Abstract The core purpose purpose of this article is to identify a case with severe psychological disturbance. It was a complete analysis of a patient who was suering with major depressive disorder, with single episode. It was not only to nd the diagnosis of a patient. It had been covered the symptoms of the depressed depressed patient. Through this extensive extensive study we have nd the dierent dierent precipitating factors (also called is! factors" which can lead an individual towards depression depression up to the mar!. #eside this a conducting focused on the mode of treatment treatment which are best suited for client$patient. The best recommended therapy for a depression is %ognitive #ehavior therapy, &motion 'ocused Therapy, and behavior therapy.
Introduction The aim of the present present article is to study study about depression its casual factor and its eective treatment. There is so much literature available regarding the denition it)s over view, prevalence, prevalence, and the nature nature of depression. depression. The most important thing of this literature review is to represent actual case report and to implement all the above mention aspect into the real case scenario.
Representation Representatio n of Depression *epression *epression is the most potent psychiatric disorder. This disorder is signicantly aecting the +- million of the people world around. The orld orld /ental 0ealth survey survey conducted in 12 countries and it has been found that in every 3- peoples 1 is suering with depressive depressive episodes. If pay attention to onset of the *epressive disorders it often start at a young age it minimi4e the functioning of an individual and it is in the dierent condition such as in recurrent recurrent 5'or 5'or these reasons,
depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide in terms of total years lost due to disability6.. 57 recent orld 0ealth 7ssembly called on the orld 0ealth 8rgani4ation and its member states to ta!e action in this direction6 (08, 3-13". Depression can be defned as a state in which a person having loss o interest in pleasure able activities, loss o pleasant mood. The basic dierentiation of depressed mood from sadness is that the early one is persistent, cognition, physical and behavioral aspects play more important role in causing depression. 'unctional impairment is high in depression. 9ome of the other symptoms that client feels li!e lac! of :oy, hopelessness and helplessness, over eating or loss of eating, low self;esteem, Insomnia. 7ccording to *iagnostic and 9tatistical /anual of /ental *isorder *9/;I< T depression can be diagnosed when ve symptoms are met out of nine symptomatic criteria for at least two wee!s. a. *epressed /ood
b. *iminished interest in pleasurable activities. c. eight loss or weight gain d. Insomnia or 0ypersomnia e. =sychomotor agitation f. >oss of energy g. 'eelings of worthlessness or guilt h. =oor concentration i. ecurrent thoughts of death and self;harm 7 major depressive disorder can be diagnosed in a single episode (rst episode" and it is also in recurrent depression (occurrence of depression again and again". The intensity of depression is diagnosed on three levels i.e. /ild, /oderate, and 9evere. 7ccording to the 7merican =sychiatric 7ssociation *9/; (3-13" they included dierent categories of mental disorder in to the list 8f /ajor *epressive *isorder li!e *isruptive /ood regulation disorder, =ersistent depressive *isorder.
The most potent age of depression is 7dolescence and young adulthood. 0owever, the rst onset can occur at any age in life. 5*epression is usually episodic. The ?9 @ational %omorbidity 9urvey showed that three;Auarters of people aged 1BC years who had ever met criteria for depression had more than one episode. Their mean age was +C, and they reported an average of four episodes in the 11 years since their rst episode6 (Dessler et al 1EEF". The 08 Global #urden of *isease (3---" they examined that the mean episodic duration is of 3Fth (?stun et al., 3--C" the median period of an episode is less than 3F, which is about 1+ wee!s.
Case Identication NameH Deepak Mehra AgeH 38 Sex Ma!e /r. *eepa! /ishra is + years old male. 0e is doing a job of superident. 0e was with the complaints of %rying spells, #ody wea!ness,
insomnia, loss of appetite, aggressive behavior. %lient reported that he is not going on job from last 1F days. 0e becomes irritable when any one tries to tal! with him. 0e became irritated very Auic!ly. %lient also reported lac! of sleep he is facing diJculty in initiating and maintaining sleep some time he is feeling terror in the sleep. 7ccording to the patient he has decrease appetite, he is facing the problem weight loss as reported by the client he has 2 !g weight before the problem but he has only 3 !g weight. 0e also reported that he is not interested into ma!ing he li!es to live alone and isolated. %lient reported that he has pessimistic thoughts regarding future, self, and world. 0e was unable to thin! positively.
S"mptoms of depression 7ccording to *eepa! /ishra, he was experiencing the below symptoms of depressionH; •
*iJculty concentrating, remembering details, and ma!ing decisions
'atigue and decreased energy 'eelings of guilt, worthlessness, and$or helplessness 'eelings of hopelessness and$or pessimism Insomnia, early;morning wa!efulness, or excessive sleeping Irritability, restlessness >oss of interest in activities or hobbies once pleasurable 8vereating or appetite loss =ersistent aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems that do not ease even with treatment =ersistent sad, anxious, or KemptyK feelings Thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts
1. Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT =eople suering from depression ; particularly Lnon;melancholic depressionL ; will often have an ongoing negative view about themselves and the world around them. This negative way of thin!ing is often not conned to depression, but is an ongoing part of how the person thin!s about life. /any or all of their experiences are distorted through a negative lter and their thin!ing patterns become so entrenched that they donLt even notice the errors of judgement caused by thin!ing irrationally. %ognitive behaviour therapy aims to show people how their thin!ing aects their mood and to teach them to thin! in a less negative way about life and themselves. It is based on the understanding that thin!ing negatively is a habit, and, li!e any other bad habit, can be bro!en.CBT is conducted by trained therapists either in one-on-one therapy sessions or in small groups. People are trained to look logically at the evidence for their
negative thoughts, and to adjust the way they view the world around them. The therapist will provide homework for between sessions. Between !-"# sessions can be re$uired but the number will vary from person to person.
!. "nterpersonal Therapy or Depression Interpersonal therapy focuses on the behaviors and interactions a depressed patient has with family, friends, co;wor!ers, and other important people encountered on a day;to;day basis. The primary goal of this therapy is to improve communication s!ills and increase self;esteem during a short period of time. It usually lasts three to four months and wor!s well for depression caused by loss and grief , relationship conMicts, major life events, social isolation, or role transitions (such as becoming a mother or a caregiver". It has been demonstrated to be an eective treatment for depression and has been modied to treat other psychiatric disorders such as substance use disorders and eating disorders. It is incumbent upon the therapist in the treatment to Auic!ly establish a
therapeutic alliance with positive countertransference of warmth, empathy, aective attunement and positive regard for encouraging a positive transferential relationship, from which the patient is able to see! help from the therapist despite resistance. It is primarily used as a short;term therapy completed in 13B1F wee!s, but it has also been used as a maintenance therapy for patients with recurrent depression.
#. $indulness%based cognitive therapy ($BCT /#%T is generally delivered in groups and involves a type of meditation called Lmindfulness meditationL. This teaches you to focus on the present moment B just noticing whatever you)re experiencing, whether itLs pleasant or unpleasant B without trying to change it. 7t rst, this approach is used to focus on physical sensations (li!e breathing", but then moves on to feelings and thoughts. /#%T can help to stop your mind wandering o into thoughts about the future or the past, and avoid unpleasant thoughts and feelings.
This is thought to be helpful in preventing depression from returning because it encourages you to notice feelings of sadness and negative thin!ing patterns early on, before they become xed. 7s a result, you)re able to deal with warning signs earlier and more eectively.
&. 'ntidepressants 7ntidepressants are drugs, used to prevent or treat depression. The available antidepressant drugs include the 99Is or selective serotonin reupta!e inhibitors, /78Is or monoamine oxidase inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, tetracyclic antidepressants, and others. 7ntidepressants should not be used unless the depression is severe and$or other
treatments have failed. 7s with all drugs, the use of antidepressants reAuires monitoring for side eects, and suicide should be considered a possible side eect of the newer antidepressants, particularly in children and adolescents. =atients who receive a combination of antidepressant medication and psychotherapy tend to get better results with major depressive disorder compared to those who are on medication alone or have just psychotherapy, according to several studies.
Conc!usions *eepa! /ehra is now an energetic, normal man without any more episodes of depression. 0e says it)s all because of the therapies and the antidepressants that he has fully recovered, which he had undergone in F months. @ow he doesn)t ta!e any
antidepressants but regularly goes for the therapy sessions as advised by the doctor. @ow *eepa!)s full attention is on his family and wor! and he is not insomniac.
#$% INDIAN C&MM'NI#( SC$&&) Senior *ranch+ ,'-AI# .R%C&/NI0%D *( #$% D%1AR#M%N# &2 %D'CA#I&N+ ,'-AI# AND
A22I)IA#%D #& #$% C%N#RA) *&ARD &2 S%C&NDAR( %D'CA#I&N+ N%- D%)$I
1s"cho!og" Case Stud" D%1R%SSI&N
A 1 R&4%C# R%1&R# Submitted b" )*D' '$' +'T"$'
C )ASS ""%B
N'M*%R #-
In partial fulllment of the AISSC Examination
#$% INDIAN C&MM'NI#( SC$&&)+ ,'-AI#
.D%1AR#M%N# &2 1S(C$&)&/( *&NA2ID% C%R#I2ICA#%
C*T"+"*D T/ B* T0* B/'+"D* *C/D /+ 2/3 D/* B) $" )*D' '$' +'T"$' /+ C4' 5II6* " T0* "D"' C/$$5"T) C0//4, 352'"T D5"6 T0* )*' !71-%!718.
D'T*D9 ::::::::::::::::::: 17/7#7 in 1S(C$&)&/( #$% I NDIAN C&MM'NI#( SC$&&) 352'"T 5B$"TT*D +/ '44 "D"' *"/ C*T"+"C'T* *'$"'T"/ " ;)C0/4/6) 'T T0* "D"' C/$$5"T) C0//4, 352'"T
D'T* :::::::::::::::::::
%5#%RNA) %5AMIN%R
AC,N&-)%D/%M%N# This project could not be completed without the able guidance of my psychology teacher Mrs7 NA4 ,A'R7 I owe my heartfelt gratitude to her. I also would li!e to than! my parents for all the moral support rendered by them to me.
D%C)ARA#I&N I S"eda Asma 2atima of class 5996* hereby declare that wor! presented in this project is original wor! done by me during the year 3-1F;3-12.
9yeda 7sma 'atima N11;#
Index 9 : 3 ; <
Abstract Introduction Representation of depression Case identication #reatment
a Cogniti=e beha=iour therap" b Interpersona! therap" c Mindfu!ness based cogniti=e therap" d Antidepressants > Conc!usions ? *ib!iograph"
1s"cho!og" NC%R# C!ass 5II Reader Academic American %nc"c!opedia