Interpretation of navamsa chart The spiritual essence of a horoscope lies in its navamsa chart. The sub-divisions of a planetary sign (the sign inhabited by a given planet) have a direct collocation with various phases of his life which in turn has a direct bearing on his spiritual character. Certain underlying principles guide the interpretation of Navamsa. The nine fold divisions are guided by different lords. The lords of first, fourth and seventh navamsa are of d ivine significance. The lords of second, fifth and eighth denote spiritual reputation and kindness whereas the lords of third, si!th and ninth are demonic in significance. "#ushkaramasha" is the most auspicious element of a navamsa. $ach %odiac rashi or sign has two #ushkara navamsa. n avamsa. Thus with a sum total of twelve rashis or signs, there are twenty four #ushkara Navamshas. The pecu liarity of this lies in the fact that they are owned by beneficial planets. Conse&uently, such planets during their tenure ship bestow on the concerned individual abundance of wealth, riches and progress. This is particularly true of 'upiter. The concerned planet in "pushkara" blesses the native with wealth and good prospects. The fifth house of navamsha chart indicates the spiritual self of a person. ne needs to have a look at the placement of sun and its friendly planets to find out to wh at e!tent the efforts of one"s good will and action may bear fruits. n the other hand, the rising ascendant or lagna, its lord and the third house have direct connection with the elements of patience and endurance. imilarly, imilarly, the rising lord, the seventh house and its lord, *enus *enus and its friendly bodies have a direct bearing on ones better half. The third ho use and is lords are associated with overseas settlement and disease. The combined features of the third, seventh, ninth and the twelfth house together with the respective placement of their lords signify overseas travel. +ikewise the "lagna" its lord, the si!th lord and ketu are linked with diseases whereas "rahu" and its transit have a link with the curability of diseases. The planet of the ascending sign and its lord should not ideally occupy the si!th, eighth and twelfth places in a navamsa. The given locations make for their afflictions leading to an!ieties and trouble during their tenureship.
Navamsa predictions #lanets weakly positioned in natal chart but heightened in navamsa are supposed to produce favorable results. The reverse is also true. #lanets or aspects denoted by those planets should be e&ual in strength in both the natal n atal and navamsa chart so as to produce the desired result. #lanets strengthened in navamsa chart are supposed to be thrice more powerful than that in natal chart. planet occupying the same place in birth as well as that of the navamsha chart is supposed to be very powerful. Thus prediction should always be made in conte!t of the navamsha, birth chart c hart and that showing the transitory phases of various planets. The chart is particularly helpful in spheres of marriage, mental matching with one"s spouse. t also helps to predict the time of marriage and how delays can be overcome.
Effects of Navamsa nalysis of a given Navamsa chart testifies to the general p rospects and dispositions of one"s life. The ascendant sign and its respective lord bare testimony to the native"s colour shape, general nature and the overall mental makeup. oon"s Navamsa and that of its ascendant lord usually determine a native"s physical look. Transitory effects of moon in the conte!t of one"s birth chart
and that of his Navamsa has profound bearing on his nature. The entire set of Navamsa has its prolific bearing on individual"s physical features and that of his innate disposition. Thus houses of a birth chart should be correlated to that of his Navamsa. Con/unction or opposition of planets should be given due priority for predicting results.
Yogi, Avayogi and Dugdha Rasis A New Concept in Predictive Astrology by Dr T S Vasan
In predictive Astrology there are thousands of combinations and rules which one has to master and specialize in order to get prociency while giving predictions. Since there are many missing links and pitfalls, the general rules of this Science make even sincere Astrologer stumble and miss the target. In order to hit the bulls eye and to become more successful in the art of prediction the late Sri H Seshadri Iyer of !angalore has found out certain very important secrets in the oriental "adi writings of the past. According to this concept one should calculate Yogi, Avayogi and Dugdha Rasis beore e!bar"ing on !a"ing any speci#c predictions$ #hen what is this $ogi and how to nd the same
and what is this Avayogi and methods to nd the same% #here are &' yogas which are called "itya $ogas from (ishkambha to (aidhriti. Yoga is one o the li!bs o the day in Panchanga$ $oga means addition and #ithi means reduction. If you add the longitudes of the Sun and the )oon you get the yoga whereas if you deduct the longitude of the Sun from that of the )oon you will get #ithi. #his #ithi is yet another limb of the day. According to the "adi principles all the limbs of the day, i.e. Vara, Tithi, Na"shatra, Yoga and %arana have great signicance while interpreting the horoscope. In our classical study of this Science we have understood that the addition of the longitude of the Sun and the )oon will give a "akshatra and this "akshatra is counted from Ashwini to know the number of the yoga. *or e+ample if the )oons -ongitude is !harani and since the number of the star from ashwini is & the yoga is &nd yoga called reeti. !ut the "adi principle departs far from this principle and says that the $oga number has to be counted from ushya instead of Ashwini is summed up as follows/ #ake the longitude of the Sun and the )oon plus add constant gure 0s1021&3 4which is the starting point of ushya Star and it is taken as rst star of (ishkumbha and succeeding stars get the respective yogas5. In other words the "akshatra which we get after adding the longitude of the Sun, the )oon plus 0 signs 0 degrees and &3 minutes, should be counted from ushya and the number gives the number of yoga. #he star lord of that yoga is called as yogi and the 6th stellar lord from this yoga star is called as Avayogi. #hese two planets i.e. $ogi and Avayogi play a very important role in predictive system of Hindu Astrology. I even go further and say that it is a worthy breakthrough in predictive systems.
"ow you have to understand some more factors in understanding this system of analysis. #he lord of the house wherein the yoga point falls is called as Saha $ogi 4supporting planet to $ogi5 and the nine planets fall in 0 planetary groups such as 7uru, 8handra and 9etu 4:5, Surya, !udha and ahu 4&5, and Shani Shukra and 9u;a 405. It is for us to know in which planetary group the yogi planet falls. If the yogi planet falls in this group the other planets of that group become yoga like planets. #he second group of planets will become will become Avayoga group and the third group becomes a "eutral group. In the same way if the yogi planet falls in &nd group the 0rd group of planets become avayoga group of planets and vice versa and other group becomes neutral group. In our ne+t step of understanding we have to scrutinise that how many planets are in $ogi "akshatras and in the yoga group of planetary stars and how many planets are in Avayogi star and avayogi group of planetary stars. #he remaining planets we know will fall in neutral stars. Among the yoga group of planets, yogi planetary star will have always strong in
avayoga planetary positions. #herefore we have to look into the stellar lords while reading the horoscope. #he asi position of planets are Sthoola 4general5 whereas stellar positions are Sookshmas 4specic5. In addition to the above yogi and avayogi principles, one should know the houses that are burnt depending on the tithi of birth. #he following table gives the asis which are burnt according to tithi. Tithis and Dugdha Rasis
:st/ #ula,)akara &nd/ =hanu,)eena 0rd/ Simha,)akara >th/ (rishabha,9umbha ?th/ )ithuna,9anya 6th/ )esha,Simha, 'th/ 9arka,=hanu @th/ )ithuna,9anya th/ Simha, (rishchika, :3th/ Simha, (rishchika, ::th/ =hanu,)eena :&th/ #ula,)akara :0th/ (rishabha,Simha :>th/ )ithuna,9anya,=hanu,)eena The planets occupying Dugdha Rasis will beco!e wea" and
ine)ective to give good results$
#he redeeming features for this =ugdha asi planet are as follows/ :. If the planets occupying =ugdha asis are retrograde they can survive the bad eBects of =ugdha asi. &. If a =ugdha asi lord sits in the same asi or in another =ugdha asi he will have no bad eBects of =ugdha asi. 0. If 7uru aspects =ugdha asi it can mitigate the bad in
. If the =ugdha asi lord aspects =ugdha asi it will have some strength. #here are no dugdha rasi for oornima and Amavasya. #he principles of $oga, Avayoga should be studied along with other principles of arasara School. Avayoga 7rahas should have bad Curisdiction and should occupy bad houses whereas yoga 7rahas should have good houses and should occupy good bhavas.
*+PACT - TR*+ASA and e!ale horoscopes
*D)A-D HEES8EDS According to Sage rashar all the eBects which have been described in astrology and for horoscopes all are applied to females also. #he physical appearance of lady should be determined from the Ascendant ;ust similar to males but fortune and longevity of husband must be analyzed 'th and @th house therefore in case of )anglik lady a lot of care has to be taken. It is the reason that grand parent disorder generally never comes to female and it usually get transferred to male child as )ars in the horoscope of a lady usually act as impacting planet to the males related to her. Fe are not aware how much weight medicine gives it but in (edic #e+t females has been blessed with a cosmic shield against the malec impact of malec planet which can impact a male but not a female. 7enetic disorders or health problem are usually part of it. it is also seen that if some malec impact is there then it can go up to 0 generations. Similarly widowhood, genial problem etc also propagates like wise. And those eBects which are impossible to be characterized to the female, must be declared to be applicable to her husband.In !rihat Cataka of Sage (arha )ihir it is said that the eBects which had been described for male horoscopes, if all those that are found in female horoscopes, suitable to females should be declared as applicable to them alone, and the rest should be ascribed to their husbands. #he problem and longevity of the husband is to be deduced through the @th place, from the Ascendant or the )oon whichever is stronger. )atters relating to her appearance, beauty etc. should be determined from the Ascendant and the sign occupied by the )oon. *rom the 'th place, from the Ascendant or the )oon which ever is stronger, her welfare or happiness and the nature of the husband should be established. Similarly Sage )antrewaras haldeepika it is mentioned that the eBects, which are declared for men, they entirely applicable to women too. #he womans prosperity and happiness have to be decide from the @th place and
children should be declared from the th house and matters relating to her appearance, beauty etc., should be determined from the Ascendant. *rom the 'th place that her welfare, power of in
sually such persons are almost isolated of very cool in nature. According to one yoga, if a lady is born in day time and her ascendant and moon are in at Edd sign then she is recognized as a blessed lady with a lot of potential and also get the blessing of domestic harmony. !ut such ladies are masculine in form and bearing also hence they are much short tempered and use to have much control on others. Similarly if the birth is in night and her Ascendant and )oon are in even signs, then such lady use to get blessing of a lot of e+cellent ualities, be of loyal character, beautiful and physically t. If between Ascendant or the )oon, one is in even sign and the other is in odd sign then such woman concerned are usually have the tough determination and also have much habits like males. ...)ananacharya I)A8# E* #I)ASA #rimasa is the 8hart related to misries and happiness, which are much concerned to ladies as "avamsha is considered for general public. It is holding key of getting knowledge about the female horoscope and without reading or knowing #rimasa chart it is not possible to understand the fate of a lady. #he impact of #rimasa, which has been described by Sage of (edic astrology, in brief the analysis is as under 4we can not give the e+act translation as Sage has used much clear words and same is not advised to say in open5.If a lady is born/1Fhen the Ascendant or the )oon 4whichever is stronger5 is in a sign of Aries or Scorpio and/1a. #rimsamsa is of either, Aries or Scorpio is there, then she use to have, very free life before marriage. b. #rimsamsa of #aurus or -ibra or the Jodiac in which (enus is placed in ashi 8hart then she en;oys much pleasure before marriage.c. #rimsamsa of 7emini or (irgo is rising, then she will be full of cunning and adept in enchantment.d. #rimsamsa of Sagittarius or isces is rising then she will be worthy and virtuous.e. #rimsamsa of 8apricorn or Auarius is rising then, she will be modest or restricted.Fhen the Ascendant or the )oon, is in 7emini or (irgo and she is born when/1a. #rimsamsa of Aries or Scorpio, she will be very moderate and a hard worker.b. #rimsamsa of #aurus or -ibra is rising then she must be having good ualities.c. #rimsamsa of 7emini or (irgo, she will be very cold in making love but found of talking.d. #rimsamsa of Sagittarius or isces, she will be owner of pure soul.e. #rimsamsa of 8apricorn or Auarius, she will be a very much hiding lady.Fhen the Ascendant or the )oon, is in #aurus or -ibra and she is born when/1a. #rimsamsa of Aries or Scorpio is rising then, she would have en;oyed a lot of freedom before marriage.b. #rimsamsa of #aurus or -ibra then she is very nice and possesses e+cellent ualities.c. #rimsamsa of 7emini or (irgo, then she will be skilled in all the arts.d. #rimasa of Sagittarius or isces, she will be endowed with all good ualities.e. #rimasa of 8apricorn or Auarius gives chances of more then one marriage.Fhen the Ascendant or the )oon is in 8ancer and she is born when/1a. #rimsamsa of Scorpio then she will be self1willed and uncontrolled.b. #rimsamsa of #aurus then she will be self1skilled in arts and handwork.c. #rimsamsa of (irgo, she will be gifted with all e+cellent technical work,d. #rimsamsa of Cupiter, she will be owner of a saint ualities.e. #rimsamsa of Saturn, she may get separation or more then one marriage.Fhen the Ascendant or the )oon is in -eo, and she is born when/1a.
#rimsamsa of Aries then she will be very talkative,b. #rimsamsa of 7emini then she will be virtuous features c. #rimsamsa of Cupiter then she will be pure and virtuous d. #rimsamsa of Saturn then she must have en;oyed a lot of freedom before marriage.Fhen the Ascendant or )oon is in Sagittarius or in isces and she is born when/1a. #rimsamsa of Aries or Scorpio then will be endowed with many good ualities.b. #rimsamsa of #aurus or -ibra, she will be holy.c. #rimsamsa of 7emini or (irgo, she will be well versed in many sciences.d. #rimsamsa of Sagittarius or isces, she will be endowed with all good ualities.e. #rimsamsa of 8apricorn or Auarius, she will be very cold or will be highly free.Fhen the Ascendant or )oon is in 8apricorn or Auarius and she is born when/1a. #rimsamsa of )ars then she will be a working lady but will be very proud. b. #rimsamsa of (enus then she will be learned but fruitless.c. #rimsamsa of )ercury then she will be cruel and immoral. d. #rimsamsa of Cupiter then she will be devoted to her husband.e. #rimsamsa of Saturn, she will be very free and will have relations with servants.
%arya Siddhi .anu!an +antra/01
9arya Siddhi Hanuman )antraK/1 KKarya means wish or act. Siddhi means realizing. 9arya Siddhi Hanuman is one who fullls your wishesK. 9arya Siddhi Hanuman )antra Tva!as!in %aarya Nirvahey Pra!aana! .ari Satta!a Tasaya Chinta yato yatno Du"ha %shaya %aro &havet$
It means KEK Hanuman, lease put DBorts and emove my Sadness, ALiction, =iMculties It is to be recited facing east preferably beneath a peepal tree4 it can be recited at your home also5 )antra to be recited for minimum :: times for best results :3@ times.
estroy negative energy with this hanu!aan !antra$
Shri Hanuman )antra Artist/ Hemant 8hahan
II ! Na!o .anu!ate &haybhan2anaya Su"ha! %uru Phat Swaha II #his mantra is a negative energy destroyer. Fhen reciting this repeatingly one prays that Hey -ord Hanuman vanish the fear from our minds and bless us so that we may be happy and + our problems
Aries-Mesh 1. Om Vishnave Namah 2.Om kleem shreem lakshminarayana namaha Taurus-Vrashab 1. Om Vasudevaya Namah 2.Om gopalay uttar dhvajai namah emini-Mithun 1.Om !eshavaya Namah 2.Om kleem krshnai namaha "an#er -!ark 1. Om $adha-!rishnaya Namah 2.Om hiranyagarbhai avyakt rupane namaha %eo -&ingha 1. Om 'ariharaya (alamukundaya Namah 2.Om kleem brahmane jagadadharai namaha Virgo -!nya 1. Om 'rim )itambaraya )aramatmane Namah 2.Om namaha peem pitambarai namaha %ibra -Tula 1. Om &ri $am *asrathaye Namah 2.Om tatva niranjanai tarak ramai namaha orpio -Vrsh#hik 1. Om Narayanaya Namah Om Naraya Namah 2.Om naranaya sur singhai namaha &agittarius -*hanu 1. Om 'rim &hrim !rim *harani *haraya Namah 2.Om shreem dev krshnai urdhva dantai namaha "apri#orn -Makar 1.Om &hrim Vatsalaya Namaha 2.Om shreem vtsalai namaha A+uarius - !umbh 1.Om &hri ,pendraya A#hyutaya Namah Om !rim ovinda-opalaya Namah 2.Om shreem upendrai a#hyutai namaha )is#es -Meen 1. Om !rim $athanga - "hakraya Namah 2.Om aam kleem udhvatai
Astrology o Asth!a
3hat *s Asth!a4 Asthma 4AJ1ma5 is a chronic 4long1term5 lung disease that in
Asthma aBects people of all ages, but it most often starts during childhood.
Asthma has no cure. Even when you feel fine, you still have the disease and it can flare up at any time.
However, with today's knowledge and treatments, most people who have asthma are able to manage the disease. They have few, if any, symptoms. They can live normal, active lives and sleep through the night without interruption from asthma.
If you have asthma, you can take an active role in managing the disease.
espirator #he respiratory system -ungs, laryn+, y System supplies o+ygen to the pharyn+, blood and removes carbon dio+ide.
trachea, bronchi
ASSE8IA#D= -A"D#/ )D8$
#he brain monitors respiratory volume and blood gas levels. #he brain regulates respiratory rate.
M$",$0 Mental un#tions #reativity #ollar bones breathing even blinking
MOON 'eart %ungs 3ater retention blood lo3 digestive motion and #ellular moisture
M$",$0 overns mental un#tions breathing navel bones and lo3er abdomen
)lays most important role in bone density distribution o #al#ium ortiying vitamins shanks breathing
Vata 93ind: Air and A"asha
Pitta 9&ile: -ire and
Prana Vata
Chest region
7dana Vata
Thoracic and throat region
Sa!ana Vata
.earth and navel region
Vyana Vata
.earth and circulatory vessels
Apana Vata
Pelvic region
Pacha"a Pitta 6iver and pancreas
3ater Ran2a"a Pitta
6iver and spleen
Sadha"a Pitta .earth Alocha"a Pitta 5yes &hra2a"a Pitta S"in
%apha 9+ucus:
3ater and 5arth
%leda"a %apha
Avala!ba"a %apha
.earth, chest and lower bac" regions
&odha"a %apha
+outh, Tongue and throat
Tarpa"a %apha
.ead 9cerebrospinal 'uid:
Slesha"a %apha
In medical astrology, various ailments and body parts are ruled by diBerent planets, signs, and houses. #he lungs, for e+ample, relate to )ercury, 7emini, andNor the 0rd house. Asthma relates to them also, as well as 4secondarily5 to the moon and 8ancer. 7enerally an aLiction to the rulers, especially amongst them if there is more than one, tells the story.
Asthma111ointers in a birth chart / the !araka o a house is in the 5th house Asso#iated 3ith &aturn and $ahu the native suers 6rom a #hroni# disease indi#ated by the house in 4uestion.
lanets/ Saturn, )oon, )ars, Cupiter, and )ercury. Houses in !irth 8hart/ >th House from -agna
-eo SimhaG 7emini )ithunaG -ibra #hulaG Auarius 9umba. Moon: Cold and cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, Nervous debility Mercury: Disease related to heart and lung
lanet Saturn could cause this disease as he governs breathing >th House from -agna andNor House -eo Simha being ?th house of Jodiac, to be studied for any ailment due to breathing. Os leo rules over heart, spinal and Arota. House -eo is said to play important for lead in tracing this disease. Saturn is responsible to cause worst and chronic disease. Fhen Saturn with its 0rd, 'th or :3 th aspect aLicts the >th house 4>th house from -agna house5 or -eo, the natal of that birth chart will have the disease. It is an incurable and irksome disease. >th house in a birth chart rules over heart, chest and lungs. )oon governs the heart. -eo is a ery and hot sign owned by Sun. If any ery or hot lanet like )ars is positioned in -eo, could indicate the presence of this disease. #hen, )ercury rules over "erves. If )ercury is positioned in -eo in birth chart, heart troubles due to nervous disorders is bound to occur. #his could cause asthmatic tendencies.. Cupiter rules over -iver and -ungs. Fhen Cupiter aLicts in -eo, asthma as well as pleurisy is likely to occur. However aLiction and cause due to above by Saturn will be the main pointer for this disease. *urther, )ars )ercury and Sun in the 6th house of )oon could also be the reason to indicate respiratory system troubles and asthma.
ars is a fiery planet and when afflicted in !eo, it causes overheating of the blood, produces animals heat in the body and gives heart"pain, suffocation, fainting. ercury rules over our nerves and if it is in !eo, he gives heart"troubles due to nervous disorders, and causes asthmatic tendencies.
The fourth house in a birth"chart rules over the heart, chest and l ungs. It is said that oon governs
the heart. The fifth house of the #odiac i.e. !eo plays a great part in causing this disease. It is also confirmed that !eo rules the heart, spinal cord and aorta. The sign !eo is a fiery and hot sign and if any fiery or hot planets be posited at the birth"chart in !eo, the native will come across asthmatic tendencies. $aturn governs our breath and so he may be regarded as the main planet causing asthma, as in asthma, breathing difficulty causes much trouble. %hen $aturn afflicts the &th house of the odiac i.e. !eo, the person becomes liable for bronchial or asthmatic attacks. $aturn is an obstructive planet by nature and when he afflicts any planet in !eo, he acts as a retarding influence impeding the circulation of blood to and from the heart. $aturn, being a regarding influence prevents elimination of wastes from the body and clogs the system.
Si+th lord sign is cancer and is aLicted by rahu while its dispositor is Saturn the signicator of all chronic diseases it is also lord of ascendent and :&th house and is signicator of prana vayu or breathing as well.Si+th lord moon con;unct the rahu is aspected by )ars from @th house,while @th lord is combust in a maraka house .Sun, venus and mercury lend an aspect to ascendent.Si+th lord moon is in nakshatra of saturn the )= lord while Ad lord venus is in nakshatra of ketu .(enus also lords over >th house of the horoscope signicator of lungs so the dasha seuence of saturn 1venus operating from birth itself leads to the disease.
On Marital Happiness by Dr R S L Srivastava 0T+ alliance has the sanction of nature. The affection between mother and son, brother and sister, husband and wife, is the offshoot of nature"s law. ny attempt to interfere with this law is fraught with dangerous conse&uences for the human race. magine what would happen to our world if mutual hatred developed on a mass scale between men and women1 This can happen in those human societies which drift away from nature and live an artificial life. 2induism, as it has been practiced for thousands of years, is a way of life that is closest to na tural living. Conse&uently it has survived all the onslaughts on it and fathered very many sects. t permits an individual to live his life according to his own conviction and faith. The prescription of age of marriage for the girl and the boy calls for a deeper e!amination. t is claimed that the age of 34 years for the girl and 53 years for the boy are prescribed on medical grounds. 6et, in the climate of our country girls become capable of producing a child at the age 37-38 years. bhimanyu had sown the seed for the birth of #arikshit even while he was under si!teen years in age. Thus, there is nothing sacrosanct or scientific in prescribing the above ages for marriage. scientific approach to the solution of this problem would be that both the boy and the girl should go in for medical check up before entering into matrimonial alliance or, for that matter, consummating their marriage. n the past, tallying the birth charts of the boy and the girl played a decisive role in fi!ing arranged marriages. This was done by the family priest-astrologer whose opinion was final. ther considerations were secondary. #hysical fitness, mental &ualities, heredity, se!ual compatibility, social and economic status were the main factors kept in view. The charts were e!amined from the point of view of longevity of the bride and the bride groom, their character, progeny and financial prosperity. The guiding principle was to ensure that good points indicated in one chart were not cancelled by the bad ones in the other chart while the evil indications in one were reduced by good factors in the other as far as possible. $laborate rules depending on various kutas were employed in matching the two horoscopes.
would suggest that it is not enough to match kutas. the role of the malefic 9rahas vi%. the un, ars, aturn and 0ahu should be carefully e!amined in the two charts. :elow are given some adverse combinations. Widowhood 0ahu posited in the sign of ries or corpio ruled by ars or occupying the ;th, 4th or 35th house. n the bridegroom"s chart, if 0ahu occupies the ;th house, the bride might suffer continuous ill health. f the ruler of the ;th house is in the 4th house and the lord of the latter is posited in the ;th house /oined or aspected by malefic 9rahas, the bride would be widowed. The same would be the result if lords of the ;th and 4th houses occupying the |
#d$ltery =hen ascendant and the oon are both in moveable signs, strong malefics are posited in >endra, not with benefics. 'upiter and *enus occupy common signs and do not aspect malefics, the girl may not be faithful to her husband. f both the ascendant and the oon fall in moveable signs and also the ascendant lord, chastity of the girl becomes doubtful. Con/unction of ars and *enus or their mutual aspect raises doubts about the character of both the bride and the bridegroom. f the ascendant in the girl"s chart falls in ries, corpio, Capricorn or &uarius with *enus or the oon posited in the ascendant, or aturn occupies the ;th house, or ars happens to be in the 4th house, the chastity of the girl becomes doubtful. The un"s position in the 4th house in the girl"s chart is also not desirable. The marital alliance is not compatible if >u/a ?osha is present in one chart and absent in the other unless it gets cancelled due to other factors. uch an alliance brings unhappiness and separation.t must be emphasi%ed that the bad features described above get eliminated under 'upiter"s benign influences. @or e!ample, if ;th house is occupied by ars who is aspected by 'upiter, then the couple get every happiness. n this yoga even the >u/a ?osha gets cancelled. =hen the oon /oins 'upiter or ercury, many ?oshas get eliminated. Therefore, in matching the two charts the role of benefic planets must be kept in mind. The role of 0ahu is invariably dubious. Asually, he harms the >arakatva of the house in which he is posited and yields results of the 9rahas whose 0asi he occupies. till 0ahu can give prosperity and success during his period and sub-period when posited in the 7th, 8th, ;th and 3Bth house. n many charts, have noticed 0ahu causing mental problems when posited in the ascendant abortions or unhappiness from some child when he is in the 8th house late and unhappy marriage when he is in the ;th house.
Thus, under the above description 3Bth house seems to be the desirable place for 0ahu"s position. n the 33th house also he yields favourable results, especially in the signs of Cancer, 9emini, Taurus and *irgo. 0ahu loses much of his evil effect when posited in the 35th house from the oon. f the ;th and 4th houses, both from the ascendant and the oon are free from malefic influence, one could e!pect marital happiness for the girl, provided the >utas tally well. therwise suitable remedial measures should be taken by propitiating the 9rahas at the time of marriage.
%o&i' #vayo&i ?ear sri 0aghunatha 0ao and unil, ri athiyanarayana 9upta have simply and beautifully e!plained about calculation of 6ogi and vyogi. give other useful details about related techni& taught by ri iyer and ri wee . nce yogi and vyogi points are calculated as pe r mail from ri athiyanarayan 9upta,please find out . Nakshatra where yogi point falls.The ruler of this Nakshatra is called 6ogi planet.t is different from parashar yoga planet. :. Nakshatra where vyogi point falls. The ruler of this Nakshatra is called vyogi planet. C. 0asi lord where 6ogi point falls is ?uplicate yogi. #lease note vayogi calculation taught by hri wee is slightly different. 0epeat 6og point is sunDmoon DEFd5B reduce multiple of Fu/a H >etu I :udha H >u/a I 9uru H AN Iukra H 9uru ani H oon I 0ahu H ukra I >etu H 0ahu . Triple set of planets >etu,oon and 9uru J ukra, >u/a and ani J un , 0ahu and :udha . 'udgement is based on mathematically formulae DKDLD DK--L -- and so on . @our formulae are laid down by sri yer #ositive planet in #ositive :hava or 0asi r tar be comes #ositive. #ositive planet in Negative :hava or 0asi or tar become Negative Negative planet in Negative :hava or 0asi r star becomes positive Negative #lanets in #ositive :hava or rasi or tar becomes Negative 2e defined #ositive rasi wn house Negative 0asi Mero rasi or house of debilitation #ositive :havas * * * K K K Negative :havas * * K #ositive planets +ords of negative :havas, +ords f Mero- 0asis, :irth vayogi, 0ahu and >etu
#ositive tars tars of #ositive planets Negative tars tars of Negative #lanets. 2owever r wee has given very useful seven principlas . saw on some web site i do not remember. :ut they were something like below. 3 sc degree falls in Nakshatra of 69 #oint span of nakahatra where yogi point is O The native is likly to have material prosperity. t is better if 6ogi is strong and well placed. 5sc degree falls in Nakshatra of *9 #oint span of nakahatra where vgi point is O The native is likly to have material adversity.. t is worst if 6ogi is strong . F imilar will be the case if 6ogi planet is placed in C.trengith and placement will add to the propensity. 7. imilar will be the case if vyogi #lanet is placed in c.t will give poverty.#ropensity will increase if vayogi is strong. 8. t is good if 6ogi planet is lord of sc too and is well placedJ strong <. t is bad if vyogi planet is lord of C and strong . +astly r wee Teaches connectionJ 0elationship between 6ogi and ?uplicate yogi :y con/unction, mutual aspect creates yoga for prosperity. simple analysis on r swee principle coupled with ndu lagna gives good guidence about prosperity. +astly. other two points are about. F) ?uplicate 6ogi, how to find in '2ora7) 2ow to find the ?agdha 0asis in '2ora.?uplicate yogi is covered. =hat is ?agdha 0asi . 2ow to find in ' horaP $!aclty i am not sure but it is what my notes say,when i started in 3E;B with 'anmbhoomi panchang digdarsika. $!cept on full moon and new moon days every Thithi has atleast two 0asis that r yer called ?agdha or :urnt ones 2e also named these Mero rasi. 2e also taught That :havas connoted by them , their lords and planets in these rasis loose their power , AN+$ 0etrograde. t is a *ital #rincipal. could not find *ol i f r yers :ook where he has e!plained dagdha rasi in chapter 3 2owever there are sun ?agdha and moon dagdha rasis in scripture but his comments indicates something i miss about it. 2ope r wee or some guruJstudent will come forward an d correct my understanding. Tithi 5 has agg and #isc as dadgdh 0asi. Thithi 7 has Taru and &ua as dadgdh 0asi Tithi < has ries and cancer as dadgdh 0asi Thithi 4 has gemini and virgoas dadgdh 0asi Thithi 3B has +eo and corpio as as dadgdh 0asi Thithi 35 has Capri and +ibra as dadgdh 0asiThe above are AN daghdaha Thithi .
+astly @or sunil t seems you have downloaded ?igital /yotish ?emo any good charts are available on that website .Try download and import them from saved directory u can en/oy yers Techni&ue in uni&ue way along with trial of tarter ?saa chart and rulers. 2ope information is helpful to some others too. 0C Tue, 5< ct 5BB7 3BI7FI7; -B;BB (#?T) athiyanarayana 9upta Qgupta43< H0eI 6ogi, vayogi?ear arvashree.unil 'ohn R 0aghunatha0ao, @ormula for calculating yogi and avayogi pointsIThe sum total of the nirayana +ongitudes of the un , oon D EF".5BS L 6oga point, if 34B" added to it you will get vayogi point .2ope got you the answer Tue, 5< ct 5BB7 BEI87I57 -B;BB (#?T) unil 'ohn Q//net5BBBin Htarters R 0ulersI yer"s techni&uesNamaste, think very few softwares follow yer"s revolutionary techni&ues of yogi, avayogi ( hear ri 'yoti tar gives yogi points), lets hope that some software implements Sthe tarterS R S0ulerS calculations as propounded by yer , can"t even grasp how to calculate all this least the techni&ue, a software must come in the market for this R only then we of the current generation can truly find out of his techni&ues worked. ?oes anyone have the birth chart of eshadiri yer. ' 2are 0ama >rishna Namaste 9urus and +earned embers, am studying on the 6ogi, va6ogi, ?uplicate 6ogi and ?agdha 0asi"s and it is taking time for me to calculate for every chart am using to see the principles. o have done a bit of research and found the following patterns. #lease correct me if am wrong here from the '2ora *er < point of *iew. 3) 6ogi is nothing but the 6oga lord in '2ora5) vayogi is the |