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Link down, sold in standard access Need ticketing arrangement Services exceed names Need tele!"one $nvalid format #arning% seat re&uested need for s!ecial !ax!' #arning% c"eck segment continuity ( segment )* Simultaneous c"anges to t"e !nr
Possible amadeus warnings No connection between IG and all over again Amadeus and QR we TKOK Too many seats taken #e need to !ut t"e !"one number St" wrong wit" t"e entry #e "ave a c"ild onboard and t"e seat is not yet assigned +!en aw in +- or $-
Somebody else is working on our reservation. $t "a!!ens often w"en t"e travel agency books t"e tickets. /0NR /0NR or c"i c"ild ld ele eleme ment nt To book book a c"ild c"ild meal meal,, you you cannot get a c"ild meal to a c"ild over '1 years T"e oxygen masks masks T"ere2s only one one extra &uota "as been oxygen mask !er row, so if exceeded for t"e t"ere are more infants in targeted block t"e same 3subrow4, e.g. 1 infants and * adults ( only 5 oxygen masks6 7iscre!ancy between #"en entering t"e !ayment 8P amount9s: and ticket in t"e !lace w"ere we total 9s: s"ould !ut t"e con;rmation code 9N'1)*5<: $ do not !ut t"e N SSR not created ( #e issued twice t"e same du!licate meal service
start from t"e last c"ange( it retrieves t"e last moment before saving, w"ile IG ignores everyt"ing No c"ild meal acce!ted, we "ave to c"oose some ot"er $t is not !ossible to book a bassinette t"ere
Always c"eck if t"e N is written and t"en !ut t"e < numbers code and t"en enter.