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Generating serial numbers and keys in C# and VB.NET (si*9 serial *u)6ers is te )ost co))o* wa to u*loc a44licatio*s i* te )aret toda Microsoft )ade tat 4art of our life 'us develo4ers a*d isv+ easier usi*9 serial es all over teir 4roduct li*es 1is as )ade fi*al users a*d custo)er fa)iliar wit te ter) a*d ow te sould use te) to activate teir a44licatio*s a*d tatDs w we use te) i* our *et lice*si*9 4roduct Eice*seS4ot *e as4ect to ee4 i* )i*d a6out 9e*erati*9 serial *u)6ers is to ee4 te) u*i=ue >* te fu*ctio* 6elow weDre usi*9 G(>"s to 9e*erate serial *u)6ers as we *ow for sure tat teDre u*i=ue
1e fu*ctio* 6asicall taes a 9uid stri*9 a*d ust tae te desired le*9t for te e >t retur*s a serial *u)6er wit te for)at: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX 1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " 1 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 1! 1" 2 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 2! 2" 3
public string GetSerialNumber() { Guid serialGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); string uniqueSerial = serialGuid.ToString("N"); string uniqueSerialLengt = uniqueSerial.Substring(! #$).To%pper(); car&' serialrra = uniqueSerialLengt.To*arrra(); string +inalSerialNumber = "";
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Below te VB21 code: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ! " 1
4ublic 5unction GetSerialNumber() s String 6im serialGuid s Guid = Guid.NewGuid() 6im uniqueSerial s String = serialGuid.ToString("N") 6im uniqueSerialLengt s String = uniqueSerial.Substring(! #$).To%pper() 6im serialrra s *ar() = uniqueSerialLengt.To*arrra() 6im +inalSerialNumber s String = "" 6im , s 7nteger = ! 5or i s 7nteger = ! To #8 5or , = i To / (i 2 3) +inalSerialNumber = serialrra(,)
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