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ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
,tartu and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities For
Dorood Onshore Facilities & e! Plant 0har Island
Elf Petroleum Iran Doc o. I" #$ %11 $$ %%$$$ P"' ($1) Preared 2
Petrofac International Ltd. JI-163 "e+o.
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ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
4%5LE OF O4E4,
I4"OD74IO........................................................................................ ....... ....... ......8 1.1 1.:
Project ,coe...................................................................................................... ...9 ;eneral Descrition of the Faci lit................................................................. ......)
1.2.1 1.2.2
Plant Capactes................................................................................................9 !ns"ore Ppelnes........................................................................................ ....9
1.2.# 1.2.4 1.2.& 1.2.* 1.2., 1.2.10
!l Gas$reat%ent..................................................................................................10 $reat%ent and Co% presson.............................................................. .....11 'ea(ater $reat%ent and In)e cton........................................................... .......1 1 Produced +ater $reat%ent.............................................................................12 Flarng 'yste%s..............................................................................................12 Fuel Gas 'yste%............................................................................................12 !t"er tltes (t"n /e( Plant.......................................................................12 uldngs......................................................................................................... 1#
5asis of Desin................................................................................................ ....1#
1.#.1 1.#.2 1.#
esgn ass for or ood #..............................................................................14 Flo( ates...................................................................................................... 14
Fluid omosition................................................................................ ........ .......16
1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.# 1.4.4
Producton Flud..............................................................................................1* In)ecton Gas...................................................................................................1* 'ea(ater............................................................................................... ......... 1, Produced +ater..............................................................................................1-
1.(1.&.1,ite !ns"ore and /eteo roloiCondtons............................................................................19 cal Data....................................................................... .......1) esgn
1.&.2 1.&.# :
!ffs"ore esgn Condtons............................................................................19 Cl%atc Condton...........................................................................................20
P"OE,, DE, "IP4IO OF OIL P" OE,,I; ,<,4 E/,....................................:1 :.1 O+er+ie!...............................................................................................................:1 :.:
Oil Pr oducer =ellheads and Prod uction /a nifolds............................. ........ .....:1
2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.# 2.2.4 :.3
Introducton on !l Producton.........................................................................21 +ell"eads....................................................................................................... 22 Gat"erng 'yste%...........................................................................................2# Control 3 ontorng.......................................................................................2&
,earator section...................................................................... ....... ........ ....... ....:9
2.#.1 2.#.2 2.#.# 2.#.4
Prncple of 'eparaton of +ater fro% !l n 'e parators................................ ..21st 'tage 'eparator.........................................................................................## $est 'eparator................................................................................................#, LP 'eparator Feed Pre"eater5 6C7#1# 8C......................... ....................40
2.#.& 2.#.*
'econd 'tage 'eparator5 '7#02...................................................................41 !l ooster Pu%ps5 G: #10 8.......................................................... ...........44
Desalter ,ection.................................................................................................. . #6
2.4.1 2.4.2
2.4.# :.(
Prncple of operaton......................................................................................4* esalters5 ' #20 8....................................................................................49 +ater Crculaton Pu%ps5 G: #20 8 ............................................................&2
,ta2ili>er ,ection.............................................................................................. ...((
2.&.1 2.&.2
'tabl;er colu%n5 C8 #10...............................................................................&& 'tabl;er eboler5 6C #10.............................................................................&*
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Product crude umin?coolin....................................................................... ..()
2.*.1 2.*.2 2.*.# 2.*.4 2.*.& 2.*.*
Oil =at er 4reatment ,ection............................................................... ....... .......6(
@drate mitiation.............................................................................. ....... ....... ...8$
@drodnamic on sideration fo r the P ielines a nd th e e ! la nt. ...... ......9 1
2.10.1 2.10.2
Hydrodyna%c sluggng.................................................................................. -1 '"utdo(n and estart.................................................................................... -1
P"OE,, O4"OL............. ........... .......... ........... .......... ........... ........... .......... ...........93 3.1
ontrol ,stem Descrition................................................................................93
#.1.1 #.1.2 #.1.# #.1.4 #.1.&
Process =producton> Control Functons =PC'>............................................ ...-# Process =producton> '"utdo(n Functons =P''>...........................................-# PC'P'' 'yste% General descrpton.................................................. .........-# ''' ' '?'$6.......................................................................................-& FI6 3 G8' ' '?'$6. =FG'>.............................................................. ..-&
#.1.* #.1., #.1.#.1.9
6lectrcal /et(or@ anage%ent 'yste%........................................................-* C' $ranng '%ulator..................................................................................-* Aetty PC'P''.............................................................................................. .-* an ac"ne Interface...................................................................................-,
Process ontrol arrati+e...................................................................................99
#.2.1 #.2.2 #.2.# #.2.4 #.2.& #.2.*
Hydrate $endency...........................................................................................,0 n%u% Flo( for Pro ducton Lnes................................................................,0 n%u% Flo( fo r $est Lnes........................................................... ...............,# '"utdo(n Condtons......................................................................................,*
hemical Inje ction for Oil ,s tem................................................................ ......89
'tabl;ed !l Pu%ps5 G: #11 8................................................. .................&9 Feed otto%s 6
2.-.1 2.-.2 2.-.# 2.-.4
ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
Producton +ell"eads5 Flo( lnes and anfolds............................................-'eparator 'ecton........................................................................................ ...-9 esalter....................................................................................................... ...92 'tabl;er.........................................................................................................94 Product pu%pngcoolng................................................................................9& !ly +ater $reat%ent 'yste%............................................................... ..........9*
%L%"/,* 4"IP ,* E,D %D EA7 IP/E4 P"O 4E4IO..................................... .....)8 #.1
P, %larm ,et Point....................................................................................... .....)8
E,D 4ri %lar m ,et Poin t.............................................................. ....... ........ .....1$1
#.3 #.#
Fire &;as ,stem................................................................................ ........ ......1$( "elief 'al+es..................................................................................................... ..1$6
#.( #.6
5lo! do!n 'al+es............................................................................................. .1$6 Emerenc ,hutdo!n 'al+es.............................................................. ....... ......1$8
,%FE4<........................................................................................ ....... ........ ....... .......1$9 (.1 Plant Laout..................................................................................... ....... ........ ...1$9 (.:
Emerenc ,hutdo!n ,stem.................................................................... ......11 $
&.2.1 &.2.2 &.2.#
!b)ectBe.......................................................................................................110 'yste% 8rc"tecture......................................................................................110 General Prncples.........................................................................................110
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&.2.4 &.2.& &.2.* (.3
ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
6' Control Logc.................................................................... ....................112 Process '"utdo(n Logc...............................................................................112 Cluster '"utdo(n Logc..................................................................... ...........114
Fire & ;as ,stem.............................................................................. ....... ....... . 11(
&.#.1 &.#.2 &.#.# &.#.4
!b)ectBe.......................................................................................................11& F3G 'ub7' yste% escrpton.................................................................... ...11& $"e 'electon and Locaton of F3G etectors...................................... ........11* otng Logc and 8ctons...............................................................................1 1-
(.# (.(
"elief and Deressurisation ,stems............................................... ....... ....... .11) Flare ,stems........... .......... ........... .......... ........... .......... ........... .......... ........... ......11)
Drainae and ,ill ontainment................................................................ .......1 1)
Fire Protection ,stem................................................................................ ......1:$
&.,.1 &.,.2 (.9
Emerenc* E+a cuation and "es cue BE E"C Philo soh........................ ........ .1:1
&.-.1 &.-.2 &.-.# (.)
8ctBe Fre Protecton....................................................................................120 PassBe Fre Protecton.................................................................................120 Goals...................................................................................................... ......121 6scape outes.............................................................................................121 uster 8rea..................................................................................................122
"adio om munication and P%;% ,s tem......................................... ....... .......1: 3
&.9.1 &.9.2 &.9.# (.1$
General prncples.........................................................................................12# $ypes of 8lar%s........................................................................................... .124 ProBsons at !ff7stes...................................................................................12& ,afet ,ins & Personnel Protection........................................ ....... ....... .....1:(
&.10.1 &.10.2
'afety 'gns................................................................................................. 12& Personnel Protecton.................................................................................... 12&
Emerenc Po!er ,stem................................................ ....... ....... ........ ......1:8
(.1: (.13
Lihtin.................................................................................................. ........ . 1:9 oise................................................................................................ ....... ........1:9
,4%"4 7P P"OED7"E,................ .......... ........... .......... ........... .......... .................... 1:)
OPE"%4I; P"OED7"E,................ ........... .......... ........... .......... ........... ................13$
,@74DO= P"OED7"E,.............. .......... ........... .......... ........... .......... ........... ........131
4"O75LE,@OO4I;..................................................................... ....... ........ ....... ....13: ).1 ).:
/anifolds......................................................................................................... ...13: ,earators................................................................................................... .......133
Desalter................................................................................... ....... ....... ........ .....13(
%PPEDIE,.................................................................................................... .....138
Effluent =ater 5alance.......................................................... ........ ....... ....... ..138
1$.: 1$.3 1$.#
,stem P&IDs............................................................................................... ..139 Pacae P& IDs................................................................................. ........ ......13) ,hut Do!n Loic Diaram......................................................................... ....1#$
,%FE harts.................................................................................... ....... ....... . 1#1
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ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
;lossar of 4erms
!P P '+ + +!
lo(o(nalBe arrels of !l per ay arrelsperay asc 'ed%ents and +ater ac@+as" rac@s" (ater eBerse !s%oss
CIP C' ds 6G 6' FG' FP F+ G! GP G$G HP D! L8$ LC L!
ouble loc@ and leed strbuted Control 'yste% do(nstrea% 6%ergency esel Generator 6%ergency '"ut o(n Fre3Gas'yste% Fberglass enforced Plastc Fre+ater Gasto!lato Glass renforced Plastc Gas $urbne Generator Hg"Pressure Dnoc@!ut Lo(est 8strono%cal $de Loc@edClosed Loc@ed!pen
LP +P CC %gl I 'CF P /6 /P'H /+ !C' !P PC' PLC ppb pp% P''
Lo( Pressure $"ousand arrels of +ater per ay otor Control Center %llgra%s per lter an ac"ne Interface llon 'tandard Cubc Feet per ay edu%Pressure /ort"6ast /et PostBe 'ucton Head /ort"+est !perator Control 'taton
P' ptb ! ! rp% ' '' ''' '+ '+!
Pressure 'afety alBe barrels Pounds per $"ousand estrcton!rfce e%ote7!perated alBe eBoluton per nute '"uto(nalBe 'uspended'olds 'afety '"utdo(n 'yste% 'ea+ater 'ea(ater eBerse !s%oss
Process Control 'yste% Progra%%able Logc agra% Partsperllon Parts per llon =eEuBalent to %glt> Process '"utdo(n 'yste%
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$6G $'' CP P' us
ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
$r76t"ylene Glycol $otal 'uspended 'olds nt Control Panel nnterrupted Po(er 'upply pstrea% sual splay nt
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ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
$"e ob)ectBe of t"s docu%ent s to proBde orood !lfeld process and eEup%ent descrpton5 plant protecton and control5 safety gudelnes5 ntal and nor%al start up procedures5 nor%al and e%ergency s"utdo(n procedures. $"s %anual s prepared (t" t"e use of pro)ect Bendor docu%ents dra(ngs aBalable at t"e t%e of aspreparaton. $"s procedures nstructons proBdedat n %anual are consdered a base docu%ent and s"all be reBe(ed %odfed stet"s as dee%ed necessary to reflect t"e as7bult dra(ngs docu%ents =ncludng Bendor %anuals> and operatng e
8 bref descrpton of Barous sectons of t"e %anual s gBen belo( • •
• • • •
8n oBerBe( of t"e facltes and ts desgn fgures s gBen n secton 1. etaled descrpton of all syste%s s gBen n secton 2. escrptons of control and safeguardng aspects are coBered as (ell. Per syste% are also gBen t"e lstngs of all nstru%ents Condtons %ontorng escrpton of t"efro% plant!peratons control syste%5 I and Process control narratBes are gBen n secton #.15#.2 and #.# respectBely Lstng of all alar% and trp set ponts n PC'5 6' and F3G syste%s and of P'’s are gBen n secton 4 escrpton of 'afety P"losop"y and all safety syste%s s gBen n secton & 'tart7up procedures per syste% are gBen n secton *. Procedures are proBded for ntal start7up5 /or%al start7up5 'tart7up after GP' and 'tart7up after 6'. $"e oBerall orood7# facltes start7up seEuence s gBen at t"e start of t"e secton *.
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ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
!peratons procedures per syste% are gBen n secton ,. Lstng (t" nor%al operatng Balues and settngs for all nstru%entaton per syste% are ncluded n t"e operatons procedures n secton ,. '"utdo(n procedures per syste% are gBen n secton -. $"e oBerall orood7# facltes s"utdo(n seEuence s gBen at t"e start of t"e secton -. $rouble s"ootng %atrces per syste% are proBded n secton 9. eference docu%ents l@e desgn sc"e%atcs are attac"ed n secton 10.
In descritions some setches 2een included an to aid2e to uithe clsstem understa nd the main feasimlified tures of the o+er allha+e sste m. @o! e+er* as it is reali>ed that these setches are simlified and that for full understandin of the sstem al!as reference shall 2e made to the latest as-2uilt P&IDs.
1.1 Project Scope $"e Pro)ect conssts of deBelop%ent of orood !lfelds5 located on D"arg Island n Isla%c republc of Iran5 called t"e /e( Plant. $"e /e( Plant s on t"e (est sde of t"e Island and s located at an appro<%ate eleBaton of && %eters fro% t"e %ean sea leBel. $"e orood olfelds produces ol fro% a nu%ber of offs"ore and ons"ore (ells. $"e t(o e<stng treat%ent facltes on t"e Island5 na%ely orood 1 and orood 2 proBde t"e follo(ng t"ree treat%ent steps • • •
LEudgas separaton !l de"ydraton =treat%ent for salt and '+> !l stablsaton.
$"e pro)ect s e
rllng n7fll producton (ells5 I%ple%entng (ater and assocated gas n)ecton nto t"e feld5 and Constructng addtonal ol treat%ent plant referred to as ! #.
$"e ne( facltes nclude 1. ,ea!ater Liftin* 4reatment* and Injection :. ommon Facilities and 7tilities. $"ese nclude
Gas s(eetenng and fuel gas dstrbuton5 6lectrcal po(er generaton5 Instru%ent ar5 ntrogen and ot"er utltes5 $ec"ncal buldngs.
3. Oil 4reatment #. ;as tr eatment & In jection (. Onshore Infield Pielines
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ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
1.2 General Description of the Facility 1.:.1 Plant aacities Capactes of t"e /e( Plant (ll be In)ected In)ected (ater gas
! # ol treat%ent Fuel Gas =HeaBy Case> 6ffluent (ater dsc"arge /ote ' CF !P +P
2,0 1#0+P 'CF #* JC a%bent te%perature5 or 120 'CF 4& JC a%bent te%perature -05000 !P 40 'CF =esgn> 21.9, 'CF =/or%al>5 2#.99 'CF =a<%u%> &4- %#" =/or%al>5 -,4 %#" =a<%u%>
'tandard condtons at 1&JC and 1 at%. t"ousand %llon Cubc feet per day arrels of ol per day arrels of (ater per day
1.:.: Onshore Pielines $"e deBelop%ent ncludes a total of 24 ons"ore (ells located n # clustersK na%ely5 /ort"7 +est5 /ort"76ast and 'out". $"ese (ells are of t"ree types • • •
1# no. producton (ells 2 no. gas n)ecton (ells. 9 no. (ater n)ecton (ells5
$"e 1# ne( producton (ells (ll be routed to t"e ne( treat%ent faclty. $"ese are dBded nto t"e # clusters5 as follo(s Cluster /ort"east Cluster /ort"(est Cluster 'out" Cluster
/o. of prod. (ells 4 4 &
Lengt" of ppelne bet(een cluster and plant &.& @% 4.9 @% 1.-& @%
$"e (ells n t"e ndBdual producton clusters are routed to et"er a 10 test "eader or an 1- producton "eader. 6ac" cluster s proBded (t" dedcated test and producton "eaders located n t"e /e( Plant. Producton control for eac" (ell s ac"eBed by a %anual c"o@e BalBe proBded at t"e (ell"ead. $"e producton "eaders fro% eac" cluster are co%bned at t"e producton %anfold n t"e /e( Plant and feed to t"e frst stage separator. '%larly5 t"e test "eaders fro% eac" cluster co%bne at t"e test %anfold and enter t"e test separator. $"e gas s n)ected to t(o gas n)ecton (ells n t"e 'out" Cluster Ba a 10 ppelne and t(o - flo( lnes. 8 20 gas lne fro% orood 2 faclty s also routed to t"e slug catc"er at t"e
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ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
/e( Plant and supples gas for orood # to %a@e7up t"e gas n)ecton and startup reEure%ents. 8 10 DH6C! gas ppel ne s also routed to t"e treat%ent faclty and s ter%nated at t"e /e( plant. $"e (ater n)ecton %anfold s dstrbuted nto t(o "eaders routng to t"e nort" and sout" of t"e Island. !ne 1- "eader goes to /ort"76ast and /ort"7+est Clusters5 eac" Cluster "aBng t"ree (ater n)ecton (ells. $"e "eader to t"e sout" of t"e Island s 1* and s routed to t"e 'out" Cluster (t" t"ree * (ater n)ecton branc"es. 8 12 lne s furt"er tapped off fro% t"e 1* "eader and ta@es (ater for n)ecton to offs"ore platfor% G. $"e follo(ng table llustrates t"e nu%ber of producton and n)ecton (ells for eac" Cluster Cluster /ort"76ast /ort"7+est 'out" $!$8L
/o.of Producton +ell 4 4 & 1#
/o. of +ater In)ecton +ell
/o. of Gas In)ecton +ell
/o. of 'pare 'lots
# # # 9
0 0 2 2
2 # 2 *
'ea(ater s delBered to t"e /e( Plant for t(o serBces • •
+ater n)ecton5 process coolng5 (as" (ater for crude desalters Fre (ater.
'ea(ater for (ater n)ecton and processng unts s delBered to t"e /e( Plant fro% t"e sea s"ore Ba t(o 1- GP lnes. $"e fre(ater s delBered t"roug" one 1* GP lne. 1.:.3 Oil 4reatment !ne test separator s proBded for t"e faclty. Producton fro% any gBen (ell can be routed to t"e $est anfold. Fro% t"e $est anfold5 producton s routed nto t"e $est 'eparator ='7#00>5 ("c" s desgned for t"ree7p"ase separaton. 8ssocated gas s flas"ed fro% t"e crude ol and routed to t"e P %anfold. Fro% t"e producton %anfold n t"e /e( Plant5 producton s routed to a sngle frst7stage separator ='7#01>. $"e 1st 'tage 'eparator (ll operate as a t"ree7p"ase separaton of ol5 gas and (ater. Produced (ater separated n t"e 1st stage separator (ll be routed to t"e +ater $reat%ent 'yste% for re%oBal of entraned ol. $"e fro%Pre7"eater t"e frst stage separator ande
. In t"s t"e snco%ng crude by t"e "ot stabl;er botto% flud. $"e "eated crude s t"en routed to LP separator ='7#02>. $"e crude fro% LP separator s pu%ped to t"e esalter ='7#20 8>. $(o stages of desaltng are proBded. $"e nco%ng "ot feed s %
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ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
'eparated ol fro% t"e frst stage esalter s %5 ("ere any Bapor generated flas"es fro% t"e ol. apor fro% t"e reboler passes up(ards t"roug" t"ecolu%n5 contactng (t" descendng crude on t"e trays and strppng H2' and lg"t "ydrocarbons fro% t"e crude. 'tabl;ed crude = ,0pp% H2'> fro% t"e reboler drops nto t"e colu%n botto%s secton fro% ("ere t s pu%ped out by t"e Crude ol transfer Pu%ps. 1.:.# ;as 4reatment and omression apor fro% t"e frst stage separator ='7#01> and test separator ='7#00> flo(s to t"e P slug catc"er =' #0&>. P gas fro% orood 2 plant s also connected to t"e slug catc"er. Gas fro% t"e P %anfold feeds to a%ne unt =fuel gas> and P gas co%pressor =for gas n)ecton>. Co%pressed gas fro% t"e P Co%presson 'yste% =$(o stage centrfugal co%pressor> s routed to t"e P boost ed gas cooler. !utlet fro% t"s cooler enters P boosted gas scrubber. $"e (et gas s t"en treated n a Gas e"ydraton 'yste% for t"e purpose of re%oBng (ater fro% t"e gas. et"od of gas de"ydraton s by absorpton (t" lean $6G. $"e syste% conssts of glycol contactor and rc" glycol regeneraton. e"ydrated gas =e( pont 0oC 410 barg> fro% t"e syste% s routed to t"e HP Co% presson 'yste%. HP co%presson syste% co%prses t(o7stage turbne drBen centrfugal co%pressor. sc"arge fro% t"e second stage HP co%pressor s sent to t"e gas n)ecton (ells t"roug" t"e n)ecton gas ppelne 410 bara 1.:.( ,ea!ater 4reatment and Injection 'ea(ater s used for coolng purpose and n)ecton nto t"e (ater n)ecton (ells n t"e t"ree /ort"76ast5 /ort"7+est and 'out" Clusters. +ater s transferred fro% t"e sea to an nta@e staton basn close to t"e s"ore Ba t(o 42 nc" lnes. $"s basn s t"e sea(ater lft staton and caters to sea(ater lftng pu%ps5 F+ )oc@ey pu%ps and F+ desel pu%ps. $"e lft staton5 c"lornaton unt and poc@et flters are located close to t"e seas"ore at appro<%ately #.& @% fro% t"e /e( Plant. $"e c"lornaton unt n)ects c"lorne n to t"e sea(ater to suppress bologcal gro(t" n t"e lnes and do(nstrea% processng. 'ea(ater s frst coarse fltered t"roug" poc@et flters to a t"res"old fltraton leBel of 100 %crons. In t"e /e( Plant5 t"e sea(ater furt"er undergoes fne fltraton Ba pressure dual %eda fltersK partcles up to 2 %crons are separated n t"ese flters. a)or porton of t"e fltered sea(ater s drectly sent to a eaerator to re%oBe dssolBed o
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1.:.6 Produced =ater 4reatment Produced (ater fro% t"e 1st and 2nd stage separators5 test separator5 esalter and stabl;er colu%n s routed to t"e degassng s@%%er dru% ='7400>. 8 part of t"e H2' and C!2 are separated n t"s dru% and t"e separated ol s re%oBed usng s@%%ng deBce. LEud effluent fro% '7400 s sent to flotaton unt ='7401>5 ("ere ol specfcaton n (ater s ac"eBed. e%anng H2' n t"e (ater s re%oBed n t"e (ater flas" Bessel ='7402> ("c" operates under Bacuu%. $"e collected crude fro% '7400 and '7401 s recycled bac@ to t"e esalter pac@age for furt"er treat%ent. 1.:.8 Flarin ,s tems $"e /e( Plant "as t"ree flare stac@s on a co%%on derrc@ structureK Hg" Pressure =HP>5 Lo( pressure =LP> and 8cd flares. $"e HP Flare syste% conssts of one #0 C' (ar% "eader5 one 1* '' cold "eader5 one HP Flare D! ru%5 t(o Bertcal pu%ps and t"e HP flare tp. $"e condensate fro% HP flare D! ru% s pu%ped to 2nd stage separator. $"e LP Flare syste% conssts of a 20 C' "eader and one LP Flare D! ru %. $"e acd flare syste% ncludes a 12 leadng to a 1* '' "eader and a Bertcal acd Flare D! ru%. $"e condensate fro% bot" LP and acd flare D! ru%s are routed to closed dran.
1.:.9 Fuel ;as ,stem Fuel gas for t"e /e( Plant consu%pton5 because of ts "g" H2' content5 s s(eetened do(n to 200 pp%B n t"e 8%ne s(eetenng unt. $"e s(eetenng s done by contactng (t" counter current flo( of lean a%ne n t"e a%ne contactor. $"e s(eetened gas co%ng out fro% top of a%ne contactor s separated nto t(o strea%s. !ne s t"e lo( pressure =LP> fuel gas gong to LP fuel gas consu%ersK .e.5 flare5 stea% bolers5 glycol unts5 etc. $"e ot"er strea% s co%pressed n t"e fuel gas co%pressor and sent to %edu% pressure =P> fuel gas consu%ersK .e.5 co%pressors turbnes5 (ater n)ecton pu%ps turbnes5 and turbo generators. 1.:.) Other 7tilities !ithin e! Plant $"e follo(ng utltes are also generated at ste and aBalable n t"e /e( Plant • • • • • • • •
Fres" +ater oler Feed (ater5 Lo( pressure stea%5 Po(er generaton5 /trogen5 Instru%ent ar5 esel5 and C"e%cal n)ecton syste%s
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Closed dran syste% receBesall process lEudcondensate drans. 8ll non process ols fro% eEup%ent dran and floor (as"ng of pu%ps pedestals are routed to t"e open dran syste%. 8ll (ater strea%s fro% t"e plant are routed to t"e retenton pt and t"en nto retenton pool ("c" ult%ately flo(s to t"e sea. $"s ncludes treated oly (ater5 non7conta%nated coolng and flter bac@(as" (ater5 oBerflo( fro% open dran syste%5 ran(ater fro% conta%nated paBed areas5 etc. 1.:.1$ 5uildins $"e faclty ncludes t"e follo(ng buldngs and all necessary roads5 fences5 etc. • !ffce buldng5 • $ec"ncal bloc@ buldng consstng of control roo%5 nstru%ent tec"ncal roo%5 utltes roo%5 and laboratory5 • 6lectrcal substaton buldng5 • +are"ouse and (or@s"op
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1.3 Basis of Design 1.3.1 Desin 5asis for Dorood 3 $"e desgn bass for orood # s gBen belo( Feed to New Plant
Co%poston esgnG! Flo( ate +aterCut +ater Flo( ate +ater 'alt content a<. Gas Flo( ate $urndo(n esgn Capacty
Producton fro% ne( clusters5 as per 'ecton 1.4.1 of t"s operatng %anual 1-&07#000scftbbl !l effluent N (ater to produce -05000 '!P 0to#0M #05000 +P =a<.> efer to produced (ater c"aracterstcs ='ec. 1.4.4> 240 'CF =as total separated gas> #05000!P 110M of flo( rates Oil Prodct Specifications
Producton ate $rue Bapor pressure ed Bapor pressure =P> H2'content '+ 'altcontent !l pressure at attery l%t
-05000 !P =at 'tandard condtons> 14.& psa &0J C -.& psa 100J F ,0pp%(t. 0.&MBol. *0%gl=or20ptb> * bar g %n5
1.3.: Flo! " ates Oil Prodction
$"e desgn flo( rate fro% eac" cluster flo( rate s s"o(n belo( =2>
Cluster /ort"76ast /ort"7+est 'out"
=1> $otal!l N+ater Flo( ate 5 P 405000 405000 405000
+aterCut #0M O0 #0M O0 #0M O0
Gas'CF Flo( ate -0 -0 -0
/otes 1> esgn producton flo( fro% eac" (ell s 125000 P of !l N +ater 2> esgn assocated gas flo( fro% eac" (ell s #0 'CF
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ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities Gas !njection
Gas n)ecton s for only t(o (ells n t"e 'out" Cluster. $"e desgn bass for Gas n)ecton flo( and condtons are presented n t"e follo(ng table /o%nal Gas In)ecton Flo( ate esgn Gas In)ecton Flo( ate
120 'CF 1#0 'CF at #* JC e
Flo( Capacty $otal (ater n)ecton nor%al capacty of t"e faclty s 1-00 %#"r. $"e desgn capacty s 19-0 %#"rK .e.5 1005000 +P =**0> %#"r of (ater n)ected nto eac" of t"e # clusters. $"e desgn (ater n)ecton nto eac" (ell s #05000 +P =199 %#"r>.
eEured ualty 'ource esdual partcle
'ea(ater 2 %% =$"e fne flters s"all re%oBe 9-M of all partcles greater t"an 2 %crons> #0 ppb #, JC
eEuested Pressure 8t ons"ore n)ecton (ell"eads 2#& bar abs.
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1.# Flid $o %position 1.#.1 Production Flu id $"e co%poston of producton flud for t"ree Gas to !l atos =G!> n %ole percent dry bass s Co%ponent H2' C!2 C1 C2 C# C4 nC4 C& nC& nC* nC, nCnC9 nC10 C/18 C/1C C/12 /2
G! Q 1-&0 9.490 &.4#& 4#.&11 *.*01 #.**2 0.,91 1.-90 1.401 2.,,* 2.4&& 2.94# 2.12& 1.4-* 1.204 4.1*& -.1#1 0.,,2 1.1*#
G! Q 2400 ,.*1& &.1,4 &1.149 -.*02 #.-* 0.,22.014 0.,,2 1.0 2.2&* 2.4*, 1.,1.249 1.011 2.,#2 &.&4,& 1.,2*2 0.2&&2
G! Q #000 ,.,* &.2, .*, 9.0# #.,* 0.,1 1.9* 0.,0 0.9* 2.0& 2.14 1.&& 1.00.-2.2# 4. 1.4& 0.2,
Pseudo7co%ponents are Pseudo7Co%ponent C/18 C/1C C/2
+ 290.94 2*,.94 &&-.00
'tandard densty =gc%#> 1.0## 0.9&1.090
8Berage te%perature of t"e producton flud s ,0JC. te%perature at producton (ell"ead s *079&JC.
6st%ated range of flo(ng
1.#.: Injection ;as $"e co%poston of n)ecton gas5 for t(o lg"t and "eaBy cases at t"e co%pressor dsc"arge5 n %ole M s s"o(n belo( Co%ponent H2' C!2
Lg"t Case *.&1 *.,4
HeaBy Case 11.*0 ,.4,
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Co%ponent C1 C2 C# C4 nC4 C& nC& nC* nC, nCnC9 nC10 C/18 C/1C C/12 /2
Lg"t Case ,1.09 9.#* #.** 0.&0 0.9& 0.#* 0.&* 0.1, 0.0, 0.02 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
HeaBy Case *2.,-.*2 #.9# 0.*4 1.## 0.&0.94 0.29 0.09 0.02 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.,1
1.#.3 ,ea!ater 'ea(ater c"aracterstcs at t"e lft staton s e !l /aN DN Fe2N a2N /aCl 'alnty
nt 77 JC @g%# cP ppb R%"osc% 20JC %gl %gl %gl as CaC! # %glasCa %glasg %gl as '!4 %glas'! 2 %gl as /!# %glasCl %gl as HC!# %gl%gl asC %gl %gl %gl %gl %glas/aCl gl
'ea(ater -.2 20O#& 10#0 1.0 'aturated *45000 405-40 2& ,5*00 -00 15#*0 25--0 0.1& 0.2& 215910 1,, &.* 1 12519& 2#0 0.1 0.1 #05990 #*.1
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$"e n)ected (ater s e
nt 77 R%"osc% 20JC %gl %gl %glasCa %glasg %gl as '!4 %gl as H2'
Produced +ater ,.0 4,&5#20 #005100 4#0 195000 #5240 2-0 *&.9
%gl as /H4 %glas'! 2
0.02 -0
%glas asHC! Cl # %gl %gl as C!2 %glasC %gl %gl %gl %gl %gl %glas/aCl gl
1*15-00 #22 2*.4 91 &.2 ,-5100 #5#-0 0.02 *20 19-5**0 2*,
Cl HC!#7 C!2 $!C !l /aN DN Fe2N 'r2N /aCl 'alnty
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1.& Site and 'eteorological Data $"e ste data pertan to t"e /e( Plant on D"arg Island. 1.(.1 Onshore Desin on ditions 1.&.1.1 Baro%etric Pres sre
1.&.1.2 (le)ation
1.&.1.3 *e%peratre
Hg"est %ont"ly aBerage N &JF Lo(est %ont"ly aBerage 710JF a<%u% esgn $e%perature n%u% esgn $e%perature
#* J C =9*.- J F> 11 J C =&1.- J F> 4* J C 11 J C
1.&.1.# +elati)e ,%idity
esgnelatBeHu%dty 1.&.1.& +ainfall intensity
esgn anfall Intensty
19*.& %%day5 2#* %% year
1.&.1.- "ind
esgn Belocty =for 'tructural esgn> PreBalngdrecton
1#0 @%" /ort"+estO/ort"
1.(.: Offshore Des in on ditions 1.&.2.1 Seawater Pro perties
efer to 'ecton 1.4.# of t"s operatng %anual. 1.&.2.2 +ainfall
Hg"est8nnual 8Berage 8nnual
a<%u% a<%u%aly ont"ly
#&-.1%%year 2#*.0 %%year 19*.& #2-.1%%year %%%ont"
1.&.2.3 ir *e%peratre
a<%u% 'urface $e%perature a<%u%8%bent n%u%8%bent ean 8%bent
-0JC =n drect sunlg"t> 4*JC 0JC 24JC
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1.&.2.# +elati)e ,%idity
1.&.2.& Baro%etric Pres sre
!ffs"oren%u% !ffs"orea<%u%
991%bar 102-%bar
1.(.3 limatic ondition 8r $e%perature Frst 8Berage a<%u% 8Berage n%u% a<%u%ecorded n%u% ecorded elatBe Hu%dty Frst n%u% a<%u% anfal Frst a<%u% aly
+nd Frst PreBalng +nd recton /+7/ esgnelocty
uarter of t"e ?ear =Gregoran> 'econd $"rd Fourt" #*.1 JC 10.&JC 4*JC 0JC uarter of t"e ?ear =Gregoran> 'econd $"rd Fourt" M *& M100 uarteroft"e?ear=Gregoran> 'econd $"rd Fourt" 19*.& %%day uarteroft"e?ear=Gregoran> 'econd $"rd &&.9@%"
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P"OE,, DE,"IP4IO OF OIL P"OE,,I; ,<,4E/,
2.1 O)er)iew C"apter 2 proBdes t"e reader (t" a descrpton of all facltes aBalable for ol treat%ent to allo( a clear understandng of t"e operatons. 8 sc"e%atc dagra% s"o(ng t"e oBerall treat%ent process s gBen n fgure 2.1.1 at t"e end of t"s secton.
2.2 Oil Prodcer "ellheads and Prodction 'anifolds efer PF
I 40 11 :00 88100 888 0240 '"eet 1
efer P3I
I 40 11 :00 88100 888 1,10 '"eet 1 of #. I 40 11 80* 88100 888 1,11 '"eet 12# of # I 40 11 02 88#00 888 1940 '"eet 12 of 2
:.:.1 Introduction on Oil Pr oduction Crude ol fro% t"e ol reserBors flo(s out t"roug" t"e (ell"eads under t"e pressure of t"e reserBor. !l produced fro% %any reserBors contans produced (ater =For%aton (ater> and gas. $"e content of gas s nor%ally e. $"e (ater content of ol s e of t"e total fluds. $"e ol co%poston5 Bscosty and specfc graBty =Bscosty and specfc graBty depends on t"e co%poston of crude> of crude produced fro% ol feld Bares fro% reserBor to reserBor. Generally t s %ore dffcult to separate (ater fro% crude (t" "g" specfc graBty and Bscosty. 4he as associated !ith the crude consists of mainl methane* ethane* roane and 2utane and non-hdrocar2on ases such as nitroen* car2on dioGide and ossi2l hdroen.
8l%ost all of t"e salt present n t"e crude s contaned n t"e for%aton (ater. $"e produced (ater n crude s present n t(o for% na%ely free (ater and e%ulsfed (ater. Free (ater s easly separated n t"e t"ree p"ase separators and n t"e storage tan@ (t"n reasonable settlng t%e. $"e co%poston and flo( condton of crude produced fro% t"e (ells s tested perodcally5 by connectng t"e (ells to t"e test separator. Generally t"e (ater content of t"e crude produced fro% a reserBor ncreases (t" t%e and to(ards t"e end of t"e lfe of a reserBor t"e (ater content s %a<%u%.
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:.:.: =ellheads "ellhead des cription
8s part of ! # pro)ect5 1# ne( producton (ells (ll be routed to t"e ne( treat%ent facltes. $"ese are dBded nto # clusters5 ("c" are /ort"east Cluster /ort"(est Cluster 'out" Cluster
4 (ells 4 (ells & (ells
6ac" (ell s eEupped (t" 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Hydraulcally operated do(n "ole safety BalBe ='urface controlled 'ub7surface 'afety BalBe5 'C''> Hydraulcally operated %aster BalBe ='urface 'afety BalBe5 ''> anually operated aster BalBe anually operated (ng BalBe anually operated (re lne BalBe ='+8 8L6> anually operated C"o@e BalBe. +ell"ead pressure gauge located upstrea% of t"e (ng BalBe
$"e 'C'' and t"e '' are "ydraulcally actuated and controlled by t"e (ell"ead control panel and t"ey are nor%ally et"er fully closed or fully opened. $"e opt%u% poston of t"e %anual c"o@e BalBe (ll be deter%ned durng t"e (ell tests follo(ng t"e start up. $"ereafter5 t"e c"o@e openng s"all only be c"anged after consultaton of producton engneerng and geoscences depart%ents. "ellhead $ontrol Panels
efer to endor =Petro Controls> P3I I40 #04, :00 88000 88D 0010 6ac" +HCP s po(ered by %otor drBen N "and pu%p5 proBdes fal7safe close actuaton of t"e '' 3 'C''5 co%bned (t" (ell s"utdo(n n case fre or "g" lo( flo( lne pressure and re%ote 6'. $"e safety cabnet s co%posed of t"e follo(ng te%s Ite%s co%%on to t"e '' and 'C'' crcuts 7 Flud reserBor (t" ol ndcator 7 6lectrc pu%p (t" standby "and pu%p to generate 2007barg "ydraulc pressure. 8 safety relef BalBe set at #14 barg s proBded on t"e pu%p dsc"arge. !n t"e control crcut 7 8 safety relef BalBe set at *.0 barg nstalled on t"e control crcut 7 8 "ydraulc accu%ulator (t" a capacty of 0.& lter pre7c"arged at #.& barg. !n t"e '' "ydraulc crcut =HP> 7 8 "ydraulc accu%ulator (t" a capacty of #2 l ter pre7c"arged at 1#& barg5 nstalled on t"e "ydraulc "eader. 7 8 pressure regulator set at &.& barg to energ;e t"e control crcut
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!n t"e 'C'' "ydraulc crcut =HP> 7 7 7 7
8n ntensfer to step up t"e pressure fro% 200 barg to #00 barg 'afety relef BalBe set at 490 barg 8 "ydraulc accu%ulator (t" a capacty of 2.& lters pre7c"arged at 220 barg5 nstalled on "ydraulc "eader. 8n ad)ustable t%e delay crcut for seEuental operaton of t"e 'C''.
:.:.3 ;atherin ,stem Description
$"e producton fro% t"e (ell"ead clusters (ll be routed to t"e orood7# faclty as per t"e table belo( Production B,our EffluentC
$o /u%berofProducton(ells Flo( rate producton lne Flo(ratetest lne
/e(Plant 4 40000 bpd 12000bpd
/e(Plant /e(Plant & 4 40000 bpd 40000 bpd 12000 bpd 12000bpd
$"e /e( Plant s s;ed for -0000 bopd and #05000 b(pd. 'o all t"e 1# producton (ells need not produce at t"e sa%e t%e. 8 sc"e%atc of t"e gat"erng syste% s s"o(n n fgure 2.2.1 at t"e end of t"s secton. $"e (ells n t"e ndBdual clusters are routed to et"er a 10 test "eader or an 1- producton "eader. 6ac" cluster s proBded (t" dedcated test and producton "eaders. $"e producton control for eac" (ell s ac"eBed by a %anual c"o@e BalBe proBded at t"e (ell "ead. $"e producton "eaders fro% eac" cluster are co%bned at t"e producton %anfold n t"e ne( plant and feed to t"e frst stage separator. '%larly5 t"e test "eaders fro% eac" cluster are co%bned at t"e test %anfold and feeds to t"e test separator. outng of t"e (ells to a producton "eader or to a test "eader s ac"eBed by operatng t"e %anual solaton BalBes proBded. Corroson n"btor n)ecton proBson s aBalable at clusters. efer secton 2.9 for detals on t"e c"e%cal n)ecton. Pressre Pro tection
Fgure 2.2.2 at t"e end of t"s secton s"o(s a s%plfed s@etc" of t"e pressure protecton syste% proBded for t"e gat"erng syste%. 8ll flo(lnes and cluster %anfolds are desgned for t"e (ell"ead s"ut7n pressure. $"e ppelnes fro% t"e Clusters to t"e /e( Plant and t"e nlet %anfolds at t"e /e( Plant "aBe a 900S ratng. Protecton of t"e 900S syste% for oBerpressure s as follo(s 6ac" flo(lne s proBded (t" a P'HH set at #- barg. +"en t"s one s actBated t (ll ntate closure of t"e %aster BalBe of t"e concerned (ell"ead Ba t"e +HCP. 6ac" (ell"ead lnes connectng to t"e cluster %anfold "as an 6'. $"ere s Page 2- of 149
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anot"er 6' on t"e co%%on test and producton "eaders orgnatng fro% eac" cluster. $"ese 6's are operated on t"e 2 out of # Botng "g" pressure s(tc"es on t"e producton and test %anfolds =set at ,0 barg>. efer secton 4.* for t"e tag nu%bers for t"e ndBdual (ell "ead flo( lnes. 6's are nstalled also on t"e testproducton lnes at t"e nlet to t"e ne( plant. 8part fro% plant 6' eBents5 t"ese (ll be actBated by P'HH’s on t"e nco%ng pplnes5 set at #barg. In order to protect t"e ppelne fro% (ell "ead s"ut n pressure5 safety BalBes are nstalled on t"e producton and test lnes co%ng fro% clusters =set at 12, barg>. efer secton 4.& for t"e tag nu%bers for t"e P's nstalled on ndBdual cluster testproducton "eaders co%ng to t"e plant. $"ese P'’s can relef t"e full cluster producton. $"e Producton and $est 'eparators "aBe a desgn pressure of 2, barg and are protected by nlet '’s actBated by P'HHs =set at 24 barg> and P's =set at 2, barg>. In case of a Plant 6'5 t"e 6'’s at t"e plant nlet (ll be closed. $"s (ll result n a pressure rse at t"e (ell"eads5 suc" t"at t"e flo(lne P'HHs (ll close t"e (ell"eads %aster BalBes. In case of falure to close of one or %ore of t"e (ell"eads5 t"e P'HH’s on t"e Cluster %anfolds (ll close t"e 6'’s at nlet and outlet of t"e cluster %anfolds. !nly n case of t"e co%bned falure to close of t"e 6' n t"e sa%e flo(lne as ("ere t"e (ell faled to close and t"e %anfold outlet 6' of t"e %anfold to ("c" t"at flo(lne (as connected5 t"e P' at t"e plant nlet (ll be actBated. $lster (SD/ panels
efer to endor =Petro Controls> P3Is 'out" Cluster
/ort" 6ast Cluster /ort" +est Cluster
I40 #04, :00 88000 88D 001# I40 #04, :00 88000 88D 0014 I40 #04, :00 88000 88D 001& I40 #04, :00 88000 88D 001* I40 #04, :00 88000 88D 001, I40 #04, :00 88000 88D 001I40 #04, :00 88000 88D 0019 I40 #04, :00 88000 88D 0020 I40 #04, :00 88000 88D 0021 I40 #04, :00 88000 88D 0022
$"e 6' panel s po(ered by 2 %otor drBen and one "and pu%p5 proBdes fal safe close actuaton of t"e 6' BalBes5 co%bned (t" (ell s"utdo(n control n case of fre or "g" ppelne pressure and re%ote 6'. $"e 6' panel s co%posed of t"e follo(ng te%s 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
$(o %otor drBen N one "and pu%p (t" safety relef BalBes set at # 14 barg to generate 200 barg of "ydraulc pressure to 6' BalBes at t"e cluster %anfolds. $(o pressure regulators set at &.& barg to energ;e t" e plot c rcut and 6' control crcut 8 safety relef BalBe set at , barg nstalled on t" e plot crcut and 6' control crcut $(o "ydraulc accu%ulators pre7c"arged at 140 barg5 nstalled on t"e "ydraulc HP supply "eader. !ne "ydraulc accu%ulator pre7c"arged at # barg5 nstalled on t"e "ydraulc control "eader. Flud reserBor !l ndcator Page 29 of 149
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Hydraulc control logc for perfor%ng t"e reEured 6' actons
2.2.3.# $lster Drainage
efer P3I I407117:0078810078887&0-# 8 dranage syste% s proBded at eac" cluster for depressur;aton dranage of (ell"ead annulus5 flo(lnes and %anfolds. 8t eac" cluster s nstalled one %ult7purpose dran "eader. a a nu%ber of portable spools t"e Barous Bent and dran ponts on t"e faclty can be connected to t"s dran "eader. !ne %oble burner unt s proBded t"at can be connected to t"e dran "eader at any of t"e clusters to allo( for safely dsposal of t"e fluds. etaled operatng procedures for t"s syste% are proBded n !IL!P0*5 +ell 8nnulus leed Procedure and !IL'0*5 Cluster Isolaton5 ranage and +ater Flus"ng. :.:.# ontrol & /onitorin 2.2.#.1 2.2.#.2
Control and %ontorng sc"edule for t"s secton s as belo(
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PG 1T 0P::: PG 1T 1P::: PG 1T 2P::: PG 1T #P::: PG 1T 4P::: PG 1T &P::: P'HH O 1::2P P'LL O 1::#P ''1::1P 'C'' 1::0P $G 17 0::!P 6' 10-17 10-* 6' 10917 109* 6' 11017 110, FG -#,05 -#-05 -#90 LG -#,05 -#-05 -#90 L'LL -#,05 -#-05 -#90 PG -#,15 -#-15 -#91 PG8 -#,05 -#-05 -#90 PG -#,05 -#-05 -#90 P'HH 10-&855C P'HH 109& 855C P'HH 110& 855C P'HH 10-*855C P'HH 109* 855C
ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
Pressure Gauge
!l Producer +ell C"rst%as tree
Pressure Gauge
!l Producer +ell lne to cluster
Pressure Gauge
!l Producer +ell lne depressur;aton connecton
Pressure Gauge
!l Producer +ell 8nnulus bleed
Pressure Gauge
!l Producer +ell 8nnulus bleed
Pressure Gauge
!l Producer +ell 8nnulus bleed
Pressure '(tc"
!l Producer +ell lne to cluster
Pressure '(tc"
!l Producer +ell lne to cluster
asteralBe !lProducer+ell 'ub7 'urface 'afety alBe !l Producer +ell $e%perature Gauge
!l Producer +ell lne to cluster
6%ergency BalBes
'"utdo(n /ort" east cluster e%ergency s"utdo(n BalBes
6%ergency BalBes 6%ergency BalBes Flo( Gauge
'"utdo(n /ort" (est cluster e%ergency s"utdo(n BalBes '"utdo(n 'out" cluster e%ergency s"utdo(n BalBes
Pressure Plots
/65/+ 3 'out" cluster C"e%cal In). Pu%ps sc"arge /65/+ 3 'out" c luster C "e%cal I n)ecton $ an@ LeBel /65/+ 3 ' out" c luster C "e%cal In)ecton $ an@ LeBel s(tc" /65/+ 3 ' out" c luster C "e%cal I n). P u%ps I nlet Pr. /65/+ 3 'out" cluster C"e%cal In). Pu%ps sc"arge Pr. /65/+ 3 'out" cluster C"e%cal In). Pu%ps sc"arge Pr. HH pressure s(tc" /6 cluster test "eader
Pressure Plots
HH pressure s(tc" /+ cluster test "eader
Pressure Plots
HH pressure s(tc" sout" cluster test "eader
Pressure Plots
HH pressure s(tc" /6 cluster producton "eader
Pressure Plots
HH pressure s(tc" /+ cluster producton "eader
LeBel Gauge LeBel '(tc" Pressure Gauge Pressure Gauge Pressure Gauge
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P'HH 110* Pressure Plots 855C P' -#,05 Pressure 'afety alBe -#-05 -#90 PG 10#0 Pressure Gauge PG 10#2 Pressure Gauge PG 10#* Pressure Gauge
/65/+ 3 'out" cluster C"e%cal In). Pu%ps dsc"arge /ort" 6ast Cluster $est nlet anfold /ort" 6ast Cluster nlet anfold /ort" (est Cluster $est nlet anfold
PG 10#10#, Pressure Gauge Gauge PG Pressure PG 10#9 Pressure Gauge PG 1000 Pressure Gauge PG 1002 Pressure Gauge PG 100* Pressure Gauge PG 100, Pressure Gauge PG 100Pressure Gauge PG 1009 Pressure Gauge PI 1020 Pressure Indcator PI 102# Pressure Indcator PI 102* Pressure Indcator PI 102, Pressure Indcator PI 102Pressure Indcator PI 1029 Pressure Indcator P'HH 1010 ery Hg" Pressure '(tc" P'HH 1012 ery Hg" Pressure '(tc" P'HH 101* ery Hg" Pressure '(tc" P'HH 101, ery Hg" Pressure '(tc" P'HH 101- ery Hg" Pressure '(tc" P'HH 1019 ery Hg" Pressure '(tc" P'LL 1010 ery Lo( Pressure '(tc" P'LL 1012 ery Lo( Pressure '(tc" P'LL 101* ery Lo( Pressure '(tc" P'LL 101, ery Lo( Pressure '(tc" P'LL 101- ery Lo( Pressure '(tc" P'LL 1019 ery Lo( Pressure '(tc" P$ 1020 Pressure $rans%tter P$ 102# Pressure $rans%tter P$ 102* Pressure $rans%tter P$ 102, Pressure $rans%tter
/ort" +est Cluster nletanfold anfold 'out" Cluster $est nlet 'out" Cluster nlet anfold /ort" 6 ast Cluster $est I nlet anfold /ort" 6ast Cluster Inlet anfold /ort" + est Cluster $est I nlet anfold /ort" + est Cluster I nlet anfold 'out" Cluster $ est Inlet anfold 'out" Cluster $ est Inlet anfold /ort" 6ast Cluster $est Inlet anfold /ort" 6 ast Cluster I nlet anfold /ort" +est Cluster $est Inlet anfold /ort" + est Cluster Inlet anfold 'out" Cluster $est Inlet anfold 'out" Cluster Inlet anfold /ort" 6ast Cluster $est Inlet anfold /ort" 6ast Cluster Inlet anfold /ort" +est Cluster $est Inlet anfold /ort" +est Cluster Inlet anfold 'out" Cluster $est Inlet anfold 'out" Cluster Inlet anfold /ort" 6ast Cluster $est Inlet anfold /ort" 6ast Cluster Inlet anfold /ort" +est Cluster $est Inlet anfold /ort" +est Cluster Inlet anfold 'out" Cluster $est Inlet anfold 'out" Cluster Inlet anfold /ort" 6ast Cluster $est Inlet anfold /ort" 6ast Cluster I nlet anfold /ort" +est Cluster $est Inlet anfold /ort" +est Cluster Inlet anfold
P$ 102P$ 1029
'out" Cluster Cluster Inlet $est Inlet anfold 'out" anfold
Pressure $rans%tter $rans%tter Pressure
Fro% !l +ell to Producton Header
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2.3 Separator section efer PF I 40 11 02 88#00 0240 '"t 001 $"s syste% s desgned to process producton flud fro% ol (ells to produce -05000 bopd of ol and assocated gas and (ater. $"e secton conssts of t"efollo(ng eEup%ent. 1st stage separator =' #01> $est 'eparator =' #00> LP separator feed pre"eater =6C #1#> 2nd stage separator =' #02> !l booster pu%ps =G: #10 8> :.3.1 Princile of ,e aration of =ater from Oil in ,earators $"e functon of a separator s to proBde re%oBal of free gas fro% ol and or (ater at a specfc pressure and te%perature. 8ll t"e separators n t"e /e( plant are desgned to %eet t"e follo(ng reEure%ents 7 LEud %ust be separated fro% gas n a pr%ary separatng secton 7 Gas Belocty %ust be lo(ered to allo( lEuds to drop out 7 Gas %ust be scrubbed t"roug" an effcent de%ster 7 +ater and ol %ust be dBerted to a turbulence7free secton of t"e Bessel 77 LEuds %ust be nterface retaned n t"e be Bessel long enoug" to allo( separaton $"e (ater O ol %ust %antaned 7 +ater and ol %ust be re%oBed fro% t"e Bessel at t"er respectBe outlets $"e basc prncple of separaton of (ater fro% crude ol n t"e separators s by settlng of t"e "eaBer p"ase =(ater> under graBtatonal force. In a %. ue to t"s dfference n denstes5 (ater droplets (ll traBel do(n(ards under graBtatonal forces. $"e "g"er t"e s;e of a (ater droplets5 t"e faster (ll be t"e speed of do(n(ard %oBe%ent. '%larly ol droplets n (ater p"ase (ll traBel up(ards due to buoyancy forces. $"s separaton of ol and (ater =free (ater> p"ases by graBtatonal forces due to densty dfference s called as GraBty settlng. ul@ of t"e (ater n t"e ol s easly separated as t enters nto t"e separators. For relatBely large s;e droplets =aboBe 1000 %crons>5 /e(ton’s La( gBen belo( goBerns t"e separaton of (aterK t
g < p < =ρ(−ρlU> ρg
t g
+"ere Q $er%nal Belocty of ( ater drop f tsec Q 8cceleraton due to graBty #2.2 ftsec2
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P ρ( ρl
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a%eter of (ater droplet5 ft LEud densty lbft# !l densty lbft#
$"e Belocty of s%all (ater droplets =free coalesced (ater> n !l p"ase s goBerned by t"e follo(ng 'to@es La(. t Q 14-- < g < p2 < =ρ(V7 ρl>U 1- µ +"ere t g p ρ( ρl
$er%nal Belocty ftsec 8cceleraton due to graBty #2.2 ftsec2 a%eter of lEud partcle ft LEud densty lbft# !ldensty lbft#
$"e aboBe eEuaton s not applcable to Bery s%all lEud droplet s;es. ery s%all (ater droplets =stable e%ulson> n ol e%ulson (ll %oBe (t" e n nor%al separators. 'eparaton of LEud n Gas $"e Bertcally do(n(ard Belocty of a lEud partcle n t"e gas p"ase s goBerned by t"e follo(ng eEuaton. t t D ρ( ρl
ρ +"ere g $er%nal Belocty of (ater drop ftsec Factor dependng on t"e geo%etry of separator LEud densty lbft# !l densty lbft#
$"e aboBe eEuaton s generally used for s;ng t"e Bessel da%eters. For furt"er nfor%aton refer to 8PI 12 A. ,earator ,ections
$"e purpose of a separator s re%oBal of free gas and (ater =t"ree7p"ase separator> fro% t"e ol. desgn For effcent operaton of t"e gas lEud separators5 t"e follo(ng features are adopted for t"e of separators. efer to t"e attac"ed fgure for t"e detals of t"e separator.
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Inlet de+ice 0Pri%ary separation section
$"e nlet strea% co%es upon t"e nlet deflector5 ("c" acts as a %o%entu% brea@er =Ite%1>. Collson of %
8fter t"e pr%ary separaton gas flo(s t"roug" t"e coalescng secton consstng of structured pac@ng =Ite%2>. $"e purpose of t"s syste% s to cal% and strag"ten t"e gas p"ase furt"er t"e nlet deBce. a)or part of lEud droplets contaned n t"e gas flo( s re%oBed by coalescng on t"s secton. Purpose of t"s eEup%ent s to brea@ foa%5 as gas s foa%y. Final as clean-u section
8fter t"ese t(o stages of gas7lEud separaton5 t"e gas enters nto t"e fnal gas clean up secton =Ite% #> n ("c" t"e re%anng lEud droplets are re%oBed by coalescng effect. 8 sngle entry type gas bo<5 ftted (t" one (re %es" de%ster pad consttutes t"s secton. 8 dran tube s located do(nstrea% of t"e de%ster to proBde dranng of t"e coalesced lEud and s sealed by t"e separator lEud leBel. $"s toget"er (t" t"eofBapour dsengagng "g"separators ol leBel proBdes t"e lEudsecton carryoBer perfor%ance t"e separator. LEudspace carry aboBe oBer fro% s nor%ally less t"an 0.1 gallons per 'CF. Liuid accumulator section
$"e lEuds are collected n t"s secton ("ere ol and (ater separaton s obtaned by graBty settlng. $o aBod dsturbance n lEud p"ases5 and t"en for effcent separaton5 Bertcal lEud stablsers =perforated baffles> "aBe been nstalled =Ite% &>. $"e lEud secton s dBded n t(o co%part%ents by a Bertcal (er =Ite%4>. In frst co%part%ent ol and (ater are separated by graBty settlng and (ater s re%oBed n a su%p. $"e second co%part%ent collects t"e ol. Oil-!ater searation comartment
GraBty separaton s ac"eBed. Free (ater s re%oBed ol and (ater s"all not for% a stable e%ulson. $"e desgn of t"s co%part%ent s based on 'to@es la( and retenton t%es. For a gBen retenton t%e5 t"e Bertcal traBel of (ater or ol droplets "aBe to be greater t"an t"e "eg"t of contnuous p"ase =ol or (ater> to ac"eBe a gBen perfor%ance or separaton effcency.
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+8$6 Partcles
ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
!l P"ase
!IL Partcles
+ater p"ase
I2 6 +
!l p"ase
Oil comartment
$"e second co%part%ent s ol7collectng co%part%ent. !l oBerflo(s t"e Bertcal (er ("ose "eg"t s c"osen5 to aBod any (ater carry oBer n co%part%ent for all t"e specfed flo( rates. =$"s (er s ad)ustable to co%ply (t" all operatng cases>. 8 Borte< brea@er s located oBer t"e ol and (ater outlet no;;les to preBent gas entran%ent.
Formation of Emulsions
'eparaton of e%ulsfed ta@es a Bery long t%e for settlng and t s not possble to f separate e%ulsfed (ater(ater =stable e%ulsons> n separators. $"e e%ulsfed produced (ater not separated at t"e treat%ent plant5 (ll be carred nto t"e e of t(o %%scble lEuds5 t"e nner p"ase =dspersed> beng dstrbuted as droplets n t"e contnuos =bul@ part> p"ase. $"e for%aton of stable e%ulson reEures t(o %%scble lEuds5 agtaton and presence of co%pounds5 ("c" stabl;e t"e e%ulson. $"e follo(ng are t"e t(o types of e%ulsons t"at can occur n ol (ater separatonK a> +ater n !l typeK (ater p"ase dspersed as s%all droplets n t"e contnuous !l p"ase. $"s poses proble%s n t"e separaton of (ater n t"e 'eparators and 'torage $an@s. b> !l n +ater typeK !l p"ase dspersed as s%all droplets n t"e contnuous (ater p"ase. $"s poses proble%s n reducng t"e ol concentraton n t"e effluent (ater. e%ulsfyng added for brea@ng t"e stable e%ulsons and coalescng t"e s%all dropletsc"e%cals nto bggerare droplets. e%ulsfyng c"e%cals "aBe t"e follo(ng c"aracterstcsK It "as preference to get adsorbed at t"e nterface of t"e (ater droplets. It can effectBely dsplace t"e co%pounds t"at stabl;e t"e ol (ater nterface. It can %a@e t"e droplets prone to coalesce =loosen t"e t"c@ nterface fl%>.
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$o dsperse t"e de%ulsfer t"oroug"ly (t" t"e crude t"e de%ulsfer s"all be at any pont ("ere suffcent turbulent condtons e<st n t"e crude flo( to "aBe good %<ng. 8fter re%oBal of t"e e%ulsfyng agent by t"e de%ulsfer c"e%cal5 coalescng of t"e (ater drops can ta@e place5 or t"e droplets can co%e closer (t" only a t"n5 (ea@ fl% surroundng eac" drop. $"e %olecular attracton bet(een drops beco%es stronger t"an before snce less dstance separates t"e drops. +"en t(o (ater drops co%e nto contact and t"e attracton bet(een t"e tny (ater drops n e%ulson s strong enoug" to brea@ t"e surroundng fl%5 t"e droplets coalesce nto larger drops. $"e larger drops of (ater drop do(n by graBty nto t"e (ater layer and get separated fro% t"eol. $"s process s @no(n as C"e%cal Coalescng. onser+ation of Oil
$"e content of ol t"at can be produced fro% t"e +ell flud s referred as 'toc@ $an@ !l. 'toc@ $an@ !l s n eEulbru% (t" t"e Bapor at at%osp"erc pressure of 1.0# ara and at a%bent te%perature. 8ll of t"e (ater fro% t"e (ell flud s e
'ngle stage flas"ng of (ell flud fro% (ell"ead pressure to at%osp"erc pressure (ll result n e t"e (ell fluds n %ult stage separaton (ll %n%;e t"e loss of C& N co%ponents fro% t"e crude. ult stage separaton of crude also supples substantal a%ount of gas at "g" pressures sutable for do(nstrea% processng. :.3.: 1st ,tae ,earator efer to P3I I 40 11 02 ' #01 888 19&1. Fro% t"e producton %anfold n t"e ne( plant5 producton s routed to a sngle frst stage separator =' #01>. $"e 1st 'tage 'eparator (ll operate as a t"ree7p"ase separator of ol5 gas and (ater. Produced (ater separated n t"e 1st stage Inlet 'eparators (ll be routed to t"e !ly +ater $reat%ent 'yste% for re%oBal of entraned ol. $"e separated ol fro% t"e frst stage separator and test separator s co%bned and s routed to LP separator Feed Pre7"eater =6C #1#>. $"e nlet separator5 ' #015 s a t"ree7p"ase separator5 desgned to process -05000 bpd of ol and #05000 bpd of (ater. It s a "or;ontal pressure Bessel5 4*00 %% I and 1#,00 %% $$ lengt"5 desgned for 2, barg and 110oC. $"e specfcatons of t"e separator are %entoned n t"e table belo(.
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1 ,4%;E ,EP%"%4O"
separator s desgned to operate n t(o -22*9 dfferent pressure 0 O 2,., M leBels5 referred to %odes LP and HP +C
8ctual desgn flo( rate
!peratng pressure HP ode
!peratng pressure LPode
a<%u% operatng te%perature
n%u% operatng te%perature
a<%u% carryoBer of ol n (ater
barg 12.4 $"e (t"
a<%u%(ater carryoBernol M a<%u% slug capacty5 =reEured %# bet(een HLL and HHLL> +ater retenton t%e /ILto bot5 %n
HC retenton t%e / !Lto /IL5
esgn Pressure5 esgn $e%perature5 oC
%n barg o
ateralofconstructon In
10.0 24
2, 110=7>1& C'=/8C6> Personnel Protecton
operaton.$"e operatng pressure of t"e separator s 20.,7 %ode HP and n %ode. LP barg n Bessel s nsulated. $"e Bessel s ftted leBel %easure%ents on et"er sde of t"e (er5 to proBde nterface and ol leBel %easure%ent besdes adeEuate connectons for pressure %easure%ent.
Bery lo( case of (ater cut5 t %ay be %possble to Internals establs" an ol7 (ater nterface leBel n t"e secton up strea% t"e (er. In t"at case 5 t"e lne to t"e oly (ater lne s"all be @ept close and t"e * by7pass lne *7GH7#0070#97C&2#8 s"all be opened5 suc" t"at t"e separator effectBely operates as 27p"ase separator only. Insulaton
Pressure n t"e Bessel s %antaned by controllng t"e Bapor outlet flo( et"er to 'lug Catc"er =' #0&> or to HP flare. Flo( %easure%ent s proBded on t"e (aterBapor outlet fro% separator. $"e separator eEupped (t" 4dranngpurgng. dran connectons on et"er sde of of t"et"e (erseparator and a utlty connecton to sfacltate Bessel PostBe solaton s ac"eBed by t"e spectacle blndsspacers nstalled at Bessel no;;le flanges pror to %antenance nspecton. efer to secton 2.9 for detals on c"e%cal n)ecton to t"e 1st stage separator. 'eparator s protected aganst oBerpressure by Pressure safety BalBes =P' #011 8C O # +or@ng N 1 'tandby>. urng e%ergency5 t"e separator can be depressur;ed t"roug" #01*. Page #9 of 149
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efer secton 2.#.1 of t"s %anual for t"e detals of nternals n t"e separator. Control and %ontorng sc"edule for t"s secton s as belo( 4ao.
#01* 6 #01* WH #01* WIH #01* WIL #01* WL #01* F6 #010 F6 #011 FI #011 FI #010 FI #010 FI #011 F$ #010 F$ #011 H' #012 L8H #01& L8L #01& L8H #012 L8L #012 LG #010 LIC #012 L$ #011 L$ #012 L #012 LG1 #01# LG2 #01# LIC #01& L$ #014
L #01&
!n!ff alBe =all $ype> ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator lo(do(n 'olenod alBe ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator lo(do(n !pen L%t s(tc" ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator lo(do(n Indcator '#01 1st 'tage'eparatorlo(do(n Indcator '#01 1st 'tage'eparatorlo(do(n Close L%t '(tc" ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator lo(do(n 'enor !rfce plate ' #00 1st 'tage 'eparator Gas !utlet 'enor !rfce plate ' #00 1st 'tage 'eparator +ater !utlet PCell $rans%tter ' #00 1st 'tage 'eparator +ater !utlet ecorder '#00 1st 'tage'eparatorGas!utlet $otal;er '#00 1st 'tage'eparatorGas!utlet $otal;er ' #00 1st 'tage 'eparator +ater!utlet PCell $rans%tter ' #00 1st 'tage 'eparator Gas !utlet PCell $rans%tter ' #00 1st 'tage 'eparator +ater !utlet 'elector'(tc" uty'tandby Hg"8lar% '#01 1st 'tage'eparatorLeBel Lo(alar% '#011st'tage'eparatorLeBel Hg" 8lar% ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator 7 Interface LeBel Lo( alar% ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator 7 Interface LeBel LeBel Gauge =$ransparent> ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator 7 Interface LeBel Controller ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator 7 Interface LeBel splacer $rans%tter ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator 7 Interface LeBel splacer $rans%tter ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator 7 Interface LeBel Control BalBe =Globe $ype> ' #00 1st 'tage 'eparator +ater !utlet LeBel Gauge =$ransparent> ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator leBel LeBel Gauge =$ransparent> ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator leBel Controller '#01 1st 'tage'eparatorLeBel ap"rag% 'eal LeBel ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator leBel $rans%tter =P> ap"rag% 'eal LeBel ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator LeBel $rans%tter =P> Control BalBe =Globe $ype> ' #00 1st 'tage 'eparator !ly 6ffluent !utlet
P8H1 #012 P8H2 #012 P8L1 #012 PG #010 PIC1 #012 PIC2 #012 P'HH #011 P'LL #011
Hg" 8lar% Hg" 8lar% Lo( alar% Pressure Gauge Controller Controller ery Hg" 'afety ery Lo( 'afety
L$ #01&
' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator pressure ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator pressure ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator pressure ' #00 1st 'tage 'eparator !ly 6ffluent !utlet ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator pressure ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator pressure ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator pressure ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator pressure
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P'8 #011 P' #011 P'C #011 P' #011 P'6 #011 P'F #011 P$ #011 P$ #012 P1 #012 P28 #012 P2 #012 ! #011 ! #01' #010 ' #011 ' #012 ' #01# ' #014 ' #01& 'WH #010 'WH #011
Pressure 'afety BalBe Pressure 'afety BalBe Pressure 'afety BalBe Pressure 'afety BalBe Pressure 'afety BalBe Pressure 'afety BalBe Pressure $rans%tter Pressure $rans%tter Control BalBe =Globe $ype> Control BalBe =Globe $ype> Control BalBe estrcton orfce estrcton orfce !n!ff alBe =all $ype> !n!ff alBe =all $ype> !n!ff alBe =all $ype> !n!ff alBe =all $ype> !n!ff alBe =all $ype> !n!ff alBe =all $ype> !pen l%t s(tc" !pen l%t s(tc"
' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator blo(do(n ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator lo(do(n ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator lo(do(n ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator lo(do(n ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator lo(do(n ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator lo(do(n ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator pressure ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator pressure ' #00 1st 'tage 'eparator $o +ar% HP Flare ' #00 1st 'tage 'eparator Gas !utlet $o ' #0& ' #00 1st 'tage 'eparator Gas !utlet $o ' #0& ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator lo(do(n ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator lo(do(n ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator !ly 6ffluent Inlet ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator !ly 6ffluent Inlet ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator +ater !utlet ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator !ly 6ffluent !utlet ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator Gas !utlet = $o ' #0&> ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator !ff 'pec !l IL ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator !ly 6ffluent Inlet ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator !ly 6ffluent Inlet
'WH #012 'WH #01# 'WH #014 'WH #01& 'WIH #010 'WIH #011 'WIH #012 'WIH #01# 'WIH #014 'WIH #01& 'WIL #010 'WIL #011 'WIL #012 'WIL #01#
!pen l%t s(tc" !pen l%t s(tc" !pen l%t s(tc" !pen l%t s(tc" Indcator Indcator Indcator Indcator Indcator Indcator Indcator Indcator Indcator Indcator
' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator +ater !utlet ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator !ly 6ffluent !utlet ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator Gas !utlet = $o ' #0&> ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator !ff 'pec !l IL ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator !ly 6ffluent Inlet ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator !ly 6ffluent Inlet ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator +ater!utlet ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator !ly 6ffluent !utlet ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator Gas !utlet = $o' #0&> ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator ! ff 'pec !l IL ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator !ly 6ffluent Inlet ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator !ly 6ffluent Inlet ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator +ater!utlet ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator !ly 6ffluent !utlet
'WIL 'WIL #014 #01& 'WL #010 'WL #011 'WL #012 'WL #01# 'WL #014 'WL #01&
Indcator Indcator Close L%t '(tc" Close L%t '(tc" Close L%t '(tc" Close L%t '(tc" Close L%t '(tc" Close L%t '(tc"
' #01 1st 1st'tage 'tage'eparator 'eparator! Gas !utlet ' #01 ff 'pec !l= $o IL' #0&> ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator !ly 6ffluent Inlet ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator !ly 6ffluent Inlet ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator +ater !utlet ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator !ly 6ffluent !utlet ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator Gas !utlet = $o ' #0&> ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator !ff 'pec !l IL
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$8L #011 $G #010 $I #011 $$ #011
ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
Lo( alar% $e%perature Gauge Indcator $e%perature $rans%tter
' #00 1st 'tage 'eparator Gas !utlet $e%p ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator Gas !utlet ' #00 1st 'tage 'eparator Gas !utlet $e%p ' #00 1st 'tage 'eparator Gas !utlet $e%p
:.3.3 4est ,earator efer to P3I I 40 11 02 ' #00 888 19&0 !ne test separator s proBded for t"e faclty. In t"e test separator5 t"e producton fro% one (ell s %etered. Flo( %eters are proBded on ol5 (ater and gas. Producton fro% any gBen (ell can be routed to t"e $est anfold. Fro% t"e $est anfold5 producton s routed nto t"e $est 'eparator =' #00>5 ("c" s desgned for t"ree7p"ase separaton. 8ssocated gas s flas"ed fro% t"e ol and routed to t"e P %anfold =' #0&>. $"e test separator s desgned to "andle 125000 bopd of ol (t" 0 O &0 M (ater cut and #0 'CF of assocated gas. $"e constructon and operaton of t"e Bessel s s%lar to t"e frst stage separator. $"e specfcaton of t"e separator s %entoned n t"e table belo(. @%"%4E"I,4I,
olecular(eg"t G8'
##2*40 2&.01
Co%pressonfactor scosty !IL
8ctual desgn flo( rate
12.2& 0.9*02
!peratng pressure LPode
a<%u% operatng te%perature n%u% operatng te%perature
,0 2&
a<%u% carryoBer of ol n (ater
a<%u%(ater carryoBernol M a<%u% slug capacty5 =reEured %# bet(een HLL and HHLL> +ater retenton t%e /ILto bot5 %n
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10.0 #.& &
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HCretentont%e/ !Lto/IL5 esgn Pressure5
barg o
esgn $e%perature5 C
110=7>1& C'=/8C6> Personnel Protecton y Bendor
Insulaton Internals
efer to secton 2.9 for detals on c"e%cal n)ecton to t"e $est separator. 'eparator s protected aganst oBerpressure by Pressure safety BalBes =P' #000 8 O 1 +or@ng N 1 'tandby>. urng e%ergency5 t"e separator can be depressur;ed t"roug" #00#. Control and %ontorng sc"edule for t"s secton s as belo( 4ao.
#00# WH #00# WIH #00# WIL #00# WL #00# F8L #001 FI #002 FI #000 FI #001 FI #002 F$ #000
!n!ff alBe =all $ype> ' #00 $est 'eparator lo(do(n !pen L%t s(tc" ' #00 $est 'eparator lo(do(n Indcator '#00$est'eparatorlo(do(n Indcator '#00$est'eparatorlo(do(n Close L%t '(tc" ' #00 $est 'eparator lo(do(n Lo( alar% '#00$est'eparator+ater!utlet ecorder '#00$est'eparatorGas!utlet $otal;er ' #00 $est 'eparator !ly 6ffluent !utlet $otal;er '#00$est'eparator+ater!utlet $otal;er '#00$est'eparatorGas!utlet ass Flo( eter =Corols ' #00 $est 'eparator !ly 6ffluent !utlet $ype> F$ #001 PCell $rans%tter ' #00 $est 'eparator +ater !utlet F$ #002 PCell $rans%tter ' #00 $est 'eparator Gas !utlet H' #00# 'elector'(tc" uty'tandby L8H #00& Hg"8lar% '#00$est'eparatorleBel L8L #00& Lo(alar% '#00$est'eparatorleBel L8H #002 Hg" 8lar% ' #00 $est 'eparator7 Interface LeBel L8L #002 Lo( alar% ' #00 $est 'eparator7 Interface LeBel LG #000 LeBel Gauge =$ransparent> ' #00 $est 'eparator7 Interface LeBel LIC #002 Controller ' #00 $est 'eparator7 Interface LeBel L'LL #001 ery Lo( 'afety ' #00 $est 'eparator7 Interface LeBel L$ #001 splacer $rans%tter ' #00 $est 'eparator7 Interface LeBel L$ #002 splacer $rans%tter ' #00 $est 'eparator7 Interface LeBel LG #00# LeBel Gauge =$ransparent> ' #00 $est 'eparator LeBel LIC #00& Controller '#00$est'eparatorleBel L'HH #004 ery Hg" 'afety ' #00 $est 'eparator LeBel L'LL #004 ery Lo( 'afety ' #00 $est 'eparator LeBel
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L$ #004
ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
L #002 L #00& P8H1 #00# P8H2 #00# P8L1 #00# P8L2 #00# PG #000 PG #001 PIC1 #00# PIC2 #00# P$ #002 P$ #00# P1 #00# P28 #00# P2 #00# ! #002 ! #00* ' #000 ' #001
ap"rag% 'eal LeBel ' #00 $est 'eparator LeBel $rans%tter =P> ap"rag% 'eal LeBel ' #00 $est 'eparator leBel $rans%tter =P> Control BalBe =Globe $ype> ' #00 $est 'eparator +ater !utlet Control BalBe =Globe $ype> ' #00 !ly 6ffluent !utlet $o ' #02 Hg"8lar% '#00$est'eparatorPressure Hg" 8lar% ' #00 $est 'eparator !utlet $o+ar% HP Flare Lo(alar% '#00$est'eparatorPressure Lo( alar% ' #00 $est 'eparator !utlet $o+ar% HP Flare Pressure Gauge ' #00 !ly 6ffluent Inlet Pressure Gauge ' #00 $est 'eparator lo(do(n Controller '#00$est'eparatorPressure Controller ' #00 $est 'eparator !utlet $o+ar% HP Flare Pressure $rans%tter ' #00 $est 'eparator Pressure Pressure $rans%tter ' #00 $est 'eparator Pressure Control BalBe =Globe $ype> ' #00 $est 'eparator !utlet $o +ar% HP Flare Control BalBe =Globe $ype> ' #00 $est 'eparator !ly 6ffluent !L Control BalBe =Globe $ype> ' #00 $est 'eparator !ly 6ffluent !L estrcton orfce ' #00 $est 'eparator !ly 6ffluent Inlet estrcton orfce ' #00 $est 'eparator !ly 6ffluent lo(do(n !n!ff alBe =all $ype> ' #00 !ly 6ffluent Inlet !n!ff alBe =all $ype> ' #00 $est 'eparator !ly 6ffluent Inlet
' #004 ' #00& ' #00, 'WH #000 'WH #001 'WH #004 'WH #00& 'WH #00, 'WIH #000 'WIH #001 'WIH #004 'WIH #00& 'WIH #00, 'WIL #000 'WIL #001 'WIL #004 'WIL #00& 'WIL #00, 'WL #000 'WL #001 'WL #004 'WL #00& 'WL #00, $G #000
!n!ff alBe =all $ype> !n!ff alBe =all $ype> !n!ff alBe =all $ype> !pen l%t s(tc" !pen l%t s(tc" !pen l%t s(tc" !pen l%t s(tc" !pen l%t s(tc" Indcator Indcator Indcator Indcator Indcator Indcator Indcator Indcator Indcator Indcator Close L%t '(tc" Close L%t '(tc" Close L%t '(tc" Close L%t '(tc" Close L%t '(tc" $e%perature Gauge
L$ #00&
' #00 $est 'eparator +ater !utlet ' #00 $est 'eparator !ly 6ffluent !utlet ' #00 $est 'eparator Gas !utlet ' #00 $est 'eparator !ly 6ffluent Inlet ' #00 $est 'eparator !ly 6ffluent Inlet ' #00 $est 'eparator +ater !utlet ' #00 $est 'eparator !ly 6ffluent !utlet ' #00 $est 'eparator Gas !utlet ' #00 $est 'eparator ! ly 6ffluent Inlet ' #00 $est 'eparator ! ly 6ffluent Inlet '#00$est'eparator+ater!utlet ' #00 $est 'eparator !ly 6ffluent !utlet '#00$est'eparatorGas!utlet ' #00 $est 'eparator ! ly 6ffluent Inlet ' #00 $est 'eparator ! ly 6ffluent Inlet '#00$est'eparator+ater!utlet ' #00 $est 'eparator !ly 6ffluent !utlet '#00$est'eparatorGas!utlet ' #00 $est 'eparator !ly 6ffluent Inlet ' #00 $est 'eparator !ly 6ffluent Inlet ' #00 $est 'eparator +ater !utlet ' #00 $est 'eparator !ly 6ffluent !utlet ' #00 $est 'eparator Gas !utlet ' #00 $est 'eparator Gas !utlet
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$I #001 $$ #001 #01*
ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
Indcator $e%perature $rans%tter !n!ff alBe =all $ype>
'#00$est'eparatorGas!utlet ' #00 $est 'eparator Gas !utlet ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator lo(do(n
:.3.# LP ,earator Feed Preheater* E-313 %?5??D efer to P3I I 40 11 02 6C #1# 888 19 '"eet 1 of 2 LP 'eparator Feed Pre"eater s proBded for "eatng t"e co%bned separated ol fro% Frst stage and t"e $est 'eparators before sendng to second stage separator. $"e pre"eatng "as t"e follo(ng adBantages. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
6n"ances t"e egassng n 'econd stage separator Hg" te%perature (ll ncrease t"e actBty of de%ulsfyng agents $"e Bscosty of t"e ol (l l be reduced ("c" reduces t"e drag forces and allo(s faster settlng Belocty of (ater drops. 8 "g"er te%perature (ll (ea@en or rupture t"e fl% bet(een t"e ol 3 (ater drops. Hg"er te%perature ncreases t"e dfference n graBty =or (eg"t> bet(een (ater and ol so t"at (ater droplets fall faster O t"us decrease t"e settlng t%e. esalter effcency s %proBed at eleBated te%peratures. Lo(er operatngdesgn pressure of t"e esalter. educng t"e (a<ng tendency of t"e crude at lo( a%bent condtons. Heat conserBaton by reducng t"e "eat load n 'tabl;er reboler.
LP 'eparator Feed Pre7"eater specfcatons are as gBen belo(.
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ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
LP ,earator Feed Preheater* E-313
uantty 6
barg barg o C o C @g"r @cal"
unts 4 n parallel PlateandFra%e !l 'tabl;ed ol ,.& 1, 20 20 2#to-1.& 12,.4to#,.# 1*& 1*& &92000 4,4000 * 19.2 <10 $tanu% ?es="eatconserBaton>
In t"s e. $"e e and nlet straners. fferental pressure gauges are proBded to %easure YP across t"e straner5 ("c" n turn (ll ndcate t"e e
$$ #1#4 $ #1#4 $IC #1#4 PG #1#2 PG #1## PG #1#1 PG #1#487 PG #1#0 PG #1#& 87
$e%perature $rans%tter 6C #1# LP separator feed pre"eater !l !utlet Control BalBe =all $ype> 6C #1# LP separator feed pre"eater ypass Controller 6C #1# LP separator feed pre"eater !l !utlet Pressure Gauge 6C #1#8C LP 'eparator Feed Pre"eater !IL IL Pressure Gauge 6C #1#8C LP 'eparator Feed Pre"eater !IL !L Pressure Gauge 6C #1#8C LP 'eparator Feed Pre"eater !IL !L fferental Pressure Gauge 6C #1#87 LP 'eparator Feed Pre"eater P Pressure Gauge 6C #1#8C LP 'eparator Feed Pre"eater !IL IL fferental Pressure Gauge 6C #1# 87 LP 'eparator Feed Pre"eater P
:.3.( ,econd ,tae ,earator* D,-3$: efer to P3I I 40 11 02 ' #02 888 19 '"eet 2 of 2 $"e second stage separator5 ' #025 s a t"ree7p"ase separator5 desgned to process -05000 bpd of ol and 105000 bpd of (ater to attanng a %a<%u% (ater carryoBer n ol of
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about #M. It s a "or;ontal pressure Bessel5 #900 %% I and 1,200 %% $$ lengt"5 desgned for 10 barg 110oC. $"e separator operates at &.47barg =LP %ode> and *.4 barg =HP %ode> pressure and -0 oC te%perature. $"e Bessel s nsulated. $"e Bessel s ftted (t" leBel brdles on et"er sde of t"e (er5 to proBde nterface and ol leBel %easure%ent besdes adeEuate connectons for pressure %easure%ent. @%"%4E"I,4I,
8ctual desgn flo( rate
!peratng pressure HP ode
!peratngpressure LPode
a<%u% operatng te%perature
n%u% operatng te%perature
a<%u% carryoBer of ol n (ater
a<%u%(atercarryoBernol M a<%u% slug capacty5 =reEured bet(een HLL and HHLL> %# +aterretentont%e/ILto bot5 %n
#.0 /ot reEured &
HCretentont%e / !Lto/IL5
esgn Pressure5
%n barg
esgn $e%perature5 C
10 110=7>1& C'=/8C6>
y Bendor
In case of Bery lo( (ater cut5 t %ay be %possble to establs" an ol7(ater nterface leBel n t"e secton up strea% t"e (er. In t"at case 5 t"e lne to t"e oly (ater lne s"all be @ept close and t"e # by7pass lne #7GH7#0070,17&2#7P s"all be opened5 suc" t"at t"e separator effectBely operates as 27p"ase separator only. $"e separator s eEupped (t" dran connectons on et"er sde of t"e (er and a utlty connecton proBson to facltate Bessel dranng. PostBe solaton of t"e separator s ac"eBed by t"e spectacle blndsspacers nstalled at Bessel no;;le flanges pror to %antenance nspecton. efer secton 2.#.1 of t"s %anual for t"e detals of nternals n t"e separator. efer to secton 2.9 for detals on c"e%cal n)ecton to t"e 2nd stage separator.
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'eparator s protected aganst oBerpressure by Pressure safety BalBes =P' #020 8C O 2 +or@ng N 1 'tandby>. urng e%ergency5 t"e separator can be depressur;ed t"roug" #02#. Control and %ontorng sc"edule for t"s secton s as belo( 4e
FI #021 FI #020 FI #021 F$ #020 F$ #021 L8H #02& L8L #02& L8H #022 L8L #022 LG2 #020 LIC #022 L$ #021 L$ #022 L #022 LG1 #02# LG2 #02# LG# #02#
Indcator ecorder $otal;er PCell $rans%tter PCell $rans%tter Hg"8lar% Lo(alar% Hg"8lar% Lo( alar% LeBel Gauge =$ransparent> Controller splacer $rans%tter splacer $rans%tter Control BalBe =Globe $ype> LeBel Gauge =$ransparent> LeBel Gauge =$ransparent> LeBel Gauge =$ransparent>
'#022nd'tage'eparatorGas!utlet '#022nd'tage'eparatorGas!utlet '#022nd'tage'eparatorGas!utlet ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator Gas !utlet ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator Gas !utlet '#022nd'tage'eparatorLeBel '#022nd'tage'eparatorLeBel ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator7 Interface LeBel ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator7 Interface LeBel ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator7 Interface LeBel ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator7 Interface LeBel ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator7 Interface LeBel ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator7 Interface LeBel ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator +ater !utlet ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator LeBel ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator LeBel ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator LeBel
LIC #02& L$ #024
P8H #022 P8L #022 PG #020 PG #1#0 PG #1#1 PG #1#2 PG #1## PIC #022 P$ #021 P$ #022 P #022
Controller '#022nd'tage'eparatorLeBel ap"rag% 'eal LeBel ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator LeBel $rans%tter =P> ap"rag% 'eal LeBel ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator LeBel $rans%tter =P> Hg"8lar% '#022nd'tage'eparatorPressure Lo(alar% '#022nd'tage'eparatorPressure Pressure Gauge ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator Pressure Gauge 6C #1#8C LP 'eparator Feed Pre"eater !IL IL Pressure Gauge 6C #1#8C LP 'eparator Feed Pre"eater !IL !L Pressure Gauge 6C #1#8C LP 'eparator Feed Pre"eater !IL IL Pressure Gauge 6C #1#8C LP 'eparator Feed Pre"eater !IL !L Controller '#022nd'tage'eparatorPressure Pressure $rans%tter ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator Pressure Pressure $rans%tter ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator Pressure Control BalBe =Globe $ype> ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator !utlet $o +ar% HP Flare
! #024 ' #020 ' #021 'WH #020 'WH #021 'WIH #020 'WIH #021 'WIL #020 'WIL #021
estrcton orfce !n!ff alBe =all $ype> !n!ff alBe =all $ype> !pen l%t s(tc" !pen l%t s(tc" Indcator Indcator Indcator Indcator
L$ #02&
' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator lo(do(n ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator +ater !utlet ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator !ly 6ffluent !utlet ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator +ater !utlet ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator !ly 6ffluent !utlet '#022nd'tage'eparator+ater!utlet ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator !ly 6ffluent !utlet '#022nd'tage'eparator+ater!utlet ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator !ly 6ffluent !utlet
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'WL #020 'WL #021 $8H #1#4 $8L #1#4 $G #020 $I #021 $IC #1#4
Close L%t '(tc" Close L%t '(tc" Hg" 8lar% Lo( alar% $e%perature Gauge Indcator Controller
' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator +ater !utlet ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator !ly 6ffluent !utlet 6C #1# LP separator feed pre"eater !l !utlet 6C #1# LP separator feed pre"eater !l !utlet ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator Gas !utlet '#022nd'tage'eparatorGas!utlet 6C #1# LP separator feed pre"eater !l !utlet
$$ #021 $$ #1#4 $ #1#4
$e%perature $rans%tter $e%perature $rans%tter Control BalBe =all $ype>
' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator Gas !utlet 6C #1# LP separator feed pre"eater !l !utlet 6C #1# LP separator feed pre"eater ypass
:.3.6 Oil 5ooster Pums* ; 31 $ %?5 efer to P3I I 40 11 04 G: #10 888 19&4 !l ooster Pu%ps5 G: #10 85 are used to pu%p ol fro% second stage separator to a pressure reEured for t"e esalter. !peraton pressure n t"e esalter s"all be at least 1 bar aboBe t"e second stage separator pressure to aBod any gas release fro% t"e crude. fferental pressure generated by t"e pu%p also ncludes t"e pressure drops n %<ng BalBes and t"e frst stage esalter. !l booster pu%p s a "or;ontal5 stage5 centrfugal process pu%ps (t" a<al splt5 near centerlne %ounted5 bet(eensngle bearng casng (t" closed %peller. 'pecfcaton of t"e ol booster pu%ps s gBen n t"e table belo(. @%"%4E"I,4I Oil 5ooster Pums B; 31$ %?5C
1> =1 N2 Hor;ontal5 centrfugal
$ype /u%berof'tages 'ucton $e%perature ated'uctonPressure sc"arge +or@ng Pressure esgnFlo(ate +or@ngFlo(ate n%u%Flo(ate fferentalHead /P'H eEured /P'H8Balable otor 'peed ateral ated Po(er ec"ancal 'eal Flus"ng Plan
1 o C -0 barg &.-7*.barg 12.,71#., % #"r *-2 % #"r *20 % #"r 242
% -#.# % #.0 % 4.& rp% 14*0 C' =/8C6> @+ 22& 8PI 115 *15
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$"e pu%ps are desgned for contnuous operaton. /or%ally one pu%p s n operaton and t"e ot"er s a stand by. $"e pu%ps are ftted (t" double %ec"ancal seals5 ("c" use an e suppled fro% an accu%ulator t"at s on contnuous re7crculaton durng t"e operaton of t"e pu%ps. arrer flud pressure s %antaned at least 2 bar aboBe t"e stuffng bo< pressure. ontrol and monitorin schedule for this section is as 2elo! 4ao.
F8H #110 F8H#21& F8L#110 FIC #110 FIC#21& F$ #110 F$ #21& F #110 PG#1108 PG#110 PG#11#8 PG#11# P'HH #1118 P'HH #111 P'LL #1118 P'LL #111 P'LL #11#8 P'LL #11# P$ #1118 P$ #111 P$ #11#8 P$ #11#
Hg" 8lar% Hg"8lar% Lo( alar% Controller Controller PCell $rans%tter PCell $rans%tter Control BalBe =Globe $ype> Pressure Gauge Pressure Gauge PressureGauge PressureGauge ery Hg" 'afety ery Lo( 'afety ery Lo( 'afety ery Lo( 'afety ery Lo( 'afety ery Lo( 'afety Pressure $rans%tter Pressure $rans%tter Pressure $rans%tter Pressure $rans%tter
G: #108 !l ooster Pu%p Z8Z !utlet Flo( '#208esalterInletFlo( G: #108 !l ooster Pu%p Z8Z !utlet Flo( G: #108 !l ooster Pu%p Z8Z !utlet Flo( '#208esalterInletFlo( G: #108 !l ooster Pu%p Z8Z !utlet Flo( ' #20 8 esalter Inlet Flo( G: #108 !l ooster Pu%p Z8Z !utlet Flo( G:#108sc"arge G:#10sc"arge G:#108Inlet G:#10Inlet G: #108 !l ooster Pu%p !utlet G: #10 !l ooster Pu%p !utlet G: #108 !l ooster Pu%p !utlet G: #10 !l ooster Pu%p !utlet G: #108 !l ooster Pu%p Inlet Pressure G: #10 !l ooster Pu%p Inlet Pressure G: #108 !l ooster Pu%p !utlet G: #10 !l ooster Pu%p !utlet G: #108 !l ooster Pu%p Inlet Pressure G: #10 !l ooster Pu%p Inlet Pressure
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2.# Desalter Section efer PF I 40 11 04 88#40 888 0241 :.#.1 Princile of oeration For effectBe de"ydraton5 t"e follo(ng basc steps are to be follo(edK 7 7 7
rea@ng =destabl;aton> of t"e e%ulson. Coalescence of t"e destabl;ed (ater droplets 'eparaton of t"e (ater fro% t"e ol p"ase
In t"e esalter follo(ng steps are used for brea@ng t"e stable e%ulsons and coalescng t"e s%all droplets nto bgger droplets. 7 7 7
8ddton of de%ulsfer 6lectrostatc coalescng <ng (t" dluton (ater
8ddton of de%ulsfer For detaled dscussons on t"e de%ulsfyng c"e%cal acton refer to secton 2.#.
6lectrostatc Coalescng +"en an e%ulson of (ater7n7ol passes t"roug" an electrcal feld5 t"e (ater droplets are polar;ed ("ere as t"e ol p"ase s not affected by t"e electrc feld. ue to t"e alternatng nature of t"e Boltage at Bery "g" freEuency5 t"e (ater droplets are sub)ected to Bery rapd %oton5 ("c" %a@es t"e droplets to collde (t" eac" ot"er. $"ese collsons of t"e (ater droplets (ll cause coalescence of t"e tny droplets nto larger (ater droplets. $"e electrc feld causes destabl;aton of t"e e%ulson. $"e Boltage dfference across t"e 6lectrodes n t"e esalters s of t"e order of 1& to #0 @. $"e feld strengt" bet(een t"e electrodes s usually n t"e range of 1 to 2 @c%. ue to t"e "g" delectrc strengt" of t"e ol p"ase5 t"e strengt" of current bet(een t"e electrodes s Bery lo(. $"e feld strengt" =oltage across t"e electrodes> depends on t"e nature of t"e e%ulson5 operatng te%perature of t"e esalters and t"e nature and Euantty of t"e de%ulsfyng c"e%cals added. $"s process of forcng (ater drops to get toget"er under 6lectrc feld s @no(n as 6lectrostatc Coalescng. Its acton s s"o(n n t"e s@etc" s"o(n at Fg 2 Page 2&. 78 '"o(s a suspended and unc"arged (ater droplet O ("ere no "g" Boltage electrc feld s beng appled. $"e s"ape of t"e drop s sp"ercal =round>. 7 '"o(s t"e sa%e drop n an energ;ed electrc feld (t" t"e c"arges beng attracted to t"e opposte electrode. $"s drop s pulled and elongated by t"e attracton of t"e c"arges to t"e opposte electrode. Ho(eBer5 t"e drop7center tself does not %oBe as t"e forces are alternatng Eute rapdly =8C current>
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7C '"o(s t(o drops near one anot"er5 and "aBe an electrcal attracton to eac" ot"er. $"e negatBe end of t"e droplet s nearest to t"e postBe end of t"e ot"er droplet. 'o t"ere s an attracton force bet(een t"e t(o droplets5 t"at tends to dra( t"e% toget"er5 t"e "g" Boltage feld forces t"e t(o droplets to collde. $"en5 t"e outer fl%s =s@n> rupture5 allo(ng t"e droplets to coalesce =co%bne> nto one larger droplet and falls to t"e botto% because t s "eaBer t"an ol. $"e 'peed of Coalescng n 6lectrc esalters. $"e collson and coalescng of (ater droplets bet(een t"e electrcal grds s Bery rapd due to "g" freEuency =&0 H;> of t"e 8lternatng Current =electrc feld>. Fg 2. 6FF6C$ !F 6L6C$IC FI6L !/ +8$6 !PL6$'
N N7 N 7N 7 N 7 N7 N 7N7N7N7 N 7 7 N 7 N 7 N 7 N 7 N 77 N 7 N 7 N 7 N 7 N N N7 N7 N 7 N 7 N 7 N 7N 7 N 7 NN77 N 7 N [ 7
%- 7@%";ED =%4E" D"OPLE4 * ELE4"I%LL< E74"%L 77 NN77NN N NN 7 77 N N 7N7 7 7 7 N NN NNNNNN777NNN7 N NNN 7 7 77N N N N 7 7 7 7 77 77 N NNN N N N N 7 7 7 N NN 77 77 7 7 77 NNNN NNN 7 7 7 NN NN N N N N 7 N 7 7 7 7
5- @%";ED =%4E" D"OPLE4 I ELE4"I%L FIELD
NN77NN N N 7N7 7 7 7 N NN N N N NNNN777NNN7 N N N N 7 7 77N N N N 7 7 7 77 7777 7777 NN N N N N 7 7 7 N NN 77 7 NNN NNN 7N7N7 N 7 7 7 NN N 7
NN77NN 7N7N7 77 77 7 N N N 77 N N NNNN N N NN 7 N NN 7 7 77N N N N 7 7 7 7 77 77 N NN N N N N 7 7 7 N NN 77 77 7 7 77 N NN N NNN 7 7 7 7 7 NN N
- 4=O @%";ED =%4E" D"OPLE4, I ELE4"I FIELD
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+as" +ater =Fres" +ater> In)ecton $"e salt content of t"e crude s essentally present n t"e (ater p"ase. 8ddton of +as" (ater =Fres" sea(ater> contanng %uc" less concentraton of dssolBed salts (ll dlute t"e salt concentraton n t"e e%ulsfed (ater and also (ll dssolBe any salt crystals assocated (t" t"e crude. 'eparaton of t"e dluted (a ter fro% t"e crude n esa lter (ll result n reducton of t"e salt content of t"e crude. $"e (ater %. ue to t"s dfference n denstes5 (ater droplets (ll traBel do(n(ards under graBtatonal forces. $"e "g"er t"e s;e of (ater droplets5 t"e faster (ll be t"e speed of do(n(ard %oBe%ent. '%larly ol droplets n (ater p"ase (ll traBel up(ards due to buoyancy forces. $"s separaton of ol and (ater =free (ater> p"ases by graBtatonal forces due to densty dfference s called as GraBty settlng. $"e (ater droplets coalesced n t"e electrc feld of t"e esalter are separated by graBty settlng n t"e esalter. $"e Belocty of s%all (ater droplets =free coalesced (ater> n !l p"ase s goBerned by t"e follo(ng 'to@es La(. t Q
14-- < g < p2 < =ρ( 7Vρl> 1- µ
+"ere t g p
K $er%nal Belocty ftsec K 8cceleraton due to graBty #2.2 ftsec 2 K a%eter of lEud partcle ft ρ( K LEud densty lbft# ρl K !l densty lbft# $"e aboBe eEuaton s not applcable to Bery s%all lEud droplet s;es. ery s%all (ater droplets =stable e%ulson> n ol e%ulson (ll %oBe (t" e
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:.#.: Desalters* D, 3: $ %?5 efer to P3I I 40 11 04 8 #20 888 19&& '"t. 12 of 2 $"e crude fro% 2nd stage separator s pu%ped by G: #10 8 to t"e esalter =' #20 8>. $(o stages of desaltng are proBded. $"e nco%ng "ot feed s % and t"en to t"e (ater treat%ent secton. !l flo(s out fro% t"e top and s t"en sent to t"e second stage esalter. 'eparated ol fro% t"e frst stage esalter s % and s passed t"roug" a %<ng BalBe and t"en routed to t"e second stage esalter. It s also possble to operate esalters n bypass and parallel %ode of operaton also. For detals of dfferent %odes of operaton refer to procedure !IL!P0# secton 4.#. $"e process guarantee s based on seres operaton. In ot"er operaton %odes t %ay be reEured to lo(er t"e producton n order to %eet t"e e
esgn Flo( ate =8ctual $P> 7 !l
esgn Flo( ate =8ctual $P> Produced +ater 'altContentnProduced+ater
##.0=ased (ater cut> on &M 2*,
luton +as" 'ea(ater !peratngPressure
barg o
!peratng $e%perature esgnPressure
barg o
esgn $e%perature !utlet 'alnty !utlet ' 3 +
110 0
P$ M ol.
*M of total desgn flo( =a<.> 9.& =frst stage> - =second stage> ,&to-0
20 0.12
essel I
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$"e esalter operates at -7barg pressure and ,& oC te%perature. /ote t"at t"e electrostatc esalter s"ould be operated at least 1 bar aboBe t"e second stage separator pressure to aBod any gas release fro% t"e crude5 ("c" can result n spar@ng (t"n t"e Bessel. For t"e sa%e reason \ bleed connectons are proBded on t"e no;;les /48C5 t"e "g"est ponts of t"e Bessels5 to aBod any accu%ulaton of gas. $"ese bleeds s"all be per%anently @ept open durng operaton and are connected to ds t"e control BalBe n t"e dsc"arge of eac" of t"e esalters. In case of parallel operaton of t"e esalters5 t"e bleeds fro% esalter 8 s"all be lned up to t"e closed dran. $"e Bessel s nsulated. $"e Bessel s ftted (t" leBel nstru%ents to proBde nterface leBel %easure%ent besdes adeEuate connectons for pressure te%perature %easure%ent. $"e control BalBes on t"e (ater outlet fro% t"e esalters controls nterface leBel n t"e esalter. 6ac" esalter s proBded (t" a P' t"at s desgned for fre relef. $"e esalter s eEupped (t" dran connectons and a utlty connecton to facltate Bessel dranngpurgng. PostBe solaton of t"e esalter s ac"eBed by rotatng t"e spectacle blndsspades nstalled at Bessel no;;le flanges pror to %antenance nspecton. $"e Bessel s ftted (t" try7coc@s to establs" t"e ol(ater nterface leBel durng start up. $"e electrostatc esalter co%prses a set of electrodes postoned nsde t"e Bessel5 nlet outlet dstrbutor "eaders5 a "g" Boltage entrance syste% and a "g" Boltage po(er unt %ounted e
$"e grds of electrodes are located )ust aboBe t"e Bessel centerlne n order to generate t"e electrostatc feld n t"e entre cross secton of t"e esalter. $"e %an electrostatc feld s generated bet(een t"e grd asse%bly. $"e nlet "eader s ftted (t" specal dstrbutor located at t"e centerlne of t"e Bessel and nsurng a calbrated "or;ontal flo( of e%ulson drectly n t"e electrostatc feld. $"s arrange%ent nsures a perfect dstrbuton of t"e ol (ater %
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Interface dra(7off "eaders are proBded to allo( for re%oBal of any e%ulson t"at %ay "aBe for%ed at t"e nterface. 8 sc"e%atc of t"e nternal arrange%ent and t"e process no;;les connected to t"ese s s"o(n belo( /28
1 /
Internals 1. Crude nlet "eader 2. Crude outlet tray #. 6ffluent "eader 4. Interface dra(7off "eader &. 6lectrode grds /o;;les /18 /28 /#8C /98
Crudenlet Crude outlet +ater outlet Interface dra(7off
@ih 'oltae Entrance ,stem
$"e "g" Boltage entrance syste% s t"e %ost %portant part of an electrostatc de"ydrator esalter unt. It double protects t"e "g" Boltage po(er unt fro% entrance of ol by usng a pressure bus"ng. ot" of t"ese bus"ngs are enclosed n an ol7flled "ousng actng as a buffer ;one. $"e transfor%er bus"ng and entrance bus"ng can be easly re%oBed and replaced by t"e re%oBal serBce nspecton blnds n t"e ol7flled bus"ng "ousng. @ih 'oltae Po!er 7nit
$"e electrostatc esalter s eEupped (t" t"ree po(er unts. $"e syste% utl;es a non7 oBerloadng 100M %pedance sngle p"aseK "g" Boltage po(er unt desgned to allo( t"e esalter to stay n operaton eBen under upset condtons. $"s desgn also guarantees t"at Boltage s %antaned across t"e lo(er electrode and t"e (ater leBel as (ell as bet(een t"e t(o electrodes.
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ry ol contanng 0.2M by Bolu%e (ater fro% t"e 6lectrostatc esalter5 s routed to t"e top of t"e 'tabl;er Colu%n. :.#.3 =ater irculation Pums* ; 3:$ %?5 efer to P3I I 40 11 04 8 #20 888 19&& '"t. 1 of 2 In t"e esalter syste%5 fres" (as" (ater fro% bac@up (as" (ater pu%ps =G: ,22 8> s n)ected upstrea% of t"e %< BalBe of t"e second stage esalter. $"e separated (ater fro% 2nd stage s recycled usng G: #20 8 and n)ected upstrea% of t"e %< BalBe of t"e frst stage usng esalter pu%p. $"s sc"e%e leads to a greater econo%y of (ater usage. $"e +ater crculaton pu%ps5 G: #20 85 are "or;ontal5 sngle stage5 centrfugal process pu%ps (t" radal splt5 centerlne %ounted and closed %peller. @%"%4E"I,4I 7I4 ,ta2ili>ed Oil Pums B; 311 %?5C
1> =1 N2 Hor;ontal5 centrfugal
$ype /u%berof'tages 'ucton $e%perature ated'uctonPressure sc"arge +or@ng Pressure
esgnFlo( ate +or@ng Flo( ate n%u%Flo(ate fferentalHead /P'H eEured /P'H 8Balable otor 'peed ateral ated Po(er ec"ancal 'eal Flus"ng Plan
% "r #* % #"r % #"r 9 % ,4 % # % & ] rp% 29&0 uple< '' @+ 22 8PI 115 *1
o C barg barg
-0 9.& 1*.4
$"e pu%ps are ftted (t" %ec"ancal seals5 (t" lea@ detecton syste%. $"e pu%ps are proBded (t" %n%u% flo( recrculaton (t" auto%atc flo( control BalBe. ontrol and monitorin schedule for this section is as 2elo! 4ao.
F8H #200 F8H#204 F8L#200 FIC #200 FIC#204 F$ #200 F$ #204 F #200
Hg" 8lar% Hg"alar% Lo( alar% Controller Controller PCell $rans%tter PCell $rans%tter Control BalBe =Globe $ype>
' #20 esalter nt ZZ +as" +ater Inlet G:#208esalterPu%p!utlet ' #20 esalter nt ZZ +as" +ater Inlet ' #20 esalter nt ZZ +as" +ater Inlet G:#208esalterPu%p!utlet ' #20 esalter nt ZZ +as" +ater Inlet G: #208 esalter Pu%p !utlet ' #20 esalter nt ZZ +as" +ater Inlet
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F #204 L8H #2028 L8H #202 L8L#2028 L8L#202 LG #2048 LG #204 LIC #2028 LIC #202 L$ #2018 L$ #201 L$ #2028 L$ #202 L #2028 L #202 L$ #20#8 L$ #20# PG #210 PG #212 PIC #2018 PIC #201
Control BalBe =Globe $ype> Hg" 8lar% Hg" 8lar% Lo( alar% Lo( alar% LeBel Gauge =$ransparent> LeBel Gauge =$ransparent> Controller Controller splacer $rans%tter splacer $rans%tter splacer $rans%tter splacer $rans%tter Control BalBe =Globe $ype> Control BalBe =Globe $ype> splacer $rans%tter splacer $rans%tter fferental Pressure Gauge fferental Pressure Gauge Controller Controller
G: #208 esalter Pu%p ypass ' #208esalter Z8Z Interface leBel ' #20 esalter ZZ Interface leBel ' #208esalter Z8Z Interface leBel ' #20 esalter ZZ Interface leBel ' #208 esalter 8 ' #20 esalter ' #208esalter Z8Z Interface leBel ' #20 esalter ZZ Interface leBel ' #208 esalter Z8Z LeBel ' #20 esalter ZZ LeBel ' #208 esalter Z8Z Interface leBel ' #20 esalter ZZ Interface leBel 6C #21 +as" +ater Pre"eater !utlet G: #208 esalter Pu%ps !utlet ' #208 esalter Z8Z Interface LeBel ' #20 esalter ZZ Interface LeBel 6C #21 P 8cross Inlet 6C #21 P 8cross !utlet ' #208esalter Z8^ Inlet ff. Pr. ' #20 esalter Z^ Inlet ff. Pr.
P$ #2018 P$ #201 P #2018 P #201 PG#2008 PG#200 PG#20&8 PG#20& PG#20,8 PG#20, ' #200 ' #201 'WH #200 'WH #201
P $rans%tter P $rans%tter Control BalBe =Globe $ype> Control BalBe =Globe $ype> PressureGauge PressureGauge PressureGauge PressureGauge PressureGauge PressureGauge !n!ff alBe =all $ype> !n!ff alBe =all $ype> !pen l%t s(tc" !pen l%t s(tc"
' #208 esalter Z8^ Inlet ff. Pr. ' #20 esalter Z^ Inlet ff. Pr. ' #208 esalter Z8^ Inlet ff. Pr. ' #20 esalter Z^ Inlet ff. Pr. esalternt esalternt G:#208sc"arge G:#20sc"arge G:#208'ucton G:#20'ucton ' #208 esaltng nt Z8Z +ater !utlet ' #20 esaltng nt ZZ +ater !utlet ' #208 esaltng nt Z8Z +ater !utlet ' #20 esaltng nt ZZ +ater !utlet
'WIH 'WIH #200 #201 'WIL#200 'WIL#201 'WL #200 'WL #201 $G #2028 $G #202
Indcator Indcator Indcator Indcator Close L%t '(tc" Close L%t '(tc" $e%perature Gauge $e%perature Gauge
' ' #208 #20esaltng esaltngnt ntZ8Z ZZ+ater +ater!utlet !utlet ' #208esaltng ntZ8Z +ater!utlet ' #20 esaltng nt ZZ +ater!utlet ' #208 esaltng nt Z8Z +ater !utlet ' #20 esaltng nt ZZ +ater !utlet esalter nt esalter nt
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$I#201 $I#214 $' #210 $$ #201 $$ #214
Indcator Indcator $"er%al elef alBe $e%perature $rans%tter $e%perature $rans%tter
ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
C8#01'tabl;atonColu%nInlet 6C#21+as"+aterPre"eater(ater!utlet 6C #21 lo(do(n C8 #01 'tabl;aton Colu%n Inlet 6C #21 +as" +ater Pre"eater (ater !utlet
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2.& Stailier Se ction efer PF I40 11 02 88#00 888 0240 '"t 002 :.(.1 ,ta2ili>er column* % 31 $ efer to P3I I 40 11 0# 88 #10 888 19&* !l fro% desalter enters t"e top of t"e 'tabl;er Colu%n =C8 #10>5 ("ere any Bapor generated flas"es fro% t"e ol. apor fro% t"e reboler passes up(ards t"roug" t"e colu%n5 contactng (t" descendng crude on t"e trays and strppng H 2' and lg"t "ydrocarbons fro% t"e crude. Capacty of 'tablser s -05000 P of stablsed ol producton. 'tablser colu%n "as t(o pass BalBe trays. !peratng pressure at t"e top of t"e colu%n s 1.& barg. Colu%n s desgned to %eet t"e H 2' and P specfcatons on t"e stablsed crude. !ff7gas fro% t"e colu%n5 ("c" contans %anly H2' and lg"t "ydrocarbons5 s Bented drectly to t"e LP flare for dsposal under pressure control. H2' content n t"e stablsed ol (ll be less t"an ,0 PP. ed Bapor pressure =P> -.& psa 100J F. $"e 'tabl;er Colu%n5 C8 #105 s a dstllaton colu%n (t" 2& nos. BalBe trays5 desgned for #.& bar g full Bacuu% and 1*& oC. $"e colu%n s da%eter s #1007%% and t"e "eg"t of t"e tray secton s 24100 %%. $"e colu%n s proBded (t" a c"%ney tray belo( t"e 2& t" tray to collect t"e ol flo(ng do(n and route to stabl;er reboler. Increased da%eter at t"e botto% proBdes reEuste surge capacty for t"e 'tabl;ed ol pu%ps =G: #11 8>. 8 s@rt proBded at t"e botto% of t"e colu%n proBdes t"e necessary /P'H reEure%ent for t"e pu%ps. $"e lEud outlets are proBded (t" Borte< brea@ers. ProBson s aBalable =2 connecton on botto% of t"e colu%n> for utlty connecton for purgngcleanng durng %antenance start up. $"e stabl;er s proBded (t" (ater dra(7off. LEud dra(7off s proBded on tray 2 and t"e (ater s routed to a collecton pot. $"e top of t"e collecton pot s connected bac@ to t"e colu%n =bet(een tray 1 and 2> Ba a balancng lne. $"e collecton pot s proBded (t" nterface leBel control =LIC7#109>. $"e separated (ater s routed to t"e oly (ater pac@age under nterface leBel control.
esgnFlo(ate 7!l
!peratng Pressure
!peratng $e%perature
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245000 =#0 M> 1.& =top> 1.- =botto%> ,*.* =top> 14#.2 =botto%>
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ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
barg o
esgn $e%perature Crude outlet H2content '
1*& 0
$ype of trays
$(o pass BalBe
/u%ber trays of
Colu%n I
&000 #100
:.(.: ,ta2ili>er "e2oiler* E 31$ efer to P3I I 40 11 0# 88 #10 888 19&* $"e 'tabl;er eboler5 6C #105 s a "or;ontal5 %ult pass =tube sde> flo(5 s"ell and tube "eat e
,ta2ili>ation olumn "e2oiler BE 31$C
uantty 6
barg barg o C o C @cal" @g"r
$ube sde '"ell sde 1 $68D 'tea% !l 12.05F 4.05F ,.0 1.1,0 9*to14# 192 1*& * 1&.*<10 #1902 Ұ C' C' =/8C6>
ontrol and monitorin schedule for this section is as 2elo! 4ao.
F8H #10& F8L #10& FIC #10&
Hg" 8lar% Lo( alar% Controller
6C #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler 'tea% flo( 6C #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler 'tea% flo( 6C #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler 'tea% flo(
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FI #101 F$ #101 F$ #10& F #10& F #21& L8H #101 L8H #10, L8L#101 L8L#10, L8L#109 LG #102 LHL#109 LIC #109 L$ #109 L #109 LG #10& LG #10* LG1 #100 LG2 #100 LG# #100 LIC#101
$otal;er PCell $rans%tter PCell $rans%tter Control BalBe =all $ype> Control BalBe =all $ype> Hg"8lar% Hg" 8lar% Lo(alar% Lo( alar% Lo( alar% LeBel Gauge =$ransparent> Hg" alar% Controller splacer $rans%tter Control BalBe =Globe $ype> LeBel Gauge =efle<> LeBel Gauge =efle<> LeBel Gauge =efle<> LeBel Gauge =efle<> LeBel Gauge =efle<> Controller
C8#10 'tabl;aton Colu%n Gas !utlet to Flare Flo( C8 #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n Gas !utlet to Flare Flo( 6C #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler 'tea% flo( 6C #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler 'tea% flo( C8 #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n !ly 6ffluent Inlet C8#10'tabl;aton Colu%nleBel 6C #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler leBel C8#10'tabl;atonColu%nleBel 6C #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler leBel C8#10 'tabl;aton Colu%n leBel C8 #10 +ater !utlet C8#10 'tabl;aton Colu%n leBel C8#10 'tabl;aton Colu%n leBel C8 #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n leBel C8 #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n +ater !L 'tabl;aton Colu%n 'tea% Condensate 'tabl;aton Colu%n 'tabl;aton Colu%n 'tabl;aton Colu%n C8#10'tabl;atonColu%nleBel
LIC #10, L$ #101
6C #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler leBel C8 #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n leBel
L #10, P8H #101 P8H #104 P8H #10, P8L #101 P8L #104 P8L#109
Controller ap"rag% 'eal LeBel $rans%tter =P> ap"rag% 'eal LeBel $rans%tter =P> ap"rag% 'eal LeBel $rans%tter =P> ap"rag% 'eal LeBel $rans%tter =P> Control BalBe =Globe $ype> Hg" 8lar% Hg" 8lar% Hg" 8lar% Lo( alar% Lo( alar% Lo( alar%
6C #10 eboler !utlet ='tea% Condensate> C8 #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n Gas !utlet to Flare Pr. C8 #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler !ly 6ffluent Inlet 6C #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler 'tea% 'upply C8 #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n Gas !utlet to Flare Pr. C8 #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler !ly 6ffluent Inlet C8#10 'tabl;aton Colu%n Pressure
PG #100 PG #10# PG #10& PG#10* PI #104 PI #10, PI#109 PIC #101
Pressure Gauge Pressure Gauge Pressure Gauge PressureGauge Indcator Indcator Indcator Controller
C8#10 'tabl;aton Colu%n C8#10 !ly 6ffluent Inlet 6C #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler 6C#10'tea%'upply C8#10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler !ly 6ffluent Inlet 6C #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler 'tea% 'upply C8#10'tabl;atonColu%nPressure C8 #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n Gas !utlet to Flare Pr.
L$ #10# L$ #10, L$ #10-
C8 #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n leBel 6C #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler leBel 6C #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler leBel
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P$ #101 P$ #102 P$ #104 P$ #10, P$ #109 P #101 ' #100 ' #10& 'WH #100 'WH #10& 'WIH #100 'WIH #10& 'WIL#100 'WIL #10& 'WL #100 'WL #10& $8H#100 $8H #10# $8L#100 $8L#110 $G #10& $G #10* $I#10# $I #110 $IC#100 $$ #100 $$ #10# $$ #104 $$ #110
ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
Pressure $rans%tter C8 #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n Gas !utlet to Flare Pr. Pressure $rans%tter C8 #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n Gas !utlet Pressure $rans%tter C8 #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler !ly 6ffluent Inlet Pressure $rans%tter 6C #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler 'tea% 'upply Pressure $rans%tter C8 #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n Pressure Control BalBe =Globe $ype> C8 #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n Gas !utlet !n!ff alBe =all $ype> C8 #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n !l !utlet !n!ff alBe =Gate alBe 6C #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler 'tea% 'upply $ype> !pen l%t s(tc" C8 #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n !l !utlet !pen l%t s(tc" 6C #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler 'tea% 'upply Indcator C8#10 'tabl;aton Colu%n !l !utlet Indcator 6C #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler 'tea% 'upply Indcator C8#10 'tabl;aton Colu%n !l !utlet Indcator 6C #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler 'tea% 'upply Close L%t '(tc" C8 #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n !l !utlet Close L%t '(tc" 6C #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler 'tea% 'upply Hg"8lar% C8#10'tabl;aton Colu%n$e%p Hg" 8lar% C8#10 'tabl;aton Colu%n Gas !utlet $e%p Lo(alar% C8#10'tabl;atonColu%n$e%p Lo( alar% 6C #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler Gas !utlet $e%perature Gauge 6C #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler Gas !utlet $e%perature Gauge 6C #10 'tea% 'upply Indcator C8#10'tabl;aton Colu%n G as!utlet$e%p Indcator 6C #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler Gas !utlet Controller C8#10'tabl;atonColu%n$e%p $e%perature $rans%tter C8 #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n $e%p $e%perature $rans%tter C8 #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n Ga s !utlet $e%p $e%perature $rans%tter 6C #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler Gas !utlet $e%perature $rans%tter 6C #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler Gas !utlet
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ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
2.- Prodct crde p%ping4cooling efer PF I40 11 02 88#00 888 0240 '"t 002 :.6.1 ,ta2ili>ed Oil Pums* ; 311 %?5 efer to P3I I 40 11 0& G: #11 888 19&, $"e 'tabl;ed !l Pu%ps5 G: #11 8 are used to pu%p stabl;ed ol fro% t"e stabl;er botto% to Product tan@ far% t"roug" a seres of e and e
,ta2ili>ed Oil Pums B; 311 %?5C
=1 1> N 2 Hor;ontal5 centrfugal
$ype /u%berof'tages 'ucton $e%perature ated'uctonPressure sc"arge +or@ng Pressure
esgnFlo( ate +or@ng Flo( ate n%u%Flo(ate fferentalHead /P'H eEured /P'H8Balable otor'peed ateral ated Po(er ec"ancal 'eal Flus"ng Plan
% *&& % #"r &9& % #"r 200 % 1*, % # % 4.& rp% 14-0 C' =/8C6> @+ 4-0 8PI 115 5 *1
o C barg barg
144=a<.> 2.11&.&&
$"e pu%ps are ftted (t" double %ec"ancal seals5 ("c" use an e suppled fro% an accu%ulator t"at s on contnuous re7crculaton durng t"e operaton of t"e pu%ps. arrer flud pressure s %antaned at least 2 bar aboBe t"e stuffng bo< pressure. :.6.: Feed ? 5ottoms EGchaner* E 313 %?5??D Please refer to secton 2.#.4 for a detaled descrpton of t"s eEup%ent.
:.6.3 ,ta2ili>ed Oil cooler* E5 311 %?5??D
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efer to P3I I 40 11 0& 88 #10 888 19&'tabl;ed crude fro% reboler s partally cooled n t"e LP 'eparator Feed Pre7"eater and t"en cooled do(n to *0 oC by t"e stabl;ed !l Cooler before routng to t"e 'tabl;ed ol tr% cooler. $"e 'tabl;ed !l cooler specfcatons are aBalable n t"e follo(ng table.
@%"%4E"I,4I ,ta2ili>ed Oil cooler* E5 311
uantty 6
barg barg o C o C @cal" @g"r
$e%perature control Fan %otor po(er
unts 4 n parallel Induceddraftarcooler 'tabl;ed !l 20.0 1&.# 129.& nlet 3 *0 outlet 1*0 * 1&.&<10 4,4000 C' aryng fan blade ptc" N by7pass #0
6ac" cooler "as t(o fans and one of t"e% s "aBng auto%atc ptc" control for controllng t"e outlet te%perature of t"e ol. In addton5 t"ere s a bypass lne (t" control BalBe5 ("c" (ll auto%atcally bypass t"e reEured lEud flo( to ac"eBe t"e correct outlet te%perature. ot" ptc" control and bypass control s part of t"e sngle splt range loop. $"ere are Bbraton s(tc"es proBded for eac" cooler fan. :.6.# ,ta2ili>ed Oil 4rim ooler* E 31: efer to P3I I 40 11 0& 88 #10 888 19&'tabl;ed ol tr% cooler s used to cool t"e stabl;ed ol to fnal e
,ta2ili>ed Oil 4rim ooler* E 31:
uantty 6
barg barg o C o C
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1 PlateandFra%e !l 'ea (ater 20 20 14.* & *0to4& #&to4& 100 -0
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ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
esgnHeatFlo(ate5total Flo( rate ateral
@cal" @g"r
#.1 <10 * 4-&000 #00000 $tanu%
6 are proBded to %easure t"e pressure drop across e
,ta2ili>ed Oil Pums B; 311 %?5C
1> =1 N2 Hor;ontal5 centrfugal
$ype /u%berof'tages 'ucton $e%perature ated'uctonPressure sc"arge +or@ng Pressure esgnFlo(ate +or@ngFlo(ate n%u%Flo(ate fferentalHead /P'H eEured /P'H 8Balable otor'peed ateral
ated Po(er 'eal Flus"ng Plan ec"ancal
@+ 8PI 115,& 5 *1
o C 4& barg 1#.1 barg 2&.*# % #"r *&.& % #"r &9.& % #"r 9.9 % 14&.4 % # % & ] rp% 29&0 C' =/8C6>
$"e pu%ps are ftted (t" double %ec"ancal seals5 ("c" use an e suppled fro% an accu%ulator t"at s on contnuous re7crculaton durng t"e operaton of t"e pu%ps. arrer flud pressure s %antaned at least 2 bar aboBe t"e stuffng bo< pressure.
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ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
Pu%ps are proBded (t" %n%u% flo( protecton t"roug" a recycle fro% t"e pu%p dsc"arge to stabl;er. :.6.6 Oil EGort line efer to P3I I 40 11 0& 88 #10 888 19&$"e stabl;ed ol s sent to t"e $an@ far% usng #.&7@% long5 14 ppelne. $"e lne s proBded (t" 6' #11& at /e( plant end and 6' #1#* at $an@ far% end for solatng t"e lne durng e%ergency. 'pecfcatons of t"e ppelne s as gBen belo(. $"ere s a turbne type flo( %eter at t"e ne( plant for t"e %eterng of ol e
,ta2ili>ed Oil EGort Line
Ppe s;e Ppe$"c@ness Lengt" of ppe !peratng $e%perature esgnPressure esgn $e%perature esgnFlo(ate ateral
Inc" 14 %% 4.% #&00 o C 4& barg 21 o C 100 % #"r *&& C' =/8C6>
$e%porary pggng proBdedaganst for Pre7co%%ssonng5 andBalBes e(aterng of t"e ppelne. Lnefaclty s protected t"er%al e. ontrol and monitorin schedule for this section is as 2elo! 4ao.
F8H #109 F8L#109 FIC#109 F$ #109 F #109 PG #11-8 PG #11- PG #1208 PG #120
Hg"8lar% Lo(alar% Controller PCell $rans%tter Control BalBe =Globe $ype> Pressure Gauge Pressure Gauge Pressure Gauge Pressure Gauge
G: #118 'tabl;ed !l pu%p !utlet G:#118'tabl;ed!lpu%p!utlet G:#118'tabl;ed!lpu%p!utlet G: #118 'tabl;ed !l pu%p !utlet G: #118 'tabl;ed !l pu%p !utlet G: #118 'tabl;ed !l Pu%p Z8Z !L G: #11 'tabl;ed !l Pu%p ZZ !L G: #118 'tabl;ed !l Pu%p Z8Z IL G: #11 'tabl;ed !l Pu%p ZZ IL
P$ P$ #11,8 #11, P$ #1198 P$ #119 $ #1208 to $ #12,8 $ #1#0 to $ #1#, F8H #11& F8L#11&
Pressure Pressure $rans%tter $rans%tter Pressure $rans%tter Pressure $rans%tter braton $rans%tter
G: G: #118 #11 'tabl;aton 'tabl;aton !l !l Pu%p Pu%p Inlet Inlet Pressure Pressure G: #118 'tabl;aton !l Pu%p !utlet Pressure G: #11 'tabl;aton !l Pu%p !utlet Pressure G: #118 'tabl;aton !l Pu%p Z8Z Pu%potor braton G: #11 'tabl;aton !l Pu%p ZZ Pu%potor braton 6C #12 'tabl;ed !l $r% Cooler $o$an@ Far% 6C #12 'tabl;ed !l $r% Cooler $o$an@ Far%
braton $rans%tter Hg" 8lar% Lo( alar%
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F6#11* FI#11& FIC#11* FI #11& F$ #11& F$ #11* F #11*
!rfcePlate Indcator Controller $otal;er $urbne Flo( eter PCell $rans%tter Control BalBe =Globe $ype>
H' #110 L8 #101 L #101 LC #101 PG #12#
PG #1218 PG #121 PG #1228 PG #122 P$ #11& ' #114 '6 #114 'WH #114
'elector '(tc" H' dBerts LIC #101 !P $oLC #101 Control BalBe =all $ype> 6C #12 'tabl;ed !l $r% Cooler $o $an@ Far% Control BalBe =all $ype> 6C #12 'tabl;ed !l $r% Cooler $o $an@ Far% Control BalBe =Globe $ype> !ff 'pec !l $o ' #01 fferental Pressure 6C #12 P 8cross !l 'upply Gauge fferental Pressure 6C #21 P 8cross +ater eturn Gauge Pressure Gauge G: #128 !ff 'pec Pu%p sc"arge Pressure Gauge G: #12 !ff 'pec Pu%p sc"arge Pressure Gauge G: #128 !ff 'pec Pu%p 'ucton Pressure Gauge G: #12 !ff 'pec Pu%p 'ucton Pressure $rans%tter 6C #12 'tabl;ed !l $r% Cooler $o $an@ Far% !n!ff alBe =all $ype> 6C #12 'tabl;ed !l $r% Cooler $o $an@ Far% 'olenod alBe 6C #12 'tabl;ed !l $r% Cooler $o $an@ Far% !pen l%t s(tc" 6C #12 'tabl;ed !l $r% Cooler $o $an@ Far%
'WIH #114 'WIL#114 'WL #114 $8H#111 $8H #11& $8H #119 $8L#111 $8L#11& $I#119 $IC#111 $IC #11& $$ #111 $$ #11& $$ #11* $$ #119 $ #111 $ #11& $W8 #111 $W #111 $WC #111 $W #111 PG #12&8 PG #12& PI #1248
Indcator Indcator Close L%t '(tc" Hg"8lar% Hg" 8lar% Hg" 8lar% Lo(alar% Lo( alar% Indcator Controller Controller $e%perature $rans%tter $e%perature $rans%tter $e%perature $rans%tter $e%perature $rans%tter Control BalBe =all $ype> Control BalBe =all $ype> arable Fan lade Ptc" arable Fan lade Ptc" arable Fan lade Ptc" arable Fan lade Ptc" Pressure Gauge Pressure Gauge Indcator
PG #124
G:#128!ffspec!lPu%p!utlet 6C #12'tabl;ed!l$r%Cooler$o$an@Far% G:#128!ffspec!lPu%p!utlet 6C #12 'tabl;ed !l$r% Cooler $o$an@ Far% 6C #12 'tabl;ed !l $r% Cooler $o $an@ Far% G: #128 !ff spec !l Pu%p !utlet !ff 'pec !l $o C8 #10
6C #12 'tabl;ed !l $r% Cooler $o$an@ Far% 6C #12 'tabl;ed !l $r% Cooler $o$an@ Far% 6C #12 'tabl;ed !l $r% Cooler $o $an@ Far% 6 #11'tabl;ed!lCooler !utlet 6C #12 'tabl;ed !l $r% Cooler $o$an@ Far% 6C #12 'tabl;ed !l $r% Cooler $o$an@ Far% 6#11'tabl;ed!lCooler!utlet 6C #12 'tabl;ed !l $r% Cooler $o$an@ Far% 6C #12'tabl;ed!l$r%Cooler$o$an@Far% 6#11'tabl;ed!lCooler!utlet 6C #12 'tabl;ed !l $r% Cooler $o$an@ Far% 6 #11 'tabl;ed !l Cooler !utlet 6C #12 'tabl;ed !l $r% Cooler $o $an@ Far% 6C #12 'tabl;ed !l $r% Cooler $o $an@ Far% 6C #12 'tabl;ed !l $r% Cooler $o $an@ Far% 6 #11 'tabl;ed !l Cooler ypass 6C #12 'tabl;ed !l $r% Cooler +ater eturn 6 #11 'tabl;ed !l Cooler Fan a%per 6 #11 'tabl;ed !l Cooler Fan a%per 6 #11 'tabl;ed !l Cooler Fan a%per 6 #11 'tabl;ed !l Cooler Fan a%per G: #128!ff 'pec Pu%p seal G: #12 !ff 'pec Pu%p seal G:#128!ffspec Pu%p ec"ancal'ealpressure
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ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
PI #124 P$ #11*8 P$ #11* P$ #11*C P$ #1248 P$ #124 $G #1248
Indcator Pressure $rans%tter Pressure $rans%tter Pressure $rans%tter Pressure $rans%tter Pressure $rans%tter $e%perature Gauge
G:#12 !ff spec Pu%p ec"ancal 'eal pressure 6<stng Lne to and fro% 'torage $an@ 6<stng Lne to and fro% 'torage $an@ 6<stng Lne to and fro% 'torage $an@ G:#128 !ff spec Pu%p ec"ancal 'eal pressure G:#12 !ff spec Pu%p ec"ancal 'eal pressure G: #128 !ff 'pec Pu%p seal
$G #124
$e%perature Gauge
G: #12 !ff 'pec Pu%p seal
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2.5 Oily "ater *reat%ent Section efer to PF I 40 11 88400 888 0242 efer to P3I _s - I 40 12 '400 888 19,0 - I 40 12 '401 888 19,1 efer to Bendor P3I’s - I 40 #044 12 8400 888 002# - I 40 #044 12 8400 888 0024 - I 40 #044 12 8400 888 002& - I 40 #0&2 12 401 888 000# Influent to t"e oly (ater treat%ent pac@age %anly conssts of produced (ater and oly (as" (ater fro% t"e follo(ng unts Produced (ater fro% test separator =' #00>5 Produced (ater fro% 1st stage separator =' #01>5 Produced (ater fro% 2nd stage separator =' #02>5 !ly effluent fro% desaltng pac@age =8 #20> $"e pac@age s ntended to lo(er t"e ol content of t"e oly (ater strea%s to appro<%ately 1& PP5 before dsc"arge to t"e sea. $"e desgn ol concentraton n t"e nlet to t"e pac@age s 2000 %glt. e7olng of oly (ater s ac"eBed n a t(o7stage treat%ent co%prsng of degassng and flotaton. ul@ of ol s re%oBed n degassng stage along (t" sour Bapours and so%e (ater Bapour. est of t"e ol s separated fro% (ater (t" t"e ad of fuel gas =as flotaton %edu%> n flotaton unt. pstrea% of t"e oly (ater treat%ent pac@age5 scale n"btor and reBerse de%ulsfer are n)ected to t"e produced (ater strea%s fro% t"ree7p"ase graBty separators as (ell as to t"e oly (ater return fro% t"e desaltng pac@age. Produced (ater flo(s by graBty t"roug" t"e egasser '@%%er Bessel and Flotaton Bessels (t" t"e de7oled (ater leBel n t"e Flotaton Bessel beng controlled by t"e outlet control BalBe LC7400,. $"e Bessels also operate under a co%%on postBe pressure %antaned Ba pressure controller PIC740015 actng on t"e nlet gas BalBe P274002 and outlet Bent BalBe P174001. 8 f
!ly (ater and eBolBed gas enter t"e Bessel nto an nlet c"a%ber ("ere t s dBerted so t"at t"e (ater flo(s across t"e Bessel and t"roug" a plate pac@. $"e co%bnaton of t"e lo( crossflo( Belocty and nclned surface area of t"e plate pac@ allo( ol droplets to coalesce and rse to t"e surface. Perforated baffles on t"e nlet and outlet of t"e plate pac@ "elp to %antan opt%u% flo( dstrbuton nto and out of t"e plate pac@ and preBent any s"ort7 crcutng.
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ue to t"e lo( Belocty5 "g" surface area and nclned plates5 ol droplets settle on t"e plates5 coalesce to for% larger droplets and rse to t"e surface. $"e rsng ol droplets for% an ol pad on top of t"e de7oled (ater strea%. $"e dept" of t"s ol pad s partly dependent on t"e a%ount of nco%ng ol but can also be controlled by t"e ol (er at a f
DE;%,,E" ,0I//E" 'E,,EL D,-#$$ #
esgn Flo( ate =8ctual $P> 7 !l
!peratng $e%perature esgnPressure esgn $e%perature
barg o
29# 0.* #9to,0 #.&fullBacuu% 11 -&
essel I
Flotation 'essel D,-#$1
Partally de7oled (ater enters t"e IGF Bessel '7401 nlet c"a%ber and flo(s t"roug" t"e four actBe flotaton cells to(ards t"e end of t"e Bessel. 8 f
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FLO4%4IO 'E,,EL D,-#$1 #
esgn Flo( ate =8ctual $P> 7 !l
barg o
!peratng $e%perature esgnPressure
29# 0.*
barg o
esgn $e%perature
11 -&
essel I
,immed Oil Pie and Oil ,im "eturn Pums
ecoBered ol7rc" lEud fro% t"e egasser '@%%er essel and Flotaton nt flo(s by graBty to t"e '@%%ed !l Ppe fro% ("ere t s pu%ped to t"e 1't stage esalter Bessel nlet by t"e !l '@% eturn Pu%ps. $"e pu%ps =dutystandby> operate under auto%atc control (t" Barable speed %otors beng controlled by t"e lEud leBel n t"e '@%%ed !l Ppe. @%"%4E"I,4I
esgn Flo( ate =8ctual $P> 7 !l
barg o
!peratng $e%perature
esgn code
2*.4 0.*O0.#9to,0 8/'I 1*.&
essel I
essel$$ lengt"
Oil ,im "eturn Pums B; #$$ %?5C
uantty $ype !peratng $e%perature 'uctonPressure sc"arge +or@ngPressure esgnFlo(ate
1> =1 N2 ProgressBecaBty o C #9to,0 barg 0.*to2.& barg 1#.& % #"r 2*.4 Page ,2 of 149
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n%u%Flo(ate ated Po(er
% #"r &.2 @+ #,
=ater Flash 'essel and Ejector ,stem
$"e oly (ater out of '7401 (ll be routed to an eleBated (ater flas" Bessel '74025 ("c" operates at 0.- ara. $"e Bacuu% pressure condton s ac"eBed by t"e t(o7stage e)ector syste% 7401. $"e e)ectors use LP fuel gas as %otBe gas. ssolBed gas =%anly H2' and C!2> (ll eBolBe fro% t"e produced (ater and s dsc"arged t"roug" t"e e)ector syste% to t"e LP flare. $"e pressure n '7402 s controlled by a pressure controller PIC74022 nsde t"e e)ector syste%5 ("c" controls t"e %otBe gas flo(. $"e (ater fro% '7402 flo(s under leBel control to t"e etenton Pt Ba a lEud seal. In addton5 t"e Bessel ' 402 s located suc" t"at t"e lEud seal bet(een '7401 and '7402 s %antaned. H 2' content n treated (ater leaBng ' 402 s e
=%4E" FL%,@ 'E,,EL D,-#$: #
esgn Flo( ate =8ctual $P> 7 !l
!peratngPressure !peratng $e%perature
barg o C
70.2 #9to,0
esgn $e%perature
11 -&
essel I
ontrol & /onitorin ,chedule 4ao.
FI4010 FI4011 L8H400, L8H4010 L8H4011 L8L400, L8L4011 LC 400, LG 4004 LG 400,
Flo(Indcator Flo(Indcator Hg"8lar% Hg"8lar% Hg"8lar% Lo(alar% Lo(alar% ControlBalBe LeBel Gauge =efle<> LeBel Gauge =efle<>
'401Flotatonunt!L '401Flotatonunt!L '401FlotatonuntLeBel '@%%edolppeleBel '@%%edolppeleBel '401FlotatonuntLeBel '@%%edolppeleBel ' 401Flotatonuntoutlet '@%%ed !l Ppe leBel '@%%ed !l Ppe leBel
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LG 4010 LG 4012 LIC400, LIC4011 L$ 4002 L$ 400, L$ 400-
LeBel Gauge =efle<> LeBel Gauge=efle<> Controller Controller P $ype LeBel $rans%tter P $ype LeBel $rans%tter P $ype LeBel $rans%tter
L$ 4010 L$ 4011 P8H4001 P8L4001 PG 40118 PG 4011 PIC4001 P$ 4001 P$ 4002 P1 4001
P $ype LeBel $rans%tter '@%%ed ol ppe leBel P $ype LeBel $rans%tter '@%%ed ol ppe leBel '400egassngru%Pressure '400egassngru%Pressure Pressure Gauge G: 4008 e)ect !l +ater eturn Pu%p Pressure Gauge G: 400 e)ect !l +ater eturn Pu%p Controller '400egassngru%Pressure Pressure $rans%tter ' 400 egassng ru% Pressure Pressure $rans%tter ' 400 egassng ru% Control BalBe =utterfly ' Gas !utlet $o ' 401 $ype> Control BalBe =utterfly ' 400 egassng ru% Gas !utlet $o Flare $ype> !n!ff alBe =all $ype> Fuel Gas $o LP Flare 8nd ' 401 !n!ff alBe =all $ype> G: 4008 !ly e)ect (ater pu%p outlet !n!ff alBe =all $ype> ' 401 Floataton unt outlet
P2 4001 ' 4000 ' 4001 ' 4002 $$ 401#8 $$ 401# PIC2402# P$ 402# P 402# $I 4021 $I 4022 $I 402# $I 4024
'@%%ed !l Ppe leBel ' 401 floataton unt '401FlotatonuntLeBel '@%%edolppeleBel ' 400 egasser '@%%er ru% ' 401 Flotaton unt LeBel ' 401 Flotaton unt LeBel
$e%perature $rans%tter $e%perature $rans%tter Controller Pressure $rans%tter Control BalBe =utterfly $ype> $e%perature Gauge $e%perature Gauge $e%perature Gauge $e%perature Gauge
G:4008 !l s@% return pu%p !L $e%p G:400 !l s@% return pu%p !L $e%p G4026)ectorInletPressure. G 402 6)ector Inlet Pressure. G 402 6)ector Inlet Pressure. 401 6)ector Fuel Gas 'upply ' 402 +ater Flas" essel !L 401 6)ector Fuel Gas !L G 402 6)ector72 Fuel gas !L
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2.6 ,ydrate %it igation :.9.1 @drate 4endenc $"e predcted "ydrate for%aton te%perature and pressure curBe s s"o(n n Fgure -.15 based on t"e gBen (ell flud co%poston =.e. G! of 1-40 scfstb> gBen n table under c"apter 1 n t"s %anual secton 1.4. FI;7"E :.9.1 @
10 8Berage n. 8%bent 0 7*
4E/PE"%47"E BH6C
:.9.: /inimum Flo! for Production Lines 8s seen fro% Fgure -.15 t"e flud te%perature at t"e producton ppelne outlet needs to be %antaned at aboBe 1-JC for t"e outlet pressure of 21 bara durng nor%al producton5 to el%nate potental "ydrate rs@ (t"out t"e use of "ydrate n"btor. For t"e LP %ode of operaton at pressure 12.4 barg5 t"e "ydrate for%aton te%perature (ll be around 10 JC. 'ini%% Flow for ,P %ode
$"e ppelne outlet te%perature Bares (t" producton condtons5 ncludng flo( rate5 a%bent te%perature as (ell as G! and +C. $"e predcted outlet te%peratures for t"e producton lnes are s"o(n n t"e follo(ng fgures5 coBerng t"e e
!utlet $e%perature of 1- /6 Producton Lne =G! 1000 scfstb> !utlet $e%perature of 1- /6 Producton Lne =G! #000 scfstb> !utlet $e%perature of 1- 'out" Prod. Lne =G! 1000 scfstb> !utlet $e%perature of 1- 'out" Prod. Lne =G! #000 scfstb>
It s"ould be noted t"at t"e te%perature profles for t"e 1- /+ ppelne are s%lar to t"at of t"e /6 producton lne5 and are t"erefore not repeated.
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Fiure :.9.:a Outlet 4em-erature of 19 E Production Line B;O" 1$$$ scf?st2C
&0 74 LE
2& deg C a%bet 3 0M +C 11 deg C a%bent 3 0M +C 0 deg C a%bent 3 0M +C 2& deg C a%bent 3 #0M +C 11 deg C a%bent 3 #0M +C 0 deg C a%bent 3 #0M +C
40 E / PE "% #0 7 "E d 20 C Hydrate $e%perature 10
0 &5000
Fiure :.9.:2 Outlet 4em-erature of 19 E Production Line B;O" 3$$$ scf?st2C *0
&0 O 74 LE 40 4 4E / PE " #0
2& deg C a%bet 3 0M 11 deg C a%bent 3 0M 0 deg C a%bent 3 0M 2& deg C a%bent 3 #0M 11 deg C a%bent 3 #0M 0 deg C a%bent 3 #0M
%4 7 "E Bd 20 e 6
0 &5000
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ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities Fiure :.9.3a
Outlet 4em-erature of 19 ,outh Production Line B;O" 1$$$ scf?st2C
&0 O 74 LE 4 40 4E / PE "% #0 47 "E Bd e 20 6C 2& deg C a%bet 3 0M +C 11 deg C a%bent 3 0M +C 0 deg C a%bent 3 0M +C 2& deg C a%bent 3 #0M +C 11 deg C a%bent 3 #0M +C 0 deg C a%bent 3 #0M +C
Hydrate $e%perature 10
0 &5000
Fiure :.9.32 Outlet 4em-erature of 19 ,outh Production Line B;O" 3$$$ scf?st2C
&0 O 74 LE 4 40 4E / PE "% #0 47 "E Bd e 6C 20 2& deg C a%bet 3 0M +C 11 deg C a%bent 3 0M +C 0 deg C a%bent 3 0M +C
Hydrate $e%perature 10
2& deg C a%bent 3 #0M +C 11 deg C a%bent 3 #0M +C 0 deg C a%bent 3 #0M +C
0 &5000
$"e follo(ng conclusons are obtaned $"ere s no %n%u% l%t on producton rate f t"e a%bent te%perature s at or aboBe t"e "ydrate te%perature of 1-JC5 as far as "ydrate rs@ s concerned. I%pact of a%bent te%perature on ppelne outlet te%perature s sgnfcant5 as e
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nor%al operaton. '"ould t"e producton fall belo( t"e reco%%ended flo(5 contnuous n)ecton of "ydrate n"btor (ould be necessary to %tgate "ydrate rs@. 4a2le :.9.1 /inimum Liuid Flo! B2dC for Production Lines to Eliminate @drate "is in @P mode
/63/+ 'out" /6 3 /+ 'out"
G! =scfstb> 1000 1000 #000 #000
8%bent ]Q 1-JC 8%bent Q 11JC 8%bent Q 0JC #070M+C #070M+C #070M+C /o%n. l%t 14500071,5000 225&00 O 2-5000 /o%n.l%t &5000 O ,5000 95000 O 125000 /o %n. l%t 105000 O 125000 1,5&00 O 195000 /o%n.l%t 45000 O &5000 ,5&00O-5000bpd 'ini%% Flow for 7P 'ode
In t"e LP %ode t"e "ydrate for%aton te%perature =10 JC> s slg"tly belo( t"e %n%u% a%bent te%perature of 11 JC. Hence ("en n t"e operatng n t"e LP %ode5 t"ere s t"eoretcally no rs@ for "ydrate for%aton at any flo(rate. Ho(eBer5 n case of %n%u% a%bent te%perature t"e %argn s only s%all and s reco%%ended to obserBe at least t"e %n%u% flo( l%ts adBsed for aBodng "ydrodyna%c sluggng =see secton 2.10.1> :.9.3 /inimum Flo! for 4est Lines 'ini%% Flow for ,P 'ode
$"e predcted outlet te%peratures for t"e test lnes are s"o(n n t"e follo(ng fgures5 coBerng t"e e
!utlet $e%perature of 10 /6 $est Lne =G! 1000 scfstb> !utlet $e%perature of 10 /6 $est Lne =G! #000 scfstb> !utlet $e%perature of 10 'out" $est Lne =G! 1000 scfstb> !utlet $e%perature of 10 'out" $est Lne =G! #000 scfstb>
It s"ould be noted t"at t"e te%perature profles for t"e 10 /+ test lne are s%lar to t"at of t"e /6 test lne5 and are t"erefore not repeated.
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Fiure :.9.#a Outlet 4em-erature of 1$ E 4est Line B;O" 1$$$ scf?st2C
&0 4& O 40 74 LE #& 4 4E / #0 PE "% 2& 47 "E Bd 20 e 6C 1&
2& deg C a%bet 3 0M +C 11 deg C a%bent 3 0M +C 0 deg C a%bent 3 0M +C 2& deg C a%bent 3 &0M +C 11 deg C a%bent 3 &0M +C 0 deg C a%bent 3 &0M +C
Hydrate $e%perature
10 & 0 25000
Fiure :.9.#2 Outlet 4em-erature of 1$ E 4est Line B;O" 3$$$ scf?st2C
&0 4& O 40 74 LE #& 4 4E / #0 PE "% 2& 47 "E Bd 20 e 6C 1&
2& deg C a%bet 3 0M +C 11 deg C a%bent 3 0M +C 0 deg C a%bent 3 0M +C 2& deg C a%bent 3 &0M +C 11 deg C a%bent 3 &0M +C 0 deg C a%bent 3 &0M +C
Hydrate $e%perature
10 & 0 25000
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Outlet 4em-erature of 1$ ,outh 4est Line B;O" 1$$$ scf?st2C &0 4& 40 O 74 #& LE 4 4E #0
2& deg C a%bet 3 0M +C 11 deg C a%bent 3 0M 0 deg C a%bent 3 0M +C 2& deg C a%bent 3 &0M 11 deg C a%bent 3 &0M 0 deg C a%bent 3 &0M
/ PE " 2& %4 7 20 "E Bd e 1& 6C
10 & 0 25000
Fiure :.9.(2 Outlet 4em-erature of 1$ ,outh 4est Line B;O" 3$$$ scf?st2C &0 2& deg C a%bet 3 0M +C 11 deg C a%bent 3 0M +C 4& 40 O 74 #& LE 4 4E #0 / PE "% 2& 47 "E 20 Bd e 6C 1&
0 deg C a%bent 3 0M +C 2& deg C a%bent 3 &0M 11 deg C a%bent 3 &0M 0 deg C a%bent 3 &0M +C
10 & 0 25000
In Be( of t"e aboBe Fgures 2.-.4ab O 2.-.&ab5 %n%u% flo(s for t"e test lnes are reco%%ended as gBen n $able 2.9.25 n order to el%nate t"e potental "ydrate rs@ ("en used et"er for (ell test or producton. '"ould t"e flo( fall belo( t"e reco%%ended rate5 contnuous n)ecton of "ydrate n"btor (ould be necessary to %tgate "ydrate rs@.
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4a2le :.9.: /inimum Liuid Flo! B2dC for 4e st Lines to Eliminat e @drate "is in @P /ode
/63/+ 'out" /6 3/+ 'out"
G! =scfstb> 1000 1000 #000 #000
8%bent ]Q 1-JC 8%bent Q 11JC 8%bent Q 0JC &070M+C &070M+C &070M+C /o%n. l%t 95#007125000 Hydrate In"btor /o%n.l%t #5-00 O &5400 *5#00O95000bpd /o %n. l%t -5000 O 95&00 Hydrate In"btor /o%n.l%t #5#00 O #5,00 &5400O*5000bpd
For t"e /6 and /+ test lnes5 (ell test s"ould be aBoded5 f possble5 at t"e e
In t"e LP %ode t"e "ydrate for%aton te%perature =10 JC> s slg"tly belo( t"e %n%u% a%bent te%perature of 11 JC. Hence ("en n t"e operatng n t"e LP %ode5 t"ere s t"eoretcally no rs@ for "ydrate for%aton at any flo(rate. Ho(eBer5 n case of %n%u% a%bent te%perature t"e %argn s only s%all and s reco%%ended to obserBe at least t"e %n%u% flo( l%ts adBsed for aBodng "ydrodyna%c sluggng =see secton 2.10.1>
:.9.# ,hutdo!n onditions For a producton s"utdo(n at bot" t"e cluster and orood # ends5 t"e est%ated ppelne settle out pressure s crca 20 ara n HP %ode. $"e correspondng "ydrate te%perature s 1, JC as s"o(n n Fgure -.1. +t"out any t"er%al nsulaton5 t"e flud te%perature n t"e ppelnes (ll reac" a%bent te%perature Bery Euc@ly5 especally for t"e gas flled sectons. $"e predcted cool do(n t%e =.e. t"e t%e to reac" a%bent te%perature> s less t"an 1 "our5 sub)ect to t"e flo(ng condtons pror to s"utdo(n. Lne pac@ng (ll ta@e place n case of orood # s"utdo(n only5 untl t"e ppelne pressure s eEual;ed (t" t"e (ell"ead P'HH set pressure. $"e rate of pac@ng depends on reserBor condtons and co%pleton detals5 as (ell as ppelne flo(ng condtons pror to s"utdo(n. $"e ppelne cool do(n rate %ay be slo( ntally5 because of lne pac@ng. $"s could e
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consdered to establs" t"e l@el"ood of "ydrate bloc@age n t"e ppelnes for prolonged s"utdo(n n (nter season. $o %tgate "ydrate rs@5 "ydrate n"btor s"ould be n)ected for any planned long7ter% s"utdo(n n (nter season. For unplanned s"utdo(n n (nter season5 ppelne depressur;aton s"ould be consdered. For t"e %n%u% a%bent te%perature of 11JC5 t"e ppelnes need to be depressur;ed to belo( - ara5 as s"o(n n Fgure 2.9.1.
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2.8 $he%ical !njection for Oil Syste% Producton and test %anfolds are protected aganst corroson by n)ectng corroson n"btor drectly nto t"e flo( lnes at t"e clusters and also upstrea% of t"e /e( Plant %anfold =syste% -#,5 -#- 3 -#9>. ue to "g" leBels of "ydrogen sulfde and carbon do<de n t"e gas strea%s fro% separaton Bessels5 corroson n"btor s n)ected to t"e gas strea%s fro% t"e separators to reduce t"e corroson rate of do(nstrea% carbon steel eEup%ent. $o reduce foa% for%aton n t"e separators5 antfoa% s added to t"e producton flud enterng test separator =' #00> and t"e 1 st stage separator =' #01>. 8nt foa% s also n)ected to t"e ol strea% enterng 2 nd stage separator. $o strea%s carryng produced (ater5 scale n"btor s added to reduce scale for%aton n t"e lnes5 and processng Bessels. e%ulsfer s appled to ol(ater %5 1 st stage separator =' #01>5 and 2 separator =' #02>.
'yste% -2&7'cale n"btor n)ecton to Producton flud enterng test separator =' #00> and 1 st stage separator =' #01>5 !l enterng 2nd stage separator =' #02>5 !l enterng 1st stage desaltng unt =' #208>5 Produced (ater leaBng test separator =' #00>5 1 st stage separator =' #01>5 and 2nd stage separator =' #02>5 'ea(ater upstrea% of sand fltraton pac@age = ,11>5 as e and 1 st stage separator =' #01>5 !l enterng 2nd stage separator =' #02>5 !l enterng 1st stage desaltng unt =' #208>. ProBson of %ultple n)ecton pont s proBded to %antan t"e necessary c"e%cal concentraton n t"e syste%. 'yste% -2,78ntfoa% $ype72 n)ecton to Producton flud enterng test separator =' #00> and 1 st stage separator =' #01>5 !l enterng 2nd stage separator =' #02>5 !l enterng stabl;aton colu%n =C8 #10>. ProBson of %ultple n)ecton ponts s proBded to %antan t"e necessary c"e%cal concentraton n t"e syste%. hemical injection reuirements for the oil !ater treatment section is as follo!s
'yste% -#07reBerse de%ulsfer n)ecton to
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Produced (ater fro% test separator =' #00>5 1 st stage separator =' #01>5 and 2 nd stage separator =' #02>5 Produced (ater fro% 1st stage desaltng unt =' #028>. ProBson of %ultple n)ecton pont s proBded to %antan t"e necessary c"e%cal concentraton n t"e syste%. 'yste% -2* surfactant n)ecton s proBded for n)ecton to t"e co%bned oly (ater. $"e est%ated c"e%cal dosng rates for !l syste% s specfed n t"e follo(ng tables. 4a2le :.).1 Estimated hemical onsumtion "ates for Oil & ;as 4reatment %rea Flud Flo( /ote 1 'yste%
Corroson In"71
'cale In"btor
In)ecton Locaton Gas fro% $est 'eparator Gas fro% 1st 'eparator Gas fro% 2nd 'eparator $est anfold Producton anfold Prod Flud nto $est 'ep. Prod Flud nto 1st 'ep. !l nto 2nd 'eparator !l nto esaltng nt Prod +ater fro% $est 'ep. Prod +ater fro% 1st 'ep. Prod +ater fro% 2nd 'ep
0.0 0.0 0.0 40 *00 40 *00 *00 *00 0.0 0.0 0.0
Prod +ater %#"r 0.0 0.0 0.0 40 200 40 200 *0 10& 40 200 120
Prod 'ep. st Prod Flud Flud nto nto 1$est 'ep. !l nto 2nd 'eparator !l nto esaltng nt Prod Flud nto $est 'ep. Prod Flud nto 1st 'ep. !l nto 2nd 'eparator !l nto 'tabl;aton Col.
40 *00 *00 *00 40 *00 *00 *00
40 200 *0 10& 40 200 *0 1
Crude5 %#"r
osage5 PP /ote 1 /or%al Consu%pton Gas5 'CF /or% esgn ate5 lt"r ` #* 242 ` 1* 242 #* ` #* 242 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2&0 2&0 2&0 20 20 20 20 10 & & & &
&00 &00 &00 2& 2& #0 #0 #0 #0 #0 #0 #0
0.4 2.& 0.2 0.4.0 0.4.0 0.* 0.& 0.2 1.0 0.*
2 2 2 # # # # # # # # #
` #* 242 0.0 0.0 ` #* 242 0.0 0.0
20 20 & & #.0 #.0 2.0 1.0
#0 #0 10 10 &.0 &.0 &.0 &.0
1.* 1*.0 #.# #.& 0.2 2.4 1.# 0.*
44 4 4 4 4 4 4
Corroson In"71
/. 6. Cluster
-0 `
Corroson In"71
/. +. Cluster
-0 `
Corroson In"71
'. Cluster
-0 `
/otes 1. 8ll dosage rates correspond to 100M soluton. 8ll flo( rates nclude 10M oBer t"e nor%al flo(. 2. osage rate corresponds to %l'CF of gas flo(. #. osage rate s based on produced (ater flo(. 4. osage rate s based on crude and produced (ater flo( rates.
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4a2le :.).: Estimated hemical onsumtion "ates for Oil =ater 4reatment %rea
-#0 -24
osage5 !ly /or%al PP +ater Flo(5 /ote 1 Consu%pt C"e%cal In)ecton Locaton %#"r on ate5 esg /ote 1 lt"r /or% n $est 'eparator Prod +ater 40 20 #0 0.eBerse 1st 'eparator Prod +ater 200 20 #0 4.0 e%ulsfer 2nd 'eparator Prod +ater 120 10 #0 1.4 1st esalter Prod +ater 10& & #0 0.& 'urfactant Co%bned!ly+ater 290 & 10 1.&
/otes 8ll dosage rates correspond to 100M soluton. 8ll flo( rates nclude 10M oBer t"e nor%al flo(.
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2.19 ,ydrodyna%ic $onsideration for the Pipelines and the New plant H8W!P 8cton te% no. 2.# 8s part of t"e pro)ect scope $ransent perfor%ance of t"e ntegrated producton and recepton facltes s eBaluated5 ncludng # producton ppelnes5 HP separator =' #01> and t"e assocated control syste%. 'tartng fro% t"e (orst case condton5 a seEuence of transent eBents s %odeled5 ncludng s"utdo(nrestart. $"e follo(ng s t"e su%%ary of t"e study applcable for t"e operaton of t"e /e( plant. :.1$.1 @drodnamic sluin $"e follo(ng are t"e @ey ponts relates to "ydrodyna%c sluggng n ppe lnes 7 $"e /65 /+ and 'o ut" producton lnes are predcted to operate n slug flo( reg%e5 oBer a (de range of flo(rates5 G!s and +Cs. 7 For t"e producton lnes5 typcal slug freEuency s around *07-0 seconds (t" slug s;e of &7*%#. For t"e test lnes5 typcal slug freEuency s around 1007120 seconds (t" slug s;e of around 1%#. 7 $erran effect beco%es do%nant as flo( rate s redu ced5 resultng n unstable flo(. Larger slug of 1#71&% # s predcted (t" longer freEuency of 1&071*0 seconds n t"e producton lnes. 7 !peratng n unstable flo( reg%e s not desrable and s"ould be aBoded. $"e follo(ng t"res"old lEud rates are reco%%ended for t"e producton and test lnes5 fro% stable operaton pont of Be( for t"e ndBdual lnes. $"e lo(er Balue of t"e t"res"olds s applcable to "g" G! andor lo( +C condtons5 t"e "g"er Balue to lo( G! andor "g" +C condtons. 10500071&5000 bpd for t"e 1- /6 and /+ producton lnesK &500071&5000 bpd for t"e 1- 'out" producton lneK 25000745000 bpd for all t"ree 10 test lnes. +"en t"e producton fro% ndBdual clusters falls belo( t"e reco%%ended t"res"olds %entoned aboBe5 t s suggested t"at t"e test lne s"ould be used5 nstead of producton lne5 to %n%;e t"e terran %pact on lEud sluggng and to ensure stable flo( to t"e recepton facltes. :.1$.: ,hutdo!n an d "es tart Follo(ng a producton s"utdo(n5 bot" at t"e cluster and orood # nlet5 gas and lEud n t"e ppelne start to separate. $"e lEud s draned to(ards lo( ponts along t"e ppelne5 ("ereas t"e gas s flo(ed to(ards t"e top. For t"e /6 and /+ clusters5 %ost of t"e lEud s draned bac@ to t"e cluster end5 (t" t"e rest settled n t"e lo( ponts close to orood # after 20 %nutes of s"utdo(n. $"e startng secton of t"e ppelne5 fro% &00 to 12&0 % at t"e cluster end s flled (t" lEud5 due to t"e nature of t"e terran. nl@e t"e /6 and /+ ppelne5 due to t"e topology of t"e ppe lne5 t"e lEud content n t"e 1- 'out" producton lne s (dely dstrbuted oBer a nu%ber of local lo( ponts after s"utdo(n.
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It s relatBely easer to start7up t"e 'out" producton lne5 n co%parson to t"e /6 and /+ producton lnes5 due to lo(er lEud content. Follo(ng a total producton s"utdo(n5 t s reco%%ended to start7up t"e 'out" producton lne frst to %n%;e t"e start7up lEud sluggng and t"e %pact to t"e HP 'eparator. H8W!P 8cton te% ,8.* $"e predcted start7up lEud slug s bet(een 27- % # for 'out" Producton lne5 and 12714 % # for t"e /6 and /+ producton lnes. $"e start7up process s relatBely steady. /o e5 n co%parson to start7up 1 (ell per "our.
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P " O E , , O 4 " O L
3.1 $ontrol Sy ste% De scription $"e follo(ng s a bref descrpton of t"e process control syste% at orood # faclty. $"e control and %ontorng of t"e orood ne( plant facltes (ll be %ade aBalable to t"e operators fro% sngle ne( control buldng. Process control functons =PC'> and t"e Process s"utdo(n functons =P''> are perfor%ed n t"e C'. $"e syste% selected for t"s pro)ect s 6L$87 suppled by 6%erson Process anage%ent. 'afety s"utdo(n syste% ='''> and Fre 3 gas syste% functons are perfor%ed n one co%%on 'afety PLC suppled by IC' $IPL6: (t" $ arc"tecture and s certfed 'IL# as per I6C *1&0-. For t"e )etty fre control applcatons a separate redundant 6L$8 controller A6$$?7FC s proBded. 3.1.1 Process BroductionC ontrol Functions BP,C $"e PC' functons (ll %anly nclude t"e control of t"e process and utltes producton =ncludng data fro% pac@ages>. In t"s plant PC' s dBded nto 4 %a)or sectons as follo(ed. PC'71 tltes PC'72 +ater PC'7# !l PC'74 ProcessFuel gas co%presson and treat%ent. 3.1.: Process BroductionC ,hutdo!n Functions BP,,C $"e P'' functons %anly ncludes t"e control and t"e %anage%ent of t"e process and utltes s"utdo(n logc’s of t"e follo(ng leBelstype In t"s plant P'' s dBded nto 4 %a)or sectons as follo(ed. P''71 tltes P''72 +ater P''7# !l P''74 ProcessFuel gas co%presson and treat%ent. $"e P'' controllers are redundant. 3.1.3 P,?P,, ,stem ;eneral descrition =8lso refer to t"e 6 docu%ent PC'P'' Hard(are desgn specfcatons 'yste%s 8rc"tecture /o I40 #001 F12 /H000 D 01&,>
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$"e syste% %anly conssts of t"e follo(ng I ele%ents located n t"e !!! ne( Control oo% • • • • •
Four !perator Control statons =!C'>5 !ne applcaton staton !ne log prnter5 !ne report prnter !ne dsplays "ard coper5
8 s%plfed s@etc" of t"e syste% arc"tecture s s"o(n n fgure #.1.1 at t"e end of t"s secton. $"e syste% also ncludes t"e follo(ng ele%ent nstalled n t"e !!! Instru%ent $ec"ncal oo% and 'ea(ater Pu%png 'taton /e( s"elter • •
PC' and P'' syste% cabnets "ousng controller unts5 po(er supply unts5 I! cards5 nterfacngco%%uncaton %odules5 ars"allng cabnets dedcated to PC'P'' sgnal =8t I$ only>.
$"e 'yste% also co%prses • •
!ne %antenance engneer (or@staton toget"er (t" a prnter5 8 redundant ata "g"(ay for co%%uncatons bet(een Barous ele%ents of t"e dstrbuted arc"tecture.
ProBded !C's s"all be used for !perators access to bot" PC'P'' syste% functons and '''FG' syste% functons. ata to be e
+ater n)ecton $urbo pu%p5 G?7,#08 +ater n)ecton $urbo pu%p5 G?7,#0 +ater n)ecton $urbo pu%p5 G?7,#0C Fuel gas co%pressor5 D:7-018 Fuel gas co%pressor5 D:7-01 PHP71 $urbo7Co%pressor tran5 D?7&00&01&10 HP72 $urbo Co%pressor5 D?7&11 LP 'tea% olers5 8 9&08C $6G egeneraton unt5 87*10 'ea(ater 'and Flter5 67,11 Instru%ent ar co%pressors. 7-&08 /trogen Pac@age5 7-*08 Fres" (ater pac@age5 8 910 Po(er generator5 P? 9-0 8C
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$"e '''FG' "as also been nterfaced to t"e PC'P'' t"roug" a redundant seral ln@. 3.1.# ,,, ,75 ,<,4E/ $"e functon of t"e 'afety '"utdo(n 'ub 'yste% ='''> s to protect people5 process facltes and enBron%ent of t"e nstallatons fro% accdental stuatons. $"e %an tas@s of t"e ''' 'ub7'yste% s"all be as follo(s • • • • • •
ontorng of alar%s and actons assocated (t" e%ergency s"utdo(n =6' 1> ontorngalar%ng n case of n"bt co%%and of a s"utdo(n nput or oBerrdng co%%and of '"utdo(n actons. 6' logc ac"eBe%ent. Frst out alar% %anage%ent. 6%ergency depressur;aton and blo(do(n. 6lectrcal solaton.
3.1.( FI"E & ;%, ,75 , <,4E/. BF;,C an functons of FG' s"all be as follo(s • • • • • • • •
ontor all desgnated areas for fre5 ontor all areas ("ere fla%%ableto<c Bapours %g"t be present n nor%al operaton5 ontor all ar loc@s H8C ar nta@es to buldngs for to<c and fla%%able gas5 ProBde a faclty for rasng an alar%5 8lert personnel n Control oo% of any fre5 gas =to<c or fla%%able> e%ergency stuaton5 8ctBate t"e auto%atc fre7fg"tng syste% and 6'5 Close fre da%pers to facltes ("ere gas s detected. '"utdo(n of H8C syste% s"all be ntated by 6'5 8lert personnel n Control oo% of any fault detected by self7test facltes.
3.1.&.1 SSS 4 FGS $ON*+ O7 +OO' '*+!:;PN(7
$"ere are t(o separate atr< panels for ''' 3 FG'. $"ese are "ard(red panels located n orood ne( control roo%. It co%prses of • • • • • •
6%ergency s"utdo(n =6' 0 or lac@ out> pus" button5 General producton s"utdo(n =GP'> pus" button5 lac@ start co%%ands5 lo(do(n co%%ands5 6'1 pus" button. Pus" button =s> for openng co%%and of t"e deluge BalBes5
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Pus" button =s> for openng close co%%and of t"e lo(do(n BalBes5 Fre pu%ps start co%%and pus" button5 Fre pu%ps status5 L6L detecton co%%on alar% per ;one =Lo( 3 Hg" concentraton>5 H2' detecton co%%on alar% per ;one5 Fre detecton co%%on alar% per ;one5 La%p $est pus" button5 8lar% 8c@no(ledge%ent pus" button.
3.1.6 Electrical et!or /anaement ,stem $"s s part of t"e C'. $"s syste% conssts of # controllers. Po(er generators P?9-0 8C are "aBng a seral nterface (t" t"ese controllers. 8 separate PLC for c"ange oBer logc s part of t"s syste%. $"s PLC s of 'c"nder %a@e. 8 separate PC =G8$6 +8?> s aBalable for '%art relay %antenance for H..'(tc" gear. In addton an 6/' operator console s also part of t"s syste%. 8 s%plfed s@etc" of t"e syste% arc"tecture s s"o(n n fgure #.1.2 at t"e end of t"s secton. 3.1.8 D, 4rainin ,im ulator 8 C' tranng s%ulator s suppled along (t" t"e syste%. $"s s a standalone syste%5 ("c" s not part of t"e net(or@. $"e purpose of t"s s%ulator s to assst n tranng t"e operators on t"e ne( plant operatng process capabltes. # (or@statons are proBded5 1 for t"e teac"er and 2 for t"e operators. $"e process s%ulaton s l%ted to ol secton only. 3.1.9 Jett P,?P,, 8 separate )etty PC'P'' s located n t"e seas"ore area t"at controls and %ontors t"e operaton of t"e sea(ater lft staton eEup%ent
'ea(ater lft pu%ps =G:7,00 8C>5 Fre (ater pu%ps =G?7920 8>5 Fre (ater )oc@ey pu%ps =G:7921 8>5
• •
Poc@et flters =IF7,10pac@age 8C>5 =87,00>. 6lectro7c"lornaton
• •
8 s%plfed s@etc" of t"e syste% arc"tecture s s"o(n n fgure #.1.#. Fre(ater pu%ps and )oc@ey pu%ps "aBe t"er ndependent local panels. $"e c"lornaton pac@age "as a dedcated PLC. 8ll "ard (rng related to t"e aboBe eEup%ent at t"e seas"ore are contaned nsde t"e )etty P'CP'' roo%. $"e co%%uncaton bet(een t"e )etty PC'P'' and t"e /e( Plant Control oo% s ac"eBed t"roug" fber optc ln@.
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3.1.) /an /achine Interface $"e /e( Plant Control oo% s per%anently %anned and used for all re%ote daly routne control actBtes and start7up. Control and %ontorng s perfor%ed •
y %eans of !perator Control 'tatons =!C's> (t" s and @eyboard =Four !C's5 s"all be nstalled>. 8ll !C' s"all "aBe access to co%plete control database. $"e C' s"all proBde t"e follo(ng facltes to t"e operators Process and utlty producton dyna%c control5 data acEuston5 set pont c"ange5 startstop %an eEup%ent5 data calculaton5 Barous %easure%ent trend curBe5 5 etc5 dsplayed on s. Control and %ontor process and utlty producton. Control and %ontor t"e '"utdo(n and t"e Fre and Gas detecton. yna%c producton feld control and status dsplay Be(s and trend curBes. 8ut"or;eCo%%and 6'5 Plant BalBes re7openng or closure after '"utdo(n. y %eans of dedcated '''FG' "ard(red %atr< panel faclty. ontor co%%on alar%s related to Fre 3 Gas detecton =Fre5 L6L5 H2' detecton5 >5 by %eans of a %atr< panel n con)uncton (t" t"e . $"e purpose of t"e %atr< panel s t"at5 t (ould be operatonal n case of a co%%uncaton falure bet(een t"e FG'''' and s. 8 panel as s%ple as possble s"all be proBded so t"at t"e operator can ta@e a Euc@ acton on detecton of fre or gas. Infor%aton and actons aBalable on t"e panel (ll be. o Gas and fre detecton alar% per ;one =grouped sensors> o ontor t"e Fre fg"tng eEup%ent statuses by %eans of status lg"t. o Fre pu%p start o Intate 6'05 6'15 and general blo(do(n by %eans of an e%ergency pus" button. y %eans of t(o Prnters to perfor% 8lar%s =pre7alar%5 s"utdo(n> loggng5 'tatus c"anges loggng5 Frst7out type trppng defect5
Producton balance s"eets.
y %eans of one Colour Hard7coper to perfor% Bdeo dsplay capture.
!ne Publc 8ddress anual 8nnounce%ent 8ccess nt for alar%5 (arnng and %usterng broadcast facltes n case of e%ergency stuatons =fre5 olgas lea@age5 %usterng> s"all be nstalled on t"e operator control des@.
$"e operators (ll use t"e consoles to control and co%%and t"e nstallaton.
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$"e console allo(s t"e operator to • • • • • • • • •
C"an fro% one %%c dsplay to anot"er5 In"bt sgnals5 'tartstop eEup%ent5 !penclose BalBes5 8c@no(ledge alar%s5 odfy para%eters5 eset 6'5 eset and test safety BalBes5 Install and re%oBe bypasses.
3.2 Process $ontrol Narrati)e $"e ob)ectBe of t"s secton s to defne an operatng and control p"losop"y t"at (ll %eet t"e defned operatonal and control ob)e ctBes of t"e orood # faclty. $"e p"losop"y ensures t"at t"e desgn of t"e plant %eets t"e operatng ob)ectBes of t"e orood # faclty (t" respect to safety5 productBty and asset protecton. !peraton and control of t"e orood # facltes s perfor%ed n suc" a %anner to %eet t"e follo(ng ob)ectBes • • • • •
Protecton and publc Protecton of of personnel t"e enBron%ent Protecton of assets a<%;e !pt%;e producton n%;e operatng costs
PreBentBe %easures aganst "a;ardous operatng condtons and e%ergency stuatons s ta@en by contnuous operator %ontorng of t"e facltes and by t"e control actons of t"e Process Control 'yste% =PC'> 3 Process '"utdo(n 'yste%. Ho(eBer5 ("ere suc" condtons cannot be adeEuately controlled5 fnal protecton s proBded by t"e 'afety '"utdo(n syste% ='''> and t"e Fre and Gas 'yste% =FG'>. For process control of eac" pac@age5 refer to t"e correspondng pac@age operaton and start up %anual. 3.:.1 Production =ellheads* Flo! lines and /anifolds 8s part of ! # pro)ect5 1# ne( producton (ells (ll be routed to t"e ne( treat%ent facltes. $"ese are dBded nto # clusters5 ("c" are /ort"east Cluster /ort"(est Cluster 'out"Cluster
4(ells 4 (ells &(ells
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$"e (ells n t"e ndBdual clusters are routed to et"er a 10 test "eader or an 1- producton "eader. 6ac" cluster s proBded (t" dedcated test and producton "eaders. $"e producton control for eac" (ell s ac"eBed by a %anual c"o@e BalBe proBded at t"e (ell "ead. edcated (ell"ead control panels are proBded for eac" cluster to %ontor t"e status of t"e (ells and flo( lnes. Ho(eBer5 t"ere s no co%%uncaton bet(een (ell"ead and t"e /e( plant control roo%. $"e producton "eaders fro% eac" clusters are co%bned at t"e producton %anfold n t"e ne( plant and feed to t"e frst stage separator. '%larly5 t"e test "eaders fro% eac" cluster are co%bned at t"e test %anfold and feeds to t"e test separator. outng of t"e (ells to a producton "eader or to a test "eader s carred out by operatng t"e %anual solaton BalBes proBded. $est separator (ll be contnuously used for producton to preBent "ydrate rs@ and reduce start up t%e. $"e test separator can also be used for producton ("en t"e Frst stage separator =' #01> s under s"utdo(n. Ho(eBer5 t"e operatng reg%e (ll be l%ted by t"e releBng capacty of t"e test syste%. 3.:.: ,earator ,ection *est Facilities
8s part of t"e ! # eBelop%ent5 one test separator s proBded for t"e faclty. Producton fro% any gBen (ell can be by routed to t"eoperaton $est anfold. +ellatproducton s dBerted t"e $estProducton 'eparator %anual of BalBes t"e Producton andto$est anfolds. Fro% t"e $est anfold5 producton s routed nto t"e $est 'eparator5 ' #005 ("c" s desgned5 for t"ree7p"ase separaton. 8ssocated gas s flas"ed fro% t"e ol and routed to t"e P %anfold. Pressure control of t"e Bessel s ac"eBed by regulatng t"e flo( of e essel operatng pressure essel operatng te%perature =n gas outlet>. +ater Flo( fro% separator =flo( total;er proBded> !l flo( fro% t"e separator =flo( total;er proBded>. $otal Bapor flo( fro% t"e separator =flo( total;er proBded>. LEud leBel Interface leBel $"e flo( %eters on $est separator (ll "aBe a turndo(n of 11& Process control (ll be as follo(s !peratng pressure s controlled n t"e follo(ng %anner PIC 1#00# %odulates t"e BalBe P17#00# on t"e Bapor lne to slug catc"er. PIC 2#00# %odulates t"e control BalBe =P2 #00#> on t"e lne gong to t"e flare. $"us durng t"e nor%al operaton5 by controllng t"e flo(
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to t"e slug catc"er5 t"e pressure (ll be controlled. 8ny e $"e nterface leBel (ll be controlled =LIC O #002> by %odulatng t"e control BalBe on t"e produced lne (ater fro% t"e separator. !l leBel n t"e dru% s %easured by a leBel trans%tter =P type>. $"s LEud leBel s controlled by =LIC #00&> by %odulatng t"e control BalBe on ol lne fro% t"e separator. 8 (er e
Fro% t"e producton %anfold n t"e ne( plant5 producton s routed to a sngle 1 st stage separator. $"e 1st 'tage 'eparator5 ' #015 (ll operate as a t"ree7p"ase separaton of ol5 gas and (ater. Produced (ater separated n t"e 1st stage Inlet 'eparators (ll be routed to t"e +ater $reat%ent 'yste% for re%oBal of entraned ol. $"e follo(ng para%eters are %ontored. !peratng pressure !peratng te%p Produced (ater flo( rate 8ssocated gas flo( rate LEud leBel Interface leBel $"e follo(ng para%eters are controlled to ensure a proper functonng of t"e eEup%ent 'eparator pressure s controlled by PIC 2#0125 ("c" %odulates P28 #012 and P2 #012 to Bary t"e gas flo( to P staton. P2 8 #012 BalBe (ll be on lne ("en HP %ode of operaton s selected. urng t"e LP %ode5 bot" t"e BalBes (ll be on lne. $"e e
1200 1000 ,00 *00
21&0 1-40 1200 1000
=%4E" ,IDE
Page 9& of 149
#210 #020 1100 -00
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&00 #00 200
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,,0 400 200
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&00 #00 200
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Fg.1 '6P88$! C!/$!L 'CH66 $! FL86
P C 2
$! P!C6''
$ $ $
$"e dru% s proBded (t" "g" lo( leBel s(tc"es for t"e ol leBel and lo( leBel s(tc" for nterface. $"ese s(tc"es actBate safety trps5 detals of ("c" can be found n '"utdo(n logc dagra%. $"s preBents t"e Bessel fro% gas blo(7by and ol carryunder n (ater etc. $"e separated ol fro% t"e 1st stage separator and test separator s co%bned and s routed to LP separator Feed Pre7"eater 6C7#1#. In t"s e
te%perature of t"e 2 stage separator feed by $IC #1#4. $"e "eated ol s t"en routed to 2 separator '7#02. ' #02 operatng pressure s controlled =PIC7#022> by regulatng t"e flo( of eBolBed gas to t"e HP flare. $"e lEud leBel control n t"s Bessel s controlled by LIC7#02&5 ("c" gBes a set pont to FIC7#21& n t"e dsc"arge of t"e !l ooster Pu%ps5 ("c" n ts turn controls F7#21& n t"e nlet to t"e stabl;er. egulatng t"e leBel of t"e ol(ater nterface =LIC7#022> controls t"e flo( of (ater fro% t"e Bessel =L #022>. Produced (ater s sent to t"e !ly +ater degasser for furt"er treat%ent. Page 9, of 149
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3.:.3 Desalter 'eparated ol fro% ' #02 s pu%ped to esalter usng pu%p G: #10 8 =2<100M pu%ps proBded (t" auto c"ange7oBer>. 8 control BalBe F7#1105 controlled by FC7#110 s proBded on t"e %n%u% flo( recrculaton lne of t"e pu%p. ,eries oeration
$(o stages of desaltng are proBded. $"e nco%ng "ot feed s %
'Ingle stage desaltng s proBded n t(o parallel Bessels. $"e nco%ng "ot feed s %. Fro% esalter 5 (ater s dsc"arged Ba G:7#20 8 and L7#20. $"e 4 ball BalBe n t"e lne to t"e oly (ater pac@age s to be opened5 ("le t"e 4 ball BalBe n t"e recycle lne to t"e nlet of esalter 8 s to be closed. n%u% flo( t"roug" t"e pu%p s controlled by FIC7#204 and F7#2045 ("c" recycles (ater bac@ to t"e esalter . $"e (as" (ater flo(rate s controlled by FIC7#200 and F7#200 upstrea% t"e pont ("ere t"e (as" (ater strea% splts n t(o to t"e nlets of t"e t(o esalters.
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FIG 2 6'8L$6 C!/$!L 'CH66 ='6I6' !P68$I!/>
F! 2 '$8G6 '6P88$!
$! '$8ILIW6
F! !+$ P8CD8G6 1'$ '$8G6 6'8L$6 ' #20 8
2/ '$8G6 6'8L$6 ' #20
$! !+$ P8CD8G6 +8'H +8$6 +8'H +8$6 P6H68$6 6C #21
G: #20
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FIG # 6'8L$6 C!/$!L 'CH66 =P88LL6L !P68$I!/>
F! 2 '$8G6 '6P88$!
$! '$8ILIW6
F! !+$ P8CD8G6 1'$ '$8G6 6'8L$6 ' #20 8
2/ '$8G6 6'8L$6 ' #20
$! !+$ P8CD8G6 +8'H +8$6 +8'H +8$6 P6H68$6 6C #21
$! !+$ P8CD8G6 G: #20
3.:.# ,ta2ili>er ry ol contanng 0.2M by Bolu%e (ater fro% t"e esalter5 s routed to t"e top of t"e 'tabl;er Colu%n. Pre"eated ol enters t"e top of t"e 'tabl;er Colu%n5 C87#105 ("ere any Bapor generated due to pressure reducton flas"es fro% t"e ol. !l flo(s do(n t"e colu%n5 contactng on t"e trays (t" "ot Bapor generated n t"e Crude 'trpper eboler5 6C #10. apor fro% t"e reboler passes up(ards t"roug" t"e colu%n5 contactng (t" descendng crude on t"e trays and strppng H2' and lg"t "ydrocarbons fro% t"e crude. 'tabl;ed crude fro% t"e reboler drops nto t"e colu%n botto%s secton fro% ("ere t s pu%ped out by t"e Crude ol transfer Pu%ps5 G: #118. LIC7#101 controls t"e leBel n t"establ;er by %odulatng control BalBe L7#101 do(nstrea% t"e 'tabl;ed !l $r% Cooler 6C7#12. Pu%p s protected aganst gong belo( t"e %n%u% flo( by proBdng a recycle control BalBe F7 #1015 ("c" recycles t"e stabl;ed ol to t"e colu%n under control of FIC7#019 n t"e dsc"arge of t"e pu%p. $"e 'tabl;er Colu%n s controlled as follo(s. 'trpped gases are released to flare on pressure control. $"e colu%n pressure s controlled by PIC7#101. H2' strpper colu%n botto% te%perature (ll be %antaned by $IC #1005 ("c" sets t"e desred stea% flo( to t"e reboler =FIC7#10&>. $"s (ll ac"eBe t"e desred
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$P and H2' specfcaton n t"e e. 8 condensate pot (t" leBel control s proBded for condensate re%oBal fro% reboler. $"e (ater dra(7off fro% t"e colu%n s controlled by nterface leBel controller LIC7#109 on t"e dra(7off collecton pot5 ("c" sends t"e dra(7off (ater to t"e oly (ater pac@age Ba L7#019. $"e H2' strppng process s senstBe to t"e reboler te%perature and t"e operatng pressure. Hg"7pressure s(tc" =P'HH #102> and t"e re7boler return te%perature s(tc" =$'HH #104> are proBded. $"ese alar% set ponts s"all be carefully %ontored n control roo%. 3.:.( Product um in?coolin 'tabl;ed crude fro% t"e 'tabl;er Colu%n s pu%ped =usng G: #11 8> to t"e LP separator pre"eater =6C #1#>. In t"s e by t"rottlng t"e sea (ater flo( t"roug" t"e tr% cooler. $"e te%perature s relayed to t"e control roo%. In addton5 t"e "g" te%pera tures alar% $8H7#11& and t"e Hg" Hg" $rp =$'HH #11*>. 'tabl;er botto% leBel s controlled by LC #101 on t"e ol e s nstalled on t"e e s proBded for t"s functon. $"e pu%p ta@es sucton fro% t"e ol e. For t"s5 a selector s(tc" (ll be proBded on t"e control sgnal fro% t"e LIC #1015 ("c" can select et"er ol e
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Produced (ater fro% t"e 1 st stage 'eparators5 t"e $est 'eparator and t"e 2 nd 'tage 'eparator s routed to t"e degassng s@%%er. Fro% t"e s@%%er5 (ater (t" ol traces5 s sent to flotaton unt ' 4015 ("ere product ol specfcaton n (ater s ac"eBed =as per Du(at Protocol>. ' 401 operates at about 0.270.# barg. +ater fro% ' 401 flo(s to ' 4025 (ater flas" Bessel t"at operates at about 0.- bara Bacuu%. acuu% n ' 402 s %antaned by an e)ector syste% operatng (t" fuel gas as t"e %otBe flud. $"e flas" gases and %otBe fluds are dspatc"ed to LP gas flare. $"e (ater fro% ' 4025 after flas" re%oBal of H2'5 s sent to retenton pool Ba lEud seal. In addton5 t"e Bessel ' 402 s located suc" t"at t"e lEud seal bet(een '7401 and '7402 s %antaned. Flo( t"roug" t"e syste% s by graBty oBer a seres of f
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% L % "/ , * 4"IP,* P"O4E4IO
ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
#.1 P$S lar% S et P oint 4ao
FunctionL ? ocation
=ell head and luster manifold Oil and /anifold
P8H71020 P8H7102# P8H7102* P8H7102, P8H7102P8H71029 P8L71020 P8L7102# P8L7102* P8L7102, P8L7102P8L71029
/ort" 6ast Cluster $est Inlet anfold Pressure Hg" /ort" 6ast Cluster Inlet anfold Pressure Hg" /ort" +est Cluster $est Inlet anfold Pressure Hg" /ort" + est Cluster I nlet anfold Pressure Hg" 'out" Cluster $est Inlet anfold Pressure Hg" 'out" Cluster Inlet anfold Pressure Hg" /ort" 6ast Cluster $est Inlet anfold Pressure Lo( /ort" PressurePressure Lo( /ort" 6ast +estCluster ClusterInlet $estanfold Inlet anfold Lo( /ort" + est Cluster Inlet anfold Pressure Lo( 'out" Cluster $ est Inlet anfold Pressure Lo( 'out" Cluster Inlet anfold Pressure Lo(
2# bar=g> 2# bar=g> 2# bar=g> 2# bar=g> 2# bar=g> 2# bar=g> 9 bar=g> 9 bar=g> 9 bar=g> 9 bar=g> 9 bar=g> 9 bar=g>
,earator ,ection 4est ,earator
F8L7#001 L8H7#00& L8L7#00& LI8H7#002 LI8L7#002 P8H7#00# P8L7#00#
' #00 $est 'eparator +ater !utlet Flo( lo( '#00$est'eparatorleBelHg" '#00$est'eparatorleBelLo( ' #00 $est 'eparator7 Interface LeBel Hg" ' #00 $est 'eparator7 Interface LeBel Lo( '#00$est'eparatorPressureHg" '#00$est'eparatorPressureLo(
#9 %#" 1000%% ,00%% #00 %% 200 %% 22.&bar=g> 9bar=g>
' #00 1st 'tage 'eparator Gas !utlet Flo( Hg"
#00000 '%#"
1st ,tae ,earator
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FunctionL ? ocation
F8L7#010 F8L7#011 L8H7#01& L8L7#01& LI8H7#012 LI8L7#012 P8H7#012
' #00 1st 'tage 'eparator Gas !utlet Flo( Lo( ' #00 1st 'tage 'eparator +ater !utlet Flo( Lo( '#011st'tage'eparatorLeBelHg" '#011st'tage'eparatorLeBelLo( ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator 7 Interface LeBel Hg" ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator 7 Interface LeBel Lo( ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator Pressure Hg"
1&000 '%#" &0 %#" 1-40%% 1200%% ,,0 %% 400 %% 22.& bar=g>
P8L7#012 $8L7#011
' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator Pressure Lo( ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator Gas !utlet $e%p Lo(
9 bar=g> 22 eg C
LP searator Feed Preheater
6C #1# LP separator feed pre"eater !l !utlet $e%p. Hg" 6C #1# LP separator feed pre"eater !l !utlet $e%p. Lo(
90 eg C ,0 eg C
:nd ,tae ,earator
L8H7#02& L8L7#02& LI8H7#022 LI8L7#022 P8H7#022 P8L7#022 Oil Pums
'#022nd'tage'eparatorLeBelHg" '#022nd'tage'eparatorLeBelLo( ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator7 Interface LeBel Hg" ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator7 Interface LeBel Lo( ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator Pressure Hg" ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator Pressure Lo(
#020%% 1100%% &00 %% #00 %% ,.& bar=g> 4.& bar=g>
G: #108 !l ooster Pu%p Z8Z !utlet Flo( Hg" '#208esalterInletFlo(Hg" G: #108 !l ooster Pu%p Z8Z !utlet Flo( Lo(
*90 %#" *90%#" 2#0 %#"
F8H7#110 F8H7#21& F8L7#110 Desalter
F8H7#200 F8H7#204 F8L7#200 LI8H7#2028 LI8H7#202 LI8L7#2028 LI8L7#202
' # 20 esalter nt Z Z + as" + ater I nlet Fl o( Hg" G: #208 esalter Pu%p !utlet Flo( Hg" ' # 20 esalter nt Z Z + as" +ater I nlet F lo( Lo( ' #208esalter Z8Z Interface leBel Hg" ' #20 esalter ZZ Interface leBel Hg" ' #208esalter Z8Z Interface leBel Lo( ' #20 esalter ZZ Interface leBel Lo(
Page 10& of 149
4, %#" %#" 12 %#" 10,& %% 10,& %% ,,& %% ,,& %%
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4ao ,ta2ili>er
FunctionL ? ocation
6C # 10 ' tabl;aton C olu%n eboler 't ea% f lo( Hg" 6C #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler 'tea% flo( Lo( C8#10'tabl;atonColu%nleBelHg"
F8L7#10& L8H7#101 L8L7#101 LI8H7#109 LI8L7#109 P8H7#101
#&000 @g" 9*00 @g" ##00%%
C8 leBel Lo( leBel Hg" -00%% C8#10 #10'tabl;aton 'tabl;atonColu%n Colu%n Interface C8 #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n Interface leBel Lo( C8 # 10 'tabl;aton Colu%n Gas !utlet to Flare 2 bar=g> Pressure Hg" C8 #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler !ly 6ffluent 1# bar=g> Inlet Pressure Hg" 6C #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler 'tea% 'upply -.& bar=g> Pressure Hg" C8 #10 't abl;aton Co lu%n Ga s !u tlet to F lare 1 bar=g> Pressure Lo( C8 #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler !ly 6ffluent - bar=g> Inlet Pressure Lo( C8#10 'tabl;aton Colu%n Pressure Lo( 1.0 bar=g> C8#10'tabl;aton Colu%n$e%pHg" 1&0egC C8 #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n Gas !utlet $e%p Hg" 100 egC
P8H7#104 P8H7#10, P8L7#101 P8L7#104 P8L7#109 $8H7#100 $8H7#10# $8L7#100 $8L7#110 ,ta2ili>ed Pum
ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
C8 Colu%n $e%peboler Lo( egC 6C#10 #10'tabl;aton 'tabl;aton Colu%n Gas !utlet 11010& egC $e%p Lo( Oil
F8H7#109 F8L7#109 8H7G:#1181 8H7G:#1182 8H7G:#111 8H7G:#112
G: #118 'tabl;ed !l pu%p !utlet Flo( Hg" G: #118 'tabl;ed !l pu%p !utlet Flo( Lo( G:#118 otor Bbraton (arnng G:#118 Pu%p Bbraton (arnng G:#11 otor Bbraton (arnng G:#11 Pu%p Bbraton (arnng
*&0 %#" 2&0 %#"
Product oolin
F8H7#11& F8L7#11& $8H7#111 $8H7#11& $8H7#119 $8L7#111
6C Hg"#12 'tabl;ed !l $r% Cooler $o $an@ Far% Flo( 6C #12 'tabl;ed !l $r% Cooler $o $an@ Far% Flo( Lo( 6 #11 'tabl;ed !l Cooler !utlet $e%p. Hg" 6C # 12 ' tabl;ed ! l $ r% C ooler $o $an@ Fa r% te%p. Hg" 6C # 12 ' tabl;ed ! l $ r% C ooler $o $an@ Fa r% te%p. Hg" 6 #11 'tabl;ed !l Cooler !utlet $e%p. Lo( Page 10* of 149
*12 %#" 1*, %#" *& egC && egC && egC &0 egC
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FunctionL ? ocation
$8L7#11& Oil acae
ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
6C # 12 ' tabl;ed ! l $r% C ooler $o $an@ F ar% te%p. Lo(
40 egC
L8H74021 L8L74011 L8L74021 P8H74001 P8L74001
' 402+ater Flas" '@%%ed olppe leBelesselLeBel '402+aterFlas"esselLeBel '400egassngru%Pressure '400egassngru%Pressure
1&00 %% 4&0%% *00%% 0.0.4
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#.2 (SD *rip lar% Set Point 4ao
FunctionL ? ocation
/anifold %rea
/ort" 6ast Cluster $est Inlet anfold
&0 bar=g>
P'LL71010 P'HH7101* P'LL7101* P'HH7101P'LL7101P'HH71012 P'LL71012 P'HH7101, P'LL7101, P'HH71019 P'LL71019
/ort" 6 astCluster$est I nletanfold /ort" + est Cluster $est I nlet anfold /ort" +est Cluster$est Inletanfold 'out"Cluster $estInletanfold 'out"Cluster $estInletanfold /ort" 6ast C luster Inletanfold /ort" 6ast C luster Inletanfold /ort" +estCluster Inletanfold /ort" +estCluster Inletanfold 'out"ClusterI nletanfold 'out"ClusterI nletanfold
,bar=g> &0 bar=g> ,bar=g> &0bar=g> ,bar=g> &0bar=g> ,bar=g> &0bar=g> ,bar=g> &0bar=g> ,bar=g>
4est ,earator
' # 00 $est ' eparator7 I nterface L eBel L o(
L'HH7#004 L'LL7#004 P'HH7#002
Lo( '#00$est'eparatorLeBelHg"Hg" '#00$est'eparatorLeBelLo(Lo( ' #00 $est 'eparator Pressure Hg" Hg"
' #00 $est 'eparator Pressure Hg" Hg"
' #00 $est 'eparator Pressure Lo( Lo(
200 %% 1200%% *00%% 24 bar=g> For HP !peraton 1&.4 bar=g> For LP !peraton , bar=g>
1st ,tae ,earator
L'LL7#011 L'HH7#014 L'LL7#014 P'HH7#011 P'HH7#011 P'LL7#011
' # 01 1 st ' tage ' eparator7 I nterface L eBel Lo( Lo( ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator LeBel Hg" Hg" ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator LeBel Lo( Lo( ' # 01 1 st ' tage ' eparator P ressure H g" Hg" ' # 01 1 st ' tage ' eparator P ressure H g" Hg" ' #01 1st 'tage 'eparator Pressure Lo( Lo(
200 %% 21&0 %% 1000 %% 24 bar=g> For HP !peraton 1&.4 bar=g> For LP !peraton , bar=g>
:nd ,tae ,earator
' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator7 Interface LeBel
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200 %%
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L'HH7#024 L'LL7#024 P'HH7#021 P'LL7#021
ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
FunctionL ? ocation
' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator LeBel Hg" Hg" ' #02 2nd 'tage 'eparator LeBel Lo( Lo( ' # 02 2 nd ' tage ' eparator P ressure H g" Hg" ' # 02 2 nd ' tage ' eparator P ressure L o( Lo(
#210 %% -00 %% -.& bar=g> 4.0 bar=g>
5ooster and ,ta2ili>ed Oil Pums
G: #108 !l ooster Pu%p !utlet Pressure Hg" Hg"
G: #108 !l ooster Pu%p !utlet Pressure Lo( Lo(
G: #10 !l ooster Pu%p !utlet Pressure Hg" Hg"
G: #10 !l ooster Pu%p !utlet Pressure Lo( Lo(
P'LL7#11#8 P'LL7#11# P'LL87#1#18 P'LL87#1#1
G: #108 !l ooster Pu%p Inlet Pressure Lo( Lo( G: #10 !l ooster Pu%p Inlet Pressure Lo( Lo( G:#108 !l ooster Pu%p 'eal Pressure Lo( Lo( G:#10 !l ooster Pu%p 'eal Pressure Lo( Lo(
19.0 bar=g> 10.0 bar=g> 19.0 bar=g> 10.0 bar=g> 4.0 bar=g> 4.0 bar=g>
Desalter %rea
L'HH7#2018 L'LL7#2018 L'HH7#201 L'LL7#201 L'LL7#20#8 L'LL7#20#
'#208esalterZ8ZInterfaceLeBel '#208esalterZ8ZInterfaceLeBel '#20esalterZZInterfaceLeBel '#20esalterZZInterfaceLeBel ' #208 esalter Z8Z LeBel ' #20 esalter ZZ LeBel
122&%% *2&%% 122&%% *2&%%
P'LL7#20-8 P'LL7#20-
G: #208 esalter Pu%p 8IL Pressure Lo( Lo( G: #20 esalter Pu%p IL Pressure Lo( Lo(
& bar=g> & bar=g>
C8#10'tabl;atoncolu%n!Lto'400 C8#10'tabl;atonColu%nleBel C8#10'tabl;atonColu%nleBel 6C#10'tabl;atonColu%nebolerleBel C8#10'tabl;atonColu%nGas!utlet C8#10'tabl;atonColu%nGas!utlet 6C #10 'tabl;aton Colu%n eboler Gas !utlet
#00%% #-00%% #00%% 92.2M 2.4bar=g> 0.&bar=g> 1&- eg C
L'LL7#110 L'HH7#10# L'LL7#10# L'LL7#10P'HH7#102 P'LL7#102 $'HH7#104 ,ta2ili>ed Oil Pums
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ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
FunctionL ? ocation
P'LL87#1#08 P'LL87#1#0 P'LL7#11,8 P'LL7#11, P'HH7#1198 P'HH7#119
G: #118 'tabl;ed !l Pu%p Z8Z 'eal Pressure Lo( Lo( &.& G: #11 'tabl;ed !l Pu%p Z8Z 'eal Pressure Lo( Lo( &.& G: #118 'tabl;ed !l Pu%p Inlet Pressure Lo( Lo( 0.& bar=g> G: #11 'tabl;ed !l Pu%p Inlet Pressure Lo( Lo( 0.& bar=g> G: #118 'tabl;ed !l Pu%p !utlet Pressure Hg" Hg" 1, bar=g> G: #11 'tabl;ed !l Pu%p !utlet Pressure Hg" Hg" 1, bar=g>
G: #118 'tabl;ed !l P u%p Z8Z otor + ndng $e%p. Hg" Hg" G: #118 'tabl;ed !l P u%p Z8Z otor + ndng $e%p. Hg" Hg" G: #118 'tabl;ed !l P u%p Z8Z otor + ndng $e%p. Hg" Hg" G: #118 'tabl;ed !l Pu%p Z8Z otor earng $e%p.Hg" Hg" G: #118 'tabl;ed !l Pu%p Z8Z otor earng $e%p.Hg" Hg" G: #118 'tabl;ed !l Pu%p Z8Z Pu%p earng $e%p.Hg" Hg" G: #118 'tabl;ed !l Pu%p Z8Z Pu%p earng $e%p.Hg" Hg" G: #11 'tabl;ed !l Pu%p ZZ otor + ndng $e%p. Hg" Hg"
1&0 egC 1&0 egC 1&0 egC 9& egC
G: #11 Hg" Hg"'tabl;ed !l Pu%p ZZ otor + ndng $e%p. G: #11 'tabl;ed !l Pu%p ZZ otor + ndng $e%p. Hg" Hg" G: #11 'tabl;ed !l Pu%p ZZ otor earng $e%p. Hg" Hg" G: #11 'tabl;ed !l Pu%p ZZ otor earng $e%p. Hg" Hg" G: #11 'tabl;ed !l Pu%p ZZ Pu%p earng $e%p. Hg" Hg" G: #11 'tabl;ed !l Pu%p ZZ Pu%p earng $e%p. Hg" Hg" G: #118 'tabl;ed !l Pu%p Z8Z otor Bbraton Hg" Hg" G: #118 'tabl;ed !l Pu%p Z8Z Pu%p Bbraton Hg" Hg" G: #11 'tabl;ed !l Pu%p ZZ otor Bbraton Hg" Hg" G: #11 'tabl;ed !l Pu%p ZZ Pu%p Bbraton Hg" Hg"
1&0 egC 1&0 egC 9& egC
$'HH7#1228 $'HH7#1248 $'HH7#12*8 $'HH7#12,8 $'HH7#12-8 $'HH7#1298 $'HH7#1#0 $'HH7#1#2 $'HH7#1#4 $'HH7#1#* $'HH7#1#, $'HH7#1#- $'HH7#1#9 'HH7G: #1181 'HH7G: #1182 'HH7G: #111 'HH7G: #112
9& egC 9& egC 9& egC 1&0 egC
9& egC 9& egC 9& egC
Product oolin and EGort
P'LL7#11& P'LL7#1248 P'LL7#124
6C #12 'tabl;ed !l $r% Cooler $o $an@ Far% Pressure 9.0 bar=g> Lo( Lo( G:#128 !ff s pec P u%p ec"ancal ' eal p ressure Lo( *.1 Lo( G:#12 ! ff s pec P u%p ec"ancal ' eal p ressure Lo( *.1 Lo( Page 110 of 149
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$'HH7#11* 'HH7#11&8 'HH7#11& 'HH7#11&C 'HH7#11& 'HH7#11,8 'HH7#11, 'HH7#11,C 'HH7#11,
ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
FunctionL ? ocation
6C #12 'tabl;ed !l $r% Cooler $o $an@ Far% $e%p. *0 ec C Hg" Hg" 6 # 1181 ' tabl;ed ! l C ooler Fa n Z8 1Z braton H g" Hg" 6 # 111 ' tabl;ed ! l C ooler Fa n Z 1Z braton H g" Hg" 6 #11C1 'tabl;ed !l Cooler Fan ZC1Z braton Hg" Hg" 6 #111 'tabl;ed !l Cooler Fan Z1Z braton Hg" Hg" 6 # 1182 ' tabl;ed ! l C ooler Fa n Z8 2Z braton H g" Hg" 6 # 112 ' tabl;ed ! l C ooler Fa n Z 2Z braton H g" Hg" 6 #11C2 'tabl;aton !l Cooler Fan ZC2Z braton Hg" Hg" 6 #112 'tabl;aton !l Cooler Fan Z2Z braton Hg" Hg"
Oil =ater Pacae
L'LL74002 P'HH74002 L'LL74010 L'HH7400L'LL7400$'HH7401#8 $'HH7401# L'HH74022
' 400 egasser '@%%er ru% LeBel Lo( Lo( '400egassngru%PressureHg"Hg" '@%%edolppeLeBelLo(Lo( '401FlotatonuntLeBelHg"Hg" '401FlotatonuntLeBelLo(Lo( G:4008 !l s@% return pu%p !L $e%p Hg" Hg" G:400 !l s@% return pu%p !L $e%p Hg" Hg" '402+aterFlas"esselLeBelHg"Hg"
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2200 %% #.0 2&0%% 1,90%% 4&0%%
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ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
#.3 Fire
Hdetectors 2' Hydrocarbon =pont type> at 7 6ngne enclosures =ncl. 8r nlets> 7 uldngs =ncl. H8C ar nlets> Hydrocarbon =pont type> at 7 Processng areas Hydrocarbon=openpat"bea%> ate of rse detectors
@I;@ LE'EL ,E4 POI4
pp% & 1&ML6L
4& pp% 2&ML6L
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2.&L6L.% JC%n 1
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ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
#.# +elief / al)es P,'o.
,et P&ID o. Pressure* 2ar
Location ? "emars
P' 1000 8
1940 'H$ 1 !/ CL'$6 $6'$ LI/6' I/ 8/IF!L
P' 1002 8C P' 100* 8 P' 100, 8C
12, 12, 12,
P' 100- 8 P' 1009 8C
12, 12,
P'#0008 P' #011 8C P' #0208C P'#1008 P' #1#0 8 P'#2008 P'#200 P'4020
2, 2, 10 #.& 20 21 21 #.&
1940 'H$ 2 !/ CL'$6 P!C$I!/ LI/6 8/IF!L 1940 'H$ 1 !/ CL'$6 $6'$ LI/6' I/ 8/IF!L 1940 'H$ 2 !/ CL'$6 P!C$I!/ LI/6 8/IF!L 1940 'H$ 1 !/ CL'$6 $6'$ LI/6' I/ 8/IF!L 1940 'H$ 2 !/ CL'$6 P!C$I!/ LI/6 8/IF!L 19&0 !n$est'eparator'#00 19&1 !n Producton 'eparator ' #01 19 'H$ 2 !n 2 nd stage 'eparator ' #02 19&* '$8ILI'6C!L/ 19 'H$ 2 6C7#1# P!$6C$I!/ 19&&'H$1 6'8L$6 8 19&&'H$2 6'8L$6 19,1 !/'402
#.& Blow down /al)es 4%; O.
#00# #01* #02#
88819&0 88819&1 888192
#^ *^ 4^
F! F! F!
LO%4IO ? "E/%"0,
!n$est'eparator'#00 !n1st'tage'eparator'#01 !n2nd'tage'eparator' #02
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I/ I/ I/
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#.- (%ergency Shtdown /al)es 4%; O.
P&ID o.
6' 1000 888 19401 6' 1002 888 19402
10^ 1-^
6' 100* 888 19401 6' 100, 888 19402
10^ 1-^
6' 1006' 1009 6' 101* 6' 1016' 1020 6' 1022
888 19401 888 19402 888 19401 888 19401 888 19401 888 19402
10^ 1-^ 2^ 2^ 2^ 2^
6' 102, 888 19402
6' 1029 888 19402 6' 10-1 888 1,111
2^ 10^
6' 10-2 888 1,111
6' 10-# 888 1,111
6' 10-4 888 1,111
6' 1091 888 1,112
6' 1092 888 1,112
6' 109# 888 1,112
6' 1094 888 1,112
6' 1101 888 1,11# 6' 1102 888 1,11#
10^ 10^
10^ 10^ 10^ 14^ 14^
6' 110# 6' 1104 6' 110& 6' #11& 6' #11*
888 1,11# 888 1,11# 888 1,11# 88819&88819&-
LO%4IO ? "E/%"0,
!l lne fro% /ort" 6ast Cluster $est Lne !l l ne f ro% / ort" 6 ast C luster P roducton Lne !l lne fro% /ort" +est Cluster $est Lne !l l ne f ro% / ort" + est C luster P roducton Lne !l lne fro% 'out" Cluster $est Lne !l lne fro% 'out" Cluster Producton Lne !l lne fro% /ort" +est Cluster $est Lne !l lne fro% 'out" Cluster $est Lne !l lne fro% /ort" 6ast Cluster $est Lne !l l ne f ro% / ort" 6 ast C luster P roducton Lne !l l ne f ro% / ort" + est C luster P roducton Lne !l lne fro% 'out" Cluster Producton Lne Flo( l ne f ro% / ort" 6 ast C luster ( ell 7 1[[P/61 Flo( l ne f ro% / ort" 6 ast C luster ( ell 7 1[[P/62 Flo( l ne f ro% / ort" 6 ast C luster ( ell 7 1[[P/6# Flo( l ne f ro% / ort" 6 ast C luster ( ell 7 1[[P/64 Flo( l ne f ro% / ort" + est C luster ( ell 7 1[[P/+4 Flo( l ne f ro% / ort" + est C luster ( ell 7 1[[P/+# Flo( l ne f ro% / ort" + est C luster ( ell 7 1[[P/+2 Flo( l ne f ro% / ort" + est C luster ( ell 7 1[[P/+1 Flo( lne fro% 'out" Cluster (ell 71[[P'11 Flo( lne fro% 'out" Cluster (ell 71[[P'10 Flo( lne fro% 'out" Cluster (ell 71[[P'9 Flo( lne fro% 'out" Cluster (ell 71[[P'Flo( lne fro% 'out" Cluster (ell 71[[P', !l 6
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ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
, % FE 4<
$"s 'afety secton brefs about t"e safety features of t"e orood /e( Plant facltes ("c" proBdes safety syste%s to protect personnel5 enBron%ent and assets fro% t"reats of producton "a;ards. $"e safety of t"e plant facltes s %antaned to a %n%u% rs@ leBel by adaptng t"e follo(ng safety desgn aspects • •
• • • •
8Bodng e "ydrocarbons5 "ydrocarbon fla%%able gases and any ot"er abnor%al "a;ardous eBent>5 Contanng and %n%sng t"e conseEuence =fre5 e of t"e "a;ards5 ProBdng t"e %eans of escape and eBacuaton fro% suc" "a;ards5 ProBng a safe (or@ng enBron%ent for ste personnel and t"e surroundng populaton. 8Bodng e
&.1 Plant 7ayot $"e Plant layout s based on t"e follo(ng desgn consderatons Hydrocarbon contanng eEup%ent s postoned do(n(nd t"e preBalng (nd drecton. $"e poston of flares and Bents are ta@en nto account preBalng (nds to aBod as far as possble drftng Hydrocarbon$o<c clouds. Furnaces s preferably located at t"e e. $"e processng plant facltes are grouped nto processng syste%s5 separatng "g" pressure fro% lo( pressure5 (t" "g"7pressure eEup%ent as far as possble fro% %anned areas and do(n (nd of t"e preBalng (nd drecton to assst n t"e protecton aganst "ydrogen sulp"de. Control roo%s5 tec"ncal roo%s and ot"er buldngs are located n non7"a;ardous areas. 8ccess and space for e are located and openng onto t"e sde opposte fro% t"e process. oors are orentated n t"e drecton of escape. $"e plant and flare per%eters are fenced.
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ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
uster areas for t"e /e( Plant are around t"e plant but outsde of t"e boundary fencng. Cable trays5 ppe rac@s and flare "eader are postoned to suffer %n%u% da%age fro% )et fres5 e of Be"cles =and truc@s> t"at (ll operate on t"e producton facltes. Locaton of roads carryng general traffc around process bloc@s s n non7"a;ardous areas. n%u% of 2 entry ponts per process unt s proBded. arrer control at %an ons"ore facltes entrance s proBded. Clear "eadroo% of at least 4.&% (t" suffcent (dt" to enable long Be"cles to turn s reEured. 6scape routes and open areas are proBded. Good pedestran access s proBded. n%u% "eadroo% reEured s 2.1 %. +nd drecton ndcators are proBded across t"e plant5 to assst personnel escape n t"e eBent of a to<c gas release. 8lt"oug" t"e Layout P"losop"y s defned n t"s secton t s recognsed t"at D"arg Island s a congested ndustral and %ltary area and t"erefore t"e actual faclty layout s constraned by t"e d%ensons of t"e plant plot.
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ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
&.3 (%ergency Sh tdown Sys te% (.3.1 O2jecti+e $"e ob)ectBe of t"e 6%ergency '"utdo(n 'yste% s $o preBent undesrable eBents t"at could deBelop nto stuatons5 ("c" could cause rs@ to personnel and eEup%ent. s"utdo(n producton unts ("ere upset condtons are detected. $o preBent ant"e escalaton of upset condtons. 6%ergency '"ut o(n =6'> s"all %n%se t"e conseEuences of a loss of contan%ent stuaton n t"e "ydrocarbon processng strea%s. $"e "ydrocarbon process eEup%ent s proBded (t" an auto%atc s"utdo(n and lo( o(n => syste% t"at n t"e eBent of an accdental eBent beng detected ntates t"e protectBe actons and predeter%ned alar%s to (arn personnel of a fre or gas ncdent. In addton to t"e auto%atc s"utdo(n and blo(do(n syste% for "ydrocarbon process strea%s t"e 6' syste% (ll also be reEured to ntate alar%s or e. $"e ''' s"are a Central Processng nt =CP> (t" t"e soft(are Fre 3 Gas 'yste% =FG'>5 "o(eBer t"e FG' 6' logc are co%pletely ndependent pac@ages. $"e 6' and FG' logc and s"are only nput and output sgnals as defned n t"e 6' Logc agra%s and t"e FG' Logc agra%s. $"e 6' syste% drBen by t"e ''' s"all be clearly dstngus"ed fro% te Process Control 'yste% =PC'> and t"e Process '"utdo(n Functon =P''>. $"e purpose of t"e PC' and t"e P'' s to control t"e nor%al operaton of process and utlty syste%s. $"e 6' functons drBen by t"e ''' "aBe prorty oBer t"e P'' and t"e PC'5 and t"e P'' "as prorty oBer t"e PC'. $"e actBe 6' deBces =l@e 6'’s and ’s> are dedcated and ndependent fro% t"e P'' control deBces =l@e '’s>. (.3.3 ;eneral Princiles ontorng5 control and status of 6' syste% and functons and operatons s n t"e Control oo%. 8 syste% of anual 8lar% Call ponts =8Cs> n any plant area are operator ntated nputs to t"e FG'. !peraton of a 8C (ll ntate a co%%and to t"e 6' logc control t"at s eEuBalent to confr%ed fre. 6's are proBded at all plant boundares. ’s are proBded on all pressur;ed "ydrocarbon contanng syste%s. $"e 6' syste% s desgned n accordance (t" fal7safe prncples.
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!n confr%ed detecton of a loss of contan%ent5 t"e 6' syste% s"all ntate auto%atc to brng t"e plant to a safe status and to %n%;e t"e conseEuences of a release. $"s %ay consst of Isolatng nco%ng or outgong ol or gas strea%s 6%ergency depressur;aton of t"e facltes 6l%nate potental sources of gnton by solatng po(er supply fro% electrcal eEup%ent. Intate alar%s n t"e Control oo% and Plant 8rea $"e 6' syste% at t"e plant "as been desgn around t"ree pr%ary safety s"utdo(n leBels 8n ult%ate 6' leBel =E,D $> t"at can be trggered only %anually fro% t"e control roo% by a pus" button. $"s s"ould be ntated n an "a;ardous eBent t"at "as t"e potental to escalate rapdly nto an uncontrolled e%ergency stuaton. E,D-1 B%*5*C (ll be trggered auto%atcally Ba t"e F3G detecton n t"e producton areas. $"ese 6' leBels apply on a process area bass. Certan process upset condtons (ll also trgger t"ese s"utdo(n leBels. E,D-: (ll be trggered by gas detecton n a non7process area and ntates only an alar% to t"e control roo%. $"e 'ea(ater nta@e area n ncluded n t"e plant 6' syste%. $"e clusters "aBe no ln@ (t" t"e plant 6' syste%. $"ey are proBded (t" t"er o(n ndependent safety cabnets.
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(.3.# E,D on trol Lo ic $"e 6' control logc s presented n a s%plfed %anner n t"e table belo(. Full detals can be found n t"e '"utdo(n Logc agra% for 6' 3 GP'5 I40 11 :00 88000 888 &0*-. $"s (ll descrbe also ("at po(er sources re%an lBe and ("c" are solated at eac" 6'7 18 and 6'70.
E,D-$ %7,E
Pus" button n control roo%
8bandon alar% Ba P8G8 8l%ost plant all electrcal po(er solated e
E,D-1% %7,E
6'70 Confr%ed "g" leBel gas detecton n any plant area
$o<c gas detected alar% Ba P8G8 $rp G$G5 6G auto start up Isolate non7e
E,D-15 %7,E
6'718 Fre n ol area Fre n %anfold area Fre n gas area Fre n dranage area
General alar% Ba P8G8 lo(do(n all plant facltes 6'71C
E,D-1 %7,E
6'71 Fre n et"anol storage area Fre at Flare D! dru% HP or LP Flare D! dru% "g" "g" leBel HP or LP Flare D! dru% "g" "g" pressure Flare plots falure
General alar% Ba P8G8 Isolate Plant nlet 3 outlet =close all 6'’s> Isolate nstru%ent ar "ose statons GP'718 co%%and to P''
E,D-: %7,E
Fre n safe areas Fre at sea (ater nta@e
General alar% Ba P8G8
(.3.( Process ,hutdo!n Loic
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8 General Process '"ut o(n =GP'> s trggered for abnor%al condtons t"at present a potental for deBelopng nto a loss of contan%ent eBent. $"s leBel s ln@ed to t"e plant operatng process condtons and causes a producton s"utdo(n of releBant facltes. $"e GP' control logc s presented n a s%plfed %anner n t"e table belo(. Full detals can be found n t"e '"utdo(n Logc agra% for 6' 3 GP'5 I40 11 :00 88000 888 &0*- '"t 1.
;P,D-1% %7,E
6'71C Pus" button n t"e control roo% Instru%ent ar pressure lo(7lo(
$rp sea(ater lft 3 fltraton syste% $rp sea(ater n)ecton syste% $rp 'tea% generaton syste% GP'71
;P,D-15 %7,E
GP'718 8cd flare D! dru% leBel "g"7"g" Closed dran dru% leBel "g"7"g" LP fuel gas syste% pressure lo(7lo(
$rp ol syste% $rp flare syste% $rp gas s(eetenng 6'71C
E,D-1 %7,E
GP'71 /trogen syste% pressure lo(7lo( $ube rupture P oosted Gas Cooler
$rp fuel gas syste% $rp oly (ater syste% $rp gas n)ecton syste% Isolate ntrogen "ose statons
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(.3.6 luster ,hutdo!n Loic $"e cluster s"utdo(n logc s ac"eBed t"roug" t"e (ell"ead control panels =+HCP’s> and 6' panels. $"ere are t"ree leBels of s"utdo(n E,D-1. $"e "g"est leBel of e%ergency s"utdo(n of t"e co%plete cluster =ncludng closure
of t"e do(n "ole BalBes> t"at (ll be ntated n case of fre only. E,D-:. /or%al e%ergency s"utdo(n of t"e ("ole cluster E,D-3. '"utdo(n of a sngle (ell
$"e logc s represented n t"e table belo(. Full detals can be found n t"e '"utdo(n Logc agra% for Clusters5 I40 11 :00 88000 888 &0*- '"t *.
E,D-1 %7,E
Pus" button on +HCP 8ny pus" button on escape route Fusble plug loop Confr%ed gas detecton
Close 'C''’s on all ol and gas (ells 6'72
E,D-: %7,E
6'71 Pus" button on +HCP anfold pressure "g"7"g" =2 oo # Botng>
Close ''’s on all (ells Close all 6'’s 6'7# of all (ells
E,D-3 %7,E
6'72 Flo(lne pressure "g"7"g" Flo(lne pressure lo(7lo(
Close '' of concerned (ell Close 6' n gas n)ecton "eader =only n case of 6'7# on gas n)ecton (ell>
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&.# Fire < Gas Syste% (.#.1 O2jecti+e $"e ob)ectBe of t"e fre and gas detecton s to proBde an early (arnng to personnel of potentally dangerous stuatons suc" as fla%%able or to<c =H 2'> gas at%osp"eres or fres and to enable auto%atc ntaton of re%edal actons to aBod or %n%se escalaton of eBents5 e.g. ntate releBant s"utdo(ns. . $"e early (arnng sgnal (ll enable personneland or t"e syste% to ta@e re%edal actons to reduce escalaton effects of t"e dangerous stuaton and5 certanly at least as %portant5 personnel are %ade a(are of a dangerous stuaton. $"s s partcularly %portant for H2' releases5 ("ere rapd personnel response s essental to reduce t"e "a;ard potental. $"e functon of t"e F3G 'yste% s to ontor all desgnated areas for fre ontor all areas ("ere fla%%ableto<c Bapours %g"t be present n nor%al operaton. ontor all ar loc@s H8C ar nta@es to buldngs for to<c and fla%%able gas ProBde a faclty for rasng an alar% 8lert personnel n Control oo% of any fre5 gas =to<c or fla%%able> e%ergency stuaton 8ctBate t"e auto%atc fre7fg"tng syste% and 6' Close fre da%pers ("en gas s detected. '"utdo(n of H8C syste%. 8lert personnel n Control oo% of any fault detected by self7test facltes. (.#.: F&; ,u 2-,stem Des crition $"e Fre 3 Gas 'yste% =FG'> s"all be proBded to perfor% t"e follo(ng dutes $o eBaluate sgnals fro% F3G detecton syste%5 usng Botng tec"nEues ("ere necessary $o actBate Bsual and audble alar%s $o %ontor t"e actBaton of auto%atc fre fg"tng syste%s ntated on t"e confr%ed detecton of fre Ba a fusble loop. $o auto%atcally actBate approprate fre7fg"tng syste%s ("ere ntaton s not auto%atc Ba t"e fusble loop. $o allo( %anual ntaton by operator fro% Control oo% of re%otely operated fre fg"tng facltes. $o proBde start faclty =%anual and auto%atc> for fre(ater pu%ps $o sgnal 6' syste% for furt"er auto%atc acton $o actBate fre da%per closure n H8C $o %ontor state and aBalablty of t"e fre7fg"tng syste%s $o ndcate any acton ta@en n Control oo% $o log all F3G sub7syste% actons. 8ll F3G detector syste% output s"all be connected to t"e faclty dedcated F3G sub7 syste%. $"s for%s part of t"e faclty '''FG' syste% ("c" s located n t"e Instru%entaton $ec"ncal oo%.
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$"e detecton syste% arc"tecture s"all be based on area dentfcaton and not at detector leBel. $"e syste% desgn s"all be based on fal7safe prncples5 (t" fault reBealng facltes for detectors. 8ll of t"e non fal7safe F3G nputs and outputs s"all be lne %ontored. F3G detectors (ll be proBded n all areas (t" a sgnfcant fre or gas "a;ard5 and t"ey (ll be selected and located to %a<%se t"e speed and relablty of response. 8ll t"e F3G sensors for t"e process plant s"all be ln@ed drectly to t"e F3G sub7syste% to be located n t"e processng plant Instru%entaton $ec"ncal oo%. Cluster F3G sensors s"all be local only. $"e oBerall F3G sub7syste% (ll be %ontored fro% t"e process plant Control oo%. Full dsplay ncludng alar%s5 faults5 detecton etc s"all be proBded. (.#.3 4he ,election and Location of F&; Detectors etectors (ould be selected out of t"e follo(ng types for locatng t"e% n approprate areas at reEured Euantty Ion;aton and optcal type s%o@e detectors ate !f se type t"er%al detectors Fusble plug type t"er%al detectors II type fla%e detectors 'pot II Fla%%able gas detectors 'pot $o<c gas detectors ea% type Fla%%able gas detectors Hydrogen gas detectors anual 8lar% Call Ponts =8C> General selecton crtera for eac" type of detector (ould be as follo(s S%o=e detectors for enclosed areas ("ere do%estc type fres =Class 8>5 fla%ng lEud
fres and electrcal fres =Class C> are eic gas detectors for areas ("ere lea@age of suc"
gases s possble and can escalate to cause "ar% to personnel and or affect plant5 process and eEup%ents. +"ereBer gas release leads to t"e presence of to<c gas andor fla%%able gas n t"e sa%e area5 only to<c gas detectors need to be proBded as to<c gas detecton notfcaton ta@es precedence. $"e e
fla%%able gas presence oBer t"ose locatons.
,ydrogen gas detectors ("ere "ydrogen gas release and accu%ulaton s possble. Fla%e detectors to be proBded n t"e open plant areas ("ere "ydrocarbon fre rs@ s
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Fsile plgs to be proBded near crtcal eEup%ent located n open areas for detectng t"e
fre n t"e Bcnty. 6
contan large partcles =less t"an 100 %crons> or ("ere products of co%buston are nBsble suc" as cable trenc"es5 Baults ("ere electrcal cables pose t"e %a)or fre rs@. =Cable Bodstrenc"es>. etectors nstalled n floor Bods and trenc"esBaults (ll "aBe re%ote ndcaton n t"e roo% aboBe t"e %ontored space to ndcate t"er status. Spot type optical s%o=e detectors for enclosed areas ("ere s%o@e "as large partcles
=larger t"an 100 %crons> suc" as n t"e case of s%oulderng fres =!ffces5 +are "ouses5 publc areas5 tec"ncal roo%s5 control roo%s5 laboratores etc>. +ate of +ise detectors 0+O+ for enclosed areas ("ere s%o@e detectors can not be used
or are not effectBe and ("ere Euc@ te%perature rse due to fre s e
proBdng ;one coBerage. In areas ("ere fla%ng fres are e coBerage and %ontorng for fre s reEured
for areas and eEup%ents. Fusble plug syste%s s"all be t"e %an fre detecton syste% n place for t"e %a)or "ydrocarbon lEud nBentores on t"e orood /e( Plant facltes. eluge7(ater spray syste%s for t"e !l 'tablsaton and !l 'eparaton 8rea s"all be auto%atcally actBated5 upon confr%ed fre detecton5 by frangble bulbs %ounted on a (et plot syste% connected to t"e deluge BalBe. pon fre detecton5 actBated by a P'LL on t"e (et plot syste% t"e sgnal s trans%tted to t"e F3G sub7syste% and an 6' ntated. For and LP Flare D! ru%s atopneu%atc fusble plugofloop s proBded. Fusble plugs s"allt"e beHP located as close as possble t"e potental source gnton of t"e eEup%ent t"ey protect (t"out %pedng %antenance actBtes e.g. pu%ps etc. !nfra;red fla%e detectors 0!+FD s"all be nstalled ("ereBer fusble plug detecton syste%s
cannot be nstalled5 andor fast response s reEured. 'anal lar% $all 0'$ point of pull rotate type ("c" s ntegrated (t" t"e F3G syste%
(ll be proBded along all escape routes at eBery &0% nterBal and at open plant areas ("ere %a<%u% traBel dstance to nearest 8C e
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proBded at eBery buldng e<ts =nsde>. 8C actBaton s"all "aBe t"e sa%e effect as confr%ed fre detecton n t"e area of 8C ntaton. 8 pus" button =pull7rotate type> to ntate 6'70 s proBded n t"e Control oo%. 8t t"e clusters 8C pus"buttons =pull7rotate type> are proBded at t"e entrancee<ts to eac" cluster ste. 8ctBaton of t"e 8C annuncates as confr%ed fre to t"e local FG' Panel ("c" ntates audble and Bsual alar%s oBer t"e cluster ste. 4oGic and Flamma2le ;as Spot type ,2S detectors ("ere flud "andled "as H2' and ("ere Bentlaton nlets and
entrances to occuped areas are located.
Spot type ,2 detectors ("ere H2 gas e%sson s e
Lead 8cd batteres and c"argng facltes. Spot type $,# detectors ("ere "ydrocarbon Bapourgas lea@ s t"e sole gas "a;ard and at
ar nta@es of %ac"nes and Bentlaton nlets. Preference s"all be gBen to t"e use of nfrared type "ydrocarbon gas detectors to aBod H2' posonng of catalytc types =IG>. $,# Bea% detectors ("ere "ydrocarbon Bapour release can for% t"e gas "a;ard. ,elected tes and locations
$"e Fre 3 Gas detector Layout s"o( t"e locatons and types of Fre 3 Gas detector nstalled. efer I 40 11 F 88 000 8 04*, '"t 1720. (.#.# 'otin Loi c and % ctions 8ll loops and detectors are arranged suc" t"at any arsng "a;ard can be easly located. /o loop coBers %ore t"an one fre area. etecton n at least 2 loops s generally reEured n order to ntate an e
o. of detectors o+er limit
1oo1 2oo2 2oo2 2oo# #oo# 1oo/ 2oo/
1 1 2 1 2or# 1 2of%ore
Lo! le+el Bas detctionC
8lar% 8lar% 8lar% 8lar% 8lar% 8lar% 8lar%
@ih le+el Bas detectionC or fire
8lar% 8lar% Protecton acton 8lar% Protectonacton 8lar% Protetconacton
$"e aboBe does not apply for fusble plug loops5 ("c" ntate acton at any sngle detecton. $"e alar%s t"at are beng generated Ba t"e P8G8 are defned n secton &.9.2. 8ctons t"at are generated t"roug" t"e 6' syste% are defned n sectons &.2.& 3 &.2.*. !n confr%ed
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fre detecton5 t"e fre(ater pu%p (ll be started. Furt"er detals can be found n t"e F3G Cause 3 6ffect %atrces I40 11 F1# 88 000 'P 0412
&.& +elief and Depressrisation Syste%s 6%ergency epressursaton =6P> syste%s are proBded to rapdly depressurse all producton Bessel Bapour nBentores. 6P syste%s s desgned n accordance (t" 8PI P &21 and so t"at t"ey do not nduce "ar%ful stuatons for t"e operatng personnel5 t"e natural enBron%ent5 and t"e eEup%ent on t"e producton unts. adaton and gas dsperson calculatons are produced to substantate t"e desgn of t"e 6P syste%. 8ll eEup%ent treatng "ydrocarbons and ot"er fla%%able or to<c fluds s"all be conBeyed to t"e flares located at a safe dstance fro% t"e operatng plant. $"e desgn of t"e blo(do(n syste%s s based on ac"eBng a pressure of , barg or &0M of desgn pressure5 ("c"eBer s t"e lo(er5 (t"n 1& %n of ntaton.
&.- Flare Syste%s Flarng s nor%ally reEured to safely dspose of t"e produced gas t"at s not used for fuel gas or re7n)ected durng nor%al operatons. In addton t"e flare s a process safeguard t"at s used to depressurse t"e process plant under e%ergency condtons and to receBe dsc"arges fro% relef BalBes. $"e flare s postoned at a safe locaton (t" respect to t"e ne( plant5 ot"er ndustral areas and t"e publc. Flare s postoned at a safe locaton (t" respect to possble gnton by t"e flare of fla%%able gases accdentally released fro% t"e producton facltes. etaled descrpton can be found n secton 2.- of t"e tltes !peratng anual.
&.5 Drainage and Spill $ontain%ent ProBsons s defned for controllng possble splls fro% t"e process utltes eEup%ent by collectng and dranng t"e% to dedcated unt=s> O dran retenton pts. Derbs or drp pans s proBded under potental lea@ sources5 e.g. sa%ple ponts and pu%ps to contan any spllage of to<c or fla%%able lEuds. 'egregaton of "a;ardous5 non7"a;ardous5 ran(ater and santary drans s appled as far as possble to aBod "a;ardous stuatons or enBron%ental polluton. !pen and closed drans s co%pletely segregated. 8 detaled descrptons of t"e closed and open dran syste%s are gBen n sectons 2.9 and 2.10 respectBely of t"e tltes !peratng anual.
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&.6 Fire Protection Syste% (.9.1 %cti+e Fire Protection In t"e desgn of t"e fre protecton syste%s precedence "as been gBen to aBodng a release of "ydrocarbon t"en to %n%se gnton probablty and fnally to aBod escalaton t"roug" t"e separaton of plant %a)or Ho(eBer ("eregBen addtonal protecton beenfre dee%ed necessary5 actBe fre nBentores. protecton =8FP> "as been precedence oBer "as passBe protecton =PFP> syste%s. 8ctBe Fre Protecton reEure%ents nclude Hydrants5 ontors5 Hose eels5 eluge alBes (t" (ater spray syste% for 'eparators 3 esalter 8reas and Foa% ontors eEupped (t" eluge alBes for et"anol5 esel and etenton Pool. 8 detaled descrpton of t"e fre fg"tng syste%s proBded s gBen n secton 2.14 of t"e tltes !peratng anual. (.9.: Passi+e Fire Pr otection Load bearng structural steel s e
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&.8 (%ergency? ()acation and +esce 0((+ Philosophy (.).1 ;oals $"e 66 p"losop"y s based on t"e follo(ng goals ProBdng a F3G detecton and alar% syste% so t"at personnel are rapdly %ade a(are of any "a;ardous ncdent. ProBdng personnel (t" escape breat"ng %as@s5 escape breat"ng apparatus or self contaned breat"ng apparatus to enable t"e% to be protected aganst t"e effects of H2'. ProBdng clear and dBerse escape routes to enable personnel to rapdly leaBe t"e scene of an ncdent. ProBdng a uster Pont e t"e traBel lengt" to an e<t s"ould be under ,%5 "o(eBer n all nstances at least 2 e<ts s nstalled f t"e lengt" of an enclosed area s ],%. ead end corrdors s"all not e
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generator durng 6'718 (ll proBde adeEuate escape lg"tng. 8ll personnel enterng t"e /e( Plant 8rea after sunset s"ould carry an 6
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&.19 +adio $o%%nication and PG Syste% ado Co%%uncaton syste% are proBded for 8reas of t"e ne( facltes t"at (ll rapdly alert personnel to t"e presence of a "a;ard5 for detals refer to Publc 8ddress and General 8lar% 'pecfcaton5 /o I4078017:007880007'PL71*00.
(.1$.1 ;eneral ri nciles $"e P8G8 syste% can be used to send Bocal %essages5 and general alar%s as a functon of t"e "a;ard dentfed by t"e F3G detecton syste%. In areas ("ere a%bent nose e a nu%ber of Bsble (arnng deBces =flas"ng beacons> (ll supple%ent t"e loudspea@ers. $"e flas"ng beacons (ll not replace t"e loudspea@ers n t"ose areas5 but (ll %proBe safety (arnngs durng perods of "g" nose. $"e co%bned Publc 8ddressGeneral 8lar% 'yste% s"all ntegrate t(o separate and dentcal sub syste% =83> feedng loudspea@ers and Bsual alar% loops. $(o dfferent cable routngs s used by t"e loops connected to t"e t(o sub syste%s. 8ll loudspea@ers and flas"ng beacons5 ncludng t"ose nstalled ndoors5 s certfed for use n "a;ardous areas =;one15 group II class $#>.
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(.1$.: 4es of %larms $"ere (ll be t"ree type of 8udble alar%s are follo(ed5 suc" as 8bandon Plant 8lar% $o<c Gas 8lar% General 8lar% and Publc 8ddress 8nnounce%ent faclty. %2andon Plant %larm
Intaton of t"e 8bandon Plant alar% fro% t"e P8G8 syste% s Ba t"e '''FG' syste% follo(ng %anual ntaton of 6'70 by pus"button n t"e Control oo%. $"e abandon plant alar% (ll be reset %anually n t"e Control oo%. $"e alar% tone s an unnterrupted sgnal (t" s(eepng freEuency fro% 1200 H; to &00 H; (t" s(eep perod of 1 second co%ple%ented by red flas"ng lg"ts ("ere necessary. 4oGic ;as %larm
$o<c gas alar% s actBated auto%atcally Ba t"e '''FG' syste% by confr%ed to<c gas detecton n t"e /e( Plant 8rea or %anually Ba t"e P.8.G.8 access unt. $"e alar% s 1000 H; tone co%ple%ented by red flas"ng lg"ts ("ere necessary. $"e auto%atc or %anual alar% s reset only fro% t"e P.8.G.8 access unt of t"e control roo%. ;eneral %larm
8uto%atc ntaton of a General alar% fro% t"e P8G8 syste% s Ba t"e '''FG' syste% follo(ng confr%ed fla%%able gas detecton or confr%ed fre detecton. 8ctuaton of a 8C (ll "aBe t"e sa%e effect as confr%ed fre. 8 General 8lar% can also be actBated %anually Ba t"e P.8.G.8 access unt. $"e alar% tone to be 1000 H; snusodal5 1second !n1second !ff co%ple%ented by ?ello(7flas"ng lg"ts ("ere necessary. $"e auto%atc or %anual alar% s reset only fro% t"e P.8.G.8 access unt of t"e control roo%. Pu2lic %ddress %nnouncement
8nnounce%ent s possble fro% bot" control roo% and guard s"elter access unts. $"e syste% consst of %essages preceded auto%atcally by a dstnctBe pagng c"%e tone. It s possble to send %essages or pre7recorded %essages pror to or after an alar% broadcast. 8lar%s s"all "aBe "g"er prorty t"an announce%ent and ntaton of actons fro% Control oo% P8 access unt s"all "aBe prorty on t"ose ntated fro% t"e guard s"elter. 8ctons to be ta@en on eac" of t"e alar%s are descrbed n t"e e%ergency response plan.
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(.1$.3 Pro+isions at Off-sites luster %reas
$"e clusters (ll be proBded (t" audble and Bsble alar%s5 ("c" (ll be ntated drectly fro% t"e cluster FG' on confr%ed fre or gas detecto n. 6ac" cluster (ll "aBe sepa rate to<c gas and general alar%s toget"er (t" assocated Bsual alar%s. Flare and ,ea =ater Intae %reas
$"e flare and 'ea +ater Inta@e areas (ll not beproBded (t" a P.8.G.8 'yste%. $"ere (ll be no Bsble or audble alar%s n t"ese areas. Ho(eBer5 confr%ed fre detecton n et"er t"e flare area =ntated by 8C> or sea(ater nta@e area (ll ntate t"e General 8lar% n t"e /e( Plant Ba t"e P.8.G.8. syste%.
&.11 Safety Signs < Personnel Protection (.11.1,afet ,ins 'afety sgns (ll be proBded t"roug"out t"e facltes. $e
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6ye protectBe spectacles5 'afety s"oes5 6ar protecton5 Fre protecton suts5 6scape %as@s reat"ng apparatus5 $rolley %ounted (t" 4 cylnders and "ose. $orc" ec"argeable =6 Fre%an’s Dt 6Eup%ent for * fre%en s proBded. Frst 8d 6Eup%ent 8 Frst ad bo< s proBded n t"e offce buldng =frst ad roo%>. 6lectrcal 'afety Dt 7 8n electrcal safety @t s proBded nsde t"e electrcal roo% and t"e sea(ater pu%p tec"ncal s"elter 4oGic ;as Escae /ass* 5reathin %aratus and 5reathin %ir omressor
8deEuate nu%ber of reat"ng apparatus unts s"all be proBded nsde t"e central plant for t"e e%ergency response tea% and personnel attendng t"e clusters. $"ese 8 sets s"all "aBe an autono%y of #0 %nutes. $o facltate co%%uncaton durng an e%ergency eBent5 8 "eadsets (ll "aBe t"e proBson to attac" rado co%%uncaton to nterface (t" e<stng rado syste%s. 8deEuate nu%ber of escape breat"ng apparatus unts s"all be @ept n t"e central plant for ot"er personnel. $"ey s"all "aBe autono%y of greater t"an 10 %nutes. 8deEuate nu%ber of $o<c escape gas %as@s (t" an H2' protecton cartrdge s @ept n t"e central plant for all personnel. $"e 6scape breat"ng apparatus s located n t"e tec"ncal roo%5 (are"ouse and at t"e offces. reat"ng apparatus s located n t"e control roo% and at t"e offces . $"e to<c escape gas %as@s s located n t"e tec"ncal roo%5 (are"ouse and at t"e offces. $o enable t"e c"argng of t"e cylnders on ste5 a s%all breat"ng ar co%pressor sutable for use s proBded. ,afet ,ho!ers and Ee!ash ,tations
Integrated safety s"o(er and eye(as" statons s"all be nstalled n t"e laboratory and (ater treat%ent area ("ere "andlng of c"e%cals ta@es place. 6ye(as" bottles s"all be proBded n t"e battery roo% and laboratory. 8deEuate nu%ber of eye (as" bottles s @ept n t"e central plant for personnel Bstng t"e clusters. Other ,afet euiment
$"e n t"efollo(ng plant safety eEup%ent n addton to t"e aboBe (ll be proBded at strategc locaton 'tretc"er Hydrogen 'ulp"de Cartrdges 8r 'upply $rolley Personal gas alar%s =H2'> Personal gas alar%s ='!2>
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Fre e
/o.7Clusters =$otal>
/o. 7 Aetty
/edical Euiment
'afetys"o(ers(t"eye(as"s 6ye(as"s @t8d Frst 'tretc"ers
# 1
0 2
0 #
# 0
=n 1fre truc@>
Personnel ,afet Euiment
Fre%ans !utfts * $o<cgasescape%as@=$G> 40 Hcartrdges 200 2' reat"ngapparatus=8I> 12 Personal gas alar% 24 6scape breat"ng apparatus *0 =68> buoys Lfe 0 $rolley of 8r 'upply =$8'> * reat"ng8rCo%pressor=8C> 1
0 #=nfretruc@> * 0
0 0
2 0
200 1& #0
0 0
0 0
2 *
&.12(%ergency Power Syste% !ne e%ergency G of *40@+ (ll be nstalled to supply essentale%ergency loads of t"e plant. $"s G set (ll be used durng plant start7up to po(er t"e startng %otor of t"e G$G as (ell as to cater to c"argng of t"e batteres of Barous 8C and C P' syste%s. !n total po(er loss fro% t"e G$G’s5 t"s G set (ll be started auto%atcally and (ll co%e on lne to c"arge t"e e%ergency bus of t"e L '(tc"board P 99072 ("c" caters to all t"e crtcalessental loads. Ho(eBer5 all t"e essentale%ergency loads5 ("c" drop out durng t"e loss of G$G supply5 need to be re7started %anually. $"e G set (ll be suppled5 "oused n an acoustc enclosure eEupped (t" all t"e assocated G au<lary syste%s suc" as startng battery5 fuel tan@5 Bentlaton fans5 fre 3 gas detecton5 C!2 syste% and nternal lg"tng. For t"e planned lBe transfer of essental e%ergency loads5 f reEured any t%e5 fro% t"e G set to G$G po(er and Bce7Bersa5 sync"ronsng facltes are proBded n t"e aboBe referred generator control panel. Furt"er detals can be found n secton 2.1#.1 of t"e tltes !peratng anual.
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&.137ighting attery bac@ed up =autono%y t%e of #0 %nutes> safety lg"tng and e<t lg"tng (ll be proBded n t"e %an plant tec"ncal buldng. In addton5 battery bac@ed up e<t lg"tng (ll be proBded n t"e sea(ater nta@e area tec"ncal buldng5 offce bloc@ and t"e laboratory buldngs. $"e safety lg"tng f. P"oto cell controlled street lg"tng and outdoor lg"tng (ll be proBded n t"e outdoor areas and sea (ater nta@e area. In addton to t"e p"oto cell control5 t"e street outdoor lg"tng (ll "aBe auto%atc control t"roug" a progra%%able t%er and oBerrdng %anual control. +"en G$G po(er s aBalable t"e entre lg"tng ncludng t"e nor%al lg"tng and e%ergency lg"tng f
&.1#Noise /ose l%tss"o( and calculated noseleBels leBelson are lad do(n n t"enor%al nose specfcaton. calculaton t"at t"e nose t"e Plant durng operaton can$"ese reac"nose or e
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,4%"4 7P P"OED7"E,
For t"e start up of t"e producton facltes5 t s essentals t"at all of t"e utltes and off7stes are co%%ssoned and are operatng. $"s secton descrbes t"e start up procedures for t"e ol processng facltes. It is emhasi>ed that the rocedures outlined in this section shall in no !a suersede shutdo!n. the +endor recommended rocedures for start u ? normal oeration and 4herefore the reader is reuested to refer to the +endor documents for 2etter understandin of the sstems.
$"e procedures are ncluded n Bolu%e 2 of t"s %anual.
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Prepare Fre +ater 'yste% ='tand7by5Cont’d nor%al stuaton>
8ssu%e batteres 6G and Fre +ater Pu%p desel engne are c"arged
'tart Fre Cont +ater ’d Aoc@ey Pu%p @*!7!*!(S4S@422
'tart 6%ergency esel but @eep 'tart Closed ran 'yste%5 Generator 'et on !FF Closed ran Pu%p @*!7!*!(S4S@41& 'et !l 'u%p Pu%p n !pen ran 'tart'yste% /trogen Pac@age to 8$! Cont’d @*!7!*!(S4S@49# 6nerg;e 6%ergency '(tc" '(tc" oBer to fueloard gas purge of Flare 'yste%s. '(tc" 'tea% Generaton to Fuel Gas. '(tc" t"e t(o runnng $urbo Generators to Pressur;e andesel lea@ test Fuel Gas 'tart Aetty Fuel gas.'yste% 'yste% (t" gas orood72 @*!7!*!(S4S@49&? Section 2 'tart eaerator andfro% +ater In)ecton 'tart Control GS4S@492 3'yste% 'afety 'yste%s "!4S@491
'tart 'ea(ater Lftng5 C"lornaton and Fltraton and'tart Coolng !pen+ater ran 'yste%5 'tea% Generaton nd Pressur;e and for lea@ test 2but 'tage "!4S@491 'eparator5 @eep !l 'tart 'u%p esaltes !ly Pu%p +ater and on 'yste% 'tabl;er !FF (t" @*!7!*!(S4S@415 gas fro% orood72 O!74S@493 O!74S@493
=ependng on t"e a%ount of (ater produced5 t"s pac@age %ay need to be started already 'tart +ater collecton and olerp"ase> durng t"e Fres" condensate 'tart Instru%ent 8rsyste%s 'yste% Feed +ater @*!7!*!(S4S@492 @*!7!*!(S4S@495 'et Closed ran Pu%p to 8$! @*!7!*!(S4S@413
'tart !l Producton 3 6
'tart 'tart'tea% eselGeneraton 'yste% on desel fuel @*!7!*!(S4S@49&? Sectionon 1 esel 'tart 2nd@*!7!*!(S4S@498 $urbo Generator 'tart Gas In)ecton =ncludng Glycol e"ydraton 'yste%>8%ne 'tart Flare syste%s 'tartGas one $urbo Generator on 'tart Fuel 'yste% =ncludng 'yste% GS4S@493 Purge (t" ntrogenK propane desel fuelPlots and Fuel Gas Co%pressor> and on store condensate @*!7!*!(S4S@413 n 2nd 'tage 'eparator5 esalters and 'tabl;er. GS4S@492
PL%4 ,4%"4-7P O/PLE4ED Cont’d Cont’d 'tart of c"e%cal n)ecton pac@ages s referred Page 1#, of 149 to n t"e procedures for t"e applcable syste%s =l@e +I5 !l !ly (ater5 etc.>
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OPE"%4I; P"OED7"E,
$"e procedures are ncluded n Bolu%e 2 of t"s %anual.
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, @ 74 DO = P " O E D7 " E ,
$"e procedures are ncluded n Bolu%e 2 of t"s %anual.
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It is emhasi>ed that the rocedures outlined in this section shall in no !a suersede the +endor recommended rocedures Bas alica2leC for trou2le shootin and maintenance. 4herefore the reader is reuested to refer to the +endor documents for 2etter understandin of the sstems.
8.1 'anifolds 4rou2le shootin heclist for /anifolds Pro2lem
Hg" pressure n t"e (ell flo( lne =P8H>
C"ec@ and ensure t"at t"e BalBe n t"e nlet %anfold connectng lne s opened fully. C"ec@ t"at t"e c"ec@ BalBe n (ell flo( lne connecton s not gettng stuc@ closed. 6nsure t"at t"e ' and t"e solaton BalBes n separator nlet fro% t"e nlet %anfold are fully open.
Lo( pressure n t"e (ell flo( lne =P8L>.
C"ec@ and ensure t"at t"e upstrea% BalBes n t"e (ell flo( lne are opened fully.
C"ec@ for any lea@age n t"e (ell flo( lnes. Hg" pressure n t"e crude nlet 6nsure t"at t"e ' and t"e solaton BalBes n anfold =P8H 3 P8HH> separator nlet fro% t"e nlet %anfold are fully open. C"ec@ t"e operatng pressure of t"e separators and t"en c"ec@ for any nstru%ent %alfunctonng. Lo( pressure n t"e crude nlet 6nsure t"at t"e BalBes n t"e connected (ell flo( lnes anfold =P8L> are opened fully. Increase no of (ell connectons to t"e producton %anfold f possble. C"ec@ for any %alfuncton of t"e nstru%ent. 6nsure t"at t"e dran BalBe s not opened.
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8.2 Separators 4rou2le ,hootin heclist for ,earators Pro2lem
Hg" pressure n t"e separators =P8H>. =P'HH n t"e separator s"uts do(n t"e separator nlet BalBes>
C"ec@ t"at t"e Pressure controller and control BalBes n t"e gas outlet lne are (or@ng properly. C"ec@ t"e nstru%ent ar supply tubng f t"e BalBe s re%anng closed. C"ec@ t"at t"e Control BalBes n t"e Bent lne to HP flare "eader are functonng properly. C"ec@ and ensure t"at t"e Gas In)ecton co%pressors are (or@ng and 'lug catc"er pressure control s (or@ng properly.
Lo( pressure n t"e separators 6nsure t"at t"e ' and t"e solaton BalBes n t"e nlet =P8L>. to t"e separator5 fro% t"e nlet %anfold are fully open. C"ec@ t"e functonng of t"e control BalBes =and controller (rng> n t"e gas Bent lnes to HP flare5 ensure t"at t"ey are not n open condton due to falure of nstru%ent ar tubng. Hg" LeBel co%part%ent
C"ec@ ("et"er t"e do(n strea% ' BalBes are closed due to trp sgnals. C"ec@ t"e functonng of t"e control BalBes =and controller (rng> n t"e ol outlet lne and ensure t"at t"ey are not stuc@ closed due to falure of nstru%ent ar tubng. 8lso c"ec@ t"e oly (ater outlet lne control BalBes.
Lo( LeBel co%part%ent
C"ec@ ("et"er t"e dran BalBes n t"e oly (ater co%part%ent are opened nadBertently. C"ec@ t"e functonng of t"e control BalBes =and controller (rng> n t"e ol outlet lne and ensure t"at t"ey are not stuc@ open. C"ec@ t"e flo( rate of ol fro% t"e separator5 f t s %uc" belo( t"e desgn flo(5 ncrease t"e nu%ber of (ell connectons f possble.
Hg" Interface LeBel n t"e separator.
C"ec@ ("et"er t"e do(n strea% ' BalBes are closed due to trp sgnals. C"ec@ t"e functonng of t"e control BalBes =and controller (rng> n t"e oly (ater outlet lne and ensure t"at t"ey are not stuc@ closed due to falure of nstru%ent ar tubng.
Lo( Interface LeBel n t"e separator.
C"ec@ ("et"er t"e dran BalBes n t"e separator are opened nadBertently. C"ec@ t"e functonng of t"e control BalBes =and controller (rng> n t"e oly (ater outlet lne and ensure t"at t"ey are not stuc@ open.
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In case t"e (ater cut of t"e ol s Bery lo(5 t"e separators can be operated as 2 p"ase separators.
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8.3 Desalter 4rou2le ,hootin hec List for Desalters Possi2leauses
8. +dely Fluctuatng oltage and Current 1.
Hg" +ater LeBel n essel
6lectrcal 8rc"ng of 6lectrcal surface5 us"ngs or Insulators
C"ec@ (ater leBel by usng $rycoc@s. Lo(er leBel bet(een $rycoc@ # and $rycoc@ 2 If a bus"ng or nsulator "as beco%e conta%nated5 arc"ng along t"e surface of 6lectrode Insulators %ay occur nter%ttently for seBeral %nutes. If per%anent da%age occurs5 t"e Boltage (ll fall to a Bery lo( Balue (t" t"e a%perage ncreasng to %a <%u%. $"e da%aged bus"ng andor nsulator %ust be replaced.
Lo( oltage Hg" Current
C"ec@ (ater leBel by usng $rycoc@s. Lo(er brne leBel n Bessel.
!pen %<ng BalBe co%pletely. 8llo( Boltage drop to return to a steady state. eset pressure drop to opt%u% settng.
6%ulson Layer at Interface
C"ec@ $rycoc@s. If e%ulson s ndcated n t"e upper t(o $rycoc@s5 lo(er (ater leBel as lo( as possble and ncrease c"e%cal addton rate. If e%ulson layer s not dsspated n - O12 "rs5 du%p (ater and e%ulson layer and re7establs" leBel.
Hg" Crude ConductBty
'(tc" t o a l o(er B oltage t ap . Deeneri>e 4ransformer before c"angng tap poston.
ery Lo( or /o oltage ery Hg" Current 1.
Hg" +ater LeBel
C"ec@ (ater leBel (t" $rycoc@s. Lo(er leBel bet(een t"e second and t"rd $rycoc@s.
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Possi2le auses
ElfPetroleumIran DoroodProjectOnshoreFacilities&e!Plant ,tart u and Oeratin /anual Oil Processin Facilities
orrecti+e /easure
a%aged 6ntrance us"ng
sconnect po(er to unt. !pen t"e $ee7$ransfor%er us"ng Housng and dsconnect t"e copper (re bet(een t"e entrance bus"ng and t"e transfor%er bus"ng. e7 energ;e t"e transfor%er. If t"e fault s cleared5 t"e proble% s (t" et"er t"e entrance bus"ng or an nsulator supportng t"e grd. If t"e fault does not clear5 t"en t"e proble% s (t" transfor%er bus"ng or t"e transfor%er tself.
!pen %<ng BalBe co%pletely. 8llo( Boltage drop to stabl;e and t"en reset t"e pressure drop to ts opt%u% Balue.
6%ulson Layer at Interface
C"ec@ $rycoc@s. If e%ulson layer s ndcated n t"e top t(o $rycoc@s5 lo(er (ater leBel as %uc" as possble and ncrease t"e feed rate of t"e e%ulson brea@er c"e%cal. If t"e layer s not dsspated n - O 12 layer5 "ours5 du%p (ater5 e%ulson and t"e re7 establs" t"e (ater leBel.
Wero oltage Wero Current 1.
Interrupted Po(er 'upply
apor;aton n esselLo( LeBel '(tc" (ll s"ut off po(er to t"e transfor%er. Increase t"e Bessel pressure or reduce t"e crude te%perature.
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C"ec@ unt ("en po(er s restored.
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19.1(fflent "ater Balance I40 11 :00 88000 8 021*5 '"t 00,5 eB. 00
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19.2 Syste% P
,ht of
I407117:00788710078887 001 00# Clusters 7 $ypcal !l Producer (ells 1,10 I407117:00788710078887 002 00# Clusters 7 $ypcal +ater In)ecton (ells 1,10 I407117:00788710078887 00# 00# Clusters 7 $ypcal Gas In)ecton +ells 1,10 I40711780*788710078887 1,11 I40711780*788710078887 1,11 I40711780*788710078887 1,11 I407117027887#0078887 1940 I407117027'7#0078887 1940 I407117027'7#0078887 19&0 I407117027'7#0178887 19&1 I4071170276C7#1#78887 19 I407117027'7#0278887 19 I407117047G:7#1078887 19&4 I40711704787#2078887 19&& I4071170476C7#2178887 19&& I407117027887#1078887 19&* I4071170&7G:7#1178887 19&, I4071170&7887#1078887 19&I407117127'740078887 19,0
0& 0& 0&
001 00# Producton and $e st %anfold 7 /ort" 6ast 0& Cluster 002 00# Producton and $est %anfold 7 /or t" +est 0& Cluster 00# 00# Producton and $est %anfold 7 'out" Cluster 0& 001 002 P3I7$e7In3Inletanfold
002 002 P3I7$e7In3Inletanfold
001 001P 3I7$est'eparator
001 001 P3I71st'tage'eparator
001 002 P 3 I 7 LP 'eparator Feed Pre"eater
002 002 P3I72ndstageseparator
001 001 P3I7!lboosterpu%ps
001 002P 3I7esaltngunt
002 002 P3I7+as"+aterPre"eater 001 001 P 3 I 7 'tablser Colu%n 3 eboler
0# 0#
001 001 P 3 I 7 Crude ol tr ansfer pu%p esalter 0# Pre"eater 001 001 P3I7'tablsed!lcoolng 0# 001 001 P 3 I 7 !ly +ater $reat%ent Pac@age
I407117127'740178887 001 001 P3I7+aterFlas"'yste% 0# 19,1 I407117:00788710078887 001 001 P 3 I O +ell"eadcluster7depressursaton 01 &0-# dranage I407117047887,0078887 001 001 P3IO+aterflus"ngsc"e%e 01 &0-4
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19.3 Pac=age P
,ht 4itle
I4077#0447127800078887 001 P 3 I 7 FL!$8$I!/ /I$ 7 '7401 8 002# I4077#0447127840078887 001 P3I 7 6G8''6 'DI6 7 '7 8 0024 400 I4077#0447127800078887 001 P3I 7 'DI6 !IL PIP6 8/ PP' 8 002& I4077#04,7:00788000788D7 001 'I/GL6 +6LLP!C$I!/ P3I 00 0010 I4077#04,7:00788000788D7 001 P3I 7 +6LLH68 66G6/C? 00 0011 'H$!+/ P8/6L =G8' I/A6C$I!/ P8/6L> I4077#04,7:00788000788D7 001 P3I 7 +6LLH68 66G6/C? 00 0012 'H$!+/ P8/6L =+8$6 I/A6C$I!/ P8/6L> I4077#04,7:00788000788D7 001 P3I 7 H?8LIC 6' C!/$!L P8/6L 8 001# '!$H CL'$6 'CH68$IC 71 =8I/ '6C$I!/> I4077#04,7:00788000788D7 002 P3I 7 H?8LIC 6' C!/$!L P8/6L 00 0014 '!$H CL'$6 'CH68$IC 72 =6' '6C$I!/> I4077#04,7:00788000788D7 00# P3I 7 H?8LIC 6' C!/$!L P8/6L 00 001& '!$H CL'$6 'CH68$IC7# =6' 8L6'> I4077#04,7:00788000788D7 004 P3I 7 6' C!/$!L P8/6L '!$H 001* CL'$6 'CH68$IC 4 =6'> I4077#04,7:00788000788D7 001 P3I 7 H?8LIC 6' C!/$!L P8/6L 001, /!$H768'$ CL'$6 'CH68$IC71 =8I/ '6C$I!/> I4077#04,7:00788000788D7 002 P3I 7 6' P8/6L 'CH68$IC 2 /6 001CL'$6 =6' '6C$I!/> I4077#04,7:00788000788D7 00# P3I 7 H?8LIC 6' C!/$!L P8/6L 0019 7 /!$H768'$ CL'$6 'CH68$IC # =6' 8L6'> I4077#04,7:00788000788D7 001 P3I 7 H?8LIC 6' C!/$!L P8/6L 0020 /!$H7+6'$ CL'$6 'CH68$IC71 =8I/ '6C$I!/> I4077#04,7:00788000788D7 002 P3I 7 H?8LIC 6' C!/$!L P8/6L 0021 7 /!$H7+6'$ CL'$6 'CH68$IC72 =6' '6C$I!/> I4077#04,7:00788000788D7 00# P3I 7 H?8LIC 6' C!/$!L P8/6L 0022 /!$H7+6'$ CL'$6 'CH68$IC7# =6' 8L6'> I4077#12740178887 001P 3IO6A6C$!401 00 000#
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00 86 00 00 86 00 8
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19.#Sht Down 7ogic Diagra% I 40 11 :00 88000 888 &0*- '"eet 1*5 eB. 02 I 40 11 :00 88000 888 &0*- '"eet 2*5 eB. 02 I 40 11 :00 88000 888 &0*- '"eet #*5 eB. 02 I 40 11 :00 88000 888 &0*- '"eet 4*5 eB. 02 I 40 11 :00 88000 888 &0*- '"eet &*5 eB. 02 I 40 11 :00 88000 888 &0*- '"eet **5 eB. 02
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19.& SF( $harts I 40 11 :00 88 000 888 &0&9
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