Mysteries of Twin-Birth Life Patterns Astrological Sensemaking By Dr. Andrew Dutta
In this research study we will look at the astrological mechanism to make sense of twin !irths whose life-"atterns are different through the means of #P techni$ue and %edic astrology. These days it has !ecome a common misunderstanding that #rishnamurthy Paddhati P' techni$ue alone can sol(e such mysteries. The fact is that not only #P techni$ue !ut also the eon-old %edic astrology is ca"a!le of offering "recise "rediction. )owe(er in %edic astrology we will re$uire to look into higher order Di(isional charts to deci"her the life-meaning of twins and not the *asi chart alone.
Twin Twin births have always attracted the fancy of astrologers and common people, because it has been empirically observed that even though the children are born with a few minutes of difference, the life-patterns have been radically quite different. Examples galore, where one of the children has become a doctor and another a high school drop-out or one has become a businessman and another could not manage a job for him. Traditional Rasi chart will never reflect any difference in the planetary patterns including the agna, which will also remain same, excepting a few minutes of o f arc difference. !s a result, it is next to impossible for anyone to decipher the charts o f twins, triplets, or even quadruplets with high degree of accuracy, until one goes into deeper realms of astrological analysis. #P in !rief "ontrary to popular belief, b elief, both the #$ technique and %edic %edic astrology have quite well established methods, to analy&e birth charts of twins. 'or #$ technique, the method is selfsustaining, wherein the technique is so fine-tuned that ev en a few minutes of birth time difference can pinpoint different results. (hereas for %edic %edic astrology, the Rasi chart also )nown as the *-+ chart, is just a primary representation of planetary configuration. n *-+, a agna remains in a Rasi for roughly + minutes, which means for twins, the two horoscopes are just the same.
/ince the ndian ndependence, very few path-brea)ing researches have happened in the realm of ndian astrology. Even though there are only very little original researches coming from different regions of ndia, it is only three individuals who have made an impact pan ndia, when it comes to original path-brea)ing research in astrology. The The first among them is late R. 0opala)rishna Row, popularly )nown as Meena 1 I 1,1, who wrote three volumes of 12adi 3yotisha1 published from erstwhile 4adras in +567. !lmost after another decade, the world received another path-brea)ing set of two boo)s by late #./. #rishnamurthy on an inventive method called as #rishnamurthy $addhati 8 KP KP 9. 9. The last-path brea)ing boo)s appeared in +5:5 from 4adras by b y late ;.R. /heshadri yer, having the title of his boo) as 12ew Techniques Techniques of $rediction. Row1s and yer1s original bo o)s are now available, only with very senior astrologers and collectors of boo)s. t is in yer1s boo ) where entirely novel approaches to judge *ivisional charts were provided with respect to %edic %edic astrology. n #rishnamurthy1s boo)s, the very system was radically a new one.
'or those readers, who are not much acquainted with the #$ technique, let me explain here briefly. n #$, the only system of house-division followed is the $lacidus 8also called as the Semi-Arc9 /ystem of house-division. n this system of house-division, the birth or the horary chart is casted according to the precise latitude and longitude of the native o r the place where the astrologer is sitting for analysis 8if it is a horary chart 9. n the $lacidus system of house division, all the + houses may not be of equal length 8longitude9. t may so happen that some houses may be more than <= in length, whereas some houses are less than <= in length. 4oreover, it may also happen that there are two houses or bhavas in one &odiac sign and a sign which does not hold any house cusp. #$ astrology interprets 1bhava1 or house results primarily on the basis of the h ouse cuspal sublords and the sublord1s stellar or constellational significations. !nd the planetary effects are determined by the planets1 occupancy in a particular star and a sub division within that star. #. /. #rishnamurthy divided each 2a)shatra or star of +< degree minutes into further 5 subdivisions based on unequal proportion of the %imshottari *asa system. This sub-division of a star is popularly called as 1/>?1 in #$ system. /o, /ri #./. #rishnamurti1s sub-division of a star into 5 smaller parts was made on the basis of the above unequal proportions of the %imshottari 4ahadasa. Thus, a star of @ minutes 8alternatively 13 deg 20 mins9 was subdivided into 5 unequal parts in the following mannerA #etu subA
8@ B C9D+
7: mins 7 secs
%enus subA
8@ B 9D+
deg +< mins secs
/un subA
8@ B :9D+
7 mins
4oon subA
8@ B +9D+
+ deg : mins 7 secs
4ars subA
8@ B C9D+
7: mins 7 secs
Rahu subA
8@ B +@9D+
3upiter subA
8@ B +:9D+
+ deg 7: mins 7 secs
/aturn subA
8@ B +59D+
deg : mins 7 secs
4ercury subA
8@ B +C9D+
+ deg 7< mins 7 secs
Fne can easily note that /un has the smallest arc sub-division. !s we all )now that the agna is the fastest moving parameter in the horoscope covering < degrees in + minutes. Therefore, to cross the smallest sub 7 minutes of arc of /un, the agna will ta)e approximately minutes <: seconds. This means #P techni$ue is ca"a!le of highlighting different !irth life "atterns of twins !orn in a time inter(al of + minutes , seconds. /o, accuracy of birth time holds immense importance in #$. Fn the other hand, contrary to popular belief, %edic astrology is also equally capable of handling twin birth life-patterns with same ease and elan as that of #$. 4any advocates of #$ point out the supremacy of #$, by wrongly citing %edic astrology1s incapability of handling twin births. /uch misguided opinions are formed by them, because large
majorities of such people have no formal training in %edic astrology. /o, they thin) that %edic astrology is just the 1asi and !avamsa charts1. The fact is that %edic astrology is as e$ually ca"a!le of handling twin !irth life-"atterns as do #P . #$ is a different method of prediction just as $arasara or 3aimini are different systems of prediction. #$ as well as these %edic systems use the same 5 planets, + Rasis and bhavas, and the C stars in the 2irayana &odiac.
The age old Magnum "us 1"rihat Parasara #ora Shastra$ %"P#S& of 4aharshi $arasara is undoubtedly the magnum opus of %edic astrology, along with 3aimini 4aharshi1s 1>padesha /utram1. 2ow it is beyond anyone1s doubt that these two were not ordinary mortals, but highly evolved /ages. "an these two sages ignore twin-birthsG *efinitely they cannot, because the phenomenon of twin-birth is as old as human existence. Therefore, it is but natural that they might have devised some scheme, through which twin-births can be analy&ed.
The scheme advocated by the /ages and commentators of %edic astrology to loo) into finer details of horoscopy is )nown as the 1'arga1. 4aharshi $arasara advocated the +:-*ivisional horoscope scheme, derived from the Rasi chart called as the 1Shodasa 'argas1, which is most commonly used for predictive astrology. /imilarly, there are other %arga schemes )nown as 1Shad 'argas$ %( divisional chart scheme&) $Sa*ta 'arga$ %+ divisional chart scheme& and the $,asa 'arga$ %10 divisional chart scheme&, which have been advocated by many others such as #alyana %arma of /aravali, 4antreshwar of $haladeepi)a, among others. These *ivisional charts are : in number, categori&ed in 6 levels of con sciousness or human existence. There are also *ivisional charts that deal with higher realms of spiritual and esoteric factors of human life which run from the Cnd divisional chart to the <th. ;owever, not all numbers of these *ivisional charts are used. 'or those readers, who do not understand the concept of *ivisional charts, let me enumerate it briefly here. ! Rasi chart 8 ,-1 or ,ivisional hart 19 maps out the 5 planets in < degree span of each Rasi. ?ut the exact degree occupied by a planet in a particular type of Rasi in *-+ gives rise to its mapping in other *ivisional charts. /o, *- or ;ora chart is based on +6 degree mapping scheme, 2avamsa 8*-59 is based on < degree minutes 8< degree of a Rasi divided by 59 mapping scheme, /iddhamsa 8*-79 is based on dividing the Rasi o f < degrees by 7. Thus on a "ractical "redicti(e le(el the most granular di(isional chart in the %arga scheme is the Shashtyamsa &D-/' where the Di(isional chart is ma""ed according to ,/ minutes of *asi chart . This means that the Rasi chart of < degrees is made into : parts of < minutes each. The method to calculate /hashtyamsa is to multiply the degree of the planet in the Rasi chart with and divide it by + and add + with the remainder. 8Readers who use astrology software will find this *-: coming as a standard output9. This D-/ is thus ca"a!le of ca"turing life-"atterns of twins who are !orn at a time inter(al of + minutes . This is because the lagna ta)es minutes to travel an arc of < minutes in the Hodiac. Therefore, A001*A02 3 BI*T) TIM4 IS AS 451ALL2 IMP*TA6T I6 %4DI0 AST*L72 AS IT IS I6 #P . 1nderstanding the astrological clues n #$, the rules of analysis of a horoscope are uniform and standard. They apply to individual horoscope in the same manner as they apply to twins, triplets or quadruplets. #$ technique starts its analysis of a birth horoscope, by loo)ing at the concerned house cuspal sublord. 'or example, if the first marriage of a person is analy&ed, then in #$, one loo)s at the cuspal sublord of the Cth house cusp and the starlord and sublord occupied by this cuspal sub lord. These < planets will show their significations, which is then synthesi&ed along with the *asa-?hu)ti-!ntara to give the final prediction. t is therefore, very much li)ely that twins will have different cuspal sublords in majority of their house cuspal