Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters
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Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters (or internal use onl!"
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Hua'ei Proprietar! and Conidential Cop!rig)t * Hua'ei Te+)nolo Te+)nologies gies Co., Ltd
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Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters
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#. es+ es+ri ript ptio ions ns a4ou a4outt prepa reparratio ations ns 4eor eoree t)e t)e LTE PRACH planning are added.
/ong iang1ie
2. iagrams during t)e LTE PRACH planning are updated a++ording to a+tual engineering. 20##%2%#&
#.T PRACH planning ')en pream4 am4le ormat 5alue set as is added
2.Prin+iples o 6C root 7e8uen+e planning are added 3.Contents updated and T!ping T!ping mista9e modiied
Hua'ei Proprietar! and Conidential Cop!rig)t * Hua'ei Te+)nolo Te+)nologies gies Co., Ltd
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Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters
Contents 1 heory o! PRAC" Plannin#$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$% #.# Purpose o 6C Root 7e8uen+e Planning............................................................................................................& #.2 Restri+tions o N+s 7ele+tion..............................................................................................................................#.3 Prin+iples o 6C Root 7e8uen+e Planning......................................................................................................... #. Planning Root 7e8uen+e Num4ers or Hig)%7peed Cells...............................................................................#2 #.; Planning Root 7e8uen+e Num4ers or :edium% and Lo'%7peed Cells.........................................................#2 #.$ 6C Root 7e8uen+e planning in T%LTE :odel..................................................................................... ......#3
& '( PRAC" Plannin# hrou#h )*Net$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 1+ 2.# :a9ing Preparations........................................................................................................................................ #$ 2.2 7tarting LTE PRACH Planning................................................................................................................... ....#& 2.3 7etting Parameters...........................................................................................................................................#& 2. Running t)e LTE PRACH Planning Pro+ess...................................................................................................# 2.;
, -odi!yin# PRAC" Conf#uration in a -anual -anner$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&. 3.# :odi!ing PRACH Coniguration in t)e PRACH Parameter ispla! >indo'.............................................2; 3.2 :odi!ing PRACH Coniguration in t)e NE Propert! >indo'.....................................................................2$ 3.3
Hua'ei Proprietar! and Conidential Cop!rig)t * Hua'ei Te+)nologies Co., Ltd
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Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters
/i#ures Figure 2-1 PRACH planning pro+ess....................................................................................................................#$ Figure 2-2 7tarting LTE PRACH planning...........................................................................................................#& Figure 2-3 LTE PRACH planning.........................................................................................................................#Figure 2-4 Cell 7ele+t dialog 4o=.........................................................................................................................# Figure 2- Running PRACH.................................................................................................................................20 Figure 2-! PRACH planning progress................................................................................................................ ..20 Figure 2-" PRACH Parameter ispla!.................................................................................................................2# Figure 2-# 7u4mitting t)e PRACH planning result..............................................................................................22 Figure 2-$ Planning result in t)e NE pu4li+ parameter template..........................................................................22 Figure 2-1% E=porting t)e LTE PRACH planning result......................................................................................23 Figure 2-11 ata E=port........................................................................................................................................23 Figure 3-1 7tarting PRACH Parameter ispla!............................................................................................... ....2; Figure 3-2 PRACH ?%Net parameter +oniguration........................................................................................... ..2$ Figure 3-3
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Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters
ables Ta&le 1-1 N+s 5alue (pream4le ormat 0%3"..............................................................................................................Ta&le 1-2 :apping 4et'een logi+al root se8uen+e num4ers and p)!si+al root se8uen+e num4ers....................... Ta&le 1-3 t)e :apping among T+p
T7E@ and Cell Radius...............................................................................#3
Ta&le 1-4 Lengt) o 6C root se8uen+es 'it) dierent pream4le ormat..............................................................# Ta&le 1- NC7 5alue 'it) pream4le 5alue ...........................................................................................................# Ta&le 2-1 :eanings o ields in t)e planning result..............................................................................................2#
Hua'ei Proprietar! and Conidential Cop!rig)t * Hua'ei Te+)nologies Co., Ltd
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Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters
Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters 'ey(ords LTE, PRACH parameter planning, 6C root se8uen+e planning A&stra)t T)is do+ument introdu+es t)e t)eor! o planning P)!si+al Random A++ess C)annel (PRACH" parameters and )o' to +onigure PRACH parameters t)roug) ?%Net and in a manual manner. A)ronyms
Long%Term E5olution
P)!si+al Random A++ess C)annel
?ser E8uipment
Hua'ei Proprietar! and Conidential Cop!rig)t * Hua'ei Te+)nologies Co., Ltd
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Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters
heory o! PRAC" Plannin#
Random a++ess pla!s an important role in t)e Long%Term E5olution (LTE" s!stem. It is t)e uni8ue strateg! or users to esta4lis) initial +onne+tion, perorm )ando5ers, re%esta4lis) +onne+tion, and re+o5er uplin9 s!n+)roniBation. T)e dieren+e 4et'een random a++ess and i=ed uplin9 and do'nlin9 s+)eduling lies in t)e randomness. ?ser e8uipment (?E" randoml! sele+ts a pream4le se8uen+e to a++ess and t)e a++ess result is random. T)is means t)at t)e a++ess ma! ail. T)e random a++ess +ontrol algorit)m aims to ensure t)e su++ess rate o random a++ess and +ontrol t)e random a++ess ailure in an a++epta4le range. Pream4le inde=es +an 4e reasona4l! allo+ated to +ells t)roug) 6ado%C)u (6C" root se8uen+e planning. T)is ensures t)at a pream4le se8uen+e 'it) good dete+tion perorman+e is preera4l! allo+ated to a )ig)%speed +ell. A pream4le se8uen+e 'it) good dete+tion perorman+e indi+ates t)e pream4le se8uen+e 'it) lo' C: 5alue. T)e C: 5alue, t)at is, t)e ma=imum 4a+9%o 5alue o t)e pream4le transmit po'er, measures t)e impa+ts o t)e transmission te+)nolog! on t)e po'er ampliier. In addition, dierent pream4le se8uen+es are allo+ated to neig)4oring +ells to redu+e intereren+e.
1$1 Purpose o! 0C Root e2uence Plannin# T)e 6C se8uen+e is used as t)e PRACH root se8uen+e ()ereinater +alled 6C root se8uen+e num4er". Pream4le se8uen+es o +ells are generated t)roug) t)e +!+li+ s)it o t)e 6C root se8uen+e. >)erein, +!+li+ s)it reers to t)e +oniguration o Bero +orrelation Bone. Ea+) +ell )as $ pream4le se8uen+es, and t)e pream4le se8uen+e used 4! t)e ?E is randoml! sele+ted or allo+ated 4! t)e eNodeD. In t)is 'a!, to redu+e pream4le se8uen+e intereren+e among neig)4oring +ells, 6C root se8uen+e inde=es need to 4e +orre+tl! planned. In re8uen+! i5ision uple= (" mode, t)ere are -3- 6C root se8uen+e inde=es and N +s )as #$ 5alues. T)roug) t)is planning, engineers allo+ate 6C root se8uen+e inde=es and spe+i! N +s 5alues or +ells a++ording to t)e +ell eature ()ig)%speed +ell or not". In t)is 'a!, pream4le se8uen+es o neig)4oring +ells ')i+) are generated t)roug) t)e inde=es are dierent. ierent 6C root se8uen+e inde=es are allo+ated to generate dierent pream4le se8uen+es or neig)4oring +ells. In t)is 'a!, t)e intereren+e +aused 4! t)e same pream4le se8uen+es o neig)4oring +ells is redu+ed.
Hua'ei Proprietar! and Conidential Cop!rig)t * Hua'ei Te+)nologies Co., Ltd
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Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters
1$& Restrictions o! N cs election N+s 5alue is related to t)e +ell radius and t)e ma=imum dela! spread. T)e relations)ip among t)em is rele+ted in ormula #.#. N CS .T S
In ormula #.#,
indi+ates t)e sample lengt) o t)e 6C se8uen+e and
-00F-3 µ
se+ T MD indi+ates t)e ma=imum dela! spread (ma=imum multipat) dela! spread" T RTD indi+ates t)e ma=imum round trip dela! (RT". T)e relations)ip 4et'een T RTD and +ell radius (r" is as ollo's T RTD $.$& r µ se+ (r in t)e unit o 9m". Jou +an get ormula #.2 4ased on ormula #.#
#.0-&; ⋅ ($.$&r + T MD "
Jou +an get ormula #.3 4! adding
T AdSch (indi+ating
time lengt) o or'ard sear+),
determined 4! do'nlin9 s!n+)roniBation error (a ma=imum o 2 µse+" to ormula #.2. N CS
#.0-&; ⋅ ($.$&r + T MD
In ormula #.3, r is in t)e unit o 9m and T is in t)e unit o µ se+. T)e 5alue o MD
N CS is
restri+ted 4! t)e +ell radius and ma=imum dela! spread. T)e 5alue o T MD is related to t)e pream4le ormat o a +ell. Currentl!, t)e 5alue o T is ; µ se+. MD N CS
5alue or a )ig)%speed +ell is dierent rom t)at or a lo'%speed +ell a++ording to 3GPP T7 3$.2##. or details, see igure #.#. Figure 1*1 N+s 5alue (pream4le ormat 0%3" N C7
N C7
3'ow*peed Cell4 )nrestricted et
3"i#h*peed Cell4 Restricted et
Hua'ei Proprietar! and Conidential Cop!rig)t * Hua'ei Te+)nologies Co., Ltd
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Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters
N C7
N C7
3'ow*peed Cell4 )nrestricted et
3"i#h*peed Cell4 Restricted et
1$, Principles o! 0C Root e2uence Plannin# T)e 6C root se8uen+e inde= and N +s 5alue are re8uired or t)e generation o pream4le se8uen+es. T)e algorit)m is used to allo+ate dierent 6C root se8uen+e inde=es and N +s 5alues to +ells in t)e to%4e%planned area. T)e parameter RKKT7E@?INE +onigured in eNodeD, ')i+) is Logi+al 6C root se8uen+es num4er. T)ere are $ Pream4le se8uen+es a5aila4le, ')i+) are generated 4! u 5alue t)at deined 4! parameter RKKT7E@?INE. >)en $ logi+al 6C root se8uen+es +an NKT 4e generated 4! one uni8ue u 5alue, t)e rest 'ill 4e generated 4! ot)er u 5alues mapped 4! su4se8uent logi+al 6C root se8uen+es. :apping 4et'een logi+al root se8uen+e num4ers 'it) u 5alues s)o'ed in ta4le #%2. Figure 1*1 :apping 4et'een logi+al root se8uen+e num4ers and p)!si+al root se8uen+e num4ers
'o#ical Root e2uence Number
Physical Root e2uence Number u
#2, , #0, $, #20, , 2#0, $2, #$-, $, -, &;;, #0;, &3, 3, &$, &0, &$, $0, &&, 2, -3&, #, -3-
;$, &-3, ##2, &2&, #-, $#
-0, &;, 2, &&, 0, &
3;, -0, &3, &$$, #$, $3
3#, -0-, 2-, -##, 30, -0, 2&, -#2, 2, -#0
2, -#;, -, &#, $-, &, &, &$;, #&-, $$#, #3$, &03
-$, &;3, &-, &$#, 3, &$, 3, -00, 20, -#, 2#, -#-
;, &, 202, $3&, #0, $, #-#, $;-, #3&, &02, #2;, , #;#, $--
3in increasin# order o! the correspondin# lo#ical se2uence number4
Hua'ei Proprietar! and Conidential Cop!rig)t * Hua'ei Te+)nologies Co., Ltd
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Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters
'o#ical Root e2uence Number
Physical Root e2uence Number u
2#&, $22, #2-, #, #2, $&, #22, &, 203, $3$, ##-, &2#, ##0, &2, -, &;0, #03, &3$, $#, &&-, ;;, &-, #;, -2, #, -2;
#2, -2&, 23, -#$, 3, -0;, 3&, -02, $, &3, 20&, $32, #&, $$0, #;, $, #30, &0, 223, $#$
22-, $##, 22&, $#2, #32, &0&, #33, &0$, #3, $$, #3;, &0, #$#, $&-, 20#, $3-, #&3, $$$, #0$, &33, -3, &;$, #, &-, $$, &&3, ;3, &-$, #0, -2, , -30
&, -32, -, -3#, #$, -23, &, &2, $, &&;, ;&, &-2, #0, &3;, #0#, &3-, #0-, &3#, 20-, $3#, #-, $;;, #&, $2, ##, $-, #2#, -, ##, $-, #, $0, 2#$, $23, 2#-, $2#
#;2, $-&, #, $;, #3, &0;, #3-, &0#, #, $0, #$2, $&&, #&$, $$3, ##, &20, #;-, $-#, #$, $&;, #&, $$;, #, $$-, #&0, $$, -&, &;2, #$, $&0, --, &;#, #0&, &32, -#, &;-, -2, &;&, #00, &3, -, &#, , &$-, ;, &-0, $;, &&, ;0, &-, , &0, 2$, -#3, #&, -22, #3, -2$, $, -33
;, -3, 33, -0$, ;#, &--, &;, &$, , &0, $, &3, &, &2, #$$, $&3, #&2, $$&, #&;, $$, #-&, $;2, #$3, $&$, #-;, $;, 200, $3, ##, &2;, #-, $;0, ##;, &2, #, $;, #;, $, #2, $&, #-2, $;&, #;&, $-2, #;$, $-3, 2##, $2-, #;, $-;, #23, $, #3, &00, 2#2, $2&, #;3, $-$, 2#3, $2$, 2#;, $2, #;0, $-
22;, $#, 22, $#;, 22#, $#-, 220, $#, #2&, , #&, $2, #2, , #3, $$, 20;, $3, 20$, $33, ##$, &23, #$0, $&, #-$, $;3, #$&, $&2, & , &$0, -;, &;, &&, &$2, 2, &&, ;-, &-#, $2, &&&, $, &&0, ;, &-;, 3$, -03, 32, -0&, 2;, -#, #-, -2#, ##, -2-, , -3;
3, -3$, #, -20, 22, -#&, #, &-, 3-, -0#, , &;, ;2, &-&, ;, &, $3, &&$, $&, &&2, &2
3in increasin# order o! the correspondin# lo#ical se2uence number4
&$&, &$, &$3, , &;, #02, &3&, 0, &, #0, &30, #$;, $&, ###, &2-, 20, $30, 20, $3;, ##&, &22, #--, $;#, #;, $-0, #-, $#, ##3, &2$, #-3, $;$, #-0, $;, #&&, $$2, #$, $3, #;;, $-, 2#, $2;, #2$, , #3#, &0-, 2#, $20, 222, $#&, 22$, $#3
230, $0, 232, $0&, 2$2, ;&&, 2;2, ;-&, #-, 2#, #$, 23, #3, 2$, ##, 2-, 3&$, $3, 3;, , 2-3, ;;$, 2-;, ;;, 3&, $0, 30, , 3$3, &$, 3-, ;;, 3--, ;#, 3-$, ;3, 3$#, &-, 3-&, ;2, 3$0, &, 3#0, ;2, 3;, -;, 32-, ;##, 3#;, ;2, 33&, ;02, 3, 0, 33;, ;0, 32, ;#;
323, ;#$, 320, ;#, 33, ;0;, 3;, -0, 2;, ;, 3-;, ;, 22, ;&, 2#, ;-, 3-#, ;-, 3, 0, 3-0, ;, 3&, 2, 3$, &0, 3&&, $2, #0, 2, 0&, 32, 2-#, ;;-, #, 2;, 2&, ;2, 2&&, ;$2, 2, ;$-, 2&2, ;$&, 2$, ;&;, 2;, ;-0
Hua'ei Proprietar! and Conidential Cop!rig)t * Hua'ei Te+)nologies Co., Ltd
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Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters
'o#ical Root e2uence Number
Physical Root e2uence Number u
23&, $02, 23, $00, 2, ;;, 23, ;$, 2&;, ;$, 2&-, ;$#, 2;0, ;-, 2$, ;3, #&, 22, 2-, ;#, 3, ;, 33, $, 3&0, $, 3$;, &, 300, ;3, 2, ;0, 3$, &;, 3$2, &&, 2-, ;#, 3#2, ;2&, 3#3, ;2$, 3#, ;2;, 3;3, -$, 3;2, -&, 33, $, 32&, ;#2, 3;0, -, 32$, ;#3, 3#, ;20, 332, ;0&, 333, ;0$, 3-, #, 3&, 2, 322, ;#&
330, ;0, 33-, ;0#, 3#, -, 30, , 32, &, 30#, ;3-, 3$$, &3, 0#, 3-, 3, $-, 0-, 3#, 3&;, $, 2, ;0, 2$, ;&0, 23-, $0#, 23, $0;
2;&, ;-2, 2&3, ;$$, 2;;, ;-, 2;, ;-;, 2;, ;, 2;#, ;--, #2, 2&, 3&2, $&, 2-2, ;;&, 03, 3$, 3$, 3, 32, &, 3#, -, 3-2, ;&, 3-, ;0, 2, ;;, 2&, ;2, 3##, ;2-, 3, ;, 3;, , 3#-, ;2#, 33#, ;0-, 32;, ;#, 32#, ;#-
3$, 3, 33, ;00, 3;#, --, 30$, ;33, 2-, ;;0, 00, 3, 3&-, $#, 3&, $;, #;, 2, 2&0, ;$, 2#, ;-
23#, $0-, 2$0, ;&, 2$-, ;, 2&$, ;$3, 0, 30, 3-, #, 20, ;, 30, ;3;, 30-, ;3#, 3;-, -#, 3#$, ;23
23, ;$, 2--, ;;#, 2-, ;;;, 3$-, , 2;3, ;-$, 2;$, ;-3, 2$3, ;&$
22, ;&, 2&, ;$;, 02, 3&, 3-3, ;$, 3;&, -2, 32, ;#0
3#&, ;22, 30&, ;32, 2-$, ;;3, 2-&, ;;2, 2$$, ;&3, 2$#, ;&-
23$, $03, 303, ;3$, 3;$, -3
3;;, -, 0;, 3, 0, 3;, 0$, 33
23;, $0, 2$&, ;&2, 302, ;3&
30, ;30, 2$;, ;&, 233, $0$
3$&, &2, 2$, ;3
33$, ;03, 30;, ;3, 3&3, $$, 2-0, ;;, 2&, ;$0, #, 20, 20, ;, 2;-, ;-#, 22, $#0
3in increasin# order o! the correspondin# lo#ical se2uence number4
T)e allo+ation o 6C root se8uen+e inde= s)ould ollo' t)e prin+iples 4elo'
irst, 6C root se8uen+e inde=es are preera4l! allo+ated to )ig)%speed +ells. Logi+al root se8uen+e num4ers rom -#$ to -3& are allo+ated to )ig)%speed +ells.
T)en, 6C root se8uen+e inde=es are allo+ated to medium% and lo'%speed +ells, and logi+al root se8uen+e num4ers rom 0 to -#; are allo+ated to t)ese +ells. T)e num4er o 6C root se8uen+e inde=es is limited. I t)e num4er o 6C root se8uen+e inde=es is insui+ient or t)e medium% and lo'%speed +ells in t)e to%4e%planned area, a 6C root se8uen+e inde= +an 4e reused ')en t)e distan+e 4et'een t'o +ells e=+eeds a spe+iied range. Hua'ei Proprietar! and Conidential Cop!rig)t * Hua'ei Te+)nologies Co., Ltd
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Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters
In t)e radio net'or9, PRACH root se8uen+es s)ould 4e staggered in ad1a+ent +ells, ot)er'ise +ollisions ollo'ed as 4elo' #.
In t)e +ase o eNodeD rame s!n+)roniBation in intra%re8uen+! stru+ture radio net'or9, all ad1a+ent +ells 'ill dete+t pream4le rom one ?E. Intereren+es are in+reasing as :ost o eNodeDs are modulating useless signal, and intereren+es in+reased 4! 8uantities o ?E. T)e a++essi4ilit! /PI o ')ole net'or9 'ill 4e de+reased due to Pream4le +ollision in dierent +ells. :ean')ile, ot)er ?Es /PIs are ae+ted in ad1a+ent +ells +aused 4! unne+essar! resour+es in ad1a+ent +ells ')en ?E initial to a++ess and )ando5er to ser5i+es needs ?plin9 and o'nlin9 resour+es.
Hando5er 'ill 4e inluen+ed ')en +onigurations in dierent +ells is t)e same as Pream4le inde= is mapping dierent e5ents in L3. All ad1a+ent +ells 'it) t)e same +onigurations 'ill initial )ando5er pro+edures ')en pream4le inde= is in +ertain ranges.
In )ando5er initial pro+edures, ?E initial Pream4le to target eNodeD in uplin9 and re+ei5e inormation rom ser5i+e eNodeD. I all +ells +onigured t)e same root se8uen+es, ?E 'ill re+ei5e RAR response rom ser5i+e +ells and ad1ust to ser5i+e +ells, so )ando5er ailed.
1$5 Plannin# Root e2uence Numbers !or "i#h*peed Cells T)e met)od to +al+ulate pream4le se8uen+es in t)e +ase o )ig)%speed +ells a++ording to 6C root se8uen+e inde=es is dierent rom t)at in t)e +ase o medium% and lo'%speed +ells.
tep 1 Cal+ulate t)e N+s 5alue range o a +ell a++ording to t)e +ell radius and ma=imum dela! spread. or t)e +al+ulation met)od o N +s, see ormula #.2. K4tain N +s 5alue rom t)e proto+ol, or e=ample, i N+s is greater t)an 2#&, t)e 5alue o N +s +an 4e set to 23&.
tep & Preera4l! +)oose root se8uen+e num4ers ranging rom -#$ to -3& as 6C root se8uen+e inde=es.
tep , C)e+9 ')et)er t)e +!+ling o N +s 5alues is +omplete. I t)e +!+ling is +omplete, go to 7tep $. I t)e +!+ling is not +omplete, go to 7tep .
tep 5 Deginning 'it) t)e irst unused 6C root se8uen+e logi+al num4er among t)e remaining 6C root se8uen+e inde=es, +)e+9 ')et)er t)ese +ontinuous 6C root se8uen+e inde=es +an generate $ pream4le se8uen+es. I $ pream4le se8uen+es +annot 4e generated, go on sear+)ing or t)e ne=t +ontinuous 6C root se8uen+e inde=es until t)e +!+ling o remaining +ontinuous 6C root se8uen+es is +omplete. I $ pream4le se8uen+es are generated, go to 7tep ;. I $ pream4le se8uen+es ail to 4e generated, go to 7tep 3 to spe+i! anot)er 5alue or N +s. T)en, ind +ontinuous 6C root se8uen+e inde=es t)at +an generate $ pream4le se8uen+es among t)e remaining 6C root se8uen+e inde=es.
tep . Allo+ate logi+ root se8uen+e num4ers and N +s 5alues to +ells. Jou need to e=port onl! t)e minimum logi+ root se8uen+e num4er and t)e minimum N +s 5alue in t)e N+s 5alue range.
tep + A++ording to t)e reuse prin+iple, allo+ate proper 6C root se8uen+e inde=es and N +s 5alues to +ells. ----End
Hua'ei Proprietar! and Conidential Cop!rig)t * Hua'ei Te+)nologies Co., Ltd
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Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters
1$. Plannin# Root e2uence Numbers !or -edium* and 'ow*peed Cells or medium% and lo'%speed +ells, t)e num4er o pream4le se8uen+es generated 4! ea+) root se8uen+e inde= is e8ual to -3FN +s. >)en t)e +ell radius is 30 9m, t)e N +s is 23&. T)e num4er o pream4le se8uen+es is -3F23& (integer part ". To generate $ pream4le se8uen+es, #$ ($F" 6C root se8uen+e inde=es are re8uired. T)at is, t)ese #$ 6C root se8uen+e inde=es are allo+ated to t)e +ells.
tep 1 Cal+ulate t)e N+s 5alue range o a +ell a++ording to t)e +ell radius and ma=imum dela! spread. or t)e +al+ulation met)od, see ormula #.2. K4tain N +s 5alue rom t)e proto+ol. or e=ample, i N+s is greater t)an 2#&, t)e 5alue o N+s +an 4e set to 23& or #.
or a lo'%speed +ell, i N+s is greater t)an #, set N +s to 0.
tep & 7ele+t N+s 5alues in t)e N+s 5alue range in se8uen+e. tep , C)e+9 ')et)er t)e +!+ling o N +s 5alues is +omplete. I t)e +!+ling is +omplete, go to 7tep $. I t)e +!+ling is not +omplete, go to 7tep .
tep 5 Deginning 'it) t)e irst unused 6C root se8uen+e logi+al num4er among t)e remaining 6C root se8uen+e inde=es, +)e+9 ')et)er t)ese +ontinuous 6C root se8uen+e inde=es +an generate $ pream4le se8uen+es. I $ pream4le se8uen+es +annot 4e generated, go on sear+)ing or t)e ne=t +ontinuous 6C root se8uen+e inde=es until t)e +!+ling o remaining +ontinuous 6C root se8uen+es is +omplete. I $ pream4le se8uen+es are generated, go to 7tep ;. I $ pream4le se8uen+es ail to 4e generated, go to 7tep 3 to spe+i! anot)er 5alue or N +s. T)en, ind +ontinuous 6C root se8uen+e inde=es t)at +an generate $ pream4le se8uen+es among t)e remaining 6C root se8uen+e inde=es.
T)e 6C root se8uen+e inde=es allo+ated to lo'%speed +ells must 4e +ontinuous. I +ontinuous 6C root se8uen+e inde=es ail to generate $ pream4le se8uen+es, t)ese +ontinuous 6C root se8uen+e inde=es +annot 4e allo+ated to +ells. T)e s!stem goes on tra5ersing proper root se8uen+e inde=es among remaining root se8uen+e inde=es.
tep . Allo+ate logi+ root se8uen+e num4ers and N +s 5alues to +ells. Jou need to e=port onl! t)e minimum logi+al root se8uen+e num4er and t)e minimum N +s 5alue 'it)in t)e N+s 5alue range.
tep + A++ording to t)e reuse prin+iple, allo+ate proper 6C root se8uen+e inde=es and N +s 5alues to +ells. ----End
1$+ 0C Root e2uence plannin# in DD*'( -odel In T model, t)ere are no o45ious dieren+es in planning purpose, +on+ept o 6C root se8uen+e and N +s 'it) .T)e main dieren+e 4et'een and T is pream4le ormat added, ')i+) s)o'ed in Ta4le #%3.
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Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters
Ta&le 1*3 t)e :apping among T+p Preamble Format
T7E@ and Cell Radius
Cell !adius o" F##
Cell !adius o" T##
*m ! (%$$*m
>)en pream4le ormat 5alue is set as in T, t)en lengt) o 6C root se8uen+es N B+ and +!+li+ s)it NC7 are dierent 'it) ')i+) s)o'ed in ta4le #% and ta4le #%;. Figure 1*1 Lengt) o 6C root se8uen+es 'it) dierent pream4le ormat Preamble "ormat
Figure 1*2 NC7 5alue 'it) pream4le 5alue NCS c onfiguration
NCS value
In T PRACH pream4le planning, restri+tions o NC7 NC7M#.0-&;($.$&ROT:O2" Pream4lemt0%3 NC7M#.02;0($.$&ROT:O2" Pream4lemt 20#$%&%##
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Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters
>)en +ell radius, pream4le ormat and restri+tions are set, t)e met)ods and prin+iples o planning are t)e same 'it) .
>)ile pream4le ormat 5alue set as 0%3, Dot) T and +an plan pream4le 'it) ?%NET,')i+) 5ersion is <300R00$+007PC300')ile 5alue set as , T pream4le 'ill 4e planed manull!.
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Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters
'( PRAC" Plannin# hrou#h )* Net
&$1 -a6in# Preparations Deore LTE PRACH planning, ma9e preparations su+) as ?%Net pro1e+t 4uilding, map setting, propagation model o4taining, antenna setting, and net'or9 element (NE" parameters setting. igure #.# s)o's t)e planning pro+ess. Figure 1*1 PRACH planning pro+ess
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Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters
&$& tartin# '( PRAC" Plannin# Ater pro1e+t parameters are imported into a ne' pro1e+t or an e=isted pro1e+t is opened, +)oose Pro+e)t E,lorer M .eration M LTE PRACH Planning M Automati) Allo)ation, as s)o'n in igure #.#. T)e LTE PRACH automati+ planning is started. Figure 1*1 7tarting LTE PRACH planning
&$, ettin# Parameters Kn t)e ?%Net, +)oose Pro+e)t E,lorer M .eration M LTE PRACH Planning M Automati) Allo)ation. T)en t)e LTE PRACH Planning 'indo' is displa!ed, as s)o'n in igure #.#.
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Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters
Figure 1*1 LTE PRACH planning
7etting parameters as ollo's
Cal)ulate Cell Radius/ It spe+iies t)e +al+ulation met)od o t)e +ell radius. T)e 5alue +an 4e Proagation Radius or Co0erage Radius. Proagation Radius is +orresponding to Proagation )al)ulation Radius. T)e +ell radius determines t)e N +s 5alue.
Proagation Radius/ >)en it is sele+ted, users use propagation radius as t)e +ell radius during N+s +al+ulation.
Proagation Radius Fa)tor/ >)en t)e propagation radius is used as t)e +ell radius, !ou +an o4tain t)e radius o all to%4e%planned +ells to +al+ulate N +s 5alues during LTE PRACH planning t)roug) t)e 5alue o Proagation )al)ulation Radius multiplied 4! t)e 5alue o Proagation Radius Fa)tor.
Co0erage Radius/ >)en it is sele+ted, users use +o5erage radius as t)e +ell radius to +al+ulate t)e N +s 5alue during LTE PRACH planning.
in ignal Le0el dm5/ It spe+iies t)e minimum edge R7RP t)res)old ')en t)e +o5erage radius is used as t)e +ell radius.
hado(ing ta6en into a))ount/ It spe+iies ')et)er to +onsider s)ado' ading ')en +o5erage radius is used as t)e +ell radius.
Cell Edge Co0erage Pro&a&ility ?sers need to enter a 5alue o Cell Edge Co0erage Pro&a&ility ')en hado(ing ta6en into a))ount is sele+ted. T)e deault 5alue is &;.
7ndoor Co0erage/ It spe+iies ')et)er to +onsider t)e indoor +o5erage.
Area/ It spe+iies t)e to%4e%planned area. D! deault, all +ells on t)e entire net'or9 are planned. >)en multiple pol!gons e=ist on t)e map, t)e! 'ill all 4e displa!ed in Area. Hua'ei Proprietar! and Conidential Cop!rig)t * Hua'ei Te+)nologies Co., Ltd
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Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters
Cell Filter It ilters out t)e +ells t)at do not need to 4e planned. ?sers +li+9 t)e 4utton and t)en t)e Cell ele)t 'indo' is displa!ed, as s)o'n in igure #.2. I users 'ant to ilter out a +ell (t)at is, PRACH planning is not perormed on t)e +ell", t)e! need to onl! +lear t)e ele)t +)e+94o= +orresponding to t)e +ell.
Figure 1*2 Cell 7ele+t dialog 4o=
&$5 Runnin# the '( PRAC" Plannin# Process Ater parameter setting is +omplete, +li+9 Run to start t)e LTE PRACH planning, as s)o'n in igure #.#.
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Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters
Figure 1*1 Running PRACH
uring t)e LTE PRACH planning pro+ess, t)e planning progress is displa!ed in t)e E0ent 8ie(er 'indo' o ?%Net, as s)o'n in igure #.2. Figure 1*2 PRACH planning progress
&$. Viewin# the '( PRAC" Plannin# Result Ater LTE PRACH planning is +omplete, t)e planning result is displa!ed in t)e PRACH Parameter 9islay 'indo', as s)o'n in igure #.#.
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Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters
Figure 1*1 PRACH Parameter ispla!
igure #.2 pro5ides meanings o ields in t)e planning result. Figure 1*2 :eanings o ields in t)e planning result
Cell Name
Cell name
Hig) 7peed
Cell identii+ation
6ero +orrelation Bone +oniguration o a +ell
Cell Radius
Cell radius
7tart Root 7e8uen+e Inde=
7tart 6C root se8uen+e inde= o a +ell
End Root 7e8uen+e Inde=
End 6C root se8uen+e inde= o a +ell
Reuse Tier
:inimum num4er o reuse tier o a 6C root se8uen+e num4er
Reuse istan+e
:inimum reuse distan+e o a 6C root se8uen+e num4er
&$+ ubmittin# the '( PRAC" Plannin# Result Ater LTE PRACH planning is +omplete, rig)t%+li+9 in t)e PRACH Parameter 9islay 'indo' and +)oose Commit rom t)e s)ort+ut menu, as s)o'n in igure #.#. T)en, t)e PRACH planning result is su4mitted to t)e +ell priorit!.
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Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters
Figure 1*1 7u4mitting t)e PRACH planning result
Ater t)e planning result is su4mitted, ill t)e 5alues o Cell Radius and tart Root e:uen)e 7nde, in t)e NE pu4li+ parameter template, as s)o'n in igure #.2. Cell Radius +orresponds to Radius m5 and tart Root e:uen)e 7nde, +orresponds to in Root e:uen)e 7nde, . Figure 1*2 Planning result in t)e NE pu4li+ parameter template
&$% (7portin# the '( PRAC" Plannin# Result Ater LTE PRACH planning is +omplete, rig)t%+li+9 in t)e PRACH Parameter 9islay 'indo' and t)en +)oose E,ort rom t)e s)ort+ut menu, as s)o'n in igure #.#. T)en, t)e PRACH planning result is e=ported.
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Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters
Figure 1*1 E=porting t)e LTE PRACH planning result
Ater E,ort is +)osen rom t)e s)ort+ut menu, t)e 9ata E,ort 'indo' is displa!ed, as s)o'n in igure #.2. Figure 1*2 ata E=port
Parameters are spe+iied as ollo's
Con;iguration File/ It is used to sa5e and load t)e e=ported ormat template. ?sers +an sa5e t)e +urrent e=ported ields as t)e template, ')i+) +an 4e imported 4! loading it.
a0e/ It is used to sa5e t)e +urrent e=ported ield ormat as t)e template.
Load/ It is used to load t)e e=isted ield template. T)e data is e=ported in t)e ield ormat as spe+iied in t)e template.
Header/ It spe+iies ')et)er ea+) ield name is in+luded in t)e e=ported data.
Field earator/ It spe+iies t)e separating +)ara+ter or ea+) ield.
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Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters
A0aila&le Fields
to add t)e 5alid ields listed in t)e
A0aila&le Fields 4o= to t)e E,orted Fields 4o= and +li+9
listed in t)e E,orted Fields 4o=. Jou +an +li+9 ields listed in t)e E,orted Fields 4o=.
to delete ields to +)ange t)e order o
Pre0ie(/ It is used to pre5ie' e=ported data a++ording to t)e e=ported ields and ormat set 4! t)e user.
E,ort/ It is used to e=port asso+iated data.
Can)el/ It is used to +an+el data e=porting.
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Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters
-odi!yin# PRAC" Conf#uration in a -anual -anner
,$1 -odi!yin# PRAC" Conf#uration in the PRAC" Parameter Display 8indow
Kn t)e ?%Net, +)oose Pro+e)t E,lorer M .eration M LTE PRACH Planning M .en PRACH Parameter , as s)o'n in igure #.#. T)e PRACH Parameter 9islay 'indo' is displa!ed.
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Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters
Figure 1*1 7tarting PRACH Parameter ispla!
Jou +an dire+tl! modi! t)e unreasona4le PRACH +oniguration in t)e PRACH Parameter 9islay 'indo'. Jou need to modi! onl! t)e start 6C root se8uen+e num4er, and t)e ?%Net +an automati+all! +al+ulate t)e end 6C root se8uen+e num4er. Ater t)e modii+ation, !ou +an +li+9 Commit to su4mit t)e PRACH +oniguration to t)e +ell propert!. or details, see se+tion 2.$7u4mitting t)e LTE PRACH Planning Result.
,$& -odi!yin# PRAC" Conf#uration in the N( Property 8indow >)en t)e PRACH is +onigured on t)e eNodeD, t)e N +s 5alue is +al+ulated t)roug) t)e +ell radius. T)e N +s 5alue +annot 4e dire+tl! +onigured on t)e eNodeD. Knl! t)e minimum 6C root se8uen+e inde= needs to 4e +onigured. T)e 5alues o Radius m5 and in Root e:uen)e 7nde, +an 4e dire+tl! modiied in t)e ?%Net Cell ta4le, as s)o'n in igure #.#.
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Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters
Figure 1*1 PRACH ?%Net parameter +oniguration
,$, Viewin# PRAC" Conf#uration Kn t)e ?%Net, +)oose Pro+e)t E,lorer M .eration M LTE PRACH Planning M .en PRACH Parameter, as s)o'n in igure #.#. T)e PRACH Parameter 9islay 'indo' is displa!ed, as s)o'n in igure #.2. Figure 1*1
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Guide to Planning LTE PRACH Parameters
Figure 1*2 PRACH parameter displa!
,$5 Viewin# the Plannin# Result In t)e displa!ed PRACH Parameter 9islay 'indo', !ou +an 5ie' t)e reuse distan+e and reuse tiers o t)e same pream4le se8uen+e, as s)o'n in igure #.#. Figure 1*1
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