Mandatory Documents IATF 16949 & ISO 14001Full description
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Mandatory Documents IATF 16949 & ISO 14001Descrição completa
Mandatory Documents IATF 16949 & ISO 14001Full description
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MANDATORY QUALIFIED NOTICE Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act Sections 16! "n# 16$ NOTICE OF LIA%ILITY& 1' USC ())) 1' USC 1)*1 "n# 1)*( Re+uesting Foreign Agent Registr"tion Act St"tement (( USC (!6 Section 611 611 , (' CFR (1$ -"rt ! MANDATORY MANDATORY ADMINISTRATIVE NOTICE NOTI CE AND/OR FARA REQUEST is /rovi#e# to "00 Territorial United States District "n# St"te "n# Count 2u#ici"0 Counci0 S"nctione# Courts3 t.eir o44icers3 c0er5s3 "i0i44s3 s.eri44s3 #e/uties3 ministeri"0 c0er5s "n# em/0oees "n# all Municipal Appointees/trustees/iduciaries/a!ents inc0u#ing t.eir DISTRICT3 STATE3 "n# COUNTY COURTS3 t.eir OFFICERS "n# EM-LOYEES& T.e vesse0s3 " Registere# Assume# Leg"0 N"me "s M"ron C#arles Rice$ MYRON C%AR&ES RICE$ MYRON 8it. "00 #eriv"tives "n# /ermut"tions "n# /unctu"tions o4 t.ese n"mes3 "s e"c. o4 C' RICE3 et "07 t.ese "4orementione# "re construe# "s (essels )it# la!s 7 T.e vesse0s "re not "cting in "n 4e#er"0 territori"0 or munici/"0 c"/"cit "n# ."ve not 5no8ing0 or 8i00ing0 "cte# "s "n# is not to ever e construe# in "n suc. c"/"cit o4 " 0eg"0 /erson3 9uristic /erson3 " 0eg"0 entit3 "n instrument"0it o4 "n st"te in "n suc. c"/"cit since t.e #" o4 n"tivit& %irt. Registr"tion$ Au!ust *+$ ,-. 7 A00 40"g vesse0s "re #u0 c0"ime# m n"tur"0 in#ivi#u"0 "s t.e :o0#er in Due Course "n# .e0# un#er /u0is.e# Common L"8 Co/rig.t since Au!ust *+$ ,-.$ nunc pro tunc7 T.e #u0 registere# /o8er o4 "ttorne3 "ut.ori;ing "ut.orit over t.e "4orementione# "n# "ssoci"te# vesse0s3 is serving 0U1&IS%IN2 ADMINISTRATIVE NOTICE$ t."t t.e "re un#er t.e FOREI2N A2ENT RE2ISTRATION ACT OF ,-+3 o4 T#e United States o A4erica$ Depart4ent o 5ustice 7 is our MANDATORY MANDATORY QUA&IFIED NOTICE t."t t.ese "oveCES? in t.e N"tion"0 Securit Division >NSD? is res/onsi0e 4or t.e "#ministr"tion "n# en4orcement o4 t.e Act7 T#e &a) o 0eace 3 De/"rtment o4 t.e Arm -"m/.0et ($<161<13 4rom "00 Territori"0 "n# Munici/"0 O44icers "n#
em/0oees 8.o ot.er8ise ."ve no /ermission to "//ro"c. or "##ress t.e vesse03 consumer goo#s >"utomoi0e? "n#@or n"tur"0 in#ivi#u"0 M"n7 An ."rm resu0ting 4rom tres/"ss tres/"ss u/on t.ese 40"g vesse0s or t.e t.e use o4 4ictitious n"mes or tit0es re0"te# to t.em s."00 e su9ect to 4u00 commerci"0 0i"i0it "n# /en"0ties& ,3 USC *+++$ ,3 USC ,+,$ ,+*$ ** USC *.<= Section <,, and *3 CFR *,>= 0art .'
Under the
FARA: Enforcement and Penalties
An /erson 8.o 8i004u00 vio0"tes vio0"tes "n /rovisions o4 Act or "n regu0"tions t.ereun#er3 t.ereun#er3 or in "n registr"tion st"tement or su//0ement t.ereto or in "n #ocuments 4i0e# 8it. or 4urnis.e# to t.e Attorne ener"0 un#er t.e /rovisions o4 Act 8i004u00 m"5es " 4"0se st"tement o4 " m"teri"0 4"ct or 8i004u00 omits "n m"teri"0 4"ct re+uire# to e st"te# t.erein or 8i004u00 omits " m"teri"0 4"ct or " co/ o4 " m"teri"0 #ocument necess"r to m"5e t.e st"tements t.erein "n# t.e co/ies o4 #ocuments 4urnis.e# t.ere8it. not mis0e"#ing3 s."003 u/on conviction t.ereo43 e /unis.e# " 4ine o4 not more t."n B13 or im/risonment 4or not more t."n 4ive e"rs7 For some o44enses t.e /unis.ment s."00 e " 4ine o4 not more t."n B!3 or im/risonment 4or not not more t."n si= mont.s3 or ot.7 A /u0ic /u0ic o44ici"0 o4 t.e Unite# Unite# St"tes in t.e e=ecutive3 0egis0"tive3 or 9u#ici"0 r"nc. o4 t.e overnment overnment or in "n "genc o4 t.e Unite# St"tes3 inc0u#ing t.e District o4 Co0umi"3 is or "cts "s "n "gent o4 " 4oreign /rinci/"0 re+uire# to register un#er t.e Foreign Agents Registr"tion Act o4 1)' or " 0oist re+uire# to register un#er t.e Loing Disc0osure Act o4 1! in connection 8it. t.e re/resent"tion o4 " 4oreign entit3 "s #e4ine# in section )>6? o4 t."t Act3 s."00 e 4ine# not more t."n B13 or im/risone# 4or not more t."n t8o e"rs3 or ot.7
>' 0ri(ac" Act State4ent' : INSTRUCTION SHEET-READ CAREFULLY) T.e 4i0ing o4 #ocument is re+uire# 4or t.e Foreign Agents Registr"tion Act Act o4 1)'3 "s "men#e#3 (( U7S7C7 611 et se+73 4or t.e /ur/oses o4 registr"tion un#er t.e Act "n# /u0ic #isc0osure7 0ro(ision o t#e inor4ation re6uested is 4andator"$ and ailure to pro(ide t#e inor4ation is su79ect to t#e penalt" and enorce4ent pro(isions esta7lis#ed in Section 3 o t#e Act' Ever registr"tion st"tement3 s.ort 4orm registr"tion st"tement3 su//0ement"0 st"tement3 e=.iit3 "men#ment3 cop" o inor4ational 4aterials or ot#er docu4ent or inor4ation iled )it# t#e Attorne" 2eneral under t#is Act is a pu7lic record open to pu7lic e?a4ination$ inspection and cop"in! durin! t#e posted 7usiness #ours o t#e Re!istration Unit
in "s.ington3 DC7 St"tements "re "0so "v"i0"0e on0ine "t t.e Registr"tion Units 8e/"ge& .tt/s&@@88874"r"7gov .tt/s&@@88874"r"7gov77 One co/ o4 ever suc. #ocument3 t."n in4orm"tion"0 m"teri"0s3 is "utom"tic"00 /rovi#e# to t.e Secret"r o4 St"te /ursu"nt to Section 6>? o4 t.e Act3 "n# co/ies o4 "n "n# "00 #ocuments "re routine0 m"#e "v"i0"0e to "gencies3 #e/"rtments "n# Congress /ursu"nt to Section 6>c? o4 t.e Act7 T.e Attorne ener"0 "0so tr"nsmits " semi<"nnu"0 re/ort to Congress on t.e t.e "#ministr"tion o4 t.e Act 8.ic. 0ists t.e n"mes o4 "00 "gents registere# un#er t.e Act "n# t.e 4oreign /rinci/"0s t.e re/resent7 re/ort is "v"i0"0e to t.e /u0ic in /rint "n# on0ine "t& .tt/s&@@88874"r"7gov . Inc0u#e# 8it. NOTICE is m GDut to In4ormH o4 our tres/"ssing on t.e E=ecutors Est"te >E=.iit GAH? "0so eing " Registere# Aut.entic"te# Aut.entic"te# Foreign Entit >Not su9ect to t.e Foreign Agent Registr"tion Act o4 1)'?3 -u0ic Notices "n# A44i#"vit o4 -u0ic"tions in Detroit Leg"0 Ne8s >E=.iits G%H , G CH?3 August *3 (1$ "n# Se/temer 113 (1$3 res/ective07 res/ective07