NEW REGULAR CONTRACTOR’S LICENSE APPLICATION PCAB-PAD-NE-!"#$ Re%ision No$ "&' "()#*)("#+ "()#*)("#+ , This Form is NOT for sale $ Reproduction is Alloed The folloin. pertinent docu/ents 0nd infor/0tion sh0ll 1e su1/itted in support to PCAB License Ne Applic0tion$
Checklist of Reqireme!ts
A" LEGAL A$#$ Affid0%i Affid0%itt of Attest0tio Attest0tion n 0nd 2ener0l 2ener0l Infor/0ti Infor/0tion on 3p0.e 3p0.e * of (+ (+ 0nd p0.e p0.e + of of (+45 A$#$#$ !or Sole Proprietorship6 Certified Certified true copy of Business N0/e N0/e Re.istr0tion Certific0te5 Certific0te5 A$#$($ !or P0rtnership or Corpor0tion6 Certified true copy of SEC Certific0te of Re.istr0tion 0nd Articles of P0rtnershi P0rtnership)Inc p)Incorpor orpor0tion 0tion 0nd By-L0s By-L0s ith construct construction ion contr0ctin contr0ctin. . 0s one of the purposes purposes 0nd su1se8uent 0/end/ents thereto' if 0ny5 0ny5 A$($ PCAB PCAB Inte.rity Inte.rity Pled.e 3P0.e 9 of (+45 (+45 A$*$ Authori:e Authori:ed d ; ; Officer Officer 3A;O4 3A;O4 No/in0tion6 No/in0tion6 A$*$#$ A;O A;O Affid0%it Affid0%it 3p0.e & of (+4 ith 0 p0ssport p0ssport si:e picture of A;O5 A;O5 A$*$#$#$ A$*$#$#$ For Cor#oratio!s o!l$6 o!l$6 Ori.in0l Corpor0te Secret0ryin. or>in. ?is0 ?is0 A$*$*$($ A$*$*$($ Alien Alien Certific0 Certific0te te of Re.istr Re.istr0tion 0tion A$*$*$*$ A$*$*$*$ NBI cle0r0nce cle0r0nce if A;O A;O h0s resided resided in the Philippines Philippines for si7 3&4 /onths /onths or if not' e8ui%0lent cle0r0nce fro/ A;Oholders shoin. their their n0tion0lities 0nd sh0reholdin.s5 0nd 0nd 1$ List of Bo0rd of Directors Directors shoin. their n0/es 0nd n0tion0lity$ ($ Copy of l0test 2ener0l Infor/0tion Sheet duly filed ith SEC shoin. the n0/es of stoc>holders 0nd directors' n0tion0lity 0nd sh0reholdin.s$ 0$ The percent0.e control of the nu/1er of se0ts occupied 1y forei.ners in the Bo0rd of Dir ectors sh0ll not e7ceed 9"$
+" FINANCIAL B$#$ Co/plete !in0nci0l !in0nci0l St0te/ents St0te/ents ith 0cco/p0ny 0cco/p0nyin. in. Auditor@s notes d0ted ithin ithin the l0st si7 3&4 /onths /onths i//edi i//edi0te 0tely ly preced precedin. in. the filin. filin. of 0pplic 0pplic0ti 0tion on ,'l ,'l$ $ a'i a'ite te' ' a!' a!' si&! si&!e' e' o! e-er e-er$ $ #a&e #a&e )$ a! I!'e#e!'e!t CPA %ith -ali' PRC.+OA accre'itatio!/ 0nd accre'itatio!/ 0nd 0 CD-R 3co/p0ct disc record01le4 cont0inin. the fir/@s Audited B0l0nce Sheet Inco/e St0te/ent in the prescri1ed te/pl0te to 1e uplo0ded 1y the CIAP-RID in CIAP d0t010se$ The PCAB !in0nci0l St0te/ent !or/s A B 3A$ B0l0nce Sheet ) B$ Inco/e St0te/ent4 c0n 1e donlo0ded 0t CIAP e1site' $ci0p$dti$.o%$ph5 B$#$#$ !or old co/p0nies' 0udited fin0nci0l st0te/ents for the i//edi0tely precedin. t0701le ye0r 0nd copy of the u0rterly or Annu0l Annu0l Inco/e T07 T07 Return certified 1y the BIR5 B$#$($ C0sh6 Ori.in0l copy of B0n> Certific0tion)B0n> st0te/ent of 0ccount certified 1y B0n> ; of c0sh c0sh deposi deposits ts 0s of the B0l0nc B0l0nce e Sheet Sheet d0te5 ,NOTE* Amo!t i! e0cess of 1 of 23 of the mi!imm !et%orth reqire' for cate&or$ a##lie' for or P 45(555"55 %hiche-er is hi&her( reflecte' as 6Cash7 or 6Cash o! 8a!'7 shall )e 'e'cte' from the !et%orth( if !s##orte'/5 B$#$($#$ Authori:0tion to Depository B0n> 3p0.e of (+45 (+45 B$#$*$ List of L0nd 0nd Buildin.)Industri0l Pl0nts oned 1y the 0pplic0nt 0nd re.istered in its n0/e 3p0.e ## of (+45 B$#$*$#$ Certified Copy of Tr0nsfer of Certific0te of Title 3TCT4 includin. 10c> p0.e5 B$#$*$($ Deed of S0le or Certified Copy of T07 T07 Decl0r0tion of L0nd ) Buildin. oned 1y the 0pplic0nt5 B$#$9$ List of Construction 0nd)or Tr0nsport0tion)Deli%ery ?ehicles)E8uip/ent);0chineries)Pl0nts oned 1y the 0pplic0nt 0nd re.istered in its n0/e 3p0.e #( of (+45 B$#$9$#$ B$#$9$#$ Certified Certified Copy 1y L0nd Tr0nsport0t Tr0nsport0tion ion Office Office 3LTO4 3LTO4 of Certific0t Certific0te e of Re.istr0ti Re.istr0tion on 0nd Current Current Offici0l Receipt Receipt of Re.istr0tion Re.istr0tion of Construc Construction tion 0nd)or Tr0nsport0ti Tr0nsport0tion)De on)Deli%er li%ery y ?ehicles)E8uip/ent ?ehicles)E8uip/ent reported5 B$#$9$($ Certified Copy of Deed of S0le or s0les in%oices)offici0l receipts of other construction e8uip/ent)/0chineries5 B$#$+$ Docu/ents to 1e su1/itted if the %0lues of the 0pplic0nt
PCAB-PAD-NE-!"# Re%ision No$ "&' "()#*)("#+ This Form is NOT for sale$ sale $ Reproduction is Alloed P0.e 9 of 94
Remarks C" TEC8NICAL C$#$ List of Sust0inin. Technic0l Technic0l E/ployee)s - STE 3p0.e #9 of (+4 supported 1y the folloin. docu/ents for e0ch STE6 C$#$#$ Co/pl Co/pleti etion on of 9"-hou 9"-hourr S0fety S0fety Se/in0 Se/in0rr 3COSH4 3COSH4 of 0ny of the listed listed Sust0i Sust0inin nin. . Technic0 chnic0ll E/ployees5 C$#$($ STE Affid0%it)s Affid0%it)s 3p0.e #+ of (+4 ith recent p0ssport si:e picture)s5 C$#$*$ Certified true copy of %0lid PRC ID of STE 0s licensed profession0l5 C$#$9$ Ori.in0l NBI Cle0r0nce)s of no/in0ted STE)s5 C$#$+$ STE Affid0%it)s Affid0%it)s of Construction E7perience 3p0.e #= of (+45 C$#$&$ Person0l Appe0r0nce !or/ duly 0cco/plished 0nd si.ned 1y the STE)s 0ppe0rin. 1efore the desi.n0ted officer of the PCAB or the ne0rest DTI re.ion0l)pro%inci0l office 3p0.e # of (945 C$#$=$ Affid0%it of No Construction Acti%ity 3p0.e # of (+45 C$($ Certific0te of DOLE-0ccredited S0fety Pr0ctitioner for C0te.ory FAAAG 0pplic0nts 3for 0ddition0l credit points45 :" GENERAL INFOR;ATION - fill out 2I Sheet 3p0.e 9 of (+4 D$#$ ;e/1ership ith SSS' PHILHEALTH PA2-IBI25 D$($ Co/pletion of6 D$($#$ 9.'a$ 9.'a$ A;O A;O Semi! Semi!ar ar to 1e co/p co/ple lete ted d 1y the the A;O hi/s hi/sel elff heth hether er the the fir/ fir/ 1e sole sole proprietorship or corpor0te)p0rtnership 0nd the li>e5 D$($($ <5.hor <5.hor Safet$ Semi!ar ,COS8( +OS8 %ith Co!strctio! Co!strctio! Safet$ Com#o!e!ts Com#o!e!ts// = to 1e co/pleted 1y the A;O hi/self in c0se of sole proprietorships or 1y 0ny responsi1le)senior officer of the corpor0tion)p0rtnership 0nd the li>e5 D$*$ E-/0il Address5 D$9$ Certific0te of ISO 0ccredit0tion 3for 0ddition0l credit points45 E" OT8ERS E$#$ Acco/plished Affid0%it Affid0%it for !ir/@s Authori:ed Represent0ti%es 3p0.e (" of (+45 E$#$#$ Copy of co/p0ny ID of the represent0ti%es5 E$#$($ L0test CCL - for/erly SSS !or/ R-* 3for 1elo &" ye0rs old4 or Certific0te of Inco/e T07 T07 itheld BIR !or/ (*#&' for/erly BIR -( 3for &" ye0rs old 0nd 01o%e4 of the represent0ti%es5 E$($ Ori.in0l si.n0ture of A;O on e0ch 0nd e%ery p0.e of the 0pplic0tion for/s includin. supportin. docu/ents5 E$*$ Certified docu/ents$ In lieu of certified copies' photocopies /0y 1e 0ccepted pro%ided ori.in0l copies 0re presented for 0uthentic0tion5 E$9$ Self-0ddressed' self-st0/ped l0r.e 1ron en%elope or 0 prep0id courier pouch for /0ilin. of license certific0te5 E$+$ Proof of p0y/ent of Prep0id Courier Pouch for /0ilin. of license certific0te$ Ple0se refer to p0.e (+ of (+ for B0n>)Account Nu/1er 0nd ! R0tes ,o#tio!al/5 ,o#tio!al/5 E$&$ Docu/ent0ry St0/p T07 for e0ch ori.in0l or certified true copy of Contr0ctor@s License 3Sections #=* 0nd # of the T07 T07 Code of #= 0nd Re%enue ;e/or0ndu/ Circul0r No$ *&-("#(45 E$=$ A;O E70/in0tion5 0nd E$$ The Bo0rd /0y re8uire the A;O inter%ie 0nd su1/ission of pertinent docu/ents)infor/0tion other th0n the 01o%e in order to fully deter/ine the 8u0lific0tions of the 0pplic0nts5 F" ARC APPLICATION !$#$ Applic Applic0ti 0tion on for re.istr0t r0tion ion in .o%ern .o%ern/en /entt proec proects ts should should 1e 0cco/ 0cco/pli plishe shed d in PCABPCAB-P PAD-AR AD-ARC-! C-!"# "# 3Appli 3Applic0t c0tion ion for Re.istr0tion 0nd Cl0ssific0tion of Contr0ctor for 2o%ern/ent Infr0structure Proects4 hich /0y 1e filed si/ult0neously in 0 sep0r0te folder ith the PCAB License Applic0tion$
FOR PCA+ > :TI.ROG USE ONL? ONL? 2st Pr P rescree!i!& Item No"
J K PCAB ;0>0ti J K DTI-RO2 Prescreener6
Accepted J K Co/ply l0c>in. ite/s J K Accepted
9 !' Prescree!i!&
@ r' Pr Prescree!i!&
< th Prescree!i!&
J K PCAB ;0>0ti
J K PCAB ;0>0ti
J K PCAB ;0>0ti
PCAB-PAD-NE-!"# Re%ision No$ "&' "()#*)("#+ This Form is NOT for sale$ Reproduction is Alloed P0.e @ of 94
AFFI:AIT OF ATTESTATION In 1eh0lf of 3N0/e of !ir/4
I here1y re8uest th0t its 0pplic0tion for Contr0ctorlistin. of /y fir/ 0nd /yself 0s its Authori:ed ; Officer5 0nd *$ Mnconfir/ed infor/0tion)docu/ents su1/itted to support /y fir/
AthoriBe' ;a!a&i!& Officer 3Si.n0ture o%er Printed N0/e4
Repu1lic of the Philippines 4 Pro%ince of 4 City);unicip0lity of 4 S$S
SU+SCRI+E: AN: SWORN to 1efore /e this d0y of (" 0t 5 0ffi0nt e7hi1ited to /e his)her Co//unity T07 Certific0te No$ issued 0t on (" $
NOTAR? PU+LIC Mntil Dece/1er *#' (" Doc$ No$ P0.e No$ Boo> No$ Series of (" $
PCAB-PAD-NE-!"# Re%ision No$ "&' "()#*)("#+ This Form is NOT for sale$ Reproduction is Alloed P0.e < of 94
PCA+ INTEGRIT? PLE:GE e 1elie%e th0t the construction industry is one of the /ost suscepti1le to 0ll for/s of corruption th0t h0/pers the no1le o1ecti%es to0rds n0tion0l pro.ress 0nd .lo10l co/petiti%eness$ As frontrunners of n0tion-1uildin.' e 0c>noled.e our /0or role 0nd responsi1ility in ensurin. th0t e c0rry out our t0s>s .uided 1y ethic0l st0nd0rds 0nd e8uipped ith the necess0ry c0p01ility for the successful prosecution of our contr0cts$ In %ie thereof' e pled.e the folloin.6 •
e ill present only true 8u0lific0tions to PCAB so th0t e /0y 1e e%0lu0ted properly 0nd 1e .i%en the c0te.ory 0nd cl0ssific0tion here e should ri.htfully 1elon.5 e ill uphold the di.nity of the license 0nd not 1e instru/ents for unlicensed contr0ctors to undert0>e construction proects throu.h license lendin. nor throu.h f0lse oint %entures)consortiu/ or pseudo co/1in0tions hich is ini/ic0l to the pu1lic s0fety)interest5 e ill not e/ploy unlicensed su1-contr0ctors)speci0lty contr0ctors hich is 0 cle0r circu/%ention of the re8uire/ent th0t 0ll contr0ctors /ust 1e licensed5 e ill 01solutely shun 00y fro/ 0ny for/ of collusion th0t destroys the %ery essence 0nd inte.rity of 1iddin.s5 e ill not en.0.e in 1ri1ery or do 0ny 0ct hich constitutes .r0ft or corrupt pr0ctice hich is the root c0use of 1lo0ted contr0ct 0/ounts5 e ill not use su1-st0nd0rd /0teri0ls hich ill in 0ny 0y co/pro/ise the s0fety' reli01ility 0nd perfor/0nce of the 1uilt en%iron/ent5 e ill not 010ndon our contr0cts 0nd e ill i/ple/ent our proects f0ithfully in 0ccord0nce ith the prescri1ed specific0tions thereof5 e ill pro%ide the necess0ry resources' fin0nci0l 0nd technic0l c0p01ility in c0rryin. out our contr0ctu0l o1li.0tions' 0nd 0s f0r 0s possi1le' ithin the stipul0ted ti/e of co/pletion5 e 0re 00re th0t e ill 1e i/posed disciplin0ry 0ction should e %iol0te 0ny of the co//it/ents hereof or the PCAB Code of Ethics or 1e found to 1e 0 p0rty to corruption$ AthoriBe' ;a!a&i!& Officer 3Si.n0ture o%er Printed N0/e4
Name of Com#a!$ Repu1lic of the Philippines 4 Pro%ince of 4 City);unicip0lity of 4 S$S
SU+SCRI+E: AN: SWORN to 1efore /e this d0y of (" 0t 5 0ffi0nt e7hi1ited to /e his)her Co//unity T07 Certific0te No$ issued 0t on (" $
NOTAR? PU+LIC Mntil Dece/1er *#' (" Doc$ No$ P0.e No$ Boo> No$ Series of (" $
PCAB-PAD-NE-!"# Re%ision No$ "&' "()#*)("#+ This Form is NOT for sale$ Reproduction is Alloed P0.e 4 of 94
CONTRACTOR’S GENERAL INFOR;ATION Note6 Ple0se use 0ddition0l sheets if necess0ry$ Name of Firm* 30s per SEC or DTI4
Tele#ho!e>Fa0 No" 3include 0re0 code4
Office A''ress
If Pro-i!cial )ase'( co!tact a''ress i! ;a!ila( if a!$
;o)ile No"
E.mail A''ress
T$#e of Firm 3ple0se chec> only one4
J K Sole Proprietorship J K P0rtnership J K Corpor0tion
I!ter!atio!al Or&a!iBatio! for Sta!'ar'iBatio! ,ISO/ Certificatio! 3ple0se chec>4 J K ISO #9""#6(""9 J K OSHAS #""#6(""= J K ISO ""#6("" J K Not A%0il01le SEC > +si!ess Name Re&istratio! No" Firm’s SSS No"
Re&istratio! :ate 3//)dd)yyyy4
Ta0 I'e!tificatio! No"
E0#ir$ :ate 3//)dd)yyyy4
Phil8ealth No"
Cate&or$ A##lie' for
Pri!ci#al Classificatio! A##lie' for
Other Classificatio!>s A##lie' for
3ple0se chec> only one4
3ple0se chec> only one4
3ple0se chec>' if 0ny4
J KC J KD J K E)Tr0de
J K 2ener0l En.ineerin. J K 2ener0l Buildin. J K Tr0de J K Speci0lty 3ple0se specify 1elo46
J K 2ener0l En.ineerin. J K 2ener0l Buildin. J K Speci0lty 3ple0se specify 1elo46
9.'a$ A;O Semi!ar P0rticip0nt
Inclusi%e D0tes
<5.hor Safet$ Semi!ar 3 J K COSH ) J K BOSH ith Construction S0fety Co/ponents 4 P0rticip0nt
Co/p0ny Position
Course Pro%ider
Inclusi%e D0tes
O%!ers > Stockhol'ers > Officers 3for corpor0tion ) p0rtnership4 NA;E
PERCENTA2E Peso Sh0res %0lue
:irectors > Officers 3for corpor0tion only4 NA;E
Certified correct 1y6 AthoriBe' ;a!a&i!& Officer 3Si.n0ture o%er printed n0/e4
PCAB-PAD-NE-!"# Re%ision No$ "&' "()#*)("#+ This Form is NOT for sale$ Reproduction is Alloed P0.e of 94
AUT8ORIDE: ;ANAGING OFFICER ,A;O/ AFFI:AIT Note6 Ple0se 0cco/plish this 0ffid0%it properly$ Ple0se use 0ddition0l sheets if necess0ry$ Recent Picture of A;O Pass#ort siBe 39$+ c/ 7 *$+ c/4
Repu1lic of the Philippines 4 Pro%ince of 4 City);unicip0lity of 4 S$S Last Name
I' CitiBe!shi#
0nd residin. 0t6
Born on
First Name ''
E0t" Name 3r)Sr' if 0ny4 Last Name
Sin.le ) ;0rried to
;i''le Name
First Name
;i''le Name
Room>Floor>U!it>+l'&" Name( Lot>+lock>Phase No"( Street( S)'i-isio!( +ara!&a$( Cit$>;!ici#alit$( Pro-i!ce( Di# Co'e
h0%in. duly sorn to in 0ccord0nce ith l0 depose 0nd s0y6 #$ Th0t I 0/ the Authori:ed ; Officer of 6 ,Name of Firm/
ith position of6 ,Positio! i! the Firm/
($ Th0t I possess the folloin. educ0tion0l 0tt0in/ents 30tt0ch 0ddition0l sheet if necess0ry4 Name of School
I!clsi-e :ates
*$ Th0t I possess 0t le0st to 3(4 ye0rs e7perience in the construction industry 0s follos 3Ref$ Sec$ (" of IRR of R$A$ 9+&&4 :esi&!atio! > Positio!
Com#a!$ > Natre of +si!ess
o) :escri#tio!
:ates of Em#lo$me!t
9$ Th0t I possess >noled.e of the 1uildin.' s0fety' he0lth ' lien l0s of the Repu1lic of the Philippines the rudi/ent0ry 0d/inistr0ti%e principles of construction contr0ctin. fro/ /y or> e7periences in ite/ * 01o%e 0nd fro/ the folloin. tr0inin.)se/in0rs 3Ref$ Sec$ (" of IRR of R$A$ 9+&&46 +$ Th0t I 0/ not in%ol%ed in 0ny construction /0lperfor/0nce su..esti%e of' inco/petence or /0lpr0ctice or 0ny 0ct of o/ission li01le for disciplin0ry 0ction 1y /yself or in coll01or0tion ith 0ny other person 3Section 9$( of IRR of R$A$ 9+&&4 &$ Th0t I h0%e not 1een con%icted 1y 0 court of co/petent urisdiction of 0ny offense in%ol%in. /or0l turpitude 3Section 9$( of IRR of R$A$ 9+&&4 =$ Th0t I 0/ fully 00re th0t /y f0ilure to notify PCAB of /y dis0ssoci0tion ith /y present e/ployer sh0ll c0use /y dis8u0lific0tion to 1e 0n Authori:ed ; Officer' 0 Sust0inin. Technic0l E/ployee or 0 license 0pplic0nt ith PCAB $ $ Th0t I 0uthori:e the PCAB to %erify 0nd in%esti.0te 0ny or 0ll infor/0tion in this instru/ent fro/ h0te%er sources PCAB /0y consider 0ppropri0te $ Th0t I certify under p0in of perury th0t 0ll infor/0tion on this 0ffid0%it 0re true 0nd correct$ FURT8ER AFFIANT SA?ET8 NAUG8T" Affia!t SU+SCRI+E: AN: SWORN to 1efore /e this d0y of (" 0t 5 0ffi0nt e7hi1ited his)her Co//unity T07 Certific0te No$ issued 0t on ("$ NOTAR? PU+LIC Mntil Dece/1er *#' (" Doc$ No$ P0.e No$ Boo> No$ Series of ("
PCAB-PAD-NE-!"# Re%ision No$ "&' "()#*)("#+ This Form is NOT for sale$ Reproduction is Alloed P0.e of 94
SECRETAR?’S CERTIFICATION Note6 !or Corpor0tions only
Repu1lic of the Philippines 4 Pro%ince of 4 City);unicip0lity of 4 S$S Last Name
I' 0nd residin. 0t6
First Name
E0t" Name 3r)Sr' if 0ny4
;i''le Name
Room>Floor>U!it>+l'&" Name( Lot>+lock>Phase No"( Street( S)'i-isio!( +ara!&a$( Cit$>;!ici#alit$( Pro-i!ce( Di# Co'e
do here1y certify' in /y c0p0city 0s the duly elected 0nd incu/1ent Corpor0te Secret0ry of ,Name of Firm/
Th0t durin. its re.ul0r /eetin. held on
held 0t
Cit$ > ;!ici#alit$ of ;eeti!&
herein 0 8uoru/ 0s present ' the folloin. resolution 0s un0ni/ously 0ppro%ed' to it6
R E S O L ? E 0s it is here1y resol%ed th0t
0 senior e7ecuti%e ho h0s 1een .r0nted the poer to render .ener0l /0n0.e/ent 0nd 0d/inistr0ti%e decision' 1e 0ppointed 0s the fir/
IN WITNESS W8EREOF' I h0%e hereunto 0ffi7ed /y h0nd this d0y of ("' in ' Philippines$ Cor#orate Secretar$ 3Si.n0ture o%er Printed N0/e4
SU+SCRI+E: AN: SWORN to 1efore /e this d0y of (" 0t 5 0ffi0nt e7hi1ited his)her Co//unity T07 Certific0te No$ issued 0t on ("$
NOTAR? PU+LIC Mntil Dece/1er *#' (" Doc$ No$ P0.e No$ Boo> No$ Series of ("
PCAB-PAD-NE-!"# Re%ision No$ "&' "()#*)("#+ This Form is NOT for sale$ Reproduction is Alloed P0.e H of 94
Su1ect6 B0n> Account Q
Sir6 Ple0se pro%ide the Phili##i!e Co!tractors Accre'itatio! +oar' ,PCA+/' 0 .o%ern/ent 0.ency under the Dep0rt/ent of Tr0de 0nd Industry' 0ny infor/0tion they need re.0rdin. the su1ect 0ccount ith your 10n>$ I 0/ 0pplyin. for 0 contr0ctor deposits 0nd other 0ssets of 0n 0pplic0nt$ This ill ser%e 0s your 0uthori:0tion to rele0se 0ny infor/0tion th0t /0y 1e re8uested 1y PCAB re.0rdin. the 01o%e su1ect 0ccount$ Th0n> you$
?ery truly yours' N0/e of !ir/6 By6 Si.n0ture o%er Printed N0/e of Authori:ed ; Officer or Authori:ed Si.n0tory ith the B0n>
Type of Applic0tion6 3Pls$ chec>4 Ne Mp.r0din. Rene0l Others' pls$ specify
PCAB-PAD-NE-!"# Re%ision No$ "&' "()#*)("#+ This Form is NOT for sale$ Reproduction is Alloed P0.e J of 94
Su1ect6 Inco/e T07 Return 0nd Audited !in0nci0l St0te/ent 0s of
Sir6 Ple0se pro%ide the Phili##i!e Co!tractors Accre'itatio! +oar' ,PCA+/' 0 .o%ern/ent 0.ency under the Dep0rt/ent of Tr0de 0nd Industry' 0ny infor/0tion they need re.0rdin. the su1ect ITR 0nd A!S filed ith your office$ I 0/ 0pplyin. for 0 contr0ctor you$ ?ery truly yours' Si.n0ture o%er Printed N0/e of Authori:ed ; Officer
Type of Applic0tion6 3Pls$ chec>4 Ne Mp.r0din. Rene0l Others' pls$ specify
PCAB-PAD-NE-!"# Re%ision No$ "&' "()#*)("#+ This Form is NOT for sale$ Reproduction is Alloed P0.e 25 of 94
The Phili##i!e Co!tractors Accre'itatio! +oar' ,PCA+/ is here1y 0uthori:ed to %erify 0nd secure infor/0tion 0nd)or copies of docu/ents su1/itted 1y or in the n0/e of the fir/ to 0ny or 0ll of the folloin. 0.encies rel0ti%e to its 0pplic0tion filed ith the PCAB6
#$ Securities 0nd E7ch0n.e Co//ission 3SEC4 ($ L0nd Re.istr0tion Authority 3LRA4 *$ L0nd Tr0nsport0tion Office 3LTO4 9$ Soci0l Security Syste/ 3SSS4 +$ Profession0l Re.ul0tion Co//ission 3PRC4 &$ Philippine He0lth Insur0nce Corpor0tion 3PhilHe0lth4 =$ Ho/e De%elop/ent ;utu0l !und 3P0.-IBI24
Si.n0ture o%er Printed N0/e of Authori:ed ; Officer D0te6
Type of Applic0tion6 3Pls$ chec>4 Ne Mp.r0din. Rene0l Others' pls$ specify
PCAB-PAD-NE-!"# Re%ision No$ "&' "()#*)("#+ This Form is NOT for sale$ Reproduction is Alloed P0.e 22 of 94
LIST OF CONSTRUCTOR’S REAL PROPERTIES Note6 Ple0se use 0ddition0l sheets if necess0ry$
LOCATION 3Street No$' B0r0n.0y' ;unicip0lity)City' Pro%ince4
KLEGEN:* TCT = Tra!sfer Certificate of Title CCT = Co!'omi!im Certificate of Title T: = Ta0 :eclaratio! CLT = Certificate of La!' Title
Si.n0ture o%er Printed N0/e of Authori:ed ; Officer D0te6 Type of Applic0tion6 3Pls$ chec>4 Ne Mp.r0din. Rene0l Others' pls$ specify
PCAB-PAD-NE-!"# Re%ision No$ "&' "()#*)("#+ This Form is NOT for sale$ Reproduction is Alloed P0.e 29 of 94
LIST OF CONSTRUCTOR’S PLANTS( E8ICLES AN: EUIP;ENT Note6 Ple0se use 0ddition0l sheets if necess0ry$
Plate No"
?ear ;o'el
Cost 3in Php4
+OO ALUE 3in Php4
Si.n0ture o%er Printed N0/e of Authori:ed ; Officer D0te6 Type of Applic0tion6 3Pls$ chec>4 Ne Mp.r0din. Rene0l Others' pls$ specify
+OO ALUE 3in Php4
Cost 3in Php4
PCAB-PAD-NE-!"# Re%ision No$ "&' "()#*)("#+ This Form is NOT for sale$ Reproduction is Alloed P0.e 2@ of 94
SC8E:ULES Note6 Ple0se use 0ddition0l sheets if necess0ry$
RECEIA+LES To 1e 0cco/plished if the 0pplic0nt
Name of ProMects
Amo!t :e for Collectio!
Clie!t Name > Com#lete A''ress
Certified Correct 1y6 Printed N0/e 0nd Si.n0ture of E7tern0l Auditor
Printed N0/e 0nd Si.n0ture of A;O
INENTORIES To 1e 0cco/plished if the 0pplic0nt
A&e>:ate Acqire'
I!te!'e' Use or Pr#ose for Stori!&
Ph$sical Co!'itio!
Place of Stora&e
Certified Correct 1y6 Printed N0/e 0nd Si.n0ture of E7tern0l Auditor
Printed N0/e 0nd Si.n0ture of A;O
PCAB-PAD-NE-!"# Re%ision No$ "&' "()#*)("#+ This Form is NOT for sale$ Reproduction is Alloed P0.e 2< of 94
LIST OF NO;INATE: SUSTAINING TEC8NICAL E;PLO?EES Name of STE Pre-iosl$ Nomi!ate' #$ ($ *$ 9$ +$ &$ =$ $ $ #"$ ##$ #($ #*$
Ne%l$ Nomi!ate' #$ ($ *$ 9$ +$ &$ =$ $ #"$
Si.n0ture o%er Printed N0/e of Authori:ed ; Officer D0te6 Type of Applic0tion6 3Pls$ chec>4 Ne Mp.r0din. Rene0l Others' pls$ specify
PRC Re&istratio! :ate of Lice!se Nm)er Re&istratio! ali'it$
:ate Positio! Em#lo$e' i! the Firm
PCAB-PAD-NE-!"# Re%ision No$ "&' "()#*)("#+ This Form is NOT for sale$ Reproduction is Alloed P0.e 24 of 94
SUSTAINING TEC8NICAL E;PLO?EE AFFI:AIT Note6 Ple0se 0cco/plish this 0ffid0%it properly$ Refer to the ne7t p0.e for STE 8u0lific0tion re8uire/ents$ Recent Picture of STE Pass#ort siBe 39$+ c/ 7 *$+ c/4
Repu1lic of the Philippines 4 Pro%ince of 4 City);unicip0lity of 4 S$S Last Name
I' mm
Born on
E0t" Name 3r)Sr' if 0ny4
;i''le Name
First Name
;i''le Name
Last Name
Sin.le ) ;0rried to
Room>Floor>U!it>+l'&" Name( Lot>+lock>Phase No"( Street( S)'i-isio!( +ara!&a$( Cit$>;!ici#alit$( Pro-i!ce( Di# Co'e
0nd residin. 0t ith
First Name
Tele#ho!e > ;o)ile No" 3re8uired4
Email A''ress 3re8uired4
h0%in. 1een duly sorned in 0ccord0nce ith l0 depose 0nd s0y6 #$
Th0t I 0/ 0 duly licensed 0nd holder of PRC License No$ 3Profession4
%0lid up to ' 0s e%idenced 1y 0 copy of /y PRC ID posted 1elo5 Corse > Professio!
Th0t I hold 0 B0chelor
Name of School
&$ =$ $ $
#"$ ##$
I!clsi-e :ates
Th0t /y T07 Identific0tion Nu/1er is 6 0nd /y Soci0l Security Syste/ Nu/1er6 Name of Firm
Th0t I 0/ e/ployed on 0 re.ul0r 0nd full-ti/e 10sis 1y6 ith the position of
2i%en on6
Positio! i! the Firm
0s STE for
Th0t I 0/ not presently e/ployed 1y either 0 pri%0te co/p0ny or 0ny .o%ern/ent office or .o%ern/ent oned)controlled corpor0tion' nor 0 full ti/e instructor' nor or>in. 01ro0d5 Th0t I 0/ not 0 holder of 0 %0lid contr0ctor
Affia!t SU+SCRI+E: AN: SWORN to 1efore /e this d0y of ' (" 0t 5 0ffi0nt e7hi1ited his)her Co//unity T07 Certific0te No$ issued 0t on ("$ Doc$ No$ P0.e No$ Boo> No$ Series of (" PASTE
NOTAR? PU+LIC Mntil Dece/1er *#' ("
(Front) (photocopy)
(Back) (photocopy)
PCAB-PAD-NE-!"# Re%ision No$ "&' "()#*)("#+ This Form is NOT for sale$ Reproduction is Alloed P0.e 2 of 94
#$ A technolo.y profession0l' such 0s en.ineer or 0rchitect' duly licensed 1y the Profession0l
Re.ul0tion Co//ission 3PRC4$ ($
Holder of 0 %0lid PRC I$D$
ith three 3*4 ye0rs /ini/u/ 0ctu0l construction e7perience$
9$ A full-ti/e e/ployee of the no/in0tin. contr0ctor' not 0ssoci0ted profession0lly or 1y
e/ploy/ent ith 0ny other p0rty' p0rticul0rly 0 p0rty en.0.ed in construction or constructionrel0ted 0cti%ities$ +$
H0%e none of the folloin. dis8u0lific0tions6 04 In%ol%e/ent' in 0ny c0p0city' in 0ny construction /0lperfor/0nce of .r0%e conse8uence' su..esti%e of his' inco/petence 0nd)or /0lpr0ctice5 14 In%ol%e/ent' 1y hi/self or in coll01or0tion ith 0ny other person or fir/' in 0ny 0ct or o/ission li01le for disciplin0ry 0ction of hich he)she is or the other person or fir/ 0s found .uilty 1y the PCAB Bo0rd 5 c4 Con%iction 1y 0 court of co/petent urisdiction of 0ny offense in%ol%in. /or0l turpitude5 0nd d4 If for/erly 0 Sust0inin. Technic0l E/ployee or 0n Authori:ed ; Officer of 0ny construction fir/ 1ut dis0ssoci0ted there fro/' f0ilure to notify the Bo0rd of his dis0ssoci0tion in 0ccord0nce ith p0r0.r0ph + 0nd & of the Affid0%it of Mndert0>in.$
This is to certify th0t I h0%e %erified ith PRC the 01o%est0ted profession0l eli.i1ility)re.istr0tion of the Sust0inin. Technic0l E/ployee$ Affi0nt herein 0nd found the s0/e to 1e true 0nd correct$
AthoriBe' ;a!a&i!& Officer 3Si.n0ture o%er printed n0/e4
Type of Applic0tion6 3Pls$ chec>4 Ne Mp.r0din. Rene0l Others' pls$ specify
PCAB-PAD-NE-!"# Re%ision No$ "&' "()#*)("#+ This Form is NOT for sale$ Reproduction is Alloed P0.e 2 of 94
AFFI:AIT OF STE CONSTRUCTION WOR EPERIENCE Note6 Ple0se use 0ddition0l sheets if necess0ry$
Repu1lic of the Philippines 4 Pro%ince of 4 City);unicip0lity of 4 S$S I' ' sin.le)/0rried' !ilipino' of le.0l 0.e' ith post0l 0ddress 0t ' h0%in. 1een duly sorn in 0ccord0nce ith l0 depose 0nd s0y th0t the proects enu/er0ted 1elo constitute /y full co/plete construction e7perience$ Name a!' Com#lete A''ress of Em#lo$er> Name Locatio! of ProMects U!'ertake!
Work Classificatio! 32E' 2B' SP4
Natre>Sco#e of Work Assi&!me!t 3Pro$ En.r$4
ProMect :ratio! 3//)dd)yyyy4 From
Th0t I 0uthori:e the PCAB to %erify 0nd in%esti.0te 0ny or 0ll infor/0tion in this 0ffid0%it fro/ h0te%er sources PCAB /0y consider 0ppropri0te5 Th0t I 0/ e7ecutin. this 0ffid0%it to 0ttest to the truth of the fore.oin.$ FURT8ER AFFIANT SA?ET8 NAUG8T" Affia!t SU+SCRI+E: AN: SWORN to 1efore /e this d0y of (" 0t 5 0ffi0nt e7hi1ited his)her Co//unity T07 Certific0te No$ issued 0t on ("$
NOTAR? PU+LIC Mntil Dece/1er *#' (" Doc$ No P0.e No$ Boo> No$ Series of (" $
PCAB-PAD-NE-!"# Re%ision No$ "&' "()#*)("#+ This Form is NOT for sale$ Reproduction is Alloed P0.e 2H of 94
STE PERSONAL APPEARANCE Note6 To 1e 0cco/plished 1y the STE Name of STE L0st N0/e
!irst N0/e
E7t$ N0/e 3r)Sr' if 0ny4
;iddle N0/e
PRC I: No"
E0#iratio! :ate
Prese!t Em#lo$er
I here1y confir/ the folloin.6 #$ The %er0city of the infor/0tion reflected on the STE Affid0%it 0nd Affid0%it of Construction E7perience th0t I e7ecuted in f0%or of the 01o%e present e/ployer5 ($ Th0t I 0/ fully 00re th0t /y f0ilure to notify the PCAB of /y dis0ssoci0tion fro/ the 01o%e-st0ted no/in0tin. fir/ 0nd 0ny /isrepresent0tion in the 0tt0ched for/s sh0ll c0use /y dis8u0lific0tion 0s sust0inin. technic0l e/ployee' or 0uthori:ed / officer' or 0 licensee 0pplic0nt ith PCAB per Bo0rd Resolution No$ 9"#' Series of (""#$ *$ Th0t I h0%e 1een pre%iously connected ith the folloin. co/p0nies 0nd dis0ssoci0ted therefore6 Pre-ios Em#lo$ers
:ate of Em#lo$me!t
:ate of Resi&!atio!
9$ Other Re/0r>s6 ?0lid I$D$3s4 Presented6 #$
STE@s Si.n0ture D0te Si.ned
----------------------------------------------------------------------To )e fille' ot )$ PCA+>:TI Perso!!el
Si.n0ture o%er Printed N0/e PCAB ) DTI Office6 D0te 6
STE@s Speci/en Si.n0ture 3durin. inter%ie46
PCAB-PAD-NE-!"# Re%ision No$ "&' "()#*)("#+ This Form is NOT for sale$ Reproduction is Alloed P0.e 2J of 94
AFFI:AIT OF NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIIT? FOR NEW LICENSE APPLICANTS Repu1lic of the Philippines 4 Pro%ince of 4 City);unicip0lity of 4 S$S I' of le.0l 0.e' !ilipino' sin.le)/0rried' 0nd residin. 0t ' 0fter h0%in. 1een sorn to in 0ccord0nce ith l0' depose 0nd s0y th0t6 #$ I 0/ the Proprietor ) A;O of ($ I 0/ 00re of the pro%isions of Section *+ of R$A 9+&& 3the Contr0ctor@s License L04 th0t re8uires 0 contr0ctor to secure 0 license 1efore in the 1usiness of construction contr0ctin. in the Philippines5 *$ I h0%e not undert0>en 0ny construction 0cti%ity th0t re8uires 0 contr0ctor@s license prior to the filin. of this 0pplic0tion5 9$ I ill not en.0.e or h0%e not en.0.ed in 0ny construction 0cti%ity th0t re8uires 0 contr0ctor@s license durin. the pendency of this 0pplic0tion5 +$ I 0/ e7ecutin. this 0ffid0%it to support /y 0pplic0tion for license 0nd to 0ttest to the truth of the fore.oin.$ Affia!t
SU+SCRI+E: AN: SWORN to 1efore /e this d0y of (" 0t 5 0ffi0nt e7hi1itin. to /e his)her Co//unity T07 Certific0te No$ issued 0t on ("$
NOTAR? PU+LIC Mntil Dece/1er *#' (" Doc$ No$ P0.e No$ Boo> No$ Series of (" $
I;PORTANT* 2" S)mit this affi'a-it o!l$ if $o ha-e !ot !'ertake! a!$ co!strctio! acti-it$" 9" If co!strctio! has )ee! !'ertake! #rior to a##licatio! or 'ri!& the #e!'e!c$ of the a##licatio!( i!form the P)lic Assista!ce :esk for assessme!t of A''itio!al Lice!se Fee" @" ;isre#rese!tatio! i! the a##licatio! for a lice!se ma$ reslt i! the 'isa##ro-al thereof %ithot #reM'ice to a'mi!istrati-e( ci-il( a!' crimi!al #rosectio!
PCAB-PAD-NE-!"# Re%ision No$ "&' "()#*)("#+ This Form is NOT for sale$ Reproduction is Alloed P0.e 95 of 94
AFFI:AIT OF REPRESENTATIES Note6 To 1e 0cco/plished 1y the A;O$
Repu1lic of the Philippines 4 Pro%ince of 4 City);unicip0lity of 4 S$S Last Name
I' 1orn on
First Name $$$$
Sin.le ) ;0rried to
E0t" Name 3r)Sr' if 0ny4
;i''le Name
First Name
;i''le Name
Last Name
Room>Floor>U!it>+l'&" Name( Lot>+lock>Phase No"( Street( S)'i-isio!( +ara!&a$( Cit$>;!ici#alit$( Pro-i!ce( Di# Co'e 0nd residin. 0t6 h0%in. duly sorn to in 0ccord0nce ith l0 depose 0nd s0y6 Name of Firm Th0t I 0/ the Authori:ed ; #$ Officer of 6
ith office 0ddress 0t6
Room>Floor>U!it>+l'&" Name( Lot>+lock>Ph" No"( Street( S)'i-isio!( +ara!&a$( Cit$>;!ici#alit$( Pro-i!ce( Di# Co'e
Th0t I 0ppoint to 3(4 represent0ti%es' hose pictures 0nd si.n0tures 0ppe0r 1elo6 Pictre Name of Re#rese!tati-e
3P0ssport Si:e Photo - t0>en ithin the l0st si7 /onths prior to 0pplic0tion of PCAB license4
Si&!atre of Re#rese!tati-e o-er Pri!te' Name
*$ 9$ +$
to tr0ns0ct 1usiness ith PCAB5 i$e' present for pre-screenin. /y 0pplic0tion for contr0ctor@s license or 0ny 0pplic0tion rel0ted thereto' file)follo-up' su1/it docu/ents' recei%e notices)license in connection ith the s0id 0pplic0tion 0nd the li>e$ Th0t I 0/ 00re th0t I 0/ responsi1le)li01le for 0ny or 0ll 0cts)represent0tion /0de 1y /y represent0ti%es in connection ith the functions st0ted herein$ Th0t I undert0>e to notify PCAB in the e%ent th0t this 0ppoint/ent is /odified' 0/ended or re%o>ed$ Th0t I h0%e re0d 0nd fully understood 0nd co/plied ith the re8uire/ents of PCAB Bo0rd Resolution No$ +#+ s$ ("## 3copies of re8uired docu/ents 0re 0tt0ched4$ Affia!t 3Authori:ed ; Officer of !ir/4
SU+SCRI+E: AN: SWORN to 1efore /e this d0y of ' (" 0t 5 0ffi0nt e7hi1ited his)her Co//unity T07 Certific0te No$ issued 0t on ("$ NOTAR? PU+LIC Mntil Dece/1er *#' (" Doc$ No$ P0.e No$ Boo> No$ Series of ("
PCAB-PAD-NE-!"# Re%ision No$ "&' "()#*)("#+ This Form is NOT for sale$ Reproduction is Alloed P0.e 92 of 94
I;PORTANT RE;IN:ERS ,A/ #$ All re8uired infor/0tion in the 0pplic0tion for/s should 1e properly filled out$ Do not le0%e 0n ite/ 1l0n>$ If 0n ite/ is not 0pplic01le' indic0te FN)AG5
($ The reco//ended p0per si:e in printin. the 0pplic0tion for/s is $(=G 7 ##$&G 3A9 si:e45 *$ Applic0tion for/s 0nd its correspondin. supportin. docu/ents)0tt0ch/ents should 1e6 0$ 1$
0rr0n.ed 0ccordin. to p0.e nu/1er ith inde7 t01s5 pl0ced in 0 lon. si:e folder ith f0stener$
9$ Only the Authori:ed ; Officer or one of the to 3(4 Authori:ed Represent0ti%es of the !ir/ is 0lloed to tr0ns0ct ith PCAB 3Bo0rd Resolution No$ +#+' s$ ("##4$
+$ All 0pplic0nts 0re re8uired to p0y non-refund01le upfront fees for 0ll types of license 0pplic0tions upon 0ccept0nce 3Bo0rd Resolution No$ *#*' s$ ("##4$
&$ A%oid the rush 0nd del0y in the fili!&>#rocessi!& of re!e%al a##licatio! $ O1ser%e 0nd follo the re%ised filin. schedule 3Bo0rd Resolution No$ *=&' s$ ("#94 0s st0ted 1elo6
Last :i&it of Lice!se No"
Fili!& ;o!th
!e1ru0ry #-#9
!e1ru0ry #+-(
;0rch #-#+
;0rch #&-*#
April #-#+
April #&-*"
;0y #-#+
;0y #&-*#
0nd ne license 0ppro%ed fro/ 0nu0ry to ;0rch
une #-#+
0nd 0ppro%ed fro/ April to une
une #&-*"
Contr0ctors ith license nu/1er endin. "-* filin. on their ti/e schedule 0nd hose 0ccountin. period is on c0lend0r ye0r i$e$' fro/ 0nu0ry #-Dece/1er *# /0y su1/it the pre%ious ye0r@s Audited !in0nci0l St0te/ents 3A!S4$ !or contr0ctors hose 0ccountin. periods 0re other th0n c0lend0r ye0r /0y su1/it the l0test A!S su1/itted to the Bure0u of Intern0l Re%enue5 Rele0se of the license certific0te for these contr0ctors is su1ect to the su1/ission of the current A!S filed ith the BIR 0nd th0t no si.nific0nt erosion of netorth or e8uity is suffered 1y the contr0ctor 0s not to 8u0lify it for its present c0te.ory5 Should the contr0ctor 1eco/e un8u0lified for its present c0te.ory due to fin0nci0l erosion' the 0pplic0tion sh0ll 1e re%ieed 1y the Bo0rd for issu0nce of the hi.hest c0te.ory sust0in01le 1y the contr0ctor@s 8u0lific0tion5 Contr0ctors filin. their rene0l 0pplic0tions 1eyond the schedule for their license nu/1er endin. sh0ll 1e 0ssessed 0n Addition0l Processin. !ee 3AP!4 of PhP +'"""$""5 0nd If the rene0l 0pplic0tion is filed 0fter the end of the C! hich is *" une' 0n Addition0l License !ee 3AL!4 hich e7isted 1efore the AP! ill still 1e i/posed or 0 tot0l of Php #"'""" ill 1e collected on top of the re.ul0r rene0l fees for e0ch c0te.ory$
=$ !ilin.)su1/ission of 0pplic0tion)s c0n 1e done 0t PCAB ;0>0ti or thru the DTI Re.ion0l)Pro%inci0l Offices or thru PCAB Accredited Contr0ctors@ Associ0tions Profession0l Or.0ni:0tions$ $ Applic0tion !or/s (i.e. ARC, Amendments, Special License, etc.)' Citi:en@s Ch0rter' Bo0rd Resolutions' Ad%isories 0nd other rele%0nt infor/0tion 01out PCAB 0pplic0tion c0n 1e donlo0ded 0t $ci0p$dti$.o%$ph
$ !or further in8uiries or cl0rific0tions' ple0se co//unic0te ith us thru e/0il or thru cont0ct nu/1ers 1elo6 Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines P8ILIPPINE CONTRACTORS ACCRE:ITATION +OAR: +! E7ecuti%e Buildin. Center' *& Sen$ 2il $ Puy0t A%e$' ;0>0ti City #(" Tel)Tele!076 +-9(+ ) +-9((" E-/0il Address6 pc01phily0hoo$co/' pc01dti$.o%$ph
Note* :o !ot i!cl'e this #a&e i! $or a##licatio! fol'er" For refere!ce se o!l$"
PCAB-PAD-NE-!"# Re%ision No$ "&' "()#*)("#+ This Form is NOT for sale$ Reproduction is Alloed P0.e 99 of 94
Co//on c0uses of docu/ent0ry deficiency resultin. to non-0ccept0nce)undue del0y in the filin.) processin. of 0pplic0tion for Ne Re.ul0r Contr0ctor@s License6
A" Le&al Reqireme!t* #$ No si.n0ture of Authori:ed ; Officer 3A;O4)Proprietor on 0ll docu/ents 0nd 0pplic0tion for/s5 ($ Ori.in0l copies of the folloin. docu/ents ere not presented in lieu of the certified copies6 0$ Audited !in0nci0l St0te/ent 3A!S4)Inco/e T07 Return 3ITR45 1$ SEC Re.istr0tion' By-L0s 0nd 2ener0l Infor/0tion Sheet5 c$ Business N0/e Re.istr0tion5 d$ SSS' PHILHEALTH 0nd PA2-IBI2 ;e/1ership of the fir/5 e$ Construction Occup0tion0l S0fety 0nd He0lth Se/in0r Certific0te5 f$ Offici0l Receipt Certific0te of Re.istr0tion 3ORCR45 .$ Tr0nsfer Certific0te of Title 3TCT45 h$ Deed of S0le5 *$ A;O f0iled the ritten e70/in0tion5 +" Fi!a!cial Reqireme!t* #$ No Notes to !in0nci0l St0te/ent 3Audited !in0nci0l St0te/ents 3A!S445 ($ No Si.n0ture of the Auditor on the Audited !in0nci0l St0te/ent5 *$ E7pired Profession0l Re.ul0tion Co//ission 3PRC4 ID ) Bo0rd of Account0ncy 3BOA4 ) Accredit0tion5 9$ No Accounts Recei%01les)Schedule of In%entories5 C" Tech!ical Reqireme!t* #$ ($ *$ 9$ +$
Sust0inin. Technic0l E/ployee 3STE4 Affid0%it of Mndert0>in. not duly 0cco/plished5 No Person0l Appe0r0nce of STE5 E7pired PRC ID5 STE@s Affid0%it of or> E7perience not duly 0cco/plished5 No SSS R-*)CCL for the 8u0rter precedin. the 0pplic0tion
Ple0se /0>e sure to chec> the co/pleteness of your 0pplic0tion to 0%oid non-0ccept0nce$
Note* :o !ot i!cl'e this #a&e i! $or a##licatio! fol'er" For refere!ce se o!l$"
PCAB-PAD-NE-!"# Re%ision No$ "&' "()#*)("#+ This Form is NOT for sale$ Reproduction is Alloed P0.e 9@ of 94
Classification /e0ns the 0re0 of oper0tion th0t 0 contr0ctor c0n en.0.e is 10sed on the technic0l e7perience of his sust0inin. technic0l e/ployee 3STE4$ A contr0ctor /0y 0pply for 0nd 1e issued /ore th0n one cl0ssific0tion' one of hich sh0ll 1e desi.n0ted 0s his princip0l cl0ssific0tion$
Category indic0tes the .r0ded le%el of c0p01ility of 0 contr0ctor ith respect to his princip0l cl0ssific0tion 0nd is 10sed on predeter/ined 8u0lific0tion criteri0 hich include fin0nci0l c0p0city' e7perience of STE' tr0c> record 0nd e8uip/ent$ E%0lu0tion of c0te.ory sh0ll 1e 10sed on the folloin. criteri0 8u0ntified 1y credit points in sc0les 0s deter/ined 1y the Bo0rd$ ($# Fi!a!cial ca#acit$ !in0nci0l c0p0city sh0ll 1e in ter/ of Netorth 10sed on the l0test 0udited fin0nci0l st0te/ents su1/itted to the Bure0u of Intern0l Re%enue 3BIR4' or p0id-up c0pit0l 10sed on the l0test 0udited fin0nci0l st0te/ents su1/itted to the Securities 0nd E7ch0n.e Co//ission 3SEC4' if 0 nely-or.0ni:ed p0rtnership or corpor0tion$ PCAB h0s the to reect or reduce portion thereof if' upon %erific0tion' the reported 0ssets of the contr0ctor ere found to 1e erroneous or not 0de8u0tely supported ith 0ppropri0te docu/ents$ Correspondin. credit points is # for e%ery P#""'"""$"" of the %0lue of Netorth)Stoc>holder@s E8uity$ ($( Eqi#me!t Ca#acit$ E8uip/ent c0p0city sh0ll 1e in ter/ of 1oo> %0lue 0s reflected in the constructor@s l0test 0udited fin0nci0l st0te/ent su1/itted to the BIR or the SEC' hiche%er is 0pplic01le' or e8uip/ent oned hich 0re in oper0tion0l condition 0nd 0pplic01le to construction of the cl0ssific0tion in hich the constructor is to 1e c0te.ori:ed$ S0id oned e8uip/ent sh0ll include units under inst0ll/ent 0nd)or under le0se purch0se$ Correspondin. credit points is # for e%ery P#""'"""$"" of the NB? of the contr0ctor oned e8uip/ent$ ($* E0#erie!ce of firm E7perience of fir/ sh0ll 1e in ter/s of6 ($*$# nu/1er of ye0rs in hich the constructor fir/' under the s0/e 1usiness identify' h0s 1een 0cti%ely en.0.ed in construction contr0ctin. oper0tion$ Correspondin. credit points is #" for e%ery ye0r of 0ctu0l construction oper0tion 0s 0 licensed contr0ctor5 0nd ($*$( A%er0.e 0nnu0l %0lue of or> co/pleted 1y the fir/ durin. the p0st three 3*4 ye0rs or' if constructor@s license is less th0n three 3*4 ye0rs' since 1ein. licensed' 10sed on the 0udited fin0nci0l st0te/ents su1/itted to the BIR$ Correspondin. credit points is one 3#4 for e%ery P#""'"""$"" of the 0nnu0l %0lue of or> 0cco/plish/ent$ ($9 E0#erie!ce of tech!ical #erso!!el E7perience of technic0l personnel sh0ll 1e the su/ tot0l of indi%idu0l e7perience of e0ch STE no/in0ted to the cl0ssific0tion 0nd sh0ll 1e su1ect to the 8u0lific0tion re8uire/ent of e0ch c0te.ory 0s indic0ted in the PCAB Cl0ssific0tion 0nd C0te.ori:0tion T01le$ S0id indi%idu0l e7perience of the STE sh0ll 1e 0s defined 0nd 8u0lified 1elo6 ($9$#$ The e7perience sh0ll 1e in ter/ of nu/1er of ye0rs in hich the STE' in his present e/ploy/ent 0s ell 0s pre%ious' h0s 1een in%ol%ed i n construction is to 1e c0te.ori:ed$ ($9$($ It sh0ll include only the ye0rs in hich he 0s perfor/in. in /0n0.eri0l)super%isory c0p0city 1e0rin. on construction oper0tion 0nd)or contr0ct i/ple/ent0tion$ ($9$*$ It sh0ll 1e su1ect to 0 credit01le ceilin. of thirty 3*"4 ye0rs' o%er hich no e7cess sh0ll 1e$ Correspondin. credit point is fi%e 3+4 for e%ery ye0r of e7perience in construction$ The c0te.ory of 0 contr0ctor sh0ll 1e deter/ined on the 10sis of the nu/1er of points credited on the e7perience of 0ll its 8u0lified STE$ Only STEs ho /eet the /ini/u/ indi%idu0l e7perience re8uired sh0ll 1e considered in deter/inin. e7perience 0nd credit points$ Thus' in order to 8u0lify to the technic0l c0p0city re8uire/ent for c0te.ory FAAAG' the contr0ctor /ust h0%e 8u0lified STEs hose indi%idu0l e7perience is not less th0n ten 3#"4 ye0rs ith 0 credit01le ceilin. of thirty 3*"4 ye0rs 0nd h0%e 0n e7perience of 0t le0st si7ty 3&"4 ye0rs$
In deter/inin. 0 contr0ctor@s c0te.ory' his 8u0lific0tion /ust s0tisfy 0ll the /ini/u/ re8uire/ents' correspondin. to the cl0ssific0tion 0nd c0te.ory 0pplied for' 8u0lified 0nd r0ted 0ccordin. to e8ui%0lent credit points 0nd sh0ll 1e the loest sust0in01le 1y 0ll three deter/in0nts 0s follos6 *$# *$( *$*
!in0nci0l C0p0city E7perience of STE O%er0ll credit points 10sed on the four 8u0lific0tion criteri0 referred to in ite/ ( of these .uidelines$
Note* :o !ot i!cl'e this #a&e i! $or a##licatio! fol'er" For refere!ce se o!l$"
PCAB-PAD-NE-!"# Re%ision No$ "&' "()#*)("#+ This Form is NOT for sale$ Reproduction is Alloed P0.e 9< of 94
C A T E G O R ?
3(4 STE ;in$ Const$ E7p$ Re8uire/ent
3#4 !in0nci0l C0p0city
Stoc>holder@s E8uity
Credit Points 3C$P$4 Re8@d$
;in$ C$P$ Re8@d$
3*4 O%er0ll Credit Points Re8uired
GE.< 30ter Supply4
GE.4 3Port' H0r1or or Offshore En.ineerin.4
A" GENERAL ENGINEERING GE.2 3Ro0d' Hi.h0ys' P0%e/ent' R0il0ys' Airport Hori:ont0l Structure' 0nd Brid.es4 GE.9 3Irri.0tion or !lood Control4 GE.@ 3D0/' Reser%oir or Tunnelin.4
G+.2 3Buildin. or Industri0l Pl0nt4
G+.9 3Seer0.e or Se0.e Syste/4 G+.@ 30ter Tre0t/ent Pl0nt Syste/4 G+.< 3P0r>' Pl0y.round or Recre0tion0l or>4
C" SPECIALT? SP.FW 3!ound0tion or>4
SP.SS 3Structur0l Steel or>4 SP.CC 3Concrete Pre-c0stin.' PreStressin. or Post-tensionin.4 SP.PS 3Plu/1in. S0nit0ry or>4 SP.EE 3Electric0l or>4 SP.;E 3;ech0nic0l or>4 SP.AC 3Air-conditionin. or Refri.er0tion4 SP.ES 3Ele%0tor or Esc0l0tor4 SP.FP 3!ire Protection or>4 SP.WP 30terproofin. or>4 SP.PN 3P0intin. or>4 SP.W: 3ell-Drillin. or>4 SP.CF 3Co//unic0tion !0cilities4 SP.;S 3;et0l Roofin. Sidin. Inst0ll0tion4 SP.S: 3Structur0l De/olition4 SP.LS 3L0ndsc0pin.4 SP.E; 3Electro ;ech0nic0l or>4 SP.NF 3N0%i.0tion0l !0cilities4
;ini/u/ u0lific0tion Re8uire/ents for Princip0l Cl0ssific0tion !or Other Cl0ssific0tion)s' ;ini/u/ of * e0rs Actu0l Construction E7perience O%er0ll credit points inclusi%e of E8uip/ent C0p0city 3# point)P#""Th45 E7perience of !ir/ 3#" points)ye0r of 0cti%e e7istence45 # point)P#""Th of * ye0r A%er0.e Annu0l ?olu/e of or> Acco/plished5 0nd CO;TCP points if STEs 0re CO;TCP certified
Note* :o !ot i!cl'e this #a&e i! $or a##licatio! fol'er" For refere!ce se o!l$"
PCAB-PAD-NE-!"# Re%ision No$ "&' "()#*)("#+ This Form is NOT for sale$ Reproduction is Alloed P0.e 94 of 94
!ilin. !ee Princip0l Other)s Cl0ssific03ch0r.e01le for tion !ee e0ch cl0ssific0tion4 C0te.ori:0tion !ee License !ee GRAN: TOTAL ,Ph#/K
CATEGOR? A + &"" &"" (9" #("
AAA &"" ('9""
AA &"" #'(""
C &"" =(
: E>Tra'e &"" &"" (9 n)0
(#'&"" +" 94(H45
#"'"" +" 2@(945
*'&"" +" <(25
('9"" +" @(9@5
#'("" +" 2(J4H
&"" +" 2(9H
n)0 +" 45
Docu/ent0ry St0/p T07 3Php #+4 Le.0l Rese0rch !und 3Php #"4 ill 1e 0dded' if 0pplic01le$
PNB ) #"=+=#"""#( BDO ) 9"#(+== BPI ) **##"(9"== RCBC ) "(=&"9#=
Rates ,L+C Air Frei&ht Rates ,9< hors 'eli-er$/ . :omestic/* •
A S#er SiBe NCR - Php #("5 o Lu:on - Php #*"5 o ?is0y0s - Php #*+5 o ;ind0n0o - Php #*+$ o
Im#orta!t Remi!'er 6 Ple0se 1e 0d%ised th0t 0fter p0y/ent' 0 %0lid0ted copy of 10n> deposit slip should 1e 0tt0ched to the 0pplic0tion folder$
Note* :o !ot i!cl'e this #a&e i! $or a##licatio! fol'er" For refere!ce se o!l$"