Neeleshwar Hermitage, Neeleshwaram, Kasaragod.
Neeleshwar Hermitage is an Ayurvedic Ayurvedic resort in south Kerala, situated by the Arabian Sea. It is spre spread ad over over an area area of 1 acre acress of cocon coconut ut groo grooves ves.. !he !he reso resort rt is very very calm calm and and "uit "uitee atmosphere. !hey provide privacy and prevent unwanted sound. Architect #adhu Kumar is the designer of the Neeleshwar Hermitage. He designed the resort based on the Kerala traditional architecture and he considered the general vasthu principles in this. $istances between the cottages are very far, so that the people living in the cottages get privacy.
%ig..&.1 '1( Neeleshwaram hermitage view
%ig..&.1 '( Administration Administration view
Neeleshwar resort is located in )asaragod ) asaragod district, d istrict, Kerala, on a flat coconut grove. !he resort is situated *+)m from the ba))el fort, Kasaragod and )m from the Neeleshwaram town. Accessibility:
Nearest -ity Kasaragod, */)m. 0ailway station Neeleshwaram )m Airport #angalore airport, 1+/ )m.
Neighborhood: •
Surrounded by residential area.
)m away from the main road.
General planning: •
0ustic in nature.
thnic style with Kerala traditional architecture.
Aesthetically designed to accommodate the Kerala traditional elements and the local surrounding nature.
Separate service entry and it is clearly demarcated.
co friendly materials were used.
Nature and vegetative is given prime importance.
2uilt according to general vasthu concept.
3rivacy is the main concern.
4arm humid climate.
4ind orientation
5 4est 6 ast.
5 + 6 *+-.
5 #inimum $ecember 6 #arch7 Average days8month. 5#a9imum #ay 6 November7 Average 1 days.
4ater table level
5 :une 6 ;ctober.
5 November 6 %ebruary7 Average 1.m height. 5April 6 :une7 Average +.
%ig..&.1 '*( Site plan •
!here are two entries to the resort, one is main entry with wooden gate and a security cabin and other is service entry.
3ar)ing facilities are provided at the entrance of the service entry. !his entry is restricted is only for staff members.
All bloc)s are well connected by granite paved pathways.
#ainly -ottages are situated rear side of the site.
=one is done properly7 accommodation >one is away from the other bloc)s.
%lat site, clayey soil with sand content.
!he resort is situated at a distance of &+m from the sea as per the -0=.
!he site layout is composed of administrative bloc) with reception and office, shop, Ayurvedic spa, restaurant , library, yoga hall and meditation hall, fish restaurant, swimming pool, different types of cottages, )itchen, electrical bloc), S!3, bio gas plant.
Paring and road:
3ar)ing area is provided at service entry. 3ar)ing area is about 1& cars.
Not well planned.
!here is no covered par)ing area, which is not tarred, paved and not clearly defined.
4idth of the road to the resort is &m.
?aterite paved pedestrian pathway to lin) the administration, cottages, Ayurvedic center and the other buildings in the site.
No covered pathways to help people to wal) without affected by the rain and sun.
@ehicular par)ing is restricted at the main entrance, which ma)es the peoples to wal) through a long distance to the cottages.
Site is vegetated mainly with coconut trees. !he entire site is green in color. Naturally grasses are used as lawn. !hey did not change their landscape before and after construction. Some fruited trees and flowering trees were planted after construction. Some coconuts trees are not cut during construction, some trees were growing inside the cottages. !hey preserve the flora and fauna. ranite paved stone are used for pedestrian wal) way, these pathways are connected to each bloc)s.
%ig..&.1 'B( ?andscape in front of dining bloc)
%ig..&.1 '&( ?andscape
Spaces: •
3oomu)ham 5 Administration bloc).
3riya 5 Ayurveda center.
Annapurna 5 0estaurants.
Kuteeram 5 -ottages.
3athanCali 5 Doga hall and #editation hall.
@aruna 5 Swimming 3ool.
Saraswathi 5 ?ibrary bloc).
Kubera 5 Art and craft shop.
Administration bloc:
!he administration bloc) is located at the entrance to the resort and is constructed in Kerala traditional style with thatched roof.
A porch is provided at the front.
Another entry is provided at the side of the bloc). !emporary par)ing 'for two cars( is provided at the side of the administration bloc), from the par)ing area people can enter through administration bloc).
-olumns Half granite and wood.
%looring !erracotta tile.
Steps are li)e temple steps, made up of ranite.
Administrative bloc) contains,
0eception and lobby.
4aiting area.
0eception and lobby.
4aiting area.
#aga>ine rac).
$uty manager.
Ay!r"eda bloc:
!he Ayurveda bloc) is located near to the administrative bloc) and south 6 east side of the site layout.
It is constructed in Kerala traditional Enaalu)ettuF style with thatched roof.
#ostly wooden built with anti"ue doors and furniture.
Kerala traditional elements were used for aesthetics.
2loc) is easily accessible from every cottage b y granite paved pathways.
0ed o9ide stone bloc)s are used for flooring.
-ourtyard is provided at the bac) side of each room filled with pebbles stones. No air conditioning systems.
-olumns Half granite and wood.
Steps are li)e temple steps, made up of ranite
Inner courtyard is filled with pebbles and granite steps are provided to enter the courtyard from four sides.
1cm wide verandah inside the building is served as circulation space surrounded by inner courtyard.
Ayurveda bloc) includes,
-onsultation room.
4aiting space.
!reatment rooms.
0eception and waiting area is providing at the entrance of the Ayurvedic bloc).
!here is a reception des) and few sofas for the guests.
It is located near to the $octorGs consulting room.
Cons!ltation room:
!here is only one consultation room and one consulting $octor. -onsultation room consists of table, chair and shelf. 3eople can enter through waiting area and also from the verandah.
-onsultation room 5*1.&B1 cm
$reatment rooms:
!here are four treatment rooms, two for ladies and other two for gents.
!reatments room consists of $roni table 'massaging table( of si>e 5 / cm, 1Bcm thic)ness, steam chamber, dhara stand, storage cabin for storing medicines, oil, etc. and heater for heating the oil.
0ed o9ide stone bloc)s are used for flooring.
After treatment the wor)ers would clean the room.
Indian and locally available materials are used for finishing materials.
#ainly people coming from J.S and from that & of people are coming for Lsu)achi)ilsaG and for reala9ation only & are coming for treatment purpose.
!reatment room5 B1B*/.&cm.
Attached wash area and toilet, shower area.
;ne side of the shower area is half open to the e9terior courtyard7 view from the e9terior is banned by compound wall.
ranite is used as flooring in toilet. So that after the treatment it is easy to wal), cannot slip.
3olished te9tured stone is used on wall in shower area.
;nly sanitary materials imported.
!oilet of si>e 6 &11&.&cm.
Spa Spa consists of a treatment area, a bath tub area and a shower area.
Swedish type spa with all facilities.
Shower area is open to s)y and granite flooring and unfinished polish marble stones on the walls.
2amboos are used as wall covering.
3ebbles are used for filling the ground and round granite paved step stones are used.
2ath tub is placed at 1&cm raised platform with granite flooring.
!here are two restaurants one at the center of the site and it is the main dining hall, vegetarian food is available there, and the other is sea food restaurant, it is nearby the sea shore, sea food is available there.
!he main restaurant is easily accessible from all the bloc)s.
-apacity of B+ numbers.
ntries are provided at four sides.
It is an open restaurant with a counter area.
At the center of the restaurant there is a courtyard which is open to s)y.
!hatched roofing, red o9ide bloc)s for flooring, half granite and half wooden pillar and granite steps.
Sea food restaurant have a small )itchen are made up of bamboo and thatched roofing.
!here are 1 cottages.
-ottages are located away from the public >one.
!wo types of cottages 6 single cottages and twin cottages.
!win cottages are for family.
!hese cottages are divided into three sea view, garden view and pool view.
-ottage consists of bed room sit out and toilet.
0-- roof with !hatched roof covering.
#u)hapu and temple steps are used for aesthetically appealing.
Half granite and half wood are used for pillars.
A tape is provided at the entrance of each cottage
%oga and meditation hall:
Doga and meditation hall are located near to the sea shore and adCacent to the sea food restaurant.
Doga and meditation classes are carried out under the guidance of separate guru.
!hatched roof with tiled flooring.
Same style of architecture.
Swimming pool:
?ocated near to the sea.
It is also called infinity pool.
It placed at a raised level, so that while bathing we can feel li)e bathing in the sea.
:acu>>i is also attached with the swimming pool.
0ecycling process is ta)ing place in the pool.
A machine room is attached to the swimming pool.
Swimming pool of si>e 6 'B 1.&( m, depth is 1m to 1.m.
A tan) is provided at the sea side of the pool, over flowed water is stored in the tan).
Library bloc:
?ibrary bloc) consist of !@ room, internet facility, library and club house.
0-- roof with thatched roof covering.
0ed o9ide stone bloc)s are used as flooring.
Air conditioned.
Same style architecture.
Kitchen consists of )itchenette, wor) area and store. Not a spacious )itchen.
3reparation of both vegetarian and non5vegetarian food.
#arbles are used for flooring.
?aundry is located nearby the )itchen side.
#aintenance area and laundry are attached.
An open area for washing the clothes, it is near to the service entry.
4ashed clothes are ironed from the laundry room.
4ashing clothes by using water in the coconut valley.
4ater supply
4ell is the main source of water supply for the entire resort.
;ne storage tan) is located near to the washing are at a highest level.
3ower supply •
3ower supply from Neeleshwaram substation by K.S..2.
11 )@ transformer is provided in a room.
lectrical and generator room are provided near to the service entry.
Separate rooms for electrical, generator and transformer.
Separate switches and security is appointed for controlling.
2io gas plant and S!3 are also located near to the service entry. 2io gas is used for coo)ing and treated water is used for water the coconut trees and plants
Sa&ety and sec!rity: •
2uildings are made of wood7 it increases the possibility of fire.
No fire e9tinguishers, limited area have e9tinguishers.
No proper signage.
4atchman at main gate, service entry and at the & security at sea side.
-ompound walls are at front and side and the site, no compound wall at the sea side.
2uilding layout does not destroy the natural topography of the site. Nature and vegetation given preference.
3rivacy is the salient feature of the resort.
=oning is done properly by public >one, semi public >one and private >one.
A well planned separate entry for services.
3athways are not covered it is difficult during rainy season.
#echanically air conditioning systems are not provided in the ayurvedic bloc), flooring, roofing, inner and outer courtyard gives cooling effect to the bloc).
0ecreation space not provided.