Executor Office. The “MYRON CHARLES RICE”, Business Entit. N!tion “Michi"!n”. #ener!$%&ost Office. '()*+ Sch!efer Hi! % -+. /etroit % Ton. 0nite1 St!tes Minor, Out$in" Is$!n1s. Ne!r.. 2)3**4%+++35 Ne!r ni"ht % of Nineth 6une to%7ero one%se8en
O::ICE O: THE SECRETARY O: STATE. MS R0TH 6OHNSON, SOS, BAN;R0&T TR0STEE &.O. Box <=. Met!irie, LA. 0.S.A. 2+++++5
#i8in" Notice to 0>1!te “MYRON CHARLES RICE” Entit St!tus, ! “So$e &ro>rietorshi>” !s Re"istere1 Business Acti8e?In #oo1 St!n1in".
I !@, Rice, Mron Ch!r$es, the $i8in" re!$ n!tur!$ M!n, here!fter Affi!nt, not !n !rtifici!$ >erson or suret, “N!@eho$1er In /ue Course” of ! :orei"n Re"istere1, Assu@e1 N!@e Certific!te?esse$ ANC !n1 Birth Certific!te?A"enc BC, res>ecti8e$ for the “MYRON CHARLES RICE” Business Entit !n1 Affi!nt ne st!tus 1onDt !nt to co@@it !n i$$e"!$ !cts f!$se >erson!tion. Your recor1s?c!se on the “MYRON CHARLES RICE”, Ens%$e"is, is !n error !n1 nee1 to e u>1!te1 !s “Re"istere1 Business Entit”. The to* entities ANC !n1 BC !re no >ro>er$ Re"istere1 !n1 Authentic!te1 in Michi"!n to 1o co@@erce $e"!$$ in “:u$$, :!ith !n1 Cre1it” see !tt!che1. No St!te “$icense” for &ri8!te &rofit!$e Cor>or!tion c!n contr!ct ith the Re"istere1 “MYRON CHARLES RICE”, Business Entit, “So$e &ro>rietorshi>”, !n1 “reFuire ritten consent” fro@ the Affi!nt, !s “ho$1er in 1ue course” in >rocession !n1 contro$ of the Ens%$e"is, not the oner. Courts reFuire1 Ens%$e"is n!@e for contr!cts !n1 >ro>er cor>or!te re"istere1 for Guris1iction, neither !>>$ie1 to Affi!nt, therefore H!e!s Cor>us in court not reFuire1. I@>ro>er us!"e of Re"istere1 ANC !n1 BC i$$ resu$t in 8io$!tin" I1entit Thief !n1 Counterfeitin" Securit, res>ecti8e$, !$so ! us!"e fee !>>$ie1. A$$ sh!$$ e re>orte1 to the “Secret Ser8ice”. “ Ens legis. legis. L. L!t. A cre!ture cre!ture of the $! !n !rtifici!$ ein", !s contr!ste1 ith ! n!tur!$ >erson. A>>$ie1 to cor>or!tions, consi1ere1 !s 1eri8in" their existence entire$ fro@ the $!.” B$!cDs L! /iction!r, :ourth E1ition, '+'. '4+ % S0&REME CO0RT R0LIN# J NO COR&ORATE, ENS%LE#IS, 60RIS/ICTION OER THE NAT0RAL MAN &enh!$$o 8. /o!neDs A1@inistr!ters ( 0.S. ) ' L.E1. 4 ( /!$$. ), S.C.R. '4+ Su>re@e Court of the 0nite1 St!tes '4+, “In!s@uch !s e8er "o8ern@ent is !n !rtifici!$ >erson, !n !s !str! tr!cti ction, on, !n1 ! cr cre!t e!tur uree of the @in1 on$ on$, , ! "o8 "o8ern ern@en @entt c!n interf!c interf!cee on$ on$ it ith h oth other er !rtifi !rt ifici! ci!$$ >er >erson sons. s. The i@!" i@!"in! in!r, r, h!8 h!8in" in" nei neithe therr !ct !ctu!$ u!$it it nor su sust! st!nce nce,, is for forec$ ec$ose ose1 1 fr fro@ o@ cre!t cr e!tin" in" !n1 !tt !tt!in !inin" in" >!r >!rit it it ith h the t!n"i$e. t!n"i$e. The $e" $e"!$ !$ @!ni @!nifes fest!t t!tion ion of thi thiss is th! th!tt no "o8ern@ent, "o8er n@ent, !s e$$ !s !n $!, !"enc, !"enc, !s>ec !s>ect, t, court, etc. c!n conce concern rn itse$f ith !nthin" other th!n cor>or!te, !rtifici!$ >ersons !n1 the contr!cts eteen the@.”,
Return notice to N!@eho$1erDs usiness entit in ' 1!s to our correcte1 recor1s. No res>onse to this 1e@!n1 in1ic!te1 !n !cce>t!nce !n1?or t!cit >rocur!tion to this $etter. If ou $!c the un1erst!n1in" of this >!>eror, for!r1 to our !ttorne. "o8ern ourse$f !ccor1in"$. se!$ Certifie1 No.
cc9 Ric Sn1er Sn1er,, MI. #o8ernor Bi$$ Schuette, MI. Attorne #ener!$ Nick A. Khouri, MI. State Treasurer