it is a sample format for a purchase orderFull description
Inventry Vouchers
when you put value in Purchase orde automatically GRN fill up . if you want to download this document refer the link description
HINDALCOFull description
BAPI to Create Service Purchase Order
Description : IDOC for Purchase order to Sales order SAP SD
Release Strategy for Purchase Order SAP - With WorkflowsDescripción completa
purchase agreementDeskripsi lengkap
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purchase management
for Commercial and Business Law students
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LGU Executive Order governing the hiring of Job Orders in Local Government
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A •
A format request requesting a vendor o supply certain goods or service is called.. (Purchase Order) A ‘/o’ entry instruct the SAP system to.... (Display overview session) An Accounting document consist of one header and at least one line items.
(FALSE) A proc proces ess s in Proc Procur ureme ement nt wher where e the the SAP syst system em is us used ed to simu simula late te pricin pricing g schemes schemes from from dier dierent ent vendor vendor is called called Sourc Source e Determ Determina inatio tion. n.
(FALSE) A process that distriutes transaction loads according to !irst in !irst "ut #!$!"% principal is called... (Dispatcher) Account receivale is posted to accounting upon creation of the following document... (Billing) A layer that store all transactions data is i s called.... (Dataase Layer) A proces process s which which involv involves es ta&ing ta&ing materia materials ls from from storag storage e locatio location n and preparing them for delivery is called..... calle d..... (Pic!ing) A '" document consist of the following information( information( e)cept.. e)cept..* * ("endor#s
B •
+illing document can e created y referencing the following documents...
(Sales Order and..)
% 'ust 'ustom omer er mast master er cons consis ists ts of one one of the the follo followi wing ng data data.. .... (All (All o& the the
aove) 'ompany code in SAP represents the following in the actual organi,ation structure.. (Legal 'ndepence)
D Duri During ng the the $nvo $nvoic ice e -eric ericat atio ion n proc proces ess( s( us user er can can us use e the the follo followin wing g document as a reference.. (Purchase Order)
E 0)t 0)ter erna nall 1eport eporting ing is typi typica cally lly esta estal lis ishe hed d y 2ener 2eneral al Ac Acco coun unti ting ng Standarts( for instance 2AAP* (*E)
0)ample of Distriution 'hannel is ... (+holesale)
, 2ood receive is the nal step in the procurement cycle (FALSE)
' $t is possile to enter a wesite address in !avorite ... (*E) $t is possile to comine a three3tier system into one server (*E) $t is possile to change customer address without entering the sales area data. (*E) $t is possile to comine several sales orders documents into a collective illing document (*E) $t is possile to generate delivery document automatically using wor&list
(*E) $f you have 4raining and 0vent 5anagement integrated with 4ime 5anagement( the oo&ing causes a time data record to e created as an attendance* (*E) $t is possile to assign more than one company codes in the same controlling area (*E)
L 6ayer that store all transactions data is called... (Dataase Layer)
5r. 2eorge -ega holds a position as !inance 5anager whereas 5s. 'atherine 'amino as an $4 5anager. +oth of them have same tas&s of 4eam 6ead and Setting 7p department target. 4hese tas&s are inherited from the following o8ect. (o)
O "ne
(Distriution %hannel)
P Protaility Analysis provides an internal view point of the company’s protaility... (FALSE) Parameter $D is used to... (Set de&ault value &or a /eld) Personnel Development module maintains the development and further education for employees. 9hen it compares the 8o/position requirements and employee qualications it is called as. (Pro/le -atch..) Purchase "rder consists of the following organi,ation data e)cept...
(,eneral Data)
S Several Dataases can e used to increase the SAP system performance..
(FALSE) Sta&eholders that may e interested in loo&ing at the accounting from an internal view points may include.. (Finance Director) Several plants can e assigned to the same company code (*E)
4he system shall propose data relating to material description from...
(-aterial -aster) 4he Activity +ased 'osting #A+'% allows costs to e analy,ed at the product level y calculating the cost of each processes involved. (*E) 4he Account Payale component of the !inancial Accounting module is responsile for monitoring and controlling customers accounts. (FALSE) 4he followings are data components in SAP system( e)cept.... (*ser) 4he followings are ways to record time data( e)cept* (%alculation o&
Payroll) 4he followings are e)ample of "riginal Documents in !inancial Accounting module( e)cept(.. (Accounting Docu$ents) 4he followings are the advantages of posting good receipt y referencing to Purchase "rders( e)cept...* (Purchase Order history is update
eceipt creation) 4he followings are 4170 statements in regards with Personnel 'ost Planning( e)cept...* (he result o&... source &or Personnel.....) 4he followings are 4170 statements in regard with integration etween appraisal
document with other mySAP
components( e)cept:
'ntegration with Personnel... enales user to trans&er re0uired...) 4he followings elds are displayed during the initial SAP login screen( e)cept* (Server 1a$e) 4he followings are important structures for employee data maintenance( e)cept* (E$ployee -aintenance) 4he favourite folder in SAP 0asy Access 5enu can consist of the followings( e)cept...* (E$ail Address) 4he following statement is true regarding the 'ommand eld...(2istory o&
transaction codes can e seen in %o$$and Field) 4raining and 0vent 5anagement has an intuitive menu that enales user to access individual functions of the application directly via the o8ects in the usiness event catalog. 4hese menus are &nown as... (Dyna$ic
4o access help information for a specic eld in a transaction( users can press the following &ey on the &eyoard....* (F3) 4o allow integration and data e)change etween SAP components( the following service is needed...* (ALE)
* 7pon receiving and verifying invoice from a vendor within the SAP system( a posting to account Payale will ta&e place* (*E) 7ser can enter transaction code in... (%o$$and Field)
+ 9hen user created Purchase "rder in client ;<<( it can also e found in 'lient =<<.. (FALSE) 9hen e)ecuting a hiring action( we requires to at least maintain the following infotypes( e)cept* (ravel Privilleges) 9hen posting a payment( the system chec&s for
the following
information( e)cept..* #Ban! 4ey) 9hich of the following is the e)ample of "rgani,ational 7nit > (Finance
Depart$ent) 9hich of the followings is the 4170 statement in regards with assignment in "rgani,ational Plan > (Position is assigned..)