NCERT Book - India and Contemporary World Part I - Class IX (provided by in public interest)
Descripción: An overview of Old Testament history from Creation to the time prior to the Israelite kingdom. A study is made of the books of Moses (Genesis through Deuteronomy) and Job, continuing with the histo...
Descripción: A study of the time of the kings, including I and II Samuel, I and II Kings, and I and II Chronicles to the reign of King Josiah. The class includes a review of the early Old Testament prophets Hos...
Descripción: A survey of the history of Israel from the time of King Jehoiakim to the period of restoration after the Babylonian captivity. The historical books of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther are studied with a ...
NCERT Book - Sanskrit- Class IX (provided by in public interest)Full description
old NCERT World History class 9 - Arjun Dev (The story of civilization vol-I) old NCERT ancient history class 11- R S sharma old NCERT medivial history class 11- satish chandra
Spectrum’s Brief History of Modern India by Rajiv Ahir World History by Norman Lowe
6th Land and People Part-I (Old NCERT) 7th Land and People Part-II (Old NCERT) Cultural & Economic Geography of India (NCERT) 9th Environment & Economic Geography NCERT 10th Geography of India 11th Principles of Geography - NCERT 11th Economic Geography of the World NCERT
Certificate Physical and Human Geography by Goh Cheng Leong Geography with maps- Sidhartha
Social Problems in India - Ram Ahuja Indian Polity - Laxmikant Governance in india - laxmikanth Our Constitution - Subash Kashyap Parliament - Subash Kashyap International Relations - VN khanna International Relations - Rajiv Sikri Public Administration - Arora/Rajni & Goyal Public Administration - Mohit Bhattacharya
Indian Economy - Ramesh Singh Indian Economy since Independence - Uma Kapila Indian Economy - R.Dutt and Sundharam