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Petrel tutorial
Petrel 2013
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Petrel 2013 Reservoir Engineering Module 5: Well controls Lesson 1: History Development Strategy
Lesson 1: History Development Strategy
Development Strategy
Use Development strategy to specify: Times to be simulated Which wells to use Groups of wells Rules to operate the wells.
History Matching and Prediction Workflow Interpreted geology, geophysics, petrophysics
Sensitivity runs Produce results for risk evaluation and economics
Static reservoir description
Prediction runs Modification of static or dynamic Existing wells continue to until actual&and match produce aremodel worked-over
Construction of simulation grid
Assign Fluid model and rock physics function Tuning runs Modify properties until model & historical data match
Petrel simulation model
Make history strategy (actual production and pressure) NO Simulate production and pressure YES
Solution found
Sensitivity runs Identify uncertain parameters
New well drilling may be implemented
EOR options may be tested
History and Prediction History:
Val alid idat ates es th thee mo mode dell ag agai ains nstt hi hist stor oryy
Uses observed rates as well control data Uses historic perforations
fo r
Pred Pr edict ictss fu futu ture re beh behav avior ior Specifies future operating rates or pres pr essu sure ress of we wellllss
Input Data Required for History Strategy
History development strategies requ re quir iree we welllls, s, we wellllbo bore re ev even ents ts,, an andd product pro duction ion dat data. a.
Thee si Th simu mulat lator or re requi quire res: s: We Wellll pa paths ths (de (devia viatio tionn sur survey veys) s) Wellll hi histo storic rical al da data ta We - co comp mplet letio ionn int inter erval valss - wo work rkov over er ev even ents ts Production/inje ion/injection ction data Product
Development Strategy Process: User Interface Options to select the simulator and strategy type.
Rule Table
Strategy Tree Status Bar
Create a development strategy (1) 1. Select a St r a t e g y choose choo se Histo History ry..
2. Sele lecct the sim imul ulaator type pe..
2 3
3. Add control dates to the strategy tree; click the Add new ne w da data ta button. 4. Selec Selectt wells wells or a fol folder der of of wells in the Input pane. Click the Add selected wells or well folders from the input tree button.
Create a development strategy (2) 5. Organ Organize ize we wells lls wi with th com common mon controls into folders using the Add a new user defined folder button. Drag the wells into the folders.
6 6. Organize wells into groups for hi gh er level control. 7. Add rules using the Open add rules button . 8. Edit rule parameters in the Rules table.
Add Rules
Rate must be specified here Note: The order of the rules is important. The last item in the list is a TARGET; all previous items are converted to LIMITS.
Edit and Use the Strategy
The strategy is stored on the Input pane.
Copy/Paste into the Input Copy/Paste pane.
Drop into the Strategies tab of the Define simulation case process dialog.
History Strategy: Edit Default Rules 1. Drop in the obse observed rved data. 2. Edit cont control rol mode modes. s. 3. Sele Select ct Oil here to to make make oil the target rate for the simulation. 4. Edit time step stepping. ping.
Plot: Observed Data and Development Strategy
Open the Re Ressul ults ts ch char arttin ing g an and d ana nallysi siss dial di alog og bo boxx an andd se sele lect ct to vi view ew:: vect ve ctor or (r (rat ate) e) in th thee Properties pane identifier (well) in the Primary identifiers pane development strategy in the Sources pane obse ob serv rved ed da data ta in th thee Sources pane.
Edit and use the Strategy
• The strategy is stored on the Input pane. • You can edit an existing strategy. • Use the blue arrow to drop the created strategy into the data field on the Strategies tab.
Exercise Dataset > Projects > Module -6 History matching and Prediction > History_match History_matching ing and Prediction Prediction_exer _exercise.p et Pg.. 262 Pg 262 - 27 2799
Lesson 2: Prediction Strategy
Purpose of Prediction Development Strategy
Imp mpro rove vess th thee re reco cove very ry or NP NPV V fro rom m th thee fifiel eldd Det eteermin inees the mos ostt ap apppro roppria iatte an andd co cosst ef efffectiv ivee de devvelo loppment sce cena narrio ioss for the future of thee fifiel th eldd
To cr crea eate te th thee pr pred edic icttio ionn de deve velo lopm pmen entt st stra rate tegy gy,, yo youu mu must st sp spec ecififyy co cont ntro roll me mech chan anis isms ms,, ne new w we welllls, s, infifillll we in welllls, s, an andd ec econ onom omic ic lilimi mits ts..
Create a New Empty Prediction Strategy Add new dates by clicking clic king Add a new date
Change the start and end date by right-clicking the d at es and selecting Edit dates.
Select Empty prediction strategy from preset drop-down list
Select Empty prediction strategy from presets drop-down list
Prediction Strategy: Wells Use the blue arrow to drop in a well or folder of wells from the Input pane. Add control rules by clicking Open add rules dialog .
Check the rule validation result in the status bar.
Select simulators
Add Rules
Rate must be specified here
Note: The order of the rules is important. The last item in the list is a TARGET; all previous items are converted to LIMITS.
Well Rules: Rules : Targets Targets and Limits Limits When you set a new rule, you also must set target or a limit: If you select target, other lines you fill in are imposed as limits. If you select limits, you must assign the target using an additional rule.
• The simulation begins by trying to meet the set target.
• If limits are not violated, the simulation runs to meet the target.
Target not met
Limit violated
• The simulation changes control mode by imposing limits.
• The simulation changes control mode by imposing the limit, or • Action is taken (e.g., close well).
Targets and Limits: Oil Rate Target Target Example Example
BHP rises due to pressure support from aquifer & injector
If you set the control mode to target, all other rates you enter are implemented as limits. Add a BHP limit in addition to the the rate production control rule.
Group Control Right-click the Groups folder to add new groups.
Drag and drop wells between groups.
Groups: Membership Changing with Time
Add a new time Add two two groups Add a group control rule for both time intervals Assign the rule to one of the groups in each time interval.
Tabular Rules 1. Open “Add rule dialog” to a rule 2. Drop a folder of wells.
3. Right-click on the inserted rule and select Convert to tabular rule
Rules: Validatio Validationn
Validate against these simulators.
Prediction Strategy: Input Pane
Drop the prediction strategy into the data field on the Strategies tab of the Defi De fine ne Si Simu mula lati tion on Cas Casee di dial alog og bo boxx
Restart Runs (1)
Use the solution at the end of a history case as the start condition for a predic pre dictio tionn run run..
Saves time as you do not recalculate pressure and saturation for the history period.
e t a R n o i t c u d o r P d l e i F
Cell Saturations & Pressures recorded
History Period
(Base Run)
Prediction Period
(Restart Run)
Restart Runs (2) In the Define simulation case dialog, select the restart case for editing.
Right-click on a case that has been run and select Insert restart case. case .
Exercise Continue using the project from the previous exercise. Pg.. 319 Pg 319 - 32 3288