(University of the City of Manila)
Gen. Luna cor. Muralla St., Intramuros, Manila, Philippines GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT
(College of Business Management – Graduate Programs)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Marketing Principles an D!an"ics
GMB 60
Feasi#ilit! St$! %Ca&e$"Ar'"atic'
Written Report
Su!mitted !"# A#lan( )'anna Marie C* Aran+a( E"'n His',an( N'-el!n Lag$nin'( Le' Mark
Su!mitted to# Pr'&* Geraline Re!es
$anuar" %&, %0&' nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e 1
DESCRIPTION OF THE .USINESS///////////////*0,1
ompan" ame*************************** +ur Mission***************************** +ur ision*****************************. +ur alues***************************** +ur Location****************************. +ur Product*****************************. Mar-et Potential***************************. i/hli/ht of the Product************************.. Introduction*****************************.. ustomer eeds***************************.. II*
MAR2ETING ASPECT/////////////////////**34,56
Mar-etin/ +!ecti1e**************************. Product 2escription************************** Mar-et 2escription Mar-et Se/mentation************************* nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e 2
3ar/et Mar-et Profile************************.. 3ar/et Mar-et*************************** onsumer Purchase Beha1iour********************* Mar-et Strate/"************************.......... Mar-et 4is-s****************************. 4is- 4eduction**************************** Safet" et******************************. Mar-etin/ Mi5****************************.. Product****************************.. Price*****************************. ompetiti1e Pricin/ Strate/"*****************. Place*****************************.. Promotion************************.. Belo the line Ad1ertisin/********************* People*****************************. S7+3 Anal"sis****************************.. Proposed 2istri!ution hannel*********************.. nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e #
III* I9*
ORGANI7ATIONAL FEASI.LITY STUDY////////////50,58 TECHNICAL ASPECT/////////////////////*5:,61
Product oncept************************..* Benefits of the Product*********************** Production and 89uipment Materials*****************. :urniture and :i5ture***********************. ost of Production Materials and 89uipment**************. Production flo chart***********************.. 2etailed production 2escription*******************. Product and ost*************************** ;ualit" Safet" Procedure********************.. Stall 2esi/n < Safet" procedure*******************. Mall :loor Plan (2ine in = orporate Perspecti1e***********.. +ffice Perspecti1e (orporate Perspecti1e***************.. 9* 9I*
SOCIO ECONOMIC ASPECT OF THE STUDY /////////*04,03 FINANCIAL/////////////////////////*05,01
:inancial +!ecti1es************************. :inancial Assumption************************ 9II*
Partnership A/reement***********************.. Articles of Incorporation and B">Las = on Stoc- orporation 9III* RECOMMENDATION /////////////////////
Company Name
+ur c ompan",
, is deri1ed from to ords ?
Cafeum> hich means
coffee in Latin@ and ? Aromatio> hich means scent@ that reflects the totalit" of our product hich is !ased from a coffee !ean, ro!usta. afeumAromatico ill !e esta!lished as a sole proprietor for the first "ears of its operation !ut ill e1entuall" !e e"ein/ to !oom into a partnership and e1entuall" a corporation. enceforth of this, the folloin/ are the proected ad1anta/es# •
Limited Lia!ilit"
nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e $
• • •
+nership easil" transfera!le Perpetual 85istence 4aisin/ apital
Our Mission
+ur mission is to !e the leadin/ manufacturer and producer of ro!usta !ean product ho ill dominate the mar-et of 3a/a"ta". Also e ant# • • • • •
3o promote the a/riculture of domestic land, 3a/a"ta". 3o promote tourism in 3a/a"ta" 3o produce health" riched coffee !ean products 3o !ecome 1alua!le and una1erin/ 3o lea1e a mar- in our industr"
Our Vision
+ur ision is to !e ell esta!lished and a leadin/ product of 3a/a"ta" it" carr"in/ their local !rand product enou/h to entice a lar/er mar-et out of the it". Our Values
+ur 1alues help our !usiness to !e more direct and /o to one direction. • • • • •
Social and 8n1ironmental 4esponsi!ilit" 7ell>!ein/ Cpri/htness Leadership Mana/ement
Our Location
nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e %
ill !e strate/icall" located near our farm and our consumer. 7e ill stand our stall ithin A"ala Mall, Ground :loor near the entrance and e5it of (specif" the in/ of the mall) herein all transactions shall then !e processed. Our Product
is a uni9ue product that ill deli/ht our consumers in terms of ha1in/ coffee. 3his ill !e an inimita!le approach herein coffee product ill !e redirected from li9uid drinto solid cupca-e and soft panca-e !ut still has the same satisfaction for coffee lo1ers. Maintainin/ the seet and stron/ !oost of coffee ithout much of an effort is e1en more essential in ser1in/ the products. Market Potential
7ith the adapti1e mar-et that e ha1e no a da"s, coffee product consumption has increased from ust a coffee drin- instant coffee to one stop shop coffee and pastr" and others e1en has its dri1e thru ser1ice that pa1es its a" to a more consumer oriented product. And to this, e found such as an opportunit" not ust to sell coffee product !ut to introduce to the mar-et a locall" made product that is easil" !ein/ har1ested and nurtured in the orth 7in/ side of the countr". 3he coffee !ean ro!usta has !een one of the nurtured products in 3a/a"ta". And as one of the har1ested product, oner farmer anted to penetrate the coffee industr" as ell as ho there a/ricultural products did. And since demand for coffee product is 9uiet ascendin/, !ein/ a uni9ue locall" manufactured product has a !i/ potential to sell. Highlights of the Product nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e 6
offee !ean ro!usta, is usuall" !itter and stron/. It is sometimes descri!ed to ha1e a harsh, ood", !urnt taste to it. e1ertheless, ith its di1erse fla1ourful taste and aroma li-ened to chocolate, and e1en ru!!er. 3his t"pe of !ean is used in the production of instant coffee and is added to some espresso !lends to impro1e crema or add a little ?-ic-.@ 3his made it an ed/e o1er other international products and competitors carr"in/ /lo!all" acclaimed certifications. 3he main concept of the product is not onl" to enhance the !itter taste of the !ean !ut to also enhance the nutrition e can /et from it. 7e, the first to introduce such made it a pioneer in the industr" of manufacturin/ coffee , hilst other !rands prefer to offer coffee !ased products ith a lot of promotional re>creation of the !est -non coffee !rand. 7e opted to promote the domesticall" har1ested !ean of ro!usta to hich e can mar-et the hi/h end mar-et offerin/ a health efficient product. Introduction
offee remains the D/o>toD drin- of :ilipinos, a recent stud" !" Eantar 7orldpanel re1ealed. But !esides !ein/ the staple drin- in the countr", the stud" also found that :ilipinos shifted from !ein/ moderate to hea1" coffee drin-ers. :ilipinos are !u"in/ coffee products close to tice a ee- or a!out F& times a "ear spendin/ an a1era/e of Php%% per shoppin/ trip. ea1" coffee !u"ers, on the other hand, !u" close to thrice a ee- or &%6 times in a "ear and pendin/ an a1era/e of Php%F per shoppin/ trip. 3rac-in/ the shoppin/ !eha1i or of ,000 households across the countr" from $une %0& to $une %0&, Eantar 7orldpanel disco1ered that for e1er" Php&00 spent on !e1era/es, Php0 is allotted for coffee. 3his is an increase from last "earHs Php%F. nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
Mar-ets that are dri1in/ the sales of coffee mi5es are Metro Manila, South Luon, and Mindanao. 3he stud" said that consumers from Metro Manila and Mindanao spend Php&J and Php&&0 more on the a1era/e, respecti1el". Accordin/ to Eantar 7orldpanel, coffee sales /re &0 percent in $une %0&, compared to its four percent in the same month last "ear. 2ata from the stud" shoed that the increase of purchases of coffee mi5es has !een consistent for the past to "ears and that J percent of :ilipino homes !u" coffee mi5es at least once a ee-.Bu"ers ere found to !e t"picall" Metro Manila> and ur!an>!ased and from homes ith a relati1el" older demo/raphic. D:ilipinosH lo1e for coffee is /roin/ stron/er !" the "ear. +ur data reflects their openness to em!race different formats of coffee products as ell. 7e anticipate this cate/or" /roth to continue in the comin/ "ears,D 2eocarea e5plained. 7ith this, e thou/ht of identif"in/ one /ood product that could culti1ate the mar-et of coffee drin-in/ people !ut ith a tist of promotin/ the nutritional additi1es a coffee !ean !" ser1in/ a /ood product hich 3a/a"ta" it" can !e proud of. afeum aromatic !ein/ one of a -ind coffee product pro1ider ensures the completeness of the product hich completes the satisfaction of ta-in/ in coffee !ased food !e1era/e. Also, ith its /ood !rand presentation that can ala"s !e remem!ered !" its consumers and essential to their demo/raphics. Assurance that &00K /reatness ill !e reached. Customer Needs
nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e &
7ith the undenia!le 1i/orous !eha1iour of the consumers e"ein/ for a coffee product, !e"ond satisfaction. A uni9ue !lended !itterl" seet coffee ill /ratif" the taste !uds of the consumers ha1in/ a ne product rather the usual of choice.
nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e '
Marketing Aspect
Marketing Objectie
3o de1elop !rand aareness of our different coffee products produced from home/ron coffee !eans of 3a/a"ta" ith the lass A ?8lite@ tar/et mar-et
throu/h a stead", month to month increase of ne customer. 3o pro/ress an increasin/l" num!er of sales hile achie1in/ a status 9uo or
decrease in mar-etin/ e5penses. 3o penetrate 3a/a"ta" it" coffee lo1ers and achie1e K percent of mar-et share in the first "ear of operation.
Product !escription
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!a"e 10
afeumAromatico ill offer its tar/et customers the !est tastin/ coffee cupca-es, panca-es and iced coffee !e1era/es in the area. +ur product ill !e -non not
onl" for its delicious taste !ut also for its smooth sensin/ coffee aroma. BA: oncept !elo
offee -non for All
and Appealin/
anti>o5idant locall" nurtured in desi/n
content elps "ou to -eep
the 3a/a"ta" ;ualit" products at a
A1aila!le for ta-e out loer price
!od" alert offee lo1ers ha1e less ris- to ha1e heart disease < 3"pe % 2ia!etes Market !escription
afeumAromatico ill position its product to tar/et Students, "oun/ professionals, !usinessmen and retirees ho are see-in/ healthier and 9ualit" coffee products at an afforda!le price located In 3a/a"ta" it". 3he" !elon/ to the lass A mar-et a/es %0 to 6 ith income o1er PhpF0,000.00 = for Professionals
< Businessmen. As a ne entrant in the mar-et, e ill allocate !ud/et for ad1ertisin/ and sales strate/ies to introduce our products.
Market "egmentation nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e 11
AG8# %0>6 "ears old :AMIL SI8# sin/le, sin/le parent, couples, couples ith si!lin/s G8284# female and male DEMOGRAPHIC SEGMENTATION
I+M8# Php F0,000.00 and a!o1e :AMIL LI:8 L8# "oun/, married 82CA3I+#
C284G4A2, P4+:8SSI+AL < BCSI8SSM8 LASS A &st purchase# tr" to purchase product that are uni9uel" presented %nd purchase# ill result
satisfaction, continuit" of usa/e, .EHA9IORAL SEGMENTATION
!rand shift and !rand reco/nition P4+2C3 CSAG8# li/ht, medium and hea1" usa/e B4A2 L+AL3# none, medium < hi/h PSYCHOGRAPHIC
nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e 12
LI:8S3L8# Simple and the" do not displa" their ealth < properties. 7hile !u"in/ the" e5pect special SEGMENTATION
ser1ices from seller P84S+ALI3# Price < ealth onscious, 7ise onsumers, and read" top accept ne ideas
Target Market Pr'&ile
#arget Market
afeumAromatico ill primaril" concentrate on lass A mar-et ?the 8lite@ 3he 8lite# People that are emplo"ed or self>emplo"ed ith income ran/in/ from Php F0,000.00 and a!o1e. 3he" usuall" li1e in lar/e homes in e5clusi1e nei/h!orhood. 3he" are found to e5hi!it a sense of social responsi!ilit". 3he" patronie fanc", e5pensi1e items !ut the" do not displa" their ealth < properties. 3his /roup is a 1er" /ood mar-et for uni9uel" desi/ned products. Consumer Purchase $ehaiour
LASSA 3AS38 , SM8LL < 38O3C48
7A3 38 BCN
7848 38 BCN
nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e 1#
3he ta!le shos the purchase !eha1ior of lass A consumer Competitors
Star#$cks first
open in &J'& at SeatlleQs Pi-e Place Mar-et. +fferin/ offees,
teas, pastries, sandiches, salad, oatmeal, etc. ith no o1er %,000 stores o1er'0 countries.
Ba/ of Beans is specialied in /ourmet and all time fa1orite dishes, freshl" !a-ed !reads, home>made recipe pies, ell !lended drin-s and aromatic freshl" !reed coffee. 3he" also offer !rea-fast < !runch !uffets e1er" ee-end and holida"s.
offee Bean < 3ea Leaf is an American coffee chain founded in &J6. It is oned < operated !" International offee < 3ea LL ith o1er &,000 self oned< :ranchise stores in the Cnited States and %J other countries offerin/ offees, teas < pastries.
afeumAromatico ill !e/in to penetrate its mar-et !" usin/ Personalied Mar-etin/ strate/". 7ith the inno1ati1e approach of the coffee !ean ro!usta that has !een pac-ed and ser1ed to deli/ht classes of 8lite circle. 3he oners shall also !e the primar" ser1ers and order nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e 1$
ta-ers to ma-e our consumers feel the personalied ser1ice (care, concern) that the compan" has to offer. Aside to that, it ill achie1e to use underco1er mar-etin/ strate/" simultaneousl" !" silentl" promotin/ the a/riculture of 3a/a"ta", promotin/ the primar" product used hich is home /ron, nurtured and har1ested directl" from the locals of 3a/a"ta" proper. 3o this effect, !lue ocean approach ma" not !e considered !" the /i/antic competitors in the mar-et !ut as a start>up !usiness. 3hese to primaril" used strate/ies ill penetrate the tar/et mar-et in no such time. Market Risks
85istence of ell> -non !rands in the mar-et mi/ht lead to Mar-et Acceptance
i/h 4isresistance
3aste tests
consumers to accept our product Increase
8mer/in/ Product imitation
i/h 4is-
competition efforts :ortuitous
e1ents Insufficienc" of ra
and calamities
Produce on ra Lo 4is-
material suppl"
nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e 1%
onsumers tend to
Inno1ate product
sitch !rands due to
consumer continuous
chan/e Medium 4is-
!u"in/ !eha1ior in
preferences 4ise and :all of 8conomic rises
!asic i/h ris-
commodities Spoila/e 2ama/ed product
ra and
Lo 4is-
Mana/ement In1est in machineries
%isk %eduction
3he mar-et ris-s in1ol1ed ith our product are as seen on the ta!le a!o1e. Since that e are ne entrant in the mar-et. 7e ould li-e to focus on the first ris-# Mar-et Acceptance. +ur competitor coffee shop !rands that are ell -non toda" e1en ithout ad1ertisin/. 3his can result to our tar/et consumers to refuse our !rand !ecause e ha1e not esta!lished credi!ilit" "et. 3o miti/ate ris-, e ill conduct taste test to the mar-et and as- if the test mar-et is illin/ to !u" our product ith same 9ualit" at a cheaper price.
"afety Net
As an entit" that starts to !e as a Sole Proprietor, it has to ha1e its safet" nets to ensure its continuit". 3hus, the folloin/ safet" nets shall !e used so as to protect the operations, emplo"ees and of course the customers. Safe/uardin/ cash in1estments on a per annum !asis. •
nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e 16
:or the first "ear of operation, the total income after ta5 shall !e deducted ith FK in
hich it ma" !e su!di1ided per 9uarter ha1in/ at least %K per 9uarter as protection. Insurance It ma" me !e too costl" to ha1e a General Lia!ilit" Insurance as a sole. But since the compan" is tar/etin/ to e5pansion, as /ood insurance the !usiness must start from da" one of the operation.
Marketing Mi;
+ur product is made from home /ron freshl" !reed coffee !eans of 3a/a"ta", !lended ith special in/redients to come up ith smooth sensin/ coffee aroma that ill surel" deli/ht "our senses. 7ith the principal product carrier such as afeum Panca-es, afeum upca-es and afeum $ell" :rappe that ill utterl" !e -non to set forth the standard of coffee lo1ers, ill definitel" satisf" the ants and needs of our consumers.
Price C'"petiti-e Pricing Strateg!
LetQs face it. Bein/ a local !rand needs to ha1e a /ood pricin/ especiall" as it onl" !e/ins to ma-e a name in the industr". 3hus, the pricin/ of the product ill then !e loer than those of
nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e 1
the competitors herein it ill help reco/nie the product of 9ualit" ith a /ood and reasona!le pricin/.
offee $ell" :rappe
Php JF.00
7e ill initiall" offer our product throu/h Serin A"ala Mall Stall as a distri!ution outlet in the first 6 months. After that duration, e ill start to mo1e to a !i//er outlet to add chairs, ta!le desi/n and create /ood am!iance to /i1e a 9ualit" coffee e5perience ith our customers.
Promotion .el'< t=e Line A-ertising >e#site
nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e 1&
In this di/ital a/e, Internet and Social media is 1er" poerful tool in ad1ertisin/. 7e ill set up a e!site so that e ma" ad1ertise our product in the internet. 7e ill also create and account to :ace!oo- < 3itter to promote our product as ell as the compan". In,st're Pr'$ct testing? &ree taste
In product testin/ e ill !e offerin/ free taste of our product in the stall and alon/ the al-a" of the Mall and from the point of entr" and e5it. Fl!ers an #r'c=$res
7e ill !e ma-in/ fl"ers and !rochures that ill contain important information re/ardin/ the product. 7e ill !e distri!utin/ these alon/ ith the product samplin/ for !rand aareness. Pr'"'ti'nal strateg!
+n the da" of the product launchin/, the product ith its Cni9ue Sellin/ Proposition ith utterl" seet and !itter taste of home /ron coffee !ean of 3a/a"ta" ill !e the most sou/ht after coffee product of course !" the class elite circle. 3AGLI8#
afeumAromatico 3eAmo offee
3his CSP ill !e used a principal positionin/ of the !rand and the product hich ill start in 3a/a"ta". PEOPLE
+ur tar/et mar-et is lass A ?the 8lite@. S>OT ANALYSIS
nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e 1'
Products # 8ach product contains health" Benefit
Less popularit" and reputation compared to others
Price ompetiti1eness
o 85perience# As start up, less e5perience in +peratin/ a !usiness Pac-a/in/# Cni9uel" desi/ned and la!eled !o5 andmu/stosuitemoderntaste Location# Enon Mall >Serin A"ala Mall OPPORTUNITIES
han/in/ ustomer taste
ompetition# Lots of Popular coffee shop Star!uc-, !a/ of !eans < 3he offee !ean
ealthconsciousustomers Mall Space rentin/ increases
STRENGHTS Pr'$ct % Eac= pr'$ct c'ntain =ealt=! #ene&its
+ur products are made of home/ron hi/h /rade !eans of ro!usta har1ested from the it" of 3a/a"ta". 4o!usta has lo acidit", hi/h !itterness and more antio5idants than Ara!ica coffee. 4o!usta also has loer su/ar content o1er Ara!ica. 3his ill /i1e our customer coffee deli/ht in a healthier a".
Price C'"petiti-eness
3he reasona!le price of the product is considered as stren/th e1en thou/h its price is 1er" close to its competitor, it is still of /reater orth !ecause the product offer !etter health !enefits to consumers. Packaging nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e 20
+ur products are ill !e presented ith our e"e>catchin/ desi/ned and la!elled !o5es for cupca-es < panca-es. Iced coffee ill !e presented ith uni9uel" !ul! li-e /lass for dine < dome cups for ta-eout. L'cati'n
+ur location ill !e on Serin A"ala Mall in +li1are 3a/a"ta". 3he location cate/oried as stren/th and considered strate/ic !ecause the place is hi/hl" commercialied and close to different esta!lishments li-e hospital and colle/es. >EA2NESSES P'p$larit! an Rep$tati'n
As a ne entrant, afeum Aromatico is less popular and e are ust startin/ to !uild reputation ith our customer. 7e consider this as a ea-ness !ecause our potential customers are not "et aare of our products and its health !enefits. Adaptation of our product comes hen aareness and product trial as conducted.
7e are ust startin/ our !usiness and e are still needs a lot of impro1ement to ma-e. 81en thou/h e ha1e less e5perience ith our competitors, e ill are still confident that our compan" ill !e in the ed/e of success thru hard or-, dedication, continuous inno1ation and stri1e to pro1ide /reat coffee e5perience for our customer. OPPORTUNITIES nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e 21
C=anging C$st'"er Taste
onsumers are ne1er satisfiedR the" are ala"s cra1in/ for somethin/ ne. And this characteristic of the consumers is an opportunit" for the compan" despite the e5istence of !rands that offer the same t"pe of product !ecause there is still possi!ilit" that the consumers of other !rands ould still tr" and sitch to afeum Aromatico.
Healt= c'nsci'$s c'ns$"ers
3his is considered as an opportunit" !ecause the more health conscious the consumers are the more the" see- for healthier products. afeum Aromatico product is no dou!t to !e more healthier a" to eno" coffee, there is /reater opportunit" that the consumers ill tr" the product.
Star!uc-s, !a/ of Beans and 3he coffee !ean alread" ha1e lar/er part of the mar-et share and since e are ust startin/ to compete ith them is 1er" ris-".
Rent increases
afeum aromatico ill put its !usiness in Serin A"ala Mall thatQs h" e consider this as a threat. Increase in 4ent e5penses ill surel" cut our income.
PROPOSED DISTRI.UTION CHANNEL nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e 22
CAF*+) FA()
A(,)ATC ,
C,.S+)* (S
nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e 2#
Organi+ati'nal Feasi#ilit! St$
Organi+ati'nal Feasi#ilit! St$!
7e anted afeum Aromatico to !e ell esta!lished and !e the leadin/ !rand that sells 3a/a"ta" /ron coffee fla1oured products. As a ne entrant, the mana/ement focuses on the strate/ies in !rand aareness thru 1arious !elo the line promotions that ill lead our mar-et to product acceptance and adaptation. As a starter, e aimed to pinch at least K nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e 2$
mar-et share from our e5istin/ competitors in the first "ear of operation. 7ith our strate/" in line ith our 1ision, afeum Aromatico ill !e usin/ Personalied Mar-etin/ Strate/" penetrate the elite mar-et. 7e anted to /i1e our customer the !est coffee e5perience in their li1es. 7e anted this e5perience !e catered not onl" in 3a/a"ta" !ut also alon/ its cit" nei/h!ours. arr"in/ the local coffeeproduct ith pride, this ill surel" promote tourism in 3a/a"ta". 3his ill also i/nite our coffee farmer to !rin/ !ac- health" trade of coffee product in the land. 7ith these approached, e could pro!a!l" sa" that our !usiness e5istence ith not onl" uplift the life of the local farmer !ut also creatin/ an inno1ati1e a" to address the e1er chan/in/ customer ants and needs. 7ith our lo cost !elo the line promotional strate/ies and personalied mar-etin/ approached, there is hi/her possi!ilit" ill afeum Aromatico ill continue to e5ist despite of the competition of the mar-et.
nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e 2%
Tec=nical Aspect
In choosin/ the ri/ht product for our feasi!ilit" stud", e ere thin-in/ of hat -ind of !usiness do e ant to put up, is it a product or a ser1ice -ind of !usiness. 7e all decided to nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e 26
de1elop a product for our feasi!ilit" stud". 7e ha1e conceptualied to !uild our on !usiness hich ill !e called as ?afeumAromatico@ hich ill sell products ith coffee as main in/redients since it is suita!le for the cold eather and itQs hi/h suppl" in 3a/a"ta". afeumAromatico ill !e caterin/ the main products at it launchin/ in the mar-et hich includes cafeum cupca-e, cafeum panca-e and cafeum ell" frappe. offee is easil" /ron especiall" in hi/h lands and the !enefits of it such as it can !oost ener/" le1els, !urn fats, ma" loer the ris- of ha1in/ dia!etes, ha1in/ an AlheimerQs disease and dementia moti1ated the /roup to inno1ate a product that are suita!le for all health conscious customers particularl" the elites in 3a/a"ta". 2ia!etes is top 6 that causes death of :ilipinos also forces the /roup to de1elop a product that are ithin reach and ithout sacrificin/ the taste of home. .* .ene&its '& t= e Pr'$ct
offee is -non as antio5idants that can cure some illnesses and can !e an effecti1e mood enhancer.
C* Pr'$cti'n E@$ip"ent an "aterials
nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e 2
O-en an F'' Mi;er
:or !a-in/ the cupca-e and e1enl" mi5in/ the in/redients.
Meas$ring Utensils
Accurate measurements ill !e made ith the aid of measurin/ spoons and cups.
3hese carts ill !e used for mo1in/ ra materials and in1entor" stoc-. nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e 2&
A customie pac-a/in/ for
cupca-es ill !e use hich ill !e !ou/ht from suppliers. 7e ill also ma-e use of !o5es in deli1eries. Stainless .'
3his ill !e used to aid the mi5in/ process.
nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e 2'
3his ill !e used for proper
coffee taste from the coffee !ean and mi5in/ it ell 1ia the !lender for the frappe
F$rnit$re an Fi;t$res
:or communication purposes, one is nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e #0
enou/h to ta-e all necessar" calls.
suppliers and distri!utors of the products.
sufficient, to des-top and one laptop for presentation purposes.
O&&ice ta#le
3he four officials ill ha1e their on office ta!le and one lon/ ta!le specificall" for appointments.
O&&ice c=airs
As compliment of office ta!le four e5ecuti1e chairs ill purchased.
nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e #1
Deli-er 9an
7e ill !e ac9uirin/ a deli1er 1an for deli1eries.
Dining Ta#le
3his ill !e used in the emplo"ee common room for dinin/ purposes.
3his ill !e used for printin/ order forms and purchasin/ orders and other office purposes.
nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e #2
>all Cl'ck
7all cloc-s ill !e put on different areas in the facilit".
M'n' #l'ck C=airs
3hese chairs ill !e used for /eneral purposes.
Gar#age .ins
Gar!a/e !ins ill !e situated in specific areas of the facilit" to maintain cleanliness.
nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e ##
3here ill !e a loc-er pro1ided for each emplo"ee.
Meeting Ta#le
3his ta!le ill !e situated in the main office for meetin/ purposes.
O&&ice S$ppliers
Pens, paper, clips, staplers, folders, etc, ill !e used in the operation.
nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e #$
Filing Ca#inets
7e ill purchase filin/ ca!inets to or/anie files.
Recepti'n Ta#le
3his ill !e situated in the reception area.
>aste Dispenser
3his ill !e situated at the !ac- of the facilit" so as to maintain cleanliness and mana/e aste.
nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e #%
St'cking S=el-es
3hese shel1es ill !e situated in !oth the 4a Materials Stoc- room and In1entor" stora/e.
Steel Ta#le
3his is for all the production areas.
Steel Ta#le
3hese ill !e situated at e1er" production area for hand sanitation purposes.
nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e #6
E;=a$st Fans
3hese ill !e placed in all production Areas. Air,c'niti'ning Units
3hese ill !e installed in all areas of the facilit".
.$n! Cl'ck
7e ill !e ma-in/ use of !und" clocto monitor the emplo"ees attendance and time.
Sa&et! Materials an Gears Fire E;ting$is=er
:or safet" purposes all section is o!li/ed to ha1e fire e5tin/uisher.
All or-ers must ha1e hairnet to maintain the sanitation. nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e #
Meicine 2it
:or e1er" section of e9uipment has a first aid -it in case of emer/enc".
% Aprons ill !e pro1ided for or-ers e5pect the securit" and dri1ers
Disp'sa#le Gl'-es
2isposa!le Glo1es ill !e used !" e1er" production emplo"ee.
D* C'st '& Pr'$cti'n Materials an E@$ip"ents C'st '& Pr'$cti'n Materials E@$ip"ent
P+S Machine Softare to icludecrdeti card s1
&,000.0 0
,FFF.0 &,000.0
nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e #&
0 &,6'.
8lectric Panca-e Griddle >stall use
4u!!er Spatula
7ooden spoon
Metal Spatula
hiefHs -nife (set of )
7ire oo-in/ 4oc-
%J. 0F
7ooden toothpic-s
Pot holder < +1en Mitt
Measurin/ Ctensils (set &0 pcs)
Small pourin/ u/ ith /raduated measurements +4
Panca-e !atter dispenser (a small cup or u/ ill suffice)
%,&0. 00
'%0. 00
6&%. 00
%,FJ. %F
&,0. F
F0. %
'F. &0.
00 6.
'0. 00
&,%. FF
'J%. 00
'. 00
F. 00
nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e #'
JFF. %
Panca-e turner (Slice)
Palette -nife to lift the ed/es (pcsset)
oo-in/ !rush
Paper toels holder
Panca-e Molds (rectan/le)
offee Breer
Pitcher Stainless
Ice Bo5 stora/ecooler
Measurin/ spooncups
7hippercream dispenser
Plastic -itchen stora/e !o5
&,J'6. 00
&,F00. 00
&,0&%. 00
%,%0F. 00
00. 00
%,&J. 00
%,J0. 00
J'6. 06
&,%6. 00
&,%'0. 00
&,J'. F ₱
','0J.% Sa&et! Materials
0. %
&,%00.00 %0.
F0. 00
nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e $0
%. &00 2isposa!le Glo1es
%0. 00
'0. Medicine Eit
,00. 00 ₱
6,0.00 F$rnit$re Fi;t$re
,000.0 &
Stall (2ispla")
Mono !loc- hairs
Gar!a/e !ins
,000.00 00.
600. 00
'. 00 ₱
E* Pr'$cti'n Fl'< C=art
(a7 )aterials Cu8cae9 !ancae9 elly Fra88e3
/ei"in" 5measurin" of in"redients (a7 materials3
)i4in" of in"redients /ei"in" bain" of in"redients3 nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e $1
Detaile Pr'$cti'n Descripti'n
Colletion!Preparation of Ra" Materials
All the in/redients ill !e purchased in the mar-et aside from the coffee hich ill !e ta-en from the farm. Weighing #Measuring of the ingredients
3he compan" ill ensure a strict ei/hin/ of the in/redients to /uarantee the ideal taste of the product. Mi$ing!Ba%ing of all &ngredients
After ei/hin/ the necessar" in/redient s, e ill mi5 all the in/redients to form the final product. Pa%aging
Pac-a/in/ ould !e the final ste p of the production. 3he compan" ill use en1ironment friendl" pac-a/in/ for the con1enience of the consumers. 'istriution
+ur product ill !e first mar-eted here A"ala Mall, 3a/a"ta".
nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e $2
nd Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e $#
F* Pr'$ct C 's t Ca&e$" Pancake B8 ser-ings , 5 pcs per ser-e
Self>raisin/ flour
o 6
Ba-in/ poder
₱ &F.00
%%.00 %.00 %.00
&&.00 ₱
Eii fruit
.% slice
!lue!err" "u/urt
> t!s
Pac-a/in/ !o5
ost per Ser1in/s
Ca&e$" C$pcake B3 ser-ings
cups % sifted flour &.cups!ronsu/ar t!sp & !a-in/ poder
cups %
₱ J.0
t!sp &
Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e $$
pinch & salt of
pinch &
softened !utter
&%0 /rams
t!s >&0
%.00 &.00
&ing (* servings)
tartar poder
cocoa poder
t!s &
%'.00 &.00 6.00
> ₱
Linin/ cup Pac-a/in/ Bo5
ost per Ser1in/s
Ca&e$" )ell! Frappe
offee !eans
& pac- > %00 /rams
Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
acaopoder%00 > /
Gelatin Mr > Gulaman
hoco sprin-ler hoco s"rup
FF.00 &.00
.00 %&.00
&0.0 ₱
ost per Ser1in/s
Pr'$cti'n c'st per ser-ings
afeum Panca-e (6 ser1in/s > % pcs per ser1e)
Cafeum Cupa%e (+ servings)
Cafeum ,elly -rappe
Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e $6
G* $alit! Sa&e t! Pr'c e$re
afeumAromatico ill ma-e sure that all ra materials are fresh and had /one a 9ualit" chec-. afeumAromatico has an official supplier of its ra materials and these suppliers meet the standards of product 9ualit". Apron and hairnet is a re9uirement to all emplo"ees to maintain the cleanliness and 9ualit" of the product. afeumAromatico ill pro1ide a fire e5tin/ui sher in the commis sar" in case of fire and a medici ne -it
in case of
minor accidents. afeumAromatico ill ensure the safet" and securit" in the or-place of the emplo"ees. Accident prone e9uipment such as utensils and other electrical de1ices ill !e properl" chec-ed shall !e placed in a secure place to maintain the safet" of the emplo"ees and the commissar". H* Stall Design Plan
Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e $&
Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e $'
I* 9 icinit ! Map
Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e %0
Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e %1
S'ci', Ec'n'"ic Aspect
S'ci',ec'n'"ic Aspect '& t=e St$!
Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e %2
3he feasi!ilit" stud" ill !e conducted due to 3a/a"ta" farmlands are no !ein/ sold !ecause of the incapacit" of the farmers to /enerate ne income strate/". offee is the main product for the /roup that ill !enefit the local coffee farmers of 3a/a"ta" and pro!a!l" ill moti1ate them to to tilt more their land ith more coffee trees. B" doin/ this feasi!ilit" stud", ne income strate/" ill !e /enerated such as doin/ coffee muffin, coffee panca-es, and iced coffee either ith oran/e ello and hone" cocoa. 3he Local Go1ernment of 3a/a"ta" ill !enefit from this stud" since it ill reduce the unemplo"ment rate of the localit" !" a minimal 1alue in the short>run alone. 3he communit" ill continue to send their children to school ithout sellin/ their ancestral lands and not lea1in/ their children to see- emplo"ment in the loland of a1ite. 3he 2epartment of A/riculture ill also !enefit from this stud" since the coffee industr" in the countr" is no d"in/ and hopefull" the" can introduce these inno1ati1e coffee products to :ilipino farmers. &nironmental 'easibility "tudy
Since 3a/a"ta" !elon/s to the upland localit" of a1ite, coffee plantation ill !oost more clean and fresh air to the cit". It ill also help to minimie the consumption of the communit" to artificials"nthetic fertiliers !" the ne or/anic fertilisers contain coffee>!ean s-ins andor /roundnut s-ins.
Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e %#
Financial Aspect nd
Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e %$
+ur :inancial o!ecti1es are as follos
Achie1e 4+I ithin to to three "ears Achie1e Maintain a stead" profit in the "rs time Maintain K sa1in/s from profit each 9uarter as a safet" net Monitor profit and losses 9uarterl"
Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e %%
+ur :inancial o!ecti1es are as follos#
Achie1e 4+I ithin to to three "ears Achie1e Maintain a stead" profit in the "rs time Maintain K sa1in/s from profit each 9uarter as a safet" net Monitor profit and losses 9uarterl"
P r' $ c t s
Ye3 ar
afeumPanca-e afeum$ell":rappe
,F00 ',%00
Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e %6
&. 3he !usiness name is afeum A romatico solel" oned !" $oann a Marie A!lan ith an in1esti n/ total of Php00,0 00.00 orth of capital. %. Product sellin/ price is as follos # Cafeum Cupcake ( Php)*+** each sering Cafeum Pancake ( Php,*+** per serings -. pcs+ Pancake/ Cafeum 0elly 'rappe ( Php12+** per sering P r' $ c t s
Ye3 ar
afeumPanca-e afeum$ell":rappe
,F00 ',%00
3his sellin/ price
one (&) to four () and increase of &0K on the sellin/ price on the th "ear. . Sales 1olume for "ear one (&) as stated !elo# Sales 1olume ill increases !" K in the second "ear, 0K on the rd "ear, K on th "ear and %K on the th "ear. . Product cost ill increase !" &0 K on the th "ear. . Permit and licenses increase !" %K a "ear. 6. 3otal supplies ill increase !" %0K a "ear, o f hich, %0K ill !e on hand each "ear . '. Supplies e5penses increases !" %K in the % nd < rd "ear, K in th "ear < 'K in the th "ear. F. 4ental e5penses remain constant for the ne5t "ears. J. 2eli1er" e5penses ill decrease !" K per "ear. &0. Ctilities e5penses ill increase !" K in % nd "ear, on K < K on the th < th "ear. 0K of hich is considered 1aria!le and 60K fi5ed. &&. Salar" contri!utions for 2ecem!er ill !e remitted on the folloin/ month. &%. Mar-etin/ e5penses ill increase !" %0K in the %nd "ear and rd "ear, &0K in th "ear and &0K on the th "ear. &. 89uipment e5penses ill increase !" &0K per "ear.
Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e %
&. Income ta5 rate star tin/ %0&' is 0K. &. 4e/ulator" contri!utions for 2ecem!er ill !e remitted on the folloin/ month. &6. 3otal production cost per ser1in/s is assumed to increase !" %K in th "ear. &'. 4a materials purchases are estimated to !e &0&K of the total ra materials needed for production per "ear. &F. :inished Goods 8ndin/ in1entor" is !ud/eted at appro5imatel" K of each "earHs e5pected sales. &J. ;uarterl" Income 3a5 is paid, e5cept for the last 9uarter hich ill !e paid in the folloin/ "ear. &. 2epreciation method used is the strai/ht>line method and the estimated life of e9uipment is "ears. &F. 8A3 &%K and is paid e1er" month e5cept for 2ecem!er A3 hich ill !e paid the folloin/ "ear. All purchases and sales are A3 inclusi1e. &J. A3 pa"a!le ill !e assumed to increase !" &0K per "ear. %0. A safet" net of FK per annum as secured to income after ta5 < deposited to the !an-. FINANCIAL ASSUMPTIONS BPARTNERSHIP
&. 3he !usiness is a form of partn ers under the same name of afeum Aromatico namel" # $oanna Marie A!lan 8duardo Arana $r. o1el"n L. iso>an 8ach partner a/rees to contri!ute an amount of Php00, 000.00 to e9ual on the initial in1estment of $oanna Marie A!lan hich is Php00, 000.00 %. Sellin/ price of the three () pr oducts remains constant for the ne5t fi1e () "ears of op erations.
Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e %&
Cafeum Cupcake ( Php))+** each sering Cafeum Pancake ( Php,,+** per serings -. pcs+ Pancake/ Cafeum 0elly 'rappe ( Php3*,+2* per sering
. Sales 1olume on the si5 (6) "ear s increase !" %0K folloin/ the pre1ious "ear. Increase !" K on the ' th to &0th "ear of its operations. . Product cost remains constant for the ne5t fi1e () " ears of operation under partnership. . Permit and licenses increase !" &K a "ear. 6. 3otal supplies ill increase !" %0K a "ear, of hic h, %0K ill !e on hand each "ear . Supplies e5penses increases !" &0K each "ear '. 4ental e5penses remain constant for the ne5t "ears. F. 2eli1er" e5penses ill increase !" K per "ear. J. Ctilities e5penses ill increase !" K in ' nd "ear, and K on the "ear after , 0K of hich is conside red 1aria!le and 60K &0. fi5ed. Salar" contri!utions for 2ecem!er ill !e remitted on the folloin/ month, ith an increase of &0K per "ear. &&. Mar-etin/ e5penses ill increase !" %K for the 6th "ear and decrease !" K each "ear folloin/ the operations. &%. 89uipment e5penses ill increase !" &0K per "ear. &. Income ta5 rate star tin/ %0%% is 0K. &. 4e/ulator" contri!utions for 2ecem!er ill !e remitted on the folloin/ month. &. 3otal production cost per ser1in/s is assumed to remain constant. &6. 4a materials purchases are estimated to !e &0&K of the total ra materials needed for production per "ear. &'. :inish Good in1entor" =endin/ in1entor" is &K of the proected sales 1olume. &F. ;uarterl" Income 3a5 is paid, e5cept for the last 9uarter hich ill !e paid in the folloin/ "ear. 3here ill !e a K increase each "ear. &J. 2epreciation method used is the strai/ht>line method and the estimated life of e9uipment is "ears. %0. 8A3 &%K and is paid e1er" month e5cept for 2ecem!er A3 hich ill !e paid the folloin/ "ear. All purchases and sales are A3 inclusi1e. %&. A3 pa"a!le ill !e assumed to increase !" &0K per "ear. %%. Partners a/ree to ha1e an e9ual sharin/ on the profit (refer to the Partnership A/reement).
Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e %'
&. 3he !usiness is a corporation it h incorporators in1estin/ a total of P,000,000 ort h of capital. %. Sellin/ price remain constan t per "ear. Sales in 1olume il l increase !" &0K per "ear. :or the firs t "ear, it is assumed that onl" F0K of normal capacit" ill !e sold at a sellin/ price of the product. . Ctilities e5pense ill increase !" &0K per "ear . 0K of hich is considered 1aria!le and 60K fi5ed. . 3otal production cost per !o5 is assumed to increase !" K a "ear. . 3otal supplies ill increase !" %0K a "ear, o f hich, %0K ill !e on hand each "ear . 6. Supplies e5pense ill increase !" &0K a "ear. '. :inished Goods 8ndin/ in1entor" is !ud/eted at appro5imatel" K of each "ear Hs e5pected sales. F. Salaries ill increase !" K a "ear. J. Salar" contri!utions for 2ecem!er ill !e remitted on the folloin/ month. &0. Permit and licenses increase !" %K a "ear. &&. Income ta5 rate star tin/ %00J is 0K. &%. 4a materials purchases is estimated to !e &0&K of the total ra materials needed for production per "ear.
Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e 60
&. ;uarterl" Income 3a5 is paid, e5cept for the last 9uarter hich ill !e paid in the folloin/ "ear. 73> compensation pa"a!le is assumed to !e FK of the 2ecem!er salaries. 3his ill increase !" K per "ear. &. Mar-etin/ e5penses ill !e the same for the first to "ears and ill decrease !" &K for the succeedin/ "ears. &. 2epreciation method used is the strai/ht>line method &6. 4epairs and maintenance e5pense is assumed to !e P&0,000 on the first "ear and it ill increase !" &0K on %0&& and %0&%, and &K for %0& and for %0&. &'. 4ent e5pense is fi5ed at PF0,000 a month for the ne5t "ears. &F. 8A3 is paid e1er" month e5cept for 2ecem!er A3 hich ill !e paid the folloin/ "ear. All purchases and sales are A3 e5clusi1e. &J. A3 pa"a!le ill !e assumed to increase !" &0K per "ear. %0. 2eli1er" e5pense is assumed to increase !" &0K per "ear. %0. 2i1idends per share ill !e distri!uted as follos# %0%'=0
%0%J = P%
Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e 61
Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e 62
Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e 6#
Ms. $oanna Marie A!lan and Mr. 8dmond Arana and Ms. o1el"n iso>an
Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e 6$
8ffecti1e a )an$ar! 43( 5455
Feasibility Study : Cafeum Aromatico “Te Amo Coee” 2 Term 2016-201
!a"e 6%
#HI" P4%#N&%"HIP 45%&&M&N# effetive as of the
stday of ,anuary.
/*//0 $&&N7 Cafeum4romatico. inorporated under the la"s of %epublic of the Philippines0
(hereinafter 1Ms+ 0oanna Marie 4blan2) 3- 456 -&R74 PAR4. 8 and 8
Mr 8dmond Aranaan,hereinafter +: 38 S8+2 PA43.
>HEREAS Ms. $oanna
Marie A!lan, Mr. 8dmond Arana and Ms. o1el"n L. iso>an
entered into the Partnership (as defined herein) effecti1e as of $anuar" 0&, %0%% on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forthR AND >HEREAS
from and fol loin/ Ca&$e" Ar'"atic', the Partnership ac9uired
certain assets re9uired !" it to carr" on its !usinessR
:easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@ 66
that in consideration of
the premises and the mutual co1enants, a/reements and conditions herein contained, it is here!" co1enanted, a/reed and declared !" and amon/ the Partners (as defined herein) as follos#
In this A/reement (as defined herein), unless there is somethin/ in the su!ect matter or conte5t inconsistent thereith, the folloin/ terms shall ha1e the respecti1e meanin/s ascri!ed !elo# (a)
?Acc'$ntant@ means such firm of accountant as the Partner Ms. o1el"n L. iso>an ma" from time to time !e the accountant of the Partnership (as defined herein)R
?Agree"ent@, ?t=is Agree"ent@, ?=eret'@, ?=erein@, ?=ere#!@, ?=ere$ner@ and similar e5pressions refer to this A/reement and not to an" particular Article, Section or other portion hereof, and include an" and e1er" instrument supplemental or ancillar" to or in implement hereofR
?.$siness@ means an" !usiness or !usinesses carried on !" the Partnership as ma" !e deemed !" the Partners to !e in the !est interest of the Partnership and an" other /eneral !usiness acti1ities related or incidental theretoR
?E&&ecti-e Date@ means $anuar" 0&, %0%%R
?Calenar Year@ means $anuar" 0& to 2ecem!er &R
:easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@ 6
?Partner@ means an" one of Ms. $oanna Marie A!lan, or Mr. 8dmond Arana< Ms. o1el"n iso>an or an" other partner admit ted pursuant to the pro1isions of this A/reement, ?Partners@ means all of them, and the ? Partners=ip@ means the partnership esta!lished !" this A/reementR and
?Pers'n@ means an" indi1idual, firm, corporation, partnership, oint 1enture, trustee or trust, /o1ernment or a/enc" thereof, unincorporated association, or other entit" and pronouns ha1e a similarl" e5tended meanin/.
N$"#er a n G ener*
7ords importin/ the sin/ular include the plural and vie versa and ords importin/ /ender include all /enders. 3*
G'-erning Legislati'n*
85cept as e5pressl" stipulated in this A/reement to the contrar", the ri/hts and o!li/ations of the Partners and the administration and termination of the Partnership shall !e /o1erned !" the Partnership At (+ntario)(the ?Act@) or an" successor le/islation or other statute hich ma" !e passed to ta-e the place of the Act or to amend same. ARTICLE 5 FORMATION OF PARTNERSHIP
Su!ect to the terms and conditions hereof, the parties hereto a/ree to carr" on the Business in partnership.
:easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@ 6&
Su!ect to the pro1isions of this A/reement, the Partnership shall commence as of the 8ffecti1e 2ate and shall continue for a term endin/ on the earlier of# (a)
the date on hich the Partnership is 1oluntaril" dissol1ed !" unanimous a/reement of the PartnersR or
(!) 5*
the date on hich the Partnership is dissol1ed !" operation of la.
3he name of the Partnership shall !e ? Ca&e$" Ar'"atic'@ andor such other name or names as the Partners ma" from time to time a/ree upon in ritin/ and no part" shall carr" on !usiness under such name e5cept as a Partner of the Partnership. 5*6
Place '& .$siness*
3he place of !usiness of the Partnership shall !e at such place or places as the Partners shall from time to time hereafter determine. 5*0
Ne< Partners*
o person shall !e admitted as a Partner e5cept ith the unanimous consent in ritin/ of the Partners. ARTICLE FINANCIAL MATTERS
Capital C'ntri#$ti'ns an Financing Re@$ire"ents*
3he initial capital of the Partnership shall !e# :easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@ 6'
:or Mr. 8dmond Arana P 00,000.00, Ms. o1el"n L iso>an P00,000.00 and the amount of P 00,00 0.00 !ein/ the capi tal contri!ution made !" Ms. $oanna Marie A!lan to the Partnership on 2ecem!er 0&, %0%&R and 3he initial capital so contri!uted !" each of the Partners is credited to the capital
account (? Capital Acc'$nt@) of each Partner. 3he folloin/ pro1isions of this Section .& shall appl" in respect of the capital contri!utions of the Partners# (!)
the capital funds of the Partnership shall !elon/ to the Partners in the proportion contri!uted !" each PartnerR
an" further contri!ution of ca pital re9uired !" the Partnership ma" !e contri!uted to the Partnership !" an" one or !oth of the Partners ithout limitation as to the amount of such further capital contri!ution and an" such additional capital contri!ution shall !e treated in the same manner as the initial capital contri!utions a!o1e set outR and
no Partner shall !e entitled to interest on the amount of its capital contri!ution to the Partnership.
Pr'&its an L'sses*
In each alendar ear all items of income and /ain, and e5pense and loss of the Partnership shall !e determined !" the Accountants of the Partnership at the end of each alendar ear.
:easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@ 0
Net Pr'&its an L'sses*
Cntil otherise unanimousl" a/reed !" the Partners, and su!ect to the pro1isions of this A/reement, the net profits, if an", of the Partnership as determined at the end of each such alendar ear shall !e allocated amon/ the Partners in proportion to the respecti1e apital Account of each of the Partners as calculated at the end of each such alendar ear. All e5penses incurred in the course of the Business and all losses, if an", arisin/ therefrom shall !e !orne out of the earnin/s of the Business, or in the case of a deficienc", the losses shall !e allocated amon/st the Partners pro rata to their respecti1e indi1idual apital Accounts at the end of each such alendar ear. *6
8ach of the Partners ma" dra out of the Partnership, from time to time, on account of its share of the net profits for the current "ear, a sum not e5ceedin/ their respecti1e apital Accounts. An" sums dran out !" an" Partner in e5cess of its share of the net profits for an" such "ear shall !e repaid in full to the Partnership unless otherise unanimousl" a/reed !" the Partners. *0
Financial State"ents*
Proper accounts shall !e -ept of all transactions of the Business and at the end of each :iscal ear or as soon thereafter as possi!le, a statement shall !e prepared shoin/ the income and e5penses of the Business for the past "ear and hat !elon/s and is due to each of the Partners as its share of the profits.
:easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@ 1
either Partner shall, ithout the pre1ious consent in ritin/ of the other, si/n or encum!er its share or interest in the Partnership, !orro mone" on !ehalf of the Business or, hire an" emplo"ee or su!contractor. *:
Pa!"ent '& O#ligati'ns*
8ach of the Partners shall punctuall" pa" and dischar/e its separate de!ts, lia!ilities, o!li/ations, duties and a/reements hether at present or future and -eep indemnified the Partnership propert" and the other Partner from all actions, proceedin/s, costs, claims and demands of e1er" nature. *
If at an" time either of the Partners is re9uired to pa" or !ecome lia!le for more than its proportion of the Partnership de!ts as pro1ided for in this A/reement, that Partner shall ha1e as a/ainst the other Partner a ri/ht of reco1er" of the appropriate proportion of the pa"ment or indemnification a/ainst such lia!ilit", and the Partner shall ha1e, on !ecomin/ lia!le for such de!t, the first lien or char/e on the capital and all other interest or interests of the offendin/ Partner in the Partnership !usiness. ARTICLE 6 MANAGEMENT
:inal authorit", mana/ement and control of the !usiness and affairs of the Partnership shall !e 1ested in the Partners. :easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@ 2
Acti'n '& t=e Partners*
3he poers of the Partners ma" !e e5ercised !" resolution passed at a meetin/ of the Partners or !" resolution consented to !" the si/natures of the Partners. 6*
Delegati'n ' & A$t='rit!*
3he Partners ma" at an" time and from time to time !" resolution passed at a meetin/ of the Partners dele/ate an" poer or authorit" relatin/ to the mana/ement of the !usiness and affairs of the Partnership to an" Partner and the e5ercise of an" such authorit" or authorit" !" such Partner shall !e 1alid and !indin/ upon all Partners until such poer or authorit" has !een rescinded !" resolution. 6*6
Place '& Meeting*
Meetin/s of the Partners shall !e held at the principal office of the Partnership, or, at such other place as the Partners ma", !" unanimous a/reement, determine. 6*0
Calling '& Meetings*
Meetin/s of the Partners shall !e held from time to time at such time and on such da" ithout notice as an" Partner ma" determine. 6*8
8ach Partner /rants to the other Partner for such time as he remains a Partner to this A/reement, an irre1oca!le poer of attorne" for the purposes of filin/ an" notices or re/istrations as ma" !e re9uired !" la in connection ith the e5istence or carr"in/ on of the !usiness of the Partnership. :easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@ #
Calenar Year*
Cntil chan/ed ith the unanimous appro1al of the Partners, the alendar ear shall !e the alendar "ear of the Partnership. 6*
.anking Arrange"ents*
3he Partners a/ree that the Partnership shall enter into !an-in/ arran/ements ith Banco 2e +ro Cni!an- (B2+) !an- as the Partners shall a/ree on. All che9ues, drafts and other instrumen ts and documents on !ehalf of the Partnership ma" !e si/ned !" an" one of the Partners alone, unless otherise a/reed !eteen the parties. All Partnership mone" shall, hen recei1ed from time to time, !e paid and deposited ith the !an-ers of the Partnership to the credit of the Partnership account. 6*1
.''ks an Rec'rs*
omplete and accurate !oo-s of account shall !e -ept at the principal place of !usiness of the Partnership and shall sho the condition of the !usiness and finances of the Partnership, and each Partner shall ha1e access to, and ma" inspect and cop", an" part thereof. 6*34
Partners=ip Pr'pert!*
Cnless otherise unanimousl" a/reed !" the Partners or unless re/istered in the name of a trustee, all Partnership propert" shall !e re/istered in the name of the Partnership in proportion to the apital Account of each Partner.
:easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@ $
85cept as e5pressl" permitted in this Article , or as otherise unanimousl" a/reed to in ritin/ !" the Partners, no Partner ma" sell, assi/n, con1e", transfer, mort/a/e, char/e or otherise encum!er all or an" part of its share or interest in the Partnership. 0*5
3he Partnership shall !e dissol1ed at an" time !" unanimous resolution of the Partners passed at a meetin/ of the Partners called for that purpose. 3he Partnership ma" also !e terminated !" unanimous a/reement in ritin/ si/ned !" all of the Partners. 0*
In the e1ent of the dissolution of the Partnership, the Partnership shall terminate and a proper accountin/ shall !e made of the capital and income accounts of each Partner and the profit or losses of the Partnership to the date of dissolution !" the Accountants. 3he assets of the Partnership shall !e li9uidated and the proceeds of such li9uidation shall then !e distri!uted as follos, unless the Partners otherise unanimousl" a/ree# (a)
firstl", to rep a" all cos ts, de!ts, e5p enses, lia !ilities and o!l i/ations of the PartnershipR
secondl", to pa" to each Partner its share of the capitalR and
:easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@ %
thirdl", to di1ide the surplus, if an", !eteen the Pa rtners in the proportions in hich the" are entitled to share in profits.
In the e1ent that such li9uidation proceeds shall not !e sufficient to satisf" the lia!ilities of the Partnership, each of the Partners shall contri!ute its pro rata share, as determined in accordance ith their indi1idual apital Accounts of the Partnership, of such further funds as shall !e necessar" to satisf" in full, the lia!ilities of the Partnership. 0*6
In the e1ent that an" Partner (in this Section . called the ?
pursuant to the terms and conditions hereof, purports to transfer all, !ut not less than all, of its interest or share in the Partnership to an" Person (such Person in this Section . called the ? Trans&eree@), then no such transfer shall !e made or shall !e effecti1e until the 3ransferee enters into an a/reement ith the other Partner hereto here!" the 3ransferee a/rees to assume and !e !ound !" all of the o!li/ations of the 3ransferor and to !e su!ect to all of the terms and conditions of this A/reement. 0*0
Restraining Orer*
In the e1ent that an" Partner shall at an" time purport to transfer, char/e or mort/a/e its interest or share or an" part thereof in the Partnership in 1iolation of the pro1isions of this A/reement, then the other Partner shall, in addition to an" ri/hts and remedies hich ma" !e a1aila!le to such Partner, at la or in e9uit", !e entitled to a decree or order restrainin/ or enoinin/ such transfer, char/e or mort/a/e.
:easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@ 6
3he headin/s of an" Article, Section or part thereof are inserted for purposes of con1enience onl" and shall not form part hereof and shall not !e considered in the interpretation hereof. 8*5
An" notice, demand, re9uest, consent, a/reement or appro1al hich ma" or is re9uired to !e /i1en pursuant to this A/reement shall !e in ritin/ and shall !e sufficientl" /i1en or made if ser1ed personall" upon the part" or a representati1e or officer of the part" for hom it is intended, or mailed !" certified or re/istered mail, posta/e prepaid, or tele5ed, tele/raphed, or telecopied, addressed at such address to such officers as a part" ma" from time to time ad1ise to the other parties !" notice in ritin/. 3he date of receipt of an" such notice, demand, re9uest , consent, a/reement or appro1al if ser1ed personall" shall !e deemed to !e the date of deli1er" thereof, or if mailed as aforesaid, the second !usiness da" folloin/ the date of mailin/, or if deli1ered 1ia tele5, tele/raph, or telecopier, the !usiness da" folloin/ transmission. 8*
G'-erning La<*
3he 1alidit" and interpretation of this A/reement shall !e /o1erned e5clusi1el" !" the las of the 4epu!lic of the Philippines as applica!le therein.
:easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@
3he in1alidit" or unenforcea!ilit" of an" particular pro1ision of this A/reement shall not affect an" other pro1ision hereof, !ut this A/reement shall !e construed and enforced as if such in1alid or unenforcea!le pro1ision as omitted. 8*0
E&&ecti-e Date*
otithstandin/ the actual date of e5ecution hereof, this A/reement shall !e effecti1e as of and from the 8ffecti1e 2ate. 8*8
Entire A gree"ent*
3his A/reement em!odies the entire and final a/reement of the Partners ith re/ard to the Partnership and no representations, arranties, a/reements, understandin/s, 1er!al or otherise, e5ist !eteen the Partners e5cept as herein e5pressl" set out. 8*:
o amendment, alteration, chan/e, 9ualification or modification of this A/reement shall !e 1alid unless it is in ritin/ and si/ned !" each Partner hereto and an" such amendment, alteration, chan/e, 9ualification or modification shall !e adhered to and ha1e the same effect as if the" had !een ori/inall" em!odied in and formed a part of this A/reement. 8*
3ime is of the essence of this A/reement and of e1er" part hereof.
:easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@ &
F$rt=er Ass$rances*
3he Partners hereto, and each of them, co1enant and a/ree that each of them shall and ill, upon reasona!le re9uest of the other Partners, ma-e, do, e5ecute or cause to !e made, done or e5ecuted all such further and other laful acts, deeds, thin/s, de1ices and assurances hatsoe1er for the !etter or more perfect and a!solute performance of the terms and conditions of this A/reement. 8*34
3his A/reement and the pro1isions hereof shall enure to the !enefit of and shall !e !indin/ upon the parties hereto and their respecti1e successors and permitted assi/ns. 8*33
3his A/reement ma" !e e5ecuted in counterparts, each of hich shall !e deemed to !e an ori/inal and all of hich ta-en to/ether shall constitute one and the same a/reement.
:easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@ '
the parties hereto ha1e dul" e5ecuted this
A/reement this da" of , to !e effecti1e as of the 8ffecti1e 2ate in accordance ith Section 6. of this A/reement.
Per# ame# 3itle# Per# ame# 3itle#
Per# ame# Per#
3itle# ame# 3itle#
A43IL8S +: I+4P+4A3I+ A2 B>LA7S = + S3+E +4P+4A3I+
Articles of Incorporation
+f :easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@ &0
(ame of the orporation)
E+7 ALL M8 B 38S8 P48S83S#
3he undersi/ned incorporators, all of le/al a/e and maorit" of hom are residents of the Philippines, ha1e this da" 1oluntaril" a/reed to form a non>stoc- corporation under the las of the 4epu!lic of the PhilippinesR
A2 78 848B843I:# :easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@ &1
:I4S3# 3hat the name of said corporation shall !e afeumAromaticoR
S8+2# 3hat the purposes for hich such corporation are incorporated#
3o en/a/e in a !usiness in pastries usin/ coffee as the main ra material for the products such as coffee drin- ith coffee ell", coffee cupca-e, coffee panca-e and other product inno1ation in the future either domestic or forei/nR
S8+2A4 PC4P+S8
3o promote the local coffee !ean of 3a/a"ta" to in1estors in order to /enerate emplo"ment for a1iteos.
Proided that the corporation shall not solicit8 accept or take inestments9placements from the public neither shall it issue inestment contracts+
:easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@ &2
3I42# 3hat the principal office of the corporation is located in 3a/a"ta" it", PhilippinesR
:+C43# 3hat the term for hich said corporation is to e5ist is 0 "ears from and after the date of issuance of the certificate of incorporationR
:I:3# 3hat the names, nationalities and residences of the incorporators are as follos#
:easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@
SIO3# 3hat the num!er of trustees of the corporation shall !e four ()R and the names, nationalities and residences of the first trustees of the corporation are as follos#
S883# 3hat the total contri!ution of the corporations is PP00, 000.00
8IG3# 3hat iso>an, o1el"n has !een elected !" the mem!e rs as 3reasurer of the corporation to act as such until his successor is dul" elected and 9ualified in accordance ith the !">las, and that as such 3reasurer, he has !een authoried to recei1e for and in the name and for the !enefit of the corporation, all contri!utions or donations paid or /i1en !" the mem!ers.
I3# 3hat no part of its income is distri!uta!le as di1idends to its mem!ers, trustees or officers su!ect to the pro1isions of the orporation ode of the Philippines on dissolution. Pro1ided, 3hat an" profit o!tained !" the association as an incident to its operation shall, :easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@ &$
hene1er necessar" or proper shall !e used for the furtherance of the purposes enumerated in Article II, su!ect to the pro1ision of 3itle OI of the orporation ode of the Philippines.
383# 3hat the incorporators and trustees underta-e to chan/e the name of the corporation as herein pro1ided, or as amended thereafter, imm ediatel" upon receipt of notice or directi1e from the Securities and 85chan/e ommission that another corporation, partnership or person has ac9uired a prior ri/ht to the use of that name or that the name has !een declared as misleadin/, decepti1e, confusin/l" similar to a re/istered name or contrar" to pu!lic morals, /ood custom or pu!lic polic".
I 7I38SS 7848+:, e ha1e hereunto si/ned these Articles of Incorporation, this &Jth da" of $anuar" %0&', in the it"Municipalit" of 3a/a"ta", Pro1ince of a1ite, 4epu!lic of the Philippines.
:easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@ &%
T S.S.
B8:+48 M8, a otar" Pu!lic, for and in 3a/a"ta", Philippines, this &J th da" of $anuar" &J, %0&', personall" appeared the folloin/ persons#
:easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@ &6
-non to me and to me -non to !e the same persons ho e5ecuted the fore/oin/ Articles of Incorporation constitutin/ of four () pa/es, includin/ this pa/e here the ac-noled/ement is ritten, and the" ac-noled/ed to me that the same is their free act and 1oluntar" deed.
7I38SS M A2 A2 S8AL on the da" first a!o1e>ritten.
Att". Marcos 2e La 4osa $uan
:easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@ &
2oc. o. &% Pa/e o. '6 Boo- o. % Series of %0&
(ame of the orporation)
I. 38 3IM8, PLA8 A2 MA84 +: ALLIG A2 +2C3IG 48GCLA4 +4 SP8IAL M883IGS +: 38 34CS388S. :easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@ &&
a) 4e/ular meetin/s of the !oard of truste es of the corporation shall !e held mont hl", unless the !">las pro1ide otherise. !) Special meetin/s of the !oard of trustees ma" !e held at an" time upon the call of the president or as pro1ided in the !">las c) Meetin/s of trustees ma" !e held an"here in or outside of the Philippines, unless the !">las pro1ide otherise. otice of re/ular or special meetin/s statin/ the date, time and place of the meetin/ must !e sent to e1er" trustee or trustee at least one (&) da" prior to the scheduled meetin/, unless otherise pro1ided !" the !">las. A trustee ma" ai1e this re9uirement, either e5pressl" or impliedl".
II. 38 3IM8 A2 MA 84 +: ALLIG A2 +2C3IG 48GCLA4 +4 SP8IAL M883IGS +: 38 M8MB84S.
a) 4e/ular or annual meetin/s of mem!ers shall !e held annuall" on :e!ruar" &%. !) 7ritten notice of re/ular meetin/s shall !e sent to all mem!ers of record at least to (%) ee-s prior to the meetin/, unless a different period is re9uired !" the !">las. c) Special meetin/s of mem!ers sha ll !e held at an" time deemed nece ssar" or as pro1ided in the !">las. d) 7ritten notice of special meetin/s shall !e sent to all mem!ers at least one ee- prior to the meetin/, unless a different period is re9uired !" the !">las. e) Mem!ersQ me etin/s, hether re/ular or special, shall !e held in the cit" or municipalit" here the principal office of the corporation is located, and if practica!le
:easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@ &'
in the principal office of the corporation. Metro Manila shall, for the purpose of this pro1ision, !e considered cit" or municipalit". III. 38 48;CI482 ;C+4CM I M883IGS +: M8MB8 4S
a) 3he re9uired 9uorum in meetin/s of mem!ers shall consist of the mem!ers representin/ a maorit" of the entire mem!ership. I. 38 :+4M :+4 P4+OI8S +: M8MB84S A2 38 MA84 +: +3IG 38M a) Mem!ers ma" 1o te in perso n or !" pro5" in all meetin/s of mem!er s. Pro5ies shall !e in ritin/, si/ned !" the mem!er and filed !efore the scheduled meetin/ ith the corporate secretar". Cnless otherise pro1ided in the pro5", it shall !e 1alid onl" for the meetin/ for hich it is intended. o pro5" shall !e 1alid and effecti1e for a period lon/er than fi1e () "ears at an" one time.
. 38 ;CALI:IA3I+S, 2C3I8S, 384M A2 +MP8SA3I+ +: 34CS388S
a) o person con1icted !" final ud/ment of an offense punisha!le !" imprisonment for a period e5ceedin/ si5 (6) "ears, or a 1iolation of this ode, committed ithin fi1e () "ears prior to the date of his election shall 9ualif" as a trustee. o person shall !e elected as trustee unless he is a mem!er of the corporation. A maorit" of the trustees !e residents of theofPhilippines. !) must 3he corporate poers the corporation shall !e e5ercised, all !usiness conducted and all propert" of the corporation !e controlled and held !" the !oard of trustees to :easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@ '0
!e elected from amon/ the mem!ers, ho shall hold office for one (&) "ear and until their successors are elected and 9ualified. c) 3he trustees shall not recei1e an" compensation, as such trustees, e5cept for reasona!le per diems. An" compensation ma" !e /ranted to trustees !" the 1ote of the mem!ers representin/ at least a maorit" of the mem!ership at a re/ular or special mem!ersQ meetin/, In no case shall the total "earl" compensation of trustees, as such trustees, e5ceed ten (&0K) percent of the net income !efore income ta5 of the corporation durin/ the precedin/ "ear. I. 38 MA84 +: 8L83I+ +4 APP+I3M83, ;CALI:IA3I+ A2 38 384M +: +::I8 +: ALL +::I84S +384 3A 34CS388S a) Immediatel" after their election, the trustees of a corporation must formall" or/anie !" the election of a P48SI283, ho shall !e a trustee, a 348ASC484 ho ma" or ma" not !e a trustee, a S8483A4 ho shall !e a resident and citien of the Philippines, and such other officers as ma" !e pro1ided in the !">las. 3o (%) or more positions ma" !e held concurrentl" !" the same officer, hoe1er no one shall act as P48SI283 and S8483A4 or as P48SI283 and 348ASC484 at the same time. 3he officers of the corporation shall hold office for one (&) "ear and until the successors are elected and 9ualified. 3he officers of the corporation shall perform functions as re9uired !" e5istin/ las, rules and re/ulations. II.
a) 3he fiscal "ear of the corporation shall !e/in on the first da" of $anuar" and end on the last da" of 2ecem!er of each "ear.
III. S8AL :easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@ '1
a) 3he corporate seal shall !e determined !" the Board of 3rustees.
a) Matters not co1ered !" the pro1isions of these !">las shall !e /o1erned !" the pro1isions of the orporation ode of the Philippines.
I 7I38SS 7848+:, e, the undersi/ned incorporators andor mem!ers present at said meetin/ and 1otin/ thereat in fa1or of the adoption of said !">las, ha1e hereunto su!scri!ed our names this &Jth da" of $anuar" %0&' at 3a/a"ta", Philippines.
:easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@ '2
:easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@ '#
7e therefore conclude that ha1in/ this feasi!ilit" stud" ill definitel" promote not ust a home /ron product of 3a/a"ta" !ut definitel" ill push the a/riculture of the it". Bindin/ it to entice more eco>tourism friendl" /uests to identif" hat has !een the Dtop of the mindD or Dneest trendD. It ill ma-e not ust its competitor thin- tice !ut ma-es this feasi!ilit" stud" doa!le to the mar-et and ofcourse ith the economic profile of 3a/a"ta" it".
:easi!ilit" Stud" %nd 3erm %0&6>%0&' # afeum Aromatico ? 3e Amo offee@ '$