Republic of the Philippines MUNICIPAL CIRCUIT TRIAL COURT Mahayag, Dumingag an !osefina Ninth !uicial Region Mahayag, "amboanga el #u$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%, Petitioner, Petitioner, &'e$sus& %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
CIVIL CASE NO. ____________ &fo$& _______________ ____________________ _____ _______________ ____________________ _____ _______________ ___________________ ____
Defendant/s. (&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&)
PETITION TO CITE DEFENDANTS DEFENDANTS IN CONTEMPT OF COURT PLAINTI**, th$ough the une$signe counsel, unto the +ono$able Cou$t, most $espectfully $espectfully a'e$s, that -. #ome #ometi time me Octo Octobe be$$ -/, -/, 01-2 01-2,, Plai Plaint ntif ifff file file befo befo$e $e the the +ono +ono$a $abl blee Cou$ Cou$tt a Compla Complaint int fo$ *o$cib *o$cible le 3nt$y 3nt$y 4ith 4ith P$elim P$elimina ina$y $y In5unc In5unctio tion n an an Damag Damages es against the he$ein efenants6 0. The then then counsel counsel of the the plaint plaintiff iff Atty. Atty. *e$nan *e$nano o Cagoco Cagoco !$ file file an U$gent U$gent Motion fo$ Issuance Issuance of P$elimina$y Manato$y In5unction, In5unction, $atiocinating $atiocinating that the ent$y of the efenants o'e$ the lan of the plaintiff 4as illegal an a$bit$a$y 4hich, if not p$e'ente, 4oul cause unue in5u$y to the $ights an inte$est of the plaintiff6 7. Afte$ Afte$ the motion 4as 4as submitte submitte fo$ $esolution $esolution,, the +ono$able +ono$able Cou$t $ene$e $ene$e a ecision g$anting the motion, the ispositi'e po$tion of 4hich p$o'ies “This “This bein being g so, so, the the cour courtt beli believ eved ed that that plai plaint ntif ifff is enti entitl tled ed to the the Mandatory Preliminary Injunction. ince the evidenced sho!ed that she anchored her right on an older document !hich is the Deed of Donation dated "ebruary #, $%%# !hile the Defendants on the document !hich purportedly revo&es revo&es it dated "ebruary '(, $%'). $%'). *onsidering that the plaintiff has sho!ed sufficient reasons alleged in the complaint and the affidavit of plaintiff as !ell as the evidence presented during the hearing of this case that a +rit of Preliminary of Injunction should issue, the plaintiff is hereby reuired to post a bond as reuired by
la! in the sum of T+-T T0123D 4P$%,%%%.%%5 P-1, Philippine *urrency for approval of the court !ithin five 4)5 days from receipt hereof. 1 16D-6-D.7 8. In compli complianc ancee 4ith 4ith the o$e$ o$e$ of the the +ono$a +ono$abl blee Cou$t Cou$t,, plaint plaintiff iff poste poste the $e9u $e9ui$ i$e e bon bon.. The$ The$ea eaft fte$ e$,, the the +ono +ono$a $abl blee Cou$ Cou$tt issu issue e the the O$e O$e$$ of P$elimina$y In5unction, the ispositi'e po$tion of 4hich states “+0-6-"16-, in vie! of the compliance of the above8mentioned order let a +rit of Preliminary Injunction be issued in favor of the Plaintiff, to ans! ans!er er for for !hat !hatev ever er dama damage gess the the resp respon onde dent ntss may may suff suffer er shou should ld plaintiff be adjudged not not entitled to the injunctive injunctive relief relief herein granted. granted. -njoining the defendants and any other person acting in their behalf to cease and desist from any acts of possession of the subject land until the issue of possession is fully resolved by the court. 1 16D-6-D7 2. *e4 ays ays afte$ the issuanc issuance e of the sai o$e$, o$e$, plaintiff plaintiff lea$ne lea$ne that that efenants efenants p$etene to ha'e 4ith$a4n thei$ possession o'e$ the lan, an mae it appea$ that it 4as thei$ 4ea: mothe$ 4ho actually occupie an tille the lan6 That the 4o$:e$s tilling the lan 4e$e actually pai an 4e$e une$ the supe$'ision of thei$ 4ea: mothe$6 ;ut in t$uth an in fact, it 4as $eally the efenants 4ho supe$'ise the plo4ing an planting of the c$ops g$o4n on the lan6 /. !ust $ecentl $ecently, y, efenants efenants 4e$e 4e$e able to ha$'est ha$'est thi$ty thi$ty si( <7/= sac:s sac:s of palay f$om the sub5ect lan6 That the act of the efenants 4as an utte$ is$ega$ of the O$e$ of the +ono$able Cou$t, i$ecting them an any othe$ pe$son acting in thei$ thei$ behal behalff to cease cease an esist esist f$om any acts of posses possessio sion n penin pening g $esolution of the instant case. !ust $ecently, they again p$epa$e the sub5ect lan lan fo$ the the ne(t ne(t c$opp c$opping ing.. To substa substanti ntiate ate ou$ claim claim,, 4e a$e attach attaching ing he$e4ith the Affia'it of Leona$o >. Utohan an ma$:e as Annex as Annex “A”6 “A” 6 ?. Plaint Plaintiff iff,, th$oug th$ough h couns counsel el,, most most $espe $espectf ctfull ully y p$ays p$ays that efen efenan ants ts an all othe$ pe$son acting in thei$ behalf be cite in ini$ect contempt fo$ unla4fully an a$bit$a$ily tilling, plo4ing an planting the sub5ect lan in utte$ is$ega$ of the O$e$ of the +ono$able Cou$t6
PRAYER WHEREFORE, WHEREFORE, abo' abo'ee p$em p$emis ises es cons consi ie$ e$e e,, it is $esp $espec ectf tful ully ly p$ay p$aye e that that efen efenan ants ts an all all othe$ othe$ pe$so pe$sons ns actin acting g in thei$ thei$ behal behalff be cite cite in contem contempt pt fo$ isobeying the O$e$ O$e$ of the +ono$able Cou$t ate Ma$ch 71, 01-/. OTHER relief !"# $n% e&"i#$'le $re li(e)ie *r$+e% f,r.
Re*e-#f"ll+ Re*e-#f"ll+ "'i##e% "'i##e% this this 2th ay of No'em No'embe$ be$ 01-/ at Pagai Pagaian an City, City, Philippines. Philippines.
ATTY. _________________ _________________ C,"nel f,r #/e Pl$in#iff Pr,0in-i$l C$*i#,l C,*lex1 P$2$%i$n Ci#+ A##,rne+ A##,rne+ R,ll N,. N,. _______ _______ I3P N,. _____________ PTR N,. ________________ I"e% $# P$2$%i$n Ci#+ A%i##e% A%i##e% #, #/e 3$r 456786 456786 9475 MCLE E:EMPT ;Un%er 3$r M$##er <=4>
Republic of the the Philippines Philippines ) In the City City of Pagadian Pagadian
) S.S.
x-------------------------------- x-------------------------------------/ ----/ I, ________________ ________________,, *ili *ilipi pin no, of lega legall age, age, ma$$ ma$$iie, e, an a $esi $esie ent nt of %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%, afte$ ha'ing been s4o$n to in acco$ance 4ith la4, he$eby epose an state, that -. I am the the Petiti Petitione one$$ in the the abo'e&e abo'e&enti ntitle tle case6 case6 0. I ha'e cause cause the p$epa$ation p$epa$ation of of the fo$egoing fo$egoing Petitio Petition6 n6
7. I ha'e $ea all the allegat allegation ionss contai containe ne the$ein the$ein an I he$eby he$eby ce$tify ce$tify that the same a$e t$ue an co$$ect base on my pe$sonal :no4lege an on authentic $eco$s6 8. I ha'e not commen commence ce any any action action 4ith 4ith the same o$ simila$ simila$ issue issuess as in this case befo$e befo$e the #up$eme Cou$t, the Cou$t Appeals, Appeals, o$ any b$anch o$ i'ision i'ision the$eof, o$ befo$e any othe$ Cou$t, agency, office o$ t$ibunal no$ such action is pening befo$e the same Cou$ts, agency, office o$ t$ibunal. That if I lea$n of the filing o$ penency of any such action befo$e the #up$eme Cou$t, the Cou$t of Appeals o$ any othe$ Cou$t, agency, office o$ t$ibunal, t$ibunal, I une$ta:e une$ta:e to info$m this +ono$able +ono$able Cou$t 4ithin a pe$io of fi'e <2= ays f$om my :no4lege o$ notice the$eof6 AFFIANT SAYETH NAU@HT. NAU@HT. TO THE TRUTH OF THE FORE@OIN@, FORE@OIN@ , I ha'e he$eunto set my han this %%% ay of May 01-? at %%%%%%%%%%%, Philippines.
_____________________ Affi$n#
SU3S SU 3SCR CRI3E I3ED D AND AND SW SWOR ORN N TO befo befo$$e me this %% ay of May 01-?, at %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%, Philippines, affiant ha'ing pe$sonally appea$e befo$e me an to me pe$sonally :no4n to be the 'e$y same pe$sons to ha'e e(ecute this @e$ification.