This is intended for the summative assessment for grade 1 in private school
PeriodicalsFull description
2nd Periodical Exam- English 10
FISHFull description
Math8Full description
first periodical
Full description
SHSFull description
NC@ reviewerFull description
Filipino 7Full description
Full description
Second Grading Periodical Exam in Household Services 2014-2015Full description
Second Grading Periodical Exam in Household Services 2014-2015Full description
First Grading exam in TLE - 9 & 10 , Personal Entrepreneural Competency and Market and Environment. This is is part of Computer System Servicing in TLE 9 & 10
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Beautiful bindings for handmade books. Concertina, piano hinge, exposed spine, star binding and more.Full description
Full description
Descrição: Beautiful bindings for handmade books. Concertina, piano hinge, exposed spine, star binding and more.
test paperFull description
3rd Periodical Test - AP7Full description
Republic of the Philippines SAN JUAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL San Jose, San Juan, Southern Leyte 3rd Periodical Test in i n ICT IC T-7 Preliminaries: 1 !rite !rite your na"e, na"e, section section and date date you ha#e ta$e ta$en n this e%a" e%a" & !ho is the the perso person n sittin' sittin' on on your left left( ( 3 !ho is the the perso person n sittin' sittin' on on your ri'h ri'ht( t( ) !ho is the the perso person n sittin' sittin' at at your bac bac$( $( * !ho is the the perso person n sittin' sittin' in in front front of you( you( Test I. Modifed True or False. ire!tion: !rite T if the state"ent is true !rite + is the state"ent is +alse, identify the ord that "a$es the state"ent false then rite the correct ords. ords.
1 & 3 ) *
/'colo /'colorr is an attri attribut bute e of body body ta' ta' ht"l ht"l and and ht" ht" are are the the sa"e sa"e The charac character ter 02 02 indica indicate te an an end ta'( The ran'e ran'e of headin' headin' ta's ta's a#ailable a#ailable usin' usin' T4L are are fro" 5h16 5h16 to 5h6 5h6 8eti9uettes 8eti9uettes online online security security or safety safety of people and their their infor"at infor"ation ion hen usin' internet
Test II. Multi"le C#oi!e. ire!tion: Mat!# !olumn A $it# !olumn %. &rite t#e letter onl' COLUMN A
1 i'hli'hted i'hli'hted te%t te%t ithin ithin a eb pa'e pa'e that that allos allos you to "o#e to another site & It as as ori'inall ori'inally y de#elop de#eloped ed for for the 'o#ern" 'o#ern"ent ent to enable researchers around the orld to be able to share infor"ation 3 S$etch S$etch on on ho to to or'ani< or'ani It ind indic icat ates es con con?i ?ict ct 7 It indica indicates tes stabil stability ity It indi indicat cates es "ascu "asculin linity ity @ The ;oAs and ;onAts ;onAts hen co""unica co""unicatin' tin' online
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Test III. Identif!ation anser !rite the ire!tion: Read the 9uestions carefully and choose the best anser letter only only 1 !hat !hat does does T4L T4L stand stands s for( for( a yper Throttle 4anly Lan'ua'e b yperte%t 4ar$up Lan'ua'e c o to 4a$e Lan'ua'e d o to 4o#e Lan'ua'e & !hat is the the attrib attribute ute for for 5i"a' 5i"a'e6 e6 ta'( ta'( a pt b url c path d src 3 !hat are are the for for ta's ta's needed needed in a ebsit ebsite( e( a 5ht"l6,5head6,5title6,5body6 b 5ht"l6,5foot6,5ar"6,5body6 b 5ht"l6, 5eyes6, 5title6,5le'6 d 5lt"h6, 5p6 , 5a6, 5body6 ) The 5p6 5p6 ta' ta' is used used for hat hat purp purpose oses( s( a To "a$e a list b To display headin' c To rite Te%t d To read te%t * !hich headin' headin' ta' ta' displays displays the bi''est( bi''est(
a a c
a 5h36 b 5h>6 c 5h&6 d 5h16 > !hat is the 5br6 ta' for( Space b Para'raph /rea$ c Line /rea$ d !or$ /rea$ 7 !hich of the folloin' attributes are used for a font na"e( b fn c font d face a fontna"e !hat ta' introduces a list ite"( 5ol6 b5list6 c 5li6 d5LIS6 @ !hat is the correct synta% in T4L for creatin' a lin$ on a ebpa'e( 5LI8 SRC Dithoutboo$ht"lD6 b 5/E;F LI8 Dithoutboo$ht"lD6 5G SRC Dithoutboo$ht"lD 6 d 5G RH+ Dithoutboo$ht"lD6 1BIt refers to des$top publishin' pro'ra" that can be used to create a #ariety of publications a 4S !ord b 4S Publisher c 4S H%cel d 4S PoerPoint 11!hich of these is cyber-bullyin'( a +la"e "ail b Postin' "ean Co""ents b ate 4ail d Gll of the abo#e 1&H"otion icons or 0e"oticons2 can be fun ay to sho your facial e%pressions in cyberspace, . and -. "eans you are s"ilin' or happy and and - "ean that you are sad !hat does -; "ean( a Shoutin' b Fellin' c Lau'hin' d !o Er Kh oh 13Gle%i ants to post a co""ent to an online "essa'e board She really ants to e"phasi
Test I(. HTML Pro)rammin) *+, "tsire!tion: 4a$e a pro'ra" O pseudo code that ill output the folloin' I HA(6 T&O HANS
I ha#e to hands, the left and the right old the" up hi'h so clean and bri'ht Cla" the" softly, 1, &, 3 Clean little hands are 'ood to see
Test (. Perorman!e Test. *+/ "ts;irection Create hat is bein' as$ you to do Fou are only 'i#en 1B "inutes to create this 1 Create a &B1 calendar for SJ8S in 4S Publisher usin' Art Let esi)n0 One 'ear "er Pa)e timerame0 ith Castellar as 'our ont or t#e Title0 Si1e //. & Sa#e your or$ in ri2e . 3 +ile na"e should be 3'ourlastname."eriodi!al."u45