EHP4 for SAP ERP 6.0 June 2010 English
Make-to-Order (Multilevel Production) with Variant Configuration and Sales Order Costing (357) %usiness Pro&ess Do&umentation
SAP AG Dietmar-Ho-Allee 16 6!1!0 "all#orf German$
SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
Co!right /o$right 2010 SAP AG. All rights reser+e#. 5o art of this uli&ation ma$ e rero#u&e# or transmitte# in an$ form or for an$ urose ithout the e7ress ermission of SAP AG. (he information &ontaine# herein ma$ e &hange# ithout rior noti&e. Some softare ro#u&ts mar8ete# $ SAP AG an# its #istriutors &ontain rorietar$ softare &omonents of other softare +en#ors. 'i&rosoft9 "in#os9 E7&el9 )utloo89 an# PoerPoint are registere# tra#emar8s of 'i&rosoft /ororation. :%'9 D%29 D%2 ;ni+ersal Dataase9 )S<29 Parallel S$sle79 'S
Series9 S$stem i9 S$stem i9 S$stem 9 S$stem 9 S$stem 79 S$stem >9 S$stem >!9 ><)S9 A?P9 :ntelligent 'iner9 "eShere9 "eShere9 5etfinit$9 (i+oli9 :nformi79 i<)S9 P)"ER9 P)"ER9 P)"ER@9 )enPoer an# PoerP/ are tra#emar8s or registere# tra#emar8s of :%' /ororation. A#oe9 the A#oe logo9 logo9 A&roat9 PostS&rit9 PostS&rit9 an# Rea#er are are either tra#emar8s tra#emar8s or registere# registere# tra#emar8s tra#emar8s of A#oe S$stems :n&ororate# in the ;nite# States an#
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'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
Co!right /o$right 2010 SAP AG. All rights reser+e#. 5o art of this uli&ation ma$ e rero#u&e# or transmitte# in an$ form or for an$ urose ithout the e7ress ermission of SAP AG. (he information &ontaine# herein ma$ e &hange# ithout rior noti&e. Some softare ro#u&ts mar8ete# $ SAP AG an# its #istriutors &ontain rorietar$ softare &omonents of other softare +en#ors. 'i&rosoft9 "in#os9 E7&el9 )utloo89 an# PoerPoint are registere# tra#emar8s of 'i&rosoft /ororation. :%'9 D%29 D%2 ;ni+ersal Dataase9 )S<29 Parallel S$sle79 'SSeries9 S$stem i9 S$stem i9 S$stem 9 S$stem 9 S$stem 79 S$stem >9 S$stem >!9 ><)S9 A?P9 :ntelligent 'iner9 "eShere9 "eShere9 5etfinit$9 (i+oli9 :nformi79 i<)S9 P)"ER9 P)"ER9 P)"ER@9 )enPoer an# PoerP/ are tra#emar8s or registere# tra#emar8s of :%' /ororation. A#oe9 the A#oe logo9 logo9 A&roat9 PostS&rit9 PostS&rit9 an# Rea#er are are either tra#emar8s tra#emar8s or registere# registere# tra#emar8s tra#emar8s of A#oe S$stems :n&ororate# in the ;nite# States an#
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SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
"cons "con
Meaning /aution E7amle 5ote Re&ommen#ation S$nta7 E7ternal Pro&ess %usiness Pro&ess Alternati+e
#!ograhic Conventions #!e St!le
Example text
"or#s or &hara&ters that aear on the s&reen. (hese in&lu#e fiel# names9 s&reen titles9 ushuttons as ell as menu names9 aths an# otions. /ross-referen&es to other #o&umentation.
E7amle te te7t
Emhasi>e# o or#s or or hrases in in o o#$ te te7t9 tititle tles of of gr grahi&s an an# ta tales.
E=A'P A'PE E (E (E=(
5ames of el elements ents in the the s$s s$stem tem. (he (hese se in&l n&lu#e u#e re reort nam name es9 rogram names9 transa&tion &o#es9 tale names9 an# in#i+i#ual 8e$ or#s of a rogramming language9 hen surroun#e# $ o#$ te7t9 for e7amle9 SEE/( an# :5/;DE.
Example text
S&reen outut. (his in&lu#es file an# #ire&tor$ names an# their aths9 messages9 sour&e &o#e9 names of +ariales an# arameters as ell as names of installation9 ugra#e an# #ataase tools.
e$s on the 8e$oar#9 for e7amle9 fun&tion 8e$s *su&h as
or the
ENTER 8e$.
Example text text>
E7a&t user entr$. (hese are or#s or &hara&ters that $ou enter in the s$stem e7a&tl$ as the$ aear in the #o&umentation. ariale user entr$. Pointe# ra&8ets in#i&ate that $ou rela&e these or#s an# &hara&ters ith aroriate entries.
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SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
Contents Purose..................................................................... ........................................ ...................... ............. ....... ............ ...... PrereFuisites.......................................... PrereFuisites.......................................... ......................................... ........................................ ................. ... 6 'aster Data an# )rgani>ational Data.....................................................................................................6 %usiness /on#itions /on#itions ................................... ........................................ ......................................... ........... ! Preliminar$ Preliminar$ Stes..................................................... ......................................... ......................... ............. ....... ...... ! /reate ;ser Settings for ReFuirement Planning..................................................................................! Assign ;ser Parameter Parameter /)R;PR)? /)R;PR)? to ;ser ;ser 'aster Re&or# Re&or# .............................................. .......... ...... .... 10 1.1/reate /on#ition /on#ition Re&or# for ariant ariant /on#ition A00................................................. ...................... 10 Roles...................................................... ......................................... ......................................... ............. ....... ...... 12 Pro&ess )+er+ie (ale............................................................... ........................................ ............. ....... 12 Pro&ess Stes...................................................... ......................................... ........................................ .... 1 Sales )r#er Entr$................................................... ........................................ ................................... .... 1 )tional - /re#it /re#it 'anagement 'anagement /he&8 for Sales )r#er........................................... )r#er........................................... ....................... ........ ...... ..1I 1I 1.2)tional 1.2)tional - ong (erm Planning Planning ith /onfigure# /onfigure# 'aterials 'aterials ................................ ............... .............. ....... ......... 1! 'anufa&turing 'anufa&turing Stes for 'ultile+el '() *'a8e-to-)r *'a8e-to-)r#er,........................................... #er,........................................... ...................... .... 1! 'aterial ReFuirements Planning at Plant e+el.................................................................................20 E+aluation of the Sto&8
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'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
Re+ersal of Pro&ess Stes....................................................... ......................................... ............ ........ ....... . 4! SAP ERP Reorting ..................................... ......................................... ............................... .............. ....... ......... .. 1 ;se# ?orms............................................................. ........................................ .................................... .. 2
Make-to-Order (Multilevel Production) with Variant Configuration Configuratio n and Sales Order Costing Purose 'a8e-to-)r#er *multile+el ro#u&tion, ith +ariant &onfiguration an# sales or#er &osting s&enario #emonstrates sales or#er ro&essing ith materials ith resele&te# &hara&teristi& +alues *material +ariants, an# &omonents that are ro#u&e# a&&or#ing to sales Fuantities lanne# for these +ariants. :f the sales or#er &onfiguration is not a+ailale as a material +ariant9 then &ustomer ser+i&e &an &onfigure the material on the or#er $ &hoosing the reFuire# &hara&teristi& +alues. A sales or#er &ost estimate is &reate# on sa+ing the or#er hi&h is suseFuentl$ use# to +aluate the &ost of goo#s sol#. (he ro&ess is triggere# hen an or#er for a &onfigurale material is re&ei+e# from the &ustomer. (he &ustomer or#er is re&ogni>e# in the 'RP run resulting in lanne# or#er for ro#u&tion of the material. :f insuffi&ient arehouse arehouse sto&8 is a+ailale9 ur&hase reFuisitions are &reate# for the ra materials reFuire#. "hen the ro#u&tion or#er is &reate#9 target &osts are &al&ulate# for the or#er lot si>e *reliminar$ &osting,. During the ro#u&tion ro&ess9 &osts in&urre# are u#ate# on the or#er9 hi&h enales $ou to 8ee tra&8 of an# &omare target &osts an# a&tual &osts at an$ time. Perio#-en#-&losing a&ti+ities are alie# to the or#er. (his in&lu#es "or8 :n Progress &al&ulation an# +arian&e &al&ulation. After this9 "or8 in Progress is settle# to finan&ial a&&ounting an# ro#u&tion +arian&es are settle# to management an# finan&ial a&&ounting. Pro#u&tion +arian&es are settle# to rofitailit$ anal$sis ith the sales or#er as one of the &hara&teristi&s. &hara&teristi&s.
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'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
Prere%uisites Master $ata and Organi&ational $ata S'P est Practices Standard Values Essential master an# organi>ational #ata as &reate# in $our ERP s$stem in the imlementation hase9 su&h as the #ata that refle&ts the organi>ational stru&ture of $our &oman$ an# master #ata that suits its oerational fo&us9 for e7amle9 master #ata for materials9 +en#ors9 an# &ustomers. (his master #ata usuall$ &onsists of stan#ar#i>e# SAP %est Pra&ti&es #efault +alues9 an# enales $ou to go through the ro&ess stes of this s&enario. Oerational ocus SAP %est Pra&ti&es #eli+ers stan#ar# +alues for more than one oerational fo&us area9 su&h as Ser+i&es9 (ra#e or 'anufa&turing. (his means that $ou ma$ fin# more than one master #ata tale elo. ;se the master #ata that mat&hes the oerational fo&us of $our &oman$ *Ser+i&e9 'anufa&turing or (ra#ing,.
'dditional Master $ata ($efault Values) ou &an test the s&enario ith other SAP %est Pra&ti&es #efault +alues that ha+e the same &hara&teristi&s. /he&8 $our SAP E// s$stem to fin# out hi&h other material master #ata e7ists.
*sing +our Own Master $ata ou &an also use &ustomi>e# +alues for an$ material or organi>ational #ata for hi&h $ou ha+e &reate# master #ata. ?or more information on ho to &reate master #ata9 see the 'aster Data Pro&e#ures #o&umentation. ;se the folloing master #ata in the ro&ess stes #es&rie# in this #o&ument3
Manufacturing , #rading Production Plant Master data
Master , org data details
'1000-0019?ER(9'(S9AR9PD9E9 K'
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Master data
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
Master , org data details
'20009 HA%9'(S9/)5?:G9PD9E
'0009 HA%9'(S9/)5?:G9PD9E
'40009 HA%9'(S9/)5?:G9PD9E
'4000-0029R)H9'(S9AR:A5(9PD9 S/9K'
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SAP Best Practices
Master data
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
Master , org data details
R'20-009ERP9%9H;9?9 %;
R'20-00-R9PA/ RE? 'A(9ERP9P9H;
Pro#u&tion Plant
Shiing *ith ean "',
Storage o&ation3
%ill of 'aterial3
Routing Grou /ounter 1
*ithout lean "',
'20009 HA%9'(S9/)5?:G9PD9E
'0009 HA%9'(S9/)5?:G9PD9E
'40009 HA%9'(S9/)5?:G9PD9E
'4000-0029R)H9'(S9AR:A5(9PD9 S/9K'
Sales Center Master data
Master , org data details
/A5 *2 alternati+e in &ase of ma&hine rea8#on,
Sales )rgani>ation
Distriution /hannel
Dire&t Sales
/ustomer 01 *ithout &re#it limit,
/ustomer 04 *ith &re#it limit,
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SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
usiness Conditions (he usiness ro&ess #es&rie# in this s&enario is art of a igger &hain of integrate# usiness ro&esses or s&enarios. As a &onseFuen&e9 $ou must ha+e &omlete# the folloing ro&esses an# fulfille# the folloing usiness &on#itions efore $ou &an start going through this s&enario3 usiness condition
E7e&ute ro&ess stes &osting run an# materials reFuirement lanning
Prerequisite Process Steps (154)
Preli.inar! Stes (his %usiness Pro&ess Do&umentation *%PD, &ontains ro&ess stes that ha+e to e #one as rereFuisite efore $ou &an start to or8 through the stan#ar# %usiness Pro&ess Do&umentation of sele&te# logisti&s s&enarios.
Create *ser Settings for /e%uire.ent Planning *se :n this ste9 $ou set u user settings that are ne&essar$ for reFuirement lanning.
Procedure 1.
A&&ess the transa&tion &hoosing one of the folloing na+igation otions3 Otion 01 S'P 2rahical *ser "nterface (S'P 2*") S'P .enu
Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management Environment → Stock → Stock!equirements List
#ransaction code
Otion 1 S'P 4eteaver usiness Client (S'P 4C) via 6usiness role
usiness role
Pro#u&tion Planner *SAPL5%PRLPR)DPA55ER-S,
usiness role .enu
Pro"uction Situation
#isplayStock !equirement
)n the Stock!equirements List$ Initial Screen9 ma8e the folloing entries3 ield na.e
Evaluation !eports
*ser action and values
Material num%er
?inishe# Goo# '()9 /
Pro#u&tion Plant
/hoose Enter an# &onfirm the information message if there is an$.
4. 5a+igate to *5"%/3 More&
, Environment → 'avigation Proile
/hoose the *eneral Settings ta.
:n the 'avigation Proile fiel#9 &hoose the na+igation #esign SPPPM!P++ M!P ,ontroller .
/hoose Save an# &onfirm the information message if there is an$.
I. Go a&8 to the SP ccess s&reen.
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'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
/esult ou ha+e &reate# the user settings ne&essar$ for the reFuirements lanning.
'ssign *ser Para.eter CO/*P/O8 to *ser Master /ecord *se :n this ste9 $ou assign a rofile to $our user hi&h #efines the la$out for the &onfirmation s&reen for single s&reen entr$.
Procedure 1.
A&&ess the a&ti+it$ using one of the folloing na+igation otions3 Otion 01 S'P 2rahical *ser "nterface (S'P 2*") S'P 9CC .enu
#ransaction code
.ser Maintenance
Otion 1 S'P 4eteaver usiness Client (S'P 4C) via 6usiness role
usiness role
A#ministrator *Professional ;ser, *SAPL5%PRLL:(LAD':5-S,
usiness role .enu
I- "ministration
.ser Management
.ser Maintenance
)n the ,/ange Material$ initial screen9 ma8e the folloing entries an# &hoose ,/ange3 ield na.e
.ser .
*ser action and values
Enter $our SAP ;ser
)n the Maintain .ser s&reen9 &hoose the Parameters ta an# ma8e the folloing entries3 ield na.e
*ser action and values
Parameter I#
Parameter 0alue
4. Sa+e $our entries.
/esult (he &onfirmation rofile %D:02 is assigne# to $our user.
00 Create Condition /ecord for Variant Condition V':: *se A &on#ition re&or# for the +ariant &on#ition A00 is &reate#.
Prere%uisites (he +ariant 8e$ 'S01 has een &reate# an# assigne# to &hara&teristi& 'LAR)5D.
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'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
?ollo the &onfiguration gui#es of master #ata3 /reate ariant /lassifi&ation9 /reate ariant /on#ition9 /reate Deen#en&ies. Here9 the &reation of the +ariant 8e$ 'S019 the &reation of the &hara&teristi& 'LAR)5D as ell as the /reation an# Assignment of the #een#en&$ is #es&rie#.
Procedure 1.
A&&ess the transa&tion &hoosing one of the folloing na+igation otions3 Otion 01 S'P 2rahical *ser "nterface (S'P 2*") S'P 9CC Menu
Logistics ,entral unctions 0ariant ,oniguration Environment Pricing ,reate ,on"ition
#ransaction code
:n the ,reate ,on"ition !ecor"s s&reen9 &hoose &on#ition t$e 0++ .
/hoose Enter .
)n the ,reate 0ariant Price ,on"ition (0++)$ ast Entry s&reen ma8e the folloing entries3 ield 4a.e
*ser 'ction and Values
Sales 2rgani3ation
#istri%ution ,/annel
ea+e emt$. (he +alue ill e #etermine# automati&all$ from the material master.
ea+e emt$. (he +alue ill e #etermine# automati&all$ from the material master.
0ali" rom
Ma&tual #ateN
An$ #ate reFuire#
0ali" to
Ma&tual #ate @ 1 $earN
An$ #ate reFuire#
/hoose Save
/esult (he +ariant &on#ition re&or# has een #efine# to e use# for +ariant ri&ing SAP AG Page 11 of 2
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'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
/oles *se (he folloing roles must ha+e een installe# to test this s&enario in the SAP 5et"ea+er %usiness /lient *5"%/,. ou #o not nee# these roles if $ou are not using the 5"%/ interfa&e9 ut the stan#ar# SAP G;:.
Prere%uisites (he usiness roles ha+e een assigne# to the user ho is testing this s&enario. usiness role
#echnical na.e
Process ste
:( A#ministrator
Assigning ;ser Parameter
Pro#u&tion Planner
/reate ;ser Settings for ReFuirement Planning
Sales A#ministration
/reating Sales )r#er
"arehouse /ler8
:nitial Sto&8 Posting /reating Deli+er$ /onfirming (ransfer )r#er Pi&8ing *otional, Posting Goo#s :ssue
%illing A#ministrator
Shoflor Se&ialist
'aterial Stagging
Strategi& Planner
/aa&it$ e+elling
Pro#u&t /ost /ontroller
/al&ulation of "or8 in ro&ess O Settling the Sales )r#er to Profitailit$ Anal$sis
/esult ou &an no ro&ess this s&enario.
Process Overview #a6le Process ste
9;ternal rocess reference
Sales Order Entry
Credit Management Check for
,re"it Management (1+6)
usiness condition
usiness role
#rans-action code
9;ected results
,ustomer requests customi3e" or"er
,ustomer Service
2r"er 'um%er #eman" create" or M!P ,re"it Limit up"ate"
See ,re"it Management ,/eck
See ,re"it Management ,/eck
See ,re"it Management ,/eck
See ,re"it Management ,/eck
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Process ste
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
9;ternal rocess reference
usiness condition
usiness role
#rans-action code
9;ected results
Long Term Planning ith Config!red Materials (optional)
Logistics Planning (751)
See Logistics Planning scenario
See Logistics Planning scenario
See Logistics Planning scenario
See Logistics Planning scenario
Man!fact!ring Steps for M!ltile"el Make To Order
Pro"uction 2r"er Processing Multilevel Make8 to82r"er (M-2)
Sales Order (optional)
Make#to#stock (m!ltile"el prod!ction) ith Config!red Materials (optional)
a%rication an" posting materials inis/e" goo"s or t/e sales or"er
See Manuacturing Steps or Multilevel M-S (79+)
a%rication or most popular pre8 conigura%le inis/e" pro"ucts in t/is scenario is availa%le Suicient stock or most popular pre8 conigura%le inis/e" pro"ucts in t/is scenario is availa%le
$nitial Stock Posting (optional)
%eli"ery %!e List
Process or"ers "ue or "elivery
#elivery #ue List printe" #eliveries create" :are/ouse -ranser 2r"er create"
Picking (otional)
2nly require" ;o Lean :M processing
"arehouse /ler8
'aterial is i&8e#
See ,re"it Management ,/eck
See ,re"it Management ,/eck
See ,re"it Management ,/eck
See ,re"it Management ,/eck
Material must %e availa%le in stock
:are/ouse ,lerk
*oo"s issue is poste" System prints "elivery note an" %ill o
Credit Management Check for %eli"ery note (optional) Post &oods $ss!e
,re"it Management (1+6)
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SAP Best Practices
Process ste
9;ternal rocess reference
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
usiness condition
usiness role
#rans-action code
9;ected results la"ing
ccounts receiva%le
System generates invoice or %illing
Plant Closing
Perio" en" closing
See Perio" en" closing
See Perio" en" closing
See Perio" en" closing
See Perio" en" closing
Company Closing
Perio" en" closing in inancial accounting (15>)
See Perio" en" closing in inancial accounting scenario
See Perio" en" closing in inancial accounting scenario
See Perio" en" closing in inancial accounting scenario
See Perio" en" closing in inancial accounting scenario
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'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
Process Stes Sales Order 9ntr! *se ou ha+e re&ei+e# a reFuest for a ma8e-to-or#er sales or#er. :n this a&ti+it$9 $ou ill enter the sales or#er.
Procedure 1.
A&&ess the transa&tion &hoosing one of the folloing na+igation otions3 Otion 01 S'P 2rahical *ser "nterface (S'P 2*") S'P 9CC .enu
#ransaction code
Sales an" #istri%ution
2. Enter the )r#er t$e )R an# &hoose Enter . *ou &an otionall$ enter organi>ational #ata., . 'a8e the folloing entries3 ield na.e Sol" to party
*ser action and values
100000 *
An$ other &ustomer &oul# e use#
10000 *ith &re#it limit, P2 num%er
'() )r#er
Material 'um%er
?inishe# Goo# '() / /onfigurale *ma$ e rela&e# $ &onfigure# material after &onfiguration is &omlete#,
?uantity 4.
/hoose Enter .
ou &an ma8e $our user settings for +ariant mat&hing either in the &onfiguration rofile or in the ,/aracteristic 0alue ssignment s&reen. :n the &onfiguration rofile9 &hoose Settings or9 in the sales or#er in the ,/aracteristic 0alue ssignment s&reen9 &hoose 0ie; Settings9 an# &hoose the 0ariant Matc/ing ta.
:f $ou sele&t the -ype matc/ing on request &he&8o79 $ou &an &arr$ out +ariant mat&hing on the ,/aracteristic 0alue ssignment s&reen $ &hoosing . :f $ou sele&t the Perm -ype matc/ing &he&8o7 in the ariant mat&hing ta age9 the material numer of the +ariant is #isla$e# on the /hara&teristi& alue Assignment s&reen9
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'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
as soon as the s$stem has foun# a material +ariant ith a mat&hing +alue assignment. ?or this s&enario9 sele&t Perm -ype matc/ing &he&8o7. ?or Strateg$9 if $ou sele&t the Partial coniguration &he&8o79 the s$stem fin#s an# #isla$s a material9 ro+i#e# that the +alue assignment artl$ mat&hes the +alue assignment of the material +ariant if $ou sele&t the ,omplete coniguration &he&8o79 the s$stem ill onl$ fin# a material if the +alue assignment is &omlete an# all the &hara&teristi& +alues mat&h. :n this s&enario9 sele&t ,omplete coniguration &he&8o7. .
)n the ,/aracteristic 0alue ssignment s&reen9 in the ,/aracteristic 0alue ssignment area sele&t a +alue $ &hoosing it from the &hara&teristi&s +alue range. (he +alues elo are e7amles ut all +alues of this '() s&enario #een# on this e7amle.
Enter the &orreson#ing +alues for the &hara&teristi&s elo3 ield na.e
*ser action and values
Si3e o ,an
10 *10 Gallons,
-ype o Material
02 *'etalli&,
ali# ith Enter. :f $ou &hoose Plasti&9 the +alue Qith Ears is not authori>e# for the &hara&teristi& QEars. ield na.e
*ser action and values
02 *
Default +alue
Lining o ,an
01 *5o lining,
Default +alue
02 *ith lael,
ali# ith Enter
eight ant Gross "eight are automati&all$ &al&ulate#.
:f the &omination of the sele&te# &hara&teristi& +alues &orreson#s to one of a &onfigure# material9 then the latter ill automati&all$ rela&e the &onfigurale material in the sales or#er item. 5ote that this &onfigure# material is also &alle# a material +ariant an# is manage# as a 'a8e-to-Sto&8 material. :n this &ase9 refer to the s&enario Make8to8stock (Multilevel Pro"uction) ;it/ ,onigure" Materials (79+) . Hen&e9 if $ou &hoose the folloing &ominations of +alues9 $ou ill e or8ing ith alrea#$ &onfigure# materials an# ill no longer e ale to follo the ro&ess flo of this s&enario3
Char Value
Char Value
Char Value
Char Value
Char Value
Material variant
Si&e of can
#!e of Material
01 *1 Gallon,
02 *'etalli&,
01 *ith,
01 *5o lining,
01 *ithout,
01 *1 Gallon,
02 *'etalli&,
02 *ithout,
01 *5o lining,
01 *ithout,
01 *1 Gallon,
02 *'etalli&,
01 *ith,
01 *5o lining,
02 *ith,
0 * Gallons,
02 *'etalli&,
02 *ithout,
02 *Eo7$ ining,
01 *ithout,
SAP AG Page 16 of 2
SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
Char Value
Char Value
Char Value
Char Value
Char Value
Si&e of can
#!e of Material
10 *10 Gallons,
02 *'etalli&,
02 *ithout,
02 *Eo7$ ining,
02 *ith,
"hen ea&h of the &onfiguration &hoi&es has een entere#9 &hoose
:f Stan"ar" 2r"er $ Planne" In"epen"ent !equirements ssignment s&reen aears9 &hoose ,ontinue.
:f a material +ariant &an e #etermine# on the #isplay Material 0ariant s&reen9 sele&t the &onfigurale line item an# &hoose Enter .
Material variant
@ack .
:f the arning message3 Pricing error$ Man"atory con"ition P!++ is missing aears9 enter &on#ition t$e PR00 an# enter a suitale ri&e. (o #o so9 sele&t the item in the sales or#er an# &hoose Item ,on"itions *utton at ottom right of s&reen,. :n the Item con"itions ta9 &hoose Insert !o; :n the nel$ &reate# ro rea#$ for inut9 enter P!++ in the &olumn ,n-y an# enter the ri&e +alue in the &olumn mount .
/he&8 the other ri&ing #etails of the item line. A sur&harge is alie# to the stan#ar# ri&e if the &hara&teristi& Qith laelling +alue Q +A is &hosen. (his is highlighte# $ the &on#ition t$e A00 *+ariant &on#ition,.
10. :f Stan"ar" 2r"er$ vaila%ility ,ontrol s&reen aears9 &onfirm the roose# #eli+er$ #ate. (o #o so9 &hoose ,omplete "lv . 11. /hoose Save. 'a8e a note of the ne sales #o&ument numer #isla$e# at the ottom of the s&reen3 LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.
(he or#er numer is later reFuire# in &ase of initial sto&8 osting.
)tionall$9 $ou &an &hange the Hea#er (e7t to e rinte# on or#er &onfirmation. (o #o so9 &hoose the menu ath *o -o Bea"er -exts. /hoose Bea"er 'ote 19 enter te7t an# &hoose Save. ou &an also &hange the :tem (e7t to e rinte# on or#er &onfirmation. (o #o so9 &hoose *o -o Item -exts. /hoose Material sales text 9 enter te7t an# &hoose Save. (he item te7t ill also refle&t on &ustomers in+oi&e.
ou &an also &he&8 the #eli+er$ #ate of the items. Otion 1 S'P 4eteaver usiness Client (S'P 4C) via 6usiness role 1.
A&&ess the transa&tion using the folloing na+igational otion3
SAP AG Page 1 of 2
SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
usiness /ole
Sales A#ministrator (SPC'@P!CSLESPE!S2'8S)
usiness /ole Menu
,ustomer ,ockpit
2. 'a8e the folloing entries an# &hoose #isplay ,ustomer 3 ield 4a.e
*ser 'ction and Values
,ustomer 'um%er
100000 *
10000 *ith &re#it limit, .
)n the ,ustomer ,ockpit screen9 sele&t the folloing otion3 ield 4a.e
*ser 'ction and Values
2t/er ctivities
Create Order
)n the ,reate Sales 2r"er screen9 ma8e the folloing entries an# &hoose Start 3 ield 4a.e
*ser 'ction and Values
Sales #ocument -ype
Stan#ar# )r#er
)n the Stan"ar" 2r"er$ 'e; screen9 ma8e the folloing entries3 ield 4a.e
*ser 'ction and Values
P2 num%er
Co..ent Enter a &ustomer ur&hase or#er numer as referen&e.
2r"er ?uantity
/hoose Save #ocument 'a8e a note of the sales or#er numer3 LLLLLLLLLL
ou &an no #isla$ the &reate# or#er on the ,ustomer ,ockpit screen. :n the 'um%er o Last #ocuments fiel#9 sele&t the numer of last #o&uments $ou oul# li8e to #isla$ for e7amle9 20. /hoose !eres/. (he latest or#er is the one that has Cust een &reate#.
/esult (he or#er is sa+e# an# the or#er &onfirmation is sent to rinter. Deman# is &reate# for 'RP.
Otional - Credit Manage.ent Check for Sales Order Credit Manage.ent (0:=) *se :n this a&ti+it$9 $ou erform a &re#it management &he&8 for the sales or#er.
(his a&ti+it$ is onl$ ne&essar$ if $ou ant to &hoose &ustomer 10000. SAP AG Page 1I of 2
SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
Procedure /omlete all a&ti+ities #es&rie# in the @usiness Process #ocumentation of the s&enario3 Credit Management (') Please use the master #ata from this #o&ument.
0 Otional -
Procedure /omlete all a&ti+ities #es&rie# in the @usiness Process #ocumentation of the s&enario3 Long Term Planning ith Config!red Materials (*+') (o ro&ee# ith this stes9 use the master #ata liste# in the tale elo3
Master data
Manufacturing Stes for Multilevel M#O (Make-to-Order) *se
SAP AG Page 1! of 2
SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
(he urose of this a&ti+it$ is to &reate sto&8 *Sales or#er sto&8, for material finishe# goo#s
Material /e%uire.ents Planning at Plant
Prere%uisites (he finishe# ro#u&t for '() *'1000, is lanne# at lant le+el. (here is no a reFuirement for the material ?inishe# Pro#u&t '() *'1000, in lant.
Procedure 1.
A&&ess the transa&tion &hoosing one of the folloing na+igation otions3 Otion 01 S'P 2rahical *ser "nterface (S'P 2*") S'P 9CC .enu
Logistics T Pro"uction D M!P T Planning D Single8Item Multi8 Level
#ransaction code
Otion 1 S'P 4eteaver usiness Client (S'P 4C) via 6usiness role
usiness role
Pro#u&tion Planner *SAPL5%PRLPR)DPA55ER-S,
usiness role .enu
Pro"uction D M!P D Planning D M!P 8 Single8Item Multi8Level
)n the Single8Item Multi8Level s&reen9 ma8e the folloing entries3 ield na.e
*ser action and values
?inishe# Pro#u&t '()
Pro#u&tion Plant
Processing key
5et &hange in total hori>on
,reate purc/ase req
#elivery sc/e"ules
,reate M!P list
Planning mo"e
M,P control parameters
. /onfirm $our entries ith Enter . 4. /onfirm the information message Please check input parameters . 5ote the &omonent list if $ou e7e&ute the < 'anufa&turing Stes for multile+el 'a8e-to-Sto&8 or :nitial Sto&8 Posting SAP AG Page 20 of 2
SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
6. Go a&8 ti&e to a&&ess the SP Easy ccess s&reen.
9valuation of the Stock,/e%uire.ent
Prere%uisites (he reFuirement lanning has een &arrie# out.
Procedure 1. A&&ess the a&ti+it$ using one of the folloing na+igation otions3 Otion 01 S'P 2rahical *ser "nterface (S'P 2*")
S'P 9CC .enu
Logistics T Pro"uction D M!P T Evaluation D Stock!equirements List
#ransaction code
)n the Stock!equirements List$ Initial Screen9 enter the folloing #ata3 ield na.e
*ser 'ction and Values
?inishe# Goo# '()
Pro#u&tion Plant
. /onfirm $our entries ith Enter . 4.
Sele&t S/o; 2vervie; -ree Put the &ursor on the Sales )r#er line * ,us2r" , an# &li&8 2r"er !eport
in the )+er+ie (ree anel.
ou &an #isla$ all the #een#ent reFuirements $ &omonent for this sales or#er. (o #o so9 #oule &li&8ing on ea&h material #isla$e# in the tree o+er+ie. .
/hoose @ack ti&e to return to the SP Easy ccess s&reen. Otion 1 S'P 4eteaver usiness Client (S'P 4C) via usiness /ole
A&&ess the transa&tion using the folloing na+igational otion3 usiness role
Pro#u&tion Planner *SAPL5%PRLPR)DPA55ER-S,
usiness role .enu 2.
M!P → Planne" 2r"er
)n the ll Planne" 2r"ers ta9 enter the folloing sear&h &riteria3 ield na.e
*ser action and values
S? Suasseml$
Planning Plant
Pro#u&tion Plant
/hoose pply .
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SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
(he lanne# or#ers for $our suasseml$ ere #isla$e# in the stan#ar# +ie.
/esult (he %)' e7losion #uring the 'RP run has generate# #een#ent reFuirements for the #eman#-#ri+en lanne# &omonents. Deen#ent reFuirements for the &onsumtion-ase# &omonents are onl$ generate# $ ro#u&tion or#ers at the time of reser+ation.
Procure.ent of Co.onent Stock :n the real usiness9 the ra materials are usuall$ ur&hase# from e7ternal +en#ors an# semi-finishe# goo#s &an e either ro#u&e# internall$ or su&ontra&te#.
(here is the otion for ea&h &omonent3 •
Either to ost initial sto&8 #ire&tl$ to the storage lo&ation 1040 *&f suro&ess Initial Stock Posting elo,
)r to referen&e to the suro&ess elo *' ake8to8stock (Multilevel Pro"uction) ;it/ ,onigure" Materials,
Please first &he&8 in re+ious ste *'D04,9 hether a ur&hase reFuisition has een generate# for the &omonent material. :f not9 then there is suffi&ient sto&8 a+ailale.
Make-to-stock (.ultilevel roduction) with Configured Materials (otional)
Make#to#stock (m!ltile"el prod!ction) ith Config!red Materials (*-) (his s&enario is to e e7e&ute# for all &omonents of the 'a8e-to-)r#er finishe# goo# *semifinishe# goo#s an# ra materials,.
"nitial Stock Posting (otional) (his ste &an e e7e&ute# for the &omonents of the finishe# goo#. (his is a manual sto&8 osting.
A&&ess the transa&tion &hoosing one of the folloing na+igation otions3 Otion 01 S'P 2rahical *ser "nterface (S'P 2*") S'P 9CC .enu
Materials Management
Inventory Management
SAP AG Page 22 of 2
SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
*oo"s Movement #ransaction code
*oo"s Movement
Otion 1 S'P 4eteaver usiness Client (S'P 4C) via 6usiness role usiness role
"arehouse /ler8 *SAPL5%PRL"AREH);SE/ER-S,
usiness role .enu
:are/ouse Management *oo"s Movement
,onsumption an" -ransers
)n the Enter *oo"s !eceipts$ Initial Screen9 &hoose Goo#s Re&eit in the first a+ailale fiel# an# )ther in the ne7t fiel# of entr$. )n the right han# si#e of the s&reen enter mo+ement t$e 61 *:nit. Entr$ of st%al, an# &hoose enter.
'a8e the folloing entries an# &hoose enter3 ield na.e
*ser action and values
MreFuire# Ft$N
:/ere ta%
Movement -ype
Storage Location
#ocument "ate
Mto#a$s #ateN
Posting "ate
Mto#a$s #ateN
/hoose ne7t iteman# ma8e the folloing entries3 ield na.e
*ser action and values
MreFuire# Ft$N
:/ere ta%
Movement -ype
Storage Location
#ocument "ate
Mto#a$s #ateN
Posting "ate
Mto#a$s #ateN
/hoose ne7t iteman# ma8e the folloing entries3 ield na.e
*ser action and values
MreFuire# Ft$N
:/ere ta% Movement -ype
Storage Location
SAP AG Page 2 of 2
SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
ield na.e
*ser action and values
#ocument "ate
Mto#a$s #ateN
Posting "ate
Mto#a$s #ateN
/hoose ne7t iteman# ma8e the folloing entries3 ield na.e
*ser action and values
MreFuire# Ft$N
:/ere ta% Movement -ype
Storage Location
#ocument "ate
Mto#a$s #ateN
Posting "ate
Mto#a$s #ateN
/hoose :tem ) in#i&ator for all line items an# &hoose &he&8.
/hoose Sa+e.
/esult :nitial sto&8 for the material as oste#. 'a8e a note of the material #o&ument numer.
Create Production Order for inished 2oods Production *se /reate ro#u&tion or#er ithout e7ternal ro&essing oeration.
Prere%uisites Pro#u&tion or#ers for asseml$ ?inishe# Goo# '() *'1000, are generate# in the same a$ as for arts ro#u&tion.
Procedure 1.
A&&ess the a&ti+it$ using one of the folloing na+igation otions3 Otion 01 S'P 2rahical *ser "nterface (S'P 2*") S'P 9CC .enu
Logistics T Pro"uction D M!P T Evaluation D Stock!equirements List
#ransaction code
Otion 1 S'P 4eteaver usiness Client (S'P 4C) via 6usiness role usiness role
SAPL5%PRLPR)DPA55ER-S *Pro#u&tion Planner,
usiness role .enu
Pro"uction Evaluation In"ivi"ual #isplay
Stock!equirements List 8
SAP AG Page 24 of 2
SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
)n the Stock!equirement List$ Initial Screen9 ma8e the folloing entries3 ield na.e
Material Plant
*ser 'ction and Values
?inishe# Goo# '()
Pro#u&tion Plant
. /onfirm $our entries ith Enter . 4. Doule-&li&8 on the 'RP element Pl"2r" *lanne# or#er &orreson#ing to the sales or#er item,.
(he lanne# or#er &ontains three #ates3 (he or#er finish an# or#er start #ates9 an# the lanne# oening #ate. :f the lanne# oening #ate has een rea&he#9 the lanne# or#er is &on+erte# to a ro#u&tion or#er. (he lanne# oening #ate is #etermine# using the s&he#uling margin 8e$ of the material master.
/hoose ,onvert planne" or"er to pro"uction or"er (,trl 1) .
ou no ran&h to the ro#u&tion or#er. (he s$stem e7lo#es the routing an# the %)'. (he ro#u&tion or#er t$e is %'. ou ha+e to &he&8 the settlement rule #etermine#. (o #o this9 from the Bea"er menu9 &hoose Settlement rule. ou see that the ro#u&tion or#er is settle# to material ?inishe# Goo# '() *'1000,.
A ro#u&tion +ersion #etermines the +arious ro#u&tion te&hniFues that &an e use# to ro#u&e materials. :t &an e #efine# $ the folloing information3 •
Alternati+e %)' for a %)' e7losion
(as8 list t$e9 tas8 list grou an# grou &ounter for assignment to tas8 lists
ot-si>e restri&tions an# erio# of +ali#it$
(he ro#u&tion +ersions of material ?inishe# Goo# '() *'1000, are #efine# ith one %)' an# to #ifferent routings. (he$ ere sele&te# automati&all$ $ the or#er lot si>e. )n the Pro"uction or"er ,reate$ Bea"er s&reen at the ssignment ta age9 if a ro#u&tion +ersion alrea#$ e7ists9 he fiel# Pro"uction 0ersion is "isplaye" ith the +alue of the sele&te# ro#u&tion +ersion. 6.
Sa+e the ro#u&tion or#er an# ma8e a note of the ro#u&tion or#er numer3 Pro#u&tion or#er numer3 LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.
. (his ta8es $ou a&8 to the Stock
/hoose @ack ti&e to return to the SP Easy ccess s&reen.
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SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
Otion 1 S'P 4eteaver usiness Client (S'P 4C) via usiness /ole usiness role
Pro#u&tion Planner *SAPL5%PRLPR)DPA55ER-S,
usiness role .enu 6.
M!P → Planne" 2r"er
)n the ll Planne" 2r"ers ta9 enter the folloing sear&h &riteria3 ield na.e
*ser action and values
S? Suasseml$
Planning Plant
Pro#u&tion Plant
/hoose pply .
(he lanne# or#ers for $our suasseml$ ere #isla$e# in the stan#ar# +ie. I. Sele&t the lanne# or#er an# &hoose ,onvert to Pro"uction 2r"er .
:n the status line the message Planne" 2r"er$ ++++++ ,onverte" to Pro"uction 2r"er$ +++++ is #isla$e#. !. 'a8e a note of the ro#u&tion or#er numer LLLLLLLLLLLLLL.
/esult A ro#u&tion or#er for the final asseml$ of material inis/e" *oo" M-2 has een &reate#.
Material Staging for inished 2oods Production *se (his a&ti+it$ ulls the materials reFuire# for the Pro#u&tion )r#er from +arious storage lo&ations to the ro#u&tion storage lo&ation.
(he materials reFuire# are lo&ate# in the a+ailale sto&8 of the sul$ing storage lo&ation. (his a&ti+it$ ulls the materials reFuire# for the Pro#u&tion )r#er from +arious storage lo&ations9 for e7amle9 Stores *1040, to the ro#u&tion storage lo&ation Sho ?loor *,. :n &ase that there is not enough material in the ro#u&tion storage lo&ation Sho ?loor *, or if the reFuirement #ate is not $et rea&he#9 material staging is not ossile.
Procedure 1.
A&&ess the transa&tion &hoosing one of the folloing na+igation otions3 Otion 01 S'P 2rahical *ser "nterface (S'P 2*") S'P 9CC .enu
Logistics → Pro"uction → s/op loor ,ontrol → Material Staging → Pull List
#ransaction code
*oo"s Movements
SAP AG Page 26 of 2
SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
Otion 1 S'P 4eteaver usiness Client (S'P 4C) via 6usiness role usiness role
Sho ?loor Se&ialist *SAPL5%PRLSH)P?))R-S,
usiness role .enu
S/op loor
*oo"s Movement
Material Staging
)n the Initial s&reen9 &hoose Storloclevel .
)n the Initial s&reen9 enter $our lant an# in Selection perio" or reqmts enter the #ate hen the materials in the or#ers are reFuire# or later *lea+e lan8 if ne&essar$,.
/hoose the Pro"uctionprocess or"ers ta age.
. 'a8e the folloing entries3 ield na.e
*ser action and values
M!P ,ontroller
M'RP &ontrollerN
Mor#er numerN
:f no line aears for the ro#u&tion or#er &reate# ao+e9 this means that there is suffi&ient sto&8 for all &omonents in the Pro#u&tion Storage o&ation. Hen&e9 lease s8i the tas8s of this ste an# go to the ne7t one. . )n the ne7t s&reen9 &hoose Select all *at the ottom of the s&reen,. I.
/hoose ,reate !eplenis/ Proposals.
!. At the to of the s&reen9 &hoose !eplenis/ment Elements. 10. ?or ea&h relenishment element9 &li&8 on the mat&h &o#e for the fiel# !epLoc ( Relenishment storage lo&ation,. 11. Doule-&li&8 on a at&h numer hi&h &ontains enough sto&8.
(he storage lo&ation for the at&h shoul# e the one for storing the material on a regular asis9 for e7amle9 1040. Hen&e9 it shoul# not e the storage lo&ation for ro#u&tion or#ers as this oul# otentiall$ result in a &onfli&t ith the sul$ of &omonents for other ro#u&tion or#ers. 12. At the ottom of the s&reen9 &hoose Select all . 1. /hoose Stage. 14. /hoose
/esult (he s$stem transfers the materials *material #o&ument, from the &omonent storage lo&ation to the manufa&turing storage lo&ation. (o +ie a i&8 list9 use transa&tion &o#e CO27.
Otional - Caacit!
SAP AG Page 2 of 2
SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
(he sele&tion of reFuirements for le+eling is ase# on the ,/ange -ime Perio" arameters on the sele&tion s&reen. (he #efault is 4 ee8s out.
Procedure ou first nee# to e+aluate the /aa&it$ ReFuirement an# then a #e&ision aout &aa&it$ le+eling ill e ta8en.
9valuate Caacit! /e%uire.ents *se :n this a&ti+it$ $ou ill lan or8 &enters &aa&it$.
Procedure 1.
A&&ess the transa&tion &hoosing one of the folloing na+igation otions3 Otion 01 S'P 2rahical *ser "nterface (S'P 2*") S'P 9CC Menu
Logistics → Pro"uction → Long8-erm Planning → Evaluations → ,apacity requirements → :ork centers
#ransaction code
Otion 1 S'P 4eteaver usiness Client (S'P 4C) via 6usiness role
usiness role
Strategi& Planner *SAPL5%PRLS(RA(PA55ER-S,
usiness role .enu
Pro"uction D Pro"uction Planning D Long8-erm Planning D ,apacity Leveling L8- Planning
)n the ,apacity Planning 8 Selection s&reen9 from the menu9 &hoose *5"%/3'ore Proiles D 2verall proiles.
. Enter rofile J@L-P+1 8 L-P$ ,apacity requirements or 2P an# &hoose Enter .
;se transa&tion S; to re#efine the rofile in $our user arameter. Parameter :D3 /= Parameter alue3 %(P01 4.
)n the Planning Scenario Long8-erm PI (++A) 9 enter Plant 1000. Entering a or8 &enter is otional. /hoose Stan"ar" 2vervie; .
. ?rom the menu9 &hoose *5"%/3'ore
Settings D *eneral an# ma8e the folloing entries3
SAP AG Page 2I of 2
SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
ield 4a.e
*ser actions,Values
,umulation o requirements
Entry type
Start ( )
MStart of u#get erio#N
Intinis/ (mmyyyy)
MEn# of u#get erio#N
Reeat the ao+e stes for e+er$ lant an#
)n the #ialog o7 to start the lanning run9 &hoose Enter .
/esult /aa&it$ lanning is &he&8e#. :f result is o89 the results &an e use# in &ost &enter a&&ounting for lanning the ro#u&tion &ost &enters. After running this a&ti+it$3 Otion '1 :f the &aa&it$ le+eling for or8 &enter P001 is )9 go to ste !eleasing Pro"uction 2r"er or Parts Pro"uction Otion 1 :f the &aa&it$ le+eling shos an o+erloa# *a usage er&entage o+er 100U, for or8 &enter P0019 $ou ha+e the folloing alternati+es to re#u&e the &aa&it$ reFuirements for this or8 &enter3 •
/hange &aa&it$ of or8 &enter ith &aa&it$ o+erloa# *)tion 1,
/hange s&he#uling of ro#u&tion or#er to mo+e &aa&it$ reFuirements in other erio#s *)tion 2,
Otion 01 Change Caacit! of ork Center with Caacit! Overload *se :n &ase of &aa&it$ le+eling ith an o+erloa# in or8 &enter $ou &an in&rease the total &aa&it$ a+ailale for this or8 &enter.
Procedure 1.
A&&ess the transa&tion &hoosing one of the folloing na+igation otions3 Otion 01 S'P 2rahical *ser "nterface (S'P 2*") S'P 9CC .enu
Logistics → Pro"uction → ,apacity Planning → Leveling In"ivi"ual ,apacity 0ie; → Planning -a%le (-a%ular)
#ransaction code
Otion 1 S'P 4eteaver usiness Client (S'P 4C) via 6usiness role
usiness role
Pro#u&tion Planner *SAPL5%PRLPR)DPA55ER-S,
usiness role .enu
Pro"uction D ,apacity Planning D ,apacity Planning D ,apaclevel$ S, in"ivcap ta%
)n the Initial s&reen9 ma8e the folloing entries3
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SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
ield na.e
*ser action and values
:ork ,enter
:f the oeration &ontaining the or8 &enter is set to e7ternal ro&essing &hoose another or8 &enter
Pro#u&tion Plant
Plant .
?or the or8 &enter3 )n the ne7t s&reen9 to &hange the &aa&it$ #ata for a or8 &enter9 sele&t the or8 &enter9 then from the menu9 &hoose *oto ,apacity ,/ange ,apacity *for 5"%/ More ...,.
:f $ou ant to &hange the total a+ailale &aa&it$ for a or8 &enter9 $ou ha+e to otions3 •
:n&rease the 'o o in"iv cap. *5umer of in#i+i#ual &aa&it$,
:n&rease the 2perating time $ a#+an&ing the Start time or #ela$ing the ?inish time of the shift.
Otion 1 Change scheduling of roduction order to .ove caacit! re%uire.ents in other eriods *se :n &ase of &aa&it$ le+eling ith an o+erloa# in or8 &enter9 $ou &an &hange the s&he#uling of the ro#u&tion or#er to le+el the &aa&it$ reFuirement.
Procedure 1.
A&&ess the transa&tion &hoosing one of the folloing na+igation otions3 Otion 01 S'P 2rahical *ser "nterface (S'P 2*") S'P 9CC .enu
Logistics → Pro"uction → ,apacity Planning → Leveling In"ivi"ual ,apacity 0ie; → Planning -a%le (-a%ular)
#ransaction code
Otion 1 S'P 4eteaver usiness Client (S'P 4C) via 6usiness role
usiness role
Pro#u&tion Planner *SAPL5%PRLPR)DPA55ER-S,
usiness role .enu
Pro"uction D ,apacity Planning D ,apacity Planning D ,apaclevel$ S, in"ivcap ta%
)n the Initial s&reen9 ma8e the folloing entries3 ield na.e
*ser action and values
:ork ,enter
:f the oeration &ontaining the or8 &enter is set to e7ternal ro&essing &hoose another or8 &enter
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SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
Pro#u&tion Plant
(o &hange the s&he#uling of the asseml$ or#er9 sele&t the &he&8-o7 in the ro here the ro#u&tion or#er is liste# an# &hoose ,/ange or"er Perform hate+er &hanges #esire#. (hen9 &hoose !eturn to &ome a&8 to the Perio" !equirements per !esource s&reen.
"hen $ou are in the Pro"uction or"er ,/ange$ Bea"er s&reen9 $ou &an mo#if$ the start or finish #ate. :f $ou are in ?orar# S&he#uling *S&he#uling ($e,9 mo#if$ the start #ate. :n a&8ar# s&he#uling *S&he#uling ($e,9 mo#if$ the finish #ate. (hen ress the Sc/e"ule or"er utton9 hi&h ill a#at the ro#u&tion #ate #een#ing on the stan#ar# ro#u&tion time. .
/esult (he &aa&it$ is le+ele#.
/elease inished 2ood Orders *se A release at or#er hea#er le+el results in the or#er an# all its oerations eing release#. (he or#er an# the oerations re&ei+e the status RE *release#,. ou &an release a ro#u&tion or#er in oth &reate an# &hange mo#es.
Prere%uisites (he ro#u&tion or#er &reate# $ the 'RP &ontroller has een assigne# a release #ate in a&&or#an&e ith the s&he#uling margin 8e$. (he ro#u&tion s&he#uler sele&ts all the &reate# ro#u&tion or#ers ith a release #ate an# releases all rele+ant ro#u&tion or#ers $ means of mass ro&essing.
Procedure 1.
A&&ess the a&ti+it$ using one of the folloing na+igation otions3 Otion 01 S'P 2rahical *ser "nterface (S'P 2*") S'P 9CC .enu
Logistics D Pro"uction D S/op loor ,ontrolD ,ontrol T ,ollective !elease
#ransaction code
Otion 1 S'P 4eteaver usiness Client (S'P 4C) via 6usiness role
usiness role
Pro#u&tion Planner *SAPL5%PRLPR)DPA55ER-S,
usiness role .enu
Pro"uction D S/oploor ,ontrol D Pro"uction 2r"er D !elease Pro"uction 2r"ers
)n the !elease Pro"uction 2r"ers s&reen9 ma8e the folloing entries3 ield na.e List
*ser 'ction and Values
)r#er Hea#ers
SAP AG Page 1 of 2
SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
Selection Material
2r"er type
?inishe# Goo# '()
Select. at operation le"el
Sys Status
Pro#u&tion Plant
)n the Mass processing 8!elease ta age9 in the unction parameter area9 sele&t 2r"er release
4. /onfirm $our entries ith Enter an# &hoose Execute *?I, to e7e&ute the reort. . 'a8e a note of the total or#er Fuantit$3 (otal or#er Fuantit$3 LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. 6.
Sele&t the ro#u&tion or#ers an# &hoose Mass Processing *CTRL to e7e&ute Mass processing
T Execute *F!,
. 5ormall$ sho floor aers are rinte# automati&all$ hen the ro#u&tion or#ers are release#. ?or this s&enario9 no automati& rinting of the sho floor aers is a#Custe#. :f $ou ant to rint them9 ro&ee# to the otional ste Printing S/op loor Papers . (he s$stem status of the or#er has &hange# from ,!-# *&reate#, to !EL *release#,. .
Sele&t $our ro#u&tion or#er an# &hoose ,/ange 2%Kect *Shift@?6,.
/hoose 2peration 2vervie; .
/hoose Select ll 9 folloe# $ 2p "etails.
10. 'a8e a note of the &onfirmation numers *,onirmation, for ea&h oeration.
ou &an s&roll through the oerations using the na+igation uttons. /onfirmation numers3 LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. 11. /hoose @ack to return to the Pro"uction 2r"er ,/ange$ 2peration 2vervie; s&reen. 12. (o &arr$ out a material a+ailailit$ &he&89 $ou &an &hoose ,/eck Material vaila%ility . :f there are no missing &omonents the status &hanges to 'A/'3 Material ,ommitte" .
(he a+ailailit$ &he&8 in Sho ?loor /ontrol &he&8s hether the &omonents reFuire# for a ro#u&tion or#er are a+ailale. (he &he&8ing &ontrol &an e automati&all$ erforme# #uring or#er &reation or #uring or#er release. 1. Sa+e the ro#u&tion or#er an# &hoose Exit to return to the SP Easy ccess s&reen
/esult (he ?inishe# Goo# or#er for the ?inishe# Goo# has een release#.
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SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
Confir. Oeration *se (he &onfirmation #o&uments the ro&essing status of or#ers9 oerations9 su-oerations9 an# in#i+i#ual &aa&ities. :t is an instrument for &ontrolling or#ers. (his s&enario uses t ime e+ent &onfirmation.
Prere%uisites (he ro#u&tion or#er for finishe# ro#u&t has een release#.
Procedure 1.
A&&ess the a&ti+it$ using one of the folloing na+igation otions3 Otion 01 S'P 2rahical *ser "nterface (S'P 2*")
S'P 9CC .enu
Logistics D Pro"uction D S/op loor ,ontrol D ,onirmation D Enter D or 2peration D -ime ticket
#ransaction code
)n the Enter time ticket or pro"uction or"er s&reen9 ma8e the folloing entries3 ield na.e
*ser 'ction and Values
(he numer of the ro#u&tion or#er $ou &reate#
,onirm -ype
Automati& final &onfirmation
,lear open reservation
. /onfirm $our entries ith Enter. 4.
:n the iel# fiel#9 enter the amount $ou ant to &onfirm.
:n the -o conirm8La%or fiel#9 enter a +alue *for e7amle9 10H, for the laor time an# &onfirm ith Enter .
/hoose *oo"s movements. (he s$stem shos $ou an o+er+ie tale of all materials for hi&h the ith#raing is #one automati&all$ ith the &onfirmation of the oeration.
(he ra material is set for a&8 flush *in material master, so that the ith#raing is #one automati&all$ after $ou &onfirm the oeration.
SAP AG Page of 2
SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
. Sa+e $our entries. I.
Reeat the stes for ea&h oeration of the ro#u&tion or#er.
Refer to %usiness Pro&ess Kualit$ 'anagement in 'aterial (ransformation *2, to ro&ee# ith the Fualit$ &he&8 of the ro#u&e# material.
10. /hoose %a&8 to return to the SAP Eas$ A&&ess s&reen. Otion 1 S'P 4eteaver usiness Client (S'P 4C) via 6usiness role 1.
A&&ess the transa&tion using the folloing na+igational otion3 usiness role
Sho ?loor Se&ialist *SAPL5%PRLSH)P?))R-S ,
usiness role .enu
Sele&t the ro of $our Pro#u&tion )r#er from the Poerlist *'ain (a ll Pro"uction 2r"ers,.
/hoose ,onirm an# sele&t ,onirm 2r"er 2peration from the ull #on list.
)n the Enter time ticket or pro"uction or"er s&reen9 ma8e the folloing entries3 ield na.e
*ser 'ction and Values
(he or#er no. $ou note# $ou note# earlier
,onirm -ype
Automati& final &onfirmation
,lear open reservation
. /onfirm $our entries ith Enter . 6.
:n the Jiel" fiel#9 enter the amount $ou ant to &onfirm.
:n the -o conirm8La%or fiel#9 enter a +alue *for e7amle9 10H, for the laor time an# &onfirm ith Enter .
/hoose *oo"s movements.
(he s$stem shos $ou an o+er+ie tale of all materials for hi&h the ith#raing is #one automati&all$ ith the &onfirmation of the oeration.
(he ra material is set for a&8 flush *in material master, so that the ith#raing is #one automati&all$ after $ou &onfirm the oeration. 10. Sa+e $our entries. Do not lea+e the &urrent s&reen. 11. Reeat the stes for ea&h oeration of the ro#u&tion or#er. 12. Sa+e $our entries. Do not lea+e the &urrent s&reen.
/esult (he oerations of the ro#u&tion or#er ha+e een &onfirme# an# the a&8flushe# &omonents ha+e een &onsume#.
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'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
Post 2oods /eceit for Production Order *se (he urose of this a&ti+it$ is to ost the goo#s re&eit for the ro#u&tion or#er.
Prere%uisites (he final &onfirmation for ro#u&tion of finishe# ro#u&t has een #one.
Procedure 1.
A&&ess the a&ti+it$ using one of the folloing na+igation otions3 Otion 01 S'P 2rahical *ser "nterface (S'P 2*")
S'P 9CC .enu
Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management *oo"s Movement → *oo"s Movement (MI*2)
#ransaction code
)n the *oo"s !eceipt Pro"uction 2r"er s&reen9 ma8e the folloing entries3 ield na.e
*ser 'ction and Values
Goo#s Re&eit
1st to-left frame
2n# to-left frame
(he ro#u&tion or#er numer $ou note# efore
#ocument "ate
Posting "ate
/hoose Enter .
/hoose the ?uantity ta age an# &orre&t the Fuantit$ $ou &onfirme# efore.
)n the :/ere ta age9 &hoose the storage lo&ation from here $ou shi the finishe# goo# *1040 3 material shie# ithout "' < 100 3 material shie# ith "' a&ti+ate#,.
)n the :/ere ta% page sele&t Item 2 &he&8o7.
/hoose Post . (he s$stem #isla$s the message3 Material "ocument 5++xxxxxxx poste" .
/hoose @ack to return to the SP Easy ccess s&reen. Otion 1 S'P 4eteaver usiness Client (S'P 4C) via 6usiness role
A&&ess the transa&tion using the folloing na+igational otion3 usiness role
"arehouse /ler8 *SAPL5%PRL"AREH);SE/ER-S,
usiness role .enu
:are/ouse Management D ,onsumption an" -ransers D 2t/er *oo"s Movement
)n the *oo"s !eceipt or 2r"er$ initial screen ma8e the folloing entries3 ield na.e
*ser 'ction and Values
Do&ument #ate
Posting #ate
SAP AG Page of 2
SAP Best Practices
ield na.e
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
*ser 'ction and Values
'o+ement ($e
Goo#s Re&eit for )r#er into "arehouse
(he ro#u&tion or#er numer $ou note# efore
Pro#u&tion lant
Stor. o&ation
. /hoose Enter. 4.
)n the Goo#s Re&eit for )r#er3 Sele&tion S&reen9 &orre&t the Fuantit$ $ou &onfirme# efore an# &hoose .
"hen $our finishe# ro#u&t is han#le# in at&hes9 the Automati& at&h numer allo&ation #ialog o7 aears. /onfirm this #ialog o7 ith %utton3 es an# s8i the folloing Goo#s re&eit for )r#er3 /lassifi&ation s&reen ith .
SAP AG Page 6 of 2
SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
Post 2oods "ssues for Production Order *se At this stage of the ro&ess9 e ha+e oste# the goo#s issue for the a&8flushe# materials an# the goo#s re&eit for the ro#u&e# material. :t is no ne&essar$ to ost the goo#s issue for the &omonents hi&h are not a&8flushe#.
Procedure 1.
A&&ess the transa&tion &hoosing one of the folloing na+igation otions3 Otion 01 S'P 2rahical *ser "nterface (S'P 2*") S'P 9CC Menu
Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → *oo"s Movement → *oo"s Movement (MI*2) !"O
#ransaction code 2.
/hoose *oo"s Issue.
)n the initial s&reen9 ensure that in the to left &orner of the s&reen9 the first fiel# shos *oo"s issue an# the se&on# fiel# shos or"er .
Enter the ro#u&tion or#er $ou &reate# in the fiel# 2r"er num%er
:n the to right &orner9 enter mo+ement t$e A91.
/hoose Enter .
/hoose 1 in the o+er+ie lo&8.
)n the Kuantity ta age9 enter the Fuantit$ &onsume#.
/hoose Enter .
10. At the ottom of the s&reen9 set the flag on the fiel# item ok 11. Perform the ste
s 6-! for ea&h line if there are an$ other ones.
12. /hoose Post . Otion 1 S'P 4eteaver usiness Client (S'P 4C) via 6usiness role 1.
A&&ess the transa&tion using the folloing na+igational otion3 usiness role
"arehouse /ler8 *SAPL5%PRL"AREH);SE/ER-S,
usiness role .enu
:are/ouse Management D ,onsumption an" -ransers D 2t/er *oo"s Movement
)n the *oo"s !eceipt or 2r"er$ initial screen ma8e the folloing entries3
SAP AG Page of 2
SAP Best Practices
ield na.e
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
*ser 'ction and Values
Do&ument #ate
Posting #ate
'o+ement ($e
(he ro#u&tion or#er numer $ou note# efore
Pro#u&tion lant
Stor. o&ation
Goo#s Re&eit for )r#er into "arehouse
. /hoose Enter. 4.
)n the Goo#s Re&eit for )r#er3 Sele&tion S&reen9 &orre&t the Fuantit$ $ou &onfirme# efore an# &hoose .
"hen $our finishe# ro#u&t is han#le# in at&hes9 the Automati& at&h numer allo&ation #ialog o7 aears. /onfirm this #ialog o7 ith %utton3 es an# s8i the folloing Goo#s re&eit for )r#er3 /lassifi&ation s&reen ith .
6. /hoose
to return to the Po;er List
/esult (he sto&8 from the non-a&8flushe# material has een &onsume# in the ro#u&tion or#er
$eliver! $ue
Procedure 1.
A&&ess the transa&tion &hoosing one of the folloing na+igation otions3 Otion 01 S'P 2rahical *ser "nterface (S'P 2*") S'P 9CC .enu
#ransaction code 2.
Logistics → Logistic Execution → 2ut%oun" Process → *oo"s Issue or 2ut%oun" #elivery → 2ut%oun" #elivery ,reate → ,ollective Processing → Sales 2r"er Items VL10C
)n the first s&reen9 enter the aroriate +ariant *if alrea#$ &reate#,9 or enter the folloing information3 ield na.e
*ser action and values
S/ipping point
Co..ent Pro#u&tion Plant
#elivery creation "ates (torom)
Mto #ateN an# Mfrom #ateN
Enter these #ates )R the /al&ulation rule9 ut not oth
M&al&ulation ruleN
Enter the ao+e #ates )R
SAP AG Page I of 2
SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
the /al&ulation rule9 ut not oth .
:f no result aears9 then use less restri&ti+e sele&tion items9 e.g. Deli+er$ &reation from Fto"ayH to Fto"ay 1A mont/sH an# /al&Rule set as empty . 4.
Sele&t the or#er item for hi&h $ou ant to &reate a #eli+er$.
/hoose #ialog to &reate #eli+eries in foregroun# mo#e.
(he storage lo&ation use# to i&8 the goo#s is #isla$e# in the Picking ta. (he storage lo&ation +alue is #etermine# a&&or#ing to hether the material entere# in the sales or#er is ean arehouse-manage# *, or *1040,. 6.
/hoose Save. 'a8e a note of the ne #eli+er$ #o&ument numer #isla$e# at the ottom of the s&reen3 LLLLLLLLLL
@ack ti&e.
At #eli+er$ &reation9 the s&enario-settings &he&8 a+ailailit$ using a+ailale in+entor$ an# relenishment lea# time. "ithout suffi&ient sto&89 the &reate# #eli+er$ has no &onfirme# Fuantities therefore it #oes not start the arehouse management i&8ing ro&ess. As soon as there is suffi&ient sto&8 at #eli+er$ &reation9 the s$stem &reates a #eli+er$ ith further i&8ing ro&ess in arehouse management. :f $ou ant to a+oi# oen #eli+eries9 lease ensure that there is suffi&ient in+entor$ Fuantit$ at #eli+er$ &reation. A##itionall$ $ou ha+e the folloing otions to restri&t the &reation of #eli+eries ith no &onfirme# Fuantities. -
ou ma$ in&rease relenishment lea# time hi&h is use# #uring the a+ailailit$ &he&8 *has to e larger than the sele&tion erio# use# for #eli+er$ &reation,.
ou ma$ &hange the &ustomi>ing settings for the in&omleteness ro&e#ure for #eli+er$ &reation9 so that onl$ &omlete #eli+eries ma$ e sa+e#
ou ma$ &hange the &ustomi>ing settings for the use# #eli+er$-item-&ategories. (he fiel# ,/eck quantity + has to e a#ate# to @ Situation reKecte" ;it/ an error message. Otion 1 S'P 4eteaver usiness Client (S'P 4C) via 6usiness role 1. A&&ess the transa&tion as follos3 usiness /ole
"arehouse /ler8 (SPC'@P!C:!EB2.SE,LE!8S)
usiness /ole Menu
:are/ouse Management
2ut%oun" #elivery
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SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
)n the #elivery #ue 2r"ers ta9 ma8e the folloing entries3 ield 4a.e
*ser 'ction and Values
S/ipping point
/hoose pply *refresh the &urrent Fuer$ if ne&essar$,.
Sele&t $our or#er $ou &reate# in the re+ious ro&ess stes.
/hoose ,reation in @ackgroun"
6. (he s$stem issues the message3 #elivery F"elivery num%erH /as %een save" .
/esult (he Deli+er$ Due ist is rinte#9 the #eli+eries are &reate#9 an# the "arehouse (ransfer )r#er is &reate#.
Picking (otional) *se (he i&8ing ro&ess in+ol+es ta8ing goo#s from a storage lo&ation an# staging the right Fuantit$ in a i&8ing area here the goo#s ill e reare# for shiing.
Prere%uisites (his ste is to e use#9 if $ou ha+e &hosen a storage lo&ation for shiing ithout ean "' *1040,.
Procedure 1.
A&&ess the transa&tion &hoosing one of the folloing na+igation otions3 Otion 01 S'P 2rahical *ser "nterface (S'P 2*") S'P 9CC .enu
#ransaction code
Logistics → Sales an" #istri%ution → S/ipping an" -ransportation → 2ut%oun" #elivery → Lists an" Logs 2ut%oun" #elivery Monitor
Otion 1 S'P 4eteaver usiness Client (S'P 4C) via 6usiness role usiness role
"arehouse /ler8 (SPC'@P!C:!EB2.SE,LE!8S)
usiness role .enu
:are/ouse management #elivery Monitor
)n the 2ut%oun" #elivery Monitor s&reen9 &hoose or Picking .
)n the 2ut%oun" #eliveries or Picking s&reen9 ma8e the folloing entr$3 ield na.e
*ser action and values
S/ipping point
SAP AG Page 40 of 2
SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
Sele&t the 2nly Picking ;it/out :M &he&8o7.
/hoose Execute.
6. Sele&t $our #eli+er$ note an# ,/oose Su%sequent unctions .
Picking 2utput
)n the 2ut%oun" rom Picking s&reen9 sele&t $our #eli+er$ note an# &hoose Execute
:f the material in the #eli+er$ is at&h manage#9 the at&h numer ma$ e #etermine# automati&all$ +ia an e7isting at&h sear&h strateg$ re&or#. :n &ase no at&h numer is automati&all$ #etermine#9 manuall$ sele&t a at&h numer using the mat&h &o#e in the @atc/ &olumn of the "elivery "ocument overvie; at item le+el. Otion 1 S'P 4eteaver usiness Client (S'P 4C) via 6usiness role 1.
A&&ess the transa&tion using the folloing na+igational otion3 usiness /ole
"arehouse /ler8 *SAPL5%PRL"AREH);SE/ER-S,
usiness /ole Menu 2.
:are/ouse Management
S/ipping → 2ut%oun" #elivery
)n the Picking List (;it/out :M) ta9 ma8e the folloing entries3 ield 4a.e
*ser 'ction and Values
S/ipping point
/hoose pply *refresh the &urrent Fuer$ if ne&essar$,.
4. Sele&t $our #eli+er$ note an# &hoose #isplay . ?rom the menu9 &hoose9 More&
Su%sequent unctions
2utput rom Picking
6. (o &onfirm the #ialog o79 &hoose Enter . .
)n the 2utput rom Picking s&reen9 &hoose Execute
)n the 2utput rom Picking s&reen9 sele&t $our #eli+er$ note an# &hoose Execute
/esult (he i&8ing list E00 has een rinte# an# the Fuantit$ at #eli+er$ item le+el has een u#ate# in Picke" ?uantity ith the reFueste# #eli+er$ Fuantit$.
Otional - Credit Manage.ent Check for $eliver! 4ote Credit Manage.ent , Set Credit
(his a&ti+it$ is onl$ ne&essar$ if $ou ant to &hoose &ustomer 10000. SAP AG Page 41 of 2
SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
Procedure (o e7e&ute this a&ti+it$ ro&ess the folloing stes using the master #ata from this #o&ument *also see the tale elo,3 Stes to rocess fro. credit .anage.ent ('') Re+ie %lo&8e# Sales )r#ers Please use the master #ata from this #o&ument.
Post 2oods "ssue *se :n this a&ti+it$9 $ou ost a goo#s issue.
Procedure 1.
A&&ess the transa&tion &hoosing one of the folloing na+igation otions3 Otion 01 S'P 2rahical *ser "nterface (S'P 2*") S'P 9CC .enu
#ransaction code
Logistics → Logistic Execution → 2ut%oun" Process → *oo"s Issue or 2ut%oun" #elivery → 2ut%oun" #elivery → Lists an" Logs → 2ut%oun" #elivery Monitor VL0#O
/hoose or *oo"s Issue.
/hoose S/ipping Point 9 an# then &hoose
Sele&t the #eli+eries to e ro&esse#9 an# then &hoose the Post goo"s issue utton.
:n the #ialog o79 a#Cust the a&tual goo#s mo+ement #ate (ct *"s Mvmnt #ate)9 if nee#e# an# &hoose Enter .
(he storage lo&ation use# to i&8 the goo#s is #isla$e# in the Picking ta. (he storage lo&ation +alue is #etermine# a&&or#ing to hether the material entere# in the sales or#er is ean arehouse-manage# *, or *1040,.
Otion 1 S'P 4eteaver usiness Client (S'P 4C) via 6usiness role 1.
A&&ess the transa&tion using the folloing na+igational otion3 usiness /ole
"arehouse /ler8 *SAPL5%PRL"AREH);SE/ER-S,
usiness /ole Menu 2.
:are/ouse Management
S/ipping → 2ut%oun" #elivery
)n the Due for Post Goo#s :ssue ta9 ma8e the folloing entries3 ield 4a.e
*ser 'ction and Values
S/ipping point
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SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
/hoose pply *refresh the &urrent Fuer$ if ne&essar$,.
Select !our deliver! note and choose &oods $ss!e /esult (he goo#s issue is oste#. (he s$stem rints a #eli+er$ note an# a ill of la#ing. $e6ited 'ccounts
Credited 'ccounts
/ost of Goo#s Sol# 10020
:n+entor$ 14000
illing *se :n this a&ti+it$9 $ou han#le illing.
Procedure 1.
A&&ess the transa&tion &hoosing one of the folloing na+igation otions3 Otion 01 S'P 2rahical *ser "nterface (S'P 2*") S'P 9CC .enu #ransaction code
Logistics → Sales an" #istri%ution → @illing Process @illing #ue List
@illing #ocument
)n the Maintain @illing #ue List s&reen9 enter rele+ant sear&h &riteria9 for e7amle9 #eli+er$ numer.
Sele&t the "elivery8relate" flag.
4. Desele&t the 2r"er8relate" flag if nee#e#. .
/hoose #isplay@illList *?I,.
6. Sele&t a ro an# &hoose In"ivi"ual @illing #ocument . .
/hoose Save. )tion 23 SAP 5et"ea+er %usiness /lient *SAP 5"%/, +ia usiness role
I. A&&ess the transa&tion as follos3 usiness role
Sales %illing (SPC'@P!C@ILLI'*8S)
4C .enu
!. /hoose the ta @illing "ue List . 10. Enter rele+ant sear&h &riteria9 sele&t the #eli+er$ relate# flag an# #esele&t the 2r"er8relate" flag an# &hoose #isplay@illList *?I,. 11. Sele&t a ro an# &hoose In"ivi"ual @illing #ocument . 12. /hoose Save. 1. /hoose Exit *Shift@?, an# &onfirm the @usiness client message ith Jes to return to SP Bome *SAP 5et"ea+er %usiness /lient,.
SAP AG Page 4 of 2
SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
(he s$stem generates a &ustomer in+oi&e an# automati&all$ generates an a&&ounting #o&ument in a&8groun#. $e6ited 'ccounts
Credited 'ccounts
Re+enue 410000
Sales #is&ounts 440020
Sales ta7 a$ale 216100
Calculation of ork in Process *se Results anal$sis is use# to e+aluate the rogress of sales or#ers on the asis of lanne# an# a&tual re+enues an# &osts.
Procedure 1.
A&&ess the transa&tion &hoosing one of the folloing na+igation otions3 Otion 01 S'P 2rahical *ser "nterface (S'P 2*") S'P s!ste. .enu
Logistics Sales an" #istri%ution Sales Pro"uct ,ost %y Sales 2r"er Perio"8En" ,losing Single unctions !esults nalysis Execute In"ivi"ual Processing
#ransaction code
Otion 1 S'P 4eteaver usiness Client (S'P 4C) via 6usiness role usiness role (na.e)
Pro#u&t /ost /ontroller *SAPL5%PRLPRD/)S(L/)5(RR-S,
usiness role .enu
Pro"uct ,ost ,ontrolling Perio"ic Processing ctual !esults nalysis$ Sales 2r"ers
!esults nalysis
(he first time $ou a&&ess this transa&tion9 the s$stem #isla$s the Set ,ontrolling rea #ialog o7. Enter 0::: in the ,ontrolling rea fiel# an# &hoose Enter .
)n the initial s&reen9 enter the folloing #ata3 ield na.e
*ser action and values
Sales 2r"er an" item
;se ?un&tion 'ultile Sele&tion to enter the rele+ant sales #o&ument numer an# sales item
/lose# erio#
iscal year
M&urrent $earN
! 0ersion
ull Log
SAP AG Page 44 of 2
SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
/esult (he s$stem generates a reort of ":P &al&ulations for the sele&te# sales or#ers.
Settling the Sales Order to Profita6ilit! 'nal!sis *se (he settlement ro&ess mo+es all re+enues from the sales or#er to a &ontrolling oCe&t for rofitailit$ anal$sis.
re%uenc! Settlement &an o&&ur on a erio#i& asis #uring the life of a sales or#er an#
Prere%uisites Settlement &an o&&ur on a erio#i& asis #uring the life of a sales or#er an#
Procedure 1.
A&&ess the transa&tion &hoosing one of the folloing na+igation otions3 Otion 01 S'P 2rahical *ser "nterface (S'P 2*") S'P 9CC .enu #ransaction code
Logistics unctions
Sales an" #istri%ution Settlement
Otion 1 S'P 4eteaver usiness Client (S'P 4C) via 6usiness role usiness role
Pro#u&t /ost /ontroller *SAPL5%PRLPRD/)S(L/)5(RR-S,
usiness role .enu
Pro"uct ,ost ,ontrolling Perio"ic Processing ctual Settlement$ Sales 2r"ers
(he first time $ou a&&ess this transa&tion9 the s$stem #isla$s the Set ,ontrolling rea #ialog o7. Enter 1000 in the ,ontrolling rea fiel#9 an# &hoose Enter .
)n the ctual Settlement$ Sales 2r"ers s&reen9 ma8e the folloing entries3 ield na.e
*ser action and values
Sales #ocument
5umer of sales #o&ument to e settle#
ea+e lan8 to settle all rele+ant sales or#ers
Settlement Perio"
Perio# to e settle#
/urrent erio#
iscal Jear
ear to e settle#
/urrent $ear
-est !un
e$ for simulation
SAP AG Page 4 of 2
SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
/hoose Execute. 5ote the results on the suseFuent ctual Settlement$ Sales #ocuments @asic List s&reen.
/hoose @ack to return to the SP Easy ccess menu.
/esult ou ha+e su&&essfull$ settle# the sales or#er re+enues to the rofitailit$ anal$sis.
SAP AG Page 46 of 2
SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
ollow-* Processes Period end closing general8 Plant (0=0) *se (he Plant
Prere%uisites :n or#er to run through this s&enario9 the folloing usiness &on#itions ha+e to e fulfille#3 -
ur&hase or#er in+oi&es ha+e to e oste#
lo&8e# ur&hase or#er in+oi&es ha+e to e release#
all goo#s shie# in re+ious erio#s ha+e een oste#
all goo#s mo+ements ha+e een oste#
all ro#u&tion &onfirmations ha+e een oste#.
Procedure /omlete all a&ti+ities #es&rie# in the @usiness Process #ocumentation of the s&enario3 Period end closing /general0 Plant ('') Please use the master #ata from this #o&ument.
Period end closing in financial accounting (05>) *se /losing oerations are erio#i& tas8s an# &an e su#i+i#e# in ?: as follos3 •
Da$-en# &losing
'onth-en# &losing
ear-en# &losing
SAP AG Page 4 of 2
SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
(he &losing oerations &omonent hels $ou reare an# &arr$ out the a&ti+ities reFuire# for #a$-en#9 month-en#9 an# $ear-en# &losing. ?or this urose9 the s$stem ro+i#es a series of stan#ar# reorts that $ou &an use to generate e+aluations an# anal$ses #ire&tl$ from all of the oste# a&&ount alan&e. (he s$stem hels $ou &arr$ out the folloing3 •
/reating the alan&e sheets an# PO statements
Do&ument the osting #ata
5o a##itional ostings are reFuire# for #a$-en# &losing. ou &an use the folloing e+aluations for #a$-en# &losing an# for #o&umenting the osting #ata3 •
/oma&t Cournal
E+aluation of the #o&uments that ha+e not een oste#
(o &arr$ out the &losing oerations in G< a&&ounting9 $ou first nee# to &arr$ out the &losing oerations in the sule#ger a&&ounting areas $ou are using. (hese in&lu#e3 • • •
A&&ounts re&ei+ale an# a&&ounts a$ale a&&ounting :n+entor$ a&&ounting Asset a&&ounting
ear-en# &losing is slit into to hases3 •
At the eginning of the ne fis&al $ear9 $ou oen ne osting erio#s an# &arr$ forar# the alan&es from the re+ious $ear. ou then reare an# &reate the finan&ial statements an# #o&ument the usiness transa&tions using the alan&e au#it trail.
(he SAP s$stem offers a range of reorts ith hi&h $ou &an &arr$ forar# alan&es into the ne fis&al $ear. During this ro&ess9 the rofit an# loss a&&ounts are &arrie# forar# to one or more retaine# earnings a&&ounts. (he alan&es of the alan&e sheet a&&ounts are siml$ &arrie# forar# into the ne fis&al $ear. ou #o not ha+e to &reate se&ial oening finan&ial statements. An$ ostings $ou ma8e in the ol# fis&al $ear automati&all$ a#Cust the rele+ant &arr$-forar# alan&e. ou #o not ha+e to &lose the ol# fis&al $ear an# &arr$ out the &losing ostings efore oening the ne fis&al $ear. As ith month-en# &losing9 $ou &an &reate all the e7ternal reorts reFuire#9 #o&ument the osting #ata9 an# &arr$ out the internal e+aluations.
Procedure /omlete all a&ti+ities #es&rie# in the @usiness Process #ocumentation of the s&enario3 Period end closing in financial acco!nting ('+1) Please use the master #ata from this #o&ument.
SAP AG Page 4I of 2
SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
'endi; /eversal of Process Stes :n the folloing se&tion9 $ou &an fin# the most &ommon re+ersal stes9 hi&h $ou &an ta8e to re+erse some of the a&ti+ities #es&rie# in this #o&ument.
Sales Order 9ntr! #ransaction code ( S'P 2*")
Delete Sales Do&ument
#ransaction code ( S'P 2*")
usiness role
Sales A#ministrator *SAPL5%PRLSAESPERS)5-S,
usiness role .enu
Sales → Sales 2r"ers Sales 2r"er
Sales 2r"er Processing ,/ange
. Co..ent
Sele&t menu Sales Do&ument N Delete
$eliver! Process #ransaction code ( S'P 2*")
Delete Deli+er$
#ransaction code ( S'P 2*")
usiness role
"arehouse /ler8 *SAPL5%PRL"AREH);SE/ER-S,
usiness role .enu
:are/ouse management
/hoose Due for Post Goo#s :ssue ta age. 'ar8 $our #eli+er$ an# &hoose ,/ange Co..ent
Sele&t menu )utoun# Deli+er$ N Delete
Production Order #ransaction code ( S'P 2*")
#ransaction code ( S'P 2*")
usiness role
Pro#u&tion Planner *SAPL5%PRLPR)DPA55ER-S,
usiness role .enu
S/op loor
,/ange Pro"uction 2r"er
:n ll Pro"uction 2r"ers ta age9 sele&t the line ith $our or#er numer9 then &hoose Process Pro"uction 2r"er → ,/ange 2r"er Co..ent
)n the ne in#o9 Sele&t menu *5"%/3 More, ?un&tions &hoose Restri& Pro&essing an# &hoose /lose.
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SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
Picking #ransaction code ( S'P 2*")
Remo+e Pi&8ing Kuantit$ from Deli+er$ :tem
#ransaction code ( S'P 2*")
usiness role
"arehouse /ler8 *SAPL5%PRL"AREH);SE/ER-S,
usiness role .enu
:are/ouse management
2ut%oun" #elivery
/hoose ll #eliveries ta age. 'ar8 $our #eli+er$ an# &hoose ,/ange Co..ent
Post 2oods "ssue #ransaction code ( S'P 2*")
Re+erse Goo#s :ssue.
#ransaction code ( S'P 2*")
usiness role
"arehouse /ler8 *SAPL5%PRL"AREH);SE/ER-S
usiness role .enu
:are/ouse management → S/ipping ,ancel *oo"s Issue or #elivery 'ote
2ut%oun" #elivery
illing #ransaction code ( S'P 2*")
/an&el %illing #o&ument
#ransaction code ( S'P 2*")
usiness role
%illing A#ministrator *SAPL5%PRL%::5G-S,
usiness role .enu
@illing @illing #ocuments
Go to transa&tion ?119 enter the rele+ant illing #o&ument numer9 ress Enter an# sa+e $our result. An in+oi&e &an&ellation #o&ument has een &reate# alan&ing the original in+oi&e.
@illing #ocuments
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SAP Best Practices
'() *'ultile+el Pro#u&tion, . ariant /onfiguration an# Sales )r#er /osting *,3 %PD
S'P 9/P /eorting *se (he tale elo lists the reorts that $ou &an use to otain a##itional information on this usiness ro&ess.
ou &an fin# #etaile# #es&ritions of the in#i+i#ual reorts in the folloing %PD #o&uments9 hi&h ro+i#e a &omrehensi+e &omilation of all imortant reorts3 •
?inan&ial A&&ounting3 SP E!P !eporting or ccounting (AA1)
ogisti&s Pro&esses3 SP E!P !eports or Logistics (AAA)
5ote that the #es&ritions of some reorts that are an in#isensale art of the ro&ess flo ma$ e lo&ate# #ire&tl$ in the se&tion here the$ elong.
/eorts /eort title
#ransaction code
ist of Sales )r#ers
A list of all sele&te# sales or#ers is #isla$e#.
ist %illing Do&uments
A list of all sele&te# illing #o&uments is #isla$e#.
)r#ers ithin (ime Perio#
A list of sales or#ers ithin a se&ifi& time erio#
:n&omlete SD Do&uments
A list of all in&omlete #o&uments on the asis of the se&ifie# sele&tion &riteria is #isla$e#.
)utoun# #eli+er$ monitor
'onitor for &olle&ti+e ro&essing of #eli+eries an# for otaining information on general shiing ro&essing.
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