MS Word Questions Answers 1. Which is not a font style ?
A. Bold B. Superscript C. Italic D. Regular
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1 2. Wha Whatt is is gutte gutterr mar margin gin ? Margin that is added to right margin when printing B. Margin that is added to the left margin when printing C. Margin that is added to the outside of the page when printing Margin that is added to the binding side of page D. when printing iew i ew !n !nsw swer er Comment on this question
1 ". #a #and ndsc scap ape e is is ? A. B. C. D.
! font style $aper %i&e $age #ayout Page Orientation Comment on this question
1 '. (ypefac (ypeface e option option will come come under which which menu ? )dit B. iew C. Format D. (ools ( ools iew i ew !n !nsw swer er Comment on this question
1 *. Bac+gr Bac+ground ound color color on a document document is not ,isi-l ,isi-le e in ? A. B. C. D.
We- layout ,iew Print Preview Reading iew $rint #ayout ,iew iew ,iew iew !nswer
1 . What What is a porti portion on of a docu document ment in which you you set certain page formatting options ? $age %etup B. Section C. $age D. /ocument iew !nswer Comment on this question
1 0. Which Which of the foll following owing is not a,ail a,aila-le a-le on on the Ruler of M% Word screen ? A. B. C. D.
A. #eft
(a- stop -o (a-o #eft Indent Right Indent Center Indent
. 3utter position can -e set in following positions
4 Right B. Left & Top C. #eft 4 Bottom D. #eft 5nly iew !nswer
1 *. Bac+gr Bac+ground ound color color on a document document is not ,isi-l ,isi-le e in ? A. B. C. D.
We- layout ,iew Print Preview Reading iew $rint #ayout ,iew iew ,iew iew !nswer
1 . What What is a porti portion on of a docu document ment in which you you set certain page formatting options ? $age %etup B. Section C. $age D. /ocument iew !nswer Comment on this question
1 0. Which Which of the foll following owing is not a,ail a,aila-le a-le on on the Ruler of M% Word screen ? A. B. C. D.
A. #eft
(a- stop -o (a-o #eft Indent Right Indent Center Indent
. 3utter position can -e set in following positions
4 Right B. Left & Top C. #eft 4 Bottom D. #eft 5nly iew !nswer
1 6. What What is the %hor %hortt cut +ey +ey for line -rea -rea+? +? C(R# 7 )nter B. !lt 7 )nter C. Shift + nter D. %pace 7 )nter Comment on this question
1 18. By pr pressing essing 912: which of followi following ng will will happen ? A.
Save !s dia"og bo# wi"" open
%a,e dialog -o will open C. 5pen dialog -o will open D. Close dialog -o will open iew i ew !n !nsw swer er Comment on this question B.
1 11. Which Which +ey +ey will open an 5pen 5pen dialogu dialogue e -o -o ? A. B. C. D.
912 !lt 7 912 Ctr" + F$% %hift 7 912 Comment on this question
1 12. ;ow will will M% Word Word will will respond respond in in repeated repeated word ? A. B. C. D.
! 3reen wa,y line under the repeated word ! ed wav' "ine under the repeated word ! Blue wa,y line under the repeated word
1 1". What What is the the use of =!ll Caps= featur feature e in M%> M%> Word ? A.
It changes a"" se"ected te#t into Capita" Letter
B. C. D.
It adds captions for selected Image It shows all the image captions
1 1'. Which Which le is respon responsi-le si-le to start M% M% Word Word ? A.
Win.ee Word.ee Wordwin.ee
C. D.
1*. (o +eep trac+ of di@erent editions of a document which feature we will use ?
A. editions B. versions C. trac+s D. traces o
Comment on this question
2 1. Which Which is is not a type type of of margin margin ? A. B. C. D.
(op (op #eft Right Center iew !nswer
1 10. wha whatt will will -e -e the use of of Ctrl Ctrl 7 A ? A. B. C. D.
Insert Image Insert ;yperlin+ !"ign *ustif' %earch le
iew !nswer Comment on this question
1 1. What shortcut will we use to align centre ? Ctrl 7 ! Ctr" + Ctrl 7 / Ctrl 7 B
A. B. C. D. 1
2 16. Which shortcut will we use to ma+e tet Italic ? A. B. C. D.
Ctrl 7 Ctrl 7 ( Ctr" + I Ctrl 7 $ Comment on this question
1 28. ;ow to use 9ormat $ainter multiple times ? By Clic+ on #oc+ 9ormat $ainter Icon 9ormat $ainter cannot -e use multiple times B. ' ,oub"e C"ic- on the Format Painter Icon C.
1 21. What is place to the left of hori&ontal scroll -ar ? A. B. C. D.
Indicators %plit -uttons (a- stop -uttons .iew buttons
22. Where can you nd the hori&ontal split -ar on M% Word screen ?
A. On
the top of vertica" scro"" bar
B. 5n
the -ottom of ,ertical scroll -ar C. 5n the left of hori&ontal scroll -ar D. 5n the right of hori&ontal scroll -ar
1 2". (a-s stop position cannot -e the following alignment ? A. B. C. D.
/ecimal !lignment Center !lignment Bar !lignment *ustif' !"ignment Comment on this question
1 2'. What is the use of -oo+mar+s ? A. B. C. D.
(o correct the spellings. To /ump to a speci0c "ocation in the document (o ignore spelling mista+es (o sa,e alignments as it is. Comment on this question
1 2*. Which feature is used to replace straight quotes with smart quotes as you type ? !uto Correct as you type !uto Change as you type B. !uto Ignore as you type C. D. !uto Format as 'ou t'pe iew !nswer Comment on this question
1 2. Ctrl 7 / is short cut used for ?
5pen /ialogue Bo Font ,ia"ogue o# %a,e as /ialogue Bo %a,e /ialogue Bo
A. B. C. D. 1
2 20. Ctrl 7 3 is shortcut for ? Open Find and ep"ace ,ia"og bo# with
activating 1oto Tab
5pen 9ind and Replace /ialog -o with acti,ating
9ind (a5pen 9ind and Replace /ialog -o with acti,ating Replace (a5pen 3oto /ialog -o D. C.
2 2. Ctrl 7 ; is short cut for ? 5pen Insert /ialog -o acti,ating Insert ;yper #in+
(a5pen 9ind and Replace /ialog -o with acti,ating
3o to (a5pen 9ind and Replace /ialog -o with acti,ating
9ind (aOpen Find and ep"ace ,ia"og bo# with
activating ep"ace Tab •
26. What can -e searched -y nd ?
A. format B. characters C. sym-ol
D. !""
of above
1 "8. on which page the header or the footer is printed -y default ? on rst page on last page on alternate page ever' page
A. B. C. D. 1
2 "1. Which of these tool-ars allows changing of 9onts and their si&es ? A. B. C. D.
%tandard Formatting 5ptions
" "2. (o spell chec+ which function +ey you will press ? A. B. C. D.
9* 9 F2 9
1 "". ;ow to insert a sound le in word document ? A. B. C.
9rom insert > sound menu option From insert 34 ob/ect menu option 9rom insert > su-Dect menu option
9rom insert > le menu option
1 "'. ;ow many maimum num-er of columns can -e inserted in the word document ? A.
*8 ** *
C. D.
1 "*. What is smallest and largest a,aila-le font on formatting tool-ar ? %mallest and #argest 08 %mallest * and #argest 02 Sma""est 7 and Largest 2% %mallest * and #argest 08
A. B. C. D.
". Why drop cap is used in document ?
A. (o
get all rst character capital B. (o get all rst character small C. To begin a paragraph with a "arge dropped initia" capita" "etter D. (o -egin a paragraph with a large dropped initial small letter 1
2 "0. What is Macro ? %mall add>on programs that are installed afterwards if you need them B. (ype of high le,el programming language C. (ype of low le,el programming language
Sma"" programs created in MS3(ord to
automate repetitive tas-s b' using .! 1
2 ". Which among following can -e a ,ertical separation -etween columns ? A.
;eader 5rientation 3utter
C. D.
1 "6. M% 5Ece is not an application software ? A. B.
(rue Fa"se
1 '8. (o change the typeface of a document: we will choose following menu option )dit iew B. C. (ools D. Format iew !nswer
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1 '1. (o autot the width of column A. B. C. D.
/ou-le clic+ the left -order of column ,oub"e c"ic- the right border of co"umn /ou-le clic+ the column header
1 '2. ! +ey-oard shortcut can -e assigned to a Macro. A.
'". ! +ey-oard shortcut can -e assigned to a Macro.
A. True B. 9alse
1 ''. What is the default font si&e of a new Word document -ased on
pt 18 pt $% pt 1' pt
1 '*. Which of following line spacing is in,alid ? %ingle /ou-le B. C. (riple D. Mu"tip"e Comment on this question
1 '. 9ormat painter tool can -e found in ? A. B. C. D.
5ptions tool-ar Standard too"bar 9ormatting tool-ar /rawing tool-ar
1 '0. Which among following is correct etension of word les ? ls doc ppt dcw
A. B. C. D.
1 '. Fou can Dump to the net column -y ? $ress !lt 7 /own>arrow Clic+ing with your mouse on the net column oth of above
A. B. C. D.
1 '6. Which of the following is not the part of standard oEce suite ? /ata-ase Fi"e Manager Image )ditor 9ile $resentation
A. B. C. D.
*8. %uperscript: su-script: outline: em-oss: engra,e are +nown as ?
A. (et
e@ects B. Font e8ects C. Word art D. Clip art iew !nswer Comment on this question
1 *1. ! screen element of M% Word that is usually located -elow the title -ar that pro,ides categori&ed options is +nown as ? A.
Menu ar
(ool Bar %tatus Bar !ddress Bar
C. D.
1 *2. Minimum num-er of rows and columns in M% Word document is A.
$ and $
2 and 1 1 and 2 2 and 2
C. D.
1 *". ;ow many maimum columns can -e inserted in M% word document ? A. B. C. D. E.
'8 56 *8 ** nlimited
1 *'. What we call to that character which is raised and smaller a-o,e the -ase line ? A. B. C. D.
Raised %maller Guotient Superscript
Comment on this question
1 **. Ruler in M% Word can help us in to set ta-s to set indents to change page margins a"" of above
A. B. C. D.
1 *. What we call to a com-ination of row and column #ine Column Row Ce""
A. B. C. D.
*0. What is 3utter Margin ?
A. Margin
that is added to the outside of the page when printing B. Margin that is added to the binding side of page when printing C. Margin that is added to right margin when printing D. Margin that is added to the left margin when printing
1 *. typeface option is under which menu ? A.
Insert )dit iew
C. D.
1 *6. In which ,iew -ac+ground color will not -e ,isi-le ? A. B.
$rint #ayout iew We- #ayout iew
Print Preview
Reading iew
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1 MS Excel Questions Answers 2 "
' 8. %preadsheets are created in ? M% Word M% $owerpoint MS #ce" M% !ccess
A. B. C. D.
1. percentage in )cel? !H 18 BH 188 CH "88 ,9 6::
2. (he spelling tool is placed on tool-ar !H %tandard 9 Formatting
CH /rawing /H Re,iewing
". If you need a tet to show ,ertically in a cell. ;ow will you achie,e this? !9 Choose .ertica" on Te#t a"ignment in Format Ce""s dia"og bo#
BH Choose 68 /egrees in 5rientation of 9ormat Cells dialog -o CH Choose /istri-uted from the ertical drop down list of 9ormat Cells dialog -o /H Choose Center !cross %election from ;ori&ontal com-o -o in 9ormat Cells dialog -o
'. Can you set 8.* inch left indentation for a cell in )cel? !H )cel does not ha,e indentation feature BH Fou can specify indentation only if you turn the rulers on C9 Indentation can be set from Format Ce""s dia"og bo#
/H (he indentation can -e specied only when printing
*. Fou can automatically adDust the si&e of tet in a cell if they do not t in width -y !H /ou-le clic+ing on the right -order of column header BH 9rom 9ormat choose Columns and then !utot %election C9 From Format Ce""s dia"og bo# mar- Shrin- to 0t chec- bo#
/H !ll of a-o,e
. 9ormatting a cell in Currency: you can specify !H /ecimal $laces BH Currency %ym-ol C9 oth of above
0. 9ormatting a cell in
. What is entered -y the function KtodayLH !9 The date va"ue for the da' according to s'stem c"oc-
BH (he time ,alue according to system cloc+ CH (odayJs date as (et format /H !ll of a-o,e
6. Which function will you use to enter current time in a wo+sheet cell? !H KtodayLH
9 ;now<9
CH KtimeLH /H Kcurrent(imeLH
18. %pecial category of
11. Merge cells option can -e applied from !9 Format Ce""s dia"og bo# !"ignment Tab
BH 9ormatting tool-ar CH Both of a-o,e /H
12. $re>made sheet formats li+e %imple: Classic: !ccounting: Colorful etc. can -e applied from !H from 9romat Cells 9 from Format 44 !utoformat
CH from (a-le !utoformat
/H !ll of a-o,e
1". Which of the following format you can decide to apply or not in !uto9ormat dialog -o? !H
1'. ;ow can you remo,e -orders applied in cells? !H Choose
1*. Where can you set the shedding color for a range of cells in )cel? !H Choose required color form $atterns ta- of 9ormat Cells dialog -o BH Choose required color on 9ill Color tool in 9ormatting tool-ar CH Choose required color on 9ill Color tool in /rawing tool-ar ,9 !"" of above
1. Fou can set $age Border in )cel from !H 9rom Border ta- in 9ormat Cells dialog -o BH 9rom Border tool in 9ormatting tool-ar CH 9rom #ine %tyle tool in /rawing tool-ar ,9 =ou can not set page border in #ce"
10. When all the num-ers -etween 8 and 188 in a range should -e displayed in Red Color: apply !H se KifLH function to format the required num-ers red 9 !pp"' Conditiona" Formatting command on Format menu
CH %elect the cells that contain num-er -etween 8 and 188 then clic+ Red color on (et Color tool /H !ll of a-o,e
1. Fou can chec+ the conditions against when applying conditional formatting !H Cell ,alue BH 9ormula C9 oth of above
16. Which of the following is not true regarding Conditional 9ormatting? !H Fou can add more than one condition to chec+ 9 =ou can set condition to "oo- for o"d and app"' Ita"ics on them)
CH Fou can apply 9ont: -order and pattern formats that meets the specied conditions /H Fou can delete any condition from Conditional 9ormatting dialog -o if it is not requried
28. Which of the following is in,alid statement? !H %heet ta-s can -e colored BH %ome picture can -e applied as a -ac+ground of a sheet CH Fou can set the column width automatically t the amount of tet ,9 The width of a row and be speci0ed manua""' or 0t automatica""'
. Which of the following is not an option in the spelling dialog -o?
a. )dit -. Ignore c. Ignore all d. Change
Correct !nswerN a
2. Fou can quic+ly change the appearance of your wor+ -y choosing !uto 9ormat from the O. Menu a. )dit -. iew c. 9ormat d. (ools Correct !nswerN c
". (o protect a wor+sheet: you can choose $rotection and the $rotect %heet from the O.. menu a. )dit -. 9ormat c. (ools d. /ata Correct !nswerN c
'. Fou can open the ;ighlight Changes dialog -o -y choosing (rac+ Changes from the O. Menu. a. )dit -. Insert
c. 9ormat d. (ools Correct !nswerN d
*. Which of the following is not a wor+sheet design criterion? a. )Eciency -. !udita-ility c. /escription d. Clarity Correct !nswerN c
. (o copy cell contents using drag and drop: press the a. )nd +ey -. %hift +ey c. )sc +ey d.
0. If you press O.: the cell accepts your typing as its contents. a. )nter -. Ctrl 7 )nter
c. (!B d. Insert Correct !nswerN a
. (he autoll feature a. )tends a sequential series of data -. !utomatically adds a range of cell ,alues c. !pplies a -oarder around selected cells d.
6. What is the +ey-oard shortcut L-utton or -uttons to -e pressedH for creating a chart from the selected cells? a. 9" -. 9* c. 90 d. 911 Correct !nswerN /
18. you can use the formula palette to a. format cells containing num-ers
-. create and edit formulas containing functions c. entered assumptions data d. copy a range of cells Correct !nswerN 11. What $i,ot (a-le tool-ar -utton updates the data in a $i,ot (a-le or $i,ot Chart report if the source data chas changed a. 9ormat Report -. $i,ot (a-le c. Refresh /ata d. %how /etail Correct !nswerN c
12. What is an epression that tells how the num-ers in a determined set of cells are to -e calculated? a. 9ormula -. 9ield c. /ata d. Guery Correct !nswerN Correct !nswerN !
1". PGtr 1: Gtr 2: Gtr "Q is an eample of a a. 9ormula
-. 9unction c. %eries d. %ynta Correct !nswerN c
1'. Fou can edit eisting )cel data -y pressing the a. 91 +ey -. 92 +ey c. 9" +ey d. 9' +ey Correct !nswerN -
1*. (he cell reference for a range of cells that starts in cell B1 and goes o,er to column 3 and down to row 18 is O. a. 31>318 -. B1.318 c. B1318 d. B1N318 Correct !nswerN d
1. ! user wishes to remo,e a spreadsheet from a wor+-oo+. Which is the correct sequence of e,ents that will do this?
a. 3o to 9ile>%a,e !s S %a,e !s (ype S )cel wor+sheet -. Right clic+ on the spreadsheet ta- and select /)#)() c. Right clic+ on the spreadsheet and select Insert S )ntire Column d.
10. What feature ena-les you to adDust or -ac+ sol,e the ,alue in a cell to reach a desired outcome in a formula? a. 3oal %ee+ -. %cenario %ummary report c. 9orecasting d. (rend line Correct !nswerN d
1. what term descri-es a -ac+ground that appears as a grainy: non smooth surface a. gradient -. pattern c. solid d. teture Correct !nswerN a
16. )cel is a a. 3raphic program -.
28. (o create an interacti,e $i,ot (a-le for the we-: you use a Microsoft 5Ece We- component called a. ;(M# -. $i,ot (a-le 9ield #ist c. $i,ot (a-le #ist d. $i,ot (a-le Report Correct !nswerN d 181. What function displays row data in a column or column data in a row? a. ;yperlin+ -. Inde c. (ranspose d. Rows Correct !nswerN c
182. are
When you insert an )cel le into a Word document: the data
a. ;yperlin+ed -. $laced in a word ta-le c. #in+ed d. )m-edded Correct !nswerN -. $laced in a word ta-le
18". )cept for the OO function: a formula with a logical function shows the word P(R)Q or P9!#%)Q as a result a. I9 -. ! c. 5R d. <5( Correct !nswerN a
Macros are PrunQ or eecuted from the O.. menu.
a. Insert -. 9rmat c. (ools d. /ata Correct !nswerN c
18*. Fou can open the consolidate dialog -o -yt choosing Consolidate from the O.. menu. a. Insert -. 9ormat c. (ools d. /ata Correct !nswerN d
)ach ecel le is called a wor+-oo+ -ecause
a. It can contain tet and data -. It can -e modied c. It can contain many sheets including wor+sheets and chart sheets d. Fou ha,e to wor+ hard to create it Correct !nswerN c
Which types of charts can ecel produce?
a. #ine graphs and pie charts only -. 5nly line graphs c. Bar charts: line graphs and pie charts d. Bar charts and line graphs only
Correct !nswerN c
;ow are data organi&ed in a spreadsheet?
a. #ines and spaces -. #ayers and planes c. Rows and columns d. ;eight and width Correct !nswerN c
What does the #55T$ function do?
a. #oo+s up tet that contain U,J -. Chec+s whether tet is the same in one cell as in the net c. 9inds related records d. !ll of a-o,e Correct !nswerN c
a. May -e turned o@ for display -ut turned on for printing -. May -e turned on or o@ for printing c. (he -e turned o@ for display and printing d. a: - and c
Correct !nswerN d
Collection of Objective Questions or Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) distributed throughhttp://www.psexa.co.
Fou can print only an em-edded chart -y
a. Mo,ing the chart to a chart sheet -efore you print. -. 9ormatting the chart -efore you print c. %electing the chart -efore you print d. a and c Correct !nswerN d
112. Which of the following is a correct order of precedence in a formula calculation? a. Multiplication and di,ision: eponential positi,e and negati,e ,alue -. Multiplication and di,ision: positi,e and negati,e ,alues: addition and su-traction
c. !ddition and su-traction: positi,e and negati,e ,alues: eponentiation d.
! function inside another function is called a O.. function.
11'. ;ow should you print a selected area of a wor+sheet: if youJll want to print a di@erent area net time? a. 5n the le menu: point to print area: and then clic+ set print area. -. 5n the le menu: clic+ print: and then clic+ selection under print what c. 5n the ,iew menu: clic+ custom ,iews: then clic+ add d. !ll of a-o,e Correct !nswerN -
11*. Fouar 3erman supplier still in,oices for parts in deutsche mar+s. ;ow can you ha,e )cel con,ert those sums to )uros? a. 5n the Insert menu: clic+ %ym-ol and from the currency sym-ols su-set: select the )uro sign. -. 5n the tools menu: clic+ !dd>Ins: and select the )uro Currency (ools chec+ -o c. !pply a selected -ac+ground color d. !ll of a-o,e Correct !nswerN -
Which function calculates your monthly mortage payment?
a. $M( LpaymentsH -. <$)R Lnum-er of periodsH c. $ Lpresent ,alueH d. !ll of a-o,e Correct !nswerN a
110. If you are wor+ing in )nglish L%H: Chinese or Aapanese: )cel 2882 can spea+ data as you enter it: to help you ,erify accuracy. ;ow do you acti,ate this feature? a. $oint to speech on the tools menu: and then clic+ show tet to speech tool-ar. -. Clic+ ,alidation on the data menu
c. $oint to speech on the tools menu: and then clic+ speech recognition d. !ll of a-o,e Correct !nswerN a
11. Which of the following methods can not -e used to enter data in a cell? a. $ressing an arrow +ey -. $ressing the ta- +ey c. $ressing the )sc +ey d. Clic+ing the enter -utton to the formula -ar Correct !nswerN c.
116. Which of the following will not set tet in selected cells to italics? a. $ressing Ctrl 7 I on the +ey-oard -. sing the (ools S Wi&ard S We- 9orm menu item c. sing the 9ormat S Cells S 9ont menu item d.
128. Which of the following methods cannot -e used to edit the content of cell? a. $ressing the !lt +ey -. Clic+ing the formula -ar c. $ressing 92 d. /ou-le clic+ing the cell Correct !nswerN a 121.
Fou can acti,ate a cell -y
a. $ressing the (a- +ey -. Clic+ing the cell c. $ressing an arrow +ey d. !ll of a-o,e Correct !nswerN d
122. Which of the following setup options can not -e set in the page setup dialog -o? a. $rinter selection -. ertical or hori&ontal placement c. 5rientation d. Row and column titles Correct !nswerN a
12". What term refers to a specic set of ,alues sa,ed with the wor+-oo+? a. Range -. %cenario c. (rend line d. What>if analysis Correct !nswerN -
12'. 3ot functions?
Clic+ the insert menu and then clic+ function
g. (ype K in a cell h. !ll of the a-o,e Correct !nswerN -
12*. Which of the following descri-es how to select all the cells in a single column? a. Right clic+ on column and select $ic+ from list -. se data S tet to columns menu item c. #eft clic+ on the gray column title -utton d. $ressing Ctrl 7 ! on the +ey-oard
Correct !nswerN c
12. when you use the ll e@ects in the format data series dialog -o: you can not a. rotate tet on the chart -. select a fore ground color c. select a pattern d. select a -ac+ground color Correct !nswerN a
120. $aper spreadsheets can ha,e all the same ad,antages as an electronic spreadsheet ecept which of the following? a. Rows and columns -. ;eadings c. %peed d.
12. Which of the following is not a -asic step in creating a wor+sheet? a. %a,e the wor+-oo+ -. Modify the wor+sheet
c. )nter tet and data d. Copy the wor+sheet Correct !nswerN d
126. WhatJs a quic+ way to etend these num-ers to a longer sequence: for instance 1 through 28? a. %elect -oth cells: and then drag the ll handle o,er the range you want: for instance 1 more rows -. %elect the range you want: include -oth cells: point to ll on the )dit menu: and then clic+ down. c. Copy the second cell: clic+ in the cell -elow it: on the standard tool-ar clic+ the down arrow on the $aste -utton: and then clic+ $aste %pecial d. !ll of a-o,e Correct !nswerN a
Collection of Objective Questions or Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) distributed through http://www.psexa.co .
(o insert three columns -etween columns / and ) you would
a. %elect column / -. %elect column )
c. %elect columns ): 9 and 3 d. %elect columns /: ): and 9. Correct !nswerN -
(o center wor+sheet titles across a range of cell: you must
a. %elect the cells containing the title tet and use the ll handle to center the tet across a range of cells -. Widen the columns c. %elect the cells containing the title tet and use the ll handle to center the tet across a range of cells d. Widen the column Correct !nswerN a.
When integrating Ms>Word and )cel: Word is usually the
a. %er,er -. %ource c. Client d.
Charts tips can
a. %how the formatting of a data la-el
-. %how the name of a data series c. %how the ,alue of data point d. - and c Correct !nswerN d
a. %hows the location of the pre,iously acti,e cell -. !ppears t the left of the formula -ar c. !ppears -elow the status -ar d. !ppears -elow the menu -ar Correct !nswerN -
;ow do you change column width to t the contents?
a. %ingle>clic+ the -oundary to the left to the column heading -. /ou-le clic+ the -oundary to the right of the column heading c. $ress !lt and single clic+ anywhere in the column d. !ll of a-o,e Correct !nswerN -
when you wor+ with large wor+sheets: you may need to
a. si&e the wor+sheet to t on the specic num-er of pages
-. add and remo,e page -rea+s c. specify only certain print areas d. all of a-o,e Correct !nswerN d
1'1. (o drag a selected range of data to another wor+sheet in the same wor+-oo+: use the a. (a- +ey -. !lt +ey c. %hift +ey d. Ctrl +ey Correct !nswerN d
When creating a ,ertical page -rea+
a. (he acti,e cell must -e !1 -. (he acti,e cell can -e anywhere in the wor+sheet c. (he acti,e cell must -e in row 1 d. (he acti,e cell must -e in column ! Correct !nswerN c
to acti,ate the pre,ious cell in a pre>selected range: press
a. the !lt +ey -. the (a- +ey c. the )nter +ey d. none of a-o,e Correct !nswerN d
When the formula -ar is acti,ated: you can see
a. (he )dit 9ormula -utton -. (he Cancel -utton c. (he )nter -utton d. !ll of a-o,e Correct !nswerN d
In a wor+sheet you can select
a. (he entire wor+sheet -. Rows c. Columns d. a: -: and c Correct !nswerN d
when you print pre,iew a wor+sheet
a. the entire wor+sheet is displayed -. the selected range is displayed c. the acti,e portion of the wor+sheet is displayed d. a: - and c Correct !nswerN d
Fou can group noncontiguous wor+sheets with
a. (he group -utton on the standard tool-ar -. (he shift +ey and the mouse c. (he ctrl +ey and mouse d. (he alt7enter +ey Correct !nswerN c
Weight refers to
a. (he print density of characters -. (he height of the printed character c. pright or slanted shape d. (he design and appearance of characters Correct !nswerN a
1'6. When you lin+ data maintained in )cel wor+-oo+ to a Word document a. (he Word document cannot -e edited -. (he Word document contains a reference to the original source application c. (he word document must contain a hyperlin+ d. (he word document contains a copy of the actual data Correct !nswerN -. (he Word document contains a reference to the original source application
1*8. When you see a cell with a red triangle in the top right corner: what does this signify? a. (here is an error in the cell -. (here is a comment associated with the cell c. (he font color for tet in the cell is red d. ! formula cannot -e entered into the cell Correct !nswerN -
Collection of Objective Questions or Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) distributed through http://www.psexa.co .
1*1. (o hold row and column titles in places so that they do not scroll when you scroll a wor+sheet: clic+ the a. nfree&e panes command on the window menu
-. 9ree&e panes command on the window menu c. ;old titles command on the edit menu d. %plit command on the window menu Correct !nswerN -
1*2. Which of these is a quic+ way to copy formatting from a selected cell to two other cells on the same wor+sheet? a. se Ctrl to select all three cells: then clic+ the paste -utton on the standard tool-ar -. Copy the selected cell: then select the other two cells: clic+ style on the 9ormat menu: then clic+ Modify c. Clic+ format painter on the 9ormatting tool-ar twice then clic+ in each cell you want to copy the formatting to d. !ll of a-o,e Correct !nswerN c
1*". (o edit data in an em-edded )cel wor+sheet o-Dect in a Word document a. se the )cel menu -ar and tool-ars inside the word application -. )dit the hyperlin+ c. )dit the data in a )cel source application d. se the Word menu -ar and tool-ars
Correct !nswerN a. se the )cel menu -ar and tool-ars inside the word application
%tatus indicators are located on the
a. ertical scroll -ar -. ;ori&ontal scroll -ar c. 9ormula -ar d. 9ormatting tool-ar Correct !nswerN c
1**. Fou can open the scenario Manager dialog -o -y choosing scenarios from the O.. menu. a. iew -. Insert c. 9ormat d. (ools Correct !nswerN d
1*. Fou can open the %ort dialog -o -y choosing %ort from the O.. menu a. iew -. 9ormat
c. (ools d. /ata Correct !nswerN d
when wor+ing in the page -rea+ pre,iew: you can
a. ,iew eactly where each page -rea+ occurs -. add or remo,e page -rea+s c. change the print area d. all of a-o,e Correct !nswerN d
! data map is helpful
a. When you ha,e too much data to chart -. (o show a geographic distri-ution of data c. (o compare data points d. (o show changes in data o,er time Correct !nswerN -
Rounding errors can occur
a. When you use multiplication: di,ision or eponentiation in a formula