Abby’s Hype video. All the things in the video is somehow or rather connected to maths. 1 Why does the universe speak maths? Our presentation answers this question. ut be!ore that have a look at the question that was assigned to us again.
Mathematics has sometimes sometimes been called “the language of the universe”. Why, do you think? Is it an international language? language?
"nde# $ displayed on the board % A 1 What is a language ? & What is maths ? ' Why is maths a language?
Why is maths universal ? 1 What is universal ? ( ( ( (
)aths )ath s doe doesn sntt req requi uirre numb number ers. s. Why do most most theo theori ries es stan stand d cor corre rect ct "s doin doing g mat maths hs huma human n nat natur ure e? Will Will math maths s be be ther there ew wit itho hout ut huma humans? ns?
& *roo! !or maths being universal? ( (
+#amp +#ample les( s( gold golden en rati ratio, o, -bon -bonac acci ci )obius strip
' )aths being international ( (
Why did did we we !or !orge gett the the basi basis s o! o! mat maths? hs? +#p +#plain lain the the di dier eren entt wri writi ting ngs s
1 )aths tree & Analogy 0 e2ection $ with matri# thing at the back%
+ 3uestion time (
4ust in case, they don’t ask, lets prepare questions.
Answers to all these questions, a mathematical voyage, "s now the 1& minute tra5ck o! our stage, 6he which i! you with patient ears attend, What here shall miss, our toil shall mend.
A What is a language ? 6here are many de-nitions )ethod o! human communication, spoken or written, consisting o! words in a structured and conventional way. 7ollows 8 criteria( pragmatics, semantics, synta#, phonology, morphology. A body o! words, the system !or their use, common to people o! the same country or region. ut we won’t be looking at these things.
Our de-nition o! language re!ers to its very core.
Language is a system for the expression of thoughts, feelings, etc, by the use of spoken sounds or conventional symbols. No criterions except for this one. ( Repeats the denition)
9anguage can be separated into two big subsets. 1 asic language & +stablished language asic language 1( 6he ability to enable communication Here, 9iyana will do a mini demonstration. $ /aveman in danger a!ter discovering a beast : says 0AAA;<+%
&( 6o e#plain something. +g=
6he cat is hungry, the ostrich can’t 2y, ;ous allons manquer $ miss % 0r. rice.
+stablished language 1( Aesthetic $ beauti!ul % quality to it. How do " love thee? 9et me count the ways. " love thee to the depth and breadth and height )y soul can reach, when !eeling out o! sight +li>abeth arrett rowning How do " love thee?
*oetry and literature have these !eatures o! established languages.
&( )anipulation o! words !m reading a book about anti"gravity. t!s impossible to put do#n.
' : /ommunicating something that is not quite necessary $Act out % Hey, you want to hear a oke ? Our presentation.
6hese are the !eatures o! established language.
& What is maths ? )aths is quite unde-nable because it is an A6, it’s a @/"+;/+, it’s a 9A;<A<+. "t’s everything. ut one o! the de-nitions o! maths that we -nd to be appealing is Maths is anything that studies the interaction and the pattern between quantities, variables, structure, and change.
Everything in maths is related to patterns that can be proven given certain criteria. For example, What we are trying to tell you is that Maths is not just arithmetic. ( 1,,! ". #his numbers can cease to exist but Mathematics will still be there. $s in %ytagoras& #heorem.
( triangle slide' how it originated."
We don&t need numbers. We just need the theorems. ecause o) our education system, many people e*uate mathematics with arithmetic. +et mathematicians study abstract structures )ar more diverse than n umbers, including geometric shapes. t is not only arithmetic that we are studying. For example, - - / 10 We also have *uestions lie 2 Why do right angled triangles behave in this manner2 #his will lead to a theorem which can be proven every single time given the criteria. We are just studying logic and patterns o) the universe. #hat is mathematics.
! Mathematics as a language.
Maths is a system
t has di))erent levels which needs to be learnt step by step
3ne does not learn $lgebra in Maths without learning the basics o) $ddition, 4ubtraction, Multiplication, 5ivision etc. Maths is also used with their own grammar, which is a se*uence o) symbols and numbers that must be arranged and written in a speci)ic way( write on the board" Maths is also used in conversations. 3ne includes the *uantity o) a speci)ic object o) conversation by the usage o) language.
Mathematics is dynamic
#he way human represent Maths change over time although Maths in reality does not change
Maths did not start with a whole set o) numbers
For example, )rom the video that we saw in class, Maths started with the need to record the value o) a subject t is through time that humans )igured out the way to represent a *uantity o) a subject without wasting e))ort in maing soooo many scratches 6umans develop better ways to represent Maths, thus resulting with the Maths that we now o) today
Mathematics, lie language, have dialects(egypt vs a)rica"
Mathematics is di))erent in presentation in di))erent regions
6owever, despite o) these di))erences, the value a nd meaning is still the same, although the aesthetic used to represent each number is di))erent. For example, the way how number 7one8 is written in 9hinese is not the same as how the :omans write. #he word;syllable used to represent the number is also di))erent. 6owever, the value is still the same.
#he basic language part o) maths is we call the applied maths. ecause applied maths& very core is communication.
Examples o) theoretical maths ( pure maths". t wouldn&t wor in real li)e. Maybe one day it would because usually stu))s )rom pure maths move to applied maths.(eg = Fibonacci se*uence "
>ie , per)ect numbers. #he sum o) the )actors o) the number is e*ual to the number itsel). ? is a per)ect number. Why2 ecause 1 ! / ?. @et it 2 #he next per)ect number is A.
( explain it on board "
$nd then, there are also poetry in maths. #his is said to be the most beauti)ul e*uation in maths.
eB (piC i " 1 / 0
#his is because it has all the most appreciated and the most beauti)ul numbers i/ imaginary number, pi, e/ euler&s constant and 1 and 0.
Even the part o) the brain we use )or language, when we thin and the part o) the brain that wors out e*uations is the same part o) the brain, the )rontal lobe. #he )rontal lobe is used )or reasoning. When you do maths and when you thin o) something to say, the same part o) the brain lights up the most under M: scans.
Why is maths universal 2 1 What is universal 2 '
Maths doesnt re*uire numbers.
Why do most theories stand correct
s doing maths human nature 2
Will maths be there without humans2
%roo) )or maths being universal2 '
Examples' golden ratio, )ibonacci
Mobius strip
! Maths being international '
Why we )orget the basis o) maths2
Explain the di))erent writings
What is universal ? "t simply means it is done and e#perienced by everyone or e#isting and true at all times . y everyone, we don’t simply mean us, humans. We also mean, non( living things, plants and animals alike and even outer space. "t is a huge concept. +#amples o! things that are universal. 6here are not many actually. +ven gravity is not quite universal. How about intangible things like !reedom ? "s it universal ? We can’t be too sure. +ven in our world history, !reedom has changed !rom time to time. ut now we are making a claim that )athematics is universal.
$ insert picture o! universe( gala#y shape.%
We can be too sure about what this means. ut the shape you are looking at is the shape that e#ists in the current world. $ insert pictures.............. %
+#plains 7ibbonacci sequence, golden ratio.
What does this mean, we are not too sure. y we, " don’t ust mean my team. " mean we humans as a whole. We are trying to -nd what this means collectively. Mathematics directs the ow of the universe lurks behind its sha!es and curves and holds the reins of everything from tiny atoms to the biggest stars” a "uote by #dward $renkel
Why do most theorems stand true? Why are theorems universal?
9ike we told you be!ore, maths hardly requires numbers. "t is a way to simpli!y matters and calculations.ut there are bigger things, proportions and patterns !or e#ample.
4ust like the *ytagoras e#ample. "t is correct everywhere. ut ust imagine, i! we one day get to move to outer space and the world is no longer the same. 0o you think *ytogoras 6heorem would work ? $ insert conve#ed picture here % ;o, but we would discover a new theorem that would work here. "t would still be maths.
)ost theories will stand correct because it works. Which is why )aths is universal. ;ewton and 9eibni> discovered dierentiation independently. 6his
7’$# % and dyBd#. 6his goes to show something.
"s doing maths human nature ? A ' year old kid is able to tell the dierence between two dierent si>es. "t is not comple# maths. ut still the idea o! the amount proves that we do have a certian degree o! capacity to learn mathematics. "t is the language o! the universe. irds estimate distances. 6his basic maths. 9ike we told you be!ore, maths hardly requires numbers. "t is a way to simpli!y matters and calculations.ut there are bigger things, proportions and patterns !or e#ample. 1, ', 8, C, ?
' Will maths continue to e#ist without us? 6his is the question that will proo! maths would be universal or not. "! maths indeed e#ists without any humans. 6hen it is universal. 6he snail, the plant, the universe picture.
+#plain about something. 6he angles inside a triangle !or in stance.
"s maths international ? 0e-nitely. $ Denn diagram % ut why?
Why is it being stressed in curriculums. ecause it helps to answer questions on nature. We can build new things. We can reply back to nature. "s this the search !or the answers o! the universe?
6he paintings. 6he buildings.
)aths being international 6he way it is written might be dierent but it means the same thing $ /hinese and hindu(arabic numerals %. A!ter the +gyptians, the
/ )aths tree
6his is our maths tree. "t has branches o! all the maths we currently have in the world and it is the proo! that everything originated !rom the u niverse.
Analogy. An analogy. /ra>y analogy.
" create something called aby language. " collect all patterns o! babies’ cries and their wailings and their laughter and all that. And then " create a communication system assigning each o! the dierent !requencies a name. And i e#periment that i! i pinch a baby, it will cry. 6here!ore, " have a theorem, and " name itE /rybaby 6heorem. And i! i rock the cradle, it will sleep. @weet 0reams 6heorem. "magine i! i have created so many many tiny theorems. And aby language is so developed and advanced that it has many in-nite stus in it.
A!ter some time, centuries a!ter the world is 2uent with aby language. " go to the question. Why do all babies speak aby language? Well, well. "sn’t this an awkward question. " created the aby language !rom the set o! babies’ sounds that were already there. And then " wonder why they speak aby 9anguage ?
@o to answer out big question. 6he one that appeared right in the beginning is this. "s maths the language o! the universe?
;o doubt at all. Fes. )aths is something, we humans derived !rom the universe. And now we are wondering why the universe speaks maths ?
"t is something like our analogy. We haven’t really e#plored the universe yet, so there is a high degree o! uncertainty to the question o! is maths the language o! the universe. ut it is de-nitely the language o! nature.
6he whole presentation was so that we can e#plain that mathematics is the language o! the universe. We say that this is an un!air question. We -t mathematics to the natural phenomena. 6hus, more maths would de-nitely be discovered to -t in the natural occurence in the universe. 6hat was how gravity was discovered. "s the value o! gravity G.1 ms(&. "t is. ecause that was what we made it to be. We can change the whole number system and call the value o! the gravitational acceleration something else. 9et’s say , ee. ut the logic behind the theorem will still be the same.
)athematics describes the real world= many areas o! mathematics originated with attempts to describe and solve real world phenomena ( !rom measuring !arms $geometry% to !alling apples $calculus% to gambling $probability%. )athematics is widely used in modern physics and engineering, and has been hugely success!ul in helping us to understand more about the universe around us !rom its largest scales $physical cosmology% to its smallest $quantum mechanics%.
What we are saying is that IIIIIIIIIIIIpoint. "! the phenomena hasn’t !ully been e#plored yet. 6hen we will e#plore it and assign it an equation. 6hus )aths is a universal language.
We are actually playing with inductions and deductions, as in logic whenever we see a reoccuring pattern. 6hat is maths. 6his is our conclusion. 6hat maths is the language o! the universe because we understand the world better through mathematical concept. We assign logic to patterns o! the phenomena and we watch it progress and be recreated in other parts o! the universe.
0 e2ection
+ 3uestions.
e!erence https=BBwww.cs.cornell.eduBJkvikramBhtmlsBreadBmaths.htm
http=BBblog.ted.comB&K1LBKLB1MBa(bilingual(ted(ed(clubB http=BBen.wikipedia.orgBwikiB9anguageIo!Imathematics http=BBwww.!davidpeat.comBbibliographyBessaysBmaths.htm http=BBwebcache.googleusercontent.comBsearch? qNcache=http=BBwww.scienti-camerican.comBarticleBis(the(universe(made(o!(math( e#cerptB http=BB#eny.netBmathsI)athsIandItheI9anguageIo!ItheIniverse http=BBwww.!romquarkstoquasars.comBwhy(math(is(the(language(o!(the( universeBa#>>''9ygi;o