Descripción: pestel analysis of textioe lindustry in india
pestel analysis of textioe lindustry in india
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PESTEL Analysis of Education Industry 10/12/2015 by: admin admin in: in: Academic Sample Papers Comments Off
PESTEL Analysis of Education Industry PESTLE analysis is an important tool in te ed!c ational sector as it ma"es it possible to impro#e te process of decision ma"in$% Tis is especially tr!e if yo! ta"e into consideration &orld demands are can$in$ and tere is a need to ens!re ed!cation matces !p to tese can$in$ needs% 't also elps foc!s on o n te bi$$er pict!re of f!t!re ed!cation% ed!ca tion% 'n te ed!cation sector( tis analysis also ma"es it possible to determine en#ironment can$es tat mi$t impact te plannin$( mana$ement and f!t!re financin$ of te ind!stry% Te follo&in$ is an o!tline of te political( economic( social( tecnolo$y and en#ironment factors tat affect and infl!ence te ed!cation ind!stry% Political factors •
Pri#ati)ation of scools
Can$es in s"ills needed for one to become a t!tor or teacer
Te e*pectations to become self financin$
+o#ernment initiati#es tat create ris" of te ind!stry failin$
C!rric!l!m can$es tat come &it sorter lead times
Economic factors •
Cost of reso!rces s!c as boo"s or papers( pap ers( teacin$ and s!pport staff and tecnolo$y sol!tions s!c as laptops etc
,aterial sorta$e on international and national mar"ets
-is" of i$ #al!ed staff members mo#in$ from te lo& performin$ scools/instit!tions to i$ performin$ ones
Parents ability to raise f!nds needed for optional acti#ities
Local ind!stry clos!re can affect te ind!stry.s f!nd raisin$ plans
Local or central $o#ernment f!ndin$ decisions can affect te $enera performance of te ind!stry
Social factors •
irt rate decline &ic reflects national trends
Can$es in te local pop!lation% Tis can eiter be an increase or decrease in te n!mbers%
'nability for te ind!stry to attract !alified staff
Parental preference as increased te tendency of parents to coose &ic scools teir cildren are $oin$ to attend%
emo$rapic can$es can affect p!pil rolls or nat!re of te needs of st!dents
'nability of te staff to ac!ire or access trainin$ tat is needed to ens!re te ind!stry contin!es to flo!ris%
Technological factors •
Sift from paper based to eboo" readers%
O!t of date comp!ter ard&are
3e& comp!ter #ir!ses tat affect te operations of te ind!stry
-is" of coosin$ te inappropriate tecnolo$y
Can$e to e!ipment or standards re!ired
ist!rbin$/ille$al ima$es on te internet tat affect sec!rity meas!res
Legislative factors •
3e& le$islation tat creates noncompliance &it la& and also creates administrati#e b!rdens
Cild protection can$es
-aise in te a$e of tose lea#in$ scool
Lo&erin$ or raise of a$e startin$ a$e
Can$e in te openin$ o!rs of scools
Safety and ealt le$islation
Environmental factors •
-ed!ction in $reen space tat is a#ailed for acti#ities
4se of !$e amo!nts of potocopier toner and paper to deli#er printed information
3e& de#elopments tat pose a treat to st!dents in te ind!stry
isposal of &aste
Can$es in te local b!s ro!tes
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