Task 1
25th July 2009 The Director Community Child Health Service 41 Jones Street Ekiin
Dear Sir!"adam# $e% &amuya 'eki ( am )ritin* to re+er &amuya# a 4year,old child and his +amily to you- He )as admitted to our hos.ital on the 15th o+ July throu*h the Children/s Emer*ency De.artment )ith the dia*nosis o+ acute menin*oence.halitis +ollo)in* mum.s- He is due to e dischar*ed today-
He )as orn in Sudan and arrived in ustralia in 200 )ith his .arents and a 2 year,old little rother as re+u*ees- They recently moved to rental accommodation- Their only income is made y his +ather# dullah# )ho is em.loyed as a +actory shi+t )orker- This +amily has no +amily doctor no)- s )ell as this# they have a lan*ua*e arrier- His +ather can understand s.oken En*lish ut his mother# "iri# has limited understandin* o+ En*lishDurin* his stay in hos.ital# he has +ully recovered +rom the mum.s and menin*oence.halitismenin*oence.haliti sHo)ever he )ill need a neurolo*ical check u.- 3or oth children# the advice on recommended vaccines )ill e needed( ho.e you )ill e ale to arran*e someone )ho can hel. this +amily and .rovide .ro.er .ro.er medical su..ort- lease do not hesitate to contact me i+ you reuire any +urther in+ormation aout this +amily-
6ours sincerely# 7urse 19 )ords
Task 2
The Director Community Child Health Service 41 &ulture Street 8est End# 4101
Dear Sir!"adam
$e% "s 7icole Smith D'% 04!09!1991
( am )ritin* to re+er this .atient# an 1,year,old sin*le mother )ho delivered a ay oy on the 10!09!09- 7icole had di++iculty )ith va*inal delivery )hich took 1: hours o+ laour- There+ore# due to +etal distress and .ro*ress +ailure an emer*ency caesarean section )as .er+ormed-
The ay is .ro*ressin* uite )ell )ith reast +eedin* and is *ainin* )ei*ht and is currently 4-4k*3e+ol and &itamin C )ere .rescried to 7icole as her lood e;amination revealed lo) numers in her hemo*loin +rom lood loss-
7icole has no relatives in risane and no contact )ith her +amily or the +ather o+ the ay- She lives in a rented +lat )ith one other youn* )oman and is on a sin*le mother/s .ension-
"y main concern is that she does not elieve she has the aility to reast+eed# athe or care +or her ay and is considerin* ado.tion- (t )ould e *reatly a..reciated i+ you could or*anise a home visit +or 7icole and the ay- 7icole reuires a..ro.riate advice and assistance to encoura*e her to develo. .arentin* skills due to her isolated circumstances-
Thank you +or a*reein* to assist in this matter- Should you reuire any +urther in+ormation# .lease do not hesitate to contact me-
6ours sincerely#
Char*e 7urse S.irit "other/s Hos.ital
Task 3
The dmission Doctor The S.irit Hos.ital Emer*ency De.artment
Dear Doctor#
$e% "rs etty 'lsen D'% 29!01!192:
( am )ritin* re*ardin* "rs 'lsen# an elderly )oman su++erin* +rom chest .ain )ho has een trans+erred to your hos.ital via amulance-
She is a resident o+
and *laucoma in 2004-
"rs- 'lsen is currently on .rescri.tion medication )hich includes% karvea 150 m* daily# ori;ine 0-1 m* daily# timo.tol eye dro.s 0-5? t)ice a day and normison 10 m* as reuired- She also takes non .rescri.tion medication )hich includes% *olden *lo) *lucosamine talet one daily and vitamin C com.le; sustained release )ith reak+ast- lease also note# she has an aller*y to .enicillin-
@ast ni*ht she re+used her dinner ecause she +elt sli*htly nauseous- She had troule slee.in* and com.lained o+ shoulder and neck .ain- Her condition has +urther deteriorated today and normison and t)o anadol talets )ere *iven at 10 .m- 8hen ( checked on her at 10-45 .m# "rs- 'lsen )as distressed# .ale and s)eaty and com.lainin* o+ .ersistent chest .ain- Her lood .ressure )as 190!100 mmH*-
( )ould a..reciate your assessment and emer*ency mana*ement o+ this .atient/s condition-
6ours sincerely#
7i*ht 7urse
Task 4
1 u*ust# 2009 The Director o+ 7ursin* 4 months- There+ore# she and her only relative# her rother "r- rian He)son have made the decision that she )ould only receive treatment +or .ain and com+ortased on the advice o+ a social )orker# her rother has reuested that "rs-
Task 5
15!09!2009 The Heart 3oundation Centre Community (n+ormation Section year, old, man# )ho )as admitted the hos.ital on the 2nd o+ Se.temer and dia*nosed )ith ostructive coronary artery disease- He under)ent a coronary artery y.ass *ra+t on the 4th o+ Se.temer"r- 0/$iley has a history o+ smokin* B20 ci*arettes .er day and drinks on a re*ular asis- His ody mass inde; is hi*h and he usually eats +atty# rich +oods +ter the sur*ery# "r- '/$iley has attained a routine .ost o.erative recovery- He has een advised to sto. smokin* and to reduce alcohol consum.tion- He also has een told to +ollo) a lo) +at diet and has een receivin* attention +rom a social )orker- His )ounds are healin* and he is )alkin* )ell +ter he is dischar*ed +rom the hos.ital# "r- '/$iley needs to *o +or a +ollo), u. visit to a local *eneral .ractitioner and to continue a rehailitation e;ercise .ro*ram-
(n order to maintain a *ood health condition# "r- '/$iley has reuested advice on lo)# +at dietary *uidelines and healthy# sim.le reci.es- (t )ould e *reatly a..reciated i+ you could send the aove mentioned in+ormation to "r- '/$iley at his home address# 94=: 'ld Dam $oad# 906ours sincerely# @ee 8on* Char*e 7urse
Task 6
"s- Jenny ttard The 7ursin* Director Community Home Care *ency risane
Dear "s- ttard
$e% "s- $oyn Har)ood D'% 04!02!194
( am )ritin* to reuest daily home visits y the lue 7urses to .rovide care and su..ort +or this .atient# a :1 year,old )ido) )ho lives on her o)n-
"s- Har)ood )as admitted to our hos.ital on the >0th o+ 'ctoer )ith a dia*nosis o+ ri*ht rotator cu++ tear +ollo)in* a +all )hile descendin* stairs- There+ore# sur*ery has een su**ested# ho)ever# she .re+ers non,sur*ical treatment- She has received iu.ro+en and cortisone as .rescried and also daily visits y a .hysiothera.ist-
(n terms o+ her medical history# she su++ers +rom ty.e 2 diaetes mellitus +or )hich she is takin* met+ormine 500m*- Ho)ever# +ollo)in* her dischar*e# she )ill need a re*ular monitorin* on the lood *lucose level )hich may ecome elevated due to administration o+ cortisone durin* hos.italisationShe )ill also reuire assistance in sho)erin* and home hel.- s )ell as this# she needs to revie) her condition )ith an ortho.aedic sur*eon on the 19th o+ 7ovemer-
"s- Har)ood lives alone and has no children- Her ne;t o+ kin is her niece# "e*an "ack )ho lives in Sydney- $e*rettaly# she has no relatives or +riends to su..ort her-
lease contact me i+ you reuire +urther in+ormation re*ardin* this .atient-
6ours sincerely# Sonya "atthe)s
$e*istered 7urse# "ater Hos.ital
Task 7 Model Letter
The Director *ed Care ssessment Team = "asterson Street risane
Dear Sir!"adam#
$e% "r- Henry '/ee+e
( am )ritin* to reuestin* a*ed care assistance +or "r- '/ee+e# an >, year,old man )ho is recoverin* +rom a mali*nant melanoma in his le+t shoulder-
"r- '/ee+e )as admitted to the "ater ulic Hos.ital on the 14th o+ "arch and under)ent sur*erySince his dischar*e +rom the hos.ital# )e have een doin* daily home visits and )ound dressin* and also assistin* him )ith his sho)ers- 'n oservation today# "r- '/ee+e/s *eneral condition had im.roved- His )ound is healin* and is +ree +rom com.lications-
"r- '/ee+e# )ho lives )ith his )i+e in a housin* commission home# is an a*ed care .ensioner- They are *ettin* some hel. +rom their nei*hours# ut they are havin* troule kee.in* u. )ith routine household )ork- s .er the doctor/s order# )e have or*aniAed daily home visits until 24 "arch 200 a+ter )hich our nursin* care )ill end- There+ore# it )ould e *reatly a..reciated i+ you could do a home visit and assess their needs and to arran*e +urther assistance +or this +amily-
Thank you +or a*reein* to assist in this matter- 3or +urther ueries# .lease do not hesitate to contact me-
6ours sincerely#
Char*e 7urse lue Skies Home Care Centre
Task 8 Model Letter
arnay 8ester The School sycholo*ist Toohey oint State School
Dear "r 8ester#
$e% lison Coo.er D'% 14!0:!00
( am )ritin* to re+er lison# a year 5 student at our school due to .ossile .sycholo*ical .rolems and lo) sel+ esteem-
She lives )ith her mother# )ho is )orkin* +ull,time as a ank mana*er and her +ather died > years a*o due to an accident- lison has an older sister and a youn*er rother- Her *randmother looks a+ter the children )hen reuired- (n terms o+ her medical history# she is su++ers +rom asthma and ecAema )ith no other si*ni+icant illnesses# ho)ever# she is over)ei*ht +or her a*e-
Her school record sho)s that she has a history o+ re*ular asence durin* the .ast 5 years- (n addition# her academic .er+ormance is declinin* and she is reluctant to Foint any school activities unless .ersuaded- She has +e) +riends and has een teased y her .eers aout her )ei*ht-
lease note# lison/s teacher contacted her mother re*ardin* her situation and she re.orted that lison is overeatin*# emarrassed aout her ecAema and missin* her +ather# )ho she )as very close to-
ased on this# ( )ould a..reciate it i+ you could investi*ate her case and should you reuire any +urther in+ormation .lease do not hesitate to contact me-
6ours sincerely#
Char*e 7urse Toohey oint State School Word Count: 195 words
Task 9 Model Letter
The Director lue 7ursin* Service 20= Sydney Street 7e) 3arm# 410:
$e% "s nnette "c7amara D' 14-0:-19>:
( am )ritin* to reuest daily visits y the lue 7urses to .rovide su..ort +or this .atient# an a*ed .ensioner )ho lives on her o)n-
"s "c7amara )as admitted to the rincess le;andra Hos.ital on 20th "ay +ollo)in* a +all do)n a +li*ht o+ stairs at her +lat- She sustained a +ractured ri*ht )rist# lacerations to her le+t hand )hich reuired stitches and severe ruisin* to her ri*ht shoulder and lo)er ack- rovidin* there are no com.lications# hos.ital dischar*e is scheduled +or 22 "ay- She has a 10->0am a..ointment on >1!05!09 at our 'ut atient De.artment to remove the stitches and revie) her situation-
"eals on 8heels and a home .hysiothera.ist visit are ein* or*anised y a social )orker- "s "c7amara )ill also reuire assistance )ith sho)erin* and to have her le+t hand )ound dressed-
"s "c7amara/s current medications are arvea 150m* daily to control hi*h lood .ressure# 7ormison 10m* as reuired +or insomnia and 2 anadol 4 hourly )hile .ain .ersists- She moved to a ne) +lat recently and has lost her usual social contacts- Her ne;t o+ kin is a niece# Stella )ho can e contacted on 0=5 594 =21:-
lease contact me i+ you reuire any +urther in+ormation-
6ours sincerely#
8ord @en*th% 201 8ords
Task 10 Model Letter
The Director De.artment o+ &eterans/ ++airs <' o; === risane# 4001
Dear Sir!"adam
$e% D& Eli*iility +or "r Jim "iddleton D0 >!=!1924
( am )ritin* to reuest a home visit y D& sta++ to "r Jim "iddleton and his )i+e 'l*a to assess their eli*iility +or a D& .ension and!or other assistance that your de.artment .rovides- Their address is le;ander Street# elmont# risane 415>- Their .hone numer is B0= :94: 51=>-
"r "iddleton# a Second 8orld 8ar veteran# )as also a .risoner o+ )ar- He does not receive any *overnment .ension or other assistance- He )as dischar*ed +rom hos.ital on 9 July a+ter a success+ul in*uinal hernia o.eration- His .hysical activities are currently limited and he cannot drive +or at least si; )eeks-
rior to dischar*e# "r "iddleton/s )i+e 'l*a s.oke to me aout their aility to mana*e their o)n home )ithout assistance- Their income is not su++icient to .ay +or home or *arden hel.- 'l*a does not drive and there is no neary .ulic trans.ort- She is in *ood *eneral health ut +inds .hone conversation di++icult due to hearin* .rolems- home visit to discuss their eli*iility +or assistance )ould e a..reciated-
lease contact me on B0= >94= 29= should your reuire any +urther in+ormation
6ours sincerely#
7urse "ana*er# 8ard > 8ord Count%14 )ords