Method Of StatementTack Coat and Asphalting Materials The major materials used for tack coat & asphalt work, but are not limited to the following. •
Asphalt Concrete Concrete (Binder (Binder Course ) C! "
Equipment The major e#uipment used for tack coat & asphalt work, but are not limited to the following. •
Asphalt $a%ers $a%ers '.' m width width
$neumatic Tred ollers " Tone
Tandem oller * Tone
+.' T roller
$late Compactor
Tractor & Trailer
Asphalt Cutter & Breaker
Tractor with Broom + m ide
-ump Trucks .' Cube
!ampling & Testing /#uipment
!prit 0e%el
Compressor "+' cfm
Tack coat spraer
!traight /dges
ater bowser
1ther minor tools
Man Power 2an power used for tack coat & asphalt work, but are not limited to the following. •
Ci%il 3orman (Asphalt)
!afet 1fficer
0ab technician
!ur%eor Assistant
ake 2en
!killed 0abours
4nskilled 0abours
esponsibilit of work carried out lies on e%er person in%ol%e for the job. !ite management team, 2aterials /ngineer and !ur%eor collecti%el bear responsibilit in guaranteeing the #ualit of finished product.
Safety Management and Tra.ffic Control !afet precaution will be taken compling with the Traffic and !afet $lan. /%er precaution will be taken to a%oid an accidents & damages to adjoining properties, workers, and road users. All workers will be ad%ised to wear helmets, boots, and glo%es while working. There will be a stand b %ehicle near site alwas if needed in case of accident. The safet officer %isits se%eral times to inspect safet matters.
Method and Procedures 5enerall tack coat & Asphalt works will be done when the e6isting surface is dr or sufficientl low in moisture and normall the atmospheric temperature is abo%e the "' oC or as instructed b the /ngineer. Before starting Tack Coat & Asphalt orks, the area will be demarcated & safet signs will be properl arranged. !ingle lane traffic will be managed so that no %ehicle commuters suffer unnecessar dela.
Placing to shoulders
inal rolling
Tack Coat ! "egulating Course The surface will be cleaned and remo%ed loose and deleterious material from the e6isting road with the help of compressed air. e#uest will be made for checking the surface prior to appling the tack coat on e6isting road. Tack coat will be applied at re#uired rate .+' 7.'' 08m+ on cleaned e6isting road surface and spra record sheets will be submitted to the engineer on a dail basis for /ngineer9s appro%al. Asphalt concrete will be mi6ed with the appro%ed job mi6 formula in the Asphalt plant 2i6ing, transporting, trucks & other machineries, and the phsical condition of the asphalt mi6 will be in accordance with the specification re#uirements. 0oading & transportation will be co7 ordinate and spreading, compacting and finishing will be completed during dalight hours unless otherwise ade#uate illumination will be pro%ided in order to minimi:e darkness. ;ight work will be done onl due to accepted reason with the /ngineer appro%als. -eli%ering of asphalt to the pa%er will be at a minimum temperature of "' C as per the specification.
0ongitudinal edge will be set along the center line and also the lateral joint will be set staggered. 0ongitudinal and trans%erse joints will be made in a careful manner so that well bounded sealed joints are pro%ided for full depth of course. Asphalt pa%ing will be start immediatel after transporting, using asphalt pa%er, which is capable of spreading, finishing, and pro%iding initial compaction to the asphalt mi6 such that the surfacing shall be finished to the re#uired lines, grades, le%els, dimensions, cross sections or as per the /ngineer9s instructions. 2anual spreading will be applied where Asphalt pa%er operation not applicable. ? of the 2arshall -ensit at the point appropriate to the locations and air %oid will be the to >.
#uality Control Certain inspections, %erifications, and tests will be carried out, to ensure the #ualit and durabilit of the product as described in the abo%e procedures, as per the re#uirements gi%en in specifications. 5uide lines for site re#uirements will be set while continuing the asphalt laing depending on the condition such as roller passes etc, as a rule of thumb.
Measurement Control egulating course (Binder 2i6) will be measured b tonnage. Certain inspections, %erifications, and tests will be carried out, to ensure the #ualit and durabilit of the product as described in the abo%e procedures, as per the re#uirements gi%en in the specification. Appro%al will be obtained from /ngineer for material (Asphalt) deli%er sheet dail.
$1@/CT 4A0
2ethod of $lastering 3121F 2/TD1- $/ C1;!T4CT<1; T/2