M A RS – 1 st Episode 1 - M a r s G e o ce ce n t r ic i c Ev e ry ry 24 24 ’
I want ed to see if EUR EUR// USD USD makes bot to m every 24 degree of geocentric movem ent w hat I observed and and results are not surpr ising. ising. Go Go short 9 days ago and go long on exact exact d ate and w ait un til 11 d ays after. I want ed to show special pecial attention to soonest oonest occurrence occurrence w hich hich w ill be in November. November. (Novem ber 10, 2012 5:40 5:4 0 a m ) . Bes Bestt strat egy go short short 3 days before and close close short short 1 day aft er. This This created created %73.7 tim es (14/ 19) low er prices w ith t his strat strat egy w here rando m selection selection s prod uced %47.4 %47.4 tim es low er prices. prices.