project on housing loan grant by HUDCOFull description
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From: Parneet Walia MBAFull description
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This project work includes the brief information about Apollo tyres and MRF tyres . It involves its comparison with each other on the basis of certain parameters viz. Goodwill, sales, net pr…Full description
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comparitive analsis
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comparative analysis of with other five competitors
itz a comparison between,two diary products.
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Project on Wipro Ltd
narayanareddyFull description
This research is carried out in the region of Chandigarh & Mohali. But, if we examine it in the broader sense, we can use it fpr the whole country.Full description
research project on comparative analysis of investment avenues submitted by kiran mongia
In the partial fulfillment of the requirements for Managerial Accounting-I Course in the Master of Business Administration Programme By: Ashwin Chaudhary (Roll No.12) Priyanka Maheta (Roll…Full description
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SUBMITTED BY: GOURAV SHARMA MBA #$% F'()(*+, 9122#/91/
It gives gives me immens immensee pleasu pleasure re to express express my deep sense of Gratit Gratitude ude to M' M)(%++ M)+(%$3" coordinator, for her valuable guidance and consistent supervision throughout the course. I am highly indebted to M$. M$. P$)43 P$)435++ 5++6 6 B)5)5" B)5)5" M)$7+ M)$7+'( '( H+)%" H+)%" HDFC HDFC LTD . C)(%')$ for for his his very very pers person onal aliz ized ed and and inva invalu luab able le help help,, advi advice ce,, guid guidan ance ce and and enco encour urag agem ement ent whic whichh culm culmin inate atedd in this this proj project ect.. His His cons constr truc ucti tive ve comm comment entss and and contributions had been of immense help for giving a tangible shape to this project. It was a real value added experience for having worked under his stewardship. t last, I am thankful to all responden respondents ts who cooperated cooperated with me by providing providing information information for the compilation compilation of this project. I am extremely thankful to P$;. A(3)< G3)" !aculty Guide, GI" #$%&I I"'&I&(&) %! *"G)*)"& "+ &)H"%-%G$, for her timely guidance and support throughout the !inal eport work. In the course of carrying out the /roject work. !inally I am indebted to our other faculty members, my friends who gave their full0 fledged co0operation for successful completion of my project. It was an indeed a learning experience for me.
It gives gives me immens immensee pleasu pleasure re to express express my deep sense of Gratit Gratitude ude to M' M)(%++ M)+(%$3" coordinator, for her valuable guidance and consistent supervision throughout the course. I am highly indebted to M$. M$. P$)43 P$)435++ 5++6 6 B)5)5" B)5)5" M)$7+ M)$7+'( '( H+)%" H+)%" HDFC HDFC LTD . C)(%')$ for for his his very very pers person onal aliz ized ed and and inva invalu luab able le help help,, advi advice ce,, guid guidan ance ce and and enco encour urag agem ement ent whic whichh culm culmin inate atedd in this this proj project ect.. His His cons constr truc ucti tive ve comm comment entss and and contributions had been of immense help for giving a tangible shape to this project. It was a real value added experience for having worked under his stewardship. t last, I am thankful to all responden respondents ts who cooperated cooperated with me by providing providing information information for the compilation compilation of this project. I am extremely thankful to P$;. A(3)< G3)" !aculty Guide, GI" #$%&I I"'&I&(&) %! *"G)*)"& "+ &)H"%-%G$, for her timely guidance and support throughout the !inal eport work. In the course of carrying out the /roject work. !inally I am indebted to our other faculty members, my friends who gave their full0 fledged co0operation for successful completion of my project. It was an indeed a learning experience for me.
+uring +uring *y summer summer intern internshi shipp in H+! H+! -&+., handi handigar garh, h, I was assign assigned ed a project project regarding Home -oans. &his project has been completed in parts. !irst part consists of comparative study of 1 C<)$)'6+ S3%> ; H<+ L)( $6'%+% 4> HDFC LTD. W' +$ ;'()(*')= '('3'(? )(% + +*(% )$ @) F'()(*')= A()=>' ; HDFC LTD. F$ + ;'()(*')= >+)$ 2008-09 )(% 2009-10 1
&his was a step wise process including collection of data, ompany /rofile, /roduct !eatures, nalysis of data, and finally concluding the data while putting some suggestions. &he whole study was done with a view that it would help H+! maintain its expansion path and improvise their schemes to perform better than other financial institutions. It was the best platform being provided as it has increased my horizons and has given me the opportunity to apply my theoretical knowledge and managerial concepts practically in the real business.
DECLARATION I, Gourav 'harma, student of 1Gian #yoti Institute of *anagement 2 &echnology3 &echnology3 hereby declare that I have completed this project project on title of C<)$)'6+ A()=>' ; H3'( L)( S*+<+ ;
HDFC LTD. @' +$ F'()(*')= I('3+ )(% F'()(*')= A()=>' ; HDFC LTD. ;$ + >+)$ 2008-09 & 2009-10 ” is an authentic work done by me and it is my own hard work and effo effort rt und under the the guid uidanc ance of M$. M$. P$)4 P$)435+ 35++6 +6 B)5)5 B)5)5, M)$7+ M)$7+'( '( H+ H+)%" )%" HDFC HDFC LTD . C)(%')$ in the academic year 455604577. 455604577.
I declare that the information submitted is true and original to best of my knowledge.
HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION RATIO ANALYSIS ;$ >+)$ +(%'( M)$* #1" 2010 I(6+<+( V)=3)'( R)': 1. D'6'%+(% +$ S)$+
+ividend is the return to shareholders for their investment in the company. Higher the dividend, higher the satisfaction 2 thus higher the confidence. In the given case of H+!, in year 4575 2 4556, &he ompany has provided dividend of s. <: 2 s. <5 per share against face value of s. 75 per share. &his proves that the company has paid dividend at rate of <:5K 2 <55K in year 4575 2 4556 resp. this shows company is making huge profits 2 investors are also satisfied. 2. F$++ R++$6+ +$ S)$+
It shows the amount of free reserves available per share. In the given case, in year 4575 2 4556, the free reserves per share are s. 7A:.6? 2 s. [email protected] resp. which shows company has surplus money to use in case of any contingent 2 other liabilities. #. R)' ; R++$6+ E3'> C)')=
&his ratio shows how much reserves are available against euity capital. Higher the percentage, higher the satisfaction of shareholders 2 thus higher the stability. In the case of H+!, in $ear 4575 2 4556, the percentage was 6A.77K 2 6?.A5K. &his shows that the companyOs ratio has increased 2 the stability has also been increased because of higher reserves available with the company. P$;')4'='> R)': 1. F'+% A+ R)' & F'+% A+ N+ W$ R)'
&hese ratios show the relationship of fixed assets with -ong &erm !unds 2 'hare Holders !unds. In $ear 4575 2 4556 the fixed assets ratio was 5.55447 2 5.554<7 resp while fixed assets to net worth ratio was 5.57@:72 5.57;;7. &his shows in 4575 both ratios have been decreased as compared to $ear 4556. &his is a bad situation for the company. 2. R)' ; C3$$+( A+ P$$'+$ F3(%
&his ratio shows that how much current assets are there to cover the proprietorsO funds. Higher the ratio higher the solvency. In the case of H+!, this ratio in $ear 4575 2 4556 was <.<;@7 2 5.7@<7resp. s we can see that ratio has increased from $ear 4556 to 4575 which shows companyOs future is bright. #. R)' ; C3$$+( L')4'=''+ P$$'+$J F3(%
&his ratio shows the number of times current liabilities are to the proprietorsO funds. -ower the ratio is beneficial for the company. In $ear 4575 2 4556, it was 5.7?;7 2 5.4767. &his shows that ratio has decreased from 4556 to 4575 which is good for the company. . T)= I(6+<+( L( T+$< L')4'='> R)'
&his ratio shows that how much -ong &erm -iabilities are covered with our Investments. Higher the ratio means higher the capacity of company to pay back the -ong &erm 66
-iabilities. In the given case of H+!, the ratio in $ear 4575 2 4556 was 7.7?<7 2 7.7?467. In both years the ratio is almost same, we can say that the company is in good condition because it is able to cover its long term liabilities with its investments. . R+3$( ( G$ C)')= E<=>+% & R+3$( O( N+ C)')= E<=>+%
&hese ratios establish the relationship between /rofits 2 apital )mployed. It is the primary ratio to measure the overall profitability of the company. Higher the ratio means higher the efficiency of the company. In the given case, in year 4575 2 4556, eturn on Gross apital )mployed was 7A.:5K 2 7?.
&his ratio establishes the relationship between /rofits after interest 2 taxes 2 "et Corth. It is the primary ratio to measure the overall profitability of the company. Higher the ratio means higher the efficiency of the company. In the given case, in year 4575 2 4556, the ratio is 7A.:5K 2 7?. & S=6+(*> R)': 1. C3$$+( R)'
s per rule of thumb, the best current ratio is 47, this means current assets should be twice of current liabilities but in case of H+!, the current ratios in year 4575 2 4556 are 4.57A7 2 5.:;77 resp. this shows that company has excess current assets over current liabilities, which shows high working capital. 2. A4=3+ L'3'% R)'