What's New (BETA) Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Table of Contents What's New in this release rele ase Disclaimer
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Major New Feature Featuress
Interactive Plot Plot Editor
Coordinate Transformations Transformations
Major Enhancements
Search Ellipsoid Ellipsoid (Data Sea Search) form
Sections Window Wind ow and section control files
Image Georeference - Control Points Data Grid
New features
Vizex - search ellip elli p soid
Vizex - Geolink windows
Vizex - Export Export scene in X3D format
Vizex - Lighting Lighti ng Option Optionss
Wireframe Wireframe - Build Polygonal Solids
Wireframe Wireframe - Slice By P By Planes
Wireframe Wireframe - Bedding Plane From Point s
Wireframe Wireframe Rotation, Rota tion, Scale, and Translation
Wireframe Wireframe - Separate
Wireframe Wireframe - Pierce Points
DTM - cut and fill volumes
Strings - Drape Drape onto w ireframe
Strings - Filter Filter Poin Points
Modelling - Unfolding
Drillhole Drillhole Dat a ba base Vali Validation
Import Grid
Import Text
Export to Excel
File Difference
Vizex - Form Set Folders
Pit Design - Road Switchback
Pit Design - Slot Ramp s
DTM - Create Surface
Vizex - Drape onto wireframe wireframe tool
Vizex - Toolbar Toolbar changes
Vizex - Creati reating a f light path
Vizex - Select Select by condition and view selection
Vizex - Create DTM tool t ool
Vizex - Grid File File Draw Style Style
Vizex - Hot keys
Vizex - Perfor Performance mance
Vizex - Openi pening an in input file
Vizex - Options
File Editor
Projects - Variou Various
Statist ics - Simp lified omnidirect ional semi variograms
Statist ics - Median/Mode calculation
Files - long long fiel field names
Macros - Set display limits and sections
Macros - End Process
Drillhole - Display Options Options
Drillhole validation
Drillhole - True Thickness Calculation
Sub-blocking Sub-blocking Setu Set up Block De Definit finitions
Modelling - Grade Int erp olat ion
Modelling - 2D Search Mode
Pit Design Design - slope calculations
Pit Design - manual road Edge
Pit Op timisation - Various
Wirefram Wireframee - Draw Opt ions
Wireframe Wireframe - Auto-load Option Opti on
Wireframe Wireframe - Valida tion Strings
Wireframe Wireframe - Transform Transform Grid coordinates
Wireframe Wireframe - Properties Properties
Blasthole Design - Clip blastholes
What's What 's New in MICROMINE MICROMINE 2010 (Beta) (Beta )
What's New In This Release This What's New document provides a complete list of new features and enhancements in MICROMINE 2010. As a Beta tester you have a unique opportunit y to make MICROMINE MICROMINE a better better product, and we encourage you to tell us if you think something doesn’t work as it should. You can contact us directly directly from from within MICROMI MICROMINE NE by selecting selecting Send BETA BETA Feedbac Feedback k from from the main menu. The What's New topic is also a Beta version and will undergo regular updates as MICROMINE 2010 continues to be developed. For a description of the essentials of the new features and enhancements in MICROMINE 2010, refer to the Getting Started PDF distributed distributed wit h the software. software.
Disclaimer The Beta version you are testing is an unfinished work in progress and some functions may change betwee between n differ different ent Beta versions, versions, or between between the Beta and Release Release versions. versions. These These changes changes may invalidate invalidate form form sets sets create created d with a previous previous Beta, so we recom recommen mend d you avoid performing any critical work or using critical data while testing. Micromine accepts no liability for any loss or damage that may occur whilst operating this Beta software.
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What's What 's New in MICROMINE MICROMINE 2010 (Beta) (Beta )
Major New Features Scheduling Issue# 7958 . When you create a Scheduling project in MICROMINE, the attributes, calendars, tasks, task types and resources you define are stored in an SQL Server database. Once a project has been created, you can use the options on the Scheduling Scheduling menu to manage your exploration exploration and mining projects. projects. Sche Schedule duled d tasks can be importe imported, d, seque sequence nced d and tracke tracked d in a tradition traditional al Gantt chart. chart. What makes makes MICRO MICROMI MINE NE Sche Scheduling duling unique unique however however,, is the ability ability to import, sequence and track the same tasks in Vizex. For more information refer to the MICROMINE MICROMINE Scheduling Scheduling PDF PDF distributed wi th th e soft so ftwa wa re.
Interactive Plot Editor Issue# Issue# 3797 3797 . MICRO MICROMI MINE NE 2010 2010 include includess a comple completel tely y new new interac interactive tive Plot Plot Editor, which replaces the old Plot Editor’s form-based interface. You can now configure your plot layouts within a Vizex-like environment, with the level of interactivity you would expect from Vizex. For more information information refer refer to the MICROMINE MICROMINE Plot Plot Editor Editor PDF PDF distributed wi th th e soft so ftwa wa re.
Coordinate Transformations Issue# 7956 . MICROMINE 2010 supports transformations between any pair of coord coordinate inate systems systems in common common use around around the world, world, including including datum changes changes and tie-ins to local plane grids. With this new tool, for example, you can now con vert di rect ly from GPS GP S la t s/l ong s on WGS WG S 84 to y our ou r loc al projec pro jectt grid gri d in one st ep. ep . We int in t end to p rovid rov id e a library li brary of form set s to con vers ion s betw een th e most mo st com mon coordinate systems. However, these coordinate systems may still be incomplete by the time you received your Beta copy. They will be finished by the time MICROMINE 2010 is released. You ca n eas ily il y crea te your yo ur own form set s if y ou us e a coordi coo rdi na te sy st em not su pplied by us.
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For conver conversions sions betwee between n datums, 7- parameter parameter and 3-parameter 3-parameter t ransfor ransformation mation methods are supported (in addition to the Molodensky transformation method pro vi ded in prev iou s vers ion s) .
Major Enhancements Enhancements Search Ellipsoid (Data Search) form Issue# Issue# 9076, 9076, 8483. 8483 . Data Search earch ellipso ellipsoid id paramete parameters rs are now more more flexi flexibl ble, e, offe offeri ring ng new new axis orie orientatio ntation n modes modes for for regular regular geolo geological gical infor informatio mation n such as strike strike,, dip, and pitch, or for geostatistic geostatistical al model model axes axes gene generate rated d from from semi-var semi-var-iogram modelling.
Sections Window and section control files Issue# Issue# 2154 2154 . U s e t h e Sections Sections Window Window to change change the orie orientat ntatio ion n and the extent of the display and define and retrieve sets of named sections and plans. A toolba to olba r is provi pro vi ded at th e top to p of th e Sect ion s Wind Wi nd ow. You ca n crea te a new secsec tion control control file file,, open open an existing existing sectio section n contr control ol file, file, edit edit a sectio section n contro controll file file selected in the Sections Window, or update a named section in the Sections Window.
The default location for section control files is a SECTIONS sub-folder underneath the current project folder. Any section control files in the SECTIONS folder will be shown automatically in the Sections Window. Use the Sections Sections To Toolbar olbar to edit the view type, set the display limits, set the clipping type, and navigate the Vizex display section by section.
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The tools provided on the Vizex Sections toolbar can be used to update the named sections selected in the Sections Window. Use the tools provided on the Section Control File toolbar to set the section plane of the display and step through the named sections in a section control file.
Use the Strings | Convert | Strings to Section Control File an d Strings | Convert Convert | Str Strings ings from from Section Section Contro Controll File functio functions ns to crea create te a sectio section n control from strings that can be used to define a section plane, or conversely, generate erate strings from from the section p lane coordinates coordinates in a section section control control file. A secti sec ti on con t rol fil e is a Microm Mic romin inee (. DAT) DA T) da ta fil e wh ich ic h ha s a number nu mber of required (for section definition) fields. For more information, refer to the Sections Wind Wi ndow ow ent ry under un der "Vizex "Vi zex ". The default location for section control files is a SECTIONS sub-folder underneath the current project folder.
Image Georeference - Control Points Data Grid Issue# 7609 . The control points you digitise when interactively georeference an image, can now be edited in a Data Grid shown below the Preview window. The new data grid allows the georeference plane of best fit to be quickly edited and recalculated.
If you are digitising a 3D image, five (Pixel X, Pixel Y, Coordinate X, Coordinate Y, Coord Co ordin inat at e Z) coordi coo rdi na te col um ns are di sp la y ed for eac h poin po int. t. The GRF georeference file format has been extended to include these georeference control points as metadata. When you load an image which has already been georeferenced, the georeference control points are displayed for editing in the data grid. If a four ourth point point is digitis digitiseed, then then a Root Root Mean Square (RMS) (RMS) erro errorr is also shown which provides an indication of best fit. An On/Off On /Off col um n is prov pr ovid id ed wh ich ic h al low s one or more mor e cont con t rol poin po ints ts to be included or excluded from by simply toggling the switch at the end of each data row. The state of the switch (on or off) is also written as metadata to the GRF georeference reference file.
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An icon ic on in th e Preview Prev iew wi ndow nd ow is us ed to sh ow wh ich ic h con trol tr ol p oin t s on t he imag im ag e are currently excluded.
New Features Vizex - search ell ellipsoid ipsoid Issue# 7890, 6261. 6261 . You can now visually validate a 3D search ellipsoid by loading an ellipsoid display object in Vizex. Axes are displayed which allow you to verify t he relationship relationship between between strike, strike, dip, and plunge search search parameters. parameters. Orientation Orientation and radius measureme measurements nts can be made directly directly on-screen on-screen by snapping to each axis. Select the Display | Vizex | Search Ellipsoid menu option (or doubleclick click the Search arch Ellipso Ellipsoid id form form set set type in the Vize Vizex Form Formss pane) pane) to open open the Search Ellipsoid form.
Vizex - Geolink windows Issue# Issue# 810. 810 . You You can geoli geolink nk windows wheneve wheneverr multiple Vizex Vizex windows windows are open. open. Geolink Geolinking ing synchroni synchronise sess the centres centres of all windows, windows, so that as you pan a vi ew, or st ep th rough rou gh a sequ ence enc e of cros s secti sec ti ons , al l other ot her wi ndow nd owss wi ll ma t ch. ch . Select the View | Vizex | Geo-link Windows menu option to geolink multiple Vizex Vi zex wi ndow nd ows. s. To unlink windows, select the View | Vizex | Unlink Windows menu option.
Vizex - Export scene in X3D format Issue# 5337, 3569. 3569 . Select the View | Export Vizex scene to menu option to export the current Vizex scene in X3D or WRL (plain text VRML) file format. X3D X3D is the ISO ISO standard standard XMLXML- base based d file file forma formatt for for repre represe senting nting 3D computer computer graphics, and is the successor to the Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML).
Vizex - Lighting Options Issue# 6512. 6512. A combination of light sources can be configured to light the scene
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vi a a new View | Vizex | Lighting Options menu option. A ma xi mu m of four fou r li gh t sourc so urc es ca n be con fig ured t o provi pro vi de di rect iona io na l ligh li gh ti ng. ng . For each light source, enter the azimuth and elevation of the light source
Use the slider bar to set the Object Shininess Shininess for objects that have a surface, such as wirefr wireframes, ames, grids, and block block models.
Wireframe - Build Polygo Polygonal nal Solids Issue# 9235 . Use Use the Wireframe Wireframe |Build Polygo Polygonal nal Solids function to generate polygonal solids that are mapped to the sections in an input (String or Outline) line) file file.. An associated associated set set of nominal nominal section section planes, planes, with Away and Towar Towards ds measur me asurem emen ents ts define defined d for for each each sectio section n plane, plane, must also be define defined d in a sectio section n control file. Using the orientation of the nominal section plane, each polygon is projected onto the "Away" and "Towards" "Towards" planes. The projections projections are then wireframe wireframed d and closed closed to form a solid.
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If Outline Outline file file is selecte selected d as the Section ection File Type, Type, multiple outline outline files files can be selected. Wh en defi ning ni ng th e at tri but es of t he out ou t pu t wirefra wi reframe, me, an opti op ti on to popu po pu la te t he name attribute with names taken from from th e Se Section ction Control File is provided. TIP: The polyg TIP: polygonal onal soli solids ds ge generate nerated d as res result ult of this proces process s can be used in the Wir Wirefr eframe ame | Grade Gra de To Tonnage nnage Estima Estimate te Rep Report ort functi function, on, to cre create ate a rep report ort eq equiva uivalent lent to the Po Polyg lygonal onal Sec Sec-tion Estimate Rep Report. ort.
Wireframe - Sli Slice ce By Planes Issue# 9342. 9342. Use Use the Wireframe |Slice By Planes function to slice a wireframe using an orthogonal or transform cutting plane, or the sections defined in a section control file.
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The function function can be used, used, for for example, to quickly quickly create create the benches benches needed needed for for an open pit design.
Wireframe - Bedding Plane From Points Issue# 7840. 7840 . Use the Wireframe | Bedding Plane From Points function to create a wireframe from points in plane. The function will generate a planar surface (define (defined d by shape and length) for each each point in the input file. file.
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The orie orientatio ntation n of each surface surface is dependant dependant on the Dip and Dip Directio Direction n for for each point.
Wireframe Rotation, Scale Scale,, and Translation Issue# Issue# 4694. 4694 . Use the Wireframe | Rotate an d Wireframe | Scale functions to rotate or scale a wireframe around a specified point and in the directions specified. Use the new Wireframe new Wireframe | Translate function function to to move a wirefr wireframe ame a specified specified distance in a specified specified direction, direction, for example, raise its elevation. elevation.
You can ca n eit her Overwrite Overwrite the the input input wireframe wireframe or save the converte converted d wirewireframe frame as an output wirefr wireframe. ame.
Wireframe - Sep Separate arate Issue# 7001 . Use the Wirefra Wireframe me | Separate Separate function to separate an input wi reframe refra me by sh ell or by volu vo lu me. By shell . A wireframe may consist of a number of topologically separate parts. Each part, or shell , is a set of topologically connected facets. By volume . A volume may consist consist of a number number of nested nested shells. shells. For For example example,, two nested sphere shells would define a volume between the spheres.
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Wireframe - Pierce Points Issue# Issue# 6716. 6716 . U s e t h e Wirefra Wireframe me | Pierce Pierce Point Points s functio function n to gene generate rate an event file containing the coordinates of all points where a boreholedrillhole trace (or the strings in a string file) intersect a wireframe or wireframe set. The coordi coordinate natess of each each pierc piercee point, point, together together with a Hole Hole ID and a Wiref Wirefram ramee Name, are written to an output file. When Wh en di sp la y ed in Vizex Vi zex,, t he rotat rot at ion of th e sy mbol s ca n be set to ma tc h th e rotarot ation of each hole.
DTM - cut and fill volumes Issue# 9434. 9434 . Use the DTM DTM |Cut and Fill Volume Volume function to calculate the cut and fill volumes volumes and the surface areas areas betwee between n t wo surfaces. surfaces. The volume above the refe refere rence nce surface surface (fill) (fill) and below below the target target surface surface (cut) are calculated and reported in cubic meters. The fill area, the cut area, and the area of each surface surface are written to the report report file and displayed on screen screen
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Strings - Drape onto wireframe Issue# Issue# 1435. 1435. Use the new Strings | Drape onto Wireframe Wireframe menu option to drape strings onto a wireframe and then either save the result strings to the input file or write them to an output file. An opti op ti on to cop y th e at tribu tr ibutt es of th e inpu in pu t st rings rin gs to th e new record s for t he draped points, is provided.
Strings - Filter Points Issue# 7826 . The Strings | Utilities | Filter Points function can be used to reduce the number of data points in a String file by eliminating those which fall wi th in a sp ecified eci fied tolera to lera nce. nc e.
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If the toleran tolerance ce is set set to zero zero (the defau default), lt), the process process will filter filter out duplicate duplicate points. If a tolerance greater than zero is set, this is the distance from each point, within wh ich ic h other ot her poin po ints ts will wi ll be treat tr eat ed as du p lica li catt es an d exc lu ded from t he outp ou tp ut fil e.
Modelling - Unfolding Issue# Issue# 6124 . U s e t h e Modelli Modelling ng | 3D Estimat Estimate e | Unfol Unfoldin ding g functio function n to unfold an orebody based upon sub-surface (footwall) and surface (hanging wall) geometries. Wireframes, strings, and string link files can be used as inputs to the process.
The unfolding and stretching of folded orebodies is an important requirement for many clients who want to model folded sedimentary deposits.
Drillhole Database Validation Issue# Issue# 9130. 9130. The Drillhole | Validate | DHDB menu option provides a
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convenient shortcut which allows you to quickly validate all of the files in a drillhole database.
You ca n al so au toto - va lida li da te a dri llho ll hole le da ta bas e. Refer t o th e Enhancements section for more information.
Import Grid Issue# 4028, 5976. 5976 . Select the File | Import Import | Grid menu option to import a Surfe Surferr Grid (*.GRD) file or a Geosoft Geosoft Grid (*.GXF) file. The imported imported file is con vert ed to a Gri d (*. GRD) GR D) fil e form at . Binary grids for Surf Surfer er versions versions 6, 7 and 8 are supp orted. orted.
Import Text Issue# 3024. 3024 . The File | Import | Text function has been completely rewritten. You ca n now im port po rt an y col um n or com ma del im it ed t ext fil e an d crea te a MicroMic romine mine data file file from rom the impor imported ted data. The The struct structur uree of the output output file file can be
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determined determined from from either: • the structur structure e of the input file. file. • the structure structure of of an output file. • the structure structure of a template file. file.
A Preview Prev iew wind wi nd ow is prov pr ovid id ed. If you yo u sel ect ed th e "Det ermi ne from inpu in pu t fil e" outou tput option, then the properties of each field (derived after scanning the input file) can be edited.
Export to Excel Issue# 9226. 9226 . Select the File | Export | Excel me menu nu option option to export export the data in a Micromine file to an Excel workbook.
Data can be exported in .XLS (Excel 97 - Excel 2003) or .XLSX (Excel 2007 XML bas ed) format form at .
File Difference
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Issue# Issue# 7861 7861 . U s e t h e File | Differ Differenc ence e functio function n to calculate calculate the diffe differe rence nce betw een tw o com pa ti ble files. fil es. The Th e proces pro cesss wi ll sort so rt t he inp in p ut files fil es on th e key fields fiel ds you y ou sp ecify eci fy,, an d wri te an y di fferenc es betw een t he files fil es to an outp ou tp ut file. fil e. The records that occur in file A, but which do not occur in file B will be written to the default output file.
Vizex - Form Set Folders Issue# 5869, 2156, 3582, 3886 . For large large projects projects that contain a large number number of form sets it is useful to be able to organise them into folders. This is now easily achieved achieved by selecting a Create Create Form Form Set Folder Folder option from the right-click menu in the Vizex Forms pane in Vizex.
Once Once you have created created form form set folde folders, rs, they are an aid to navigation navigation whene whenever ver you y ou need to sel ect an exi st ing in g form set , or sa ve a form set .
Pit Design - Road Switchback Issue# 6734. 6734 . When you select the Road | Switchback | On The Next Bench option the road is marked to be turned on the next bench, switching the direction of the current road from clockwise to anticlockwise (or vice versa). If Gradient Switchback properties are already defined in the Road Properties form: • A switch switchb back is gene generated ated up to the next next bench nch and the gradie gradient nt of the haul road is kept constant. Since the switchback extends across the full bench height, a tapered tapered berm berm is extended extended along the apex of the switchback. If Gradient Switchback properties are not defined in the Road Properties form:
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• The Gradient Gradient Switchback Switchback tab of the Road Proper Properties ties form form is displayed and you must define the following properties of the switchback before it can be generated:
Pit Design - Slot Ramps Issue# 7365. 7365. You can now digitise a centre-line string and use the Project String tool on the Mine Design toolbar to generate a series of slot ramps. Many shallow open open pit mines mines are are accesse accessed d from from a slot slot ramp ramp instead instead of a spiral spiral ramp (which (which suits a deeper deeper mine). mine). The berm, batter, and expansion settings of the pit design will be used to: • control control the descent descent of the ramp. ramp. • adjust the width of the bench bench at each ber berm m crossing.
Enhancements DTM - Create Surface Issue# 4980. 4980 . A n e w Include boundary boundary points points in triangulatio triangulation n option to include the points along the boundary in the triangulation, has been added to the Constraint File form for the DTM | Create Surface function. This type of extrapolation is almost always a requirement when dealing with seam data.
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Vizex - Drape onto wire wireframe frame too tooll Issue# . It is now possibl possiblee to drape drape points points (as well well as strings strings and outline outlines) s) onto a wireframe. wireframe. Th e m es es hi hi ng ng a lg lg or ori th th ms ms u se sed by t hi hi s ( an an d t he he n ew ew St ri ri ng ng | D ra ra pe pe O nt nt o Wireframe) function have been enhanced to improve processing performance.
Vizex - Too Toolbar lbar changes Issue# 8664 . You can now specify string expansion distance and simplify tolerance erance values values direc directly tly from from the Vizex Vizex Tools Tools toolb toolbar ar using the drop-down drop-down me menus nus provided provided alongside the Ex pand String String and String String Simplify Simplify t ools. ools.
Note that default expansion distance and simplify tolerance values can still be set vi a th e Stri ng Ed it or t ab un der Tool s | Op ti ons | Vizex Vi zex .
Vizex - Crea Creating ting a flight path Issue# 6676, 6380, 8129. 8129 . The enhanced options on the View | Flight Path | New Ne w menu option allows you to create a flight path (fly-through sequence) in Vizex Vi zex by record ing in g a series seri es of vi ewp oint oi nt s. Ot her menu men u opti op ti ons al low lo w you yo u t o open op en an existing Vizex (.VFLY) flight path file, open a 3D Viewer (.FLY) flight path file, or save an existing flight path file as a (*.AVI) movie file. You ca n us e th e but t ons an d tools to ols on th e new Flight Path toolbar, toolbar , to insert, modify, or delete viewpoints, viewpoints, run the current current flight path, or step through t he current current flight path. When you open a flight path, or create a new flight path, the Flight Path toolbar is opened opened automatically.
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A Flig Fl ight ht Path Pa th Op ti ons but ton to n al low s y ou to ent er p ara met ers t o con trol tr ol th e ap pea rance, speed, and smoothness smoothness of trajector trajectory y of the current current flight path.
Vizex - Sel Select ect by condition and vie view w sel selection ection Issue# 5185 . You can now select a View Selection checkbox in the Select-ByCondition form. If the checkbox is selected, the display will automatically zoom in on the objects objects that are selecte selected d as a result result of the operation. operation.
Vizex - Crea Create te DTM too tooll Issue# 6651. 6651 . The Create DTM tool on the Vizex Tools toolbar can now be used to generate generate a su rface rface model based based on selected selected points (as well as strings).
Vizex - Grid File Draw Style Issue# 5991 . A 2D Slice draw style has been added to the Draw Style options wh en y ou open op en t he di sp la y p roperti rop erti es of a Gri d fil e in Vizex Vi zex.. When Wh en th e 2D Slice Sli ce dra w st yl e is ap pl ied a cros s- secti sec ti on th rough rou gh th e grid gri d is di splayed in the plane of the current view - or the orthogonal plane that is closest to the p lane of the current current view.
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Vizex - Hot keys Issue# Issue# 6166, 5961. 5961 . New hot keys are provided in Vizex. 'Hot keys' are singlepress press keyboar keyboard d sh ortcuts ortcuts that allow y ou to quickly switch from one editing or viewing mode to another. For example: Yo u c a n n ow p res re s s t h e S key ke y t o t og g l e Sn a p Mo d e on a n d of f. Yo u c a n a l s o cycle through the Snap Mode (Point, (Point, Line, Line, Grid, Intersec Intersection) tion) options using SHIFT + S key. Yo u c a n n ow p res re s s t h e B ke y t o t og g l e B et w een Mo d e on a n d of f. Yo u c a n also cycle through the Between Mode (Quarter, (Quarter, Third, Third, Halfway, User User Define Define etc) options using SHIFT + B key. key.
Vizex - Performance Issue# . The Vizex display environment has been optimised to support multi-core CPU processing processing and it is now faster to load and process process wirefr wireframe ame objects. objects. Similar Similarly, ly, the me meshing shing algorithms algorithms used used by the Polygon Polygon Boolean Boolean functio function n have been enh an ced t o im prove pro ve p roces si ng p erform an ce.
Vizex - Opening an input file Issue# 5851. 5851 . You can now open a file associated with the current layer in Vizex by select sel ect ing in g a di sp la y objec t in th e la y er an d th en sel ect ing in g Open Input File from the right-click menu.
Vizex - Options Issue# 5691, 1448 . As an aid to visibility when working in the Vizex Forms pane, pane, sele select ct the Collap Collapse se all other other form form sets sets when when expand expandin ing g checkbox option (via Tools | Options | Vizex). If this option is selected, when you expand a form set in the pane, all other form set nodes in the tree are collapsed. Issue# 6081 . Under Tools | Options | Vizex, you can now select two ( Only show in overview window an d Show when not in section view) options if you want to limit the display of the extent box. box .
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File Editor Issue# 6382. 6382. The File Editor Editor data grid grid has been been updated, updated, is more robu robust, st, and now has a more more Excel-like Excel-like look and feel. feel. The way that files are opened for editing in the File Editor has changed. A standard Windows dialog is now used which allows you to open a file in edit or readonly mode.
If you have opene opened d a file for editin editing, g, you can edit edit the file file in Verify mode by selecting a Verify Mode button on the File Editor toolbar. In Verif Verify y mode, mode, you will be prompted prompted to verify verify every every edit you ma ke. ke. Changing multiple column widths To change the width of columns to fit the contents, select the column or columns that you want want to change change, and then then doub double le-clic -click k the bound boundar ary y to the right ight of a selected column heading.
Projects - Various Issue# 2728 . T h e New Projec Projectt form form has been een improve improved, d, making making it easier asier to create a new project. THIS FEATURE IS NOT YET AVAILABLE. Issue# 9547. 9547. When you create create a new project, project, the default folder folder location is now: C:\Documents and Settings\\My Documents\Micromine Projects
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wh ere is y our ou r logi lo gin n us er na me. Issue# 6614. 6614 . You can now quickly create, open, close, and attach a project by using the options provided on a new Project toolbar. toolbar. Forw Forward ard and Back buttons allow you to quickl quickly y switch betwee between n the projec projects ts you have recently opened.
Statistics - Simplified omnidirectional semi variograms Issue# 7055. 7055. Use the Stats Stats | Omnidirect Omnidirection ional al Semi Variog Variograms rams function to calculate and display omnidirectio omnidirectional nal semi variograms variograms using simp lified lified rules. rules. For more more complex complex models, models, use the Stats | Semi Semi Variograms Variograms function. function.
Statistics - Median/Mode calculation Issue# Issue# 9396. 9396. The Median/Mode option calculates a bin size which provides the best interv in terv al (for p resent resen t at ion pu rposes rp oses ). The bin size si ze is now chos ch osen en as th e va lu e wh ich ic h best fit s th e ran ge of most mo st of th e da ta (16 (1 6 th -84t -8 4t h p ercent ercen t iles) il es),, su ch th at it is from the series 1,2,5 (or 10^x multiples thereof) and that there are at least 20 bins. bin s. Gen eral ly sp eakin eak ing, g, th ere wi ll be som ewh ere betw een 20-50 bins. bin s. The mode is chosen as the midpoint of the bin with the most points.
Files - long field names Issue# 4061 . Micr Micromi omine ne Data file filess now support support long long (up to 255 255 characte characterr in length) field names.
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Note: Note: When you create create a long field field name, a unique short short field name is also created created in th e file header. header. This has been been done to provide backwards backwards compatibility with p rere vi ous ou s vers ion s.
Macros - Set display limits and sections Issue# 627. 627 . When building building a macro, macro, the following following p roces rocesses ses can now be included included that allow you to manipulate manipulate the display limits or navigate the display section section by by section: • Macro Macro proce processe ssess equivale equivalent nt to the "Next" "Next" and "Pre "Previous vious"" sectio section n tools tools on the View Vi ew t oolbar. ool bar. • Macro Macro proc proces esse sess you can use to step through through the named named sections sections in a sectio section n control file. These macros are particularly useful, for example, when you want to plot a set of transform sections. Refer to "Section Control Files" under the Major Enhancements Enhancements section section of this document.
Macros - End Process Issue# 491. 491 . When running a macro, if you want to start the process part way through a macro file, you can enter a value in a Start process prompt. In this release lease,, you can also enter nter a value value in an End Process Process prompt to stop (exit) the macro execution execution befo before re the end of the macro file is reached. reached. The number number you y ou ent er corres pond po nd s to t he number nu mber of a record in th e la st ma cro fil e th at will wi ll be used in the run.
Drillhole - Display Options Numeric Exceptions Exceptions Issue# . It is now possible to control the way non-numeric values are handled wh en dra wi ng a gra p h in Vizex Vi zex . Oft en t here are no va lid li d read ings in gs nea r th e top to p of the hole and these need need to be ignored. ignored. Colour field Issue# 2251. 2251 . When setting Graph display properties, it is now possible to specify a field other than the Graph field as a Colour field. Hatch Width field Issue# 2729 . When setting setting Hatch display proper propertie ties, s, it is now possibl possiblee to use the values in a hatch width field to control the width of the hatched area.
Drillhole validation
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Issue# 5872. 5872. The BoreholeDri BoreholeDrillhole llhole | Validate | Boreho BoreholeD leDrillho rillhole le function function has been enhan enh an ced an d sep ara t e ta bs are provi pro vi ded for th e sp ecific eci ficat at ion of col la r, su r vey , inter in terva va l an d even t files. fil es. The following options are provided on the Report tab:
Issue# Issue# 5872, 5872, 7787 7787 . The The drill drillho hole le database database optio options ns (avail (availab able le via To Too ols | Options | Drillhole Database) Database ) have been been up dated. The following following options are provided:
Disable auto-validation for this session Au to-va to -va li da ti on for borehol boreh oledri edri llho ll hole le da ta bas es is ena bled wh enev er y ou st art th e application. application. Howeve However, r, you may prefe preferr to disable disable auto-validation, auto-validation, for for example wh en th e dri llho ll hole le da t aba se is open op en an d dri llho ll holes les are di sp la yed in Vizex Vi zex . Check for missing intervals Select this option if you want to check that the first FROM value in the Interval file = 0, and that the sample intervals are continuous in the Interval file. Check for missing holes Select this option to check that all holes in the Interval file are referenced in the Collar file.
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Issue# Issue# 5872, 5872, 7787 7787.. Inter Interval val and Event Event files files are now validated validated automatically automatically wh en t hey are ad ded to a boreholed boreh oled ril lh ole da t aba se. The follow fol low ing in g checks ch ecks are made: • Recor Records ds are sorted sorted by HOLE ID and then FROM values. values. • The holes holes in the Interval Interval and Events files exist in the drillhole drillhole database. database. • There There are are no overlapping overlapping intervals • There There are are no h oles oles beyond the end end of hole depth. depth.
Drillhole - True Thickness Calculation Issue# 1823, 9592. 9592. The Drillhole | Calculations | True Thickness function now requi require ress a drillho drillhole le database database as one of of its inputs. This allows allows the follo following wing va lu es to be di rect ly ac cessed ces sed from th e da ta bas e (ra th er th an be ma nual nu al ly ent ered as in previous versions): • Drillhole Drillhole azimuth and inclination. • Formation Formation dip, and dip direction direction (which must originate originate fro from m an event file associated with the database).
Sub-blocking Setup Block Definitions Issue# Issue# 91 42. 42. The Sub-blocking | Setup function function has been been enhance enhanced d to make it easier to define custom block definitions. Buttons Buttons have be been added added to the Block Block def definitio initions ns form form which which can be used to increase or decrease the number of blocks. When the "number of blocks" inputs are updated, updated, the origin origin and the end bloc block k centres centres of the block blockss are adjusted automatically.
Modelling - Grade Interpolation Issue# 3458, 6912. 6912. The following following data search search p arameter arameterss have been been added for the Modelling | 3D Estimate | IDW and Kriging functions. In effe effect, ct, the Min count per referen reference ce an d Max count per reference values allow you y ou to ap pl y a fil ter con di ti on. For exa mp le, you yo u ma y wa nt t o ensure ens ure th at , for every every hole, you only count a certain certain number number of "be "best" st" points.
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• Min coun countt per referen reference ce is useful when you want to specify that you only wa nt holes ho les th at ha ve a cert ai n mi nimu ni mu m represen repr esenta ta ti on in a sea rch sp ace ac e (so (s o t ha t points are not counted, for example, when a particular hole has only one point in its search search space). • Max Max coun countt per refer referen ence ce is usef useful when when you want want to specif specify y that all the points found in a search space should not come from a single hole. Both of these parameters use the Count Refe Referenc rencee field field to constrain the points that are selected by the grade interpolation process.
Modelling - 2D Search Mode Issue# Issue# 7165. 7165 . A '2D Search' checkbox option has been added to the Data Search form form for the 3D Block Estimation IDW a nd Kriging Kriging functions. Sele Select ct t his option to activate 2D Searc Search h mode. mode. When When t his mode is active, active, the calculations culations that use the Data Search earch form form will ignore ignore any 3D (Main (Main Axis Plunge Plunge,, 2nd Axis Plunge, Plunge, and 3rd 3rd Axis Factor) parameters parameters t hat ma y have been been specifie specified. d.
Pit Design - slope calculations Issue# Issue# 4854. 4854 . There There is a direc directt trigon trigonome ometri tricc relatio relationship nship betwe between en the overal overalll slope, the batter height, the batter slope, and the berm width. A new Calculate but ton to n ha s been ad ded to th e Inp ut ta b of th e Pit Pi t Desig Des ign n form , so th at an y one of those values can be calculated by va rying the other three. three. For example, you can enter a batter height, a batter slope, and a required o v er er a ll ll s l op op e , t h en en u s e t h e Calculate bu t t o n t o c a l cu cu l a t e a n a p p r op op r ia ia t e berm be rm w i d t h .
Pit Design - manual road Edge Issue# 6666. 6666 . You can now use a new right-click Road | Manual Road Edge menu me nu option to manually manually build a haul road road that ascends ascends or desce descends nds from from the selected (crest or toe) start string.
Pit Optimisation - Various Issue# 3422. 3422 . Functio Function n Parameters Parameters that can be expressed as a variable have
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an extra input field (immediately to the right of the normal input field) which is marked with an f symbol. x
Doub Double le-cli -click cking ing in this input field ield opens opens a link link to a for form that can be used used to define define the expressions expressions that will be used for the p arameter arameter.. Issue# 5808 . A Variable Variable Element Price can now be spec specif ifie ied d in the Processing tab of the Pit Optimisation form. In some cases the element price may differ, depending on factors such as the ore type, for example. This new field allows you to specify a field in the block model that contains variable element prices. If no price is defined for a given block in the block model file, then the value specified in the Price column will be used instead. Issue# 5804. 5804 . The Analysis tab now allows you to specify initial Capital Expenditure and replacement Capital Costs by period. Initial Initial capital expenditur expendituree might be specif specifie ied d befor eforee the start start of a proje project, ct, for for example, and then be specified later, say three years into the project, to allow for mill expansion. expansion. Replacement capital costs can also be specified as a constant value, and/or as a va lu e th at va ries by peri od. od . Like Li ke cap ca p it al exp end it ure, ca pi ta l cos ts wi ll al so change if the mill is expanded. Issue# 5659 . The Smart Combination Of Threshold And Recovery option Recovery option is provided to allow for the scenario when both processing recovery and threshold parameters need to be used, i.e. "processing recovery is 90%, but the output tails are not less than 0.4 g/t". If the Smart Combination checkbox is not selected, then: • the Threshold Threshold Value is subtracted subtracted from from all grades grades in the model, model, and: • the Processin Processing g Recove Recovery ry is th en applied applied If the Smart Combination checkbo checkbox x is selected, selected, then the following following logic is a pplied: • If Grade - (Grade * Recovery) >= Threshold then Recovered Grade = Grade * Recovery • If Grade - (Grade * Recovery) < Threshold then Recovered Grade = Grade Threshold Issue# 6177. 6177 . You can now enter a value which is the Minimum Pit Size (the wi dt h of th e pi t bas e) below wh ich ic h mi ning ni ng is im p oss ible ibl e du e t o th e tec hn ical ic al limli mitations of mining equipment. equipment. When Wh en a pi t bas e va lu e is sp ecified eci fied in th e Outp Ou tp ut t ab, th e fun ct ion cuts cu ts th e ul ti mate pit from the bottom until it is possible to put a square (with the specified wi dt h) at th e p it botto bot tom. m.
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Issue# 6770. 6770 . A new new Selling Setup button in the Processing tab allows you to set performance and cost factors that will be used to determine the selling price for each element. element. Issue# 6649. 6649 . As part of the Reporting options in the Analyse tab, the Internal Rate Rate of Return Return (IRR) (IRR) can now be calculate calculated d for for every every pit in 'By nested nested pits' mode, mode, or for ever every y period period in 'By period periods' s' mode. mode. If no me meaning aningful ful value ( > 0) is found, then the IRR field will contain 'NA'. Issue# 3421. 3421 . When a single processing method is applicable to a particular rock type, the Pit Optimisation process is able to Calculate a cut-off grade value for for each element. element . A Proc ess ing in g Perform an ce fac tor to r can ca n al so be sp ecified eci fied for each eac h met hod ho d in th e Proc essing methods form. This indicates the amount of the extracted metal that can be processed during the period. Issue# Issue# 7576, 7576, 9138. 9138 . T h e Ore tonn tonnage, age, Recovered Recovered Metal, Metal , a n d Grade for each processing method can now be included in the pit optimisation report.
Wireframe - Draw Options Issue# Issue# 961 . A n e w Auto Auto draw style style option ption has been adde added to the Draw Draw Options t ab of the Wireframe Wireframe Display Proper Properties ties form. form. When the Auto option is selected: • A 3D Shaded draw draw style is applied when the wirefr wireframe ame layer is in plan view. • A 2D Slice draw draw style is applied when the wirefr wireframe ame layer is in section view. Issue# 4710. 4710. On the Draw Options tab of the Wirefr Wireframe ame Display Proper Properties ties form, you y ou ca n now colou colour r code code a wireframe wireframe using any attribut attribute e . A Grade field can be chosen as the colour field, for example, when a wireframe is used to represent a mining block.
Issue# Issue# 7415 7415 . A Smoo Smooth Wiref Wirefra rame me slider slider bar has bee been adde added to the Ad va nced nc ed Op ti ons ta b of th e Wirefra Wi reframe me Disp Di sp la y Prop erti es form . By ad ju st ing in g th e slider, you can quickly control the amount of smoothing.
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Setting the smoothing slider bar to maximum will make the edges along a surface appear smooth. smooth. Note Note howeve howeverr that the individual individual triangle triangless themse themselve lvess remain remain unchanged. In other words, the smoothing is applied to the display layer and not the underlying triangulation data. Issue# Issue# 9173 9173 . A n o p ti ti on on t o draw draw edges betwee between n wirefr wireframe ame facets facets has been been added t o the Adva nced nced Options t ab of the Wireframe Wireframe Display Proper Properties ties form. form. If the inner angle between two wireframe facets is less than or equal to the specifie ified d Crease Crease Angle, Angle, a cre crease line will will be drawn. drawn. Setting etting the slider bar to a maximum will make all of the edges along a surface visible. T he h e a bi bi l it it y t o d i sp sp l a y ed g es es m a y be u s ef ef u l , f o r e x am a m p le l e , w h en en a l a rg rg e number number of mining blocks blocks are display ed as wirefr wireframes ames in Vizex and t here here is no indication of anything other than a single large large solid.
Wireframe - AutoAuto-load load Option Issue# 6652. 6652 . The result result of a Wiref Wirefram ramee Boole Boolean an or Cut operati operation on can now be loaded in Vizex by selecting an Auto-load the created wireframe checkbox option
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in the Wireframe Properties form.
Wireframe - Validation Strings Issue# 8826 . If open sections or connection errors are detected during the validation p rocess, rocess, wireframe wireframe validation strings are created. created. If those strings are coincident cident with the original original constr constructio uction n strings, strings, they are are now given given prior priority ity when when strings are selected during editing. This makes it easier to correct the wireframe using both the validation strings and the construction construction strings.
Wireframe - Transform Grid coo coordinates rdinates Issue# Issue# 960. 960. A Wiref Wireframe rame Setup Setup option is now provided provided in the the Survey | ConCon ver v er t C oordin oord inate ate s Betw Be twee ee n | Plan Pl ane e Gr Grid id s function (and in the new Survey | Convert Coordinates Between | Coordinate Systems function).
You ca n eit her overwri ov erwri te th e coordi coo rdi na tes of th e inpu in pu t wi refram e, or sa ve t he tra nsns formed coordinates to an output wireframe.
Wireframe - Properties Issue# 9485. 9485. Properties are now displayed when temporary (for example, a wireframe framess create created d during during a Wiref Wirefram ramee Cut operati operation) on) or unsaved unsaved (untitled) (untitled) wirewireframes are created or edited.
Blasthole Design - Clip blastholes Issue# 5276 . You can now select a Clip Blastholes to Wireframe tool on the Blast Design Design toolbar toolbar to crop crop blasthole end points to a wirefr wireframe ame selected selected in the display.
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Tools Issue# 8955. 8955. At Micromine we are constantly striving to improve. As older functionality is superceded by newer functionality, some menu options are marked as obsolete and hidden from the user interface. To provide backward compatibility and allow a smooth transition from old functionality to the new, you can choose to Show Show obsolet obsolete e menu option options s alongside current current options on the MICROMINEme MICROMINEmenus nus (via Tools Tools | Options | System). System). Note: Note: You will need t o restart restart t he application for for this option to take eff effect. ect.
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