$$a $ai ion on)) !$#i !$#id d caa$ caa$( (ic ic crac* crac*in ing g #ni #nis) s) +(drocrac*ers) ec. T+e ;or$d;ide esimaed rod#cion o! "PG in 200: ;as esimaed a 2:0 mi$$ion ons er (ear. 2as 0rocessing 0lant
T+ere are severa$ sages o! gas rocessing Gas-oil separators
In man( insances ress#re re$ie! a +e ;e$$+ead ;i$$ ca#se a na#ra$ searaion o! gas !rom oi$ sing a conveniona$ c$osed an*) ;+ere gravi( searaes +e gas +(drocar,ons !rom +e +eavier oi$'. In some cases) +o;ever) a m#$i6sage gas6oi$ searaion rocess is needed o searae +e gas sream !rom +e cr#de oi$. T+ese gas6oi$ searaors are common$( c$osed c($indrica$ s+e$$s) +oriBona$$( mo#ned ;i+ in$es a one end) an o#$e a +e o !or remova$ o! gas) and an o#$e a +e ,oom !or remova$ o! oi$.
Condensate separator
Condensaes are mos o!en removed !rom +e gas sream a +e ;e$$+ead +ro#g+ +e #se o! mec+anica$ searaors. In mos insances) +e gas !$o; ino +e searaor comes direc$( !rom +e ;e$$+ead) since +e gas6oi$ searaion rocess is no needed. Dehydration
de+(draion rocess is needed o e$iminae ;aer ;+ic+ ma( ca#se +e !ormaion o! +(draes. ?(dra (draes !orm orm
;+en ;+en a
gas gas
or $i%#i %#id
con conai aini ning ng
!ree ree
;a ;aer e>e e>eri rien ence cess
seci eci!i !icc
emera#re=ress#re condiions. De+(draion is +e remova$ o! +is ;aer !rom +e rod#ced na#ra$ gas and is accom$is+ed +ro#g+ severa$ me+ods. mong +ese is +e #se o! e+($ene g$(co$ &g$(co$ inecion' s(sem as an a,sorion mec+anism o remove ;aer and o+er so$ids !rom !rom +e gas sream sream.. $ern $ernai aive$ ve$( () adsor adsorio ion n de+(dr de+(drai aion on ma( ,e #sed) #sed) #i$iB #i$iBing ing dr(6,e dr(6,ed d de+(draors o;ers) ;+ic+ conain desiccans s#c+ as si$ica ge$ and acivaed a$#mina) o er!orm +e e>racion. Contaminant removal
Remova$ Remova$ o! conaminans conaminans inc$#des inc$#des +e e$iminaion e$iminaion o! +(drogen s#$+ide) s#$+ide) car,on dio>ide) dio>ide) ;aer vaor) +e$i#m) and o>(gen. T+e mos common$( #sed ec+ni%#e is o !irs direc +e !$o; +o#g+ a o;er conaining an amine so$#ion. mines a,sor, s#$+#r como#nds !rom na#ra$ gas and can ,e re#sed reeaed$(. reeaed$(. !er des#$+#riBaion) +e gas !$o; is direced o +e ne> secion) ;+ic+ conains a series o! !i$er #,es. s +e ve$oci( o! +e sream red#ces in +e #ni) rimar( searaion o! remaining conaminans occ#rs o cc#rs d#e o gravi(. gravi(. Methane separation
Cr(ogenic rocessing and a,sorion me+ods are some o! +e ;a(s o searae me+ane !rom na#ra$ gas $i%#ids &NG"s'. T+e cr(ogenic me+od is ,eer a e>racion o! +e $ig+er $i%#ids) s#c+ as e+ane) e+ane) +an is +e a$ernaive a$ernaive a,sorion a,sorion me+od. me+od. Essenia$ Essenia$$( $()) cr(ogenic cr(ogenic rocessing rocessing consiss o! $o;ering +e emera#re o! +e gas sream o aro#nd 6120 degrees -a+ren+ei. @+i$e +ere are severa$ ;a(s o er!orm +is !#ncion) +e #r,o e>ander rocess is mos e!!ecive) #sing #sing e>ern e>erna$ a$ re!rig re!rigera erans ns o c+i$$ c+i$$ +e gas sream sream.. T+e %#ic* %#ic* dro dro in emer emera# a#re re +a +a +e e>ander is caa,$e o! rod#cing) condenses +e +(drocar,ons in +e gas sream) ,# mainains me+ane in is gaseo#s !orm.
T+e a,sorion me+od) on +e o+er +and) #ses a $ean a,sor,ing oi$ o searae +e me+ane !rom +e NG"s. @+i$e +e gas sream is assed +ro#g+ an a,sorion o;er) +e a,sorion oi$ soa*s # a $arge amo#n o! +e NG"s. T+e enric+ed a,sorion oi$) no; conaining NG"s) e>is +e o;er a +e ,oom. T+e enric+ed oi$ is !ed ino disi$$ers ;+ere +e ,$end is +eaed o a,ove +e ,oi$ing oin o! +e NG"s) ;+i$e +e oi$ remains !$#id. T+e oi$ is rec(c$ed ;+i$e +e NG"s are coo$ed coo$ed and direced o a !raciona !racionaor or o;er. o;er. no+er a,sorion a,sorion me+od +a is o!en #sed is +e re!rigeraed a,sorion me+od ;+ere +e $ean oi$ is c+i$$ed ra+er +an +eaed) a !ea#re +a en+ances recover( raes some;+a &To,in e a$.) 2003'. Fractionation
T+e srier ,oom rod#c !rom +e "PG e>racion $an consiss o! roane) ,#ane and na#ra$ gaso$ine ;i+ some associaed e+ane and $ig+er comonens. T+is is +e !eed o +e "PG !racionaion $an ;+ere i is searaed ino a gas rod#c) roane) ,#ane and NG".
.02 Fractionation 0lant
8os common$( #sed "PG !racionaion s(sem is descri,ed in -ig#re 1.<.
Figure 73! "PG -racionaion S(sem
s can can ,e seen seen !rom !rom +e +e -ig# -ig#re re 1.<) 1.<) +e +e sri sri er er ,o ,oom omss !rom !rom +e +e e>ra e>rac cio ion n $an $an ene ener r dee+aniBer co$#mn 6101 near +e o. T+e over+ead vaor is aria$$( condensed in dee+aniBer condenser E6101 ,( +ea e>c+ange ;i+ medi#m6$eve$ roane a 63.37 LC. Condensed over+ead rod#c in over+ead re!$#> dr#m 6104 is #med ,ac* o +e dee+aniBer ,( re!$#> #m. T+e non6condensed vaor) main$( e+ane) $eaves +e $an o !#e$ +e gas s(sem. ?ea is s#$ied o +e +e co$# co$#mn mn ,( !orc !orced ed circ circ#$ #$a aio ion n re,o re,oi$ i$er er E610 E6104. 4. T+ T+ee dee dee+a +ani niBer Ber co$# co$#mn mn oer oera aes es a aro>imae$( 23.9 ,ar. ro>imae$( 95 o! +e roane in +e dee+aniBer !eed is recovered in +e ,oom rod#c. T+e resid#a$ e+ane concenraion is red#ced o aro>imae$( 0.5 mo$e in +e ,oom rod#c. T+e ,oom rod#c !rom dee+aniBer drains ino deroaniBer co$#mn 6 102. Depropanier
Dee+aniBer ,ooms are e>anded !rom 23.9 ,ar o 20 ,ar and ener deroaniBer 6102 as mi>ed6+ase !eed. T+e deroaniBer !racionaes +e !eed ino a roane6ric+ rod#c and a ,oom rod#c comrised co mrised o! ,#ane and na#ra$ gaso$ine. To;er To;er 6102 6102 over+ead vaor is oa$$( condensed in +e deroaniBer condenser E6102 ,( coo$ing ;aer. Condensae is co$$eced in deroaniBer co$#mn re!$#> dr#m 610:. ar o! +e condensed over+ead rod#c is sen ,ac* o +e co$#mn as re!$#> via #m P610< ;+i$e +e remaining ar is ;i+dra;n as a $i%#id roane rod#c. Co$#mn 6102 re,oi$er +ea is s#$ied ,( direc6!ired +eaer ?6101. Re,oi$er circ circ#$ #$a aio ion n is aide aided d ,( re,oi re,oi$e $err circ circ#$ #$a aio ion n #m #m P6104 P6104.. T+ T+ee ,o ,oom om rod rod#c #c is sen sen o de,#aniBer. De!utanier
T+e deroaniBer ,ooms are e>anded !rom aro>imae$( 20 ,ar o 7.3 ,ar and +en ener +e de,#aniBer co$#mn as a mi>ed6+ase !eed. T+e co$#mn !eed is !racionaed ino a ,#ane6ric+ over+ead over+ead rod#c rod#c and na#ra$ gaso$ine ,ooms. ,ooms. T+e co$#mns co$#mns over+ead over+ead are oa$$( condensed in +e de,#an de,#aniBe iBerr condens condenser er E610< E610< ,( +ea +ea e>c+ang e>c+angee ;i+ ;i+ coo$in coo$ing g ;aer ;aer)) and condens condensae ae is co$$eced in re!$#> dr#m 6103. T+e de,#aniBer re!$#> and rod#c #m P610: serve +e d#a$ #rose o! s#$(ing re!$#> o +e co$#mn and a$$o;ing ;i+dra;a$ o! co$#mn over+ead rod#c ,#ane !rom +e re!$#> dr#m. T+e co$#mn re,oi$ +ea is s#$ied ,( a direc6!ired de,#aniBer re,oi$er ?6102) and ,oi$er circ#$aion is aided ,( de,#aniBer re,oi$er circ#$aing #m P6103. 9
T+e ,oom rod#c $eaving +e co$#mn is coo$ed in rod#c coo$er E610:. ar o! +e gaso$ine rod#c is rec(c$ed o +e "PG e>racion #ni and serves as $ean oi$ !or +e a,sor,er co$#mn &Par*as+) 200<'.
0roduct Treatment Treatment 0lant
Proane and ,#ane rod#cs !rom +e !racionaion $an conain im#riies in +e !orm o! s#$+#r como#nds and resid#a$ ;aer +a m#s ,e removed o mee rod#c seci!icaions. T+e im#riies are removed ,( a,sorion on mo$ec#$ar sieves. Eac+ rod#c is reaed in a ;in !i>ed6,ed mo$ec#$ar sieve #ni. Regeneraion is done ,( so#r gas !rom +e srier over+ead !o$$o;ed ,( vaoriBed "PG rod#c. Oeraing condiions are $ised in Ta,$e Ta,$e 1.: and im#riies o ,e removed are $ised in Ta,$e Ta,$e 1.3. Ta&le 73< 8o$ec#$ar Sieve Prod#c Treaing Process Oeraing Condiions -perating va varia&le Press#re Temera#re P+ase
Units /ar C0
0ropane 22.4 4<.< "i%#id
1utane 10.7 4<.< "i%#id
Ta&le 73= T(ica$ Conaminan "eve$ in Anreaed "PG Contaminants ?2O ?2S COS C
73!39 3!39
Units ; m ; m ; m ; m ; m
0ropane 10 100 <4 100 Trace
1utane Trace Trace Trace 40 220
0etlyu' yu' Colu Column mn
Disi$$aion $a(s an imoran ro$e in s$iing ra; rod#c sreams ino more #se!#$ rod#c sreams ;i+ seci!ied comosiions. I is aric#$ar$( ;e$$ s#ied !or +ig+ #ri( searaions since an( degree o! searaion can ,e o,ained ;i+ a !i>ed energ( cons#mion ,( increasing +e n#m,er o! e%#i$i,ri#m sages. ?o;ever) ind#sria$ disi$$aion rocesses are common$( *no;n o ,e +ig+$( energ(6demanding oeraions. ccording o Ognis( &199:') +e energ( in#s o dis disi$ i$$a $ai ion on co$# co$#mn mnss acco# acco#n n !or !or ro#g ro#g+$ +$( ( < o! +e +e oa oa$$ ener energ( cons# cons#m mi ion on in +e +e A.S A.S &C+risiansen e a$.) 1997'. T+#s) i ,ecomes an o,vio#s c+a$$enge o devise ne;er ec+no$ogies o 10
!aci$iae energ( e!!icien searaion arrangemens. T+is s#d( aims a #sing Pe$(#* co$#mns as an a$ernaive o conveniona$ con!ig#raion. In order o increase +e rocess e!!icienc( o! s#c+ disi$$aion rocesses) +e !o$$o;ing ;o a$ern a$ernai aives ves +ave ,een ,een roose roosed d ,o+ ,o+ in +e $iera $iera#re #re and ,( ind#s ind#sri ria$ a$ raci raciio ioner ners. s. T+ese T+ese inc$#de a. Inegraion Inegraion o! Conveniona$ Conveniona$ Disi$$aio Disi$$aion n rrangemens rrangemens 6 Inc$#des Inc$#des se%#enia$ se%#enia$ arrangemen arrangemen o! disi$$aion co$#mns ;i+ energ( inegraion ,e;een +e co$#mns or o+er ars o! +e $an. ,. Design o! ne; con!ig#raions 6 Inc$#des Dividing @a$$ Co$#mnM ;+ic+ consiss o! an ordinar( co$#mn s+e$$ ;i+ +e !eed and side sream rod#c dra; divided ,( a verica$ ;a$$ +ro#g+ +ro#g+ a se o! ra(s) ra(s) !irs !irs roosed ,( @rig+ @rig+ &1949'. T+e same con!ig#raion con!ig#raion is #s#a$$( #s#a$$( deno denoe ed d as a Pe$ Pe$(# (#* * co$# co$#mn mn a!e a!err Pe$ Pe$(# (#* * e a$ &193 &193:' :' ;+o ;+o s#d s#die ied d +e +e sc+e sc+eme me +eoreica$$(. T+e !#$$( +erma$$( co#$ed co$#mn &Triana!($$o# and Smi+ 1992' is a$so a modi!icaion o! +e Dividing @a$$ Co$#mn. T+ese ne; con!ig#raions o!!er ,o+ energ( and caia$ savings.
-or +e searaion searaion o! ernar( ernar( mi>#res) mi>#res) +ree sc+emes +ave received received aric#$ar aric#$ar aenionM aenionM &a' +e s(sem ;i+ a side reci!ier &,' +e s(sem ;i+ a side srier and &c' +e !#$$( +erma$$( co#$ed s(sem) or Pe$(#* co$#mn. S#c+ s(sems +ave ,een s+o;n o rovide signi!ican energ( savings ;i+ resec o +e conveniona$ direc and indirec disi$$aion se%#ences. T+ro#g+ +e #se o! $i%#id6vaor inerconnecing sreams ,e;een ;o co$#mns) ;o maor e!!ecs can ,e o,ainedM one) +e e$iminaion o! one +ea rans!er e%#imen !rom +e disi$$aion s(sem) and ;o) a red#cion in +e energ( cons#mion o! +e disi$$aion rocess. De"inition o" a Petlyu# Column
co$#mn arrangemen searaing +ree or more comonens #sing a sing$e re,oi$er and a sing$e condenser) in ;+ic+ an( degree o! searaion &#ri(' can ,e o,ained ,( increasing +e n#m,er o! sages &rovided +e re!$#> is a,ove a cerain minim#m va$#e' &C+risiansen e a$.) 1997'.
Basics o" a Petlyu# Column
T+e Pe$(#* co$#mn consiss o! a re6!racionaor !o$$o;ed ,( a main co$#mn !rom ;+ic+ +ree rod#c sreams are o,ained &-ig#re 1.4 &a' and &,'' &@o$!! &@o$!! and S*ogesad) 199:' and +is arrange arrangemen men +as ,een s+o s+o;n ;n o rovid rovidee +ig+er +ig+er energ energ( ( saving savingss +an +an +e s(s s(sem emss ;i+ ;i+ side side co$#mns) ;i+ savings o! # o <0 ;+en comared o conveniona$ sc+emes &G$inos and 8a$one) 1955M -id*o;s*i and Kro$i*o;s*i) 1990'.
Figure 73# Pe$(#* Co$om &a' Sream noaion !or Pe$(#* design ;i+ Pre6!racionaor and main Co$#mn &,' Pracica$ im$emenaion inegraing. Pre6!racionaor and main Co$#mn
T+e Pe$(#* co$#mn +as ,een s#died +eoreica$$( !or a considera,$e amo#n o! ime) ,# si$$ !e; o! +ese inegraed co$#mns +ave ,een ,#i$. One o! +e main reasons !or +is is +e !ac +a i +as man( more degrees o! !reedom in ,o+ oeraion and design as comared o an ordinar( disi$$aion co$#mn. T+is #ndo#,ed$( ma*es +e design o! ,o+ +e co$#mn and is conro$ s(sem more com$e>.
T+e Pe$(#* design consiss o! a re6!racionaor ;i+ re!$#> and ,oi$# !rom +e do;nsream co$#mn) ;+ose rod#c is !ed o a 26!eed) <6rod#c co$#mn) res#$ing in a se# ;i+ on$( one re,oi$er and one condenser. T+e racica$ im$emenaion o! s#c+ a co$#mn can ,e accom$is+ed in a sing$e s+e$$ ,( insering a verica$ ;a$$ +ro#g+ +e midd$e secion o! +e co$#mn) +#s searaing +e !eed and +e side rod#c dra; &@rig+) 1949'. Pe$(#*s main reason !or +is design design ;as o avoid avoid +ermo +ermod(na d(namic mic $osses $osses !rom mi>ing mi>ing di!!er di!!eren en sream sreamss a +e !eed ra( ra( $ocaion. $ocaion. T+e rod#c sreams sreams are denoed as D) S and / &and -eed -') ;i+ ernar( comonens comonens 1) 2 and <.
9 0,-4ECT 1)S/S 937 Feed St Streams -eed sreams #sed !or +e sim#$aion are given in +e Ta,$e 2.1. /o+ sreams are NG") coming !rom !irs sage searaor !rom ;e$$ and !rom de+(draion #ni. Ta&le 937 " -eeds Sreams 0roperty Temera#re Press#re 8ass !$o;rae Comosiion &mo$e !racion' C?4 C2?3 C5 i6C4 n6C4 i6C: n6C: n6C3 n6C7 n6C5 n6C9 n6C10 C11 C12 C1< C14 C1: C13 ?2O
Feed 7 >from well? 2: oC <0 ,ar 2: on=+r
Feed 9 >from dehydration unit? 2: oC <0 ,ar 5 on=+r
0.097 0.029 0.0<: 0.015 0.025 0.023 0.02: 0.034 0.090 0.1:0 0.110 0.090 0.079 0.071 0.0<1 0.02< 0.015 0.014 0.002
0.1<0 0.050 0.100 0.0:: 0.11< 0.104 0.091 0.122 0.110 0.072 0.020 0.00< 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
939 939 0rod 0roduc uctt S Spe peci cifi fica cati tion onss Prod#c seci!icaions are de!ined ,ased on commercia$ rod#cs in "PG mar*e. s descri,ed revio#s$() revio#s$() seci!icaions o! +e "PG rod#cs ;ere a*en !rom OPIC and rg#s NG" mericans 8e+odo$og(. 8e+odo$og(. T+ese rod#cs can c an ,e so$d on C8E Gro# 8ar*e &N8E' in Ne; or* or* &C8E) 2010'. "PG rod#c seci!icaions are given in +e Ta,$e Ta,$e 2.2.
Ta&le 939 " 0roduct Specifications No3
@ (in
-ther Components
@ (a*
,elative density
0rice ;gal$
3 0.<: 1.: 0.<: 4 < : 6
0.:07 0.334
1.17:94 1.90<1:
< 4
Proane C:F
90 6
i6,#ane roane enane o$e!in n6,#ane roane ro($ene 6
-ie$d Grade /#ane
T+e rod#c seci!icaion seci!icaion a,ove is #sed as iniia$ ,asis o mode$ +e sim#$aion sim#$aion.. ?o;ever) ?o;ever) !ina$ decision a,o# +e rod#c ;i$$ ,e made a!er ana$(sis o! +e economics o! +e roec. roec.
93! 0ro 0roAec Aect Scope cope Sim$i!ied ,$oc* !$o; diagram descri,ing +e roec scoe is s+o;n in +e -ig#re 2.1. /o+ sreams o! NG" !rom ;e$$s and de+(draion #ni ;i$$ ,e !#r+er rocessed +ro#g+ "PG recover( #ni o e>rac NG" ino +ose rod#cs) roane) iso6,#ane) n6,#ane and +eavier +(drocar,ons &C:F' as seci!ied in Ta,$e 2.2 a,ove. T+ere are 2 (es o! "PG e>racion #ni +a ;i$$ ,e disc#ssed. T+e !irs one is conveniona$ rocess ;+ic+ searaes +e rod#c se ,( se #sing severa$ co$#mns. T+e o+er one is #sing Pe(#* co$#mn. T+ere are oa$ 3 cases ;+ic+ are ana$(Bed in +is roec. T+e a$ernaive cases are deve$oed ,ased on economic consideraion o e>rac ra; NG" ino di!!eren "PG rod#cs as s+o;n in Ta,$e 2.<.
Figure 937 " /$oc* -$o; Diagram
Ta&le 93! B )lternative Cases Case
Conveniona$ Co$#mns
Proane i6/#ane n6/#ane Na#ra$ Gaso$ine Gaso$ine &C:F'
Conveniona$ Co$#mns
Proane /#ane &i6C4 F n6C4' Na#ra$ Gaso$ine Gaso$ine &C:F'
Conveniona$ Co$#mns
"PG &C<) i6C4 H n6C4' Na#ra$ Gaso$ine Gaso$ine &C:F'
Pe$(#* Co$#mns
Proane i6/#ane n6/#ane Na#ra$ Gaso$ine Gaso$ine &C:F'
Pe$(#* Co$#mns
Proane /#ane &i6C4 F n6C4' Na#ra$ Gaso$ine Gaso$ine &C:F'
Pe$(#* Co$#mns
"PG &C<) i6C4 H n6C4' Na#ra$ Gaso$ine Gaso$ine &C:F'
93# )ssumptions Severa$ ass#mions are #sed !or designing +is "PG recover( $an as ;e$$ as sim#$aing +e rocess #sing Anisim so!;are. 1. "ocaion T+e "PG recover( $an ;i$$ ,e ,#i$ in Nor;a(. Nor;a(. 2. T+ T+ee "PG "PG $an $an is ar ar o! gas roces rocessi sing ng $an) $an) so +a +a seam seam #sed !or re,oi re,oi$e $err o! +e co$#mn is considered o ,e generaed as ar o! seam generaion !or +e ;+o$e $an. T+en) i #s needs o add +e d#( re%#ired o generae more seam) no o ,#i$d +e ne; ,oi$er !or +e seam. <. In order o o economise economise rocess) rocess) insead insead o! #sing re!rigera re!rigeran n i is s#ggesed s#ggesed o #se sea ;aer ;aer !or condenser con denser.. 4. Sea ;ae ;aerr emer emera# a#re re !or !or condens condenser er 10oC. :. /o+ conveni conveniona$ ona$ and e$(#* e$(#* rod#ce rod#ce +e +e same amo#n o! o! +e rod#cs rod#cs..
! 0,-CE ,-CESS SS DES ESC C,/0T ,/0T//-NS NS In +is roec) "PG e>racion #sing ,o+ conveniona$ !racionaion co$#mn and Pe$(#* co$#mn are mode$$ed and disc#ssed searae$(. searae$(.
!37 !37 Conv Conven enti tion onal al Col Colum umn n Genera$$() +e rocesses !or < di!!eren cases !or conveniona$ co$#mn are +e same. In +is c+aer) +e sim#$aion !or conveniona$ co$#mn is done !or case 1 on$(. T+is sim#$aion a$so reresens case 2 and case < ,( red#cing +e n#m,er o! +e co$#mns ,ased on seci!ied rod#cs. T+ere are 4 co$#mns #sed in +is conveniona$ rocess. -irs sage o! "PG e>racion !rom NG" is Dee+aniBer. In +is co$#mn) me+ane and e+ane ;i$$ ,e searaed a +e o o! +e co$#mn as vaor +ase. T+e +eavier +(drocar,ons &C
enering +e De,#aniBer co$#mn. In +is co$#mn) roane and ,#ane are searaed and go o +e o o! +e co$#mn) ;+i$e +e sa,i$iBed na#ra$ gas $i%#id &C :F' !$o;s a +e ,oom. In order o o,ain o,ain #re #re seci! seci!ied ied roan roanee rod#c rod#c)) roan roanee and ,#ane ,#ane are seara searaed ed in Dero Deroani aniBer Ber Co$#mn. Co$#mn. Proane goes o +e o and ,#ane goes o +e ,oom. T+en !ina$$( !ina$$() n6,#ane n6,#ane and iso6 ,#ane are searaed in ,#ane s$ier o ge +e seci!ied rod#cs. Sim$i!ied conveniona$ !racionaion rocess is i$$#sraed ,( Process -$o; Diagram in -ig#re <.1 ,e$o;.
Figure !37 Sim$i!ied Process -$o; Diagram
Deai$ed rocess !$o;) arameer #sed and mode$$ing a sim#$aion are e>$ained a!er;ards. 15
!3737 3737
0roce ocess Fl Flow
s descri,ed in inrod#cion) ec+no$og( and rocess !or "PG e>racion #sing conveniona$ co$#mn co$#mn is (ica (ica$$( $$( +e same same as revio revio#s #s one. T+e di!!er di!!erenc ences es are in se$ec se$ecing ing oera oeraing ing condiions &ress#re and emera#re' o! eac+ co$#mn and arrangemen o! +e co$#mns. T+ose are de!ined and deermined ,ased on !eed sream condiions and comosiion) seci!icaions o! +e rod#c and economics o! +e rocess. Deai$ed rocess !$o; diagram is s+o;n in -ig#re <.2. T+e rocess consiss o! main$( !o#r disi$$aion co$#mns. T+e seci!icaion o! !eeds is given in Ta,$e 2.1. Iniia$ !eeds !rom ,o+ +e searaion #nis !rom +e ;e$$ and !rom +e de+(draion #ni are mi>ed ,e!ore enering +e dee+aniBer. In order o mee +e oeraing ress#re o! dee+aniBer) mi>ed !eed &<0 ,ar) 2:oC' is e>anded +ro#g+ e>ansion va$ve o 23 ,ar. -#r+er e>$anaion a,o# se$ecing oeraing ress#re ;i$$ ,e descri,ed in mode$ing s#,6c+aer <.1.<. In +e dee+aniBer co$#mn) me+ane and e+ane are e>eced o ,e searaed and !$o; +ro#g+ +e o o! +e co$#mn. Since +ere is no re%#iremen o $i%#e!( me+ane and e+ane) esecia$$( in sma$$ sma$$ amo#n amo#ns) s) +ese +ese comone comonens ns ;i$$ ;i$$ ,e *e in vaor vaor +ase +ase and addii addiiona$ ona$ condens condenser er is #nnecessar(. T+e ,oi$ing oin o! mi>ed me+ane and e+ane) in +is case a ress#re 15 ,ar) is 6:2.::oC) ;+ic+ means +a re!rigeran is re%#ired o condense +e gas. -or economic reasons) re!rigeran ;i$$ no ,e #sed in +is rocess. In +is dee+aniBer) 100 me+ane and e+ane in mi>ed !eed can ,e searaed and $eaves +e o o! +e co$#mn a 15 ,ar and <7.: i is sen o de,#aniBer co$#mn. co $#mn. Since +e ,oom rod#c o! dee+aniBer comosed o! sma$$ amo#n o! roane &2 o! mass !racion' and ,#ane &: o! mass !racion') de,#aniBer is #sed insead o! deroaniBer. So +a sma$$er co$#mns ;i$$ ,e #sed !or ne> e>racion. T+is is no on$( !or economic reason) ,# a$so !or e!!icienc( o! +e searaion as i is easier o e>rac +e rod#c +is ;a( and $ess d#( ;i$$ ,e re%#ired !or re,oi$er E6102.
/e!ore enering de,#aniBer co$#mn) +e dee+aniBer ,oom rod#c is e>anded !rom 23 ,ar o 17 ,ar and !ed ino de,#aniBer as mi>ed6+ase !eed. T+is !eed is !racionaed ino mi>ed roane and ,#ane as over+ead rod#c and +eavier +(drocar,ons &C:F' as ,oom rod#c. T+en +e over+ead rod#c is oa$$( condensed in +e condenser E610< ,( +ea e>c+ange ;i+ coo$ing ;aer) and condensae is co$$eced in re!$#> dr#m D6101. T+e coo$ing ;aer is sea ;aer ;i+ emera#re 10oC. T+e re!$#> dr#m s+o#$d ,e #sed in order o reven caviaion on +e #m d#e o vaor +ase. T+e de,#aniBer re!$#> and rod#c #m P610< serve +e d#a$ #rose o! s#$(ing re!$#> o +e co$#mn and a$$o;ing ;i+dra;a$ o! co$#mn over+ead rod#c ,#ane !rom +e re!$#> dr#m. T+e co$#mn +ea is s#$ied ,( a re,oi$er E6102) and circ#$aion is aided ,( de,#aniBer re,oi$er circ#$aing #m P6102. ,o# 100 roane and 99 ,#ane can ,e recovered !rom +e !eed a +e over+ead co$#mn rod#c. T+is sream $eaves +e co$#mn a 13 ,ar and 73.7:oC and is sen o deroaniBer co$#mn o searae roane and ,#ane. 8ean;+i$e) +e ,oom rod#c comosed o! enane and +eavier +(drocar,ons +(drocar,ons ;i$$ ,e sored sored as na#ra$ gaso$ine. Since +e ,oom rod#c +as +ig+ emera#re emera#re &2:2.c+anger E6105 ,e!ore ,eing sen o +e sorage. Proane and ,#ane sream is e>anded !rom 13 ,ar o 10 ,ar and eners +e deroaniBer as mi>ed6+ase !eed. T+e deroaniBer searaes roane as over+ead rod#c and ,#ane as ,oom rod#c. Condenser E610: is #sed o oa$$( condense +e over+ead vaor !rom deroaniBer. deroaniBer. Sea ;aer is #sed !or coo$ing. Condensae is co$$eced in deroaniBer co$#mn re!$#> dr#m D6102. ar o! +e condensed over+ead rod#c is sen ,ac* o +e co$#mn as re!$#> via #m P610: ;+i$e +e remaining ar is ;i+dra;n as a $i%#id roane rod#c. DeroaniBer re,oi$er +ea is s#$ied ,( re,oi$er E6104. Re,oi$er circ#$aion is aided ,( re,oi$er circ#$aion #m P6104. I is a,o# 99.9 o! roane can ,e recovered as o rod#c and 99.9 o! ,#ane is recovered as ,oom rod#c. T+e ,#ane rod#c is !ie$d grade ,#ane ;+ic+ is comosed o! <4 i6,#ane and 3: n6,#ane. T+is is ne> ,eing sen o ,#ane s$ier o ge i6,#ane and n6,#ane rod#cs searae$() since i co#$d ,e so$d ;i+ +ig+er rice +an !ie$d grade ,#ane. T+e !ie$d grade ,#ane is e>anded !rom 10 ,ar o : ,ar ,e!ore ener +e ,#ane s$ier. I6,#ane is recovered recovered as over+ead rod#c and n6,#ane n6,#ane as ,oom rod#c. I6,#ane is oa$$( condensed ,( condenser E6107. Condensae is co$$eced in re!$#> dr#m D610<. ar o! +e condensed 20
over+ead rod#c is sen ,ac* o +e co$#mn as re!$#> via #m P6107 ;+i$e +e remaining ar is ;i+dr ;i+dra;n a;n as a $i%#id $i%#id i6,#a i6,#ane ne rod#c rod#c. . /#ane /#ane s$i s$ier er +ea +ea is s# s#$i $ied ed ,( re,oi$ re,oi$er er E6103. E6103. Re,oi$er circ#$aion is aided ,( re,oi$er circ#$aion #m P6103. /#ane s$ier co$#mn searaes 93 mo$e o! i6,#ane in +e over+ead rod#c and 93 mo$e o! n6,#ane in +e ,oom rod#c. /o+ rod#cs +ave +ig+er rice +an !ie$d grade ,#ane. T+e ;+o$e rocess !$o; diagram is s+o;n in -ig#re <.2 ,e$o;. ,e$o;.
Figure !39 6 Process -$o; Diagram
8ode$$ 8od e$$ing ing and sim#$ai sim#$aing ng +e "PG e>rac e>raci ion on roces rocesss !$o; !$o; a,ove a,ove is no as sim$e sim$e as +e descriion) esecia$$( o converge +e disi$$aion co$#mn ;i+ Anisim. T+e arameers ,e$o; s+o#$d ,e considered in order o !ind a good res#$ o! sim#$aion and +e rocess as ;e$$ as minimiBe +e errors o! +e ca$c#$aion.
Oeraing ress#re o! +e co$#mn
Temera#re o! o rod#c avoid #sing re!rigeran
N#m,er o! sages Co$#mn seci!icaion
Temera#re ro!i$e a eac+ ra(
Prod#c seci!icaion
Re,oi$er d#(
Genera$$() +e rocess mode$$ing !or "PG e>racion ;i+ Anisim is divided ino : main secions. T+ose are !eed condiionin condiioning) g) dee+aniBer dee+aniBer)) de,#aniBer de,#aniBer)) deroaniBer deroaniBer and ,#ane s$ier. s$ier. T+e addiiona$ condenser and re,oi$er are a$so e>$ained searae$(. Eac+ secion ;i$$ ,e descri,ed se ,( se ,e$o;. ,e$o;. Feed Conditioning
s menioned in +e roec ,asis) +ere are 2 !eed sreams o! NG". T+e comosiions and condiions o! ,o+ sreams are given. -eed sreams are na#ra$ gas $i%#ids +a come !rom !irs sage o! searaion #ni !rom ;e$$ sream &!eed 1' and !rom de+(draion #ni &!eed 2'. /o+ srea sreams ms +ave +ave +e same condi condiion ion o! ress# ress#re re and emer emera# a#re) re) +a is 2: oC and <0 ,ar) ,# di!!eren comosiions and mass !$o; raes. T+ese NG" !eeds ;i$$ ,e e>raced ino < "PG rod#cs) roane) iso6,#ane and n6,#ane. T+e rod#cs ;ere se$eced ,ased on demand in "PG mar*e mar*e.. -#r+e -#r+ermo rmore) re) seci! seci!ica icaio ions ns o! eac+ eac+ rod#c rod#c ;ere ;ere deerm deermine ined d re!err re!erring ing o c#rren c#rren commercia$ rices. -irs se o! +e "PG e>racion rocess is !eed condiioning ,e!ore enering +e dee+aniBer co$#mn. Regarding !eeds comosiion ;+ic+ si$$ conains 22.7 mo$e and 10.9 mo$e o! me+ane and e+ane) +ere are < a$ernaives !or condiioning. -irs a$ernaive is o mi> ,o+ !eeds and e>and +e mi>ed !eed o a cerain ress#re. T+en #se a searaor o remove $ig+er +(droc +(d rocar, ar,ons ons.. T+e $ig+e $ig+err +(drocar +(drocar,ons ,ons are e>ece e>eced d me+ane me+ane and e+ane e+ane.. T+e roces rocesss is i$$#sraed in -ig#re <.<. T+is a$ernaive re%#ires one searaor vesse$ ;i+ caaci( << on=+r. on=+r.
Figure !3! B -eed Condiioning $ernaive 1
Second a$ernaive is o e>and and searae +e gas o! eac+ sream. T+en ,oom sream o! eac+ searaor is mi>ed ,e!ore enering +e Dee+aniBer co$#mn as s+o;n in -ig#re <.4.
Figure !3# B -eed Condiioning $ernaive 2
Ne> a$ernaive is o mi> ,o+ !eed sream) e>and +e mi>ed !eed and ener +e dee+aniBer co$#mn ;i+o# #sing +e searaor. T+is is +e mos sim$e and economic a$ernaive. T+e rocess is s+o;n in -ig#re <.:.
Figure !3< B -eed Condiioning $ernaive <
T+e sim#$aion ;ere done !or < a$ernaives o c+oose +e mos economic and !easi,$e rocess. Considering +e rocess seci!icaion and economic s#c+ as n#m,er o! ra() %#a$i( o! +e rod#cs) re,oi$er d#ies and a nd e%#imen cos) i res#$ed a$ernaive < as +e c+osen condiioning rocess as s+o;n in Ta,$e Ta,$e <.1.
$ernaive Comarison Ta&le !37 B -eed Condiioning $ernaive
!er se$eced +e !eed condiioning rocess) ne> se is de!ining +e rocess in +e dee+aniBer co$#mn as ;e$$ as converging +e co$#mn. s menioned revio#s$() in order o minimiBe +e cos) i is avoided o #se re!rigeran. T+ere!ore) +ere ;i$$ ,e no condenser +a is #sed a +e over+ead co$#mn sream as s+o;n in -ig#re <.3. 8e+ane and e+ane as o rod#cs ;i$$ ,e searaed in gas +ase. /( de$eing +e condenser +ere ;i$$ ,e no re!$#> sream a +e o o! co$#mn) so +a +e NG" !eed ;i$$ ener +e co$#mn a +e o sage in$e.
Figure !3= B Dee+aniBer Co$#mn
-irs se o do a!er de!ined sream connecion is se$ecing +e oeraing ress#re a +e o and +e ,oom o! +e co$#mn. s iniia$ g#ess) 23.9 ,ar ress#re ;as #sed ,ased on re!erence. Since +e !eed ress#re is <0 ,ar) e>ansion va$ve is added in order o mee +e oeraing ress#re o! +e co$#mn. !er;ards se$ec +e arameer arameer ;+ic+ ;i$$ ,e #sed as co$#mn seci!icaion seci!icaion o converge +e dee+aniBer dee+aniBer co$#mn. In +is case) since condenser condenser is no #sed) +ere ;i$$ ,e on$( one co$#mn seci!icaion needs o ,e de!ined o converge con verge +e co$#mn. Se$ecing oeraing ress#re a +e o and +e ,oom o! +e co$#mn is ver( imoran o searae +e me+ane and e+ane !rom +e NG". T+e $o;er +e ress#re +e more +e vao#r +ase. T+e oeraing oeraing ress#re +as o ,e se$eced so +a mos me+ane and e+ane !$o; o over+ead over+ead co$#mn and *ee roane and +eavier +(drocar,ons as +e ,oom rod#c. T+e ,es res#$ is o se$ec oeraing ress#re 15 ,ar a +e o sage and 23 ,ar a +e ,oom sage. Ne> se is se$ecing +e co$#mn seci!icaion. s menioned revio#s$() revio#s$() +ere is on$( one co$#mn seci!icaion in mode$$ing +e dee+aniBer co$#mn. In +is case) +e ,oom rod#c !$o; rae is se$eced since i is +e recommended and de!a#$ seci!icaion !or +e co$#mn. O+er seci!icaion can a$so ,e se$eced) !or e>am$e comonen !racion a +e o or ,oom sage) ,# i ;o#$d ,e ver( di!!ic#$ o converge +e co$#mn. I deends on +e comosiion o! +e !eed. In +is case) +e comosiion o! me+ane and e+ane in +e !eed is %#ie $ess) so +a i is ver( di!!ic#$ o remain a$$ +e roane and +eavier +(drocar,ons in +e ,oom sage.
Pracica$$() some ria$s +ave o ,e done o !ind +e ,es res#$. s ;e$$ as se$ecing oeraing ress#re and co$#mn seci!icaion) de!ining +e n#m,er o! sages is a$so %#ie imoran. T+e more +e n#m,er o! sages means +e ,eer +e searaion rocess. In +e o+er +and) more n#m, n#m,er er o! sag sages es mean meanss +ig+ +ig+er er co$# co$#mn mn is re%#i re%#ire red d and +e +e cos cos ;i$$ ;i$$ ,e mo more re e>en e>ensi sive ve.. T+ere!ore) +e n#m,er o! sages +as o ,e se$eced +e oim#m one considering ,o+ searaion e!!icienc( and cos. s iniia$ iniia$ g#ess) +e n#m,er o! sages is de!ined ,ased on re!erence. In order o !ind +e oim#m n#m,er o! sages) +e emera#re ro!i$e o! eac+ ra( ;o#$d +e$. s ;e$$ as +e co$#mn converged ,( #sing iniia$ g#ess o! n#m,er o! sages) i can ,e red#ced o +e oim#m one ,( considering +e emera#re ro!i$e o! eac+ ra(. +e oin ;+ere +e co$#mn is no $onger converged) +e revio#s n#m,er is se$eced as +e oim#m one. In +is case) +e oim#m n#m,er o! sages !or dee+aniBer is 15 sages. !er converged +e co$#mn and !ind +e oim#m one ,ased on +e searaion e!!icienc( and economic consideraion) +e sim#$aion is conin#ed o mode$$ing +e de,#aniBer co$#mn.
s menioned revio#s$( in rocess descriion) !or economic reason) de,#aniBer ;i$$ ,e #sed a!er dee+aniBer insead o! deroaniBer) so +a +e ne> searaion ;i$$ #se sma$$er co$#mn. De,# De,#a ani niBe Berr is #sed #sed o sea seara rae e ,#an ,#anee and $ig+ $ig+e err +(dr +(droc ocar ar,o ,ons ns a +e +e o o and and +eavi +eavier er +(drocar,ons a +e ,oom. 8ode$$ing +e de,#aniBer ,( Anisim is s+o;n in -ig#re <.7 ,e$o;. /o+ condenser and re,oi$er are #sed.
Figure !3 B De,#aniBer Co$#mn
/asica$$() +e ses in mode$$ing +e de,#aniBer co$#mn are a$mos +e same $i*e mode$$ing deeaniBer. T+e di!!erences are in se$ecing +e co$#mn seci!icaions. Since ,o+ condenser and re,oi$er are #sed) +ere are 2 co$#mn seci!icaions o ,e de!ined in order o converge +e co$#mn. In +is case) comonens recover( o! +e o rod#c is se$eced as co$#mn seci!icaion. s i is e>eced o searae roane and ,#ane a +e o and +eavier +(drocar,ons a +e ,oom) so +a comonens recover( o! +e roane and ,#ane as +e o rod#c are se$eced. Even Ev en +o#g +o#g+ + mo mos s ro roan anee and ,#a ,#ane ne can ,e recov recover ered ed as +e +e o o rod# rod#c c)) +er +eree is one one seci!icaion s+o#$d ,e considered) +a is re,oi$er d#(. I is ossi,$e o +ave 99.99 o! roane and ,#ane a +e o) ,# more re,oi$er d#( ;i$$ ,e re%#ired. T+#s) +e !racion o! comonens recover( s+o#$d ,e se$eced ,( considering minim#m re,oi$er d#( in order o minimiBe +e cos !or +e seam. s ;e$$ as mode$$ing dee+aniBer) se$ecing oeraing ress#re and n#m,er o! sages are a$so donee in mod don mode$$ e$$ing ing de,#a de,#aniB niBer er.. Inii Iniia$ a$ g#ess g#ess va$#e va$#e !or ,o+ ,o+ seci! seci!ica icaio ion n are a$so a$so ,ased ,ased on re!erence +en +ave some ria$ o !ind +e oim#m va$#e.
DeroaniBer is #sed a!er de,#aniBer co$#mn in order o searae roane and ,#ane. T+e mode$$ing ses are a$mos +e same ;i+ de,#aniBer. /o+ condenser and re,oi$er are #sed as s+o;n in -ig#re <.5. In +is co$#mn) roane $i%#id is rod#ced as over+ead rod#c and ,#ane as ,oom rod#c.
Figure !3 B DeroaniBer Co$#mn
8ode$$ing +e deroaniBer co$#mn is sim$er since i on$( +as 2 comosiions in +e !eed. Comonens recover( is a$so #sed as co$#mn seci!icaion. T+ere is no signi!ican re,oi$er d#( di!!erence in c+anging +e recover( !racion va$#e. Se$ecing oeraing ress#re and n#m,er o! sages are a$so done #sing iniia$ g#ess va$#e va$#e !rom re!erence. Some ria$s si$$ +ave o ,e done o !ind +e oim#m va$#e.
Butane $plitter
/#ane !rom deroaniBer co$#mn is ne> searaed ino i6,#ane and n6,#ane in ,#ane s$ier co$#mn. I is (ica$$( +e same as +e deroaniBer co$#mn as s+o;n in -ig#re <.9. Comonens recover( is si$$ #sed as co$#mn seci!icaion. /# i is more di!!ic#$ +an ;o revio#s co$#mns o mee +e rod#cs seci!icaion !or n6,#ane and i6,#ane) since i is ver( sensiive ;i+ c+anging va$#e o! comonen recover(. So +a some ria$s +ave o ,e done o se$ec +e oim#m comonens recover( va$#e !or ,o+ n6,#ane and i6,#ane in order o mee +e seci!icaion o! +e rod#c. Se$ecing Se$ecing oeraing oeraing ress#re and n#m,er o! sages are si$$ si$$ done #sing iniia$ iniia$ g#ess va$#e !rom re!erence.
Figure !3 B /#ane S$ier
T+e overa$ overa$$$ mod mode$$ e$$ing ing o! sim#$a sim#$ai ion on #sing #sing Anisim Anisim is s+o s+o;n ;n ,( -ig#re -ig#re <.10. <.10. s menio menioned ned revio#s$() revio#s$() +is sim#$aion reresens case 1 and +e o+er cases are i$$#sraed in -ig#re <.11 !or case 2 and -ig#re <.12 !or case <.
Figure !37 B Process -$o;s+ee Case 1
Figure !377 B Process -$o;s+ee Case 2
Figure !379 B Process -$o;s+ee Case <
%e!oiler and Condenser
Re,oi$er and condenser are ars o! +e co$#mns. Re,oi$er is #sed o s#$( +ea ino +e co$#mn) so +a +e $ig+er +(drocar,ons ;i$$ ,e vaoriBed and go # o +e o sage. Seam is #sed o +ea # a ar o! ,oom rod#c and rec(c$e i ino +e co$#mn. 8ean;+i$e) condenser is #sed o condense +e over+ead vaor so +e $i%#id rod#c ;i$$ ,e rod#ced ;+ic+ aria$$( rec(c$ed ino +e co$#mn as re!$#>. In sim#$aion) sim#$aion) as ar o! a disi$$ai disi$$aion on co$#mn) co$#mn) ,o+ re,oi$er re,oi$er and condenser condenser are de!ined de!ined ,ased on re%#iremen in order o mee rod#c seci!icaions.
%ecirculation %ecirculation Pumps
Recirc#$aion #m is #sed o rec(c$e +e re!$#> and +ea s#$( ino +e co$#mn. I is no s+o;n
%e!oiler and Condenser
Re,oi$er and condenser are ars o! +e co$#mns. Re,oi$er is #sed o s#$( +ea ino +e co$#mn) so +a +e $ig+er +(drocar,ons ;i$$ ,e vaoriBed and go # o +e o sage. Seam is #sed o +ea # a ar o! ,oom rod#c and rec(c$e i ino +e co$#mn. 8ean;+i$e) condenser is #sed o condense +e over+ead vaor so +e $i%#id rod#c ;i$$ ,e rod#ced ;+ic+ aria$$( rec(c$ed ino +e co$#mn as re!$#>. In sim#$aion) sim#$aion) as ar o! a disi$$ai disi$$aion on co$#mn) co$#mn) ,o+ re,oi$er re,oi$er and condenser condenser are de!ined de!ined ,ased on re%#iremen in order o mee rod#c seci!icaions.
%ecirculation %ecirculation Pumps
Recirc#$aion #m is #sed o rec(c$e +e re!$#> and +ea s#$( ino +e co$#mn. I is no s+o;n in +e sim#$aion ,# si$$ need o ,e ca$c#$aed !or +e cos esimaion.
!39 0etl etlyu' yu' Col Column umn !3937 !3937
(inim (inimum um En Ener ergy gy (ount (ountain ain Diagra Diagram m
T+e saring oin !or Pe$(#* co$#mn sim#$aions is o $o 8inim#m Energ( 8o#nain Diagram. 8inim#m Energ( 8o#nain Diagram or #s min6diagram is inrod#ced o e!!ecive$( vis#a$iBe +o; +e minim#m energ( cons#mion is re$aed o +e !eed comonen disri,#ion !or a$$ ossi,$e oeraing oins. main res#$ res#$ is a sim$e sim$e gra+i gra+ica$ ca$ vis#a$ vis#a$iBa iBaio ion n o! minim# minim#m m energ energ( ( and !eed !eed comone comonen n disri,#ion. T+e ass#mions are consan re$aive vo$ai$iies) consan mo$ar !$o;s consan and in!inie n#m,er o! sages &?a$vorsen and S*ogesad) 2002'. Underwood eGuation -or a m#$icomonen mi>#re +e vaor !$o; rae !or a given searaion can ,e ca$c#$aed #sing
Ander;oods e%#aions. T+e minim#m vaor !$o; rae a +e o o! +e co$#mn is given as &Enge$ien and Sig#rd S*ogesad) 200:'
T+e common Ander;ood roos are given as +e N61 so$#ions o! +e !eed e%#aion e %#aion ) T+e so$#ions o,e(s K"values and ,elative 8olatility T+e K6va$#e &vaor6$i%#id disri,#ion raio' !or a comonen i is de!ined as
) T+e re$aive vo$ai$i( ,e;een comonens i and is de!ined as
) K va$#e va$#e deends deends srong srong$( $( on emer emera# a#re re and ress# ress#re. re. DePrie DePriese serr c+ars c+ars can ,e #sed #sed o deermine K va$#e. In addiion) i is ossi,$e ossi,$e o a$( ro#g+ emirica$ !orm#$a o esimae re$aive vo$ai$i( v o$ai$i(.. <<
) ;+ere
) )
I! *no;
is #n*no;n) #n*no;n) a (ica$ (ica$ va$#e
can ,e #sed !or man( cases &?a$vorse &?a$vorsen n and
S*ogesad) 1999'. /# in racice i easier o a*e K6va$#es direc$( !rom ?(s(s or Anisim.
Figure !37! DePrieser C+ar &Derieser) 19:<'
Computational 0rocedure
A@8#$i in 8a+$a, ;as #sed o so$ve Ander;oods e%#aion) -eed e%#aion and o $o min diagram. T+e rogram ;as designed ,( Ivar ?a$vorsen.
Ta&le !39 K va$#es) Re$aive o$ai$iies and Comosiion o! +e - eed Component C? 4 C2?3 C5 i6C4 n6C4 i6C: n6C: n6C3 n6C7 n6C5 n6C9 n6C10 C11 C 12 C 1< C 14 C 1: C 13
K values 9.919<3537: 1.93:42:5<7 0.:5:425:35 0.242093011 0.1749:<747 7.27E602 :.:2E602 1.51E602 3.13E60< 2.11E60< 7.:3E604 2.79E604 9.90E60: 4.09E60: 1.<2E60: 4.03E603 1.9
,elative volatilities 1<3<:322.: 270173:.2 5047:7.2 <<2793.4 240499.: 99990.3 7:915.4 24555.0 5474.7 2900.2 10<9.1 <52.9 1<3.1 :3.2 15.2 :.3 2.7 1.0
Hf 5.33E602 4.43E602 :.51E602 <.13E602 :.92E602 :.49E602 4.93E602 5.70E602 1.00E601 0.123::59 5.09E602 3.14E602 :.29E602 4.73E602 2.05E602 1.:4E602 1.21E602 9.<5E60<
8min"diagram for 7 Feed Components min6diagram !or +e given !eed is s+o;n on +e -ig#re <.12. T+e ea*s s+o; minim#m energ(
oeraion !or s+ar s$i ,e;een adacen comonens.
Figure !37# 6 min Diagram !or 15 -eed Comonens
T+ee +ig+e T+ +ig+es s ea* ea* deer deermi mines nes +e +e ma>i ma>im# m#m m mini minim# m#m m vao# vao#rr !$o; !$o; re%#i re%#ire reme men n in +e +e arrangemen. /# in +is s#d( +ere is no need o searae C1: !rom C13) ,eca#se +e !ina$ rod#cs s+o#$d ,e "PG and NG". I is imoran o searae on$( C1C2) C<) iC4) nC4 and C:F !rom eac+ o+er o +er.. Five products in 7 component feed In Pe$(#* arrangemen a$$ co$#mns are direc$( &!#$$( +erma$$(' co#$ed. T+e oa$ n#m,er o!
inerna$ direc$( co#$ed ;o6rod#c co$#mns o searae 8 rod#cs is &8 6 1' F &8 6 2' F ... 8&8 6 1'=2. T+ere are &8 1' rod#c s$is) and +ese can ,e re$aed o 8 6 1 minim#m6energ( oeraing oins &ea*s' in +e min diagram &?a$vorsen and S*ogesad) 2 002'. 8&8 6 1'=2:&:61'=210
C1C2) / C<) C iC4) D nC4) E C:F Figure !37< -ive Prod#cs Pe$(#* rrangemen !or "PG and NG" Prod#cion
min min diagram !or a given 156comonen !eed &C16C13' is s+o;n in +e -ig#re <.14. T+is !eed s+o#$d ,e searaed ino !ive roc#s &C1C2) C<) iC4) nC4) C:F'. T+e $o s+o;s +e min6 diagram !or +e !eed comonens &,$#e $ine' and +e e%#iva$en diagram !or +e rod#cs &red $ine'. T+e seci!icaion !or rod#cs is s+o;n in Ta,$e Ta,$e <.<. T+e reason !or 3 o! iC4 in +e nC4 is +e descreasing o! min energ( !or iC4=nC4 s$i. D#e o +e seci!icaion i is ossi,$e o o,ain iC4 and nC4 ;i+ 93 #ri(.
8inim#m ao#r ao#r -$o; !or Searaion o! a 156Comonen -eed ino : Figure !37= 6 ssessmen o! 8inim#m Prod#cs &C1C2) C<) iC4) nC4) C:F' Ta&le !3! Seci!icaion o! -eed Comonen Recoveries in P rod#cs C1C2) C<) iC4) nC4) C:F 0roduct
.ight Key /mpurity Specification
C1C2 C< iC4 nC4 C:F
0 C2 0 C< 3 iC4 0
5eavy Key /mpurity Specification 0 C<
: iC4 4 nC4 0C:F 100 C:F
$$ o! C1) mos o! C2 S+ar C<=iC4 s$i
$$ +eav( comonens
T+e res#$ o! minim#m energ( so$#ion !or eac+ s$i is given in Ta,$e <.4. Eac+ s$i gives #s +e ea*s and *nos * nos &Pi' in +e min diagram !or !ive rod#cs &red $ine'. T+e +ig+es ea* is iC4=nC4 s$i T.min0.40<<. T+is is +e ma>im#m minim#m vaor !$o; re%#iremen in +e arrangemen and i is direc$( re$aed C4<. $$ +ea !or vaoriBaion +as o ,e s#$ied in +e ,oom) ,# +e o+er ea*s are $o;er. Co$#mn C41) C42) C44 ;i$$ ge a +ig+er vaor $oad +en re%#ired. Ta&le !3# 8inim#m Energ( So$#ion !or Eac+ S$i Split /CD=/CDE /C=/CD /CD=CDE /=/C /C=CD CD=DE =/
Column C1 C21 C22 C<1 C<2 C<< C41
8T3min 0.1:10 0.1:47 0.22:1 0.1:3: 0.2435 0.29:4 0.1725
/=C C=D D=E
C42 C4< C44
0.2474 0.40<< 0.<720
5eat E*changers at the Side Stream 4unctions
To se a$$ !$o; raes indeenden$( in co$#mns C44) C4<) C42) C41) i is ossi,$e o ;i+dra; $i%#id rod#cs and #se a +ea e>c+anger ;+ere +e d#( corresonds o +e c+ange in vao#r !$o;. T+is vao#r c+ange ma( ,e a*en !rom min diagram as +e di!!erence ,e;een ea*s. ?ea e>c+angers are #nnecessar( a +e inerna$ !eed #ncion) ,eca#se an( amo#n o! $i%#id o! vaor can ,e a*en !rom +e s#cceeding co$#mn. T+is sc+eme gives !#$$ !$e>i,i$i( in conro$$ing +e ;o degrees o! !reedom in eac+ inerna$ co$#mn co$#mn.. T+e min6d min6diag iagram ram gives gives minim# minim#m m vao#r vao#r re%#ir re%#ireme emens ns !or ever( ever( seci secion on !or +e seci!ied searaion) ,# ;+en +e ea*s are di!!eren +ea can ,e removed o! s#$ied a +e ,oi$ing oins o! +e inermediae comonens. T+e +ig+es ea* ;i$$ se +e same vao#r !$o; re%#iremen +ro#g+ +e mos demanding inersecion in ,o+ cases. -or co$#mns co$#mns C44 C44 and C4< +e di!!erenc di!!erencee ,e;een ,e;een vaor !$o; !$o; is !or C4< and C42
min0.1::9 and i is ossi,$e o insa$$ +ea e>c+anger ,e;een +em. T+e
same same !or !or co$#m co$#mns ns C42 C42 and C41 ;i+ ;i+
min0.0743. To s#m i # ;i+ +ea e>c+angers in +e
sidesream #ncions) eac+ co$#mn is s#$ied ;i+ is minim#m energ( re%#iremen &?a$vorsen) 2001'.
Figure !37 E>ended rrangemen !or -ive Prod#cs Pe$(#* Co$#mn ;i+ ?ea E>c+angers a +e Sidesream J#ncions
Four products in 7 component feed -o#r rod#cs Pe$(#* co$#mn arrangemen can ,e #sed o o,ain +e !o$$o;ing comonens
C1C2) C<) iC4nC4) C:F. T+e di!!erence ;i+ +e revio#s !ive rod#cs arrangemen is in +e com,inaion o! iC4 and nC4 in one rod#c. I ma( ,e dicaed ,( economic si#aion. -or +is case +e oa$ n#m,er o! inerna$ inerna$ direc$( co#$ed co$#mns ;i$$ ,e 4&461'=23 4&461'=23.. -o#r rod#cs Pe$(#* co$#mn is s+o;n on +e -ig#re <.13.
C1) C2 M / C< M C iC4) nC4 M D C:F Figure !37 -o#r rod#cs Pe$(#* rrangemen !or "PG and NG" Prod#cion
To decrease minim#m energ( !or iC4nC4=C: s$i +e +eav( *e( im#ri( C:F in iC4nC4 is seci!ied o :. In +is case +e saaraion o! iC4=nC: is avoided. T+e ne; min diagram !or !o#r rod#cs is s+o;n on +e -ig#re <.17. Comonen Recoveries in Prod#cs Prod#cs C 1C2) C<) iC4nC4) C:F Ta&le !3< Seci!icaion o! -eed Comonen 0roduct
C1C2 C< iC4nC4 C:F
.K /mpurity Specification
0 C2 0 C< 1 iC4nC4
5K /mpurity Specification 0 C< : iC4nC4 1 C:F 99 C:F
$$ o! C1) mos o! C2 S+ar C<=iC4 s$i $$ +eav( comonens
8inim#m ao#r ao#r -$o; !or Searaion o! a 156Comonen -eed ino 4 Figure !37 6 ssessmen o! 8inim#m Prod#cs &C1C2) C<) iC4nC4) C:F'.
T+e res#$ing minim#m6energ( so$#ion !or eac+ s$i is given in +e Ta,$e <.3. T+e +ig+es ea* is iC4nC4=C:F s$i T.min 0.<::9. T+is is +e ma>im#m minim#m vaor !$o; re%#iremen in +e arrangemen and i is direc$( re$aed C<<. Ta&le !3= 8inim#m Energ( So$#ion !or Eac+ S$i Split /C=/CD /=/C /C=CD =/ /=C C=D
!3939 !3939
C1 C 21 C 22 C <1 C <2 C <<
0.1:47 0.1:3: 0.2435 0.1725 0.2474 0.<::9
(odellin (odelling g and and Simulati Simulation on of 0etlyu' 0etlyu' Columns Columns
T+e main idea o! revisiing +e idea o! Pe$(#* co$#mn ;as o ,e a,$e o sim#$ae a Pe$(#* co$#mn as an a$ernaive o +e #se o! conveniona$ co$#mns as descri,ed in C+aer <. T+e driv drivin ing g !orc !orcee ,e+in ,e+ind d +is +is ;as ;as +e +e !ac !ac +a +a +eo +eore rei ica$ ca$ s#di s#dies es +ave +ave s+o; s+o;n n +a +a s#c+ s#c+ an arrange arrangemen men can save) save) on average average)) aro#nd aro#nd <0 o! energ( energ( cos cos comar comared ed o conven convenion iona$ a$ arrangemen. T+#s) +e seci!icaions menioned in Ta,$e 2.2 ;ere se as +e re%#ired rod#c seci!icaions !rom +e Pe$(#* Co$#mn &Anisim sim#$aion') +ig+$ig+ed in -ig#re <.15 and inerna$ co$#mn con!ig#raion &Anisim sim#$aion' s+o;n in -ig#re <.19. 42
Figure !39 Anisim Sim#$aion o! "PG P$an Asing Pe$(#* Co$#mn
Figure !397 Anisim Sim#$aion S+o;ing Pe$(#* Co$#mn Inerna$ Con!ig#raion
0arameters used for convergence of simulation
T+ere ;ere !o#reen degrees o! !reedom !or +e Pe$(#* co$#mn and +e arameers #sed !or convergence are s+o;n in Ta,$e <.7. Iniia$ g#ess va$#es !or +e vaor !$o; raes in +e vario#s co$#mns ;ere a*en !rom min diagram $oed !or 46rod#cs &-ig#re <.21'. Ta&le !3 Parameers !or Pe$(#* Co$#mn
?o;ever) convergence o! +e same co#$d no ,e ac+ieved and i ;as +#s necessar( o do s+or c# ca$c#$aions !or +ree6rod#c Pe$(#* co$#mns !or +ree di!!eren cases.
Estimations of Component Flow rates &y 0roduct Specifications and (aterial 1alance
I is ass#med +a +e !eed o +e Pe$(#* Co$#mn conains +ree comonens ) /) C in decreasing order o! +eir re$aive vo$ai$iies &8#ra$i*ris+na e a$) 2002'. ss#mions i' No C aears in +e disi$$ae. ii' No aears in +e ,oom.
Figure !399 Inerna$ Con!ig#raion o! 46Prod#cs Pe$(#* Co$#mn
In genera$) seci!icaions are made on +e !o$$o;ing rod#c comosiions >D)) >8)/) >/)C)
T+e seven #n*no;n varia,$es re$aed o +e o## o! +e co$#mn are
T+e e%#aions res#$ing !rom +e seci!icaions are &1'
&<' &4' 4:
T+e comonen maeria$ ,a$ance e%#aions give &:' &3' &7' 8aeria$ ,a$ance aro#nd +e re!racionaor (ie$ds &5' &9' @+i$e @+i$e !o$$o;ing !o$$o;ing s#c+ a reresena reresenaion) ion) +e !o$$o;ing !o$$o;ing condiion condiion m#s +o$d in order !or +e +ree co$#mns o ,e red#ci,$e o a dividing ;a$$ co$#mn &10' -or ease o! consr#cion o! +e co$#mn) +e n#m,er o! $aes on ei+er side o! +e dividing ;a$$ s+o#$d ,e e%#a$) a$+o#g+ +is is no a necessar( condiion
Design EGuations for the Dividing %all Column D%C$
Column ' (Pre"ractionator)* (Pre"ractionator)*
T+e re6!racionaor oeraes ;i+ +e $ig+ *e( and +eav( *e( as and C resecive$() ;i+ +e comonen / disri,#ing. T+e ;o Ander;ood roos
can ,e ca$c#$aed !rom +e !o$$o;ing
@+ere T+e ;o Ander;ood roos are #sed in +e !o$$o;ing e%#aions
d1) d1/ are seci!ied and +en +e va$#es o! d1C)Ander;ood and R 1)min 1)min can ,e ca$c#$aed.
&1: a'
i! R.?.S o! 1:&a' Q 0 0
&1: ,'
i! R.?.S o! 1:&a' 0 -rom e%#aions &1<' and &1:') ;e ge +e va$#e R 1)min 1)min as
)t total reflu*:
-ens*e e%#aion gives +e minim#m n#m,er o! +eoreica$ sages !or a seci!ied searaion. T+e e%#aion can ,e ;rien !or an( air o! comonens) rovided +e( disri,#e ,e;een +e disi$$ae and +e ,ooms. -or a given d1) d1/ ) +e -ens*e e%#aion red#ces o
?ence) !or a given &d1) d1/ ' d1C) -ens*e can ,e ca$c#$aed ,( eva$#aing +e rig+ +and sides o! E%#aions &17' and &15'
)t finite reflu*:
Once) +e !$o; raes o! C in +e disi$$ae a minim#m and in!inie re!$#> +ave ,een !o#nd o#) +e !$o; rae o! C in +e disi$$ae o! Co$#mn 1 a a !inie re!$#> raio R 1 greaer +an +e minim#m) can ,e !o#nd o#
T+erea!er) T+erea!er) Gi$$i$and Corre$aion ma( ,e #sed o deermine +e ac#a$ n#m,er o! sages in Co$#mn 1
&21' &22'
&2<' ?aving *no;n d1) d1/ and d1C) ,1) ,1/ and ,1C can ,e !o#nd o# ,( #sing &24' &2:' &23' T+e vao#r !$o;s in +e reci!(ing and +e sriing secions o! +e co$#mn can ,e !o#nd o# as
&27' &25'
Column + and Column ,*
T+e Ander;ood roo is s#c+ +a
as comonen C is +eavier
+an +e +eav( *e( comonen / and is !o#nd !rom +e !o$$o;ing e%#aion &29'
@+ere %2 is ca$c#$aed !rom &<0' &<1' s) &<2' nd -2 D1 ;+ere &<<'
Ander;ood roo s#c+ +a
can ,e simi$ar$( ca$c#$aed !rom +e !o$$o;ing
e%#aion and ;i+ a simi$ar arg#men as a,ove
&<4' @+ere &<:' No;) No;) +e Ander;ood e%#aions can ,e #sed o deermine +e minim#m re!$#> raios !or +e ;o co$#mns as !o$$o;s
&<3' @+ere) d2 and d2/ are +e same as d and d/ resecive$(. Simi$ar$()
&<7' @+ere) &<5' &<9' &40' @+ere) ,1) ,1/ and ,1C are o,ained !rom +e re6!racionaor ca$c#$aions) and , and ,
)t total reflu*:
-ens*e E%#aion gives
)t finite reflu*es:
Re!$#> raios R 2 and R < are no indeenden varia,$es and need o sais!( +e !o$$o;ing e%#aions) ,e!ore +e( can ac#a$$( ,e #sed o ca$c#$ae +e n#m,er o! sages in +e co$#mns #sing Gi$$i$and Corre$aions &4<'
&4:' :0
S#,si#ing e%#aions 44 and 4: in e%#aion 4<) ;e ge
&43' Gi$$i$and corre$aions as in +e revio#s can no; ,e #sed o com#e +e n#m,er o! sages in +e Co$#mns 2 and < !or a c+osen R 2 and R <. c+ec* is made ;+e+er +e condiion demonsraed ,( e%#aion 11 is sais!ied or e$se an ieraive aroac+ is #sed !or re!ining +e g#essed R 2 and R <.<.
,esults of Short Cut Calculations
T+e s+or c# ca$c#$aions i$$#sraed a,ove +ave ,een #sed o com#e +e n#m,er o! sages in +e re6!racionaor and +e ;o co$#mns !or +e < di!!eren cases. Deai$ed ca$c#$aions are resened in endi> C. ?o;ever) +e n#m,er o! sages N1) N2 and N< ca$c#$aed #sing +e a,ove e%#aions ;ere %#ie sma$$ comared o rea$ $i!e scenario. T+is ma( ,e ari,#ed o +e !ac +a in rea$ disi$$aion ro,$ems) re$aive vo$ai$iies c+ange a$ong +e +eig+ o! +e co$#mn) Pe$(#* co$#mns oerae #nder semi6vac##m ress#res and +e in!$#ence o! dividing ;a$$ on +e n#m,er o! sages. T+#s +e ac#a$ n#m,er o! sages !or +e Pe$(#* Co$#mn is a*en as U* imes +e minim#m n#m,er o! sages. T+e va$#e o! * is c+osen sma$$er !or Case 4 o;ing o re$aive$( $esser re!$#> raios comared o +e o+er ;o cases. T+e same va$#es v a$#es !or +e +ree cases are a,#$aed in Ta,$e Ta,$e <.5.
Ta&le !3 Pe$(#* Co$#mn Ca$c#$aion Res#$s !or < Cases Case
Case 4 Case : Case 3
:.2503 7.52<2 2.:952
3.99 13.<9 <.:0
21.2< 3.<4 <.17
2.: <.0 <.0
)ctual Num&er of trays
54 92 29
# F.-% F.-%S5 S5EE EET T C).C C).CU. U.) )T/-N T/-NS S #37 (ass 1a 1alance AniSI8 ;as #sed o er!orm +e mass ,a$ance !or +e s(sem. T+e overa$$ mass ,a$ance is s#mmariBed in Ta,$e 4.1. Ta&le #37 " -verall (ass 1alance Stream -eed 1 -eed 2
()SS /N /n 'g;h$ 2:000 5000
Stream C1FC2 C:F C< iC4 nC4
()SS -UT -ut 'g;h$ 1453 29140 3:9 :7:.3 11<3
Di!!erence 8ass In 6 8ass O# <.4 *g=+ Error 0.01
T+e ercenage o! error is sma$$er +an 1 ) and +#s accea,$e. T+e comonen comonen mass ,a$ance is s#mmariBed in Ta,$e 4.2. Ta&le #39 " Component (ass 1alance -&Aect (ass /n 'g;h$ (ass -ut 'g;h$ Error 'g;h$ DeE+aniBer <<000 <2993 4 De/#aniBer <1:10 <1:11 61 Proane co$#mn 2<71 2<71 0 /#ane co$#mn 1712 1711.3 0.4 Total =<! =<3= !3#
@ Error 0.0121 60.00<17 0 0.02<4 3!9!!
T+e ercenage o! error !or eac+ comonen is m#c+ sma$$er +an 0.1) and +#s accea,$e.
#39 Ene nerg rgy y 1ala alanc ncee T+e +ea !$o;s in and o# o! +e s(sem are s#mmariBed in Ta,$e Ta,$e 4.< and Ta,$e Ta,$e 4.4 resecive$(. resecive$(.
Ta&le #3! B 5eat flows in to the system
Ta&le #3# B 5eat flows in to the
-eed 1 -eed 2 E6101 E6102 E6104 E6103
5eat Flow 7 '4;h$ 6:.499 61.953 1.9: 1.04: 0.41<2 0.7112
Streams /n
C1C2 C: C< I c4 Nc4 E610< E610: E6107
5eat Flow 7 '4;h$ 60.:202 64.:1: 60.1795 60.1:2 60.252 61.1<< 0.42:1 0.72:7
Streams -ut
?ea !$o; in ?ea !$o; o# 6<.<3:3> 107 *J=+ &6<.<3:2' > 107 *J=+ 60.0004 > 107 *J=+ T+e ercenage o! error is 0.01159 ) ;+ic+ is accea,$e. Ta&le #3< B Component 5eat 1alance -&Aect
DeE+aniBer De/#aniBer Proane co$#mn /#ane co$#mn Total
5eat /n 7 '4;h$ 6:.:<: 6<.971 60.1742 0.2917 "3!<
5eat -ut 7 '4;h$ 6:.:<32 6<.9394 60.1742 0.2917 "3!7
Error 7 '4;h$ 0.0012 60.0013 0 0 37
@ Error
60.022 0.04 0 0 37
#3! #3! EG EGui uip pment ment SiHi SiHing ng T+e main e%#imen #sed in +e rocess is s#mmariBed in Ta,$e Ta,$e 4.3 and Ta,$e 4.7. -or deai$s a,o# +e ca$c#$aion) see endi> /. Ta&le #3= B (ain EGuipment / Description
Dee+aniBer De,#aniBer DeroaniBer /#ane S$ier
5eight;length >m? 21.3
Diameter >mm? 1300
<<.54 20.4 2:.2
1400 1000 1000
I Trays
<0 47 <4 42
Trays Space >m? 0.3
Thic'ness >mm? 5
0.3 0.: 0.:
3.<: 3.<: 3.<:
Ta&le #3 B (ain EGuipment // Tag
Duty >'%?
Surface area >m9?
Dee+aniBer Re,oi$er
De,#aniBer Re,oi$er
DeroaniBer Re,oi$er
/#ane S$ier Re,oi$er
De,#aniBer Condenser
S+e$$ and #,e
DeroaniBer Condenser
S+e$$ and #,e
/#ane S$ier Condenser
S+e$$ and #,e
Ta&le #3 B -ther EGuipments Name Tag
6101 6102 610< 6104 P6101 P6102 P610< P6104 P610: P6103 P6107 D6101 D6102 D610< T6101 T6102 T610< T6104 T610: E6105
Dee+aniBer E>ansion a$ve De,#aniBer E>ansion a$ve DeroaniBer E> E>ansion a$ve /#ane S$ier E>ansion a$ve Dee+aniBer Re,oi$er Circ#$aion P#m De,#aniBer Re,oi$er Circ#$aion P#m De,#aniBer Co Condenser Circ#$aion P#m DeroaniBer Re,oi$er Circ#$aion P#m DeroaniBer Co Condenser Ci Circ#$aion P# P#m /#ane S$ier Re,oi$er Circ#$aion P#m /#ane S$ier Condenser Circ#$aion P#m De,#aniBer Re!$#> Dr#m DeroaniBer Re!$#> Dr#m /#ane S$ier Re!$#> Dr#m 8e+ane and E+ane Sorage Tan* Na#ra$ Gaso$ine Sorage Tan* Proane Sorage Tan* i6/#ane Sorage Tan* n6/#ane Sorage Tan* Na#ra$ Gaso$ine Condenser
< C-ST EST/()T/-N <37 <37 Fi*e Fi*ed d capi capita tall cost cost T+e !i>ed caia$ cos is esimaed o ge an aro>imae rice !or +e oa$ $an insa$$ed and r#nning. T+ese ca$c#$aions are ,ased on given ercenages &@es) Rona$d E.) e a$) 200<'. 8aor e%#imen coss are ca$c#$aed as descri,es in endi> E. E. T+e maor coss !or di!!eren !or di!!eren cases are s+o;n in +e a,$es ,e$o;. ,e$o;. Ta&le <37 6 8aor E%#imen Cos o! Case 1 EGuipment
Co$#mn Tra( ?ea e>c+angers Tan* P#m 8aor e%#imen cos
Cost $ 42::71.:1 303:1.:4 291:7559.3< <40002.<0 141055.<< <070:20<.<1
E%#imen n#m,er in case 1 4 co$#mns) 109 co$#mn ra(s) 7 +ea e>c+angers) : an*s and < #ms
Ta&le <39 6 8aor E%#imen Cos o! Case 2 EGuipment
Co$#mn Tra( ?ea e>c+angers Tan* P # m 8aor e%#imen cos
Cost $ <3<795.7< 4202:9.99 219921::.77 2319:0.94 10:<77.44 2<14<:42.53
E%#imen n#m,er in case 2 < co$#mns) 79 co$#mn ra(s) : +ea e>c+angers) 4 an*s and 2 #ms
Ta&le <3! 6 8aor E%#imen Cos o! Case < EGuipment
Co$#mn Tra( ?ea e>c+angers Tan* P#m 8aor e%#imen cos
Cost $ <<2<39.34 <2::2:.95 10323:<7.2: 159905.05 317<7.:< 11:<3075.49
E%#imen n#m,er in case < 2 co$#mns) :: co$#mn ra(s) < +ea e>c+angers) < an*s and 1 #m
Ta&le <3# 6 8aor E%#imen Cos o! Case 4 EGuipment
Co$#mn Tra( ?ea e>c+angers Tan* P#m 8aor e%#imen cos
Cost $ 4<7:05.5: 714012.12 174947<<.75 <00<59.1< 91731.5< 190<540:.72
E%#imen n#m,er in case 4 < co$#mns) 1<9 co$#mn ra(s) : +ea e>c+angers) : an*s and 2 #ms
Ta&le <3< 6 8aor E%#imen Cos o! Case : EGuipment
Co$#mn Tra( ?ea e>c+angers Tan* P#m 8aor e%#imen cos
Cost $ 255514.<< :3:991.45 1<97<:33.09 25:109.73 <90<1.:9 1:1::2:12.2:
E%#imen n#m,er in case : 2 co$#mns) 122 co$#mn ra(s) < +ea e>c+angers) 4 an*s and 1 #m
Ta&le <3= 6 8aor E%#imen Cos o! Case 3 EGuipment
Co$#mn Tra( ?ea e>c+angers Tan* P#m 8aor e%#imen cos
Cost $ 55215.72 <<1447.72 113072:2.1< 113072:2.1< 347:4.<: 502:5.79 121719<1.71
E%#imen n#m,er in case 3 1 co$#mns) 25 co$#mn ra(s) 2 +ea e>c+angers) < an*s and 1 #m
T+e !i>ed caia$ coss !or di!!eren cases are $ised in Ta,$es :.7. T+e cos esimaion o! Pe$(#* co$# co$#mn mnss +as +as ,een ,een done done simi simi$a $ar$ r$( () #sin #sing g 1.3 1.3 ime imess +e +e inve inves sme men n cos cos o! an e%#i e%#i6s 6siB iBed ed conveniona$ co$#mn. T+e !acor a*es ino acco#n coss o! dividing ;a$$) +ic*er s+e$$ and o+er #n*no;n coss.
Ta&le <3 6 -i>ed Caia$ Cos !or Di!!eren C ases Fi*ed Capital cost
P#rc+ased e%#imen de$ivered) E P#rc+ased e%#imen insa$$aion Insr#menaion and conro$s &insa$$ed' Piing &insa$$ed' E$ecrica$ s(sems &insa$$ed' /#i$dings &inc$d#ing servics' ard imrovemens Services !aci$iies &insa$$ed' Engineering and s#ervision Consr#cion e>enses "ega$ e>enses ConracorVs !ee Coningenc( Fixed capital investment
0ercent of delivered eGuipment cost
Cost (USD$ Case7
10 0
4 22 44
1.2< 3.73 1<.:1
0.9< :.09 10.15
0.43 2.:4 :.05
0.73 4.19 5.<5
0.31 <.<< 3.37
0.49 2.35 :.<3
<39 <39 %or'i or'ing ng capi capita tall cost cost T+e ;or*ing caia$ is +e amo#n o! caia$ re%#ired o sar # +e $an and o !inance +e !irs co#$e o! mon+s o! oeraing ,e!ore +e $an sars earning) +is caia$ is #sed o cover sa$aries) ra; maeria$ invenories and coningencies. I ;i$$ ,e recovered a +e end o! +e roec and reresens a !$oa o! mone( o ge +e roec sared. T+ese coss are necessar( a sar6#s and i im$ies im$ies ra; maeria$s maeria$s and inermedia inermediaes es in +e rocess. T+e ;or*ing caia$ ;as ass#med ass#med o ,e < o! +e !i>ed caia$ cos &@es) Rona$d E.) e a$) 200<'. T+e oa$ invesmen !or +e $an is $ised in Ta,$e :.5.
Ta&le <3 6 T+e Toa$ I nvesmen /nvestment
-i>ed caia$ cos @or*ing caia$ cos Toa$ invesmen
Cost (USD$ Case! Case#
<3! -pera erating ing Cos Costt $$ e>enses direc$( conneced ;i+ +e man#!ac#ring oeraion or +e +(sica$ e%#imen o! a rocess $an ise$! are inc$#ded in +e oeraing coss &Peers) 1991'. Oeraing coss are divided ino +ree caegories direc man#!ac#ring coss) !i>ed man#!ac#ring coss and genera$ e>enses. Direc man#!ac#ring coss reresen oeraing e>enses +a var( ;i+ rod#cion rae. @+en rod#c demand dros) rod#cion rae is red#ced o $ess +an +e design caaci(. red#cion red#cion in +e !acors ma*ing # +e direc man#!ac#ring coss is o,served. -i>ed man#!ac#ring coss are indeenden o! c+anges in rod#cion rae. T+e( inc$#de roer( a>es) ins#rance and dereciaion) ;+ic+ are c+arged a consan raes even ;+en +e $an is no in oeraion. Genera$ e>enses reresen an over+ead ,#rden +a is necessar( o carr( o# ,#siness !#ncions. T+e( inc$#de managemen) sa$es) !inancing) and researc+ !#ncions. Genera$ e>enses se$dom var( ;i+ rod#cion $eve$ &T#ron) 2005'. Direct Costs ,aw materials costs
T+e ra; maeria$s in +e rocess are na#ra$ gas $i%#ids &NG"' an d seam. atural Gas Li.uids
T+e rice !or 18/# is 7ASD &!or 1000 c#,ic !oo o! NG'. I is necessar( o ca$c#$ae +e rice !or Ra; NG" -eed !or +e $an. T+e "o;er ?eaing a$#e in +e -eed Sream is 4.23410 3 KJ=*gmo$e. To To ma*e +eaing va$#e in KJ=m< i s+o#$d ,e m#$i$ied ,( mo$ar densi(
?eaing va$#e 4.234103:.74324.:103 KJ=m< WKJ=*gmo$e *gmo$e=m<KJ=mimae$( 7 ASD. I! 4<.1 $iers o! Ra; -eed coss 7ASD) +en 1:5.9 $iers o! Ra; !eed coss 2:.5ASD. So) one ,arre$ o! Ra; -eed ;i$$ cos 2:.5ASD &or 0.
I ;as ass#med +a +is $an is s#$ied ,( seam !rom ano+er ind#sria$ rod#cer. T+e cos o! +ig+ ress#re seam is 29.97 ASD=onne &T#ron) 2009'. T+e necessar( amo#n o! +ig+ ress#re seam is s+o;n in +e Ta,$e :.9. Ta&le <3 T+e mo#n o! Seam and Price Case
1 2 < 4 : 3
Steam Flow ,ate6 tonnes;h Conveniona$ Co$#mns :14.974 424.71< <72.:11 Pe$(#* Co$#mn <94.293 <23.9<7 253.:47
0rice6 (USD;year
1<0.2<< 107.407 93.4:5 102.099 54.3:7 74.199
Utility prices
Ai$iies rices consis o! +e rocess na#ra$ gas and +e e$ecrici( !or coo$ing ;aer #ming. atural Gas
T+is $an rod#ces na#ra$ gas &me+ane and e+ane'. T+e inerna$ rice !or na#ra$ gas in Saoi$ S is s+o;n on +e -ig#re :.1. n average rice !or $as 4 (ears is 0.2< Y=Sm< &or 1.44 NOK=Sm<'. I ;i$$ ,e #sed !or +e enire oeraing eriod. nn#a$ rice !or gas 1444.2 Sm<=+ 24 <30 0.2< Y=Sm< 2.537 8ASD=ear. I is ossi,$e o earn 2.537 8ASD=ear 8ASD=ear ,( se$$ing gas g as !rom +e "PG recover( $an.
Figure <37 T+e Inerna$ Price !or Na#ra$ Gas in Saoi$
Cooling /ater
T+e rice o! e$ecric o;er !or +e ind#sr( in Nor;a( is given in +e -ig#re :.2 &Saisics Nor;a() Nor;a() 2010'. T+e rice is ass#med o ,e consan and e%#a$ o 0.0: Y=*@+ +ro#g+o# +e ;+o$e eriod o! rod#cion.
Figure <39 E$ecric Po;er Prices in Nor;a(
T+e cos o! +e coo$ing ;aer is +e cos o! #ming +e coo$ing ;aer +ro#g+ +e s(sem) coss !or ;aer ma*e6# and c+emica$ reamen o! +e ;aer. s s+o;n in -ig#re :.< +e #ming cos is ass#med o ,e 0.01Y er 1m< o! ;aer er +o#r. T+e #ming cos !or 3 cases is s#mmariBed in Ta,$e :.10.
Figure <3! P#ming Cos
Ta&le <37 T+e mo#n o! @aer and P#ming Cos &!or Pe$(#* ass#med 20 $ ess'
1 2 < 4 : 3
%ater flow rate6 m!;h Conveniona$ Co$#mns <32.<49 157.952 57.727 Pe$(#* Co$#mn 259.579 1:0.<53 70.151
0rice6 (USD;year
0.0<1 0.013 0.0073 0.024 0.0125 0.0031
-perating la&or
T+e !o$$o;ing !orm#$a ma( ,e #sed !or $a,or re%#iremens esimaions NO" &3.29F<1.7P2F0.2am$e) ransoraion and disri,#ion') Nn is +e n#m,er o! nonaric#$ae rocessing ses and inc$#des comression) +eaing) coo$ing) mi>ing. -o#r and one6+a$! oeraors are +ired !or eac+ oeraor needed in +e $an an( ime &T#ron) &T#ron) 2005'. 2 005'. -or +e !irs case +ere are !o#r disi$$aion o;ers in +e rocess) seven +ea e>c+angers and !ive an*s so Nn13. NO"&3.29F0.2< 13'0.:<.13 oeraor er s+i!. Oeraing $a,o#r <.13 4.: 14.22 &ro#nding o +e neares ineger gives 1:' "a,or coss 1: 100000Y=(ear1.: 8ASD=ear. 8ASD=ear. Oeraing $a,o#r !or 3 cases is a,#$aed in Ta,$e :.11.
Ta&le <377 Oeraing "a,o#r Case
1 2 <
Num&er of main eGuipment
-o#r o o;ers) se seven +e +ea e>c+angers) !ive an*s T+ree o o;ers) !i !ive +e +ea e>c+angers) !o#r an*s T;o o o;ers) + +ree +e +ea e>c+angers) +ree +an*s
.a&or reGuirements6 N-. Conveniona$ Co$#mns
Num&er of la&ors
.a&or cost6 (USD;Jear
Pe$(#* Co$#mn 4 : 3
T+ree o o;ers) !i !ive +e +ea e>c+angers) !ive an*s T;o o o;ers) + +ree +e +ea e>c+angers) !o#r an*s One o;er) ;o +ea e>c+angers) +ree +an*s
T+e !o$$o;ing !orm#$a ;as #sed o ca$c#$ae oeraing cos !or +e $an
T+is !orm#$a coe!!iciens a*e ino acco#n direc man#!ac#ring coss &ra; maeria$s) #i$iies) oeraing oeraing $a,or) $a,or) s#ervisor s#ervisor( () mainenance mainenance and reair) reair) $a,oraor( c+arges and aens') aens') !i>ed oeraing coss) &dereciaion) a>es and ins#rance) $an over+ead coss') genera$ man#!ac#ring e>enses &adminisraion coss) disri,#ion and se$$ing coss) researc+ and deve$omen and !##re ;or+ !acor'.
Ta&le <379 Toa$ Oeraing Cos Case
Fi*ed capital investment FC/6 (USD
1 2 <
1:9.<97 120.14< :9.553
4 : 3
99.195 :5.005 4:.303
,aw materials C ,(6 (USD;Jear
Utilities CUT6 (USD;Jear
Conveniona$ Co$#mns 2<2.573 2.5<3 210.0: 2.5:1 195.101 2.5:94 Pe$(#* Co$#mn 204.742 2.54< 157.< 2.5:42 173.542 2.5309
-perating la&or C-.6 (USD;Jear
-perating cost6 (USD;Jear
1.: 1.4 1.<
<:1.915 <07.305 235.175
1.4 1.< 1.<
292.:9 2:4.127 2<3.21:
= /N8ES N8EST( T(EN ENT T )N). )N).JS JS/S /S Pro!ia,i$i( is +e meas#re o! +e amo#n o! ro!i +a can ,e o,ained !rom a given si#aion. I is as common common denominaor denominaor !or a$$ ,#siness aciviies. aciviies. T+e deerminai deerminaion on and ana$(sis ana$(sis o! ro!is ro!is o,aina,$e !rom +e invesmen o! caia$ and +e c+oice o! +e ,es invesmen among vario#s a$ernaives are maor goa$s o! +e invesmen ana$(sis &Peers) 1991'. T+e $i!e ime o! +e roec ;as ass#med o ,e 20 (ears. T+e dereciaion !or +e $an is esimaed o ,e a 10 ercen. T+e a> o ,e aid o +e governmen is ass#med o ,e a <5. T+e s#mmar( o! invesmen ana$(sis !or 3 cases is s+o;n in Ta,$e 3.1. Ta&le =37 Per!ormance 8eas#remen o! +e I nvesmen Description
IRR NP) NP) 8Y P/P) ears
Conventional Columns
0etlyu' Column
Case 7
Case 9
Case !
Case #
Case <
Case =
T+e Cases 1)2 and 4 (ie$ded negaive negaive IRR and NP) NP) ,eca#se +e( +ave negaive negaive ann#a$ cas+ !$o;s and are +#s #nro!ia,$e.
=37 =37 /nte /ntern rnal al ,ate ,ate of ,etu ,eturn rn T+e inerna$ rae o! re#rn on an invesmen or roec is +e Zann#a$iBed e!!ecive como#nded re#rn raeZ or disco#n rae +a ma*es +e ne resen va$#e o! a$$ cas+ !$o;s &,o+ osiive and negaive' !rom a aric#$ar invesmen e%#a$ o Bero. T+e +ig+er a roecVs inerna$ rae o! re#rn) +e more desira,$e i is o #ndera*e +e roec. IRR can ,e #sed o ran* severa$ rosecive roecs a !irm is considering. ss#ming a$$ o+er !acors are e%#a$ among +e vario#s roecs) +e roec ;i+ +e +ig+es IRR ;o#$d ,e considered +e ,es and #ndera*en !irs. -orm#$a !or ca$c#$aions o! IRR
) E>ce$ ;as #sed !or ca$c#$ae IRR. T+e +ig+es IRR +as +e si>+ case &Pe$(#* co$#mn'. So) i is +e mos aracive case !or invesmens. 34
=39 =39 Net Net 0r 0resen esentt 8al 8alue ue Ne Presen a$#e a$#e is ano+er me+od o eva$#ae +e invesmen. NP is an indicaor o! +o; m#c+ va$#e an invesmen or roec adds o +e !irm. I! i is osiive) +e roec ma( ,e acceed.In +is me+od +e va$#e o! cas+ earned in +e !##re are convered o +e resen va$#e +ro#g+ +e !o$$o;ing e%#aion
) T+e disco#n rae is ass#med o ,e 5.
=3! 0ay" ay"&ac' ac' 0e 0erio riod Pa(6,ac* is +e eriod o! ime re%#ired !or +e re#rn on an invesmen o Zrea(Z +e s#m o! +e origina$ invesmen. T+e cas+ !$o; diagram s+o;s +e rediced c#m#$aive ne cas+ !$o; over +e $i!e o! +e roec. T+e ann#a$ cas+ !$o; corresonds o +e mone( +a goes o# min#s +e mone( +a comes in. T+e !irs and second cases are #nro!ia,$e. T+e a(6,ac* eriod !or case < is s+o;n in +e -ig#re 3.1.
Figure =37 Pa(6,ac* Period o! Case <
T+e a(6,ac* eriod !or case : is s+o;n in +e -ig#re 3.2.
Figure =39 Pa(6,ac* Period o! Case :
T+e a(6,ac* eriod !or case 3 is s+o;n in +e -ig#re 3.<.
Figure =3! Pa(6,ac* Period o! Case 3
=3# =3# Se Sens nsit itiv ivit ity y )nal )nalys ysis is Sensiivi( ana$(sis is made o eva$#ae +e in!$#ence o! +e c+anging o! di!!eren arameers on +e roec econom(. Sensiivi( ana$(sis a$$o;s +e ana$(s o ge a !ee$ !or +e imac o! +e varia,i$i( o! individ#a$ in#s on overa$$ economic res#$s. In genera$) i! +e sensiivi( ana$(sis revea$ revea$ss +a +a reason reasona,$ a,$ee c+anges c+anges in an #ncera #ncerain in in# in# varia, varia,$e $e ;i$$ ;i$$ no c+ange c+ange +e re$ai re$aive ve economic ran*ing o! roec a$ernaives or #ndermine +e roecVs economic #si!icaion) +en +e ana$(s can +ave reasona,$e com!or +a +e res#$s are ro,#s.
In +e !o$$o;ing secion +e economics o! +e "PG $an is eva$#aed a c+anges in +e ra; maeria$ coss) variaion in rod#c rices and caia$ invesmen. T+e res#$ing va$#es are s+o;n in -ig#re 3.4 and -ig#re 3.:.
Figure =3# Sensiivi( na$(sis o! Case 3
Figure =3< Sensiivi( na$(sis o! Case <
T+ere are ;o di!!eren a$ernaives !or +e "PG recover( $an o ,#i$d i in a conveniona$ ;a( or o #se Pe$(#* co$#mns. T+e second a$ernaive gives signi!ican savings in oeraing cos) ,eca#se i a$$o;s #sing $ess seam in +e rocess. /# +ere are man( di!!ic#$ies associaed ;i+ +e oeraion o! Pe$(#* co$#mns. I is ra+er di!!ic#$ o conro$ +em) ,eca#se o! comaraive$( $arger $arger n#m n#m,er ,er o! degrees degrees o! !reedom !reedom comar comared ed o a simi$a simi$arr caaci caaci( ( conven convenion iona$ a$ co$#mn co$#mn.. Pe$(#* co$#mns are +ig+er and +eavier +an conveniona$ co$#mns and +e e!!ecive insa$$aion o! ac*ings and +e dividing ;a$$s o!en deermines +e rea$isaion o! s#c+ co$#mns in racice. No;ada(s +ere are no man( $ans oeraing ;i+ s#c+ co$#mns and on$( !e; comanies are ,eing a,$e o conro$ mainained rod#cion via +ese rocesses. Sensiivi( ana$(sis s+o;s +a +e rod#c er!ormance deends ver( m#c+ on rod#c rices and ra; maeria$s maeria$s rices. rices. I means +a +e roec roec is ver( ris*() ris*() even sma$$ deviaion o! rices rices can in!$#ence arecia,$( on +e economica$ arameers. -or e>am$e) increasing rod#c rice ma( $ead o +#ge ro!is) ,# a +e same ime +ere is a ris* o! rice decrease and +#ge mone( $osses !or some eriod o! ime. T+is ris* is +ig+ !or sma$$ comanies or sing$e invesor) ,# i is accea,$e !or a ,ig coman( ;i+ an esa,$is+ed mar*e. ?o;ever) +e main idea in +e $an rocess design is o creae rea$$( good ec+no$ogica$ sc+eme ;+ic+ ;i$$ ,e a,$e o s+o; +e ,eer er!ormance +an +e average comeior $an on +e mar*e. In addiion) +ere are di!!eren a$ernaives !or !ina$ rod#cs. In +is case +e main rod#c is NG" and +ere is no need o searae roane !rom ,#ane or iso6,#ane !rom norma$6,#ane. norma$6,#ane. T+e !$o; rae o! +ese comonens is re$aive$( sma$$ comared o NG" !$o; rae and i is ra+er #neconomica$ #neconomica$ o e>end mone( !or #i$iies. #i$iies. /# a$$ +ese comonens comonens +ave di!!eren di!!eren rices and seci!icaions) and more so) +e rices !$#c#ae over ime so +e c+oice o! +e $ans design is a$so ,ased on +ese !acs. ?o;ever) in order o acco#n !or var(ing rices) re$aive$( $ong erm !##re va$#es +ave ,een #sed in +e cos esimaions o#$ined +ere) ;i+ +e ,asic ass#mion +a rice variaions average o# over a comaraive$( $onger ime inerva$.
C-NC C-NC.U .US/ S/-N -NS S )ND )ND ,EC,EC-(( ((EN END) D)T/ T/-N -NS S T+is T+is s#d( s#d( consid considere ered d ;o main main a$ern a$ernai aives ves !or +e "PG recove recover( r( conven convenion iona$ a$ $an $an and Pe$(#* co$#mn. -or conveniona$ rocess) Anisim sim#$aion s+o;s +a i is a,o# 20)770 on=(ear ;+ic+ corresonds o 55 o! "PG rod#c can ,e recovered !rom ra; NG") ;+ic+ +as oa$ !$o; rae o! 259)050 259 )050 on=(ear. To ana$(se and design Pe$(#* co$#mns) min diagram and s+or c# ca$c#$aions +ave ,een #sed. T+e res#$s o! ca$c#$aions s+o; +a Pe$(#* co$#mns +ave 206<0 $ess energ( re%#iremens comared comared ;i+ conveniona$ conveniona$ co$#mns. co$#mns. T+is !ac re!$ecs re!$ecs +a Pe$(#* co$#mn con!ig#ra con!ig#raions ions are more economica$. T+e s#d( revea$s +a i is mos ro!ia,$e o rod#ce ;o rod#cs +a are "PG &C<) i6C4 H n6 C4' and na#ra$ gaso$ine &C:F' !rom +e given ra; NG" !eed. /o+ "PG e>racion rocesses #sing conveniona$ co$#mns and Pe$(#* co$#mn are economica$$( ro!ia,$e ;i+ +e IRR !or +e !ormer ,eing 1< and +e $aer ,eing 32 and NP ,eing resecive$( 27 8ASD and 242 8ASD. ?o;ever) ,o+ a$ernaives are +ig+$( sensiive o c+anges in +e ra; maeria$ and rod#c rices. T+e sensiivi( ana$(sis s+o;ed +a a 1 c+ange in ra; maeria$ rices ma( ca#se aro#nd < c+ange c+ange in IRR va$#es. va$#es. T+#s) T+#s) +is +is roec roec can ,e recomm recommend ended ed !or an a$read a$read( ( esa,$ esa,$is+ is+ed ed ind#sria$ coman() coman() ;+i$e i ;o#$d ,e a ris*( roec !or a sing$e invesor or a sma$$ enerrise.
./ST -F SJ(1-.S Sym&ol
[?r [?va LC K c J @ v 8 g E *@+ 8 G K \ A Pa *
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T , T ,i >D
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d d/ m m/
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mC ,/ ,C ! ! / ! C NiMmin Ni ni i i i "i "i %
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-2 -< 8 d1CMAnder;ood
6 6 6 6 6
i i Noa$ Si
6 6 6 6
-eed o +e re!racionaor -eed o co$#mn 2 -eed o co$#mn < Sidesream !$o; rae -$o; rae o! C in +e disi$$ae o! 1 a minim#m re!$#> &given d1) d1/' -$o; rae o! C in +e disi$$ae o! 1 a in!inie re!$#> &given d1)d1/' -$o; rae o! C in +e disi$$ae o! 1 a re!$#> raio &given d1) d1/' Re!$#> !acor o! +e Gi$$i$and corre$aion !or co$#mn i P$ae !acor o! +e Gi$$i$and corre$aion !or co$#mn i Toa$ n#m,er o! $aes o! +e dividing ;a$$ co$#mn /oi$# raio o! co$#mn i
,EFE,ENCES rg#s NG" mericans 8e+odo$og( !rom +==;e,04.#s.arg#smedia.com=rg#sSaicConen==8e+=NG"20mericas8e+^"aes.d! C+risiansen ) S*ogesad S. and "ien K. __Com$e> Disi$$aion rrangemens E>ending +e Pe$(#* ideasVV) Computers and Chem0 1ngng0) 21) S#$.) S2<76S242 &1997'. &S#$emen !rom s(mosi#m PSE697=ESCPE67) Trond+eim) Nor;a() Nor;a() 2:629 8a( 1997' C+risiansen .C.) S*ogesad S. and "ien K) __Pariioned Pe$(#* arrangemens !or %#aernar( seara se araio ionsV nsVV)V) Proc Proc.. s(m s(mos osi# i#m m Distillation and A!sor!tion 23 &R. Daron) Daron) Ed.') Ed.') 74:67:3) 74:67:3) 8aasric+) Ne+er$ands) 5610 Se. 1997. P#,$is+ed ,( IC+emE) AK. C8E 2010 rices !rom +==;;;.cmegro#.com=rading=energ(=eroc+emica$s=mon6,e$vie#6 iso6,#ane6:6decima$6ois6s;a6!##res^%#oes^se$emens^!##res.+m$ Derieser C.".) C+emica$ Eng. Progr. Progr. S(mosi#m Ser.) 49 &7') 1 &19:<'. Enge$i Enge$ien en ?.K. ?.K. and S*oges S*ogesad ad S. 8inim 8inim#m #m Energ Energ( ( Diagra Diagrams ms !or 8#$i 8#$ie! e!!ec !ec Disi$ Disi$$a $aion ion rrangemens. P#,$ #,$is+ed on$ine ri$ 2:) 200: 00: in @i$e( InerScience nce. -rom +==on$ine$i,rar(.;i$e( +==on$ine$i,rar( .;i$e(.com=doi=10.1002=aic.104:<=a,srac .com=doi=10.1002=aic.104:<=a,srac -ens*e) -ens*e) 8. R.) 19<2) -racionaion -racionaion o! sraig+6r sraig+6r#n #n Penns($vania Penns($vania gaso$ine) gaso$ine) Ind Eng C+em) 24 452. Gi$$i$and) E. R.) 1940) Oim#m !eed6$ae comosiion in m#$icomonen reci!icaion) Ind Eng C+em) <2 915. ?a$vorsen I. J. and S*ogesad S. Disi$$aion T+eor() 1999. -rom +==;;; ==;;;.n.nn#.no=#sers=s*oge=#,$icaions=1999=Disi .n.nn#.no=#sers=s*oge=#,$icaions=1999=Disi$$aionT+eor(=origina$=disi$$ $$aionT+eor(=origina$=disi$$aion+eor aion+eor (.d! ?a$vorsen I. J. and S*ogesad S. 8inim#m Energ( Cons#mion in 8#$icomonen Disi$$aion Par I. T+e min6diagram !or a T;o6rod#c Co$#mn. 2002. -rom +==;;;.n.nn#.no=#sers==s*oge=#,$icaions=200<=Dis +==;;; .n.nn#.no=#sers==s*oge=#,$icaions=200<=Disi$$aion^energ(^Pe$(#*^ars16 i$$aion^energ(^Pe$(#*^ars16 <=Par^2=o$d=Pe$(#*min^aer.d! ?a$vorsen I. J. and S*ogesad S. 8inim#m Energ( Cons#mion in 8#$icomonen Disi$$aion Par III. T+e min6diagram !or a T;o6rod#c Co$#mn. 2002. -rom +==;;;.n.nn#.no=#sers==s*oge=#,$icaions=200<=Dis +==;;; .n.nn#.no=#sers==s*oge=#,$icaions=200<=Disi$$aion^energ(^Pe$(#*^ars16 i$$aion^energ(^Pe$(#*^ars16 <=Par^2=o$d=Pe$(#*min^aer.d!
?a$vorsen I.J. 8inim#m Energ( Re%#iremens in Com$e> Disi$$aion rrangemens. +esis !or +e degree o! Dr.Ing. 2001. K. 8#ra$i*ris+na) K.P 8ad+avan) S.S S+a+) Deve$omen o! Dividing @a$$ Disi$$aion Co$#mn Design Sace !or a seci!ied searaion) Trans I.C+eme) 2002) 50) 1::. NDSA groc#$#re) 2010. -rom +==;;;.ag.nds#.ed#=nds#ag= OPIC 8e+odo$og( !rom +==;;; +==;;;.oisne.com=me+odo$og( .oisne.com=me+odo$og(.as`ng$!or;ards .as`ng$!or;ards Par*as+ S#rinder. S#rinder. Petroleum "uels manu"acturing or*) or*) 200<) . <611. manu"acturing . 8cGra;6?i$$) Ne; Peers 8. and Timmer+a#s K. P$an Design and Economics -or C+emica$ Engineers. -o#r+ Ediion) 8cGra;6?i$$ Inernaiona$) 1991) . 910. Pero$e#m -#e$ -aci$iies. 8I"6?D/K61022) Dearmen o! de!ense o! +e Anied Saes) 1999) . <4. Ric+ard T#ron) Ric+ard C. /ai$ie) @a$$ace /. @+iing) Jose+ . S+aei;iB. Analysis4 $ynthesis4 and Design o" Chemical Processes4 5hird 5hird 1dition0 Prenice ?a$$) 2005) . 1055. Saisics Nor;a() Nor;a() 2010. -rom +==;;;.ss,.no=e$*ra!ris^en=!ig6201061060160<6en.+m$ To,in James) S+am,a#g+ P+i$) 8asrange$o Erin. Na#ra$ Gas Processing T+e Cr#cia$ "in* /e; /e;ee een n Na# Na#ra ra$$ Gas Gas Prod Prod#c #ci ion on and and Is Is Trans ransor ora ai ion on o 8ar* 8ar*e e)) En Ener erg( g( In!o In!orm rma aio ion n dminisraion) O!!ice o! Oi$ and Gas) Jan#ar( 2003 Tre(,a$) R. E.) 1950)8ass Trans!er Oeraions) #res) C+em Eng Prog) 44 30<. @es irginia Aniversi(. $ernaive -#e$ e+ic$e Training Program. -rom +==;;;.;s.com="PG=@A6revie;.+m$ @o$! o$!! E. and and S*og S*oges esad S.) S.) __Oe __Oeraio raion n o! ineg inegraed raed +ree6 +ree6rod#c rod#c &Pe$ &Pe$(#*' (#*' dis disi$$a i$$aion ion co$#mnsVV) Ind01ng0Chem0%es0) <4) 3) 20946210< &199:' @o$!!) E. . and S*ogesad) S.) 199:) Oeraion o! Pe$(#* disi$$aion co$#mns) Ind Eng C+em Res) <4 2094. 74
)00END/CES )ppendi* ) " Computational 0rocedure for 8 min diagram >> help UWmulti UWmulti(theta,alfa,zf,qf) [Vs,Ds,Rs,Keys]=UWmulti(theta,alfa,zf,qf) [Vs,Ds,Rs,Keys]=UWmulti(theta,alfa,zf,qf,F) [Vs,Ds,Rs,Keys,theta,VM,h]=UWmulti(theta,alfa,zf,qf,F,inkey,plotflag) [Vs,Ds,Rs,Keys,theta,VM,h]=UWmulti(theta,alfa,zf,qf,F,[],plotflag) [Vs,Ds,Rs,Keys,theta,VM,h]=UWmulti([],alfa,zf,qf,1,[],1) Compute the minimum energy points of the multicomponent-mountains Every set V,D and R is computed as the point of minimum energy comsumption for a legal combination of LK and HK Vs=[V1;V2;...],Ds=[D1; ...],R=[R1;R2....] Keys=[LK1,HK1;LK2,HK2;.....] theta: underwood roots, as from theta=UWroots(alfa,zf,qf) VM : equation matrix h : figure handle(s) from plotting inkey : If included in argument list, compute for Keys==inkeys plotflag: If plotflag==1 or nargout==0, plot the regions Author I. Halvorsen 990417
>> alfa=[13635622.5, 2701765.2, 804757.2, 332796.4, 240499.5, 99990.6, 75918.4, 24888.0, 8474.7, 2900.2, 1039.1, 382.9, 136.1, 56.2, 18.2, 5.6, 2.7, 1] alfa = 1.0e+007 * Columns 1 through 9 1.3636 0.2702 0.0025 0.0008
Columns 10 through 18 0.0003 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000
>> zf=[8.66E-02, 4.46E-02, 5.81E-02, 3.16E-02, 5.92E-02, 5.49E-02, 4.96E-02, 8.70E-02, 1.00E-01, 0.1265589, 8.09E-02, 6.14E-02, 5.29E-02, 4.76E-02, 2.08E02, 1.54E-02, 1.21E-02, 9.38E-03] zf = Columns 1 through 9
0.0866 0.0446 0.0870 0.1000
Columns 10 through 18 0.1266 0.0809 0.0121 0.0094 >> qf=0.9987 qf =0.9987 >> F=1 F =1 >> plotflag=1 plotflag =1 >>
For five products >> help UWrspec (components) [V,D,R,XT,XB]=UWrspec(VM,zf,LK,HK,LKV,HKV) [V,D,R] =UWrspec(VM,zf,LK,HK,LKV,HKV ) [V,D,R] =UWrspec(VM,zf,LK,HK,LKV,HKV ,F) Compute operating point as function of two specified component recoveries VM zf LK HK LKV HKV
: : : : : : :
equation matrix as returned from UWmulti feed composition Light key index Light key index (Note HK>LK) Specification of light key recovery in rectifying section Specification of heavy key recovery in rectifying section Note HK>LK and LKV>HKV
: : : : :
Overhead Overhead Overhead Overhead Bottoms
vapour flow rate product product recoveries product composition product composition
>> LK=2 LK =2 >> HK=3 HK =3 >> LKV=1 LKV =1
>> HKV=0 HKV =0 >> [V,D,R]
=UWrspec(VM,zf,LK,HK,LKV,H KV)
V =0.1728
D =0.1312
R = Columns 1 through 16 0
1 0
Columns 17 through 18 0
>> plot(D,V,'r*') >> LK=3 LK =3 >> HK=4 HK =4 >> LKV=0.95 LKV =0.9500 >> HKV=0.05 HKV =0.0500 >> [V,D,R]
=UWrspec(VM,zf,LK,HK,LKV,H KV)
V =0.2474
D =0.1880
R = Columns 1 through 9
1.0000 0
0 Columns 10 through 18
0 0
>> plot(D,V,'r*') >> LK=4 LK =4 >> HK=5 HK =5 >> LKV=0.96 LKV =0.9600 >> HKV=0.04 HKV =0.0400 >> [V,D,R]
=UWrspec(VM,zf,LK,HK,LKV,H KV)
V =0.4033 D =0.2220
R = Columns 1 through 9 1.0000 0
0 Columns 10 through 18
0 0
>> plot(D,V,'r*') >> LK=5 LK = 5 >> HK=6 HK =6
>> LKV=1 LKV =1 >> HKV=0 HKV =0 >> [V,D,R]
=UWrspec(VM,zf,LK,HK,LKV,H KV)
V =0.3720
D =0.2801 R = Columns 1 through 16 0
1 0
Columns 17 through 18 0
>> plot(D,V,'r*')
For four products >> help UWrspec [V,D,R,XT,XB]=UWrspec(VM,zf,LK,HK,LKV,HKV) [V,D,R] =UWrspec(VM,zf,LK,HK,LKV,HKV ) [V,D,R] =UWrspec(VM,zf,LK,HK,LKV,HKV ,F) Compute operating point as function of two specified component recoveries VM zf LK HK LKV HKV
: : : : : : :
equation matrix as returned from UWmulti feed composition Light key index Light key index (Note HK>LK) Specification of light key recovery in rectifying section Specification of heavy key recovery in rectifying section Note HK>LK and LKV>HKV
: : : : :
Overhead Overhead Overhead Overhead Bottoms
vapour flow rate product product recoveries product composition product composition
>> LK=2
LK =2 >> HK=3 HK =3 >> LKV=1 LKV =1 >> HKV=0 HKV =0 >>
=UWrspec(VM,zf,LK,HK,LKV, HKV)
V =0.1728
D = 0.1312
R = Columns 1 through 16 0
1 0
Columns 17 through 18 0
>> plot(D,V,'r*') >> LK=3 LK =3 >> HK=4 HK =4 >> LKV=0.95 LKV =0.9500 >> HKV=0.05 HKV =0.0500 >> [V,D,R]
=UWrspec(VM,zf,LK,HK,LKV,H KV)
V =0.2474
D =0.1880
R = Columns 1 through 9 1.0000 0
0 Columns 10 through 18
0 0
>> plot(D,V,'r*') >> LK=5 LK =5 >> HK=6 HK =6 >> LKV=0.99 LKV =0.9900 >> HKV=0.01 HKV =0.0100 >> [V,D,R]
=UWrspec(VM,zf,LK,HK,LKV,H KV)
V =0.3683 D =0.2801 R = Columns 1 through 9 1.0000 0
0 Columns 10 through 18
0 0
>> plot(D,V,'r*')
)ppendi* 1 B EGuipment SiHing 1. Diam Diame eer er o! +e +e co$ co$#m #mn n T+e ra( sacing ;as se o 0): m. T+e co$#mn diameer ;as ca$c#$aed according o +e !o$$o;ing e%#aions &Sinno) 2009' 0):
�r - r v � u v = &-0)17lt2 + 0) 27 27l t - 0) 04 047' � L � � r v �
@+ere u v is +e ma>im#m a$$o;a,$e vaor ve$oci() ,ased on +e gross &oa$' co$#mn cross seciona$ area) m=s) and $ is +e ra( sacing in meers.
46 b/ pr v ubv
@+ere Dc is +e co$#mn diameer in meers) 6 b/ is +e ma>im#m vaor rae in *g=s. 2. T+ T+ic ic*n *nes esss o! o! +e +e co$ co$#m #mn n T+e +ic*ness o! +e s+e$$ is ca$c#$aed #sing +e e%#aions ,e$o; t =
P%i 2 $1 0.4 P
@+ere +e +ic*ness o! +e s+e$$ P +e inerna$ ress#re) si Ri +e inerna$ radi#s) in S +e a$$o;a,$e sress) si E +e oin e!!icienc(. e!!icienc(. In +e ca$c#$aion) #sing S20000 si and E0.5:
<. Tra( ra( sa saci cing ng
T+e recommended ra( sacing is given ,( &Tre(,a$) 1950' according o +e diameer o! +e co$#mn.
4. T+ T+ee +eig +eig+ + o! +e +e co$# co$#mn mn ss#me +e ra( e!!icienc( +e n#m,er o! idea$ ra( 1o = 0.5: +e n#m,er o! rea$ ra( T+e n#m,er o! rea$ ra(0.5: +e n#m,er o! idea$ ra( T+e +eig+ o! +e co$#mn +e n#m,er o! +e rea$ ra(
T+e overa$$ +eig+1.2 +e +eig+ o! +e co$#mn) considering +e $eng+ o! +e +ead acco#n !or 20 o! +e overa$$ +eig+. Ta&le 137 " Ke( Daa o! +e E%#imen 8aria&le
0ropane Column
1utane Column
# Wm Wm=sX "W*g=m
0.254 375.5 1 3 .9 3 9.17 1.:: 5 <0 0.3 2 1 .3
0.141 455.3 4:.95 5.7: 1.<1 3.<: 47 0.3 <<.54
0 .2 0 9 :04.5 22.55 0 .3:9 0 .4 1 9 3 .< : <4 0 .: 20.4
0 .293 :<9.3 12.43 0 .4 7 3 0 .40: 3 .< : 42 0 .: 2:.2
:. SiBing SiBing o! cond condens ensers ers and re,oi re,oi$er $erss ?ea rans!er coe!!iciens !or +e !$#ids #sed in +e mode$ are given in a,$e ,e$o;. Ta&le 139 ?ea Trans!er Coe!!iciens &S*ogesad) 200<' Fluids
?ig+ ress#re rocess sream 6 ;aer ?ig+ ress#re rocess sream 6 vaoriBing ;aer &ass#med' ?ig+ ress#re rocess sream 6 +ig+ ress#re vaor
5eat transfer coefficients >%;m9 K? :7 0
:00 4:0
?ig+ ress#re rocess sream 6 +ig+ ress#re rocess sream "o; ress#re rocess sream 6 ;aer /oi$ing $i%#id6 condensing vaor /oi$ing $i%#id 6 coo$ing o! s#er +eaed seam &ass#med'
4:0 14 0 50 0 500
T+ee e>c+ T+ e>c+an anger ger area area ;as ca$c ca$c#$ #$a aed ed ,( #sin #sing g +e +e d#( d#( given given !rom !rom AniS AniSI8 I8.. T+ T+ee $og $og mean mean emera#re di!!erence ;as ca$c#$aed !or eac+ re,oi$er and cond enser. enser. E>am$e D#( \ &given !rom AniSI8' T1 - T2
t "8TD
&$og mean emera#re di!!erence'
$n �
T1 is
@+ere) and
T2 is
+e emera#re di!!erence ,e;een +e +o in$e sream and co$d o#$e is sream
+e di!!erence ,e;een +e +o o#$e sream and +e co$d in$e sream.
Asing +e re$aion A =
8 7 t
T+e +ea e>c+anger area co#$d +en ,e ca$c#$aed. T+e res#$s are s+o;n in Ta,$e Ta,$e /.<. . Condenser ca$c#$aion 1. T+e amo#n amo#n o! coo$ing coo$ing ;aer needed needed !or +e +e condenser condenser !or de,#ani de,#aniBer. Ber. T+e sea emera emera#re #re #sed !or condense is 10 oC) ass#me +e o#$e emera#re is 40 oC.
G : 29
t =
&5 2
8 Cp t : 29
t 1 ' - &5 1 - t 2 ' 5 - t 1 $n 2 5 1 - t 2
1.1<< 10 7 4.2 & 40 - 10'
59920.0#g = h
&54.53 - 40 ' - & 73.3: - 10 ' 54 .53 - 40 $n 73.3: - 10
:: .0<
T+e +ea e>c+anger area 8 1 .1<< 1< < 10 7 = A = 7 t :70 ::
<31m 2
T+e amo#n o! coo$ing ;aer needed !or +e condenser !or roane co$#mn. T+e sea emera#re #sed !or condense is 10 oC) ass#me +e o#$e emera#re is 20 oC
G : 29 t =
&5 2
8 Cp t : 29
4.<13 10 3 4.2 &20 - 10'
- t 1 ' -
&5 1 - t 2 ' 5 - t 1 $n 2 5 1 - t 2
= 102731 .9#g = h
& 22 .5: - 20' - & 22 .5< - 10 ' 22.5: - 20 $n 22 .5< - 10
T+e +ea e>c+anger area A =
8 7 t
4.<13 10 3 :70 3.3<
= 1141m
T+e amo#n o! coo$ing ;aer needed !or +e condenser !or ,#ane co$#mn T+e sea emera#re #sed !or condense is 10 oC) ass#me +e o#$e emera#re is 20 oC
G : 29 t =
&5 2
8 Cp t : 29
7.2:7 10 3 4.2 &20 - 10'
t 1 ' - &5 1 - t 2 ' 5 - t 1 $n 2 5 1 - t 2
= 17572: .7 #g = h
&<0 .<3 - 20' - &<0 .17 - 10 ' <0 .<3 - 20 $n <0 .17 - 10
= 14 .72
T+e +ea e>c+anger area
A =
8 7 .2:7 2: 7 10 3 = 7 t :70 :7 0 14 .72
53 4m 2
/. Re,oi$er ca$c#$aion ss#me +e emera#re o! in$e seam is <00℃ and emera#re o! o#$e seam 230℃
T+e amo#n o! seam need !or +e re,oi$er !or +e dee+aniBer co$#mn T+e sream needs o ,e +eaed !rom 19<.3℃ o 243.7℃ G steam t =
&5 2
8 Cp t steam
1.949 10 7 2.01 &<00 - 230'
t 1 ' - &5 1 - t 2 ' 5 - t 1 $n 2 5 1 - t 2
242412 .9#g = h
&<00 - 243 .7 ' - & 230 - 19< .3' <00 - 243 .7 $n 230 - 19< .3
:9 .3
T+e +ea e>c+anger area A =
8 7 t
1.949 10
:70 :9.3
= :7<.3m
T+e amo#n o! seam need !or +e re,oi$er !or +e de,#aniBer co$#mn T+e sream needs o ,e +eaed !rom 224.7℃ o 2:2.<℃ G steam t =
&5 2
8 Cp t steam
1.043 10 7 2.01 &<00 - 230'
t 1 ' - &5 1 - t 2 ' 5 - t 1 $n 2 5 1 - t 2
= 1<0099 .:#g = h
&<00 <0 0 - 2:2 2: 2.<' - & 230 - 224 22 4.7 ' <00 <0 0 - 2:2 2: 2.< $n 230 - 224 22 4.7
41 .19
T+e +ea e>c+anger area 1 .043 04 3 10 7 = :70 A = 7 t :70 41 .19 8
44: .: m 2
T+e amo#n o! seam need !or +e re,oi$er !or +e roane co$#mn T+e sream needs o ,e +eaed !rom 7<.99℃ o 74.74℃ G steam t =
&5 2
8 Cp t steam - t 1 ' -
4.197 10 3 2.01 &<00 - 230'
&5 1 - t 2 ' 5 - t 1 $n 2 5 1 - t 2
:2201.49#g = h
&<00 <0 0 - 74 .74 ' - & 230 - 7< .99 ' <00 <0 0 - 74 .74 $n 230 23 0 - 7< .99
20: 20 :
T+e +ea e>c+anger area A =
8 7 t
4.197 10
:70 20:
= <:.9m
T+e amo#n o! seam need !or +e re,oi$er !or +e ,#ane co$#mn T+e sream needs o ,e +eaed !rom :0.02℃ o :0.25℃ G steam t =
&5 2
8 Cp t steam
7.2:7 10 3 2.01 &<00 - 230'
t 1 ' - &5 1 - t 2 ' 5 - t 1 $n 2 5 1 - t 2
90231.19#g = h
&<00 - :0 .25' - & 230 - :0.02 ' <00 - :0 .25 $n 230 - :0.02
T+e +ea e>c+anger area A =
8 7 t
7.2:7 10
:70 229
= ::.:m
Ta&le 13! Ke( ?ea E>c+anger Daa Tag
Duty >'%?
Surface area >m9?
Dee+aniBer Re,oi$er
De,#aniBer Re,oi$er
DeroaniBer Re,oi$er
/#ane S$ier Re,oi$er
De,#aniBer Condenser
S+e$$ and #,e
DeroaniBer Condenser
S+e$$ and #,e
/#ane S$ier Condenser
S+e$$ and #,e
)ppendi* C " 0etlyu' Column Calculations Case #:
C<) / i6C4 C n6C4 Ta&le 13# -$o;raes and Seci!icaions Component i
,elative 8olatilities i$
Feed Flowrates f i6 'g mol;hr$ From UN/S/(
/ C
<.<4< 1.<5< 1.000
14.94 10.11 15.54 - ! F ! / F ! C 44.<4
Distillate Flowrates in column 7 d 7i6 'g mol;hr$ 1ased on )ssumed ,ecovery 14.92&99 recover(' :.03&:0 recover('
>D)0.9 >8)/ 0.93 >/)C 0.94 0.2:
A@8A"TI Ta&le 13< Ander;ood Roos Ca$c#$aed Asing A@8A"TI Feasi&le Underwood roots -rom e%#aion 12 1 2.15<4) 2 1.2035 -rom e%#aion 29 1.49<0 -rom e%#aion <4 1.2127 Ta&le 13= Ca$c#$aed aria,$es Calculated from EGuation 1:&,' 13 17 19 20 21 22 2< 24 2: 23 27 25 <2 << 9 <:
Calculated varia&le d1C)Ander;ood 0 R 1)min 1)min 0.7090 N1)min :.2503 d1C)-ens*e 2.5501 d1C 0.9112 1 0.<134 1 0.<359 N7 L 3<97L ,1 0.1400 ,1/ :.0::0 ,1C 17.9255 1 :1.91:3 42 .53: : %2 61.: D1 20.7332 3:.959< %< 2.5:<7
/( so$ving e%#aions &1' &1' o &7' &7'
d 14.397 d/ 1.13<< m 0.24<0 m/ 7.5037 mC 0.974 ,/ 1.1400 ,C 17.5330 d< 0.1400
d <.91:0
R 2)min 2)min 60.2477
R <)min <)min 3.7025
N2)min 3.9900
N<)min 21.2<00
R2 3.0000
R < 1<.<:41
2 0.592:
2 0.0473
N9L 3!L
< 0 .0313
< 0.:943
N! L 93<L! Ta&le 13 N#m,er o! Sages in Eac+ Co$#mn
Column Pre!racionaor Co$#mn 1 Co$#mn 2 Pe$(#* Co$#mn
No3 of stages
9 5 <0 Toa$ no. o! sages 47
Case <:
C<) / i6C4 and n6C4) C C:F
Ta&le 13 -$o;raes and Seci!icaions Comp Compon onen entt i ,ela ,elati tive ve 8olatilities i$
/ C
:.<24 <.3:2 1.000
Feed Flowrates f i6 'g mol;hr$ from UN/S/(
13.27 29.1< 241.30 - ! F ! / F ! C 257.0<
Distillate Flowrates in Column 7 d 7i6 'g mol;hr$ 1ased on )ssumed ,ecovery 1:.43 &9: recover(' 14.:5 &:0 recover('
>D)0.9 >8)/ 0.9: >/)C 0.99 0.1:
A@8A"TI Ta&le 13 Ander;ood Roos Ca$c#$aed Asing A@8A"TI Feasi&le Underwood ,oots -rom e%#aion 12 1 4.7770) 2 2.3571
-rom e%#aion 29 -rom e%#aion <4
4.5393 2.273<
Ta&le 137 Ca$c#$aed aria,$es Calculated from EGuation 1:&a' 13 17 19 20 21 22 2< 24 2: 23 27 25 <2 << 9 <: /( so$ving e%#aions &1' &1' o &7' &7'
Calculated varia&le d1C)Ander;ood :1.0:99 R 1)min 1)min 0.10:1 N1)min 7.52<2 d1C)-ens*e 0.0097 d1C 1.0000 1 0.::79 1 0.21:3 N7 L 739# L 77 ,1 0.5100 ,1/ 14.:500 ,1C 240.3000 1 77.3000 77.:71< %2 61.: D1 <1.0400 <<<.:31< %< 1.<0<0 d 1:.2190 d/ 1.3910 m 1.0:10 m/ 2:.0420 mC 1.<27
,/ 2.4270 ,C 240.27<0 d< 0.5100 d 12.1:<0 d
<5 <9 40 <3 <7 41 42 C+osen 43 21 22 2< 21 22 2<
Ta&le 1377 N#m,er o! Sages in Eac+ Co$#mn Column Pre!racionaor Co$#mn 1 Co$#mn 2 Pe$(#* Co$#mn
No3 of stages
11 <: 5 Toa$ no. o! sages :4
Case =:
C1)C2) / C<)i6C4 and n6C4) C C:F Ta&le 1379 -$o;raes and Seci!icaions Comp Compon onen entt i ,ela ,elati tive ve 8olatilities i$
/ C
129.544 3.07: 1.000
Feed Flowrates f i6 'g mol;hr$ from UN/S/(
:<.52 :0.99 24<.29 - ! F ! / F ! C <45.1
Distillate Flowrates in Column 7 d 7i6 'g mol;hr$ 1ased on )ssumed ,ecovery :<.<3 &99 recover(' 2.0 &4 recover('
>D)0.95 >8)/ 0.99 >/)C 0.99 0.1
A@8A"TI Ta&le 137! Ander;ood Roos Ca$c#$aed Asing A@8A"TI Feasi&le Underwood ,oots -rom e%#aion 12 1 1:.235:) 2 2.7::5 -rom e%#aion 29 3.4900 -rom e%#aion <4 2.:42: Ta&le 137# Ca$c#$aed aria,$es Calculated from EGuation 1:&a' 13 17 19 20 21 22 2< 24 2: 23 27 25 <2 << 9 <: /( so$ving e%#aions &2' &2' o &7' &7'
<5 <9 40 <3 <7 41 42 C+osen 43 21 22
Calculated varia&le d1C)Ander;ood 1.94:7 R 1)min 1)min 0.0295 N1)min 2.:952 d1C)-ens*e 0.0914 d1C 0.0914 1 0.<1<: 1 0.<710 N7 L #397 L < ,1 0.4:50 ,1/ 45.9900 ,1C 24<.1953 1 5<.1501 72.:3<1 %2 60.:000 D1 ::.4:<4 <3:.2097 %< 1.2450 d :<.<310 d/ 1.0590 m 0.4:90 m/ 47.4450 mC 14.40<0 ,/ 2.4:< ,C 225.5570 d< 0.4:50 d 43.:470 d
2< 21 22 2<
N9L !3=9L # < 0.57:1 < 0.0::: N! L !3#79L # Ta&le 137< N#m,er o! Sages in Eac+ Co$#mn
Column Pre!racionaor Co$#mn 1 Co$#mn 2 Pe$(#* Co$#mn
No3 of stages
: 4 4 Toa$ no. o! sages 1<
Figure C37 " min Diagram !or +e T+ird $ernaive Pe$(#* Co$#mn
)ppendi* D " Steam Calculations for 0etlyu' Column ao#r !$o; rae in +e sriing secion o! co$#mn < is a meas#re o! +e Pe$(#* co$#mn re,oi$er d#(. d#(. I can ,e !o#nd !rom +e !orm#$a Ca$c#$aed va$#es o!
!or di!!eren Pe$(#* a$ernaives are s+o;n in +e Ta,$e 13. Ta&le D37 Res#$s o! Ca$c#$aions !or
8apour flow rate 6 'gmole;h
1' Dee+aniBer De,#aniBer Pe$(#* Co$#mn 2' Dee+aniBer Pe$(#* Co$#mn <' Pe$(#* Co$#mn
(olecular weight
8apour flow rate
: < .4 3
2 2 < :9
9 4 .5 1
3 0 9 4<
T+e +ea in# is direc$( re$aed o vaoriBaion can ,e !o#nd !rom +e !orm#$a ss#me +e emera#re o! in$e seam is <00℃ and emera#re o! o#$e seam is 230 ℃. T+e amo#n o! seam can ,e ca$c#$aed !rom +e !orm#$a
T+e res#$s o! ca$c#$aions are s+o;n in +e Ta,$e D.2. Ta&le D39 Ca$c#$aions !or Seam mo#n Case
1' Dee+aniBer De,#aniBer Pe$(#* Co$#mn 2' Dee+aniBer Pe$(#* Co$#mn <' Pe$(#* Co$#mn
5eat of vaporiHation6 '4;'g
5eat input6 7M= '4
Steam flow rate
< <3
21 75:
< 15
7 .1
5 4 : 24
< 94
25 3:4 7
6 'g;h
)ppendi* E " Capital Cost Estimation In +is roec +e esimaion o! +e !i>ed caia$ invesmen ;as ,ased on +e mod#$e cosing ec+ni%#e) ;+ic+ is a common ec+ni%#e o esimae +e cos o! a ne; c+emica$ $an &T#ron) 200<'. T+is cosing ec+ni%#e re$aes a$$ coss ,ac* o +e #rc+ased cos o! e%#imen eva$#aed !or some ,ase condiions) ;+ic+ is e%#imen made o! car,on see$ and oeraing a am,ien ress#re. Deviaions !rom +ese ,ase condiions are +and$ed ,( #sing m#$i$(ing !acors +a deends on +e !o$$o;ing
T+e seci!ic e%#imen (e
T+e seci!ic s(sem ress#re
T+e seci!ic maeria$s o! consr#cion con sr#cion
E%#ai E%#aion on 1 is #sed o ca$c#$ ca$c#$ae ae +e ,are mod mod#$e #$e cos) cos) C BM ) ;+ic+ inc$#des ,o+ direc and indirec cos !or eac+ iece o! e%#imen.
= C p F BM
;+ere C BM is is ,are mod#$e e%#imen cos inc$#ding indirec and direc coss) F BM are are +e ,are mod#$e !acor) ;+ic+ is a m#$i$icaion !acor o acco#n !or +e direc and indirec cos) as ;e$$ as +e maeria$ o! consr#cion and +e oeraing ress#re assosiaed ;i+ +e e%#imen. C ; p are +e #rc+ased cos !or +e ,ase condiions) ;+ic+ is e%#imen made o! car,on see$ oeraing a am,ien ress#re.
0urchased eGuipment cost
Daa !or +e #rc+ased e%#imen cos o!) a am,ien oeraing ress#re and #sing car,on see$ consr#cion are given ,( +e arameer) C p; 4 ;ere ca$c#$aed ,( +e !o$$o;ing e%#aion given ,( T#ron &T#ron) &T#ron) 200<'
$og C p0
71 + 7 2 $og& A' + 7< W$og& A'X2
;+ere A is +e caaci( or siBe arameer !or +e e%#imen. a$#es !or +e arameers 7 ' 4 4 7 + and 7 , 4 4 deends on +e e%#imen (e.
0ressure factors
s +e ress#re a ;+ic+ a iece o! e%#imen oeraes increase) +e +ic*ness o! +e ;a$$s o! +e e%#imen ;i$$ a$so increase. 0rocess vessels
To ca$c#$ae +e ress#re !acors !or rocess vesse$s and disi$$aion o;ers +e !o$$o;ing e%#aion given ,( T#ron ;as #sed
& P + 1' D F P )vessel =
2W5:0 - 0)3& P + 1'X 0)003<
+ 0)00<1:
F vessel Q0.003
@+ere) P is is +e oeraing ress#re) and D reresen +e diameer o! +e vesse$. -or F P)vessel $ess +an 1) +en F P )vessel 1 -ther process eGuipment
T+e ress#re !acor !or +e remaining rocess e%#imen) are given ,( +e !o$$o;ing e%#aion &T#ron) &T#ron) 200<' 2 00<'
$og F P = C1 + C2 $og P + C< &$og P '2
@+ere) +e #ni !or ress#re are ,arg. T+e consans C ' 4 4 C + ) and C , deends on +e e%#imen (e. 1are module and material factors
T+e ,are mod#$e !acor a$so deends on +e c+oice o! maeria$ o! consr#cion. T+is is acco#ned !or ,( a maeria$ !acor F M . T+e ;a( +e maeria$ !acor) F M 4 as ;e$$ as +e ress#re !acor) F P 4 re$aes o +e ,are mod#$e !acor di!!ereniae some;+a according o +e e%#imen.
T+e ,are mod#$e !acors !or +e vario#s e%#imens are given ,( +e !o$$o;ing e%#aion 0
= C p FBM =
C p0 & B1 + B2 FM FP '
@+ere +e consan B' and B+ deend on e%#imen (e) +ese va$#es are given. T+e maeria$ !acors F M #sed ;ere given ,( T#ron. -or some *ind o! e%#imen on$( +e ,are mod#$e !acor) are given given)) and +e +e ,are ,are mo mod#$ d#$ee is ca$c ca$c#$ #$a aed ed dire direc c$( $( !rom !rom +is +is va$# va$#e. e. T+ T+ee ,asis ,asis !or !or F BM ) are ca$c#$aing +e ,are mod#$e !acor !rom di!!eren e%#imen) are given in Ta,$e E.1. ario#s E%#imens Ta&le E37 6 E%#aions !or /are 8od#$e Cos !or ario#s EGuipment type Co$#mn
EGuation for 1are (odule Cost
= C p FB FP
a$ve ra(s
= C p -FM F.
0)477 )4771 + 0)05 0)05: :13$o 13$og - - 0)<47 )<47<&$og - '2 !or
20 <20 and F . 1 !or = 20 ?ea e>c+angers)T e> c+angers)Tan*s an*s
= C p FBM = C p & B1 +
B2 FM FP '
0ump shaft power
T+e s+a! o;er 6 +e o;er re%#ired rans!erred !rom +e moor o +e s+a! o! +e #m 6 deends on +e e!!icienc( o! +e #m and can ,e ca$c#$aed as Ps =
P h
. r g h <.3 10 3
@+ere Ps s+a! o;er&K@' P+ o;er &K@'
#m e!!icienc(
\ !$o; caaci(&m<=+' r h
densi( o! !$#id &*g=m<'
di!!erenia$ +ead &m'
Effect of time on purchased eGuipment cost
$$ cos6esimaing me+ods #se +isorica$ daa) and are +emse$ves !orecass o! !##re coss. T+e me+od #s#a$$( #sed o #dae +isorica$ cos daa ma*es #se o! #,$is+ed cos indices. T+ese 99
re$ae resen coss o as coss ,( a*ing +e economic condiions ino acco#n. T+is !o$$o;ing e%#aion C BM )2005
� I 2005
= C BM )2001 �
I 2001 �
@+ere C/8 is +e #rc+ased ,are mod#$e cos and I is +e cos inde>) S#,scris 2001 re!ers o ,ase ime ;+en cos is *no;n. 2005 re!ers o ime ;+en cos is desired.
Ta&le E39 6 8aor E%#imen Cos !or Conveniona$ Process $ogCP) DW PW,ar CP)0 - -m C,m&Y' I2001 I2005 C,m&Y' 0 8X gX Dee+aniBer 4<.413 <.4974 0.445: 0.1074 4.:199 <<107.1400 1.3 20.99 <.5<70 1 1270<0.457< <97 :74 15<333.2431 Wm
C o $ # ms
De,# e,#ani aniBer Ber :2.092 <.4974 0.445:0.1 5:0.1074 4.:5<9 <5<32 <32.931: 1.4 1:.49 2.3509 509 Proane 13.02 <.4974 0.445: 0.1074 4.19<3 1:31:.<<41 1 5.49 1.<921 co$#mn /#ane :9.<7 <.4974 0.445: 0.1074 4.3<07 42724.<5:3 1 <.49 1.0000 co$#mn
Co$# Co$#mn mn ra( ra(ss
rea reaWm Wm2X K1 K1
$ogCP)0 CP C P)0
< 97
:74 14570 570<.<9:1
1 217<7.:<7<
:74 <1429.0542
1 42724.<5:3
:74 31772.7592
TR -% -% -m -m C, C,m&Y'
2.01 <.<<22 <.<<22 0.45<50.<4<4 <.:10:<2<9.<2<2 <0 1.:4 <.<<22 <.<<22 0.45<50.<4<4 <.4<:02722.3575 47
1 102545. 45.53<9
1 1
I2001 I2 I2005 C, C,m&Y'
< 97
:74 140:03. 03.3320
:74 15:019. 19.<2:4
< 97
:74 947<4.001<
:74 220<91. 91.::01
Proane co co$#mn
0.754 <.<<22 <.<<22 0.45<50.<4<4 <.25491927.10:9 <4
1 1 127933.<275 1 1 3::21.3002
/#ane co$#mn
2.<:3 <.<<22 <329.<117 42 <.<<22 0.45<50.<4<4 <.::95 <329.<117
1 1 1:24<1.059:
?ea E>c+angers Re,oi$er6 Dee+aniBer Re,oi$er6 De,#aniBer Re,oi$er6 Proane co$#mn Re,oi$er6 /#ane co$#mn Condenser6 De,#aniBer Condenser6 Proane co$#mn Condenser6 /#ane co$#mn
rea Wm2X
K< $ogCP)0
/1 m
I20 I20 01 05
:7<.3 7<.3 4.4 4.43 60.:2 .:27 0.<9 .<9
3.01 .01
104< 04<77:. 77:.< <9 60.0 60.001 0134 34 60.003 .00327 27 0.01 0.012< 2< 24.99 4.99 0.01 .01<3 1.0< .0<19 1 1.3 1.3< 1.33 1.33 <459 <4592: 2:0. 0.01 0137 37 <97:74 97:74 :04491 44910. 0.3 30<: 0<:
44:.: 4:.: 4.4 4.43 60.:2 .:27 0.<9 .<9
:.54 .54
3943 39435< 5<.4 .43 3 60.0 60.001 0134 34 60.003 .00327 27 0.01 0.012< 2< 1:.99 :.99 0.00 .0053 1.02 .0201 1 1.3 1.3< 1.33 1.33 2<05 2<0537 37<. <.3< 3<<1 <1 <97:74 97:74 <<<795 <7951. 1.: :2:0 2:0
<:.9 4.43 60.:27 0.<9
<9549.<9 60.00134 60.00327 0.012< 5.99 0.00<3 1.005< 1 1.3< 1.33 1<13:0.<154 <97 : 74 74 190<4:.500:
::.: 4.43 60.:27 0.<9
::907.27 60.00134 60.00327 0.012< <.99 60.0010 0.9975 1 1.3< 1.33 15<725.777: <97 : 74 74 23:34<.1191
<31 <.99 0.033 0.24
:3424<.22 60.404:
14.99 60.15:9 0.3:15 1 1.74 1.:: 1::1759.<99< <97 :7 : 74 224<34:.1234
<.991 292915<.:7 0.0335 0.03350.2 0.24< 4< 3.4337 3.4337 60.404: 2 :9
7.99 60.2<37 0.:795 1 1.74 1.:: 77292<9.14<0 <97 : 74 74 11 1117:272.71:3
<.991 1917377.47 0.0335 0.03350.2 0.24< 4< 3.2525 3.2525 60.404: 2 :7
2.99 60.<131 0.45<0 1 1.74 1.:: 4772<32.4093 <97 : 74 74 3900090.7<5<
Ta&le E3! 6 O+er E%#imen Cos !or Conveniona$ Process Tan*s -$o;Wm<=+X v *1 *2 *< $ogCP)0 CP CP)0 !m C,m&Y' I2001 I2005 C,m&Y' !eed an* 45.59 12 122.22: 4.5:0960.<97< 0.144: 4.3:11 44753.:4:5 1 44753.:4 .:4:5 <97 :74 347:4.<: .<:09 c1c2 51.33 204.1: 4.5:0960.<97< 0.144: 4.7042 4.7042 :0304.:7<3 :0304.:7<3 1 :0304.:7 .:7<3 <97 :74 7<133.<1 .<104 c:F 3<.01 1:7.:2: 4.5:0960.<97< 0.144: 4.37:3 4.37:3 47<79.<249 47<79.<249 1 47<79.<2 .<249 <97 :74 35:0<.10 .104: c< 1.<29 <. < .<22: 4.5:0960.<97< 0.144: 4.35<0 4.35<0 45193.4397 45193.4397 1 45193.43 .4397 <97 :74 39354.:3 .:35< ic4 1.0:7 2.342: 4.5:0960.<97< 0.144: 4.7090 4.7090 :11 :1134.431 34.4317 7 1 :1134.4317 <97 :74 7<97:.52 .5212 nc4 2.095 :.24: 4.5:0960.<97< 0.144: 4.3<95 4.3<95 4<3<1.:527 4<3<1.:527 1 4<3<1.:5 .:527 <97 :74 3<054.4: .4:43 Ic4FNc4 <.1:: 7.557: 4.5:0960.<97< 0.144: 4.3105 4.3105 40512.7555 40512.7555 1 40512.75 .7555 <97 :74 :9005.91 .9155 C<6iC46nC4 4.454 11.21 4.5:0960.<97< 0.144: 4.:9<1 4.:9<1 <9151.7010 <9151.7010 1 <9151.70 .7010 <97 :74 :33:0.32 .320:
P # m s S+a! o;er WK@X C,m&Y' I2001 I2005 C,m&Y' Condenser6 !or de,#aniBer 44.0<95 42700 <97 :74 31 317<7.:<1: Condenser6 !or roane co$#mn 23.5214 <015< <97 :74 4< 4 <3<9.904< Condenser6 !or ,#ane co$#mn 17.4447 24399 <97 :74 <: <:710.5937
)ppendi* F B Cash Flows for Different )lternatives Ta&le F37 Cas+ -$o;s !or Conveniona$ and Pe$(#* Cases Jears
0 1 2 < 4 : 3 7 5 9 10 11 12 1< 14 1: 13 17 15 19 20
Conventional Columns Case 76 ( Case 96 ( Case !6 ( 61:9.<97 6120.14< 6:9)553 63<)<5< 619)03:4 12)<<94 63<)<5< 619)03:4 12)<<94 63<)<5< 619)03:4 12)<<94 63<)<5< 619)03:4 12)<<94 63<)<5< 619)03:4 12)<<94 63<)<5< 619)03:4 12)<<94 63<)<5< 619)03:4 12)<<94 63<)<5< 619)03:4 12)<<94 63<)<5< 619)03:4 12)<<94 63<)<5< 619)03:4 12)<<94 63<)<5< 619)03:4 15)<25 63<)<5< 619)03:4 15)<25 63<)<5< 619)03:4 15)<25 63<)<5< 619)03:4 15)<25 63<)<5< 619)03:4 15)<25 63<)<5< 619)03:4 15)<25 63<)<5< 619)03:4 15)<25 63<)<5< 619)03:4 15)<25 63<)<5< 619)03:4 15)<25 63<)<5< 619)03:4 15)<25
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