PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED IN BOILER FEED PUMP OPERATION by r, Elemer Maka e e ee ve ev Pump problem a well a pumpcaued feed water tem problem ca ca be cateoried i te llowi llo wi wa Pump tpe ile or multitae dier or volute oriotal or vertical etc) o Vedor o Maucturi QA (Qualit Aurace) ecolo (Hdraulic Lubricatio otorDyamic etc) Deig cocept Feed water tem or vari o Applicatio urbie or motordrive
Elcmr Aakau ivn hs P. D 0 P Uiitu he attede Tehia sty Bapest w c cicd Maste's Degee chaial Egeeig Dr Makay has 1okcd B stigs esg ad dDeLaa/ i celopt a of Sie boile ed he has as a ad toS 1975 he has elet we \rkeepe la jJ! j(!cs j ·· COJics lea Pay s ooled ca ad atho I cal cal pape o ad otor
Operatio (cycli or bae load plat) Maiteace ad Service etc However at ti poit te mot objective i to ide tif baic caue of failure or operati clled GENERIC prolem tat are directl applicable i eeral to all pump product e autor a bee ad i coducti a urve ad ilure evaluatio evaluatio for te U S Utilitie o utilit pump wit pecial empai o boiler feed ad reactor feed pump e urve ti r r a allowed u to ideti ideti everal tpical tpica l problem proble m area area Some of tee are e Pump draulic itabilit (ee Fiure Beari tecolo ad rotordamic e Seal (epeciall for Nucear Primr Coolat Pup) o Axial balaci devie balace drum ad dik) e Artiiall pued pump eciecie e Lack of Stdard r preure pulatio amplitude ad frequecie allowable vibratio level at variou fre quecie pump a axil vibratio level ad freue cie
Altou mecaical ad draulic i cetr al pump caued a coderable amout of r lare Nuclear ad Foil Geerati Statio Power Plat Availabilit" a relativel limited amout of rearc work a oe i ti area e autor make a attempt to outlie problem i eeral ive defiitio for ydraulic ydraulic ad damic Itabilitie outlie te Mecaim tat create tem etablie a operati peed ad ow rae r lare pump ad dicue ow to treat te above ubject ubject we eld ilure ocurred Iteractio betwee draulicall iduced fore ad a d beari dei parameter ad teir iuece o rotor vibratio caracteritic i empaied Frictio iduced dicued ee ce re partial frequec mode are iable ad ca iuece rotor ad beari dei require met ca cae rotor tabilit ad te appearace of te pump rotor critical peed peed Compario i made betwee verti call ad oriotall orieted pump ad betwee volute ad diffuer tpe e autor alo outlie te miimum i trumetatio ecear to idetif problem area before ad aer failure occur ad upport ti wit actual eld failure cae It i outlied ow a imple factor (wite) tet ca ucover potetial future eld problem Area were tem atic futre reearc ad developmet work i ecear are poited out
A ie of Nuclear ad Foil Power Geerati Statio row te uexpected ad uexplaied mber of lare pump failure or pumpcaued tem operati dicultie ao row A oe bei to pa cloer attetio to tee proble it becoe clear ta a lare percetae o tee faiure ca be traced to rotor itabiit (t eat i apperace) ocurri epecay i te lo percet ow (or pa oa) reie i particr i te ecircuatio (ii o) oe
Figu Figure 1. Head-Capacity ead-Capacity Cu Curve of Unstable Unstable Boiler Feed Feed Pump Parallel operation operation is fc fcult lower lower fows. Head Head is unsta unstable ble below below approxima approximately tely 65 percent percent fow fow resultin resulting vaouss pump or g vaou pump or F. W. W. s ystem ystem olm cus y impll sig.
8< : : ! >0 w
� 9 •
�;._ � <·
Fo n and Around a Pu Imeer Fgure at Degn Fo Oeaton Foton LL (1) and RECRCTO ow 2 & 5 a hown aay n Fgu 7
nhronou and unhronou Frequen Haua Indud Dnam Fore NAC AN HRALC NSABLES
Deiti of DYNAMIC istabilit is give i Rereces 4 5, 12 ad 13 ad i ma ter publicatios Subjects suc as bearigs seals wearrigs rubbigiduced wirl f a saft oil wip etc are relevat ere Most f tem are relativel well deed areas; terefore discussio of tese subjects is eglected ere (wit te exceptio of bearig stabilit) e deitio of HYDRAULIC istabilit especiall at lw percet pump ows is give i Referece 12 outliig te mecaisms creatig tem Hdrauic istabilit is also classied b pump stage geometr wic is more preferred b pump desig egieers Figures 6 ad 7 sow i a simplied wa ow mecaisms at various geometries f a pump stage ECHANSS OF HRALC NSABL
e follwig ow mecasms pla a imprtat rle i creatig pump rotr istabilit o wat degree te are iuetial is ot et completel kow toda For crrespodig geometr see Figures 6 ad 7
• • • • • •
Secodar ows (Figure 6) Stall (Figure 7) Leakage ow suc as troug wearrigs • Hdrodamic (matrix f four coeciets) • Hdrostac (matrix of four coecets) Ustead ow uctuatios ake (blade passg equecies) urbulece Cavitatio
IN IELLER EYE DUE TO W INCIDENCE ORMTI O TLL (ISULIZED ON EERINT TEST RI) Fgure 7 Formaton of ta (a on a Curvd a and (b n
an Imeer ye (Roang a
• •
Equvalet drodaic mass Hdraulic ubalace e last two tems are ot reall ow mecasms but are importat peomea to be lsted Bot ma cause ma udetectable eadaces for cetrfugal pum especall for uclear prmar coolat pumps
Mot pump deier like to ave a claicatio of pump problem pum eometr rater ta b ow mecaim or oter claicatio Aai wt te aid of Fiure 6 ad 7 we ca cateorie our objecive b pump tae eometr uc a • Impeller e (ilt) itabilt • Ipeller dicare ilit • Iteral itabilit (impler ad/r dier) • Exteral itabilit (ap beind impeler ub ad roud uuua important for igle tae doube uctio reactor feed pump) • earri iteractio • Cai iteractio • Hdrodamic wirl (we rotor motio et i pical motio of te rotor ive re to additioal draulic actio) Hdraulic itabilit ca be detected b examii te pump Headapacit curve (ee Fiure 1) If te curve i at toward lower ow or epeciall if it i droop" mot likel pump or tem vibratio wll be a problem Ma time te problem coe om e fat tat arctectegieer are pui for ier ta poble eiec tat ca be acieed ol b deii te pup draulic compoet for te uaatee poit aloe i te reult i utable operatio at lower ow I mot cae ol a ew carell died pump impeller ca olve te problm we draulic itabilit preet If a pump i purcaed but ot yet deivered iit o a ood op tet wi owwie equall ace tet poit If a poit i ier i te idcapacitie ta eibori poit o ot accept it iit n reteti If t i a ew propal prper writte ad executed pecicatio ca take care of ti peomeo o pecicatio do t pre ti ubject ard eou Hdrauic itabilit i te umber oe Outae produci pomeo due to te fac tat te vibratio repoe receive edle eer exciti iput from tall blade paig ad oter ource PUP E FFCENC
Articall iated i ciecie are "cs b ma rt ee Refrece 1 1 62 rt pararap) ive a lear explaatio of ti peo Atull eciec doe o e o e red to oba od pump reliabilit ow ever a demad for ueaal i eciec ill reult i owered mcie reliai FER VERS
bui) type eal Alo for te more complex eal type cotiuu killed attetio i eeded at te ite ic ofte i ot availale Labrt el are te leat deadig ork ore of utility pup I n order to avoid ture dipute iit o avi labyrit eal e ol reao for oter eal tpe (mecaical cotrolled leakae etc ) i to bri drulic lo (leae) dow o te apparet eiciecy of te macie look ood ad uarateed commitmet ca be acieved BALNCING DEICES
Axial balace dk device are equet caue of failure From tecology poit of view te belog to te ae categor eal Setime lack of pace available i a de prevet pplcatio of proper dimeio wic make te device receptive to pump itera pump draulic itabilit at lower ow damic unbalace of copoet beari itability cti iduced a wirl etc) or exteral excitatio reultg i ueceary failure You ma ear from te vedor tat te dik i te at valve o te pump amely it \V il bere ay oter compoet i te pump i ot o A properly deiged dik ca lat forever ad ca ave te pup om detructin BEARNGS, ROOR DNAICS, OL WHP, FRCION INCE WHIRL
If a prble i traced to a beari deig or eari tpe caed deciec electio of proper bear parameter (L D rti radial earce bearig load pri ad dampi coef ciet etc ) il i ma cae reult i a ucce olutio I a ew acine it n performg te proper rotordamic aai critcl peed a decto rotor repoe ear tabi) t peed ra of appcatio ad to veri te reult durig acceptace tet A ood coa dow tet for examle ca ver te locaton f crtcal peed If te pump maximum perati peed i above 15 tme te rt lateral crtcal peed nt r te pup wt tale tpe joural beari e lat pae of Referece 4 outlne t Fiure 8 (alo Referece 4) ow i a overimpied mer te ect of te beari prcipal prig coecient o rtor critical peed I eera it i recommeded for exible a to ppl dyamicaly table beari uc a tilt pad tpe wic are eretl table i teor A rotor i lled rid it erate low te rt critical peed above tat it i called exible e autor d occaioall te bear
i queti come up eut i power ttio i oe d you rme? reay eed o te idi vidal deer' bilt w rage ecienc ad tabilit Formatio o tabilit i t ier pae trg deped on e eeerati rae f te uid ow diuer deerae te ow terf it i e recepie to para to ad tall formain ece to pat lad iailit O te otr a te d a volt te ow uuall i duped ito te icare oe wc e cae otr prbl i due to t ct tt te acuated ec o te ble olte tue d dier blade pai euecie aect t co o em epecily r a ii ae ractor tem wre e rt tr ee cotrl i e it L
Ale tecolo r a dei i mial r i pd piatio or a otr a l bd
DC nc
iu 8. ffcs of icpl Spg Cocs Roo i Sp l F ump Tu D ous ig Tps u f pump co c a fexibe copling, the ccl sp rpe ui y
POBLEMS ENCOUNTEED IN BOILE FEED PUMP OPEATION ng nstblty ses wth hgh speed pumps wth tltngpd berngs Fgure 9 shows one suh se where the multstge boler feed pump suddenly beomes unstble t twe the rst rtl speed The equeny of nstblty ws lssl bere hngng to tltngpd berng. The new berng elmnted the lssl hlfequeny whrl, but not t the low frequeny s shown n Fgure 9 The nstblty sets n only t ertn pump ow ondtons nd only bove twe the rst rtl speed Fgure 10 from Referene 6) shows the behvor of snglestge double suton nuer retor e pump The orgnl pplton of these pump types ws low speed booster 1800 RPM) Eonoml resons dtted speedp to 3600 PM for the booster, nd to bove 5000 RPM for the nuler feed pump ppltons Hgh speed booster pumps ehbted more thn usul eld problems but mnly t low ows, espelly when mnmum ow rerulton) ws set to less thn 25% pump desgn ow Most ses were looked upon s system desgn problems, espelly ppng geometry Sgnfnt mount of money ws spent on ppng hnges ·th very lttle suess. Wth onstnt speed retor ed pumps Fgure 10 shows one t 5400 RPM) we found serous problems s shown n Fgure 10, ses " to d" In se d" the pump beme unstble n the low ow re t 3600 RPM. At 4000 RPM the only remnng stble pont ws the desgn pont, nd the pump ws unble to operte bove 4000 RPM n ny ow rnge Redesgned berngs llowed the pump to operte n the rnge shown by lne " Prtl orretons to the hydrul omponents resulted n lne b" whle " ould be heved only by omplete redesgn of the pump nternls. Present U.S.
prte s to pply vre spee re I te rve s n eletr motor the SynhroP" whh hs hydrl ouplng wth bultn stepup ger) s most eonoml rrngement. Constnt speed retor feed pumps n be found n the U.S only n smller nd older nler unts nd wth unfvorble eperene. Fgure 11 shows sh vbrton mpltudes t vrous frequenes for se d" of Fgure 10 when the pump ws opertng t the nstblty lmt lne. Drvng the pump nto the nstble regme by ny smll mount resulted n rpd nrese of the hlfequeny omponent In two nstnes the mntenne rew lerned tht, f suh vbrton sets n, t wll ompletely destroy the pump rotor Applton of tltngpd berngs dd not ompletely solve the problem, howeer sudden destruton of the rotor dd not our gn.
w i 10 Pum Hadlo haati a 54 RP M
. NPTNG P£ · " 5, M
i PM PT PMT T Fgue 9 Vbaton Fequency - v - Spee Caue an cue o common vbaton pobem o centuga pump team & ga turbine fan & blower compreor and other ceniugal equipmet.
O VUl N - N S Fgue 11 yucay Inuce Intabity Become Song Enough to Detabize the Outboa Beang ch Then De veop aFequency Wh ( /2) I beang i tabe t can till develop an apparen haunc hirl hn rotor rb bing occr but the uecy i nction of% pump o.
Fgure 9 the Sunburst" chrt) s n eperence chrt nd cn be used to dgnose cses where the vbrton frequences cn be determned If vbrton mpltudes pper wth equences lower thn the opertng speed, the nstructon Fgure 9 s: Use tltngpd berngs" In generl, they brng help n such cses, but one should relze tht berngs c cope \th hydrulc forces only up to some degree; beyond tht, the soluton les n the desgn of the pump hydrulc compenents Hydrul forces, such s wke ect t blde pssng frequency, or rdl forces nduced by mpeller to dser/volute ntercton, cn be strong enough to ecte the rotor to lrge mpltudes If ths s coupled wth dynmc unblnce of the rotor, rubbng t close clernce surces my occur tht cn nduce counterrottonl whrl wth frequency less thn rottonl Ths s selfectng type vbrton, d f unbounded, wll grdully or sometmes volentl grow d destruct the rotor double frequecy component my lso pper, gvng the ndcton of mslgnment, s shown n Fgure 11 Counterrottonl equecy vbrtos re unpredctble The lowest equency the uthor mesured ws 008 rottonl speed, nd the hghest 0 5 rottonl speed For rble speed mchnes ths frequency s ncton of ow nd speed, whle for constnt speed boler feed pump t s ncton of pump ow lone The whrl equency rton usully ncreses wth ncresng pump ow, s show Fgure 9 RAIAL RALIC FORCES
Refereces 10 d 13 dscuss the subject n gret detls One must dstgush betwee sttc nd dynmc rces both ncresng mgtude towrd lower ws, hvng mmum t mnmum recrculton) ow Unrtuntely ngles of the sttc forces, nd the frequeces of the dynmc rces cot be clculted they hve to be mesured for ech ndvdul cse More mportnt, ech desgn hs ts own ptte Results cnot just be etrpolted om one desg to nother Ths s one re where ture work s essentl SANARS
Wht re vbrton nd pressure pulston lmts wht s good, wht s cceptble, etc re frequent questons wth hgh energy nput pumps power sttons For ll cses serch for mpltudes contnuously goes on, but t s most m portnt to nd the ssocted FREQUENCIES We re usully lookng for: Dynmc blncng mnmums brton of the Rotor n the Radl drecton Axal ecto Structure Ppng Pressure pulston n the Ppng Pump nternls Sfe opertng rnges, such s Speeds Mmum nd sometmes lso mnmum) Flows, epeclly mnmum recrculton) Pressures, tempertures, etc NAIC BALANCING
The US Nvy specctons for llowble dynmc unblnce qunttes re cler, precse nd dequte for ny pump pplctons
2 6 - ( 40.
Fgur 12 Aoab Roor Vbaon Lv for Cnga Mahnr Maud Rav o h Barng Ca (Ex mna andar) IBRAION
Rotor synchronous vbrton mpltude levels re shown n Fgure 12 s mesured on the sh reltve to the berng housng The mpltudes rer to only snchronous speed frequeces once per rotor revoluton) Fgure 9 shows equences nd some smpled eplntons or ther cuses nd cures l vbrton level s n ecellent ndcton of pump desgn qulty for sngle stge double sucton pumps, such s booster, nd nucler ed pumps It cn be used to detect hydrulc nstblty, nd cn be used to nd sfe mnum ows Recrculton ows) There re no estblshed stndrds mong mnufcturers or users Fgure 13 s n emple, whle Fgure 14 shows method how vbrton dt ws used to set mnmum ow qunttes n severl nucler unts How to mesure mpltudes nd equences s even more mportnt Fgures 15 nd 16 om Reference 4 show how msledng ncorrectly mesured dt cn be, whle Fgure 1 shows how correctly nstrumented mchne ws sved om destructon PRESSRE PLSAION
There re o pressure pulston stndrds vlble t present Oten 3% mmum o the pump produced hed mesured on te dschge sde) s quoted, whch s stscto n some cses Recenly nlyzed cses reveled tht vendors lmost lws uote mptdes t the Vne pssng" frequency number ofmpeller nes Z" tes rotonl speed N," e Z X N) re 3 sows scat ampltudes at Z X N bt the sae ata rece aetc tape a plae ac at a lower speed shows tht the mpltude t vnepssng frequency s ndeed sgncnt Fure 20 shows dt collected on nucler feed pumps n nstlltons wth pump nd system d
3 0.
U AYZER ?: X 1
Fgure 5 Orbit hape at the Turbine Inboard Bearn g Bler ed pump and turbne rve coupled ae ): Bre hot algnment ith large bearng clearance Cae (2): After hot algnment beang clearance reuced b 4 m on the iameter Both at the turbine rotor rt ctical peed Notice that one vecal probe ould not h an change in bearng behavior One probe 20° of vertcal pitn would ho the oppoe ct probe perpendicuar to each other cillocope an equenc anazer give clear pcture.
Fgure 13 PeakToPeak Preure Pulaton ( M Meaured n the Dchae Nozzle and Rotor Aal Vbraton ( !) a Hgh See ec ee Pm Wi wo D e mel is cge Cgris Pm Effciecy 00 Pce w Ws e Sme i Cses 90 %
Fgure 16 oiler Feed Pump Uncoupled Fr the Turbne Drve Orbt hape at the turbne inboard beang at he rt crtca peed. The vbraton reading n the contrl room howed 14 ml wle the tre ampltude 46 m Meaurng vbraton level of a hgh peed rotatng machne in a ngle drecto can not onl mleadng but al danger o.
l D ClC
_ :
/ j
1 35 7
700 3100 F 40 5,000 5050 5,100 3100 FRT
ri 4145 3 4438 N7
t f t J I {c) A REClC % IER RIGIHA igure 4. Shaf xil Vibraion of High Seed, ingle Sge, Double Suctin Nclear eed Pum at Minimum low Operain. Direcly alcable o any ngle age double suction cenrifga pum, uch a connae, boer, or any chemicl roe um.
cultes recommended Sfe lmt lne" s lso shown me sured n the pump schrge Ths lmt lne s contnuously subject to revson s more dt s collected In Fgure 5 we mke n ttempt to epln equences nd mntudes of hydrulclly nduced dynmc forces wthn the pump Fgure 2 shows equency plot wth the d of n RT Rel Tme nlyer) of nucler rector feed ump The me
Fg ure 17 Shaft Orbt Meaured at the Turbne Inboard Beang at Vaou See on jne 5 175 Dratc ncreae of mplitude conclued the tetng Vbration became volent at the r crtcal peed dng coaton
surements were tken t the pump dschrge The mpltude t the equency of N/4 N=rottonl speed) s very strong lso hgh mpltude ws epeenced t bout one CS whch cn nuence the feed wter ppng control vlve con trol system rector wter level nd the rector control system s sho n Fgure The pulston wth the lo frequency cn be domntng respone Its uence on the control system nd the stem turbne tself cn be so strong tht t my force the turbne nto hh ld oscllton wth hev vbrton of the whole stem cycle In one rtculr cse when cntrol ws ut on Mnul erton bece nrl rvng tht t ws cuse by the contrl syste whch be
;! u 8 g
600 0
z "
200 2
Figure 18; Typical Pressure Pusation Magnitudes in Large Nuclear Reactor (and Steam Generator) Fee Pumps Avage TDH head) generated by the pump is 200 ft
came eced by the pressre plsato geerated by the reactor feed pmp proe by measred data see Fgr e 2 to 5 ad 18) Fgre 3 s a typcal example Pressre plsato mea sremets the reactor feed pmp dscharge ppe dcate oly" low eqecy N/4) plsatos of hgh ampltdes, g g a clea bll of health to the pmps, pttg the blame o the ppg system Fgre 4, howeer, shows that the rcg cto, resposble for the lower eqecy ampltdes deed, s the blade passg freqecy To aswer addtoal qestos, sch as what are the e qeces d the ampltdes sde the dret parts of the feed pmps, ad, becase oe partclar case the above metoed eqecy story reslted too mch otage of sev eral large clear statos, sch measremets are ow tae All of them show moderate ampltdes at blade passg e qecy, howeer, aalyses, smlar to that show Fgre 4, showed that balde passg freqecy was the real case of the system problem edesg of the pmp mpeller wth deret mber of blades, bt more mportat, wth ery careflly selected mpeller desg parameters, fally elmated the ds pted problem It was obsered may tmes by the athor that the ampltdes at blade passg eqeces Z X N) ar e steady matdes forcg fco), whle at lower eqeces they form, dsappear ad reform aga excted system resposes) Fgre s a smled smmary of freqetly obsered y dralcally dced freqecy responses measred o the pp ad o the feed water ppg Sbsychroos forces ca be detrmetal, resltg smlar erace to Ol , oe msleadg the estgtor Oe sold dst sh etwee olwhp, rbbgdced whrl, ad hy drlclly dced whrl Ofte these three ppear alke, ad ca e toard flse coclsos he reqency ool s depedet of pmp ow, whle hyrlc stablty s a cto of both, speed ad ow How c we ow represet the above metoed statc ad dyamc forces whe performng rotordyacs clcl tos The sttc forces ca be represeted smlarly to be
100 0
I Pump flow,
eacto sem enerato) fee boler ee booste condensate, heater dra pmps
% of aed
igur 19 Antiipatd Usful Oprating Rangs for Pups n Lar r n Foss nt
gs, seals, d wearrgs, ael wth sprg ad dampg coecets Sychroos rces ca be represeted as dynamc balace Other tha sychroos 1 Re) ad sttc forces ca be represeted oly whe sg osychroos, or o ler compter programs SAFE OPENG RNGES
Here we cocetrate �the sbject of pp Mmm" ow, ofte rerred to as Recrclato," or smply Recrc" ow Fgre 19 shows ow lmts for vros pp types ad applcatos Becase of kee competto the pmp market, edor prces, pp ecences, etc all ll wth a arrow rage Coseqetly, the oly attractve BUT ARTIFICAL des hhlght a marketg ma ca explot s mmm ow For example, stead of arateeg 25% recrlato ow, a vedor mht promse oly 5 to 10% The the ecrclato le d ts cotro valve c be redced sze o, say 8 ches to 4 ches, ad he ca oer a savg the oerll prce of the feed wter system ppg Ths seems attracte tally, especally to the rchtect eeer, bt ot whe yo cosder the extsve pmp dmge tht reslted om lo recclato w The desg marg bad Fgre 19 represets a regme whch the experece ad assmp tons of the pmp desger ome to play Safe mm ow for a large rector feed pp s NOT LESS" thn 25% of desg ow, bt may be as gh as 45% whch s ot acceptable d the p peller desgn s to be exed nd mproed see Fgre 13 as a exaple Other qttes sch s mxmm ow veloctes, os ad speeds are well dscssed Referece 1 hece ot ds cssed here Other staards and easrg des are ot led Referece 4 There are my other mortat sta drds for cetrgal pmps, one of them s the radal gap between peller O and ser/volte tonge nsde dmeter Te closer the ap s te her the ececy
Figre 20 Char Efficiency vs Specific Spee N, as a Fncion Capaciy QGPM
s however, beyond cert lmt the pressure pulsto, cused by blde pssng pheomeo, becomes srog eoug to destroy pump compoets, but more mportt, the whole pump tself. For dser pump the gp must ot be ess th 3% of the mpeller O.D., for volute type pump the stdrd s ot to be less th 5%. WHA CAN FACORY ES ELL ABOU FURE PROBLES
Fgure 20 s gudele for wht the epected pump ececy levels my be. Fgre shows emple of troublesome pump hed curve shpe. If the hed curve s droopy or t towrd decresg ows, or f t hs KINK" t, the pump should ot be ccepted, becuse, pump, ppg, cotrol vlve cotrol system ml ctog my low the ture. Aze ALL pressre pulsto rges, do ot cept results just t the blde pssg equecy. Alwys sk for pro per strumetto t the bergs see Fgures 5 d 6) d for results t wde equecy rge, ot oly t opertg speed see Fgure ). If pump hs blcedsk devce wys sk for the dsk leko ow the complete opertg rge of the pump, s show Fgure 2. REFERENCES
. Mky, E. d Ewers, B., Hydrulc Problems Nu ler Feed Pumps Demd Attento to Cut Costly Downtme," Power Mrch 975. 2. Mky, E., Choose Feedpumps Crell for Cetrl Stto Servce," Power Generation Planbook 974. 3. Mky, E. d Sez, Jose Hghpressure Boler Fee Pump Troubles Cler Up Aer BlcgDsk Chges Power Jue 974. 4. Mk, E. d Doersberger, J., Alyzg d Cor retg Vbrto Problems Rottg Equpmt: A Cse Hstor," Power Otober 975. 5. Mky, E., Adms, M. L. nd Shpro, W., Desg d Procremet Gude for Prmry Coolnt Pumps Used
5 50 L L70
Figure 21 How oiler Feed Pu Failure a Intereted and Degradation the Pu Followed ith ile Intrumentation at an 800 M Unit If um imeller head harateti wa table mot likel none of the ilure would have ourred
LghtWter Cooled Nucer Rectors Hdbook prted by O k Rdge Ntol Lbortory, November 972. 6. Mky, E. d Drechsler, G. E., Trobleshootg Lrge Pumps for Nucler nd Fossl Sttons," Power December 973. 7. Mk, E., Improve Power Plt Avlblty: Lrge Pump Problems," ERI Prect Report 64, October 20, 975 8 Mky, E., Idetcto of Boler Feed Pump Problem Lrge New Power Geertg Stto," EPRI Project Reprot 64, Mrch 976. 9. Krssk, Igor J. d Vletn, J. E. C. Stem Power Plt Clcs: Boler Feed Pump Drves for Lrge Stem Electrc Sttos," obution Februr to November 966. 0. Flocc, D., Hydrulc Problems the Development of Rector Pumps," KSB Spel Prtng, No. 2, September 974. . Mky, E., Elmtg Pump Stblty Problems, Power July 970 2. Mky, E., Dscusson o Clculto of Fored hrlg d Stblty of Cetrgl Pump Rotor Systems," by H. F. Blk, Trstos of the ASME, Augst 974. 3. Mky, E., U.S. Prtce o Boler Feed, Ncler Feed, nd Other Utlty Pump Applctons Cuses nd Cures of Feld Flures, Synhrotorque Symposum, Munch, Mrch 25, 976.