American Hypnosis Hypnosis Association Presents:
The Mystery Of Past-Life Regression
With Michele Guzy, C.Ht.
Copyright 2007 Michele Guzy, C.Ht.. * American Hypnosis Association ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. RESERVED. No reproduction without express written consent.
Table of Contents 20 Clues to Your Past Lives ……………………………………….……………….... 1 The 5 W’s of Past Life Regression ……………………………………….…………..2 Who What When Where Why Researching Past Life Sources …………………………………………………….. .3 Karmic laws Cell memory The other side Children and relationships Soul Groups ……………………………………………………………………….……4 Root Causes Mental, Emotional & Physical Health ………………………….….………..………. 5 Core Issues Destructive Behaviors …………………………………………………….…………...6 Physical Symptoms Past-Life Preparation ……………………………………………………......……….. 8 Time Frames Abreactions Anchors Past-Life Recall Depths …………………………………………….…..……………. 9 Observer position Releasing negatives Regression Techniques…………........................................................................10 Outline of P.L.R ……………………………………………………………………….11 Past-Life Regression Script ……………………………………………...................12 Reincarnation Story ………………………………………………………….……… 14 Past-Life Resource Material ………………………………………………….......... 15
As k yo ur sel f and yo ur cl ien ts th ese qu est io ns to fi nd ou t yo ur pas t-l if e con nec ti on s:
Do you have a hunger for exploring past lives which is much more than idle curiosity?
Do you have a life-long fascination with a particular period in history?
Do you feel drawn to a specific location in which you have no conscious connection with?
Have you ever sensed that “home” is somewhere else?
Have you ever felt you were living in the wrong time and you don’t belong in the present?
Have you ever had dreams set in the distant past that seem too real to be mere dreams?
Do you have a love for antiques and historical buildings?
Do your hobbies and interests reflect an interest in the past that is unusual for your age?
Is there a piece of music that stirs your emotions with a longing for another place or era?
10) Do you have an uncommonly strong interest in another culture? 11) Do you have an unusually strong emotional bond to a friend, family member or acquaintance that cannot be explained by your present relationship? 12) Do you feel negativity towards someone without understanding why you dislike them? 13) Are you distrustful of certain people and fearful of your safety and security, although there is no logical reason for your anxiety? 14) Are there any persistent physical ailments or health issues that you or your doctor are unable to find a physical cause? 15) Do you suffer from a phobia or irrational fear that you can find no obvious cause? 16) Do you sometimes have access to knowledge you could not have acquired in your present life? 17) Are you “wise beyond your years,” or have you ever been called an “old soul?” 18) Do you suspect that you deserve more than you have, or that your present circumstances have been determined by something beyond your influence? 19) When you were a child, did you demonstrate abilities, understanding and knowledge that were unusual for your age? 20) As a child, did you ever refer to another home or family? (1)
THE 5 W’S OF PAST LIFE REGRESSION: Past-Life Regression is a valuable tool for therapy. Regression work not only has the potential for allowing an individual to recall experiences of the past, but it opens doors to deeper levels of the mind where communication takes place on a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual level.
Who is qualifi ed to do a PLR? Any competent Hypnotherapist. You must have mastered the basics of hypnotic induction and have an open mind to aid a client successfully through the experience. If you plan to use PLR in your therapy practice, you must first take a good look at your own beliefs in reincarnation. If you can remain non judgmental and objective, your clients will receive the most benefit. Remember, if your client thinks it will help them with their issues then it will – whether you believe in it or not!
WHAT: What is “ Past-Life Regression ? It is based on the theory of reincarnation. It is a belief that a soul survives death to be re-born again into a new body with renewed opportunity to learn life’s lessons. You can come back as a man or woman, peasant, king or maybe even someone well known, although regression as a famous person is rare. ☯
“ Transmigration” - the belief that the soul can decide to come back in plant, animal or mineral form.
“Karma” - a term often used in PLR work and describes the Law of Cause and Effect. The purpose of karma is not a system of punishment, but instead a learning opportunity to gain wisdom of universal laws. For every action, there is a reaction and vice-versa. It is your attitude that determines the positive and negative influence karma has on your life.
“Free-Will” - the ability to choose your own path of existence.
“ De-ja vu” - the feeling that you have had an experience or visited a location before.
WHEN: When do you explore a PLR in therapy? Only if the client asks you first ! Due to misconceptions and various religious beliefs, PLR work can be a touchy subject. If you propose it first, there is a possibility that you may lose your client. Never do a PLR on a client without permission first. It is preferable to work with a client that you have already successfully hypnotized in a previous session. This will allow you to obtain greater depth in a shorter period. This will also give you time to build rapport, trust and eliminate any fears your client may have of hypnosis or regression work.
WHERE: Where do we perform a PLR? In a qui te, safe room or of fic e loc ation. It is important to “set the tone” for the session by using a quite space so the client cannot be disturbed. Most clients prefer to have the lights dimmed or the use of candles. Music is not appropriate during the regression itself. It can be associated with memories in the present life. It is very important to audiotape the session for future reference. Other items such as a blanket, glass of water and a comfortable chair will be helpful. Record keeping is valuable for both you and your client so important pieces of information can be researched.
Why does it work? Hypnosis is used to access the subco nscio us mind . Memories are said to be stored from the beginning of time up until the present. The subconscious mind is not limited by imposing boundaries of logic, time or space. PLR is a therapeutic tool used to understand and heal current symptoms of physical, mental and emotional issues. In past-life therapy, as the mind heals the body, the body can heal the mind. Sometimes it is simply a matter of discovering the past origin of the issue. When the core issue is revealed and resolved, the symptoms will often disappear. (2)
Law of Consequences – The financial, personal and professional conditions in a person’s life can be reversed in another lifetime.
Law of Cause & Effect – We become better human beings as a result valuable lessons and experiences we learn from each life.
Law of Grace or Golden Rule – Do unto others as you wish them to do unto you.
Law of Compensation – Whatever a man soweth, so shall he reap.
CELL MEMORY: Cell memory is all of the knowledge and memory of our billions of cells. They contain our soul experience in this lifetime and every other life we have lived since our creation. Our cells act in a very real, literal way to the memories of our past lives and can bring them to consciousness. By accessing cell memories, we can rid ourselves of trauma, phobias, pain and relationship issues.
THE “ IN-BETWEEN” PLACE OR “ OTHER SIDE” What actually happens to our soul after the death of the body? Many believe that the soul leaves the body and enters into an “in-between” place as you transition to the next life. Those who have gone through a near-death experience often witness the “other side.” Many say that their soul passes through a tunnel of white light emerging into the most beautiful scenes. Rolling hills, valleys with trees and exotic flowers creating a powerful feeling that one has “come home again.”
CHILDREN AND PAST-LIFE REGRESSION: Ask a young child who they were before this life and you may be surprised by their answer. It is believed that the associations of their new life have not yet influenced a child’s mind. It is therefore easier for them to recall past-life experiences. (see reincarnation handout page 14)
CONNECTING WITH CURRENT RELATIONSHIPS: Make a list of all the people that you’ve had an especially strong positive or negative relationship. One theory about reincarnation holds that there is no such thing as a “chance meeting.” Every significant relationship has a deeper purpose for your soul’s continuing education. ☯ ☯ ☯ ☯
Imagine a different relationship that could have been formed in a past-life. Do they feel like your mother, father, child, sister, brother, friend or enemy? What would you like to understand better about each relationship? How would understanding your past-life roots improve your current relationship? (3)
CONNECTING WITH SOUL GROUPS: If life is a classroom, important people in your life are like classmates – members of your soul group. While the same “classmates” may not appear in every lifetime, some often do. The theory of “soulmates” reveals that our souls travel throughout time in groups. A soul mate is not always a member of the opposite sex or a lover. It could be a friend, co-worker or family member. Members choose to reincarnate together to support each other and combine their collective experiences. ☯
Learn to connect with yo ur soul group b y setting your intention wi th the universe: •
Make yourself c omfortable. Close your eyes and visualize a ball of white light in the center of your forehead. Visualize the ball pulsating, which may create a feeling of tingling, heat or coolness. You are stimulating your 3rd eye. UUFocus the energy in the center of your forehead and project the light into the outside world. It will serve as a lighthouse for like-minded individuals who have incarnated at this time. Af fi rm – “I am ready to meet my soul group and open up to its influence for my highest good.” Visualize yourself attracting those individuals into your life. See yourself learning from them, studying, working and discussing things about life.
PAST LIVES AND PRESENT ISSUES: Many times the symptoms we feel are said to be “all in your head” by a doctor. If there are no physiological or psychology reasons for the issue, then past-life exploration would be a wonderful way to uncover cell memory of a past trauma. Often a PLR can reveal the “root cause” of a present symptom, injury or chronic illness. A fear of water could be related to a drowning in a past-life. Birthmarks and deformities could be the physical point of entrance in the body at the time death, such as a stabbing or gun shot wound.
ROOT CAUSE: HEALING THE MIND, BODY, EMOTIONS AND SPIRIT A “root cause” or “core issue” is often found in a past-life memory. These issues can be brought to this lifetime using strong age regression techniques. You can regress to the beginning of the event, pain or emotional attachment and then regress farther back to a past-life cause. As k th e cl ien t th ese qu est io ns : • • • • • • • • • • • •
Look at details within a past-life issue and find out what still is important about it. What energy are you still holding on to? How is it serving you in this lifetime? What benefits are you receiving? What attention is this bringing you? Do you still need it as a defense mechanism? If you didn’t have this problem, what would life be like? What part of you feels overwhelmed? What are you responsible (or not) for? What event / situation in this past life triggered your fear? What questions do you want to ask yourself? What event / situation took place in this lifetime to cause a negative feeling?
MENTAL, EMOTIONAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH “ CORE ISSUES & QUESTIONS” AB ANDONMENT: Do you believe that you will lose the people you love? Will they die or leave you for another? What do you feel when people leave your life? What is deeper than that feeling? Do you have a desire to be needed? How much attention did your mom and dad give you? • • • •
AB USE / MISTRUST: Do you expect to be cheated in life? How? Did you trust someone and then was betrayed? How? Who betrayed you? Who has lied to you? Who has harmed you physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually? Do you avoid or reject being loved? • • • • •
VULNERABILITY: Are you always anxious about things or people? Is disaster always about to strike? Do you often say, “I told you so”? Do you avoid risk? • • • •
DEPENDENCE / EMOTIONAL DEPRIVATION Do you feel overwhelmed all the time? Do you trust your own judgment? Were your parents over or under protective? In a relationship, do you seek out stronger partners? Do you then sabotage these relationships? • • • • •
SOCIAL FEARS / PHOBIAS: As an adult, do you often feel excluded? Do you believe the real you is unacceptable? Do you feel unworthy of being loved? Were your parents critical and judgmental of you? Are you fearful of being exposed? Do you have an extreme fear of water, heights or closed in spaces? Do you experience illogical fears and phobias of basic things in life? Does your fear affect your personal and professional life to a dangerous degree? • • • • • • • •
FAILURE / SUBMISSIVENESS: Are you pleased with your accomplishments? As a child, did you feel that you had to measure up? How? To Whom? Do you often say “Oh, what’s the use?” Do you procrastinate or get distracted often? Do you always put other people’s needs first? • • • • •
UNRELENTING STANDARDS: Do you always feel under pressure? Would you say that life is about achieving? Owning? Having? How high have you set your standards? Whose rules do you obey? • • • •
Whose expectations do you honor? Yours? Someone else?
Anorexia and bulimia could be symptomatic of current emotional problems such as lack of self worth. Past-life origination could come from rejection from a parent, partner or lover. The emotional impact of abandonment may manifest a desire to “waste away” so that you are not a burden to anyone. Obesity can originate from a traumatic experience of malnutrition or starvation in former life. A client will obsess over food so that they never have to feel the pain of hunger or starve to death again. ADDICTIONS:
Gratification by using drugs, alcohol, sex, shopping, money, food, gambling, fast cars and people may come from deprivation or fear of loss in a previous life. A client may have an all-consuming urge to make sure they “have enough” this time around. Addictions may also stem from a need to escape from reality in this life because in “times before” the suffering was more than they could endure. DEPRESSION:
Some people feel “out of sorts” without any identifiable cause for their condition. If in a past-life you suffered a traumatic loss or an extremely unpleasant experience, you many have a sense of helplessness and despondency now. S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder) is thought to be a chemical imbalance in the brain due to a change of seasons. Maybe an event occurred at a relevant time of year in a former life. INSECURITY / ANXIETY:
Insecurity takes many forms with the most common being the “fear of commitment.” If in a past-life you were abandoned, you may now need a lot of affection. This often leads to a series of short-term relationships or staying with abusive partners so that you never have to be alone again. Anxiety is often a deeply ingrained belief that there will never be enough food, water, shelter, air or medicine (etc). FEARS / PHOBIAS:
Fears are a “logical response” to danger and a natural instinct for survival. A Phobia involves an “irrational fear” of something that does not present an immediate or logical danger. In most cases, fear is symbolic of a general insecurity and anxiety concerning the future or mortality. Past-life connection to fears/phobias could be in the form of “drowning, burning, suffocating, falling or torture
“ PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS AS CLUES” It is important to keep in mind that many current “body syndromes” may have started from a past-life experience. The body is very literal, so find out what the symptoms are in your client and then review the connection for emotional, physical, mental or spiritual trauma. HEAD: Headaches and migraines can be symptomatic of an unwillingness to acknowledge an unpleasant experience, or a reaction to some kind of pressure / injury from a past-life. This may also be an inability to make decisions due to past conditioning. (6)
EYES: Recurrent eye infections are symptoms of perception. A person may have witnessed a horrific event in a past-life that now creates blindness to injustice and brutality now.
EARS: Recurrent ear infections could be an unconscious desire to ignore what you do not want to hear or acknowledge. “Turning a deaf ear” may come from a former life in which you were put down or falsely accused such as heresy or witchcraft.
MOUTH: Ulcers, dry mouth, TMJ (etc) suggest a connection in a past-life with self-esteem and selfexpression. Maybe you were the one who falsely accused someone in a former life, or was not allowed to speak up and tell your truth.
NOSE & THROAT: Sinus problems and persistent sore throats may be indicative of a death by drowning, guillotine, having your throat cut, suffocation or strangulation in a previous lifetime.
NECK / SHOULDERS / BACK: Aches and pains can indicate a reluctance to bear a burden, take on responsibility or from neglect. Perhaps you had to raise a family by yourself, or run a business alone and felt overbearing pressure.
LEGS / FEET: Stiffness, swollen ankles, leg ulcers and other ailments are a manifestation of needing to escape or run away. Maybe a person was imprisoned or denied the opportunity to leave a home because of commitments, fear or obligations.
HANDS / ARMS: Arthritis, warts, blisters, tightening of joints, muscles pain, hot or cold hands could be due to the fear of being unable to hold on to something in life or reach a goal. The inability to reach for your dreams may also due to feelings of incompetence and lack of self-worth.
STOMACH: Digestive disorders come from suppressed emotions such as bitterness, resentment and anger. In many cases, this “dis-ease” of the soul manifests in a current life as cancer cells in the physical body due to unprocessed emotional energy.
GENITALS: Feelings of sexual inadequacy, impotence, loss of libido, lack of bladder control (etc) could be due to guilt or fear from a past-life sexual trauma or rape. It could also be linked to religious beliefs or cults.
SKIN: Eczema, acne, hives, and rashes (etc) may be symptomatic of the need to “get out of your skin.” Often a person is uncomfortable just being himself or herself because they feel vulnerable. Often these skin eruptions are from emotional pain still stored deep inside. (7)
PAST LIFE PREPARATION FOR THE CLIENT: A past-life regression is simply an “exercise in observing the subconscious memories.” If your client has never experienced hypnosis before, an ‘introductory session’ is advised. This is used to inform the client about the difference between the conscious and subconscious mind, and how both are needed to activate the stored memories. Use this primary session to demonstrate, that although the body is very relaxed, the mind is still aware of what is happening. By preparing the client in this manner, they will feel comfortable and safe when they come back in for a PLR session.
There is no right or wro ng way to experience a PLR. Many people can visualize in detail the events that are taking place, while others may only have a glimpse of images passing through their mind. It is not necessary to actually “see” anything. A client may just have a “feeling, thought, sound or sensation” that triggers an important association or memory.
Never try to force a client to remember a past-life if they are drawing a blank. They may be afraid of the experience or not deeply hypnotized. By allowing the process to happen on its own, it will keep you (the therapist) from “leading” the client into what you want them to see.
THE TIME FRAME: Average regressions can last 1 to 2 hours depending on the number of lives a client will regress. Be observant of the client’s emotional and physical reactions during therapy and use proper judgment of time. Do not go so long as to fatigue the client just to get more information! You can always set up another appointment to continue where you left off in the regression and dive in even deeper.
ABREACTIONS: An abreaction is the spontaneous release of a deep emotional experience during a PLR. It is not necessarily harmful to the client and the information gained may provide important material for therapy. The Hypnotherapist can support the client as they fully experience an abreaction or allow the client to come back to the present state if it is too difficult to handle. Create an “Anchor” for them. •
A p re-ar ran ged An ch or mu st be es tab li sh ed f or qu ic k res ol ut io n u nd er h yp no sis .
ANCHORS: Establishing anchors such as a word or touch will keep the client relaxed. It reminds them that they cannot be stuck in hypnosis or a previous life. The fear of loss of control and the possibility that they will enter a traumatic death scene is a key factor to address before the start of a session. You or your client can terminate the regression immediately by using the established anchors or just by having the client open their eyes.
An exam pl e wou ld be t o s ay t o yo ur cl ien t:
“Any time I touch your shoulder and say your name out loud, you will immediately come back to the room feeling safe and secure.” “You will only bring back memories from the past-life that are beneficial to you today. All negatives will be left behind. You will be able to remember important people, places and events in vivid detail.”
“ PAST-LIFE RECALL DEPTHS” LEVEL 1: There are very little (if any) vivid pictures. Images are out of focus and the client is not sure what they feel or what they are observing. Sometimes they have difficulty in selfidentification. Unexpected switching from one past-life to another may occur. Clients may begin asking you questions because they are nervous or tell you it is not working. LEVEL 2: There are more specific, visual details. The client is more comfortable being an “observer.” If there are many people in the scene, there is difficulty in determining who the client really is. LEVEL 3: On this level, the experience may be sim ilar to watc hing a TV prog ram. The client seems to know who they are and the five senses (sight, smell, sound, taste, feel) are now activated. The client spends much of the time commenting or editorializing on what is being observed. LEVEL 4: The client is more involv ed and they have little or no analysis of what is experienced. All of the client’s senses are being used and most of the questions asked by the Hypnotherapist are answered without hesitation, as the real person or as an observer. LEVEL 5: Here the client completely assumes the past-life identity. Sometimes a client does not remember when repressed material is released during the session or they may experience time distortion. They actually feel and experience all situations as reality.
THE OBSERVER POSITION: Your client’s safety and comfort are very important in regression therapy. Often a person will regress to a scary or painful moment in time, possibly the death transition. Explain to the client they are in control of their mind and body and can choose which way they would like to participate in the PLR. Your client can safely view the experiences of a past-life from an “observer position.” ☯ ☯ ☯
They can “re-live” the event as it is happening. They can “view” the past-life on a movie screen as an observer. They can “float above” or stand to the side of the person in the past-life.
Before hypnosis, set up a suggestion that at anytime the client feels uncomfortable they can detach from the past-life and step into an “observant position.” Have the client inform you if they go there on his or her own and have them describe what is happening to them.
RELEASING THE NEGATIVES: Just as with all forms of hypnotherapy, it is valuable to have the client release any negativity or pain they have experienced in the past-life, and replace it with a greater understanding of lessons learned. (Give the suggestion) “Allow any pain or negativity from this life and beyond to be released back to the universal white light where it will be resolved. As you come out of hypnosis, you will bring back only the positive lessons learned, the ones that will be valuable for you in this lifetime.” (9)
“ REGRESSION TECHNIQUES” There are various types of past-life journeys you can take your client on. It is wise to discuss the options before entering hypnosis. Not all PLR’s are like a storybook that starts from beginning to end. Clients may drift in and out of key moments or a clust er of lifetimes. Give your client an option of PLR techniques to avoid any unnecessary abreactions or fear. After your clients have entered a deep level of hypnosis, you are ready to begin with the past-life regression.
1) A common technique used to stimulate the sense of memory recall, especially for subjects that have not done hypnotic work before is “Age Regression.” Take the client from the “present age back to birth” by bringing up memories of positive, happy events such as school, holidays or birthdays. Have the client explain what they are seeing and get them comfortable being an observer or reliving that actual age. Make sure your client verbalizes aloud what they are seeing and remembering in detail. 2) Another useful tool is to have them “ Visualize or Imagine” a scene such as standing in front of the current home they are living in and notice how the change of seasons affects the outside environment. Have them step into the house for memory recall or use a house from their childhood to stimulate memories and heighten all senses. 3) To enter a PLR you can count 20 to 0 using a “ Path, Tunnel, Hallw ay or Staircase” that leads to an opening at the end. Many prefer a window, door or a safe entrance. You may want to use the universal “white light” that symbolizes protection during a PLR. As they step into the opening, they will drift through space and come back down to earth stepping into a past-life experience. The first thing they need to see will be their FEET.
Samples of past-life experiences to recall: “Go back to a lifetime in which you may have lived,” or “ A time in whic h you have lived previous to your present life.” Try to use the phrase “may have lived” instead of saying a “past-life” so as not to lead the client or affect their beliefs. “ Go back to a previous lifetime in which yo u may have lived that is the most signific ant for you today.” This phrase allows the mind to scan the subconscious for the important memories of that lifetime. “ Go back to the point in ti me where your is sue of ___________ orig inated.” (or) “ Let’s go back to th e real source, the root cause, of your symp tom.” These two phrases will aid the subconscious mind to go directly to the cause of the current issue.
Once in a past-life have them, “ Go to the day before, during or after the death transition.” Remember that they can choose to be an observer instead of re-living the experience. Make sure you have permission to enter a death scene to avoid any sudden abreactions! Death in a PLR can be a very powerful tool to unveil fears, phobias, illness and symptoms in this life. You may also use a PLR to” identify people” they are currently involved with to see if they had any relationship with them in a past-life. “ Go back to a time when you fir st met ________.” “ What was your relationship them? How did you feel about this person in this life?”
OUTLINE OF P.L.R. SESSION: 1) Use a strong hypnotic induction, count 5 to 0 and do some deepening techniques. 2) Turn on audiotape. Do a progressive relaxation to establish a safe environment. 3) Use one of the regression techniques to enter the 1st past-life. 4) Surround client in “universal white light.” Have them UUenter a past-life and look at their feet. 5) Have client describe the scene in detail as an observer or as the person in the past-life. 6) Ask open questions only – do not give statements or lead client during observation.
* EXAMPLES OF QUESTIONS: “Look down at your feet. What is the first thing that you see?” “Mentally scan up your body and describe what you are wearing?” “Are you male or female?” “How old are you at this moment?” “What is your name? What is the first thing that comes to your mind?” “Look at your surroundings – where are you at? Inside? Outside?” “What part of the world are you in? Do you know the location?” “What day, month or year is it? Can you look around for the answer?” “Who else is there with you right now? What connection do they have with you?” “Do you have a family, friends or a partner?” “Where are your parents? Spouse? Kids? What is your relationship like?” “Explore your environment. What is your purpose in this lifetime?” “Go to the key moment of this lifetime - an important event. What do you see?”
7) Explore this past-life to recall significant information pertaining to current issues. 8) Have the client move forward or backward in time for each life. 9) If appropriate, take client through death transition for closure to bring back lessons learned. 10) Slowly bring client out of hypnosis. Discuss what they feel they have learned from the regression and how it can benefit them in their life today. (11)
PAST-LIFE REGRESSION SCRIPT 1) Use a strong Hypnotic Induction - (arm-raise, finger spread, heavy-light conversion) 2) Count from 5 to 0 = “ Deep Sleep” - ( Say the Post-Hypnotic Suggestion) 3) Deepening Techniq ues - Review the “ Anch or” t o take out of a past-life trauma (“Whenever I touch your shoulder, you will immediately come out of the past-life and go back up to the safety of the white-light and leave any pain or negativity behind.”) 4) Turn on Audi o Tape - Do a Progressi ve Relaxation - (start from the feet to the head) (After progressive) “… As you continue to relax… you will be traveling back to a previous lifetime to have greater understanding about an important event, relationship or core issue that is affecting you.” “You will feel completely relaxed and at peace knowing that your mind is no longer limited by time or space. You will be able to remember events, people and places in vivid detail. Your subconscious mind knows whether you will be able to safely step inside your past-life, or if it would be more comfortable to just be an observer and watch from above. Your mind will know what to do…” ☯
Use a Staircase / Hallway / Tunnel t o deepen and travel back t hrou gh t ime:
“Let us begin now… allow your mind and body to relax even deeper as you visualize or imagine a beautiful and very safe (staircase / hallway / tu nnel).” “I will be counting from 20 backwards down to 0. With each count, the mind and body allows you to enter a state of hypnosis and feel more deeply relaxed at 0. You will be drifting back through time and space from your current life. You may have thoughts and memories of happy times in this life; perhaps a birthday, holiday or special occasion. You will travel back from an adult, to a teenager, to a young child, and then back through the womb into your spirit surrounded by a beautiful white-light.” “Be aware of everything that you see, hear and feel. These are all very comfortable experiences. You will allow the mind and body to regress into a lifetime that will have the most valuable information for your life today.” ☯
Count slo wly 20 to 0 - Allo w client to descri be what they see / hear / feel as they regress:
“Starting with the count of 20… Going deeper now… Feeling very safe and comfortable as we go back through time and space...19-18-17-16…Getting younger with 14-13-12…Going back through years of your life…11-10-9-8...Noticing images of childhood and going deeper still…7-6-5-4…and now …3 all the way down… 2 very young…1…going back into your mother’s womb…and now 0.” “You are now soul energy… step into the universal white-light and let it surround you. Allow your energy to float around in the light. Feeling free of your physical body… let yourself relax and be at peace. I will now use a count from 3 backwards down to 1… You will slowly feel your spirit being drawn back down to the earth and enter a time in which you may have lived.” “Coming back down to earth starting with the count from 3… slowly, calmly now with 2… coming all the way down to earth and taking a deep breath in now and 1… step down to earth into previous life.” Look down at your FEET and tell me the first thing that you see… What are you wearing?” ☯
If they do n ot see / hear / feel anythi ng - Have them go back up to the univ erse to try again:
Go slow and ask th em QUESTIONS about what th ey see / hear / feel in t he past li fe:
“Are you inside the body or are you watching as an observer?” “Scan up the body and tell me what you see and what you are wearing?” “Are you male or female?”
“How old are you?”
“Do you have a name?”
“What is it?”
“Take a look at your surroundings… what do you see?” “Where are at?” “Are you inside or outside?” “What part of the world are you in?” “Do you know the location?” “Describe it for me.” “What date is it?”
“Scan your surroundings to look for a clue.”
“Is there anyone else there with you right now?”
“Who are they?”
“Do you have a family?”
“Do you have children?”
“Are you married?”
“What do you do for a living?”
“Do you like your job?”
“Are they with you?”
“Why do you have this job in this life?”
“Feel free to explore your environment.” “What is your purpose in this lifetime.” ☯
GO FORWARD or BACKWARD to a “s ignificant moment” in this p ast life. :
“Go to a significant moment that will help you find the answers you are looking for. Tell me what is happening…. Go forward to a day before the death transition… What do you see – hear – feel?” ☯
If it i s safe – go to the DEATH TRANSITION in t his past li fe:
“As I count from 3 down to 1, you will now move forward into the death experience of this lifetime. You may stay inside of the body or you can safely watch from above as an observer. “ “Counting down now from 3… 2… 1… Enter the time of death… “What do you see – hear – feel?” (Go slow and if it is too dif ficult f or the client you can touch their shoulder to “ ANCHOR” ) “What did you die from?”
“How do you feel?”
“Did you have unfinished business?”
“Now it is time to move out of the death transition and allow your energy to float back to the universal white light safely and calmly. You will be able to take all important memories of this life with you. Releasing yourself from this body and this lifetime… you begin to feel yourself floating upward now…” ☯
Once client i s back i n th e WHITE-LIGHT, ask them t hese questio ns:
What was the most significant message that you learned from your past-life? How can this help you in this life? What do you need to let go and have closure in your current life?
“Allow any pain or negativity from your past-life and beyond to be released back up the universal white light where it will be resolved. You will bring back only the positive lessons learned. You have been on an incredible journey through time and deserve good health and happiness. Coming up out of hypnosis now, using the count of 0 up to 5. Each count you will feel more aware and more alert…” ☯
Take cli ent out of hyp nosi s. Count up fro m (0 to 5) and then count (1 to 5) a few times
Is there a scientific basis for reincarnation? Indian forensic scientist Vikram Raj Singh Chauhan is trying to prove reincarnation is real. He has presented his findings at the National Conference of Forensic Scientists in India. (11-11-02)
Chauhan has discovered a six-year-old boy named Taranjijt Singh who says he remembers his previous life. According to his parents, he has been talking about this since he was two years old and used to run away from home. The boy knew the village he lived in during his former life, as well as his and his father's name. He knew the name of the school he attended as well. On September 10, 1992, he was riding his bike home when he was hit by a motor scooter. He received head injuries and died the next day. His present father, Ranjit Singh, said the boy became more and more insistent, so he and his wife went to the village where he claimed to have lived in the past. At first, they couldn't find anyone who resembled the descriptions of his former parents. Then someone told him to go to another nearby village, where they met a teacher at the local school who confirmed the story of the motor scooter accident. They found out where the boy had lived and went there to meet the parents. When they told the family their story, Ranjit Singh mentioned that his son claimed the books he was carrying when the accident occurred had gotten blood on them. He also described how much money he had in his wallet. When the woman heard this, she began to cry and said she had saved the bloodstain books and the money in memory of her dead child. Taranjit Singh's parents and siblings from his former life soon came to his new home to meet him. The boy recognized a wedding picture his former parents brought with him. At first, Vikram Chauhan refused to believe this story, but he eventually became curious and decided to investigate. He visited both villages and found the boy and both sets of parents repeated the same story. He spoke to a shopkeeper who told him that the boy had owed him the money that was in his wallet when he was hit, and was probably bringing it to him to pay for a notebook he'd gotten on credit. Chauhan took samples of both boys' handwriting and compared them. He found they were identical. It's a basic tenet of forensic science that no two handwriting styles can be identical, because each person's handwriting has specific characteristics. Experts can usually spot even expertly forged handwriting. A person's handwriting style is dictated by individual personality traits. Chauhan's theory is that if the soul is transferred from one person to another, then the mind and thus the handwriting - will remain the same. A number of other forensic experts examined the handwriting samples and agreed they were identical. "I have some scientific basis to claim rebirth is possible", says Chauhan, "but I wish to do more research on the subject and am closely monitoring the development of the child." Singh's former parents wanted him to move back with them, but his current family still claims him, even though they are poor. Chauhan says, "In his present birth, Taranjit has never gone to school as he belongs to a poor family, but yet when I told him to write the English and Punjabi alphabet, he wrote them correctly."
BOOKS AND AUTHORS Much of the material found in your class handouts can be found in these excellent reference tools
WEBSITES & ASSOCIATIONS: Michele Guzy, Certif ied Hypnoth erapist International Association for Regression Research & Therapy International Board for Regression Therapy As so ci ati on fo r Resear ch & En li gh ten men t
BEST SELLING BOOKS & AUTHORS: Brian Weiss Many Lives, Many Masters Through Time into Healing Same Soul, Many Times Mirrors of Time Bruce Goldberg Past Lives, Many Lives Carol Bowman Children’s Past Lives Roger Woolger Healing Your Past Lives Manly Hall Reincarnation Michael Newto n Life Between Lives Michael J. Hathaway Complete Idiots guide to Past Life Regression Paul Rol and Explore your Past Lives Sylvia Brown Past Lives, Future Healing