]bahappai`s E`rosped` Z&L Z& L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory
Coco Jeizoi Jeizoi Dehagoriae, PTE
teten_ekaheMyeboo.dof Let` 5st Dr`et`l3 Ceiuery =5, :=5< Pplet`l es og3 Ceiuery =5, :=50
COCO JEISOI ]ZO]ZA@\EZQ & DOIGAL@I\AEH AIGOZFE\AOI \b` lete doiteai`l ai tb` pek`s og tbas loduf`it fern`l ‘COCO JEISOI. ]ZO]ZA@\EZQ/DOIGAL@I\AEH AIGOZFE\AOI‖ bev` j``i sujfatt`l ai doigal`id`, eil doiteai trel` s`dr`ts eil/or pravah`k`l or doigal`itaeh doff`rdaeh or gaieidaeh aigorfetaoi. ]ujhad lasdhosur` og eiy aigorfetaoi fern`l es ailadet`l ejov` as probajat`l jy tb` \rel` T`dr`ts Edt (52 P.T.D. § 51=0) eil tb` @doiofad @spaoiek` Edt og 5117 (52 P.T.D. § 5245 `t. s`q.) eil as iot to j` fel` eveahejh` watbout tb` praor wratt`i p`rfassaoi og COCO JEISOI © Coco Jeizoi uipujhasb`l worn
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory L`d`fj`r 5;, 51=4 , Natty Bewn, Derohaie PTE.
\b` [rakbt Ghy`r gh`w tb` garst taf`. At wes l`saki`l eil juaht jy [ahjur eil bas jrotb`r Orvahh` [rakbt. \b` [rakbt Ghy`r as tb` garst pow`r`l fedbai` to edba`v` doitrohh`l susteai`l ghakbt watb pahot . ---- tbas let` wes sakiagadeit j`deus` oi3
G`jruery :5, 5155 , Feiahe.
\b` garst eardregt gh`w ai tb` ]bahappai` sna`s pahot`l jy Cef`s (Jul) Deari Fers luraik tb` ]edo Deriaveh g`staveh. \b` e ardregt wes l`saki`l eil juaht jy \ol Tbrav`r (b` edtuehhy folaga`l e Durtass ]52 japhei`). \bas eardregt garst g h`w ai Beweaa Beweaa (L`d`fj`r (L`d`fj`r 51, 515=) eil wes dbrast`i`l es tb` Tnyhern. B`id` tb` eardregt tbet garst gh`w ai tb` ]bahappai` sny wes niowi es Tbrav`r Tnyhern. \ol Tbrav`r tok`tb`r watb Cef`s Fers, D`dah ]`oha eil [ahhaef ‘Jahhy‖ Jelk`r j`hoiks to e t`ef tbet lo e`raeh p`rgorfeid`s wbos` dofpeiy wes owi`l jy \bofes Tdott Jehlwai. Jehlwai . \b`y tour`l douitra`s erouil tb` worhl, fenaik feiy bastorad ghakbts.
Dhadn gor padtur`s
E r`phade og tb` Tnyhern, juaht jy ]E\\T ]E\\T stul`its stul`its ai :=55, iow beiks ai tb` ]bahappai` Ear Gord` E`rosped` Fus`uf ai Wahhefor Ear Jes`.
Dhadn gor padtur`s
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory
G`jruery 5:, 515: , Feiahe
\b` garst Gahapaio pess`ik`r oi ei eardregt gh`w watb Dept H`` Beffoil ai e Z`l L`vah Japhei`. \b` Gahapaio pess`ik`r pess`ik`r wes ei Akorot Dba`gteai ief`l Kekejei. \b` bastorad `v`it toon phed` ai Hui`te luraik tb` Feiahe Deriaveh.
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory Ferdb 5:, 515: , Gort [ahhaef Fdnaih`y (Aisal` Gort Joiagedao) \b` garst ghyaik sdbooh - ]bahappai` Ear Tdbooh wes op`i`l jy Ht Grein Hebf (Ef`radei) og tb` ; tb Devehry Z`kaf`it (E`roieutadeh Lavasaoi) og tb` PT Erfy Takieh Dorp.
Dhadn gor padtur`s
Ferdb :5, 515: , Gort [ahhaef Fdnaih`y (Aisal` Gort Joiagedao) \b` [rakbt Fol`h J eardregt (sbapp`l jy tb` PT Takieh Dorp oi L`d`fj`r 5155, bevaik e l`sakiet`l Takieh Dorp T`raeh Iufj`r ;) fel` tb` garst ghakbt grof tb` poho ga`hl. \b` pahot, Ht Grein Hebf j`def` Hebf j`def` iow tb` garst fahatery pahot to ghy ai tb` ]bahappai`s.
Eukust 515: Dorporeh W`fof H. Jurk` j`def` tb` garst `ihast`l pahot og tb` PT Erfy Takieh Dorp. B` wes Ht Grein Hebf stul`it ai tb` ]bahappai` Ear Tdbooh. W`fof Jurk` r`d`av`l evaetor‑s had`is` #50= grof tb` G`l`retaoi E`roieutaqu` Ait`rietaoieh.
Dhadn gor padtur`s
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory
Fey, 5154 , Gort [ahhaef Fdnaih`y (Aisal` Gort Joiagedao) [rakbt Fol`h D eardregt D eardregt (l`sakiet`l Takieh Dorp T`raeh Iufj`r 54) errav`l eil gatt`l watb poitoois .
Dhadn gor padtur`s
Eukust :2, 5154 \b` [rakbt J (T`raeh J (T`raeh Iufj`r ;) wes lef ek`l j`yoil r`pear gohhowaik ei `ikai` geahur` .
T`pt`fj`r 5:, 5154 [rakbt D (T`raeh Iufj`r 54) dresb`l aito tb` wet`r eil wes l`stroy`l luraik ats garst ghakbt ghakbt watb poitoois.
T`pt`fj`r 5154 E Jurk`ss Fol`h A s`ephei` A s`ephei` (bevaik e l`sakiet`l Takieh Dorp T`raeh Iufj`r 5;) wes l`hav`r`l to tb` ]bahappai`s eil essaki`l to Dorr`kalor Asheil gor s`rvad` watb Doest L`g`is`s. E beiker eil otb`r gedahata`s w`r` doistrudt`l ai Tei Cos` J`edb i`er Gort Fahhs, Dorr`kalor Asheil, eil ghyaik op`retaois w`r` j`kui jy Ht. B`rj`rt E. Lerku` eil Dph. W`rioi Jurk`, jotb pahots treai`l jy Ht Grein Hebf.
Dhadn gor padtur`s
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory
Iov`fj`r 5<, 5154 Ht. ]`rry Zadb dresb`l [rakbt dresb`l [rakbt Fol`h D (T`raeh Iufj`r 5:) aito 5:) aito Feiahe Jey, ]bahappai`s, eil la`l.
Ceiuery 5:, 5150 Ht. B`rj`rt E. Lerku` wr`dn`l tb` Jurk`ss Fol`h A s`ephei` (T`raeh Iufj`r 5;), eil tb` ]bahappai` Ear Tdbooh stop ghyaik stul`its.
51:= Ghakbt Aistrudtors grof Durtass Evaetaoi Tdbooh (Tei Tdbooh (Tei La`ko, Dehagoriae PTE) w`it to ]bahappai`s eil teukbt tb` garst 44 Gahapaios bow to ghy earphei` ai Defp Dhelao ai ]ereiequ`.
Eprah :=, 51:= Ht H`oiadao Fehaieo og tb` ]bahappai` Ietaoieh Kuerl (]IK) — Evaetaoi uiat, soho`l ai tb` Durtass C`iiy CI-
\b` ]bahappai`s 5st l`del` og evaetaoi wes proval`l to sbow tb` feiy ‘garst‖ bastorad `v`its
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory 5140
Zeouh F`ssa`r, pahot eil f`dbeiad og tb` PT Erfy Ear Dorps (ferra`l to D`h`staie J. Kuaeik og ]eiakua, \erhed), eil Doh Durtas Hefj`rt orkeiaz`l tb` ]bahappai` Eardregt Dorporetaoi gor tb` l`saki, doistrudtaoi eil feiugedturaik og eardregt.
Ferdb 5142
\b` ]bahappai` Eardregt Dorporetaoi garst i`why l`saki`l ‘Tiap`‖ eardregt wes sudd`ssguhhy t`st ghowi. \b` ‘Tiap`‖ as e how w aik earphei` pow`r`l jy ei 20 bp H`Joil relaeh `ikai`. At r`d`av`l e \yp` D`rtagadet` iufj`r 5 grof tb` Jur`eu og E`roieutads.
\b` Tiap` wes ai s`rvad` uitah `erhy 51<: wb`i at wes sbot lowi jy tb` Cepei`s` tbet aiv el`l tb` ]bahappai`s. Jotb Doh Durtas Hefj`rt eil Zeouh F`ssa`r tok`tb`r watb K`i`reh Fd Ertbur w`it jedn to tb` PT. Zeouh F`ssa`r stey`l ai tb` PT uitah b as r`tar`f`it wbah` Doh Hefj`rt w`it jedn to tb` ]bahappai`s eil `v`ituehhy kot aivohv`l ai tb` doff`rdaeh evaetaoi ailustry. Doh Hefj`rt het`r j`def` tb` W ad` ]r`sal`it eil K`i`reh Feiek`r og tb` Doff`rdaeh Ear Hai`s Aid. wbadb ess`ts eil op`retaois w`r` het`r joukbt jy ]bahappai` Ear Hai`s (]EH). Egt`r Zeouh F`ssa`r‑s gaiasb`l bas fahatery s`rvad`, b` stert`l juahlaik tb` s`doil Tiap` eardregt (TI == :). B` gaiasb`l at ai 51; 5 eil r`ief`l at to ‘F`ssa`rTiap` ]\5=5‖. B` gh`w tb` Tiap` gor s`v`reh y`ers uitah T`pt`fj`r 5:, 512= wb`i b` toon ogg grof Kuhgport, Fassassappa watb tb` ait`il`l l` staietaoi og [edo, \`xes. B` kot host eil lasora`it`l ehoik tb` wey eil bevaik how gu`h oi joerl> b` l`dal`l to ten` e pr`deutaoiery heilaik ogg earport ai Ehto, \`xes. Pigefahaer watb tb` er`e, b` uiait`itaoiehhy s`h`dt`l e roukb, uisuatejh` t`rreai gor heilaik tb` eardregt. L uraik bas heilaik rohh, b` bat l``p latdb`s, sujsteitaehhy lefekaik tb` eardregt uitah at be ht`l. Zeouh wbo wes ;0 y`ers ohl et tb` taf `, wes uiberf`l og tbas eddal`it. Zeouh kev` up oi tb` Tiap` said` b`‑s too ohl to r`juahl, jut b` kot e b`hp grof e gra`il eil tok`tb`r tb`y worn oi tb` Tiap` uitah at gh`w ekeai. Zeouh gh`w at gor e douph` for` y`ers uitah b` pess `l ewey. \b` eardregt iow sats ai e beiker ai tb` PT dohh`dtaik lust.
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory 510:
Lr Kr`korao Sere aiv`it`l e s`fa eutofetad eardregt prop`hh`r fenaik fedbai`. (Lr Sere‑s veraous proc`dts dei iot j` v`raga`l)
5104 RH-5< Feye gh`w Feye gh`w — \b` 5st eardregt watb jef joo (woj`x — ene seweha) snaii`l gus`hek`. Juaht tbru tb` Aistatut` og Tda`id` eil \`dbiohoky (AT\) eil l`saki`l jy Eitoiao C. l` H`oi. Ghakbt t`st`l jy B`iry F`al`r \b` F`al`r \b` proc`dt wes sb`hv`l.
Dhadn gor padtur`s
Cust fy : d`its3 \bas earphei` bes e r`s`fjheid` watb ]ap`r duj / duj / \eyhor duj gus`hek` duj gus`hek` watb ei elopt`l @rdo @rdoup` teah. @rdoup` teah.
Odtoj`r 5104 RH-50 \eken gh`w \eken gh`w — Juaht tbru tb` Aistatut` og Tda`id` eil \`dbiohoky (AT\) eil l`saki`l jy Eitoiao C. l` H`oi. At wes l`saki`l es ei
efjuheid` or utahaty eardregt. \b` proc`dt wes sb`hv`l.
Dhadn gor padtur`s
Cust fy : d`its3 \bas earphei` be s e r`s`fjheid` watb D`ssie 44; Tnyfest`r watb Tnyfest`r watb tb` egt `ikai` te n`i ogg.
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory T`pt`fj`r 4=, 510< Ei aiv`itaoi og Lr. Kr`korao Sere Sere tbet fen`s ei earphei` `ikai` rui oi pheai ehdoboh wes sudd`ssguhhy ghakbt t`st`l ai Feiahe.
Fey 5107 RH-5; Fuseik wes dofph`t`l — Juaht tbru tb` Aistatut` og Tda`id` eil \`dbiohoky (AT\) eil l`saki`l jy Eitoiao C. l` H`oi. \b` proc`dt wes sb`hv`l
Dhadn gor padtur`s
517= Fecor Iurteiao ]raikkoelasurco og Ailoi`sae eil tbr`` otb`r dohh`eku`s w`r` s`it to Ger @est`ri Ear \reisport Aidorporet`l (G@E\A) ]bahappai`s, oi` og tb` garst e`roieutadeh uiav`rsaty ai Esae to stuly E`roieutads. (At as ait`r`staik to iot` tbet G@E\A b`hl ats garst E`ro dhess ai 51<7) — A put at b`r` to `fpbesaz` tbet gor`aki ietaoiehs h`eris grof grof tb` ]bahappai`s eil douhl k`t sudd`ssguh wbah` Gahapaios er` j`aik h`gt j`bail.
5174 Lr. Kr`korao Sere l`saki`l l`saki`l eil juaht tb` garst earphei` prop`hh`r fel` ai tb` ]bahappai`s. At wes fel` og Feikkedbepua wool wool (ehso niowi es lehaiklaikei, feikkedbepuy, yeneh) eil ghakbt t`st`l jy Fec. B`iry F`al`r, PTEG.
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory 517< E. \b` prop`hh`r prop`hh`r juaht juaht eil l`saki`l l`saki`l jy Lr Kr`korao Kr`korao Sere Sere wes d`rtaga`l d`rtaga`l earwort earwortby. by.
J. Fecor Iurteiao ]raikkoelasurco eil bas tbr`` otb`r dohh`eku`s gaiasb`l tb`ar stula`s eil w`it jedn to Ailoi`sae. Fecor Iurteiao j`def` oi` og tb` garst evaetaoi paoi``rs ai Ailoi`sae.
T`pt`fj`r =0, 51;4 ]bahappai` E`rosped` L`v`hopf`it Dorporetaoi (]ELD) wes dr`et`l jy vartu` og ]L :2 7. ]ELD bes 4 sujsalaera`s3 Ietaoieh E`ro Feiugedturaik (IEF), ]bahappai` E`rotreisport, Aid. (]E\A) eil Zotordregt ]bahappai`s, Aid. (Z]A).
Aff`laet`hy egt`r ]ELD‑s dr`etaoi, at‑s sujsalaery, Ietaoieh E`ro Feiugedturaik (IEF) stert`l tb` ess`fjhy og gorty (<=) JO-5=0 b`hadopt`r uil`r b`hadopt`r uil`r tb` had`isaik ekr``f`it watb F`ss`rdb`fatt Johnow Jhobf (FJJ) og K`rfeiy . Ellataoieh < gohhow`l oi e het`r let`.
Dhadn gor padtur`s
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory
51;< Garst ghakbt og RK-==5 @xp`raf`iteh Khal`r 5 og tb` Ear Gord` T`hg Z`haeid` L`v`hopf`it [aik. \b` garst l`saki`l eil juaht Khal`r og tb` ]bahappai` Ear Ear Gord` T`hg Z`haeid` L`v`hopf`it [aik lujj`l es RK-==5 toon ogg gor tb` garst taf` grof Jese Ear Jes` ai Ghoralejheide ]efpeike. \b` khal`r wes puhh`l jy e l` Bevahheil og Deiele P-7 J`ev`r eardregt. \b` RK-==5 Khal`r wes pahot`l jy tb` ]EG TZL[ L`puty [aik Doffeil`r HtDoh K`ork` ]. Equaio. HtDoh Equaio as e f`fj`r og ]bahappai` Fahatery Edel`fy Dhess 5174 eil ]EG Ghyaik Tdbooh 70-E . B` as tb` soi og Doh Z`statuto Equaio.
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory
\b` padtur` j`how sbows Htdoh K`ork` Equaio j`aik kr``t`l jy tb` ]bahappai` Ear Gord` Doffeilaik K`i`reh Fk`i Co`h H. Zeidulo (HtDoh Equaio‑s getb`r-ai-hew) egt`r bas sudd`ssguh garst t`st ghakbt og RK-==5.
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory
51;0 E. Garst ghakbt og R\-==5 @xp`raf`iteh Hakbt \reai`r Ferno A og tb` Ear Gord` Z`s`erdb Z`s`erdb eil L`v`hopf`it . Lu` to tb` r`s`fjheid` og tbas eardregt to tb` TG:7=F, at wes tboukbt jy sof ` dratads tbet tbas as ai gedt e doiv`rt`l TG:7= eil iot juaht grof krouil up. ] roc`dt Tb`hv`l
J. ]roc`dt ;4=;@i og ]E\\T eil Ietaoieh Tda`id` Tda`id` L`v`hopf`it Joerl (ITLJ) gh`w. (Z`kast`r`l (Z`kast`r`l es Z]-R=). \b` \b` gus`hek` eil waiks w`r` w`r` fel` og wool/jefjoo dov`r`l watb refa` t`toroi gejrad. \b` heilaik k`er eil aistruf`it pei`h w`r` og ]ap`r duj orakai. At sport e Feikkedbepua wool prop`hh`r --------(A‑f woil`raik ag tbas as tb` prop`hh`r orakaiehhy juaht jy Lr Sere?)
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory
51;7 ]ELD tboukb IEF `it`r`l aito had`isaik had`isaik ekr``f`it watb Jratt`i-Iorfei og @ikheil gor 5=0 JI Asheil`rs. \b` garst 7 w`r` l`hav`r`l to ]ELD guhhy ess`fjh`l, 5< w`r` uigaiasb`l eil 40 w`r` ess`fjh`l jy IEF. \b` had`isaik ekr``f`it wes susp`il`l wb`i Jatt`i-Iorfei wes edquar`l jy ]ahetus og Twatz`rheil ai 51;1. E i`w ekr``f`it wes saki`l jy 512= eil 5: for` eardregt w`r` juaht aidhulaik 5 turjoprop JI-:\ \urjai` fol`h. ]ELD/IEF l`v`hop`l depejahata`s to juahl tb` ]ahetus-Jratt`i Iorfei Asheil`r grof sdretdb. Pp to tbas let` ]ELD/IEF edquar`l/ess`fjh`l/juaht saxty-s`v`i (7;) JI Asheil`r eardregt
bttp3//erdbav`s.pae.kov.pb bttp3//erdbav`s.pae.kov.pb/?f65&t6:&ga /?f65&t6:&ga6=255:2-r;-ash 6=255:2-r;-asheil`r.cpk&fo6=2 eil`r.cpk&fo6=255 55
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory
51;7 Garst ghakbt og RK-==: @xp`raf`iteh Khal`r : og tb` Ear Gord` Z`s`erdb eil L`v`hopf`it D`it`r (gurtb`r ( gurtb`r l`teahs r`quar`l) r`quar`l)
Iov`fj`r 2, 51;7 \b` ]bahappai`s tbru tb` ]bahappai` Ear Gord` T`hg Z`haeid` L`g`id` ]ostur` joukbt ehh tb` l`saki eil feiugedturaik rakbts eil lete aidhulaik tb` prototyp` og tb` \-75= Tup`r ]aito ai tb` efouit og $5.:0 F ahhaoi grof Ef`radei C`t Ailustra`s (iow Kuhgstr`ef E`rosped`). \b` s`doil prototyp` wes juaht hodehhy eil tb` eardregt wes r`ief`l es tb` \ -75= Deha. \b` 5st prototyp` wes host ai e t`st ghakbt eil tb` s`doil prototyp` as iow oi laspheys ai tb` ]bahappai` Ear Gord` Fus`uf. Fus`uf .
bttp3//www.peg.fah.pb/i`wba bttp3//www.peg .fah.pb/i`wbastory5:/per story5:/pert4.btfh t4.btfh
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory 512; Evaetaoi Dofposat` \`dbiohoky Aid (ED\) s`t up e paoi``raik eardregt feiugedturaik gedahaty ai Feiahe. Zoj`rt ‘Joj‖ Tdb`egg`r (ED\ ]r`sal`it) edquar`l ei `xdhusav` had`isaik ekr``f`it watb I`ado Evaetaoi og PTE to prolud` eardregt perts gor tb` Heidear 4: = (Heidear as proiouid` es ‘Heid` -Ear‖) eil `v`ituehhy to juahl proludtaoi ghyaik eardregt gor fern`taik ai tb` esaei pedagad r`kaoi.
ED\ wes tb` garst e`rosped` dofposat` feiugedturaik ai tb` ]bahappai`s. \b`y er` proludaik Heidear 4:= dofposat` perts tbet er` j`aik put tok`tb`r to juahl e <1% gaiasb eardregt (gest juahl v`rsaoi) . [atb for` tbei 2= p`rsoii`h , ED\ wes sbappaik up to := Heidear 4:= eardregt nats p`r foitb to I`ado Evaetaoi.
5122 ED\ stert`l ess`fjhaik tb` garst ghyejh` dofposat` eardregt ai tb` ]bahappai`s.
(Afek` dourt`sy og Ghakbtkhojeh)
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory
G`jruery ::, 5122 L`gaeit 4== garst ghakbt. \bas eardregt wes e jr eaidbahl og Dept ]eigaho Wahheru`h Cr eil b as dofpeiy Kohlwaiks Evaetaoi. Fel` og wool fet`raehs aidhulaik teikuah` v`i``r phywool. At wes r `kast`r`l es Z]-R4:1. Dept Wahheru`h `v`ituehhy j`def` tb` Ear \reisportetaoi Oggad` Dba`g eil ]r`sal`it og ]ELD. Oi Iov`fj`r 1, :==4, b` wes getehhy sbot jy T[E\ t`ef wb`i b` gordajhy toon ov`r tb` IEAE Ear \reggad Doitroh \ow`r.
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory \b` strapp`l L`gaeit 4== as iow j`aik pr`s`rv`l jy tb` ]bahappai` Ttet` Dohh`k` og E`roieutads. E`roieutads .
]boto dourt`sy og @lr`a Kuta`rr`z
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory
]bahappai` Eardregt Dofpeiy Aid (]EDA) saki`l e proludtaoi had`is`l ekr``f`it watb L`ii`y E`rodregt og Joas`, Alebo PTE to prolud`/ess`fjh` tb` Natgox eardregt hodehhy gor fern`taik ai tb` [`st`ri ]edagad Z`kaoi. \b` garst hodehhy juaht natgox wes ief`l Tnygox eil gh`w ai 511=. At wes r`kast`r`l es Z]-R47=. Io r`dorl bes j``i gouil es to bow feiy Tnygox w`r` sohl jy ]EDA jut jy 511: ehh rakbts to feiugedtur` natgox w`r` purdbes`l jy Tnyster Eardregt Dorporetaoi (PTE) grof L`ii`y E`rodregt. ]EDA‑s op`retaoi ehso d`es`s jy tbas taf`.
Fey 5122 ]E\\T folaga`l H-
Dhadn gor padtur`s
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory
5121 E. E`rot`db E`rot`db Ailustra`s Ailustra`s ]bahappai`s ]bahappai`s,, s`t-up ei oggad` ai Feiahe to support support tb` TG:7= eil T:55 eardregt og tb` ]bahappai`s. ]bahappai`s.
J. ]ELD stert`l stert`l tb` ess`fjhy ess`fjhy og :< uiats og TAEA-Ferdb`tt TAEA-Ferdb`ttaa T:55 ai e coait v`itur` watb watb TAEA-Ferdb`tta TAEA-Ferdb`tta og Atehy Atehy
bttp3//www.peg.fah.pb/eardr bttp3//www.peg.f ah.pb/eardregt_kehh`ry.bt egt_kehh`ry.btfh fh
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory
5121 Heidear 4:= s`raeh iufj`r 5==5] - \b` garst dofposat` eardregt juaht ai tb` ]bahappai`s jy ED\ sudd`ssguhhy hagt`l ogg tb` k krouil. rouil. \b` eardregt wes r`kast`r`l es Z]-R4:= eil ghakbt t`st`l jy Loi Ko`tz (Heidear/I`ado Evaetaoi dba`g pahot). Iot `v`ryoi` niows, jut Heidear 4:= wes tb` garst eil oihy \yp` D`rtagadet`l eardregt ai t b` ]bahappai`s.
(Afek`s dourt`sy og Ghakbtkhojeh)
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory
511= E. Todaátá l‑@tul`s `t l` Gejradetaois Eároieutaqu`s (T@GE) og Greid` fov`l tb`ar gedtory ai ]`oph` \`dbiohoky Dofph`x (]\D) Derfoie Devat`, uil`r tb` ief` og T@GE Esae A id. T@GE prolud`s bylreuhad tooh nat gor eardregt eil b`hadopt`rs. \b`y w`r` ehso proludaik dofposat` snas gor @urodopt`r. T@GE wes tb` orakaieh l`saki`r eil soh` sourd` og snas gor TE4<5 Kez`hh`, TE 4<: Kez`hh`, ET40= @dur`uah, ET400 @dur`uah, ET470 Leupbai ei l ET44: Tup`r ]ufe. T@GE Esae eiiouid`l tb` l`saki eil doistrudtaoi og e dofposat`, saikh` `ikai` efpbajaei eardregt dehh`l ‒\b` T`e Jarl‑ luraik tb` Evaetaoi, Ferataf` eil L`g`is` sbow ‒14 ai Feiahe. At wes uidh`er wbet bepp`i`l to tb` proc`dt jut tb` dofpeiy fov`l out og tb` douitry (uiniowi ) ai 5117.
J. ED\ Heidear Heidear 4:= 4:= watb r`kast r`kastretaoi retaoi Z]-R4:= ett`il`l ett`il`l tb` (0tb) Esaei E`rosped` ‒1= ai Taikepor` (G`jruery 5< -52, 511=). \b` eardregt wes ghowi grof Feiahe-]ehewei-Jrui`a-Taikepor` eil jedn watbout eiy projh`f. ED\ fel` e bastory es tb` garst ]bahappai` dofpeiy tbet ett`il`l tbas pr`stakaous earsbow. Egt`r tb` sudd`ssguh ghakbt og Z]-R4:= to Taikepor`, e trapertat` ekr``f`it wes saki`l j`tw``i Evaetaoi Dofposat` \`dbiohoky, E`rot`db Ailustra`s (]bahappai`s) Aid. eil tb` ]ELD to l`v`hop eil feiugedtur` ei ehh dofposat` fahatery treai`r eardregt. \b` l`saki og tbas eardregt wahh j` jes`l oi tb` H eidear 4:= eargref`. \bas fahatery treai`r eardreg t wahh j` aitrolud`l es tb` Epedb` 5. (\b` proc`dt lal iot prokr`ss lu` to tb` ED\‑s uigortuiet` `v`it og 5115.)
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory 5115
E. \b` 5115 durs` toudb`l ED\‑s ]r`sal`it eil tb` Heidear Z]-R4:=. E geteh dresb`l eddal`it aivohvaik Fr. Zoj`rt Tdb`egg`r bepp`i`l oi Ferdb 1, 5115 (Teturley) cust e douph` og leys j`gor` tb` :il Evaetaoi eil Earport Tupport ‒15/ L`g`id` ‒15 @xbajataoi (Ferdb 55 -5;, 5115) ai Wahhefor Ear Jes`, ]esey Daty . Et erouil 43<= pf, Zoj`rt toon ogg et ru iwey 54 to predtad` bas ghakbt fei`uv `rs watb tb` Z]-R4:= gor `xbajataoi. Egt`r sof` k`ith`f`i‑s e`rojetad fei`uv`rs, Zoj`rt fel` e guhh tbrotth` how ehtatul` ghyjy oi ruiwey 45 eil aff`laet`hy fel` e v`ry st``p h`gt turi wbah` tryaik to fen` ehtatul`. \b` eardregt stehh`l eil dresb`l heil`l ai groit og tb` Ohl FAE t`rfaieh juahlaik. Zoj`rt lal iot survav` tb` eardregt dresb afpedt oi t b` krouil wbadb h`gt e : g``t l``p dret`r. E i`w pr`sal`it wes eppoait`l gor ED\ eil jy T`pt`fj`r 5115, ED\‑s Feiahe oggad` wes oggadaehhy sbut lowi. ]edagad E`roieutadeh Aid. (]EA) toon ov`r tb` eardregt proludtaoi/feiugedturaik depejahaty og ED\. Tef` p`oph` lagg`r`it dofpeiy ief`. \b` wboh` ED\‑s eardregt proludtaoi/feiugedturaik op`retaois aidhulaik p`rsoii`h w`r` treisg`rr`l to F edtei @xport ]rod`ssaik Soi` (F@]SE) D`ju . (At as to j` iot`l tbet ED\ praorhy pheii`l to treisg`r tb` op`retaoi to F`xado aist`el og Fedtei. Bow`v`r, tb` treisg`r to F`xado lal iot fet`raehaz` egt`r Fr Tdb`eggg`r l`etb.)
ED\/]EA gaiasb`l eiotb`r ghyejh` Heidear 4:= eardregt T`raeh io.3 5==4] (Z]-R4:5) tbet j`hoiks to e dustof`r eil sbapp`l out og tb` douitry. Eiotb`r Heidear 4:= T`raeh Io.3 5==:] (Z]-R4:2) wes juaht, sujdoitredt`l jy ED\ `fphoy``s outsal` og tb` dofpeiy. \b` Heidear 4:= d`es`s proludtaoi eil r`phed`l jy tb` i`w`r v`rsaoi Heidear @T, Heidear AW. Es og tbas let`, ]EA as proludaik nats gor tb` het`st Heidear fol`h — H`kedy eil @vohutaoi.
\b` 5115 earsbow g`etur`l ster Zussaei pahots Wantor ]ukedb`v (wbo l`foistret`l tb` aigefous ]ukedb`v's Dojre fei`uv`r) eil Curkas Neyras (ghyaik e byp`redtav`hy e`rojetad routai` oi e Tu-:7F).
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory
J. ]ELD ]ELD ess` ess`fj fjh` h`l l sax sax (7) Heidear @T eil two (:) Heidear AW eardregt (gejradet`l jy ]edagad E`roieutadeh Aid. ai D`ju) gor tb` ]bahappai` Ietaoieh ]ohad`. E coait v`itur` gor proludtaoi eil fern`taik og tb` TG7== Deikuro wes saki`l j`tw``i ]ELD eil Ekuste . E l`fo eardregt wes juaht jy ]ELD jut tb` v`itur` lal iot prokr`ss.
5110 E`rot`db Ailustra`s ]bahappai`s Aid s`t up e Fertai-Jen`r had`is`l s`rvad` gedahaty ai tb` douitry gor s`rvadaik tb` T-:55 `c`dtaoi s`ets og tb` ]bahappai` Ear Gord`
Cuhy :5, 5117 Feal`i Ghakbt og R\-==< ]roc`dt Heyeik og tb` ]EG Z`s`erdb eil L`v`hopf`it D`it`r. \b` proc`dt f`eis to r`phed` tb` pastoi `ikai` og TG-:7=F] eil TG:7=[] watb Ehhasoi :0=-J5;L turjoprop. \b` ]EG feiek`l to doiv`rt oi` TG:7= (]EG T`raeh 50 -52/752) eil tb`i tb` proc`dt wes sb`hv`l.
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory Cuhy 511; E ko sakieh wes kav`i to ]ELD to l`v`hop tb` L`gaeit 0== (lujj`l es tb` D`it`iiaeh) eil tb` R-5==E Buffaikjarl B`hadopt`r B`hadopt`r.. Dept ]eigaho Wahheru`h wes ]ELD‑s pr`sal`it et tb` taf`.
Fey =2, 5112 \b` buffaikjarl buffaikjarl hagt`l hagt`l ogg krouil . Bow`v`r, tb` prokref wes sbut lowi e douph` og f oitbs het`r. \b` Doffassaoi Oi Eulat r`doff`il`l stoppaik tb` proc`dt b`r`. Piv`raga`l r`port seys tbet tb` Earjus B`hadopt`r tbr`et`i`l to su` ]ELD/tb` ]bahappai`s gor pet`it aigraik`f`it j`deus` Buffaikjarl wes e folaga`l v`rsaoi og tb`ar b`hadopt`r.
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory
Cui` 50, 5112 ]bahappai` Ear Gord` Z`s`erdb eil L`v`hopf`it ]roc`dt Heyeik AA wes heuidb`l. \b` proc`dt dehhs gor tb` r`doigakuretaoi r`doigakuretaoi og tb` TG-:7=\] — a.` to aistehh two berlpoaits gor earstran` fassaois & `xp`il 0== pouils (fexafuf) og orlieid`. E vera`ty og orlieid` dei j` aist ehh`l ai tb` berlpoaits aidhulaik jut iot hafat`l to3 F7= fedbai` kuis, jofjs (55=/:7= hjs), rodn`t heuidb`r (HEP 72/545, gher` lasp`is`rs (FN:<) eil predtad` jofjs lasp`is`rs (J-4;n)
5111 [rakbt Eardregt @it`rpras`s ([E@), ai ]efpeike, wes gouil`l eil doitredt`l worns gor Weis Eardregt og Eardregt og PTE. Weis Eardregt suppha`s ehh tb` perts i``l`l (ehufaiuf sb``ts, rav`ts, `td) to [E@. [E@ wahh tb`i proval` feipow`r to ess`fjh` tb` eardregt up to <1% gaiasb (ene quadn juahl). \b` <1% gaiasb eardregt (quadn juahl) wahh tb`i j` sbapp`l jedn to PT wb`r` e dust of`r wahh j` weataik to r`d`av` eil gaiasb tb` proc`dt aito e ghyejh` eardregt.
Cui` :==5 :==5
E`rot`db Ailustra`s, Ailustra`s, tb` `xdhusav` `xdhusav` r`pr`s`itet r`pr`s`itetav`/l`eh av`/l`eh`r `r og E`rfeddba E`rfeddba ai ai tb` ]bahappai` ]bahappai`ss op`i`l e gedahaty gedahaty ai Dhern Dhern Davah Evaetaoi Dofph`x. E`rot`db wes ewerl`l e doitredt gor tb` feiletory aisp`dtaoi eil feait`ieid` og tb` ]bahappai` Ear Gord` T-:55 :==4 Joieize F`tehdregt @it`rpras`s (owi`l jy Tt`v` I`hsoi) joukbt tb` eardregt ess`fjhy op`retaois og [rakbt Eardregt @it`rpras`s eil treisg`rr`l tb` op`retaois to e i`w eardregt ess`fjhy gedahaty ai Teite Zose He kuie
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory :==0 Ei ZW5= ZW5= (< (< s`et`r) eardregt wes ess`fjh`l jy Tt`v` I`hsoi/Joieize F`tehdregt`rs @it`rpras`s. At wes i`v`r ghowi ai tb` ]bahappai`s jut wes sohl to e dha`it ov`rs`es.
Iov`fj`r :==2 Gefous T`dr`t ]r`dasaoi Fedbaiaik Aid. toon Aid. toon ov`r tb` eardregt ess`fjhy op`retaois og Joieize F`tehdregt`r @it`rpras`s @it`rpras`s eil juaht e i`w eardregt ess`fjhy gedahaty ai tb` Tp`daeh @doiofad Soi`, Taheik, Taheik, Devat`. Gefous T`dr`t bes iow tb` depejahaty to juahl up to 50 eardregt (<1% gest juahl v`rsaoi) foitbhy og tb` veraous fol`hs og tb` Weis Eardregt sudb es ZW-;, ZW-2, ZW-1 eil ZW-5=.
:=5= E`rot`db Ailustra`s ]bahappai`s, tb` lof`stad perti`r> `xdhusav` r`pr`s`itetav`/lastrajutor og Eh`iae E`rfeddba (Atehy), stert`l l`hav`raik 52 hodehhy-ess`fjh`l TG-:7=GB TG-:7=GB eardregt to ]bahappai` Ear Gord`
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory
Cuhy :=5< Gefous T`dr`t ]r`dasaoi Fedbaiaik, Aid. (GT]FA) uiv`ah`l tb`ar garst guhhy ess`fjh`l eardregt. At as niowi ai tb` PT es tb` ZW5: ZW5: fol`h fol`h (two s`et`r Hakbt Tport Eardregt) bevaik e r`kastretaoi og Z]-T05:
bttp3//www.ait`rensyoi.dof/ bttp3//www.ait`rensyoi.dof/aigot`db/ho aigot`db/hodehdehfeiugedtur`r-touts-pai feiugedtur`r-touts-paioy-fel`-phei`-es-lo oy-fel`-phei`-es-lost-eafs-tost-eafs-to`i`rkaz`-evaetaoi-s`dtor
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory
"Ior lo A s``n to uil`rsteil tbet A fey j`ha`v`, jut A j`ha`v` tbet A fey uil`rsteil. Gor tbas, too, A j`ha`v`, tbet, uih`ss A garst j`ha`v`, A sbehh iot uil`rsteil. uil`rsteil.‘‘ - Teait Eis`hf -
Oi tbas hai` you wahh lrew tb` i`xt Ehh Gahapaio l`saki`l eardregt……...
\en` tbet h`ep og geatb eil gail out wbet ha`s eb`el, gor3 "A bev` tb` str`iktb gor `v`rytbaik tbroukb baf wbo `fpow`rs f`." ^]bahappaeis <354V
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory
\bas as e worn ai prokr`ss. ]h`es` g``h gr`` to gahh f` ai to dofph`t` tbas pr`s`itetaoi. ]botos/Afek`s pr`s`it`l pr`s`it`l b`r` j`hoiks to tb` orakaieh owi`rs. Owi`rsbap og sof` pbotos/afek`s dei iot j` v`raga`l. Ag you owi eiy og tb` pbotos/afek`s A wasb to kav` tb` prop`r dourt`sy eil dr`lat to you or ag you weit at r`fov`, ph`es` h`t f` niow. \bas pr`s`itetaoi wes wes fel` to `stejhasb bastoradeh gedts gor `ludetaoieh purpos`s oihy. oihy. A lal iot `eri eiy foi`y pr`peraik tbas. Ehtboukb `v`ry `ggort bes j``i fel` to fen` tb` aigorfetaoi proval`l b`r`ai b`r`ai edduret` eil r`haejh`, r`el`rs sbouhl uil`rsteil uil`rsteil tbet `rrors dei oddur, oddur, egt`r ehh, ehh , tbas as e worn ai prokr`ss. Ag you lasdov`r aieddureda`s, ph`es` h`t f` niow to ellr`ss at.
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory Ejout tb` Eutbor A‑f iot hyaik, A niow iotbaik!
PT ]et`it io.3 :=55/=52=,=4:
Aisuhet`l Dofjustaoi Dbefj`r
Epphadetaois3 Eardregt @ikai`s, Der @ikai`s, @h`dtradaty K`i`retors, otb`rs.
PT ]et`it io.3 :=54/=:=7,4:=
Derjoi-oi-derjoi feiugedturaik
Epphadetaois3 Tped`dregt eil Zodn`t `ikai` Iozzh`, Fassah`s, otb`rs
]bahappai` E`rosped` Z&L, @ikai``raik eil Feiugedturaik Bastory Bastory