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MAGSALANG vs. PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES FACTS: Khalyxto Maglasang was convicted in the court in San Carlos, Negros Occidental. His counsel, counsel, Atty Atty.. Castellan Castellano, o, filed for apetition apetition for certiorar certiorarii through through registered registered ail. ail. !ue to non" cop copli lianc ance e with with the the re#u re#uir ire een ents ts,, the the cour courtt dis disis isse sed d the the peti petiti tion on and and a oti otion on for for reconsideration. Atty. Castellano then sent a coplaint to the Office of the $resident where he accused the five %ustices of the &nd division, with 'iases and ignorance of the law or (nowingly rendering un%ust %udgents. He accused the court of sa'otaging the A#uino adinistration for 'eing Marcos appointees, and ro''ing the )ilipinopeople genuine %ustice and deocracy. He also said that the SC is doing this to protect the %udge who was ipleaded in the petition and for oney reasons. He alleges further that the court is too expensive to 'e reached 'y ordinary en. *he court is also inconsiderate and overly strict and eticulous. +hen as(ed to show cause why he should not 'e cited in contept, Castellano said that the coplaint was constructive criticis intended to correct in good faith the e rroneous and very strict practices of the %ustices concerned. He also said that the %ustices have no %urisdiction over his act and that they should %ust answer the coplaint. *he SC found hi guilty of contept and iproper conduct and ordered to pay $, --- or iprisonent of days, and to suffer six onths suspension. ISSUE: +hether or not the Atty. Castellano/s acts constitute a violation of the provisions of the Code of $rofessional 0esponsi'ility. 0esponsi'ility. HELD: 1es.
*he court found his coents scurrilous and contuacious. He went 'eyond the 'ounds 'ounds of constr construct uctive ive critic criticis is.. +hat +hat he said said are not relevant relevant to the cause of his his client client.. *hey *hey castas castasper persio sion n on the Court/ Court/s s integ integri rity ty as a neutra neutrall and final final ar'it ar'iter er of all %usti %usticia cia'le 'le controversies 'efore it. *he explanation of Castellano in his negligence in the filing of the petition for certiorari did not rend render er his his negl neglig igen ence ce excu excusa sa'l 'le. e. 2t is clea clearr that that the the case case was was lost lost not not 'y the the alle allege ged d in%ustices Castellano irresponsi'ly ascri'ed to the e'ers of the Court, 'ut his inexcusa'le negligence and incopetence. As an officer of the court, he should have (nown 'etter than to sear the honor and integrity of the Court %ust to (eep the confidence of his client. Also, with the coplaint he filed, the ost 'asic tenet of the syste of governent 3 separation of power " has 'een lost. He should (now that not even the $resident of the $hilippines can pass %udgent on any of the the Court/s acts. acts.