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Mass Bernstein
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Mass Source. Choose how to define the mass of the structure using either or both of the
following options:
Element Self Mass and Additional Mass option. This is the default. With this option,
mass is calculated from the following specifications:
Mass density specified for materials materials..
Mass specified for link for link properties. properties.
Additional mass assigned directly to the joints the joints..
Additional line line mass assigned to frame to frame or cable cable objects. objects.
Additional area mass assigned to area area objects. objects.
Specified Load Patterns option. With this option, mass is calculated from a scaled
combination of load patterns see !efine Mass Multiplier for "oads, below#. The net load acting downward in the negati$e global % direction# on each element is di$ided by the acceleration due to gra$ity, in the current units, and is used for the mass in the three translational directions. &ee '!etailed Calculations' below. "oad patterns should generally represent weight, and should not contain self(e)uilibrating self(e)uilibrating loads, such as temperature and prestress.
*f both options are selected, the total mass is the sum of the mass from each option. +e careful not to include load patterns containing self(weight when using the lement &elf Mass, or the mass may be double(counted.
-esponse(spectrum and modal time(history load cases use the Mass &ource of their corresponding modal load case. ote: /. 0a$e you you considered considered 1ero 1ero li$e li$e load load for terrac terraces es for seismi seismic c load combos2 please check. 3. 4loor finishing load taken by you /.5 k6s).m# seems to b e slightly on lower side. *t depends upon the actual floor finishing material used. 7lease re$isit. 8. The base shear coefficient used by use is 5.59 while it is 5.5; for buildings with time period upto / se cond as per +C 35<. Also, the formula T=5.5>06s)rt!## T=5.5>06s)rt!## is preferable for buildings with infill wall. 7lease check.
Mass source is meant for auto-generation of seismic load in SAP2000. As per IS 1893-2002 and NN! 10"# $ou %a&e to consider dead load' speci(ed percentage of li&e load )%ile calculating seismic )eig%t of a *uilding. So# Mass source s%ould *e gi&en accordingl$. +or e,ample# )%ile gi&ing mass source from loads# factor s%ould *e 1 for eac% of t%e dead load items and 0.2" or 0." depending upon li&e load intensit$ for li&e load items. ne ma$ use separate li&e load for roof so t%at it ma$ not *e included in mass source since li&e load is to *e taen as /ero for roof as per codal pro&ision. As said a*o&e# *e sure of t%e meaning of eac% command *efore using t%em.oo Mass source is meant for auto-generation of seismic load in SAP2000. As per IS 1893-2002 and NN! 10"# $ou %a&e to consider dead load' speci(ed percentage of li&e load )%ile calculating seismic )eig%t of a *uilding. So# Mass source s%ould *e gi&en accordingl$.
%ile I appreciate $our eagerness to learn design and anal$sis of a *uilding# it appears from $our 4ueries t%at $ou are not sure a*out $our modeling. 5ence# I personall$ feel t%at follo)ing points s%ould *e ept in mind *$ all learners of structural anal$sis and design. 6%ese are m$ personal feelings. +ello) Se(ans ma$ add t%eir &ie)s to guide $oungsters.oo 1. Anal$sis and design soft)are is a tool )%ic% %as to *e used 7udiciousl$. rong input ma$ not *e noti(ed *$ t%e soft)are and it ma$ gi&e output )%ic% ma$ not *e correct at all. ear in mind t%e sa$ing- ar*age Inar*age ut :I;<. 6%us one %as to *e cautious )%ile modeling a structure in a soft)are. 6%e onl$ )a$ is more stud$ and more learning. =ou need to stud$ tutorials and e,amples (rst and t%en &enture out into real pro*lem. A senior in t%is (eld ma$ *e of immense %elp to $ou.oo 2. 6utorial e,amples are a&aila*le in SAP2000 itself including %elp< )%ic% can *e accessed inside
SAP2000 after installation is complete. Please stud$ t%em t%oroug%l$. In t%at )a$# $ou )ill *e a*le to interpret t%e results or output gi&en *$ t%e program. Similarl$# $ou %a&e to *e a)are of limitations of t%e soft)are-)%at can *e modeled and )%at cannot *e modeled or designed *$ t%e particular soft)are. If $ou are not sure a*out a command in t%e soft)are# it is *etter not to use it. Man$ resources are a&aila*le in t%e )e* too. =ou can use atc% and learn< &ideos from !SI )e*site.oo 3. >egarding $our 4uer$ on staircase modeling# one )a$ is using t%e s%ell element )%ic% $ou seem to %a&e used in $our model. t%er )a$ is t%e simpli(ed &ersion of taing loads from staircase onto t%e frame )it%out using t%e s%ell element :i.e. not actuall$ modeling t%e staircase *ut taing loads from staircase onl$;. f course t%e latter approac% )ill not model t%e strut e?ect of t%e staircase.oo @. Pus%-o&er anal$sis is an ad&anced topic for a *eginner. =ou are ad&ised to enter into it )%en $ou are familiar )it% ordinar$ linear staticd$namic met%od.oo ". Mass source is meant for auto-generation of seismic load in SAP2000. As per IS 1893-2002 and NN! 10"# $ou %a&e to consider dead load' speci(ed percentage of li&e load )%ile calculating seismic )eig%t of a *uilding. So# Mass source s%ould *e gi&en accordingl$. +or e,ample# )%ile gi&ing mass source from loads# factor s%ould *e 1 for eac% of t%e dead load items and 0.2" or 0." depending upon li&e load intensit$ for li&e load items. ne ma$ use separate li&e load for roof so t%at it ma$ not *e included in mass source since li&e load is to *e taen as /ero for roof as per codal pro&ision. As said a*o&e# *e sure of t%e meaning of eac% command *efore using t%em.oo . Be(ning load t$pe as reduci*le li&e load alone )onCt automaticall$ reduce li&e load in SAP2000.oo D. %en appl$ing load to area elements# if $ou use area load to s%ell# it )ill *e applied at nodal points of t%e s%ell and for t%is# $ou %a&e to mes% t%e area element in appropriate )a$. If $ou use area load to
frame# t%e same load )ill *e s%o)n as triangles and trape/oids onto t%e frame elements. =ou can searc% t%e SE+I forum for more materials on t%is topic. If t%ere are *eams on all sides of t%e sla*# $ou %a&e to use t)o )a$< distri*ution so t%at load is distri*uted to t%e supporting *eams in one )a$ or t)o )a$ depending upon t%e aspect ratio of t%e sla*.oo 8. >egarding $our 4uer$ on practical reinforcement<# %o) do $ou arri&e at itF Is it from some t%um* ruleF If $ou do correct modeling# t%ere is no 4uestion of )rong output or results. I rel$ on t%e results *ut sometimes# $ou ma$ )is% to &erif$ some elements t%roug% manual c%ecing.oo 9. After anal$sis is complete# element design can *e done. +or t%is $ou %a&e to de(ne )%ic% load com*inations to tae. t%er)ise# SAP2000 )ill tae some default load com*os for designing )%ic% ma$ not *e )%at $ou )ant as per t%e codal pro&ision. So go to t%e design menu and c%oose appropriate load com*os )%ic% $ou %a&e de(ned *efore e,ecuting design command. f course# SAP2000 automaticall$ designs for t%e )orst load com*os at eac% section of *eam after preparing en&elope internall$. =ou can &ie) e&er$ detail of element design meaning t%at )%ic% com*o is ma,imum at left end at top# at left end at *ottom# and so on. +or column# eac% set of PG# Mu, and MG$ %as to *e indi&iduall$ considered for eac% load com*os.oo 10. =ou are re4uested to start )it% a simple model# sa$ a simpl$ supported *eam# t%en a continuous *eam # t%en a simple 2B-frame so t%at $ou full$ understand t%e *asics. =ou can tae a sol&ed e,ample from a >! *oo to model in SAP2000 and compare t%e result from SAP2000 )it% t%e manual solutionoo Please eep on $our e?orts to learn more.