Contents 04, Introduction – Using the Compact Disc
Section 1 Basic Chords, Rhythms and Sounds 06, Lesson 01;- The Maor Chord 0!, Lesson 0";- #h$thms 10, Lesson 0%;- The Chords & Maor and a nd ' Maor 14, Lesson 04;- The 1" (ar ()ues 16, Lesson 0*;- Chord In+ersions "1, Lesson 06;- More on In+ersions
Section 2;- Blues Notes, Riffs Eighth Note Rhythms and Minor Chords "6, Lesson 0;- ()ue otes "!, Lesson 0!;- The ()ues .ca)e %0, Lesson 0/;- Using the ()ues .ca)e %", Lesson 10;- To anded #i22s %4, )esson 11;- Minor Chords %6, Lesson 1";- 3ighth ote #h$thms, .)ash Chords 40, Lesson 1%;- More Minor Chords
Section 3;- Seenth Chords, !rans"osing, Si#teenth Note Rhythms Rhythms 44, Lesson 14;- .e+enth Chords 4!, Lesson 1*;- Using th Chords *0, Lesson 16;- Transposing *4, Lesson 1;- .iteenth otes *6, Lesson 1!;- 16th ote .tudies *!, Lesson 1/;- To anded #h$thms
$1, %lossary &f Musical !erms