
Author:  Dan John Karikottu

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project report on microfinance

The scope of this essay is to analyze the theory of microfinance, by studying the ideologies of Muhammad Yunus, founder of such economical phenomenon, and assessing the attempts of Pangea On…Full description

The New Microfinance Handbook takes a market systems approach to financial inclusion, oriented by client needs. Framing the book with the client as the central element recognizes the emerging aware...

challemnges faced by microfinance

Microfinance is a sort of banking services given to people1 with low income, who generally would have no different access to financial services. The objective of Microfinance is to eventually offer the individuals the chance of being financially free

Microfinance is a sort of banking services given to people1 with low income, who generally would have no different access to financial services. The objective of Microfinance is to eventually offer the individuals the chance of being financially free

Microfinance is a sort of banking services given to people1 with low income, who generally would have no different access to financial services. The objective of Microfinance is to eventually offer the individuals the chance of being financially free

Dans ce travail il s'agit de l'analyse de la performance des IMF, auquel nous avons eu a anlyse les differents ratios de performance financière en utilisant les données comptables de FINCA e…Full description

Microfinance is a mechanism for the development of the country with especially focusing on poor women in rural areas. Micro Finance has had several successful initiatives, including the range of outreach, as well as the development of innovative prod

Micro finance is a type of banking service that is provided to unemployed or low income individuals or groups who would otherwise have no other means of gaining financial services. Ultimately, the goal of microfinance is to give low income people an